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According to multi-disciplinary research advances in recent years, three blocks which named Jiaoliao-Bohai block, central North China block and Ordos block are divided.The differences of the tectonic association, types, styles and features in the space, and ewlution fmm Archaean to Cenozoic in the time, between the former two blocks are discussed.Tectonic features and evolution in the four tectonic stages of Precambrian, Indo-China, Yanshanian and Cenozoic are emphasized especially here.All of them described above have inherit and neogenic property.The temporal-spatial change and interaction among basin assemblages in the above four stagers are analyzed.Escape tectonic model is employed to interpret coeval compressive and extensional basins in the study area.  相似文献   

We studied the active deformation zone of the middle strand of the North Anatolian Fault Zone through the southern part of the Sea of Marmara by means of high-resolution as well as deep seismic reflection data. Our main objective was to investigate the active deformation within the uppermost sedimentary layers at high resolution as well as deeper sedimentary layers, focusing on the tectonic and stratigraphic setting between Gemlik and Bandırma. The middle strand of the North Anatolian Fault reaching the Gulf of Gemlik is a main fault which has a lazy-S shape in the Gulf of Gemlik, and extends westwards to Bandırma as a main fault which is an E–W-trending single right-lateral fault controlling the zone along the Gemlik and Bandırma sub-basins. Small-scale faults, consistent with a dextral shear regime, are present in the vicinity of the main fault. Several oblique fault groups parallel to the main fault were detected. The deformation in the Gulf of Gemlik is characterized by a series of synthetic and antithetic faults emanating from the main fault. The boundary faults in the Gulf of Gemlik have a compressive component, which indicates the sill areas of the gulfs of Gemlik and Bandırma to be push-up structures. Four seismic stratigraphic units were identified in the sediments of the gulfs of Gemlik and Bandırma, providing evidence of tectonic influence. The present tectonic structure between Gemlik and Bandırma is not a pull-apart structure. The microseismic study in this area has shown that fault planes are either strike-slip or compressional, and that the stress tensor is compatible with pure strike-slip in the E–W fault system.  相似文献   

Active faults at a range in scales are observed in different directions (E-W, N-S and NE-SW) in the extensional tectonic regime of the Aegean region, western Turkey. However, mechanisms and types of faults in the Gulf of Izmir have not been investigated properly. Tectonic setting in the gulf together with the origin and characteristics of faults were studied in this study by integrating interpretation from various very high resolution acoustic data (multibeam bathymetry and CHIRP very high resolution seismic) acquired in the Gulf of Izmir.The Gulf of Izmir has thick, unconsolidated, stratified sediment cover. The water depth increases from the inner part (SE) to the outer part (NW) of the gulf with complex sea floor morphology. However, northeastern part of the coastal region is very shallow because of the sedimentary influx transported by the Gediz River. The western margin and the southern part of the gulf were formed under the influence of Uzunada (Uzun Island) and Izmir Faults, respectively. In the southern offshore, there is only one, E-W directional normal fault dipping through the north and corresponding to the offshore segment of the Izmir Fault Zone to the west. The acoustic data enable identification of the Uzunada Fault Zone extending as a simple lineament from near Guzelbahce in the south but bifurcating toward the NE of the Cicek Archipelago and terminating with left-lateral slip in the E-NE of the Hekim Island. After the sinistral strike-slip, the fault re-extends in the NW direction untill the mid of Uzunada as a single fault segment. Then, the fault is observed as a bunch of many active fault segments (like horse-tail splays) to the east of Uzunada with N-NW elongation through the outer gulf. These segments were chronologically succeeded from the east to the west. This progradational pattern is attributed to westward extension of the Gulf of Izmir with anti-clockwise rotational escape of the Anatolian Plate. In addition, progradation of faults was controlled by the NE-SW directional tear faults which may have played a key role in the shoreline extension and general pattern of the outer gulf islands. A very young graben in the central part of the gulf, also dislocated by the tear faults was observed parallel to the Uzunada Fault Zone as another indicator of ongoing fan-shaped opening of the gulf. These tectonic elements are consistent with earlier interpretation of GPS-based observations indicating a four-wheel gear system of rigid-body rotations. Additionally, a new fault extending from the far offshore of Foca to Suzbeyli village to the south was identified in this study. Its NW-SE extension is angular to the previous tectonic elements. All these elements apparently project at least 10 km farther northward, in the offshore Foca where the earthquake epicenters cluster.  相似文献   

