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Barry Boots 《Journal of Geographical Systems》2006,8(1):1-24
This paper examines the utility of a number of pattern measures for local exploratory analysis of binary spatial data. Based
on a review of existing pattern measures in cartography, geography, image analysis, and landscape ecology, two fundamental
classes of such measures, termed compositional and configurational, are identified. The paper focuses on configurational measures
and it is suggested that as many as five such measures (join counts, patch numbers, patch sizes, patch proximity, and distribution
of the classes relative to the focal cell of the window) are required to differentiate between all possible local categorical
maps. This suggestion is explored by examining aspects of the statistical behaviour (probability distributions and correlations
between extreme values of pairs of measures) of a set of 12 configurational measures. Their use is also demonstrated by means
of an empirical example. 相似文献
针对洪水灾害分析在速度、准确性和及时性等方面的需求,该文在研究空间自相关分析的基础上,提出了一种基于局部自相关统计的洪水灾害影像分析方法。首先,对影像进行掩膜处理,去除云层干扰;其次,采用局部空间统计的方法对影像进行统计分析;然后,通过密度分割的方法提取水体,将影像分为水体和陆地两类;最后,将3幅影像分类的结果进行空间叠加分析,分析洪水灾害影响情况。以2013年嫩江流域3个时期的影像为实验数据,设计了仿真实验。实验结果表明,该方法可以较准确地对大面积洪水影响区域进行分析。 相似文献
Identifying local spatial association in flow data 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
In this paper we develop a spatial association statistic for flow data by generalizing the statistic of Getis-Ord, G
i (and G
*). This local measure of spatial association, G
ij, is associated with each origin-destination pair. We define spatial weight matrices with different metrics in flow space.
These spatial weight matrices focus on different aspects of local spatial association. We also define measures which control
for generation or attraction nonstationarity. The measures are implemented to examine the spatial association of residuals
from two different models. Using the permutation approach, significance bounds are computed for each statistic. In contrast
to the G
i statistic, the normal approximation is often appropriate, but the statistics are still correlated. Small sample properties
are also briefly discussed.
Received: 18 February 1998/Accepted: 29 September 1998 相似文献
This paper deals with the extension of internet-based geographic information systems with functionality for exploratory spatial data analysis (esda). The specific focus is on methods to identify and visualize outliers in maps for rates or proportions. Three sets of methods are included: extreme value maps, smoothed rate maps and the Moran scatterplot. The implementation is carried out by means of a collection of Java classes to extend the Geotools open source mapping software toolkit. The web based spatial analysis tools are illustrated with applications to the study of homicide rates and cancer rates in U.S. counties.This research was supported in part by a number of grants from the US National Science Foundation: NSF Grant SBR-9410612, BCS-9978058, to the Center for Spatially Integrated Social Science (csiss), and a grant from the National Consortium on Violence Research (ncovr is supported under grant SBR-9513040 from the National Science Foundation). In addition, support was provided by grant RO1 CA 95949-01 from the National Cancer Institute. Special thanks to Dr. Eugene J. Lengerich of the Pennsylvania State Cancer Institute for providing the data on colon cancer diagnoses. 相似文献
This paper systematically investigates spatially autocorrelated patterns and the behaviour of their associated test statistic
Moran's I in three bounded regular tessellations. These regular tessellations consist of triangles, squares, and hexagons, each of
increasing size (n=64; 256; 1024). These tesselations can be downloaded at http://geo-www.sbs.ohio-state.edu/faculty/tiefelsdorf/regspastruc/
in several GIS formats. The selection of squares is particularly motivated by their use in raster based GIS and remote sensing.
In contrast, because of topological correspondences, the hexagons serve as excellent proxy tessellations for empirical maps
in vector based GIS. For all three tessellations, the distributional characteristics and the feasibility of the normal approximation
are examined for global Moran's I, Moran's I
(k) associated with higher order spatial lags, and local Moran's I
i. A set of eigenvectors can be generated for each tessellation and their spatial patterns can be mapped. These eigenvectors
can be used as proxy variables to overcome spatial autocorrelation in regression models. The particularities and similarities
in the spatial patterns of these eigenvectors are discussed. The results indicate that [i] the normal approximation for Moran's
I is not always feasible; [ii] the three tessellations induce different distributional characteristics of Moran's I, and [iii] different spatial patterns of eigenvectors are associated with the three tessellations.
