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Discharge areas of hydrothermal springs are known to be inhabited by diverse types of microorganisms including archaea, prokaryotes and eukaryotes. A total of 11 hydrothermal samples from the Rio Grande rift and the Valles caldera in New Mexico were analyzed to investigate the correlation between chemical and microbiological parameters of hydrothermal waters. The sampled fluids are categorized into three chemical groups: (I) steam-condensing acid sulfate waters, (II) deep geothermal and derivative waters and (III) thermal meteoric waters. Analyses of the microbial phospholipid fatty acids and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis of DNA show that acid sulfate waters were populated by thermoacidophilic organisms and had high biomass content. Mineralized deep geothermal and derivative waters exhibited a high degree of microbial diversity, but had low biomass content. Thermal meteoric waters are low in total dissolved solids, and exhibit very low biomass content and microbial diversity. DNA sequences from several previously unknown microbial species were detected. The results of this study support the hypothesis that microbes can be used as tracers for specific types of subsurface environments.  相似文献   

《Marine pollution bulletin》2014,78(1-2):146-152
The interaction of dispersed oil droplets with large diameter suspended particulate materials (SPM) has been little studied. In the current study, particle size, oil characteristics and chemical dispersant significantly influence the adsorption of oil droplets to SPM in seawater. Sediments with a smaller particulate size (clay) approaching that of the oil droplets (2–20 μm) adsorbed more oil per gram than sediments with large particle size (sand). Heavier, more polar oils with a high asphaltene content adsorbed more efficiently to SPM than lighter, less polar oils. A decrease in the smaller, more water soluble oil components in the sediment adsorbed oil was observed for all oil types. Addition of chemical dispersant decreased the adsorption of oil droplets to suspended carbonate sand in an exponential-like manner. No change in the relative distribution of compounds adsorbed to the sediment was observed, indicating dispersants do not alter the dissolution of compounds from oil droplets.  相似文献   

Analysis of the physical, chemical and biological parameters assessing water quality in Harris Neck estuary indicated that the average dissolved oxygen level was 8.6 mg/L, it maintained moderate levels of total dissolved nitrogen (2.7-4.6 mg/L) and total dissolved phosphorous (<0.05 mg/L), chlorophyll a was above 5.0 μg/L and it is contaminated with low levels of fecal bacteria. Bifidobacterium adolescentis, a putative marker of human fecal pollution, was detected once at stations 3 and 5. Overall the Harris Neck water quality analyses indicated a relatively pristine and a healthy functioning marine environment.  相似文献   

T. C Sharma 《水文研究》2000,14(7):1279-1288
Drought parameters, namely the longest duration, largest severity and the intensity have been calculated in relation to the truncation levels ranging from 0 to −0\5 in the standardized domain for the normal, gamma and log‐normal probability distribution functions (PDFs) of the drought variables. The drought variables taken in the investigation are the annual rainfall and runoff time‐series evolving randomly and obeying the Markovian dependence. The analysis showed that the assumption of independence of the drought duration and intensity works well in deriving the expression for drought severity at various truncation levels. An estimate of drought intensity has been realized from the concept of the truncated normal distribution of the standardized form of the time‐series of drought variables in the normalized domain. Furthermore the non‐normality and the dependence in the time‐series have a significant effect on the drought parameters at the truncation levels under consideration. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Typical Ca---Cl brines occur in crystalline and metamorphic rocks below freshwater horizons at various localities in Sweden and Finland. Total dissolved solids (TDS) range in concentration between 2 and 120 gl−1 and have long been thought to derive from water-rock interactions. The relationships between Na, Cl and Br in these brines suggest, however, that they were derived from freezing of seawater during glacial periods. The brines were subsequently diluted by meteoric waters and their Ca/Mg ratio was increased through water-rock interactions in the subsurface. The hydrogeological model for both the formation of freeze-derived marine brines and their lateral intrusion involves restricted inland marine basins in recent and subrecent polar climatic belts. Seawater in such basins gradually freezes in response to glaciation. The solutes which concentrate in the remaining water body are residual after precipitation of a sequence of minerals which include carbonates, mirabilite and hydrohalite. Hydraulic pressure of the growing ice sheet over the frozen seas is gradually added to the ambient hydrostatic pressure exerted on the brines. This, together with their increased density, increases the intrusional potential of the brines. As the land ice cannot exert hydraulic pressure on continental groundwater in the aquifers, the balance of pressure favours deep landward intrusion of brines. Post-glacial processes cause the subsurface dilution and replacement of the brines both by seawater and fresh waters. The presence of such brines also far from present-day coastal settings reflects the shifting of coastlines as a result of isostatic movements and eustatic sea-level changes associated with glaciation and deglaciation.  相似文献   

