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The technique of probability imaging is applied to the bright, well resolved, infrared binary star Aqr. It is shown how the second probability density function (pdf) contains all pertinent information to reconstruct the binary system with no ambiguity. Relations between the second pdf and other techniques (speckle masking technique and fork algorithm) are briefly indicated. An analysis of the behaviour of the second pdf under additive signal-independent nose is undertaken. As expected from the general theory of signal processing, the second pdf of the noise is found to blur the second pdf of the signal by means of a convolution relation.Based on observations obtained at ESO, La Silla, Chile.  相似文献   

Published photoelectric measurements over a wide wavelength range (0.36–18 µm) are used to study the continuum spectrum of the star Θ1 Ori C. The model that assumes the following three radiation sources is consistent with observations: (1) a zero-age main-sequence O7 star (object 1) of mass M 1=20M , radius R 1=7.4R , effective temperature T 2=37 000 K, and absolute bolometric magnitude $M\mathop {bol}\limits^1 = - 7\mathop .\limits^m 7$ ; (2) object 2 with M 2=15M , R 2=16.2R , T 2=4000 K, and $M\mathop {bol}\limits^2 = - 5\mathop .\limits^m 1$ ; and (3) object 3 with R 310 700 R , T 3=190 K, and $M\mathop {bol}\limits^3 = - 0\mathop .\limits^m 6$ . The visual absorption toward the system is $A_V = 0\mathop .\limits^m 95$ and obeys a normal law. The nature of objects 2 and 3 has not been elucidated. It can only be assumed that object 2 is a companion of the primary star, its spectral type is K7, and it is in the stage of gravitational contraction. Object 3 can be a cocoon star and a member of the system, but can also be a dust envelope surrounding the system as a whole.  相似文献   

Investigations in the line Hα of the spectrum of UX Ori WW Vul are presented. Comparison with the data of other researchers has shown that the regime of variable matter ejection of the star WW Vul is retained for a long time. The spectra of two nights (July 18 and 23, 2006) showed an increased intensity of red emission component without noticeable change in the radial velocity. On the other hand, radial velocity of the central absorption considerably changed to negative values with decreasing V/R. During the night on July 8, 2006, we found doubling of the blue emission component for these two spectra.  相似文献   

An estimate of the period of the rotation of the line of apsides of the double-star system Phe is obtained by representing the density function as a product of a normal Gaussian distribution and an associated Legendre polynomial .The asymptotic behaviour of this function coincides with the results obtained by Zeldovichet al. (1981).The period of motion of the line of apsides of Phe (about 63 years) obtained in this way comes close to the period determined by an empirical formula for of Batten (1973).  相似文献   

The peculiar δ Del-variable ? Puppis (F6IIp) has been analysed on nine UV high-resolution spectra in the region of Mgii h- and k-lines. This analysis has shown: (1) The Mgii emission is present during the whole pulsation period and increases with increasing luminosity. Maximum emission fluxes seem to occur at phases 0.96–0.12. (2) The phase shift between intensity maxima of Caii and Mgii chromospheric emissions is probably about 0.26. Moreover, it seems that the phase shift between ? Pup and the Cepheid β Dor is longer for the Mgii emission (~0.44) than for the Caii one (~0.27). (3) Violet-red asymmetries are present in emission components. Moreover, the violet component K1V has always an intensity higher than the red one K1R. (4) The averaged radial velocity (RV) curve obtained from three metallic lines is in agreement with that obtained in the optical region. The RV curves of red emission and absorption components are rather similar to that of the metallic lines. Near the minimum of this RV curve, the chromospheric emissions show an intensity enhancement with a negative phase shift similar to that of light curve (~?30 deg). (5) A model with an emitting extended atmosphere around the star is proposed to explain an emission like feature in the self-reversed absorption component K3 and in K1.  相似文献   

It is shown that photoionization of vibrationally excited H2 and photodissociation of the H 2 + ions produced thereby constitute a significant electron production route in high UV flux situations. A significant fraction of the electron density in the direction of ζ Oph (?15 km s?1 cloud) deduced from observations may be expected to arise in this way.  相似文献   

Absorption lines of some actinides, namely, actinium (Z = 89), protactinium (91), neptunium (93), plutonium (94), americium (95), curium (96), berkelium (97), californium (98), and einsteinium (99), were identified in the spectrum of one of the most peculiar main-sequence stars HD 101065 (Przybylski’s star). In the identification we used a high-resolution spectrum (R = 80 000) acquired at the 8.2-m ESO telescope.  相似文献   

