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The behaviour of the rare-earth elements(REE)during the weathering of granites was studied in southern Guangxi,China.Based on the study of the weathering profiles,the soil,weathered and sub-weatereb zones are identified with different REE geochemical behaviours throug the weathering profiles of granite.The Ce anomalies of the weathering profiles cover a large range of values with most falling between 1.02 and 1.43in the soil zone and 0.16and 0.40in the weathered and sub-weathered zones.Light rare-earth elements(LREE) and heavy rare-earth elements(HREE)are enriched to varying degree in the weathering profiles as compared to host granites.In the soil zone,more HREEs are leached than LREEs,and HREEs are more enriched than LREE in the weathered and sub-weathered zones.It is considered that infiltration and adsorption on clays are two processes controlling the enrichment and formation of REE deposits in the weathering profiles of granite.  相似文献   

The mobility of the rare-earth elements(REE)during hydrothermal activities is increasingly documented.Geological and experimental evidence suggests that REE may be mobile in solutions rich in F^-,Cl^-,HCO3^-,CO^2- 3,HPO4^2-,PO4^3-,or in combinations of the above ligands,even though little has been known about which ligand or which combination is most effective in mobilizing REE. The fractionation of REE resulting from hydrothermal activities is inconsistent.One set of field data implies the prererential mobility of the light rare-earth elements(LREE).whereas another set of field observations indicates the dominant mobilization of the heavy rare earth elements(HREE),and some theoretical prediction is comtradictory to the field evidence.The Eu anomalies due to hydrothermal activities are complex and plausible explanation is not available.The existing experimental approaches dealing with REE are not adequate for explanation ofREE behaviour in aqueous solutions.Systematic experimental approaches are suggested.  相似文献   

Egyptian phosphorites from Abu Tartur(Western Desert),El Mahamide mine(Nile Valley) and Rabah mne(Eastern Desert)show variable degrees of relative REE enrichment.Black plateau phosphorites of Abu Tartur are substantially enriched in REE as compared to the Red Sea and Nile Valley phosphorites.P-rich organic matter from the Abu Tartur and Rabah mines recorded negative Ce and positive Eu anomalies.Positive Eu anomaly reveals an anoxic event prior to the phase of Late Cretaceous phosphate formation.Ce is a redox indicator.Mixing of sea water and upwelling during the Late Cretaceous was responsible for the recording of positive Eu and negative Ce anomalies in the Egyptian phosphorites.  相似文献   

The mammilated chert (MC) studied in this paper is a kind of silica-rich concretion (SiO2 93%) occurring in the Upper Devonian argillaceous silicolites (SiO2≈88%) in Mugui, Guangxi. Impurity components in the MC are relatively low and show systematic variations as compared with the country rocks. Abundances of Mg, Si, Ti, Fe, Mn, U and Th are characteristically similar to those of recent and fossil hot-water sediments. Moreover, the MC is also characterized by low REE abundance, LREE > HREE, apparent negative Ce anomaly and moderate positive Eu anomaly. Oxygen isotope data show that the formation temperature of the MC is about 20 °C, higher than that of the host rock. The results of geochemical, geological and lithological studies suggest that the MC may have been formed through metasomatism, filling and crystallization beneath the sedimentary basin during the Devonian period.  相似文献   

Trace elements in cassiterite,including Ta,W,Fe,Mn,Ti,Zr,V,Sc,Si,Al,In,Ga,Ge,Be,Bi,Ag,Sb,As,Cu,Pb,Zn,Co and REE,have been studied by many workers (Shan Zhenhua etal.,1998;Huang Zhou Tianren et al.,1987;Wu Qingsheng et al.,1988;Hu Zening,1988,Li Zhong-qing 1988 Mingzhei et al.,1988;Wang Lihua et al.,1988;Liu Kanghuai,1990).Up to now,however,most of the previous studies are concerned with trace-element variations in cassiterites of different occurrences and colors from different types of ore deposits,Data concerning the modes of occurrence of these trace elements are rare,except for the contention that Nb-Ta,Fe^2 -Mn-Fe^3 and W-Fe^3 may substitute isomorphously for Sn as pointed out by Zhou Tianren et al.(1987) and Moller et al.(1988).In this paper we are concerned with the compositional characteristics as well as the modes of occurrence of trace elements in cassiterites from quartz veins and greisens in the Dupangling tin field,Guangxi,based on multivariate statistical analyses.Tin mineralization in the Dupangling area is found associated with the medium-to fine-grained protolithionite-albite granite(γ5^2b) and its outer contacts.Cassiterite occurs,with wolframite,both in quartz veins in the contact and in greisens within the granite.^1) Spatially,greisens become dominant over quartz veins in the contact andin greisens with the granite.^1)Spatialy,gresens become dominant over quartz veins in going from the contact to the interior of the granite and with increasing depth.The greisens are of various shapes.The vein-shaped and the sheet-shaped greisens at the top of the granie are rich in quartz and the chambered greiens always constitute rich ores and contain abundant topaz or mica.Genetically,Sn,W mineralizations associated with the protolithionite-albite granite(γ5^2b) are considered to have been formed from fluid melt derived from the ore-forming magma responsible for the granite(γ5^2b).  相似文献   