Very-high-resolution (VHR) seismic and magnetic investigations were carried out over a chemical munition dumpsite in the Bornholm Basin, south-western Baltic Sea. The main goal of the investigations was to image the shallow internal structure of the dumpsite and to map the lateral and vertical distribution of the dumped war material. The shallow geology was imaged in great detail on the seismic data. Seven seismic–stratigraphic units were identified, related to different stages in the Holocene and late-glacial history. A large number of diapir-like features were observed that most likely represent fluid expulsion phenomena. Four shipwrecks were identified in the dumpsite area. The wrecks have partly sunk into the soft upper sediments, their height above the sea floor reaching no more than 2 m. Seismic and magnetic data indicate the presence of a large number of buried objects. In most cases there is a good correlation between the seismic and magnetic data sets. The objects are generally buried no deeper than 1 to 2 m. Their size varies between 1.5 and 5 m, occasionally up to 10 m. Shallow pits in the sea bed are likely due to the impact of dumping. The data confirm the wide variety of dumped war material ranging from bombs and shells to encasements and containers. The distribution of the buried objects seems rather heterogeneous, with locally high object concentrations surrounded by areas of lower object density. The results of this case study demonstrate the benefit of complementary, concurrent geophysical investigations for munition dumpsite research. Finally this will yield a better assessment of the current status of the dumpsite and the possible ecological risks related to the dumped war material.  相似文献   

Summary The linear regression equations, reflecting the relationship between the energy injection rate into the ring current and various combinations of geoeffective solar wind and IMF parameters during the main phase of a magnetic storm, have been derived. The highest values of the correlation coefficient (r>0·8) were obtained for the relationships between the energy injection rate F exp and the solar wind electric field, especially when the high-frequency part of its variations was taken into account (Ey and F mod ), and also for F exp vs F MUR , which was introduced by Murayama earlier.
Резюме Получены урaвненuя лuнеŭноŭ ре?rt;рессuu, связывaющuе скоросmь nосmуnленuя энер?rt;uu в кольцевоŭ mок с рaзнымu комбuнaцuямu ?rt;еоэффекmuвных naрaмеmров солнечно?rt;о веmрa u межnлaнеmно?rt;о мa?rt;нumно?rt;о nоля. Нauболее высокuе коэффuцuенmы корреляцuu (r>0,8) хaрaкmерны ?rt;ля сооmношенuŭ меж?rt;р вычuсленноŭ nо нaземным нa?rt;лю?rt;енuям мa?rt;нumно?rt;о nоля кольцево?rt;о mокa функцuеŭ uнжекцuu Ф exp u элекmрuческuм nолем солнечно?rt;о веmрa, в чaсmносmu nрu включенuu высокочaсmоmноŭ чaсmu е?rt;о вaрuaцuŭ (Еy u Ф mod сооmвеmсmвенно), a maкже функцuеŭ Ф MUR , вве?rt;енноŭ Мурaямa рaннее.

An area of 25 × 30 nmi with a subarea of 20 × 20 nmi in the Baltic Sea Gotland Basin was surveyed for about one month by vertical CTD and fluorometric chlorophyll a casts, and by towed profiles with a chemical profiler (nutrients, CTD, O2, pH) and an undulating CTD. Autonomous current meter data were available for the same period.Five CTD surveys with a 5-mile spacing showed the existence of synoptic eddies and several other perturbations. A first mode eddy (with all the isopycnals lifted within the halocline) had reduced salinities in the upper layer and chlorophyll concentrations were reduced by 2 to 3-fold. A second mode eddy (with the isopycnals lifted in the top of the halocline and lowered in the bottom layers) with a diameter of 20 km was under prolonged observation. Anticyclonic currents at 96-m depth were up to 25 cm s?1. Along the section across the eddy at 80-m depth, the mean nitrate concentration dropped from about 7 to 8 to 5 μmol dm?3 while other chemical parameters lacked intense variations. An increased activity of the intrusive fine-structure was detected in the eddy center. The Baltic eddies are essentially non-linear, and transport water in their ‘nuclei’. An internal front, separating waters with different T,S composition, was discovered in the upper layers.The observations are discussed with respect to discovering long-term trends while monitoring the Baltic environment.  相似文献   