The southwestern South China Sea represents an area of continental crust frozen immediately before the onset of seafloor spreading. Here we compile a grid of multichannel seismic reflection data to characterize the continent-ocean transition just prior to full break-up. We identify a major continental block separated from the shelf margin by a basin of hyperextended crust. Oligocene-Early Miocene rifting was followed by mild compression and inversion prior to 16 Ma, probably linked to collision between the Dangerous Grounds, a continental block to the east of the study area, and Borneo. The timing of inversion supports models of seafloor spreading continuing until around 16 Ma, rather than becoming inactive at 20 Ma. The off-shelf banks experienced uplift prior to 16 Ma in an area, which had previously been a depocenter. The off-shelf banks continued to extend after this time when the rest of the region is in a phase of thermal subsidence. Post-rift magmatism is seen in the form of scattered seamounts (~5–10 km across) within or on the edge of the deeper basins, and are dated as Late Miocene and Pliocene. They are not clearly linked to any phase of tectonic activity. Further inversion of the off-shelf banks occurred in the Pliocene resulting in a major unconformity despite the lack of brittle faulting of that age. We speculate that this is part of a wider pattern of scattered magmatism throughout the South China Sea at this time. Prograding clinoforms are seen to build out from the shelf edge in the south of the study area during the Pliocene, after 5.3 Ma, and then more towards the north and east during the Pleistocene. At the same time a trough south of the off-shelf banks is filled with >1.35 km of mostly Pleistocene sediment. While we expect the bulk of the sediment to come from the Mekong River, we also suggest additional sediment supply from Borneo and the Malay Peninsula via the Molengraaff River and its predecessors.  相似文献   

Eight cross-sections, six of which were balanced and restored using the principles of thin-skinned tectonics, demonstrate the reinterpretation of the Apennine and Sicilian mountains as a detached fold and thrust belt. The thin-skinned interpretation constrains the extent of the restored continental margins and the amount, percentage, direction and timing of tectonic shortening, allowing the development of a plate tectonic model. Late Cretaceous and Paleogene subduction to the north beneath the Corsica/Sardinia/Calabria (CSC) microplate causes rifting from SE France and the development of oceanic crust between the two in the Oligo-Miocene. The late Oligocene collision of Adria and northernmost CSC pins the northern edge of the CSC plate causing its counter-clockwise rotation and its mid-Miocene suturing between Italy and Sicily. The NS convergence of Africa and Europe, with counter-clockwise rotation of Italy, causes shortening in the NNE-SSW direction in Italy and Sicily from 20-10 Ma. The NS compression extrudes Calabria to the SE causing Mio-Pliocene compression in southern Italy and eastern Sicily, at the same time as extension and alkaline volcanism in central Italy.  相似文献   

Zeit Bay Field is one of the most important oil-bearing fields in the Gulf of Suez, Egypt, producing oil from the fractured basement rocks. Due to the complex structural setting of the area and the classical exploration concept that was based mainly on 2D seismic survey data, the area suffered from limited hydrocarbon interest for several years. During this time, most of the drilled wells hit structural highs and resulted in several dry holes. The present study is based on the interpretation of more recently acquired 3D seismic survey data as, matched with the available well logs, used to understand the complex structural setting of the Zeit Bay Field and provide insight into the entrapment style of the implied hydrocarbons. Several selected seismic cross sections were constructed, to extract subsurface geologic information, using available seismic profiles and wells. In addition, structure contour maps (isochronous maps, converted to depth maps) were constructed for the peaks of the basement, Nubian Sandstone, Kareem and Belayim Formations. Folds (anticlines and synclines) and faults (dip-slip) are identified on these maps, both individually and in groups, giving rise to step-like belts, as well as graben and horst blocks.  相似文献   

莺歌海盆地构造演化动力学机制探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
莺歌海盆地是在印支地块与华南地块缝合线上发展起来的新生代沉积盆地,其奇特的地质现象与复杂的动力学背景是国内外学者研究的热点。关于其形成机制,目前主要有四种观点:"中国东部裂陷式"观点、"左旋走滑"观点、"右旋走滑"观点、"先左旋后右旋"观点。通过对该盆地区域地质背景、盆地构造几何学、运动学及沉积学综合分析,认为莺歌海盆地形成演化受印-藏碰撞、太平洋板块俯冲以及地幔上涌的影响,主要经历了古新世—早渐新世左旋拉分、晚渐新世—中新世热沉降、上新世—第四纪右旋拉分三个阶段。  相似文献   