The range of observed chemical compositions of natural terrestrial waters varies greatly especially when compared to the essentially constant global composition of the oceans.The concentrations of the REEs in natural terrestrial waters also exhibit more variation than what was reported in seawater,In terrestrial waters ,pH values span the range from acid up to alkaline,In addition,terrestrial waters can range from very dilute waters through to highly concentrated brines.The REE concentrations and their behavior in natural terrestrial waters reflect these compositional ranges,Chemical weathering of rocks represents the source of the REEs to natural terrestrial waters and ,consequently,the REE signature of rocks can impart their REE signature to associated waters,In addition,Because of the typical low solubilities of the REEs both surface and solution complexation can be important in fractionating REEs in aqueous solution.Both of these processes are important in all natural terrestrial waters,however,their relative importance varies as a function of the overall solution composition,In alkaline waters,for example,Solution complexation of the REEs with carbonate ions appears to control their aqueous distributions whereas in acid waters,the REE signature of the labile fraction of the REEs is readily leached from the rocks.In circumneutral pH waters,both processes appear to be important and their relative significance has not yet been determined.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to study the REE geochemistry of the Shenzhen Bay (SZB) and Dapeng Bay(DPB) modern sediments, discuss their REE distribution patterns, reveal the REE geochemical difference between the two bays which share the same material source but are deposited in different sedimentary environments, and expound their dynamic changes.It can be concluded that the SZB and DPB sediments are essentially of continental source.Their REE distribution patterns are quite different from those of Pacific pelagic sediments, but are very similar to those of South Chi-na granites.Because of different sedimentary environments prevailing in the SZB and DPB, some REE fractionation would have taken place in the sediments of the two bays.  相似文献   

The Laowangzhai super-large gold orefield,which is situated in northern Mt.Ailao tectonic zone,Yunnan Province,is a typical gold orefield where lamprophyres are temporally and spatially related to gold mineralization.Major element data show that lamprophyres in the orefield are of alkalic series and can be divided into potassic and K-rich calc-alkaline lamprophyres.The rocks are enriched in rare-earth elements as compared with the primary mantle and mid-ocean ridge basalts(MORB).Modelled calculations by the least squares method of Petrological Mixing show that the mantle-source for the lamprophyres in enriched in rarc earth elemeots.The geotectonic development of western Yunnan,Sr and Nd isotopic compositions,incompatible element patterns and linear programing calculations indicate that the fluids were derived from dehydration of submaine sediments which are enriched in ALK,LREE and incompatible elements and then were carried to mantle wedges as a result of plate subduction.That is the main factor leading to the formation of a metasonatic fertile mantle in the area studied.  相似文献   

The Upper-Middle Proterozoic epimetamorphic rock series in northern Guangxi is a suite of volcanic-terrigenous clastic formations transforming in facies from mobile to stable, which is similar to Eparchean normal argillo-arenaceous sediments both in petrochemistry and in REE geochemistry.The Upper-Middle Proterozoic Suberathem in northern Guangxi is characterized by primordial enrichment of As and Sb, significant depletion in Sr and Hg, bimodal or polymodal distribution of Au and other ore-forming elements, and high variation coefficients and strong mobilities of Sn,Cu,Ni,Au,Ag,As and Sb.The trace element association is characterized by the predominance of siderophile and chalcophile elements occurring in the Middle Proterozoic and that of lithophile ele-ments occurring in the Upper Proterozoic .It is suggested that in northern Guangxi is developed a series of ore-bearing formations with the Sibao Group as the protogenous basement and the Danzhou Group and Lower Sinian series as the derivative cap strata.  相似文献   

