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We calculate the cooling times at constant density for haloes with virial temperatures from 100 K to  1×105 K  that originate from a 3 σ fluctuation of a CDM power spectrum in three different cosmologies. Our intention is to determine the first objects that can cool to low temperatures, but not to follow their dynamical evolution. We identify two generations of haloes: those with low virial temperatures,   T vir≲9000 K  that remain largely neutral, and those with larger virial temperatures that become ionized. The lower temperature, lower mass haloes are the first to cool to 75 per cent of their virial temperature. The precise temperature and mass of the first objects are dependent upon the molecular hydrogen (H2) cooling function and the cosmological model. The higher mass haloes collapse later but, in this paradigm, cool much more efficiently once they have done so, first via electronic transitions and then via molecular cooling: in fact, a greater residual ionization once the haloes cool below 9000 K results in an enhanced H2 production and hence a higher cooling rate at low temperatures than for the lower mass haloes, so that within our constant-density model it is the former that are the first to cool to really low temperatures. We discuss the possible significance of this result in the context of CDM models in which the shallow slope of the initial fluctuation spectrum on small scales leads to a wide range of halo masses (of differing overdensities) collapsing over a small redshift interval. This 'crosstalk' is sufficiently important that both high- and low-mass haloes collapse during the lifetimes of the massive stars which may be formed at these epochs. Further investigation is thus required to determine which generation of haloes plays the dominant role in early structure formation.  相似文献   

We explore possibilities of collapse and star formation in Population III objects exposed to the external ultraviolet background (UVB) radiation. Assuming spherical symmetry, we solve self-consistently radiative transfer of photons, non-equilibrium H2 chemistry and gas hydrodynamics. Although the UVB does suppress the formation of low-mass objects, the negative feedback turns out to be weaker than previously suggested. In particular, the cut-off scale of collapse drops significantly below the virial temperature T vir∼104 K at weak UV intensities ( J 21≲10−2) , owing to both self-shielding of the gas and H2 cooling. Clouds above this cut-off tend to contract highly dynamically, further promoting self-shielding and H2 formation. For plausible radiation intensities and spectra, the collapsing gas can cool efficiently to temperatures well below 104 K before rotationally supported and the final H2 fraction reaches ∼ 10−3.
Our results imply that star formation can take place in low-mass objects collapsing in the UVB. The threshold baryon mass for star formation is ∼ 109 M for clouds collapsing at redshifts z ≲3 , but drops significantly at higher redshifts. In a conventional cold dark matter universe, the latter coincides roughly with that of the 1 σ density fluctuations. Objects near and above this threshold can thus constitute 'building blocks' of luminous structures, and we discuss their links to dwarf spheroidal/elliptical galaxies and faint blue objects. These results suggest that the UVB can play a key role in regulating the star formation history of the Universe.  相似文献   

Using a Newtonian approximation we developed a quantitative criterion for the collapse of a spherical distribution of matter under an isolated texture field. In particular, we found the evolution of an overdense region is strongly determined by two parameters: the energy scale of symmetry breaking ( η ) and the initial radius of the system. Applying our collapse criterion to typical galaxy scales we verified the formation of 1011‐M objects at z ≲9 and 1012‐M objects at z ≲5.  相似文献   

Self-gravitating protostellar discs are unstable to fragmentation if the gas can cool on a time-scale that is short compared with the orbital period. We use a combination of hydrodynamic simulations and N -body orbit integrations to study the long-term evolution of a fragmenting disc with an initial mass ratio to the star of   M disc/ M *= 0.1  . For a disc that is initially unstable across a range of radii, a combination of collapse and subsequent accretion yields substellar objects with a spectrum of masses extending (for a Solar-mass star) up to  ≈0.01 M  . Subsequent gravitational evolution ejects most of the lower mass objects within a few million years, leaving a small number of very massive planets or brown dwarfs in eccentric orbits at moderately small radii. Based on these results, systems such as HD 168443 – in which the companions are close to or beyond the deuterium burning limit – appear to be the best candidates to have formed via gravitational instability. If massive substellar companions originate from disc fragmentation, while lower-mass planetary companions originate from core accretion, the metallicity distribution of stars which host massive substellar companions at radii of ∼1 au should differ from that of stars with lower mass planetary companions.  相似文献   

