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The first attempt at numerical MHD simulations of the appearance of several current sheets above an active region before a series of elementary flares is described. Energy accumulates in the field of each sheet that can be released during one of the flares. The computations started three days before the appearance of a series of flares, i.e., before the emergence of a new magnetic flux in the active region. The initial (potential) magnetic field was calculated by solving the Laplace equation with an oblique derivative. The boundary conditions on the photosphere were specified from maps of the measured magnetic field in the active region for various instants of time. The Peresvet program solving the full system of MHD equations with dissipative terms was used in the computations. An absolutely implicit scheme conservative relative to the magnetic flux was used. The problem of properly choosing the size of the computational domain and finding the positions of singular magnetic field lines is discussed.  相似文献   

本文利用实测地质剖面建立了活断层上覆盖层中氡迁移的地质-物理模型,根据氡的迁移机理建立了活断层上氡迁移的数学模型,采用有限差分方法求解氡迁移的二维微分方程的数值解,得到了直立活断层,倾斜活断层,地堑活断层,活动断裂带或破碎带上覆盖层中氡浓度的二维断面等值图和横切断层的剖面曲线,分析了氡浓度分布的二维断面特征和剖面曲线特征,它们与氡的迁移机制及活断层调查的实测剖面曲线相符,这些为活断层的调查和进一步反演奠定了理论基础.  相似文献   

行星际背景太阳风的三维MHD数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
杨子才  沈芳  杨易  冯学尚 《地球物理学报》2018,61(11):4337-4347

近地空间的太阳风参数预报具有重要的科学研究意义和实际应用价值,三维磁流体力学(MHD)数值模拟是太阳风参数预报的重要手段.本文建立了一套基于经验模型的三维MHD数值模型.模型的内边界设置在0.1天文单位(AU)处,在六片网格系统下利用TVD Lax-Friedrich格式求解理想MHD方程组,采用扩散法消除磁场的散度.模型以GONG的观测磁图作为输入数据,利用经验模型并结合卫星观测特征确定内边界条件.边界条件中保留了6个可调参数,以便适当调整参数使其方便适合模拟不同太阳活动期的太阳风.利用该模型分别模拟了2007年和2016年的背景太阳风,得到了太阳风速度、密度、温度和磁场强度,这些参数与ACE/WIND卫星观测符合较好.


We study the interaction between the Moon and the solar wind through a three-dimensional MHD simulation.Three cases have been discussed in which the interplanetary magnetic field lies at 90,180,and 135 to the solar wind flow,respectively.A wake with low density and low pressure can always be formed behind the Moon.The plasma temperature and magnetic field are enhanced in the central wake,but the field strength is reduced in the surrounding region.A Mach cone is formed by rarefaction waves emanating from the limb.These rarefaction waves propagate via the fast magnetosonic mode with different velocities in different directions relative to the magnetic field.When the interplanetary magnetic field is not parallel to the solar wind flow,the wake shows some asymmetries,with an acceleration region turning up at the center.Finally,the results are compared with the observations by WIND spacecraft.Our calculations agree reasonably well with the observed values.  相似文献   

Based on the convection and diffusion mechanisms of radon migration, in this paper we deduce the two-dimensional differential equation for radon transportation in the overburden above active fault zones with an unlimited extension along the strike. Making use of the finite difference method, the radon concentration distribution in the overburden above active faults is calculated and modeled. The active fault zone parameters, such as the depth and the width of the fault zone, and the value of radon concentration, can be inverted from the measured radon concentration curve. These realize quantitative interpretation for radon concentration anomalies. The inversion results are in good agreement with the actual fault zone parameters.  相似文献   