渤海莱州湾某区块采集的三维地震资料出现反射特征杂乱、同相轴连续性差等现象,对该区块浅部地层进行了电火花物探调查,并在地震资料异常区和非异常区分别选取1个位置进行钻孔,同时对海底面以下150 m范围内的土层进行连续的地质取样。通过对物探和地质资料的综合对比分析,判断造成研究区浅层地震资料反射异常与下述几个方面因素有关:(1)研究区处于莱州湾凹陷东部走滑断裂带内,浅部地层受深部断裂系统影响发育许多小断裂;(2)研究地层中富含大量的浅层气;(3)与邻近区块对比,所揭示浅部地层的土质性质十分异常,土层强度和剪切波速等均明显偏大。  相似文献   

Deep penetrating multichannel seismic reflection and gravity data have been used to study the lithospheric structure of the Canary Swell. The seismic reflection data show the transition from undisturbed Jurassic oceanic crust, away from the Canary Islands, to an area of ocean crust strongly modified by the Canary volcanism (ACV). Outside the ACV the seismic records image a well layered sedimentary cover, underlined by a bright reflection from the top of the igneous basement and also relatively continuous reflections from the base of the crust. In the ACV the definition of the boundary between sedimentary cover and igneous basement and the crust-mantle boundary remains very loose. Two-dimensional gravity modelling in the area outside the influence of the Canary volcanism, where the reflection data constrain the structure of the ocean crust, suggests a thinning of the lithosphere. The base of the lithosphere rises from 100 km, about 400 km west of the ACV, to 80 km at the outer limit of the ACV. In addition, depth conversion of the seismic reflection data and unloading of the sediments indicate the presence of a regional depth anomaly of an extension similar to the lithospheric thinning inferred from gravity modelling. The depth anomaly associated with the swell, after correction for sediment weight, is about 500 m. We interpret the lithospheric thinning as an indication of reheating of old Mesozoic lithosphere beneath the Canary Basin and along with the depth anomaly as indicating a thermal rejuvenation of the lithosphere. We suggest that the most likely origin for the Canary Islands is a hot spot.  相似文献   

北极地区具有丰富的油气资源,但是受极度寒冷气候和广泛分布冰盖的影响,北极是全球地质研究程度最低的地区之一。为此,基于最新地球物理数据,结合文献资料中的地貌、地质、矿产资源资料,编制了北极地区大地构造图(1:500万)。通过系统的编图研究,认为北极地区位于泛大陆腹地,中生代以来的构造演化受到冰岛地幔柱的垂向作用和欧亚-劳伦板块缓慢的顺时针旋转的水平作用共同制约。其构造演化可归纳为3个阶段:(1)早中生代:北亚-北美西北部(远东-科迪勒拉)造山带俯冲-造山增生阶段,古太平洋向北俯冲,古亚洲洋最终关闭,泛大陆最终形成;(2)侏罗纪-白垩纪:伴随着加拿大盆地张开,南阿纽伊洋盆俯冲消亡并形成南阿纽伊缝合带,两者之间在运动学上具有耦合联系,并伴随其间转换断层的调节作用;(3)新生代以来北大西洋中脊持续扩展传播,造成欧亚盆地张开和加科尔洋中脊发育。北极地区处于全球不同构造域之间的桥梁和枢纽。随着北冰洋洋盆伸展作用发展及加科尔洋中脊向南传播,它将西南贯通北太平洋构造域(远东造山带),彻底改变全球中生代以来的构造格局。  相似文献   

Acoustic reflection signatures of four hydro-carbon seeps were classified using near-bottom 25-kHz echosounder profiles. Echo patterns were compared with ground-truth data obtained by submersible observations and shallow coring. Six echo types were distinguished: strong reflections from (1)?exposed or (2)?buried hard substrates, such as authigenic carbonate or gas hydrate; acoustic scattering in (3)?unlayered or (4)?layered sediments owing to gas, shells, or disseminated carbonates; (5)?attenuation caused by gas; and (6)?undisturbed sediments. Echo type distributions suggest that high spatial variability indicates a younger, vigorous seep, whereas extensive hard substrate implies an older, encrusted seep.  相似文献   

 Acoustic reflection signatures of four hydro-carbon seeps were classified using near-bottom 25-kHz echosounder profiles. Echo patterns were compared with ground-truth data obtained by submersible observations and shallow coring. Six echo types were distinguished: strong reflections from (1) exposed or (2) buried hard substrates, such as authigenic carbonate or gas hydrate; acoustic scattering in (3) unlayered or (4) layered sediments owing to gas, shells, or disseminated carbonates; (5) attenuation caused by gas; and (6) undisturbed sediments. Echo type distributions suggest that high spatial variability indicates a younger, vigorous seep, whereas extensive hard substrate implies an older, encrusted seep. Received: 29 May 1998 / Revision received: 7 October 1998  相似文献   

