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Recent studies have demonstrated a plausible link between surface and near-surface tectonic features and the vertical projection of the Commerce geophysical lineament (CGL). The CGL is a 5- to 10-km-wide zone of basement magnetic and gravity anomalies traceable for more than 600 km, extending from Arkansas through southeast Missouri and southern Illinois and into Indiana. Twelve kilometers of high-resolution seismic reflection data, collected at four sites along a 175-km segment of the CGL projection, are interpreted to show varying amounts of deformation involving Tertiary and some Quaternary sediments. Some of the locally anomalous geomorphic features in the northern Mississippi embayment region (i.e., paleoliquefaction features, anomalous directional changes in stream channels, and areas of linear bluff escarpments) overlying the CGL can be correlated with specific faults and/or narrow zones of deformed (faulted and folded) strata that are imaged on high-resolution seismic reflection data. There is an observable change in near-surface deformation style and complexity progressing from the southwest to the northeast along the trace of the CGL. The seismic reflection data collaborate mapping evidence which suggests that this region has undergone a complex history of deformation, some of which is documented to be as young as Quaternary, during multiple episodes of reactivation under varying stress fields. This work, along with that of other studies presented in this volume, points to the existence of at least one major crustal feature outside the currently defined zone of seismic activity (New Madrid Seismic Zone) that should be considered as a significant potential source zone for seismogenic activity within the midcontinent region of the United States.  相似文献   

DRASTIC, the methodology for mapping the intrinsic vulnerability of aquifers, is modified to incorporate the structural characteristics of fractured bedrock aquifers. In these aquifers, groundwater flow is predominantly through fractures, with large-scale fracture zones and faults acting as primary conduits for flow at the regional scale. The methodology is applied to the southern Gulf Islands region of southwestern British Columbia, Canada. Bedrock geology maps, soil maps, structural measurements, mapped lineaments, water-well information and topographic data, assembled within a comprehensive GIS database, form the basis for assigning traditional DRASTIC indices, while adding the structural indices necessary for capturing the importance of regional structural elements in recharge and well capture zone determinations.  相似文献   

The relationship between long-lived deep crustal lineaments and the locations of magmatic centers and associated mineral deposits has been investigated in the Puna region of northwestern Argentina, through the analysis of regional aeromagnetic surveys, Landsat images, and geological information. The good exposure and excellent preservation of basement and supracrustal geology in this region makes it particularly suitable for such a study. At a regional scale, several contrasting magnetic domains are recognized, which correlate with crustal geology. Two basement domains are separated by a NNE-trending boundary, which is believed to correlate with a Paleozoic suture zone between the Pampia (to the southeast) and Arequipa–Antofalla terranes (to the northwest). Locally overlying these basement terranes is the Cenozoic magmatic domain, which is best developed in the N–S-trending volcanic arc at the western edge of the Puna (the Cordillera Occidental). In addition, four southeast-trending volcanic zones extend for several hundred kilometers across the Puna. Many important mineral deposits and areas of hydrothermal alteration are associated with these volcanic breakouts, and we have selected three such areas for more detailed study: Bajo de la Alumbrera (Argentina's largest porphyry copper deposit), Cerro Galán (the largest ignimbrite caldera in Argentina, with associated hydrothermal alteration zones), and El Queva (a historic polymetallic district located within a major volcanic range). A comparison of lineament maps generated from aeromagnetic and Landsat TM images reveals broad correlation between these different remote sensing techniques, which respectively highlight subsurface magnetic and surface geological features. In addition, the locations of magmatic and hydrothermal centers can be related to the interpreted structural framework, and are seen to occur near the intersections of major lineament zones. It is suggested that in three dimensions, such intersection zones form trans-lithospheric columns of low strength and high permeability during transpressional or transtensional tectonic strain, and may thereby serve as conduits for magma ascent to the shallow crust. Pooling of large volumes of deeply derived magma in shallow crustal magma chambers may then result in voluminous devolatilization and the formation of hydrothermal mineral deposits. It is important to note that in this model, structural intersections serve as facilitators for magma ascent and volatile exsolution, but do not in themselves cause this process—other factors such as magma supply rate and tectonic stress are essential primary ingredients, and local magmatic and volcanic processes affect the ultimate potential for ore formation. Nevertheless, we suggest that lineament analysis provides a valuable framework for guiding the early stages of mineral exploration; other regional and local geological considerations must then be applied to identify priority targets within this framework.  相似文献   