韩渭宾  蒋国芳 《地震》2005,25(1):51-57
通过与更早地震资料的对比, 研究了鲜水河断裂带, 川滇地壳块体东带、 西带, 松潘、 龙门山断裂带以及整个川滇地区较长时间尺度的地震活动盛衰交替性。 结果表明, 川滇东带北段(鲜水河断裂带)、 松潘、 龙门山地震带及川滇西带中段和南段(主要是红河断裂带)的地震活动具有明显的几十到百年尺度的盛衰交替性。 而川滇东带中南段(安宁河-则木河-小江断裂带)与川滇西带北段(金沙江断裂带)在上述地震带的平静期里, 中强以上地震频次明显减少, 但有个别7级以上强震发生。 这样, 整个川滇地区地震活动的盛衰交替性呈现一种比较复杂的阶段性特征: 伴随频繁中强震的强震活跃期与突发强震活动期交替出现。 值得注意的是, 川滇地区从19世纪末开始的伴随频繁中强震的强震活跃期已超过百年, 目前出现长期平静, 应注意进入突发强震活动期的可能性。 根据川滇地区上一个突发强震活动期突发强震的空间分布, 推测未来的突发强震可能发生在南北向断裂带, 或其他方向断裂带与南北向断裂带的交汇部。 文中还对上述统计现象的机理作了简要讨论。  相似文献   

The various forms of energy and energy conversions have been computed over a part of the Indian region during an active monsoon period, using the quasigeostrophic baroclinic model. The energetics of the monsoon depression have been discussed on the basis of these results.  相似文献   


帕克太阳探针(Parker Solar Probe,PSP)在太阳附近发现大量磁力线回弯结构,通常还伴随有太阳风速度增加.这些磁力线回弯的产生机制到目前为止有多种解释,其中有代表性的一种是由慢太阳风中的喷流引起的.我们首先对PSP的就地观测数据进行了统计分析并给出了发生率和空间尺度随径向距离的演化情况,然后使用简化的1.5维磁流体动力学(magnetohydrodynamics,MHD)模型对喷流在太阳风中的演化进行了模拟,其中太阳风被简化为位于黄道面的球对称流.模拟结果表明喷流的确可以导致太阳附近磁力线发生偏转,验证了喷流可以对磁场方向改变有贡献的图景.不过喷流形成的原因还需要进一步研究.


1 设备研制的作用和意义遥测数字地震台网建成后 ,需要保证连续正常运行 ,但在运行过程中 ,由于各种原因设备可能出现“死机”现象 ,造成观测记录的中断 ,而遥测数字地震台往往远离台网中心 ,处于无人值守状态 ,出现死机时 ,需要专门派人到遥测台关机后 ,再重新开机解决故障 ,即浪费时间与经费 ,又增加了信号间断率。如果对这类故障 ,能有一种设备来自动进行处理 ,就会减少维护人员的工作量和运行故障率。根据这种实际需要 ,我们设计研制了适用于遥测地震台的 LN-WDG-I型实时监控仪。LN-WDG-I型实时监控仪可以通过监视数据流的输出来…  相似文献   

The dynamics of the magnetic field and velocity field during the birth and an early development stage of a major active region is studied. SOHO MDI longitudinal-component magnetograms, Dopplergrams, and continuum images are used. The presence of an enhanced material upflow in the photosphere during the passing of the top of the magnetic flux loop, forming the active region, is revealed. The maximum upflow velosity is 2 km/s and the maximum size of the upflow area exceeds 20000 km. The lifetime of the upflow is about two hours. The undulating form of the magnetic flux tubes crossing the photosphere is confirmed. A structural-analysis technique is used to show that the trailing polarity field at the formation stage of the active region is more highly structured than the leading polarity field.  相似文献   


The stability properties of the filament model of Low (1981) are investigated. We use a two-dimensional formalism based on the magnetohydrodynamic energy principle of Bernstein et al. (1958). For the parameter range observed in quiescent prominences this model describes stable horizontal oscillations with periods of about 3–6 min. In other parameter ranges we find instability which is driven exclusively by compressional effects. The Lorentz force has a continuously stabilizing influence. In addition, it seems that gravity is practically unimportant for the stability state of the equilibrium.  相似文献   