Neogene tectonic evolution of the Alboran Sea from MCS data   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
The structural framework of the northern Alboran Sea is one of a series of grabens or half-grabens developed during various Miocene rifting stages. MCS profiles and well data reveal early to late Miocene seismo-stratigraphic units affected by rifting. Three rifting episodes—latest Aquitanian-Burdigalian, Langhian-Serravalian, and Tortonian-are postulated to have caused significant extension and crustal thinning beneath the Alboran Sea. The middle Miocene episode led to major depocenters and triggered mud diapirism. Post-Tortonian tectonics modified the architecture of the Miocene Alboran Basin and formed the present structure, seafloor morphology, and boundaries of the Alboran Sea.  相似文献   

The structural analysis of regional 3D seismic data shows evidence of long-term tectonic inheritance in Campos Basin, offshore Brazil. Main Lower Cretaceous rift structures controlled themselves by strike-slip deformation belts related to Proterozoic orogenic events, have been episodically reactivated during the divergent margin phase of Campos Basin, from the Albian to the Miocene. Balanced cross-sections of major salt structures indicate that such tectonic reactivations have been controlling thin-skinned salt tectonics, triggering pulses of gravitational gliding above the Aptian salt detachment. Additionally, major basin features like the Neogene progradation front and the salt tectonic domains are constrained by the main Proterozoic orogenic trends of the Ribeira Belt (NE–SW) and the Vitória-Colatina Belt (NNW–SSE). As the basement involved structures observed in Campos Basin can be attributed to general geodynamic processes, it is suggested that basement tectonic reactivation can be as relevant as isostatic adjustment and detached thin-skinned tectonics on the structural evolution of divergent margin settings.  相似文献   

High-frequency seismic reflection profiling is a well-established and often used technique in marine investigations. Traditionally seismic data are viewed as two-dimensional time sections. Given closely spaced profile lines, it is possible to produce posted two-way travel time maps of sub-surface reflectors which, when plotted as isometric displays, clearly show the three-dimensional spatial morphology of the sub-surface topography. With borehole control, such information can be used to provide a series of images which indicate temporal as well as spatial relationships of sub-surface reflectors. With the high-resolution afforded by high-frequency methods, detailed information on palaeo-environments can be reconstructed. Using the geophysical database as a basic framework, other aspects of the same environment can be examined in considerable detail. To demonstrate the effectiveness of these procedures, examples will be given from Plymouth Sound where a series of nested buried rock valleys has been mapped in detail from Sparker and Boomer surveys which have been interpreted in the light of newly-acquired borehole information. Isometric plots of the various sub-surface interfaces show how the channels have developed as sea level has risen over the last ca. 10,000 years. Different sedimentological facies can be resolved within the channel system thus providing information about the processes involved in their formation. Methods of improving the resolution and subsequent geological interpretation of high-resolution seismic reflection surveys are being developed for shallow marine and estuarine environments such as those found in Plymouth Sound.  相似文献   

Çağatay  M. N.  Görür  N.  Alpar  B.  Saatçılar  R.  Akkök  R.  Sakınç  M.  Yüce  H.  Yaltırak  C.  Kuşcu  I. 《Geo-Marine Letters》1998,18(1):1-9
 The Gulf of Saros is an Upper Miocene transtensional basin in NW Anatolia, formed by the interaction between the North Anatolian Fault and the N-S extensional tectonic régime of the Aegean. The present configuration of the basin evolved mainly during the Plio-Quaternary under the increased activity of the North Anatolian Fault. During the late Miocene-late Quaternary, no sedimentation took place on the shelves. After this long hiatus, an important change in tectonic style about 0.2 Ma BP allowed sedimentation to resume in the gulf. Received: 14 February 1997 / Revision received: 12 November 1997  相似文献   

高雅  唐勇  解习农 《海洋科学》2020,44(1):157-164
在阅读相关文献资料的基础上,分析了莫桑比克盆地的区域性幕式构造演化,并进一步总结归纳了其沉积充填特征。研究显示该盆地为东非边缘陆内裂谷盆地,以晚侏罗世破裂不整合面为界划分为断陷期及坳陷期,断陷期为陆相湖盆沉积充填,进入坳陷期后逐渐从海陆过渡相向浅海相和深水相演变。晚白垩世末和渐新世末两次构造抬升,使得盆地沉积环境及物源供应发生明显改变,也逐渐从深水相向滨浅海相或三角洲相演变。  相似文献   