The Kuruktag uplift is located directly northeast of the Tarim craton in northwestern China. Neoarchaean-to-Neoproterozoic metamorphic rocks and intrusive rocks crop out widely in the uplift; thus, it is especially suited for a more complete understanding of the thermal evolution of the Tarim craton. Apatite fission-track (AFT) methods were used to study the exhumation history and cooling of these Precambrian crystalline rocks. Nine apatite-bearing samples were collected from both sides of the Xingdi fault transecting the Kuruktag uplift. Pooled ages range from 146.0 ± 13.4 to 67.6 ± 6.7 Ma, with mean track lengths between 11.79 ± 0.14 and 12.48 ± 0.10 μm. These samples can be divided into three groups based on age and structural position. Group A consists of five samples with AFT apparent ages of about 100–110 Ma and is generally associated with undeformed areas. Group B comprises three specimens with AFT apparent ages lower than 80 Ma and is mostly associated with hanging wall environments close to faults. Group C is a single apatite sample with the oldest relative apparent age, 146.0 ± 13.4 Ma. The modelled thermal history indicates four periods of exhumation in the Kuruktag uplift: late-Early Jurassic (180 Ma); Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous (144–118 Ma); early-Late Cretaceous (94–82 Ma); and late Cenozoic (about 10 Ma). These cooling events, identified by AFT data, are assumed to reflect far-field effects from multi-stage collisions and accretions of terranes along the south Asian continental margin.  相似文献   

Sixty five per cent of the Paleozoic basement of western and central Europe is hidden by a sedimentary cover and/or sea. This work aims to remove that blanket to detect new structures which could used to build a more comprehensive model of the Variscan orogeny. It is based on the interpretation of various forms of data: (a) published gravity maps corrected for the effects of the crust-mantle boundary topography and light sedimentary basins; (b) aeromagnetic maps; (c) measurements of densities; and (d) induced and remanent magnetizations on rocks from Paleozoic outcrops of the upper Rhenish area. From the northern Bohemian Massif to the eastern Paris Basin, the Saxothuringian is characterized by a 500 km long belt of gravity highs, the most important being the Kraichgau high. Most of the corresponding heavy bodies are buried under a post-early Viséan cover. They are interpreted as relics of Late Proterozoic terranes overlain by an Early to Middle Paleozoic sequence, equivalent to the Bohemian terrane in the Bohemian Massif. The most probable continuation of these dense Bohemian terranes toward the west is the Southern Channel-Northern Brittany Cadomian terrane. The gravity lows are correlated with Variscan granites and pre- and early Variscan metagranites.Gravity and magnetic maps demonstrate large-scale displacement in Devonian-Early Carboniferous times along the parallel and equidistant, NW-SE striking, Vistula, Elbe, Bavarian, Bray and South Armorican dextral wrench faults. In the Vosges-Schwarzwald and Central Massif the faults continue with the east-west striking Lalaye-Lubine-Baden-Baden and Marche faults and with south vergent thrusts. The Bavarian faults shift the Kraichgau terrane by 150 km relative to the Bohemian terrane, whereas the offset of the Northern Brittany Cadomian relative to the Northern Vosges-Kraichgau terranes is estimated at 400 km along the Bray fault. Sinistral wrench faults are the NE-SW striking Sillon Houiller, Rheingraben, Rodl, Vitis and Diendorf faults. The southern Vosges-Schwarzwald Devonian-Dinantian basin is interpreted as a pull-apart basin at the south-easterly extremity of the Bray fault. The Bohemian and Kraichgau body form allochthonous terranes which were thrust over the Saxothuringian crust. Thrusting to the north-west was accompanied by back-thrusting and led to the formation of pop-up structures. Contemporaneous dextral and sinistral wrench faulting resulted in transpressive strain during collision. The zonal structure of the Variscides in the sense of Kossmat (1927) is relevant only to the Rhenohercynian Foreland Belt. Kossmat (1927) already spoke of a Moldanubian Region because it displays no real zonal structure. The Saxothuringian Zone was formed by terrane accretion. Their apparent zonal structure is not a pre-collisional feature, but only the result of accretion and collision.  相似文献   