引言在地震监测工作中 ,值班人员一直希望有一种性能完善、运行可靠的报警装置 ,这种装置不仅能在地震触发、数据通讯中断与恢复时 ,及时发出声音报警 ,并且能以图像形式显示出地震方位及时间 ,更好地为速报人员提供方便 ,为此 ,我们研制了 LN-SSBJ-I辽宁遥测数字地震台网实时报警系统。1 结构与功能1 .1 报警系统结构“报警系统”的外观正面是一幅辽宁遥测数字地震台分布图 ,在每个遥测地震台站的位置上安装一只双色发光二极管 ,以不同颜色表示正常情况、地震事件或通讯故障。在地图的右上角装有 6位 LED显示器 ,用以显示地震或故障…  相似文献   

A semi‐active hydraulic damper (SHD) for a semi‐active damper system, which is useful for practical structural control especially for large earthquakes, has been developed. Its maximum damping force is set to 1 or 2 MN, and it is controlled by only 70 W of electric power. An SHD with a maximum damping force of 1 MN was applied to an actual building in 1998. This paper first presents the results of a dynamic loading test to confirm the control performance of the SHD. Next, an analytical model of SHDs (SHD model) is constructed with the same concept for two kinds of SHDs based on the test results. Through simulation analyses of the test results using the proposed SHD model, the dynamic characteristics of the SHD can be well represented within practical conditions. Simulation analyses are also carried out using a simple structure model with the SHD model. It is shown that this SHD model can be used to precisely evaluate the control effect of the semi‐active damper system and is useful in practical SHD design under the applied conditions. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Advancement in the seismic networks results in formulation of different functional forms for developing any new ground motion prediction equation (GMPE) for a region. Till date, various guidelines and tools are available for selecting a suitable GMPE for any seismic study area. However, these methods are efficient in quantifying the GMPE but not for determining a proper functional form and capturing the epistemic uncertainty associated with selection of GMPE. In this study, the compatibility of the recent available functional forms for the active region is tested for distance and magnitude scaling. Analysis is carried out by determining the residuals using the recorded and the predicted spectral acceleration values at different periods. Mixed effect regressions are performed on the calculated residuals for determining the intra- and interevent residuals. Additionally, spatial correlation is used in mixed effect regression by changing its likelihood function. Distance scaling and magnitude scaling are respectively examined by studying the trends of intraevent residuals with distance and the trend of the event term with magnitude. Further, these trends are statistically studied for a respective functional form of a ground motion. Additionally, genetic algorithm and Monte Carlo method are used respectively for calculating the hinge point and standard error for magnitude and distance scaling for a newly determined functional form. The whole procedure is applied and tested for the available strong motion data for the Himalayan region. The functional form used for testing are five Himalayan GMPEs, five GMPEs developed under NGA-West 2 project, two from Pan-European, and one from Japan region. It is observed that bilinear functional form with magnitude and distance hinged at 6.5 M w and 300 km respectively is suitable for the Himalayan region. Finally, a new regression coefficient for peak ground acceleration for a suitable functional form that governs the attenuation characteristic of the Himalayan region is derived.  相似文献   

A fractal analysis of narrowband images of the chromosphere and transition layer has been performed in order to study regimes of turbulence and their variations during time-varying processes in active regions. The NOAA 10039 and 10050 activity complexes on July 31, 2002, were observed at Baikal astrophysical observatory of ISZF SO RAN in the H-α line using a chromospheric telescope equipped with a Halle birefringent filter (BF) with a passband of 0.5 Å. Images of the same activity complexes in the spectral band centered at the FeXI 171 Å line, obtained at TRACE space observatory, have been processed using the same technique. The method of structure functions has been used to compute the time series of the scaling parameters. The power spectra of two-dimensional images have been used to compute the time variations in the fractal dimension of the considered activity complex. It has been indicated that the parameters of a multifractal structure (intermittent turbulence) demonstrate jump-like and quasiperiodic time variations correlating with flares. These variations were detected in the H-α and FeXI 171 Å lines of the transition zone, using the ground-based and onboard measurements, which demonstrates that they are of the solar origin.  相似文献   