Cold collapse of a cluster composed of small identical clumps, each of which is in virial equilibrium, is considered. Since the clumps have no relative motion with respect to each other initially, the cluster collapses under its own gravity. At the first collapse of the cluster, most of the clumps are destroyed, but some survive. In order to find the condition for the clumps to survive, we made a systematic study in two-parameter space: the number of the clumps N c and the size of the clump r v . We obtained the condition N c ≫ 1 and n k  ≥ 1, where n k is related to r v and the initial radius of the cluster R ini through the relation R ini/ r v  = 2 N ( n k +5)/6c. A simple analytical argument supports the numerical result. This n k corresponds to the index of the power spectrum of the density fluctuation in the cosmological hierarchical clustering, and thus our result may suggest that in the systems smaller than 2/Ω h 2)Mpc, the first violent collapse is strong enough to sweep away all the substructures that exist before the collapse.  相似文献   

The collapse of marginally Jeans-unstable primordial gas clouds in the presence of a UV radiation field is discussed. Assuming that the dynamical collapse proceeds approximately in an isothermal self-similar fashion, we investigate the thermal evolution of the collapsing central core until H2 cooling dominates photoheating and the temperature drops to below 104 K. Consequently, the mass of the cooled core is evaluated as M cool=3.6×106 M ( I 21/1)−0.32. This scale depends only on the incident UV intensity, and provides a lower limit to the mass of collapsed objects in the UV radiation field.  相似文献   

The subject of this paper is a quantification of the impact of uncertainties in bias and bias evolution on the interpretation of measurements of the integrated Sachs–Wolfe (ISW) effect, in particular on the estimation of cosmological parameters. We carry out a Fisher matrix analysis for quantifying the degeneracies between the parameters of a dark energy cosmology and bias evolution, for the combination of the PLANCK microwave sky survey with the EUCLID main galaxy sample, where bias evolution   b ( a ) = b 0+ (1 − a ) ba   is modelled with two parameters b 0 and   ba   . Using a realistic bias model introduces a characteristic suppression of the ISW spectrum on large angular scales, due to the altered distance-weighting functions. The errors in estimating cosmological parameters if the data with evolving bias is interpreted in the framework of cosmologies with constant bias are quantified in an extended Fisher formalism. We find that the best-fitting values of all parameters are shifted by an amount comparable to the statistical accuracy: the estimation bias in units of the statistical accuracy amounts to 1.19 for Ωm, 0.27 for σ8 and 0.72 for w for bias evolution with   ba = 1  . Leaving   ba   open as a free parameter deteriorates the statistical accuracy, in particular on Ωm and w .  相似文献   

We study the inhomogeneous reionization in a critical density CDM universe resulting from stellar sources, including Population III objects. The spatial distribution of the sources is obtained from high-resolution numerical N -body simulations. We calculate the source properties, taking into account a self-consistent treatment of both radiative (i.e. ionizing and H2-photodissociating photons) and stellar (i.e. SN explosions) feedbacks regulated by massive stars. This allows us to describe the topology of the ionized and dissociated regions at various cosmic epochs, and to derive the evolution of H, He and H2 filling factors, soft UV background, cosmic star formation rate and the final fate of ionizing objects. The main results are: (i) galaxies reionize the intergalactic medium by z ≈10 (with some uncertainty related to the gas clumping factor), whereas H2 is completely dissociated already by z ≈25; (ii) reionization is mostly caused by the relatively massive objects which collapse via H line cooling, while objects the formation of which relies on H2 cooling alone are insufficient for this purpose; (iii) the diffuse soft UV background is the major source of radiative feedback effects for z ≤15; at higher z direct flux from neighbouring objects dominates; (iv) the match of the calculated cosmic star formation history with that observed at lower redshifts suggests that the conversion efficiency of baryons into stars is ≈1 per cent; (v) we find that a very large population of dark objects which failed to form stars is present by z ≈8. We discuss and compare our results with similar previous studies.  相似文献   

Using the combined capabilities of the large near-infrared Palomar/DEEP-2 survey, and the superb resolution of the Advanced Camera for Surveys HST camera, we explore the size evolution of 831 very massive galaxies  ( M ≥ 1011 h −270 M)  since   z ∼ 2  . We split our sample according to their light concentration using the Sérsic index n . At a given stellar mass, both low  ( n < 2.5)  and high  ( n > 2.5)  concentrated objects were much smaller in the past than their local massive counterparts. This evolution is particularly strong for the highly concentrated (spheroid like) objects. At   z ∼ 1.5  , massive spheroid-like objects were a factor of 4 (±0.4) smaller (i.e. almost two orders of magnitudes denser) than those we see today. These small sized, high-mass galaxies do not exist in the nearby Universe, suggesting that this population merged with other galaxies over several billion years to form the largest galaxies we see today.  相似文献   