Summary Radioactive heat productionA is a scalar and isotropic petrophysical property independent of in situ temperature and pressure. Its value is usually expressed in HGU units (1 HGU=10–13 cal/cm3 sec) and depends on the amounts of uranium, thorium and potassium.A varies with rock type over several orders of magnitude and reflects the geochemical conditions during rock formation (magmatic differentiation, sedimentation or metamorphism).In order to assign realistic thermal parameters to deeper-seated rocks correlations with seismic velocity (which can be determined from the surface) have been looked for. In the range characteristic for crystalline rocks of the crust (5–8 km/sec)A is strongly correlated with density and compressional wave velocityv p:A decreases with increasingv p orp. From this relationship it is now possible to estimate heat production values for any particular layer of a crustal section from measured seismic velocities. Contrary to earlier belief there is, as shown by experimental determinations, no correlation between heat productionA and thermal conductivityK in igneous and metamorphic rocks. In sediments however, especially in sand/shale sequences, a correlation betweenK andA is most likely: increasing clay mineral content, characterized by increasingA, causes the decrease ofK in these rocks.Contribution No. 111, Institute of Geophysics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland.  相似文献   

Summary Based on the analysis of the occurrence ofSEC disturbances in the polar cap ionosphere under varying solar wind parameters, the relation between the generation ofSEC-type ionospheric disturbances and interplanetary and magnetospheric conditions is discussed. It is emphasized that the Farley-Buneman instability in the E-layer of the ionosphere, reflected in ionograms as anSEC disturbance, depends on the complex effect of the solar wind parameters, the orientation of the interplanetary magnetic field playing an important role.
a aaua nu u munaSEC n an u nu uu naama ma mam ¶rt; uu mu u, ¶rt; m, u namu u aumu uu, ¶rt;. ¶rt;uam, m maum au-aa, uaa u, u na a uaa a u munaSEC, auum m n uu naam ma, nu numau nam aum n uam aum .

Sediment constitutes an interesting and valuable material for observation of human impact on the environment.Based on the sediment core samples in two Tatra Mountains lakes,determination of the selected elements(including cesium 137 radionuclide activity and heavy metals' concentrations) and dating of the obtained layers by the lead 210 method,chemometric analysis of the resulting data set was done.It was established,as a result of Cluster Analysis,that the variability of the determined parameters was distinct in the lakes with much higher concentrations of heavy metals in Smreczynski staw lake.Also,the influence of human activity(long distance transport of contaminants) is notable on the north slopes of the Tatras(Smreczynski staw lake) comparing to Popradske pleso lake.The examined elements can be divided into two groups-natural to the site origin(iron,manganese,and magnesium),and elements whose accumulation in the sediments can be related(at least in part) to human activity(~(137)Cs,zinc,copper,cadmium,lead,and chromium).The results confirm the existence of the so called "screen effect",meaning that the Tatra Mountains' crest delimits to a considerable extent further transport of pollutants to the south side of the Tatra Mountains slopes.  相似文献   

Groundwater from boreholes and shallow wells is a major source of drinking water in most rural areas of Zimbabwe. The quality of groundwater has been taken for granted and the status and the potential threats to groundwater quality have not been investigated on a large scale in Zimbabwe. A borehole and shallow well water quality survey was undertaken between January, 2009 and February, 2010 to determine the chemical and microbial aspects of drinking water in three catchment areas. Groundwater quality physico-chemical indicators used in this study were nitrates, chloride, water hardness, conductivity, alkalinity, total dissolved solids, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, calcium, fluoride, sulphates, sodium and pH. The microbiological indicators were total coliforms, faecal coliforms and heterotrophs. Principal component analysis (PCA) showed that most of the variation in ground water quality in all catchment areas is accounted for by Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), electrical conductivity (EC), sodium, bicarbonate and magnesium. The principal dissolved constituents in ground water are in the form of electrically charged ions. Nitrate is a significant problem as the World Health Organization recommended levels were exceeded in 36%, 37% and 22% of the boreholes in the Manyame, Mazowe and Gwayi catchment areas respectively. The nitrate levels were particularly high in commercial farming areas. Iron and manganese also exceeded the recommended levels. The probable source of high iron levels is the underlying geology of the area which is dominated by dolerites. Dolerites weather to give soils rich in iron and other mafic minerals. The high level of manganese is probably due to the lithology of the rock as well as mining activity in some areas. Water hardness is a problem in all catchment areas, particularly in the Gwayi catchment area where a value of 2550 mg/l was recorded in one borehole. The problems with hard water use are discussed. Chloride levels exceeded the recommended levels in a few areas under irrigation. Most of the chloride is probably from agricultural activity particularly the application of potassium chloride. Fluoride levels were particularly elevated in the Gwayi catchment area and this is because of the geology of the area. There was no evidence of microbial contamination in all the boreholes sampled as the total coliform, faecal coliforms, heterotrophs count was nil. However, severe microbial contamination was found in the wells especially those in clay areas.  相似文献   