广西凭祥英安岩的化学风化作用研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
利用薄片观察、X射线粉晶衍射分析和化学分析方法研究了广西凭祥英安岩风化剖面的形成作用。风化作用初期,母岩中微量黄铁矿的氧化分解导致方解石与绿泥石的迅速分解;风化中期形成了大量的高岭石、伊利石、蒙脱石和蛭石;风化作用高级阶段以高岭石、石英和氧化铁矿物的富集为特征,但仍然存在少量蒙脱石、伊利石和蛭石。风化剖面的部分层段显示出与剖面其他部分明显不同的地球化学特征,即Na的富集和K的亏损。在Al2O3—(CaO^* Na2O)—K2O三角图上,风化中期这些层段明显偏离了正常的风化趋势。矿物学和微形貌的研究表明,造成偏离的原因是古地下水引起的正长石的钠长石化作用。  相似文献   

Precisional analyses of the abundances of La, Ce, and major elements in thermal waters and rocks of the Uzon-Geyzernaya volcanotectonic depression, supplemented by published data on a number of modern high-temperature hydrothermal systems of Kamchatka and two other areas of the world, allowed defining genetically important patterns of rare-earth elements (REE) distribution. The La and Ce abundances positively correlate with silica contents both in fresh igneous rocks of the study areas and in the products formed by hydrothermal processes.All studied hydrothermal clays are enriched in La and Ce. The general enrichment trend is similar to the pattern of positive correlation between the La and Ce abundances. Geothermal waters display a strong relationship between REE enrichment and pH. Enhanced REE enrichment trend is observed in thermal waters with abundant SO42 ? and K. The REE versus Cl and B diagrams show two individual fields reflecting the level of acidity-alkalinity of thermal waters. These data demonstrate that La and Ce concentrations in the products of modern hydrothermal systems (in fluids and secondary mineral phases) are governed by wallrock composition, anionic water composition, and pH/Eh-dependent adsorption processes.  相似文献   

Due to the unique chemical properties that are similar but still progressively change, the rare earth elements (REEs) are useful tracers of various geochemical processes in the lithosphere and hydrosphere. However, despite many studies of REE geochemistry in the ocean, the aqueous geochemistry of REEs in lake waters has been poorly documented. In the present study, two special karst lakes are chosen as case studies to investigate the distributions of dissolved REEs in lake water. Although the two lakes, Hongfeng and Aha, are both alkaline and have high pH from 7.9 to 8.7 and high carbonate concentrations, the Aha Lake has been more severely affected by acidic mining drainage with high Fe, Mn and SO42 concentrations. In the present study, the concentrations of dissolved rare-earth elements in lake waters were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The result shows that the concentrations of dissolved REEs in the studied alkaline karst lakes, as compared to the concentrations of REEs in seawater, are much lower than the other investigated terrestrial surface waters in previous studies. The key factor controlling dissolved REE distributions is pH value which is negatively correlated with REE concentrations. Due to high concentration of carbonate ion and alkaline character of water chemistry, the shale (PAAS) normalized patterns of dissolved REEs show marked HREE enrichment in all water samples. This is primarily the result of the preferential formation of stronger carbonate complexes with the HREEs. In alkaline or intermediate waters, REE-carbonate complexes are the dominant and typical species, which account for about more than 90% of the total dissolved REEs.  相似文献   

位于特提斯成矿域西段塞尔维亚Bor成矿带内的Mali Krivelj铜矿床是一大型斑岩型矿床。为揭示该矿床热液蚀变作用过程及元素迁移规律,文章对新鲜安山岩及不同蚀变带典型样品进行了微量元素分析及元素迁移质量平衡计算。研究结果表明,绢英岩化带及绿泥石-绢云母化带显示类似元素迁移规律,REE、Sr、Ba、Zr、Th、U、Ti、Co、Ni等元素显示一定程度迁出,而Rb、Cs等元素显示一定程度迁入,绿泥石-绢云母化带发育大量磁铁矿,而绢英岩化带则大量出现石英+绢云母+黄铁矿组合,这表明随着流体的持续演化,流体的还原性逐渐增强。青磐岩化带蚀变较弱,其元素迁移程度较低。研究区Cu与Cr、Rb、Ti/Sr、Rb/Ba、Cr/Zn比值等具较好的正相关性,Cu与REE、Ba、Zn、Mn、Sr等元素具有一定的负相关性,表明该矿床全岩元素迁移规律在一定程度上也能作为地球化学勘查指标为寻找斑岩矿化中心提供依据。  相似文献   