During the early stages of galaxy evolution, the metallicity is generally low and nearby metal-poor star-forming galaxies may provide templates for primordial star formation. In particular, the dust content of such objects is of great importance, because early molecular formation can take place on grains. To gain insight into primeval galaxies at high redshift, we examine the dust content of the nearby extremely low-metallicity galaxy SBS  0335–052  which hosts a very young starburst (≲107 yr). In young galaxies, the dust formation rate in Type II supernovae governs the amount of dust, and by incorporating recent results on dust production in Type II supernovae we model the evolution of dust content. If the star-forming region is compact (≲100 pc), as suggested by observations of SBS  0335–052  , our models consistently explain the quantity of dust, far-infrared luminosity, and dust temperature in this low-metallicity object. We also discuss the H2 abundance. The compactness of the region is important to H2 formation, because the optical depth of dust for UV photons becomes large and H2 dissociation is suppressed. We finally focus on implications for damped Ly α systems.  相似文献   

Large-scale polarization of the cosmic microwave background measured by the WMAP satellite requires a mean optical depth to Thomson scattering,  τe∼ 0.17  . The reionization of the Universe must therefore have begun at relatively high redshift. We have studied the reionization process using supercomputer simulations of a large and representative region of a universe which has cosmological parameters consistent with the WMAP results (  Ωm= 0.3, ΩΛ= 0.7, h = 0.7, Ωb= 0.04, n = 1  and  σ8= 0.9  ). Our simulations follow both the radiative transfer of ionizing photons and the formation and evolution of the galaxy population which produces them. A previously published model with ionizing photon production as expected for zero-metallicity stars distributed according to a standard stellar initial mass function (IMF) (1061 photons per unit solar mass of formed stars) and with a moderate photon escape fraction from galaxies (5 per cent), produces  τe= 0.104  , which is within 1.0 to  1.5σ  of the 'best' WMAP value. Values of up to 0.16 can be produced by taking larger escape fractions or a top-heavy IMF. The data do not require a separate populations of 'miniquasars' or of stars forming in objects with total masses below  109 M  . Reconciling such early reionization with the observed Gunn–Peterson troughs in   z > 6  quasars may be challenging. Possible resolutions of this problem are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent theoretical investigations have suggested that the formation of the very first stars, forming out of metal-free gas, was fundamentally different from the present-day case. The question then arises which effect was responsible for this transition in the star formation properties. In this paper, we study the effect of metallicity on the evolution of the gas in a collapsing dark matter mini-halo. We model such a system as an isolated 3 σ peak of mass     that collapses at     , using smoothed particle hydrodynamics. The gas has a supposed level of pre-enrichment of either     or 10−3 Z. We assume that H2 has been radiatively destroyed by the presence of a soft UV background. Metals therefore provide the only viable cooling at temperatures below 104 K. We find that the evolution proceeds very differently for the two cases. The gas in the lower metallicity simulation fails to undergo continued collapse and fragmentation, whereas the gas in the higher metallicity case dissipatively settles into the centre of the dark matter halo. The central gas, characterized by densities     , and a temperature,     , that closely follows that of the cosmic microwave background, is gravitationally unstable and undergoes vigorous fragmentation. We discuss the physical reason for the existence of a critical metallicity,     , and its possible dependence on redshift. Compared with the pure H/He case, the fragmentation of the     gas leads to a larger relative number of low-mass clumps.  相似文献   

We use the spherical collapse (SC) approximation to derive expressions for the smoothed redshift-space probability distribution function (PDF), as well as the p -order hierarchical amplitudes S p , in both real and redshift space. We compare our results with numerical simulations, focusing on the     standard CDM model, where redshift distortions are strongest. We find good agreement between the SC predictions and the numerical PDF in real space even for     , where σ L is the linearly evolved rms fluctuation on the smoothing scale. In redshift space, reasonable agreement is possible only for     . Numerical simulations also yield a simple empirical relation between the real-space PDF and the redshift-space PDF: we find that for     , the redshift-space PDF, [ P δ ( z )], is, to a good approximation, a simple rescaling of the real-space PDF, P [ δ ], i.e.,     where σ and σ ( z ) are the real-space and redshift-space rms fluctuations, respectively. This result applies well beyond the validity of linear perturbation theory, and it is a good fit for both the standard CDM model and the ΛCDM model. It breaks down for SCDM at     , but provides a good fit to the ΛCDM models for σ L as large as 0.8.  相似文献   

