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We present the results of a study which uses the 3C RR sample of radio-loud active galactic nuclei to investigate the evolution of the black hole:spheroid mass ratio in the most massive early-type galaxies from  0 < z < 2  . Radio-loud unification is exploited to obtain virial (linewidth) black hole mass estimates from the 3C RR quasars, and stellar mass estimates from the 3C RR radio galaxies, thereby providing black hole and stellar mass estimates for a single population of early-type galaxies. At low redshift  ( z ≲ 1)  , the 3C RR sample is consistent with a black hole:spheroid mass ratio of   M bh/ M sph≃ 0.002  , in good agreement with that observed locally for quiescent galaxies of similar stellar mass  ( M sph≃ 5 × 1011 M)  . However, over the redshift interval  0 < z < 2  the 3C RR black hole:spheroid mass ratio is found to evolve as   M bh/ M sph∝ (1 + z )2.07±0.76  , reaching   M bh/ M sph≃ 0.008  by redshift   z ≃ 2  . This evolution is found to be inconsistent with the local black hole:spheroid mass ratio remaining constant at a moderately significant level (98 per cent). If confirmed, the detection of evolution in the 3C RR black hole:spheroid mass ratio further strengthens the evidence that, at least for massive early-type galaxies, the growth of the central supermassive black hole may be completed before that of the host spheroid.  相似文献   

In large spheroidal stellar systems, such as elliptical galaxies, one invariably finds a  106–109 M  supermassive black hole at their centre. In contrast, within dwarf elliptical galaxies one predominantly observes a  105–107 M  nuclear star cluster. To date, few galaxies have been found with both types of nuclei coexisting and even less have had the masses determined for both central components. Here, we identify one dozen galaxies housing nuclear star clusters and supermassive black holes whose masses have been measured. This doubles the known number of such hermaphrodite nuclei – which are expected to be fruitful sources of gravitational radiation. Over the host spheroid (stellar) mass range  108–1011 M  , we find that a galaxy's nucleus-to-spheroid (baryon) mass ratio is not a constant value but decreases from a few per cent to ∼0.3 per cent such that  log[( M BH+ M NC)/ M sph]=−(0.39 ± 0.07) log[ M sph/1010 M]− (2.18 ± 0.07)  . Once dry merging commences and the nuclear star clusters disappear, this ratio is expected to become a constant value.
As a byproduct of our investigation, we have found that the projected flux from resolved nuclear star clusters is well approximated with Sérsic functions having a range of indices from ∼0.5 to ∼3, the latter index describing the Milky Way's nuclear star cluster.  相似文献   

The SCUBA instrument on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope has already had an impact on cosmology by detecting relatively large numbers of dusty galaxies at high redshift. Apart from identifying well-detected sources, such data can also be mined for information about fainter sources and their correlations, as revealed through low-level fluctuations in SCUBA maps. As a first step in this direction, we analyse a small SCUBA data set as if it were obtained from a cosmic microwave background (CMB) differencing experiment. This enables us to place limits on CMB anisotropy at 850 m. Expressed as Q flat, the quadrupole expectation value for a flat power spectrum, the limit is 152 K at 95 per cent confidence, corresponding to     (or T T <14105) for a Gaussian autocorrelation function, with a coherence angle of about 2025 arcsec. These results could easily be reinterpreted in terms of any other fluctuating sky signal. This is currently the best limit for these scales at high frequency, and comparable to limits at similar angular scales in the radio. Even with such a modest data set, it is possible to put a constraint on the slope of the SCUBA counts at the faint end, since even randomly distributed sources would lead to fluctuations. Future analysis of sky correlations in more extensive data sets ought to yield detections, and hence additional information on source counts and clustering.  相似文献   