《Marine Geology》2005,216(3):145-154
The Eastern Basin in the Ross Sea (Antarctica) contains a sedimentary sequence that is a direct record of advance and retreat of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet.We analyzed a sedimentary section ranging from the upper Miocene to present.The joint tomographic inversion of refracted and reflected arrivals of pre-stack multi-channel seismic data revealed in this area the presence of layers with anomalous high velocity. These anomalies are correlated with sediments that were eroded and compacted by the load of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet during its expansion on the continental shelf.The deepest and stronger velocity anomaly correspond to a basin-wide seismic unconformity (RSU2, Late Miocene–Early Pliocene in age). This anomaly is interpreted as evidence of a major advance of the West Antarctic ice sheet on the continental shelf that resulted in high velocity and low porosity in sediment immediately above the unconformity.  相似文献   

The Seram Trough is located in the northern part of the Banda Arc-Australian collision zone in eastern Indonesia and is currently the site of contraction between the Bird's Head of New Guinea and Seram Island. It has been interpreted as a subduction trench, an intra-continental thrust zone and foredeep, and a zone of strike-slip faulting. Recently acquired 2D seismic lines clarify its tectonic evolution and relationship to the Bird's Head. Folding in the Early Pliocene formed an anticlinorium running from Misool to the Onin Peninsula of Irian Jaya and produced a newly recognised angular unconformity. The unconformity truncates sediments as old as Middle Jurassic and is an ancient topographic surface with significant relief. It was later folded and now dips south towards the trough where it is covered by up to 3 km of sediments. Initial tilting of the unconformity surface was accompanied by deposition of a transgressive sequence which can be traced into the trough. This is overlain by two sequences which prograde towards the trough. These sequences show progressive rotation of the unconformity surface, gravitational displacement of sediments into the trough, and thrusting which continues to the present day. Contraction occurred in the trough after the Early Pliocene and is younger than the previously suggested Late Miocene age. Thrust faults in the trough deform sediments deposited above the unconformity and detach at the unconformity surface. On Seram thrust faults repeat Mesozoic–Miocene sequences and probably detach at their contact with metamorphic basement. The detachment surface must cut through the Mesozoic-Miocene sequence between Seram and the trough. This work suggests the Seram Trough is not a subduction trench but a foredeep produced in response to loading by the developing fold and thrust belt of Seram, with an associated peripheral bulge to the north. The Seram Trough is interpreted to be a very young zone of thrusting within the Australian continental margin.  相似文献   

琼东南盆地深水区构造热演化特征及其影响因素分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
To reveal the tectonic thermal evolution and influence factors on the present heat flow distribution, based on 154 heat flow data, the present heat flow distribution features of the main tectonic units are first analyzed in detail, then the tectonic thermal evolution histories of 20 profiles are reestablished crossing the main deep-water sags with a structural, thermal and sedimentary coupled numerical model. On the basis of the present geothermal features, the Qiongdongnan Basin could be divided into three regions: the northern shelf and upper slope region with a heat flow of 50–70 m W/m2, most of the central depression zone of 70–85 m W/m2, and a NE trending high heat flow zone of 85–105 m W/m2 lying in the eastern basin. Numerical modeling shows that during the syn-rift phase, the heat flow increases generally with time, and is higher in basement high area than in its adjacent sags. At the end of the syn-rift phase, the heat flow in the deepwater sags was in a range of 60–85 m W/m2, while in the basement high area, it was in a range of 75–100 m W/m2. During the post-rift phase, the heat flow decreased gradually, and tended to be more uniform in the basement highs and sags. However, an extensive magmatism, which equivalently happened at around 5 Ma, has greatly increased the heat flow values, and the relict heat still contributes about 10–25 m W/m2 to the present surface heat flow in the central depression zone and the southern uplift zone. Further analyses suggested that the present high heat flow in the deep-water Qiongdongnan Basin is a combined result of the thermal anomaly in the upper mantle, highly thinning of the lithosphere, and the recent extensive magmatism. Other secondary factors might have affected the heat flow distribution features in some local regions. These factors include basement and seafloor topography, sediment heat generation, thermal blanketing, local magmatic injecting and hydrothermal activities related to faulting and overpressure.  相似文献   

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