利用美国国家环境预测中心(NCEP)和联合环境数据分析中心(JEDAC)资料,分别定义了表征海洋和大气变异的风场涡度指数和温度场指数,对热带太平洋海域的极值曲面上的温度距平、850 hPa风应力旋度进行了分析.结果显示,大气对海洋热力强迫的响应主要是Gill型,而大气又可以通过风应力旋度造成的Ekman抽吸作用来影响海洋,这种海气相互作用影响着ENSO循环的发展.通过简单的统计分析,解释了二者在ENSO循环之中所起的作用,并从资料中验证了El Nio事件具有3~4年的循环周期.这在一定程度上支持了ENSO的时滞振荡子和自然振荡子理论.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyze the scale of the DORIS (Doppler Orbitography and Radiopositioning Integrated by Satellite) solutions with respect to DORIS extension of the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF) for Precise Orbit Determination DPOD2014. The main goal is to explain the scale inconsistencies and to find the optimal solution reaching low-biased and consistent scale time series. Our analysis profits from 4 different strategies based only on the Geodetic Observatory Pecný analysis center solution, using DORIS exchange format data 2.2. A difference in the sequence of the solutions directly corresponds to one of the changes in the solution settings: data elevation dependent weighting, application of data validity indicators and application of phase center - reference point correction. We process multi-satellite and single-satellite solutions for the time period 2011.0–2017.0. Our analysis examines scale inconsistency issues in 2011/2012 and in 2015. The scale increment in 2011/2012 is explained as a result of the concurrence of changes in satellite constellation and change in the provider data validity standards for Cryosat-2 and Jason-2 satellites. The scale increment in 2015 is explained as the effect of change in the standards for phase center - reference center corrections for Saral, Jason-2 and Cryosat-2 satellites. Moreover, comparing the solutions with and without elevation dependent data downweighting using the same elevation cutoff (10°), we found a significant reduction of scale bias and scale variation applying the data downweighting. The data downweighting improved also the station positioning repeatability. We demonstrate that the solution, which is completely free from the additional data associated with observations in DORIS exchange format 2.2 and includes the data downweighting law, eventuates in a consistent scale time series with the lowest offset with respect to DPOD2014 (version 1.0) (12.7 ± 2.3 mm for 2011.0–2017.0). The only remaining scale issue is the part of 2011/2012 increment of around 5 mm, explained by a change in the DORIS satellite constellation.  相似文献   

Real‐time hybrid simulation provides a viable method to experimentally evaluate the performance of structural systems subjected to earthquakes. The structural system is divided into substructures, where part of the system is modeled by experimental substructures, whereas the remaining part is modeled analytically. The displacements in a real‐time hybrid simulation are imposed by servo‐hydraulic actuators to the experimental substructures. Actuator delay compensation has been shown by numerous researchers to vitally achieve reliable real‐time hybrid simulation results. Several studies have been performed on servo‐hydraulic actuator delay compensation involving single experimental substructure with single actuator. Research on real‐time hybrid simulation involving multiple experimental substructures, however, is limited. The effect of actuator delay during a real‐time hybrid simulation with multiple experimental substructures presents challenges. The restoring forces from experimental substructures may be coupled to two or more degrees of freedom (DOF) of the structural system, and the delay in each actuator must be adequately compensated. This paper first presents a stability analysis of actuator delay for real‐time hybrid simulation of a multiple‐DOF linear elastic structure to illustrate the effect of coupled DOFs on the stability of the simulation. An adaptive compensation method then proposed for the stable and accurate control of multiple actuators for a real‐time hybrid simulation. Real‐time hybrid simulation of a two‐story four‐bay steel moment‐resisting frame with large‐scale magneto‐rheological dampers in passive‐on mode subjected to the design basis earthquake is used to experimentally demonstrate the effectiveness of the compensation method in minimizing actuator delay in multiple experimental substructures. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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