Received: 2 July 1999 / Accepted: 9 November 1999 相似文献
Computing environments for spatial data analysis 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Luc Anselin 《Journal of Geographical Systems》2000,2(3):201-220
This paper describes the functionality and architecture of SpaceStat, the SpaceStat Extension for ArcView and the DynESDA
Extension for ArcView. It compares the features of these packages to five other software implementations for spatial data
analysis. Some ideas are formulated on generic requirements and future directions pertaining to computing environments for
spatial data analysis. 相似文献
针对遥感数据具有多源化且数据量大等特征,同时缺乏统一的空间组织框架,对于数据间空间关联关系建立存在困难等问题,文章提出了基于全球剖分网格的多源遥感数据空间关联模型解决方法:首先采用GeoSOT剖分框架对多源遥感数据进行统一组织与管理,然后根据提出的"网格-数据块-数据"的三层组织概念模型,建立基于全球剖分网格的多源遥感数据空间关联模型;最后进行关联影像的表达实验。实验结果表明,该方法在一定程度上实现了多源遥感数据的结构化组织,有效建立了多源遥感数据的空间关联,并与传统的坐标系统建立对比分析,提高了数据利用的应用效能,整体上促进了遥感数据的使用效率。 相似文献
《International Journal of Digital Earth》2013,6(2):157-186
Abstract A significant Geographic Information Science (GIS) issue is closely related to spatial autocorrelation, a burning question in the phase of information extraction from the statistical analysis of georeferenced data. At present, spatial autocorrelation presents two types of measures: continuous and discrete. Is it possible to use Moran's I and the Moran scatterplot with continuous data? Is it possible to use the same methodology with discrete data? A particular and cumbersome problem is the choice of the spatial-neighborhood matrix (W) for points data. This paper addresses these issues by introducing the concept of covariogram contiguity, where each weight is based on the variogram model for that particular dataset: (1) the variogram, whose range equals the distance with the highest Moran I value, defines the weights for points separated by less than the estimated range and (2) weights equal zero for points widely separated from the variogram range considered. After the W matrix is computed, the Moran location scatterplot is created in an iterative process. In accordance with various lag distances, Moran's I is presented as a good search factor for the optimal neighborhood area. Uncertainty/transition regions are also emphasized. At the same time, a new Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis (ESDA) tool is developed, the Moran variance scatterplot, since the conventional Moran scatterplot is not sensitive to neighbor variance. This computer-mapping framework allows the study of spatial patterns, outliers, changeover areas, and trends in an ESDA process. All these tools were implemented in a free web e-Learning program for quantitative geographers called SAKWeb© (or, in the near future, myGeooffice.org). 相似文献
Daniel A. Griffith 《Journal of Geographical Systems》2002,4(1):43-51
As either the spatial resolution or the spatial scale for a geographic landscape increases, both latent spatial dependence
and spatial heterogeneity also will tend to increase. In addition, the amount of georeferenced data that results becomes massively
large. These features of high spatial resolution hyperspectral data present several impediments to conducting a spatial statistical
analysis of such data. Foremost is the requirement of popular spatial autoregressive models to compute eigenvalues for a row-standardized
geographic weights matrix that depicts the geographic configuration of an image's pixels. A second drawback arises from a
need to account for increased spatial heterogeneity. And a third concern stems from the usefulness of marrying geostatistical
and spatial autoregressive models in order to employ their combined power in a spatial analysis. Research reported in this
paper addresses all three of these topics, proposing successful ways to prevent them from hindering a spatial statistical
analysis. For illustrative purposes, the proposed techniques are employed in a spatial analysis of a high spatial resolution
hyperspectral image collected during research on riparian habitats in the Yellowstone ecosystem.