胶东地区作为我国主要的黄金产区,"攻深找盲"成为该区深部找矿重点研究方向.在"深部金矿资源评价理论、方法与预测"的工作基础之上,通过对莱州市金城镇—海阳市二十里店镇一带金矿集区开展高精度重力、高精度磁法、大地电磁测深综合物探剖面测量,综合前期已有成果对获取的重、磁、电资料进行综合研究分析,对区内太古宙至中生代侵入岩、前...  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1993,8(5):483-493
Information regarding the origin, composition and transport of natural dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in groundwater is necessary to understand the transport of metals and organic pollutants, as well as for the use of14C in DOC as an isotopic groundwater dating method. Previous research in several groundwater systems has suggested soil organic C is the predominant source of high molecular weight DOC to the subsurface. Through the use of stable isotopes,14C and geochemical analyses, this study shows that significant concentrations of DOC and CH4 in a regional confined aquifer can be generated in situ from subsurface sedimentary organic sources. The DOC and CH4 produced is a combined result of degradation of buried peats and bacterial action, resulting in high DOC concentrations and strongly methanogenic conditions in the aquifer. The DOC and CH4 comprise, on average, nearly 50% of the total dissolved C pool in the central part of the aquifer. Methanogenic conditions complicate isotopic groundwater dating by the conventional dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) method. Estimates of isotopic groundwater residence time using DOC14C data are proposed by the application of14C isotope and mass balance corrections.  相似文献   

The Central Metasedimentary Belt boundary tectonic zone (CMBbtz) is a 10–20-km-wide zone of intense structural deformation within the 1.3–1.0 Ga Grenville orogen of southeastern Canada. The crustal structure of the exposed CMBbtz has been well studied, but its sub-Phanerozoic location and geometry beneath the urban development and nuclear stations of the Toronto region are not well known. A new 75-km Lithoprobe reflection profile acquired close to Toronto provides a clear image of the CMBbtz as a panel of southeast-dipping reflections that extends with moderate dip (<25°) to mid-crustal depth (25 km). These dipping reflections truncate and (or) overprint a subhorizontal band of reflectivity at 21 km depth. The seismic line is oblique to the major structural trends; cross-dip analysis shows that the southeast-dipping reflections have a strike and dip of N13°E and 25°, whereas the “subhorizontal” reflections strike and dip at N65°E and 20°, respectively. Both of these bands of reflectivity can be correlated to magnetic anomalies in the CMBbtz or its immediate footwall. Magnetic anomalies with similar strike directions are well expressed within a distinct rhomboid-shaped region (106×109 km) in the subsurface of western Lake Ontario, herein named Mississauga domain. Taken together, the seismic and magnetic data are inconsistent with existing models, in which the CMBbtz is extrapolated beneath Lake Ontario along a linear magnetic anomaly. We propose a revised subsurface trace of the CMBbtz along the western edge of the Mississauga domain. Small earthquakes in western Lake Ontario appear to cluster along trends co-linear with ENE magnetic anomalies, suggesting a possible degree of basement tectonic control on local intraplate seismicity.  相似文献   

库鲁克塔格隆起位于塔里木盆地北缘,广泛出露前寒武基底岩石。辛格尔村附近出露的太古宙杂岩,包括灰色片麻岩、角闪岩、片岩、混合岩和大理岩。新元古代地层出露在库鲁克塔格隆起西部的兴地、西山口、辛格尔和杀马山附近,不整合在古元古代和中元古代的片麻岩、角闪岩和片岩之上,并被早古生代的地层不整合。因此,该地区是了解塔里木盆地前寒武基底热演化史的理想地区。本研究的目的是为了探索:①塔里木基底岩石最初于何时剥露于地表?②塔里木基底剥露以后是否经历过再次埋藏和剥露?③塔里木基底岩石构造热演化过程对大陆边缘不同构造事件的响应。为了获取塔里木北缘剥露史和冷却过程信息,我们开展了裂变经迹的研究。含磷灰石的样品采自库鲁克塔格隆起的兴地断裂两侧。样品池年龄介于146.0±13.4和67.6±6.7Ma之间,平均经迹长度介于.11.79±0.14和13.89±0.27μm之间。根据样品年龄和样品所处的构造位置,样品可以分为3组。A组样品包括F2、F3、F4、F5和F8,裂变经迹表观年龄约100~110Ma,通常位于未遭断层变形的地区。B组样品包括F7、D和F10,裂变经迹表观年龄小于80Ma,构造上位于断层上盘并靠近断层。c组样品F11具有最大的裂变经迹表观年龄146.0±13.4Ma。热模拟表明,库鲁克塔格地区的隆升剥露作用可以划分为四期,分别是早侏罗世晚期(180Ma)、晚侏罗世-早白垩世(144~118Ma)、晚白垩世早期(94~82Ma)和新生代晚期(约10Ma)。裂变经迹记录的库鲁克塔格多阶段隆升作用,是对亚洲南缘多期地体碰撞增生的响应。  相似文献   