研究区位于南岭成矿带西段湘—桂交界处,该区中生代岩浆活动频繁,成岩成矿作用显著,尤以燕山期最为强烈.为厘定桂东北贺州开山镇孔子庙英安岩的成岩时代和探讨其岩浆源区,文章对其进行了LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年和锆石Lu-Hf同位素研究.锆石U-Pb定年结果限定了英安岩的侵位年龄为157.1±0.9 Ma.锆石Lu-H...  相似文献   

水热蚀变与泉华作为地热流体水-岩反应和化学沉积的产物,其相关研究可为水热活动发展史、恢复地热流体古温度及水岩反应过程等方面研究提供重要信息。古堆地热田位于错那—沃卡裂谷中部,是继羊八井地热田之后我国大陆最具发电潜力的非火山岩型高温地热田之一,极具开发潜力。为了解古堆地热田泉华和水热蚀变的类型、分布特征及判断有利的勘探方向,本文在野外地热地质调查的基础上,结合室内镜下鉴定和扫描电镜分析等工作,识别出绿泥石化、硅化、高岭石化和碳酸盐化等水热蚀变类型。研究发现,古堆地热田水热蚀变呈现出从蚀变中心向外由酸性蚀变过渡为弱酸性-中性蚀变的分带模式,蚀变中心常由强烈蚀变的硅化带或高岭石带组成;水热蚀变分布受断裂构造的控制,蚀变在断裂交汇处最为强烈,蚀变中心常沿着断裂延伸;根据水热蚀变的分布及蚀变强度,初步判断布雄朗古和杀嘎朗嘎的渗透性相对较好且热储温度高,具有较好的开发前景。在泉华沉积方面,古堆地热田西区主要为钙华区,东区为钙华和硅华叠加区;结合青藏高原动力学背景,认为古堆地热田水热发展史与陆陆碰撞的隆升过程及错那—沃卡裂谷活动密切相关且存在明显的耦合关系。  相似文献   

内波、内潮汐沉积和复合流沉积是二十余年来在古代深水环境中新发现的一种具牵引流性质的沉积相类型,由于地层沉积记录十分有限,制约了深水底流沉积的沉积学研究。大比例尺实测地质剖面和精细露头测量表明,底流沉积发育于凭祥盆地深水沉积之中,通过对其沉积构造精细剖析和古水流测量,识别出内波、内潮汐沉积和复合流沉积,其中内波、内潮汐沉积以双向交错层理、单向交错层理、透镜状层理为特征,复合流沉积以复合流层理、丘状交错层理和较陡的爬升波纹层理为特征,进一步表明存在浊流和底流的交互作用,为古代地层中的深水底流沉积提供了又一研究实例。  相似文献   

广西凭祥中三叠世盆地沉积特征与构造属性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
凭祥中三叠世盆地位于印支地块与华南地块碰撞拼合的缝合带内,记录了沿华南地块南缘展布的古特提斯分支洋盆俯冲闭合、印支地块与华南地块碰撞拼合的过程。本文通过大比例尺实测地质剖面,详细测量了凭祥盆地沉积相序及其组合变化,分析了不同相序的沉积环境及其物源,并探讨了盆地构造属性。结果表明,凭祥盆地主要充填有深水盆地相、浊积扇相和三角洲相等不同环境的沉积物。中三叠世期间盆地呈现为一系列因碰撞拼合作用形成的构造高地间夹深谷的岩相古地理面貌。深水盆地相以发育大套深灰色泥页岩和裹夹碎屑流沉积为特征,碎屑流沉积发育于构造高地陡坡一侧。浊积扇相以发育槽模、正粒序、爬升波纹层理、包卷层理、双向交错层理、透镜状层理、平行层理为特征。三角洲相以发育大型板状交错层理、潮沟、厚层透镜状砂体和砖红色泥岩为特征,类似发育于俯冲汇聚环境下的牙买加型扇三角洲,可能发育于构造高地缓坡一侧。沉积作用分析表明,主要存在碎屑流、浊流等重力流作用,并识别出底流作用。古水流分析表明存在向南和向北两个方向的物质搬运。岩相学特征表明盆地砂岩成分成熟度和结构成熟度均较低,物源为再旋回造山带或碰撞造山带。本文研究结果认为:凭祥盆地是一个伴随古特提斯分支洋盆俯冲闭合而被强烈改造的残余弧前盆地,时空上与之相配套是北泗组岛弧型流纹斑岩。该弧盆系统可能于晚二叠世末开始发育,中三叠世末结束沉积充填,暗示印支地块和华南地块最终于中三叠世碰撞拼合。  相似文献   