Received: 25 February 2001 / Accepted: 2 August 2001 相似文献
地球化学的空间自相关异常信息提取方法 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
针对地球化学数据存在的空间分布相关性特征,该文提出了一种基于空间自相关统计的地球化学异常提取方法。以内蒙古浩布高矿床外围的土壤地球化学数据为例,通过对Sn、Cu元素地球化学数据在不同空间间隔上的全局自相关计算,测算其空间聚集的程度,选取聚集程度最高时的间隔距离作为局部空间自相关的参数,通过局部Moran’s I值研究元素的空间分布特征,分析空间聚类和异常值,从而提取地球化学异常。结果表明,局部空间自相关分析可以揭示Sn、Cu地球化学数据的空间分布特征,能够更好地提取地球化学弱缓异常,说明空间自相关是一种有效的地球化学异常识别方法。 相似文献
An Improved Hilbert Curve for Parallel Spatial Data Partitioning 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
MENG Lingkui HUANG Changqing ZHAO Chunyu LIN Zhiyong 《地球空间信息科学学报》2007,10(4):282-286
A novel Hilbert-curve is introduced for parallel spatial data partitioning, with consideration of the huge-amount property of spatial information and the variable-length characteristic of vector data i... 相似文献
空间数据模糊聚类的有效性(英文) 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
The validity measurement of fuzzy clustering is a key problem. If clustering is formed, it needs a kind of machine to verify its validity. To make mining more accountable, comprehensible and with a usable spatial pattern, it is necessary to first detect whether the data set has a clustered structure or not before clustering. This paper discusses a detection method for clustered patterns and a fuzzy clustering algorithm, and studies the validity function of the result produced by fuzzy clustering based on two aspects, which reflect the uncertainty of classification during fuzzy partition and spatial location features of spatial data, and proposes a new validity function of fuzzy clustering for spatial data. The experimental result indicates that the new validity function can accurately measure the validity of the results of fuzzy clustering. Especially, for the result of fuzzy clustering of spatial data, it is robust and its classification result is better when compared to other indices. 相似文献
Area-based tests for association between spatial patterns 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Edge effects pervade natural systems, and the processes that determine spatial heterogeneity (e.g. physical, geochemical,
biological, ecological factors) occur on diverse spatial scales. Hence, tests for association between spatial patterns should
be unbiased by edge effects and be based on null spatial models that incorporate the spatial heterogeneity characteristic
of real-world systems. This paper develops probabilistic pattern association tests that are appropriate when edge effects
are present, polygon size is heterogeneous, and the number of polygons varies from one classification to another. The tests
are based on the amount of overlap between polygons in each of two partitions. Unweighted and area-weighted versions of the
statistics are developed and verified using scenarios representing both polygon overlap and avoidance at different spatial
scales and for different distributions of polygon sizes. These statistics were applied to Soda Butte Creek, Wyoming, to determine
whether stream microhabitats, such as riffles, pools and glides, can be identified remotely using high spatial resolution
hyperspectral imagery. These new “spatially explicit” techniques provide information and insights that cannot be obtained
from the spectral information alone.
Received 1 June 2001 / Accepted 25 October 2001 相似文献
在武汉市的综合地下管线建库工作中,数据组织是最为核心和关键的工作。我们结合实际情况,基于空间数据引擎制定了特有的、兼容性强的数据结构,并针对数据的特性进行了分层管理,建立了数据安全保障机制,充分发挥空间数据中间件ArcSDE的高性能,为数据库的安全、高效运行提供了坚实的保障。 相似文献
本文就目前空间数据集成的两种主流模式,在论证了各模式的优缺点的基础上,得出了用GML作为地理空间数据转换及传输的标准是切实可行、具有应用前景的方案。从而提出了基于GML的多源异构空间数据集成的模型,并探讨了基于这一模型实现空间数据共享的若干问题。 相似文献
本论文面向"数字城市"的多源数据整合和分析,定义了空间数据立方体地理空间维、专题维和时间维分别包含的数据种类和内容,设计了它们的维和维层次数据结构;表述了维构成空间数据立方体的方法;确定了维的多维数组组织及存储策略;描述了空间度量的聚集概念,结合具体的图例讲述了点状、线状、面状空间度量的聚集过程。 相似文献