Examination of a sample of 150 fluted-point localities from southern Ontario, Canada in relation to datable features of Late Wisconsinan ice retreat discloses maximum possible ages for early Palaeo-Indian occupation and reveals selection of specific physiographic situations. General relationship to maximum ice-advance positions suggests occupation during the Two Creeks Interstade after Port Huron ice retreat about 12,300 yr B.P. Specific relationship to 14C-dated proglacial Great Lake strands favors occupation during the North Bay Interstade after Greatlakean ice retreat about 11,500 yr B.P. Locality frequency on Lake Algonquin strands suggests contemporaneity with the main stage of this lake about 11,500 to 10,400 yr B.P., with a small number of lake-plain localities indicating minor post-Algonquin persistence. Radiocarbon dates for fluted-point sites elsewhere in the glaciated northeast place occupation coeval with the southwestern Folsom fluted-point tradition of about 10,850 to 10,200 yr B.P. Locality situation in regions dominated by proglacial sediments, on lake-edge features adjacent to strand-dissecting tributaries, within major river valleys, implies selectivity reflecting primary adaptation. Fluted-point associations with caribou and elk remains suggest that “focal” adaptation to cervids, comparable to southwestern Folsom bison exploitation, might underlie the homogeneous nature and distribution of early Palaeo-Indian localities throughout the northeast.  相似文献   

Variability in accommodation and sedimentation rates within a basin generates significant deviations in the along-strike stratal stacking patterns of systems tracts. This variability can lead to coeval depositional units that record the juxtaposition of transgressive (retrogradational) and regressive (progradational) stratal stacking patterns. In scenarios where transgressive and regressive units are deposited concurrently, challenges arise when attempting to correlate and place systems tracts into a sequence stratigraphic framework. In these scenarios, the maximum flooding surface records a high level of diachroneity, with the position of the surface variable throughout the stratigraphic column. In this study, Viking Formation (late Albian) deposits in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, central Alberta, Canada, preserve significant along-strike variability of palaeoshorelines that developed in response to autogenic processes as well as allogenic controls that were active during deposition. Specifically, structural reactivation of Precambrian basement structures during Viking deposition led to significant variability in depositional environments along the palaeoshoreline. The incremental basement reactivation of the Precambrian Snowbird Tectonic Zone influenced sedimentation patterns and the creation of anomalous zones of accommodation in localized areas of the basin. Across fault boundaries and within the anomalously thick strata, both progradational and retrogradational stacking patterns occur within broadly contemporaneous deposits, complicating the correlation of stratigraphic units. While the concomitant deposition of transgressive and regressive units has been documented in a number of modern marine analogues, the concept is rarely applied to ancient successions. By identifying along-strike variabilities in shoreline geometries and incorporating the autogenic and allogenic controls that were active during deposition, a more accurate sequence stratigraphic framework can be proposed.  相似文献   

We report zircon U-Pb geochronology,geochemistry and Sr-Nd-Pb isotope data from mafic granulites and garnet amphibolites of the Wuhe Complex in the southeastern margin of the North China Craton (NCC).In combination with previous data,our results demonstrate that these rocks represent fragments of the ancient lower crust,and have features similar to those of the granulite basement in the northern margin of the NCC.A detailed evaluation of the Pb isotope data shows that Pb isotopes cannot effectively distinguish the role of the Yangtze Craton basement from that of the NCC basement with regard to the source and generation of magmas,at least for southeastern NCC.The age data suggest that the protoliths of the granulites or amphibolites in the Wuhe Complex were most likely generated in Neoarchean and that these rocks were subjected to Paleoproterozoic(1.8-1.9 Ga) high-pressure granulite facies metamorphism. This study also shows that the Precambrian metamorphic basement in the southeastern margin of the NCC might have formed in a tectonic setting characterized by a late Neoarchean active continental margin.  相似文献   