魏少妮  朱永峰  安芳 《矿床地质》2014,33(1):165-180
新疆西准噶尔包古图地区斑岩型铜矿化发育,蚀变矿化特征随岩体不同存在显著差异。文章通过岩石学、矿相学和微量元素地球化学的方法,重点研究了Ⅲ号和Ⅴ号岩体的矿化特征和成矿元素迁移规律。结果表明:Ⅲ号岩体矿化中等,以黄铁矿、磁黄铁矿和黄铜矿为主,呈浸染状,硫化物脉少见;Ⅴ号岩体内部及其与围岩接触带产出大型铜矿床,金属矿物主要有黄铁矿、黄铜矿和辉钼矿,呈浸染状和细脉-网脉状分布。Ⅲ号岩体角闪石英闪长岩形成于岩浆-热液过渡阶段,与石英(花岗)闪长岩对比显示,挥发分出溶过程中,Cs、Rb、Ba、Th、U迁移进入挥发相,稀土元素稳定未迁移,Cu、Bi显著富集,Mo和Sb被流体迁移带走,形成热液矿化。Ⅴ号岩体钾化和硅化样品代表了不同的流体作用阶段,与未蚀变样品对比显示,在钾化阶段Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf性质稳定,轻稀土元素发生显著迁移,在硅化阶段轻稀土元素富集;重稀土元素在岩浆-热液演化过程保持稳定。Cu、Mo和Bi在钾化作用阶段富集成矿,Zn和Sb则主要在晚期石英脉中富集。  相似文献   

The Wakamiko submarine crater is a small depression located in Kagoshima Bay, southwest Japan. Marine shallow‐water hydrothermal activity associated with fumarolic gas emissions at the crater sea floor (water depth 200 m) is considered to be related with magmatic activity of the Aira Caldera. During the NT05‐13 dive expedition conducted in August 2005 using remotely operated vehicle Hyper‐Dolphine (Japan Agency for Marine‐Earth Science and Technology), an active shimmering site was discovered (tentatively named the North site) at approximately 1 km from the previously known site (tentatively named the South site). Surface sediment (up to 30 cm) was cored from six localities including these active sites, and the alteration minerals and pore fluid chemistry were studied. The pore fluids of these sites showed a drastic change in chemical profile from that of seawater, even at 30 cm below the surface, which is attributed to mixing of the ascending hydrothermal component and seawater. The hydrothermal component of the North site is estimated to be derived from a hydrothermal aquifer at 230°C based on the hydrothermal end‐member composition. Occurrence of illite/smectite interstratified minerals in the North site sediment is attributed to in situ fluid–sediment interaction at a temperature around 150°C, which is in accordance with the pore fluid chemistry. In contrast, montmorillonite was identified as the dominant alteration mineral in the South site sediment. Together with the significant low potassium concentration of the hydrothermal end‐member, the abundant occurrence of low‐temperature alteration mineral suggests that the hydrothermal aquifer in the South site is not as high as 200°C. Moreover, the montmorillonite is likely to be unstable with the present pore fluid chemistry at the measured temperature (117°C). This disagreement implies unstable hydrothermal activity at the South site, in contrast to the equilibrium between the pore fluid and alteration minerals in the North site sediment. This difference may reflect the thermal and/or hydrological structure of the Wakamiko Crater hydrothermal system.  相似文献   

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