Several X-ray-dim isolated neutron stars(XDINSs), also known as the Magnificent Seven,exhibit a Planck-like soft X-ray spectrum. In the optical/ultraviolet(UV) band, there is an excess of radiation compared to an extrapolation from the X-ray spectrum. However, the majority exhibits "spectral deviations": the fact that there is more flux at longer wavelengths makes spectra deviate from the Rayleigh-Jeans law. A model of bremsstrahlung emission from a nonuniform plasma atmosphere is proposed in the regime of a strangeon star to explain the optical/UV excess and its spectral deviation as well as X-ray pulsation. The atmosphere is on the surface of strangeon matter, which has negligible emission, and is formed by the accretion of ISM-fed debris disk matter moving along the magnetic field lines to near the polar caps. These particles may spread out of the polar regions which makes the atmosphere non-uniform. The modeled electron temperatures are ~100-200 eV with radiation radii R_(opt)~∞~5-14 km. The spectra of five sources(RX J0720.4–3125, RX J0806.4–4123, RX J1308.6+2127, RX J1605.3+3249, RX J1856.5–3754) from optical/UV to X-ray bands can be fitted well by the radiative model, and exhibit Gaussian absorption lines at ~100-500 eV as would be expected.Furthermore, the surroundings(i.e., fallback disks or dusty belts) of XDINSs could be tested by future infrared/submillimeter observations.  相似文献   

The T Tauri variable V1331 Cyg is characterized by an intensive emission spectrum, by signatures of a high rate of mass loss, and also by presence of a circular reflection nebula. According to these characteristics, the star can be considered as a possible pre-FUor star. Up to the present the photospheric spectrum of the star has not been recorded. In this work we analyze the high-resolution spectra of V1331 Cyg that were obtained by G.H. Herbig with the HIRES spectrograph at the Keck-1 telescope in 2004 and 2007. For the first time the numerous photospheric lines of the star have been detected and the spectral class has been estimated, viz., G7-K0 IV. It is revealed that the projection of the rotation velocity is lower than the width of instrumental profile (vsini < 6 km/s); this means that the angle between the stellar axis of rotation and the line of sight is small. The radial velocity of the star derived from the photospheric lines is RV = ?15.0 ± 0.3 km/s. The difference in radial velocities for 2004 and 2007 is lower than the measurement error. The photospheric spectrum is veiled considerably, but the amount of veiling is not the same in different lines. This depends on the line strength in the template spectrum of the G7 IV star: in the weakest lines (EW = 5–10 mÅ in the template spectrum) VF ≈ 1 and it increases up to 4–5 in stronger lines. The Hα and Hβ lines demonstrate classical P Cyg profiles, which testifies to an intensive wind with a maximal velocity of about 400 km/s. In addition, the emission lines of Fe II, Mg I and K I and of several other elements are accompanied by a narrow blue-shifted absorption at ?150...?250 km/s. The emission spectrum of V1331 Cyg is rich in the narrow (FWHM = 30–50 km/s) lines of neutral and ionized metals showing the excitation temperature T exc = 3800 ± 300 K. The stellar mass M* ≈ 2.8M and radius R* ≈ 5R are estimated.  相似文献   

Evolutionary sequences are computed from the main sequence to central helium exhaustion for a 15M star, with an initial composition ofX=0.70,Y=0.27,Z=0.03. Parallel sequences are computed to investigate the effects of different mass loss rates on the evolution of the star. These rates are chosen to reflect the physical causes of the mass loss, and occur at all phases of evolution. One sequence without, and one with, mass loss are recomputed, allowing for semiconvection and full convection in intermediate mass zones, using the Schwarzschild and Härm criterion for convective neutrality.Low to moderate rates of mass loss in the early evolutionary phases shift the evolution to lower luminosities and effective temperatures, but do not radically alter the form of evolution. However, the resulting evolutionary sequences can be up to 25% undermassive for their luminosity as they enter the red giant branch (RGB). Most sequences evolve through a subsequent stable blue phase (the blue loop), which is shifted to lower luminosities and effective temperatures by the previous mass loss and is also widened. This blue loop is suppressed if approximately 10% of the stellar mass is lost in the RGB. Mass loss delays the evolution of the central region of the star relative to that of the outer region, so that central helium ignition and exhaustion are displaced to later points on the evolutionary tracks. Mass loss also reduces the size of the helium core, although its mass fraction is larger.If semiconvective and intermediate fully convective zones are included, then in a sequence without mass loss these zones greatly alter the chemical profile of the model. The sequence evolves at a higher luminosity, with a stable blue supergiant phase occurring prior to the RGB. Central helium exhaustion occurs during the ascent of the RGB. However, if mass loss is included, the extent of these zones is drastically reduced, and the evolutionary pattern is similar to that without such zones. No blue loop is found.Observations indicate that the blue supergiant region is wider and bluer than predicted by previous evolutionary calculations. The present results show that mass loss widens and reddens this phase. Hence, the inclusion of other factors will be necessary to reconcile theory and observations.  相似文献   

