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Angular momentum transport within young massive protoplanetary discs may be dominated by self-gravity at radii where the disc is too weakly ionized to allow the development of the magneto-rotational instability. We use time-dependent one-dimensional disc models, based on a local cooling time calculation of the efficiency of transport, to study the radial structure and stability (against fragmentation) of protoplanetary discs in which self-gravity is the sole transport mechanism. We find that self-gravitating discs rapidly attain a quasi-steady state in which the surface density in the inner disc is high and the strength of turbulence very low (  α∼ 10−3  or less inside 5 au). Temperatures high enough to form crystalline silicates may extend out to several astronomical units at early times within these discs. None of our discs spontaneously develop regions that would be unambiguously unstable to fragmentation into substellar objects, though the outer regions (beyond 20 au) of the most massive discs are close enough to the threshold that fragmentation cannot be ruled out. We discuss how the mass accretion rates through such discs may vary with disc mass and with mass of the central star, and note that a determination of the     relation for very young systems may allow a test of the model.  相似文献   

We analyse the non-linear, three-dimensional response of a gaseous, viscous protoplanetary disc to the presence of a planet of mass ranging from 1 Earth mass (1 M) to 1 Jupiter mass (1 MJ) by using the zeus hydrodynamics code. We determine the gas flow pattern, and the accretion and migration rates of the planet. The planet is assumed to be in a fixed circular orbit about the central star. It is also assumed to be able to accrete gas without expansion on the scale of its Roche radius. Only planets with masses   M p≳ 0.1 MJ  produce significant perturbations in the surface density of the disc. The flow within the Roche lobe of the planet is fully three-dimensional. Gas streams generally enter the Roche lobe close to the disc mid-plane, but produce much weaker shocks than the streams in two-dimensional models. The streams supply material to a circumplanetary disc that rotates in the same sense as the orbit of the planet. Much of the mass supply to the circumplanetary disc comes from non-coplanar flow. The accretion rate peaks with a planet mass of approximately 0.1 MJ and is highly efficient, occurring at the local viscous rate. The migration time-scales for planets of mass less than 0.1 MJ, based on torques from disc material outside the Roche lobes of the planets, are in excellent agreement with the linear theory of type I (non-gap) migration for three-dimensional discs. The transition from type I to type II (gap) migration is smooth, with changes in migration times of about a factor of 2. Starting with a core which can undergo runaway growth, a planet can gain up to a few MJ with little migration. Planets with final masses of the order of 10 MJ would undergo large migration, which makes formation and survival difficult.  相似文献   

Linear transient phenomena induced by flow non-normality in thin self-gravitating astrophysical discs are studied using the shearing sheet approximation. The considered system includes two modes of perturbations: vortex and (spiral density) wave. It is shown that self-gravity considerably alters the vortex mode dynamics; its transient (swing) growth may be several orders of magnitude stronger than in the non-self-gravitating case and two to three times larger than the transient growth of the wave mode. Based on this finding, we comment on the role of vortex mode perturbations in a gravitoturbulent state. We also describe the linear coupling of the perturbation modes, caused by the differential character of disc rotation. The coupling is asymmetric: vortex mode perturbations are able to excite wave mode perturbations, but not vice versa. This asymmetric coupling lends additional significance to the vortex mode as a participant in spiral density waves and shock manifestations in astrophysical discs.  相似文献   

We study protoplanetary disc evolution assuming that angular momentum transport is driven by gravitational instability at large radii, and magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence in the hot inner regions. At radii of the order of 1 au such discs develop a magnetically layered structure, with accretion occurring in an ionized surface layer overlying quiescent gas that is too cool to sustain MHD turbulence. We show that layered discs are subject to a limit cycle instability, in which accretion on to the protostar occurs in ∼104-yr bursts with ̇ ∼10−5 M yr−1, separated by quiescent intervals lasting ∼105 yr where ̇ ≈10−8 M yr−1. Such bursts could lead to repeated episodes of strong mass outflow in young stellar objects. The transition to this episodic mode of accretion occurs at an early epoch ( t ≪1 Myr), and the model therefore predicts that many young pre-main-sequence stars should have low rates of accretion through the inner disc. At ages of a few Myr, the discs are up to an order of magnitude more massive than the minimum-mass solar nebula, with most of the mass locked up in the quiescent layer of the disc at r ∼1 au. The predicted rate of low-mass planetary migration is reduced at the outer edge of the layered disc, which could lead to an enhanced probability of giant planet formation at radii of 1–3 au.  相似文献   

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