In this paper we have extended the entropy-driven model of cluster evolution developed by Bower in order to be able to predict the evolution of galaxy clusters for a range of cosmological scenarios. We have applied this model to recent measurements of the evolution of the L x− T normalization and X-ray luminosity function in order to place constraints on cosmological parameters. We find that these measurements alone do not select a particular cosmological framework. An additional constraint is required on the effective slope of the power spectrum to break the degeneracy that exists between this and the background cosmology. We therefore include a theoretical calculation of the Ω0 dependence on the power spectrum, based on the cold dark matter paradigm, which infers Ω0<0.55 (0.1<Ω0<0.7 for Ω00=1), at the 95 per cent confidence level. Alternatively, an independent measurement of the slope of the power spectrum from galaxy clustering requires Ω0<0.6 (Ω0<0.65 for Ω00=1), again to 95 per cent confidence. The rate of entropy evolution is insensitive to the values of Ω0 considered, although it is sensitive to changes in the distribution of the intracluster medium.  相似文献   

We present a detailed calculation of the evolution of low-mass (<0.25 M) helium white dwarfs. These white dwarfs (the optical companions to binary millisecond pulsars) are formed via long-term, low-mass binary evolution. After detachment from the Roche lobe, the hot helium cores have a rather thick hydrogen layer with mass between 0.01 and 0.06 M. As a result of mixing between the core and outer envelope, the surface hydrogen content ( X surf) is 0.5–0.35 , depending on the initial value of the heavy element Z and the initial secondary mass. We found that the majority of our computed models experience one or two hydrogen shell flashes. We found that the mass of the helium dwarf in which the hydrogen shell flash occurs depends on the chemical composition. The minimum helium white dwarf mass in which a hydrogen flash takes place is 0.213 M ( Z =0.003), 0.198 M ( Z =0.01), 0.192 M ( Z =0.02) or 0.183 M ( Z =0.03). The duration of the flashes (independent of chemical composition) is between a few ×106 and a few ×107 yr. In several flashes the white dwarf radius will increase so much that it forces the model to fill its Roche lobe again. Our calculations show that the cooling history of the helium white dwarf depends dramatically on the thickness of the hydrogen layer. We show that the transition from a cooling white dwarf with a temporarily stable hydrogen-burning shell to a cooling white dwarf in which almost all residual hydrogen is lost in a few thermal flashes (via Roche lobe overflow) occurs between 0.183 and 0.213 M (depending on the heavy element value).  相似文献   

We study triple systems of galaxies with mean projected harmonic separation ≃0.6  h −1 Mpc     We call the systems 'wide triplets', in contrast to compact triplets with mean projected harmonic separation ≃0.04  h −1 Mpc, studied by Karachentsev et al. Data are taken for 108 wide triplets from a list compiled by Trofimov & Chernin; at least one-third of them are considered to be probably isolated physical systems. With typical crossing times of about the Hubble time, the wide triplets seem to be in a state of ongoing collapse. This is confirmed by a set of computer models which simulate well the observational characteristics of the ensemble of wide triplets. The simulations also give a statistical estimate of the total mass of a typical wide triplet: it proves to be ≃1013 M. This figure indicates that the dark matter mass is 15–30 times the mass of baryonic matter in the systems. The dynamics of wide triplets, as well as their dark matter content, provide new direct cosmological constraints by establishing that hierarchical evolution is occurring on a mass scale of ∼1013 M and a spatial scale of ∼1 Mpc.  相似文献   

We investigate the clustering properties of galaxies in the recently completed ELAIS-S1 redshift survey through their spatial two-point autocorrelation function. We used a subsample of the ELAIS-S1 catalogue covering approximately 4 deg2 and consisting of 148 objects selected at 15 μm with a flux >0.5 mJy and a redshift   z < 0.5  . We detected a positive signal in the correlation function that in the range of separations  1–10  h −1 Mpc  is well approximated by a power law with a slope  γ= 1.4 ± 0.25  and a correlation length   s 0= 5.4 ± 1.2  h −1 Mpc  , at the 90 per cent significance level. This result is in good agreement with the redshift-space correlation function measured in more local samples of mid-infrared-selected galaxies such as the IRAS Point Source Catalog (PSC z ) redshift survey. This suggests a lack of significant clustering evolution of infrared-selected objects out to   z = 0.5  that is further confirmed by the consistency found between the correlation functions measured in a local  ( z < 0.2)  and a distant  (0.2 < z < 0.5)  subsample of ELAIS-S1 galaxies. We also confirm that optically selected galaxies in the local redshift surveys, especially those of the SDSS sample, are significantly more clustered than infrared objects.  相似文献   