藏北羌塘盆地基底变质岩的锆石SHRIMP年龄及其地质意义   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
羌塘盆地经受了青藏高原隆升事件等强烈的构造作用,盆地是否具有刚性结晶基底,对于油气的保存至关重要。长期以来对于该盆地是否具有前古生代的结晶基底,分歧较大。笔者新近在羌塘盆地中央隆起带北缘俄久卖发现的含夕线石和蓝晶石的片麻岩以及其附近发现的极浅变质的奥陶系地层,证实羌塘盆地具有变质结晶基底。本文进一步开展了片麻岩中锆石的SHRIMP年龄分析,获得了7组锆石年龄:2498~2374Ma 、1780 ~1666Ma、645~522Ma、465~420Ma、402~369Ma、270~233Ma和223~198Ma。通过CL图象对各组年龄锆石进行成因分析,并结合区域地质特征,认为1780 ~1666Ma为该片麻岩的主期变质年龄,羌塘盆地具有前寒武纪结晶基底,并对其余年龄组反映的构造热事件及其地质意义进行了讨论。  相似文献   

关于东昆仑地区前寒武纪地质的几点认识   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
以1∶25万区域地质调查资料为基础,对东昆仑造山带前寒武纪地质演化的几个关键问题进行了探讨。东昆仑地区3206Ma±14Ma的锆石207Pb/206Pb年龄信息表明,该区存在古太古代基底。代表东昆仑地区基底的"金水口岩群"可以解体为太古宙—古元古代的白沙河岩群和中元古代的小庙岩群,两者是2个不同构造旋回的产物。东昆仑地区万宝沟群的时代应限定在中元古代,而不能延续到新元古代。东昆仑地区的年代构造格架显示,前寒武纪存在3次强烈的区域性构造热事件,分别发生在2400~2500Ma、1800~1900Ma和大约1000Ma。1000Ma左右的聚合事件导致中元古代分隔的不同小陆块的有限裂解小洋盆闭合,陆块聚合形成"西域板块",并可能是整个Rodinia超大陆的组成部分。  相似文献   

Two typical representatives of the Ediacaran biota, Ediacaria booleyi n.sp. and Nimbia occlusa have been found in deep-water turbidites within the Upper Cambrian Booley Bay Formation at Booley Bay in Co. Wexford, Eire. The examples of E. booleyi were transported over short distances by the turbidity currents and then impacted, in some instances at high angles, into the ocean floor muds where they formed moulds but, as their bodies decayed, these were filled by casting sand from the overlying turbidite. They preserved fine detail during transportation and impaction, thereby indicating the existence of a rigid body wall. The three-dimensional nature of their preservation allows reconstruction, which shows that Ediacaria had a discoid form with prominent relief, particularly on its dorsal side, which was divided into three main concentric zones with thin radial features, more evident at the periphery. The ventral side had lower relief, with alternate areas of coarse and fine concentric markings and numerous fine radial lines, some also thicker at the periphery. Nimbia occlusa are disc-like bodies of low relief and occur in profusion on one sole. Some show a circular outline indicating that they were preserved flat on the bedding plane, but others occur as semicircular reliefs oriented in the palaeocurrent direction. This indicates that they too were moved by the turbidity current, but their abundance and excellent preservation indicate that transport distances were short. There is no evidence in either genus for the coelenterate characteristics of a mouth and a two-layered body wall enclosing a single cavity. This, and the evidence for a rigid outer wall, adds to recent doubt on the concept of the world-wide Ediacaran fauna as dominated by soft-bodied coelenterates.  相似文献   

Detailed structural and lithological mapping of the Aravalli rocks overlying the Mewar Gneiss in the area east of Udaipur, Rajasthan, suggests presence of blocks bounded by faults, showing a contrasting structural pattern. The contrast is reflected in the differential development and in the orientation of AF1, AF2 and AF4 folds in different blocks. In the central Umra block, the rocks constitute a virtually homoclinal sequence showing one dominant orientation of bedding and axial planar schistosity. Fold axes, lineations andβ orientations indicate presence of reclined folds of AF1 generation. AF2 folds are either absent or have developed only locally. The two other blocks which border the Umra block show development of large AF2 synforms and local minor antiforms having N-S or NNE-SSW trend. The folds interfere with AF4 folds producing irregular domes and basins in the western Kanpur-Kalarwas Block and minor plunge reversals in Bagdara-Dhamdhar Block. It is argued that the constituents of the different blocks which formed a collage of rift basins and horsts during sedimentation, responded differentially to deforming forces because of differential mobility of the underlying basement.  相似文献   