We present measurements of the angular correlation function of galaxies selected from a B J ∼23.5 multicolour survey of two 5°×5° fields located at high galactic latitudes. The galaxy catalogue of ∼4×105 galaxies is comparable in size to catalogues used to determine the galaxy correlation function at low redshift. Measurements of the z ∼0.4 correlation function at large angular scales show no evidence for a break from a power law, although our results are not inconsistent with a break at ≳15 h−1 Mpc. Despite the large fields-of-view, there are large discrepancies between the measurements of the correlation function in each field, possibly caused by dwarf galaxies within z ∼0.11 clusters near the South Galactic Pole.
Colour selection is used to study the clustering of galaxies from z ∼0 to z ∼0.4. The galaxy correlation function is found to depend strongly on colour, with red galaxies more strongly clustered than blue galaxies by a factor of ≳5 at small scales. The slope of the correlation function is also found to vary with colour, with γ∼1.8 for red galaxies and γ∼1.5 for blue galaxies. The clustering of red galaxies is consistently strong over the entire magnitude range studied, although there are large variations between the two fields. The clustering of blue galaxies is extremely weak over the observed magnitude range, with clustering consistent with r 0∼2 h−1 Mpc. This is weaker than the clustering of late-type galaxies in the local Universe, and suggests that galaxy clustering is more strongly correlated with colour than morphology. This may also be the first detection of a substantial low-redshift galaxy population with clustering properties similar to faint blue galaxies.  相似文献   

We discuss how different theoretical predictions for the variance σ 2 of the counts-in-cells distribution of radio sources can be matched to measurements from the FIRST survey at different flux limits. The predictions are given by the integration of models for the angular correlation function w ( θ ) for three different functional forms of the redshift distribution N ( z ), different spatial correlation functions that match the observed present-day shape and by different evolutions of the bias b ( z ) with redshift. We also consider the two cases of open and flat universes. Although the predicted w ( θ ) show substantial differences because of differences in the values of N ( z ), these differences are not significant compared to the uncertainties in the current observations. It turns out that, independent of the geometry of the universe and the flux limit, the best fit is provided by models with constant biasing at all times, although the difference between models with epoch-independent bias and models with bias that evolves linearly with redshift is not very large. All models with strong evolution of bias with epoch are ruled out, as they grossly overestimate the amplitude of the variance over the whole range of angular scales sampled by the counts-in-cells analysis. As a further step we directly calculated w obs( θ ) at 3 mJy from the catalogue and matched it with our models for the angular correlation function, in the hypothesis that the clustering signal comes from two different populations, namely AGN-powered sources and starbursting galaxies. The results are consistent with a scenario for hierarchical clustering where the fainter starbursting galaxies trace the mass at all epochs, while the brighter AGNs are strongly biased, with b ( z ) evolving linearly with redshift, as suggested by some theories of galaxy formation and evolution.  相似文献   

We analyse a sample of 32 galaxies for which a dynamical estimate of the mass of the hot stellar component, M bulge, is available. For each of these galaxies, we calculate the mass of the central black hole, M , using the tight empirical correlation between M and bulge stellar velocity dispersion. The frequency function     is reasonably well described as a Gaussian with     and standard deviation ∼0.45; the implied mean ratio of black hole mass to bulge mass is a factor of ∼5 smaller than generally quoted in the literature. We present marginal evidence for a lower, average black hole mass fraction in more massive galaxies. The total mass density in black holes in the local Universe is estimated to be ∼     consistent with that inferred from high-redshift     active galactic nuclei.  相似文献   