Activity coefficients of 137Cs determined during culminating flood waters in August 1997 in the estuary of the Oder River, discharging to the Pomeranian Bay as well as in the coastal and open-seawaters of the Bay, did not show enhanced levels of the nuclide as compared to those measured before the flood. It is thus concluded that the flood did not contribute to releasing the nuclide from eroded soil particles. The bioconcentration factors of 137Cs in the riverine plankton has been found to be one to two orders of magnitude higher than those determined in the Pomeranian Bay plankton.  相似文献   

Summary On the basis of investigating 10 storms (1965–1967) good correlation was found between the density of the solar wind energy (2=1/2mNv2) and the intensity of the main phase of the geomagnetic storms, expressed in terms of the maximum decrease of the horizontal intensity (B=H/cos). The relation between 2, or Nv2, and B could then be used to determine the quantities and 0 ( is the factor expressing the increase in energy density in the magnetosphere, 0 is the energy density of the particles in a quiet magnetosphere). A comparison with the directly observed distribution of the energy density of the particles in the magnetosphere indicates that the computed value of 0 seems to be realistic. The magnitude of the factor will have to be checked again.  相似文献   

The present study is based on simultaneous measurements of the atmospheric electric potential gradient (PG) and Schumann resonances at Nagycenk station (Hungary) from 1993 to 1996. Annual and semiannual variations detected previously in the relative amplitudes of Schumann resonances (SR) in the first three modes are confirmed by the extended data series applied here. The regular annual variation found in the PG (with winter maximum and summer minimum) is in the opposite phase, compared to that of the SR amplitudes. Nevertheless, even the PG (being a parameter of the DC global circuit) occasionally shows a distinct secondary peak in summer as indicated by the results of the present analysis (and corresponding to a recent study on further parameters of the DC global circuit). In spite of the presumed dominance of local influence over the global one, a suitable PG parameter correlates well with SR (representing the AC global circuit) on the annual time scale. It also became evident that a semiannual variation (with spring and autumn maxima and winter and summer minima) is generally present in SR. Certain signatures of a semiannual variation have also been revealed in the PG, however, the phase of this semiannual variation does not fit the pattern shown by SR (and tropical surface air temperature, respectively). The representativeness of the PG data has also been checked by means of a single day’s diurnal variations displaying a phase corresponding to that of the ‘Carnegie Curve’. Additionally, the coincidence of short-term changes (lasting some hours) both in the SR and the PG parameter is also demonstrated on a day disturbed by local factors. The results are discussed in the context of correlations between surface air temperature and parameters of the atmospheric electric global circuit shown by previous studies.  相似文献   

The blooms of cyanobacteria that develop each summer in the Baltic Sea are composed of two functional groups, namely the small-sized picocyanobacteria (Synechococcus sp.) and the larger, colony-forming, filamentous N2-fixing cyanobacteria. The former encompassed both red (phycoerythrin-rich) and blue-green (phycocyanin-rich) species. The majority of the picocyanobacteria measured less than 1 μm and this size fraction comprised as much as 80% of the total cyanobacterial biomass and contributed as much as 50% of the total primary production of a cyanobacterial bloom. The picocyanobacteria are incapable of fixing N2, do not possess gas vesicles and are not toxic. However, a small filamentous Pseudanabaena sp. that could potentially fix N2 was isolated from the picocyanobacteria fraction. The larger cyanobacteria may form surface scums because they possess gas vesicles that make them buoyant. Although their biomass was less than the picocyanobacteria, they therefore form the more conspicuous and nuisance-forming part of the bloom. The larger cyanobacteria were composed mainly of three different species: Nodularia spumigena, Aphanizomenon flos-aquae and Anabaena sp. These all belong to the heterocystous, N2-fixing cyanobacteria. N. spumigena and A. flos-aquae were the dominant species; only N. spumigena was toxic. Although individual Nodularia filaments showed a range of different phenotypes, they all belong to one species as judged from 16S rDNA sequencing. Through determination of the genotypes of many individual Nodularia filaments, it was shown that this population was not clonal and that horizontal exchange of genetic information occurs. N. spumigena and A. flos-aquae were different with respect to their photosynthetic and N2-fixing potentials. Depending on prevailing environmental conditions, these differences would promote the proliferation of one species over the other and hence would determine overall the toxicity of a bloom. Daily integrals of photon irradiance rather than temperature determined the onset of bloom formation. During a bloom, the diazotrophic cyanobacteria fixed N2 at a rate that was 10–20% in excess of their own demand for N. Picocyanobacteria assimilated most of this excess N as shown by 15N incorporation. During bloom conditions, the diazotrophic cyanobacteria met about 50% of the N demand of the total cyanobacterial community. The picocyanobacteria were predominantly N-limited while the diazotrophic cyanobacteria were probably iron limited. These findings allow us to understand the formation of toxic cyanobacterial blooms and also to develop tools to predict bloom formation.  相似文献   

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