张超  吴新伟  刘正宏  张渝金  郭威  权京玉 《岩石学报》2018,34(10):3137-3152
松嫩地块位于中亚造山带东段,该陆块是否具有前寒武纪结晶基底以及基底的规模和性质一直存在争议。我们在龙江地区识别出~1.8Ga的岩石,揭示了松嫩地块西缘古元古代结晶基底的存在。本文对其进行了岩石地球化学、锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb年代学和Hf同位素研究,为探讨松嫩地块西缘古元古代晚期构造演化提供了重要信息。研究结果表明,马山二长花岗岩中的锆石大多具有清晰的振荡生长环带,结合较高的Th/U比值(1.30~2.64),表明其为岩浆成因,岩浆锆石的~(207)Pb/~(206)Pb加权平均年龄为1808±14Ma,形成于古元古代晚期;马山二长花岗岩具有富硅(Si O_2=69.50%~75.11%)、碱(K_2O+Na_2O=5.30%~8.69%)和铁(Fe O~T=2.86%~4.53%),贫钙(Ca O=0.46%~1.87%)、镁(MgO=0.25%~0.93%)的特征。稀土总量较高(∑REE=357.2×10~(-6)~587.1×10~(-6)),具强轻稀土分异((La/Yb)_N为12.2~17.6)和负Eu异常(δEu为0.27~0.77)的"燕式"稀土分配模式。大离子亲石元素Rb、Ba等富集,亏损HFSEs(Nb、Ta、Ti)和P、Sr等元素。结合岩石的Zr+Nb+Ce+Y(772.1×10~(-6)~911.1×10~(-6))和10000×Ga/Al比值(2.41~3.17)较高,全岩锆石饱和温度为891~940℃,暗示其为A型花岗岩,具造山后A_2型花岗岩的特征。马山二长花岗岩锆石ε_(Hf)(t)值介于-9.2~-2.8之间,t_(DM2)=2992~3520Ma,与华北板块北缘~1.8Ga岩浆岩具有相似的锆石Hf模式年龄。上述结果表明,马山A型花岗岩起源于幔源岩浆底侵作用引起的中-新太古代地壳岩石的部分熔融,证明陆壳已转入伸展拉张构造环境,是Columbia超级大陆裂解事件在松嫩地块西缘的响应。综合资料发现,松嫩地块已经发现的新太古代-中元古代的岩浆事件在华北克拉通都有同期的构造地质事件响应,初步认为松嫩地块与华北克拉通具有一定的亲缘性。  相似文献   

Amphibole-bearing, Late Archean (2.73–2.68 Ga) granitoids of the southern Superior Province are examined to constrain processes of crustal development. The investigated plutons, which range from tonalite and diorite to monzodiorite, monzonite, and syenite, share textural, mineralogical and geochemical attributes suggesting a common origin as juvenile magmas. Despite variation in modal mineralogy, the plutons are geochemically characterized by normative quartz, high Al2O3 (> 15 wt%), Na-rich fractionation trends (mol Na2O/K2O >2), low to moderate Rb (generally<100 ppm), moderate to high Sr (200–1500 ppm), enriched light rare earth elements (LREE) (CeN generally 10–150), fractionated REE (CeN/YbN 8–30), Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu*) 1, and decreasing REE with increasing SiO2. The plutons all contain amphibole-rich, mafic-ultramafic rocks which occur as enclaves and igneous layers and as intrusive units which exhibit textures indicative of contemporaneous mafic and felsic magmatism. Mafic mineral assemblages include: hornblende + biotite in tonalites; augite + biotite ± orthopyroxene ± pargasitic hornblende or hornblende+biotite in dioritic to monzodioritic rocks; and aegirine-augite ± silicic edenite ± biotite in syenite to alkali granite. Discrete plagioclase and microcline grains are present in most of the suites, however, some of the syenitic rocks are hypersolvus granitoids and contain only perthite. Mafic-ultramafic rocks have REE and Y contents indicative of their formation as amphibole-rich cumulates from the associated granitoids. Some cumulate rocks have skeletal amphibole with XMg(Mg/(Mg+ Fe2+)) indicative of crystallization from more primitive liquids than the host granitoids. Geochemical variation in the granitoid suites is compatible with fractionation of amphibole together with subordinate plagioclase and, in some cases, mixing of fractionated and primitive magmas. Mafic to ultramafic units with magnesium-rich cumulus phases and primitive granitoids (mol MgO/ (MgO+0.9 FeOTOTAL) from 0.60 to 0.70 and CT >150 ppm) are comagmatic with the evolved granitoids and indicate that the suites are mantle-derived. Isotopic studies of Archean monzodioritic rocks have shown LREE enrichment and initial 143Nd/144Nd ratios indicating derivation from mantle sources enriched in large ion lithophile elements (LILE) shortly before melting. Mineral assemblages record lower PH2O with increased alkali contents of the suites. This evidence, in conjunction with experimental studies, suggests that increased alkali contents may reflect decreased PH2O during mantle melting. These features indicate that 2.73 Ga tonalitic rocks are derived from more hydrous mantle sources than 2.68 Ga syenitic rocks, and that the spectrum of late Archean juvenile granitoid rocks is broader than previously recognized. Comparison with Phanerozoic and recent plutonic suites suggests that these Archean suites are subduction related.  相似文献   