We investigate the clustering properties of a complete sample of 105 star-forming galaxies drawn from the data release 4 (DR4) of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. On scales less than 100 kpc, the amplitude of the correlation function exhibits a strong dependence on the specific star formation rate (SSFR) of the galaxy. We interpret this as the signature of enhanced star formation induced by tidal interactions. We then explore how the average star formation rate (SFR) in a galaxy is enhanced as the projected separation r p between the galaxy and its companions decreases. We find that the enhancement strongly depends on r p, but very weakly on the relative luminosity of the companions. The enhancement is also stronger in low-mass galaxies than in high-mass galaxies. In order to explore whether a tidal interaction is not only sufficient, but also necessary to trigger enhanced star formation in a galaxy, we compute background subtracted neighbour counts for the galaxies in our sample. The average number of close neighbours around galaxies with low to average values of SFR/ M * is close to zero. At the highest SSFRs, however, more than 40 per cent of the galaxies in our sample have a companion within a projected radius of 100 kpc. Visual inspection of the highest SFR/ M * galaxies without companions reveals that more than 50 per cent of these are clear interacting or merging systems. We conclude that tidal interactions are the dominant trigger of enhanced star formation in the most strongly star-forming systems. Finally, we find clear evidence that tidal interactions not only lead to enhanced star formation in galaxies, but also cause structural changes such as an increase in concentration.  相似文献   

We present new data taken at 850 μm with SCUBA at the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope for a sample of 19 luminous infrared galaxies. Fourteen galaxies were detected. We have used these data, together with fluxes at 25, 60 and 100 μm from IRAS , to model the dust emission. We find that the emission from most galaxies can be described by an optically thin, single temperature dust model with an exponent of the dust extinction coefficient ( k λ ∝ λ − β ) of β ≃1.4–2. A lower β ≃1 is required to model the dust emission from two of the galaxies, Arp 220 and NGC 4418. We discuss various possibilities for this difference and conclude that the most likely is a high dust opacity. In addition, we compare the molecular gas mass derived from the dust emission, M 850 μm, with the molecular gas mass derived from the CO emission, M CO, and find that M CO is on average a factor 2–3 higher than M 850 μm.  相似文献   

We investigate the angular correlation function, ο(θ), of the galaxies detected in the 2.1-μm K ' band in 17 fields (101.5 arcmin2 in total), each containing a z ∼1.1 radio galaxy. There is a significant detection of galaxy clustering at a limit of K ∼20, with a ο(θ) amplitude similar to that estimated by Carlberg et al. at K =21.5. The ο(θ) amplitudes of these K -limited samples are higher than expected from the faint galaxy clustering in the blue and red passbands, but consistent with a pure luminosity evolution model if clustering is stable (ε=0) and the correlation function of early-type galaxies is steeper than that of spirals.
We do not detect a significant cross-correlation between the radio galaxies and the other galaxies in these fields. The upper limits on the cross-correlation are consistent with a mean clustering environment of Abell class 0 for z ∼1.1 radio galaxies, similar to that observed for radio galaxies at z ∼0.5, but would argue against an Abell class 1 or richer environment. As Abell 0 clustering around the radio galaxies would not significantly increase the ο(θ) amplitude of galaxies in these fields, stable clustering with a steep ξ( r ) for E/S0 galaxies appears to remain the most likely interpretation of the ο(θ) amplitude.
At K ≤20, the number of galaxy–galaxy pairs of 2–3 arcsec separation exceeds the random expectation by a factor of 2.15±0.26. The excess of close pairs is comparable to that previously reported for R -band data, and consistent with a ∼(1+ z )2 evolution of the galaxy merger rate.  相似文献   

It has been known for a long time that the clustering of galaxies changes as a function of galaxy type. This galaxy bias acts as a hindrance to the extraction of cosmological information from the galaxy power spectrum or correlation function. Theoretical arguments show that a change in the amplitude of the clustering between galaxies and mass on large scales is unavoidable, but cosmological information can be easily extracted from the shape of the power spectrum or correlation function if this bias is independent of scale. Scale-dependent bias is generally small on large scales,   k < 0.1  h  Mpc−1  , but on smaller scales can affect the recovery of  Ωm h   from the measured shape of the clustering signal, and have a small effect on the Baryon Acoustic Oscillations. In this paper, we investigate the transition from scale-independent to scale-dependent galaxy bias as a function of galaxy population. We use the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 5 sample to fit various models, which attempt to parametrize the turn-off from scale-independent behaviour. For blue galaxies, we find that the strength of the turn-off is strongly dependent on galaxy luminosity, with stronger scale-dependent bias on larger scales for more luminous galaxies. For red galaxies, the scale dependence is a weaker function of luminosity. Such trends need to be modelled in order to optimally extract the information available in future surveys, and can help with the design of such surveys.  相似文献   