We study the structure and evolution of 'quasi-stars', accreting black holes embedded within massive hydrostatic gaseous envelopes. These configurations may model the early growth of supermassive black hole seeds. The accretion rate on to the black hole adjusts so that the luminosity carried by the convective envelope equals the Eddington limit for the total mass,   M *+ M BH≈ M *  . This greatly exceeds the Eddington limit for the black hole mass alone, leading to rapid growth of the black hole. We use analytic models and numerical stellar structure calculations to study the structure and evolution of quasi-stars. We show that the photospheric temperature of the envelope scales as   T ph∝ M −2/5BH M 7/20*  , and decreases with time while the black hole mass increases. Once   T ph < 104 K  , the photospheric opacity drops precipitously and T ph hits a limiting value, analogous to the Hayashi track for red giants and protostars, below which no hydrostatic solution for the convective envelope exists. For metal-free (Population III) opacities, this limiting temperature is approximately 4000 K. After a quasi-star reaches this limiting temperature, it is rapidly dispersed by radiation pressure. We find that black hole seeds with masses between 103 and  104 M  could form via this mechanism in less than a few Myr.  相似文献   

Ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs) with   L x > 1039 erg s−1  have been discovered in great numbers in external galaxies with ROSAT , Chandra and XMM-Newton . The central question regarding this important class of sources is whether they represent an extension in the luminosity function of binary X-ray sources containing neutron stars and stellar-mass black holes (BHs), or a new class of objects, e.g. systems containing intermediate-mass BHs  (100–1000 M)  . We have carried out a theoretical study to test whether a large fraction of the ULXs, especially those in galaxies with recent star formation activity, can be explained with binary systems containing stellar-mass BHs. To this end, we have applied a unique set of binary evolution models for BH X-ray binaries, coupled to a binary population synthesis code, to model the ULXs observed in external galaxies. We find that for donor stars with initial masses  ≳10 M  the mass transfer driven by the normal nuclear evolution of the donor star is sufficient to potentially power most ULXs. This is the case during core hydrogen burning and, to an even more pronounced degree, while the donor star ascends the giant branch, although the latter phases last only ∼5 per cent of the main-sequence phase. We show that with only a modest violation of the Eddington limit, e.g. a factor of ∼10, both the numbers and properties of the majority of the ULXs can be reproduced. One of our conclusions is that if stellar-mass BH binaries account for a significant fraction of ULXs in star-forming galaxies, then the rate of formation of such systems is  ∼3 × 10−7 yr−1  normalized to a core-collapse supernova rate of 0.01 yr−1.  相似文献   

We present a simple and intuitive approximation for solving the perturbation theory (PT) of small cosmic fluctuations. We consider only the spherically symmetric or monopole contribution to the PT integrals, which yields the exact result for tree-graphs (i.e. at leading order). We find that the non-linear evolution in Lagrangian space is then given by a simple local transformation over the initial conditions, although it is not local in Euler space. This transformation is found to be described by the spherical collapse (SC) dynamics, as it is the exact solution in the shearless (and therefore local) approximation in Lagrangian space. Taking advantage of this property, it is straightforward to derive the one-point cumulants, ξJ, for both the unsmoothed and smoothed density fields to arbitrary order in the perturbative regime. To leading-order this reproduces, and provides us with a simple explanation for, the exact results obtained by Bernardeau. We then show that the SC model leads to accurate estimates for the next corrective terms when compared with the results derived in the exact perturbation theory making use of the loop calculations. The agreement is within a few per cent for the hierarchical ratios S J  = ξ J J −12. We compare our analytic results with N -body simulations, which turn out to be in very good agreement up to scales where σ ≈ 1. A similar treatment is presented to estimate higher order corrections in the Zel'dovich approximation. These results represent a powerful and readily usable tool to produce analytical predictions that describe the gravitational clustering of large-scale structure in the weakly non-linear regime.  相似文献   

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