澜沧江构造带南段变质岩系锆石U-Pb年代学及构造涵义   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
澜沧江构造带南段的古老变质岩系因临沧花岗岩基的大面积出露而呈零星分散状出露,该地区是否存在前寒武纪结晶基底和变质岩系的精确时代以及澜沧江构造带变质岩系的变质时限等问题还不是很清楚。本文以变质岩系为研究对象,挑选出锆石颗粒进行U-Pb SHRIMP定年,获得锆石核部U-Pb年龄是1802Ma、1404Ma、1092Ma、906~961Ma、812Ma和727~623Ma,时代为古元古代、中元古代和新元古代,揭示研究区存在前寒武纪的结晶基底,三叠纪(~230Ma)发育区域性岩浆作用事件,破坏改造了其结晶基底;昌宁-耈街剖面近澜沧江岸边花岗质片麻岩的锆石U-Pb谐和年龄为73.9±1.8Ma(MSWD=1.3,N=6),记录澜沧江构造带变质岩经历了晚白垩世变质事件。综合研究认为澜沧江构造带南段存在区域性前寒武纪结晶基底,构造带中昌宁段之变质岩系的变质时间为晚白垩世(85~74Ma),并一直持续到36Ma,约32Ma之后构造带发生走滑运动,变质事件明显早于走滑运动事件。  相似文献   

Crustal or mantle xenoliths are not common in evolved, tholeiitic flood basalts that cover huge areas of the Precambrian shields. Yet, the occasional occurrences provide the most direct and unequivocal evidence on basement composition. Few xenolith occurrences are known from the Deccan Traps, India, and inferences about the Deccan basement have necessarily depended on geophysical studies and geochemistry of Deccan lavas and intrusions. Here, we report two basalt dykes (Rajmane and Talwade dykes) from the central Deccan Traps that are extremely rich in crustal xenoliths of great lithological variety (gneisses, quartzites, granite mylonite, felsic granulite, carbonate rock, tuff). Because the dykes are parallel and only 4 km apart, and only a few kilometres long, the xenoliths provide clear evidence for high small-scale lithological heterogeneity and strong tectonic deformation in the Precambrian Indian crust beneath. Measured 87Sr/86Sr ratios in the xenoliths range from 0.70935 (carbonate) to 0.78479 (granite mylonite). The Rajmane dyke sampled away from any of the xenoliths shows a present-day 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.70465 and initial (at 66 Ma) ratio of 0.70445. The dyke is subalkalic and fairly evolved (Mg No. = 44.1) and broadly similar in its Sr-isotopic and elemental composition to some of the lavas of the Mahabaleshwar Formation. The xenoliths are comparable lithologically and geochemically to basement rocks from the Archaean Dharwar craton forming much of southern India. As several lines of evidence suggest, the Dharwar craton may extend at least 350–400 km north under the Deccan lava cover. This is significant for Precambrian crustal evolution of India besides continental reconstructions.  相似文献   

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