We investigate the clustering of galaxies selected in the 3.6 μm band of the Spitzer Wide-area Infrared Extragalactic (SWIRE) legacy survey. The angular two-point correlation function is calculated for 11 samples with flux limits of S 3.6≥ 4–400 μJy, over an 8 deg2 field. The angular clustering strength is measured at >5σ significance at all flux limits, with amplitudes of A = (0.49–29) × 10−3 at 1°, for a power-law model, A θ−0.8. We estimate the redshift distributions of the samples using phenomological models, simulations and photometric redshifts, and so derive the spatial correlation lengths. We compare our results with the Galaxies In Cosmological Simulations (GalICS) models of galaxy evolution and with parametrized models of clustering evolution. The GalICS simulations are consistent with our angular correlation functions, but fail to match the spatial clustering inferred from the phenomological models or the photometric redshifts. We find that the uncertainties in the redshift distributions of our samples dominate the statistical errors in our estimates of the spatial clustering. At low redshifts (median z ≤ 0.5), the comoving correlation length is approximately constant,   r 0= 6.1 ± 0.5  h −1  Mpc, and then decreases with increasing redshift to a value of 2.9 ± 0.3  h −1 Mpc for the faintest sample, for which the median redshift is z ∼ 1. We suggest that this trend can be attributed to a decrease in the average galaxy and halo mass in the fainter flux-limited samples, corresponding to changes in the relative numbers of early- and late-type galaxies. However, we cannot rule out strong evolution of the correlation length over  0.5 < z < 1  .  相似文献   

We investigate the clustering properties of galaxies in the recently completed ELAIS-S1 redshift survey through their spatial two-point autocorrelation function. We used a subsample of the ELAIS-S1 catalogue covering approximately 4 deg2 and consisting of 148 objects selected at 15 μm with a flux >0.5 mJy and a redshift   z < 0.5  . We detected a positive signal in the correlation function that in the range of separations  1–10  h −1 Mpc  is well approximated by a power law with a slope  γ= 1.4 ± 0.25  and a correlation length   s 0= 5.4 ± 1.2  h −1 Mpc  , at the 90 per cent significance level. This result is in good agreement with the redshift-space correlation function measured in more local samples of mid-infrared-selected galaxies such as the IRAS Point Source Catalog (PSC z ) redshift survey. This suggests a lack of significant clustering evolution of infrared-selected objects out to   z = 0.5  that is further confirmed by the consistency found between the correlation functions measured in a local  ( z < 0.2)  and a distant  (0.2 < z < 0.5)  subsample of ELAIS-S1 galaxies. We also confirm that optically selected galaxies in the local redshift surveys, especially those of the SDSS sample, are significantly more clustered than infrared objects.  相似文献   

We present a stable procedure for defining and measuring the two point angular autocorrelation function,   w (θ) =[θ/θ0( V )]−Γ  , of faint  (25 < V < 29)  , barely resolved and unresolved sources in the Hubble Space Telescope Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey and Ultra Deep Field data sets. We construct catalogues that include close pairs and faint detections. We show, for the first time, that, on subarcsec scales, the correlation function exceeds unity. This correlation function is well fit by a power law with index  Γ≈ 2.5  and a  θ0= 10−0.1( V −25.8) arcsec  . This is very different from the values of  Γ≈ 0.7  and  θ0( r ) = 10−0.4( r −21.5) arcsec  associated with the gravitational clustering of brighter galaxies. This observed clustering probably reflects the presence of giant star-forming regions within galactic-scale potential wells. Its measurement enables a new approach to measuring the redshift distribution of the faintest sources in the sky.  相似文献   

We present new observations of the gravitational lens (GL) system B1600+434, strongly suggesting that the lens is an edge-on spiral galaxy. These observations are used to constrain the mass model of the system, in particular the oblateness and velocity dispersion of the dark matter halo around the lensing galaxy. From an analytical model we find a lower limit on the halo oblateness q halo=( c/a )ρ≳0.4; more detailed numerical models give a lower limit of q halo≳0.5. We determine an average halo velocity dispersion of σhalo=190±15 km s−1 over all non-singular isothermal elliptical (NIE) halo models. Constraining the models to larger and more massive discs decreases this average by only 10 km s−1. A lower limit of σhalo≳150 km s−1 is found, even for disc masses larger than the mass inside the Einstein radius. This lower limit indicates the need for a massive dark matter halo, contributing at least half of the mass inside the Einstein radius. Time-delay calculations give (54±3)/ h 50 d for the NIE halo model and (70±4)/ h 50 d for the modified Hubble profile (MHP) halo model. Although the time delay for both NIE and MHP halo models is well constrained on our parameter grid, it strongly depends on the halo surface density profile. We furthermore find that the presence of a flat luminous mass distribution can severely alter the statistical properties of the lens.  相似文献   

We present a comparison between the SCUBA (Submillimetre Common User Bolometer Array) Half Degree Extragalactic Survey (SHADES) at 450 and  850 μm  in the Lockman Hole East with a deep Spitzer Space Telescope survey at  3.6–24 μm  conducted in guaranteed time. Using stacking analyses we demonstrate a striking correspondence between the galaxies contributing the submm extragalactic background light, with those likely to dominate the backgrounds at Spitzer wavelengths. Using a combination BRIzK plus Spitzer photometric redshifts, we show that at least a third of the Spitzer -identified submm galaxies at  1 < z < 1.5  appear to reside in overdensities when the density field is smoothed at 0.5–2 Mpc comoving diameters, supporting the high-redshift reversal of the local star formation–galaxy density relation. We derive the dust-shrouded cosmic star formation history of galaxies as a function of assembled stellar masses. For model stellar masses  <1011 M  , this peaks at lower redshifts than the ostensible   z ∼ 2.2  maximum for submm point sources, adding to the growing consensus for 'downsizing' in star formation. Our surveys are also consistent with 'downsizing' in mass assembly. Both the mean star formation rates  〈d M */d t 〉  and specific star formation rates  〈(1/ M *) d M */d t 〉  are in striking disagreement with some semi-analytic predictions from the Millenium Simulation. The discrepancy could either be resolved with a top-heavy initial mass function, or a significant component of the submm flux heated by the interstellar radiation field.  相似文献   

We use the C24668, Fe4383, H γ A and H δ A spectral absorption line indices, together with U - and V -band photometry of 101 galaxies in the Coma cluster, to investigate how mean age and metal abundance correlate with galaxy luminosity. In particular, we use the line index measurements to address the origin of the colour–magnitude relation (CMR). We find that the CMR in Coma is driven primarily by a luminosity–metallicity correlation. We additionally show evidence for a relation between age and luminosity, in the direction predicted by the semi-analytic hierarchical clustering models of Kauffmann & Charlot, but this is only present in the C24668 index models, and could be an effect of the lack of non-solar abundance ratios in the Worthey models used.
By comparing deviations from the CMR with deviations in absorption index from analogous 'index–magnitude' relations, we find that colour deviations bluewards of the mean relation are strongly correlated with the hydrogen Balmer line series absorption. We show that the properties of these blue galaxies are consistent with the presence of a young stellar population in the galaxies, rather than with a reduced metallicity.  相似文献   

We use two-dimensional kinematic maps of simulated binary disc mergers to investigate the  λR  -parameter, which is a luminosity-weighted measure of projected angular momentum per unit mass. This parameter was introduced to subdivide the SAURON sample of early-type galaxies in so-called fast  λR > 0.1  and slow rotators  λR < 0.1  . Tests on merger remnants reveal that  λR  is a robust indicator of the true angular momentum content in elliptical galaxies. We find the same range of  λR  values in our merger remnants as in the SAURON galaxies. The merger mass ratio is decisive in transforming fast rotators into slow rotators in a single binary merger, the latter being created mostly in an equal-mass merger. Slow rotators have a  λR  which does not vary with projection. The confusion rate with face-on fast rotators is very small. Mergers with a gas component form slow rotators with smaller ellipticities than collisionless merger remnants have, and are in much better agreement with the SAURON slow rotators. Remergers of merger remnants are slow rotators, but tend to have too high ellipticities. Fast rotators maintain the angular momentum content from the progenitor disc galaxy if merger mass ratio is high. Some SAURON galaxies have values of  λ R   as high as our progenitor disc galaxies.  相似文献   

We use an 850-μm SCUBA map of the Hubble Deep Field (HDF) to study the dust properties of optically-selected starburst galaxies at high redshift. The optical/infrared (IR) data in the HDF allow a photometric redshift to be estimated for each galaxy, together with an estimate of the visible star-formation rate. The 850-μm flux density of each source provides the complementary information: the amount of hidden, dust-enshrouded star formation activity. Although the 850-μm map does not allow detection of the majority of individual sources, we show that the galaxies with the highest UV star-formation rates are detected statistically, with a flux density of about S 850=0.2 mJy for an apparent UV star-formation rate of 1  h −2 M yr−1. This level of submillimetre output indicates that the total star-forming activity is on average a factor of approximately 6 times larger than the rate inferred from the UV output of these galaxies. The general population of optical starbursts is then predicted to contribute at least 25 per cent of the 850-μm background. We carry out a power-spectrum analysis of the map, which yields some evidence for angular clustering of the background source population, but at a level lower than that seen in Lyman-break galaxies. Together with other lines of argument, particularly from the NICMOS HDF data, this suggests that the 850-μm background originates over an extremely wide range of redshifts – perhaps 1≲ z ≲6.  相似文献   

We calculate the statistical clustering of Lyman-break galaxies predicted in a selection of currently fashionable structure formation scenarios. These models are all based on the cold dark matter model, but vary in the amount of dark matter, the initial perturbation spectrum, the background cosmology and the presence or absence of a cosmological constant term. If Lyman-break galaxies form as a result of hierarchical merging, the amplitude of clustering depends quite sensitively on the minimum halo mass that can host such a galaxy. Interpretation of the recent observations by Giavalisco et al. would therefore be considerably clarified by a direct determination of the relevant halo properties. For a typical halo mass around 1011  h −1 M⊙ the observations do not discriminate strongly between cosmological models, but if the appropriate mass is larger, say 1012  h −1 M⊙ (which seems likely on theoretical grounds), then the data strongly favour models with a low matter density.  相似文献   

It is often suggested that the distant galaxies recently identified in 850-μm surveys with the SCUBA bolometer array on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope are high-redshift analogues to local ultraluminous infrared galaxies, based on their similar spectral energy distributions and luminosities. We show that these two populations of objects must differ in at least one fundamental way from each other. This assertion is based on a consideration of the possible fates of gas in the high-redshift SCUBA galaxies, given the requirement that they most evolve into some subset of the low-redshift galaxy population with a comoving density of about 10−4 Mpc−3. One possibility is that the SCUBA galaxies have similar gas density profiles to local ultraluminous galaxies. If this is the case, then they must derive almost all their power from active galactic nuclei, which appears not to be the case for local ultraluminous galaxies, which are predominantly star-formation-powered. Another possibility is that the SCUBA galaxies have more extended gas density profiles than local ultraluminous galaxies. In this case they must be almost all star-formation-powered, and much of the star formation in the Universe can happen in these objects. Either way there is a significant difference between the low- and high-redshift populations.  相似文献   

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