Fabry-Perot interferometry of Comet Kohoutek (1973f) at 1.1 μm with a resolution of 1.2 Å showed emission features identified as OH and CN lines in addition to a strong Fraunhofer continuum. Central intensities have been derived for three cases (uniform, gaussian, and gaussian plus ??1 law) of brightness profiles in the comet coma. Limits for CH4, H2O, HeI, SiL and CrI are also derived.  相似文献   

We present the results of our studies of the Hα line in the spectrum of a UX Ori star (WW Vul) based on our spectroscopic observations performed with the 2-m telescope at the Shamakhi Astrophysical Observatory, the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, in 2006–2010. We have detected variability in all the measured parameters of the Hα profile both during each observing season and from season to season. A comparative analysis of our data and published studies has led to the conclusion that the regime of outflow with a variable power in the star WW Vul, on the whole, is preserved for almost 40 years (1972–2010) and the accretion of gas from the circumstellar disk onto the stellar surface is occasionally observed. Changes in the regime of variability in the behavior of the Hα emission line have been revealed in the 2006–2010 observing seasons. In four cases (for July 8, 2006, August 17, 2008, June 13, 2010, and August 2, 2010), we have detected a second emission component in the blue wing of the Hα emission line.  相似文献   

We present the results of studying the spectral and photometric variability of the luminous blue variable star V532 in M33. The photometric variations are traced from 1960 to 2010, spectral variations—from 1992 to 2009. The star has revealed an absolute maximum of visual brightness (1992–1994, high/cold state) and an absolute minimum (2007–2008, low/hot state) with a brightness difference of ΔB ≈ 2.3 m . The temperature estimates in the absolute maximum and absolute minimum were found to be T ∼ 22000 K and T ∼ 42000 K, respectively. The variability of the spectrum of V532 is fully consistent with the temperature variations in its photosphere, while both permitted and forbidden lines are formed in an extended stellar atmosphere. Broad components of the brightest lines were found, the broadening of these components is due to electron scattering in the wind parts closest to the photosphere. We measured the wind velocity as a difference between the emission and absorption peaks in the PCyg type profiles. The wind velocity clearly depends on the size of the stellar photosphere or on the visual brightness, when brightness declines, the wind velocity increases. In the absolute minimum a kinematic profile of the V532 atmosphere was detected. The wind velocity increases and its temperature declines with distance from the star. In the low/hot state, the spectral type of the star corresponds to WN8.5h, in the high/cold state—to WN11. We studied the evolution of V532 along with the evolution of AGCar and the massive WR binary HD5980 in SMC. During their visual minima, all the three stars perfectly fit with the WNL star sequence by Crowther and Smith (1997). However, when visual brightness increases, all the three stars form a separate sequence. It is possible that this reflects a new property of LBV stars, namely, in the high/cold states they do not pertain to the bona fide WNL stars.  相似文献   

Turova  I.P.  Grigoryeva  S.A. 《Solar physics》2000,197(1):43-56
The ratios I(K 1)/I(H 1) and I(K 3)/I(H 3) were calculated from four semi-empirical models of sunspot umbra. We determined the dependencies of both ratios of such parameters as temperature gradient and atmospheric opacity. A certain influence on the expected ratios I(K 1)/I(H 1) and I(K 3)/I(H 3) can also come from the FIP effect provided it exists in the chromosphere above sunspot umbra. Theoretical and observed values of I(K 1)/I(H 1) and I(K 3)/I(H 3) are compared. It is shown that for one of the sunspots we observed, the values obtained for the ratio I(K 1)/I(H 1) cannot be explained in terms of existing umbra models.  相似文献   

We discuss a collection of archival multi-colour photometric data of the variable WC9-type Wolf-Rayet star WR?103?=?HD?164270 observed over a time interval of eleven years. The photometric systems used are Walraven VBLUW, Bessel UBV and Strömgren uvby. The purpose is to search for periodicity and to disentangle continuum and line emission variations. The star turns out to be stochastically variable in all time intervals under consideration. The time scale of the variations hovers between a few hours to a few days. The continuum light amplitude varies from ~ 0.m1 in the visual to ~ 0.m2 in the UV. Emission-line variations at the level of 1–5 % percent are detectable in all pass bands, but are largest in the Strömgren b and Walraven V filters, due to the prominent presence of the Ciii emission lines (blended with a much weaker Oii line) at 4650 and 5696?Å?emission lines, respectively. The relative large light amplitude of WR?103 resembles that of WN8-type stars; a possible link between the two is discussed. Stellar (multi-mode) pulsations are likely the cause of the photometric variability. We also discuss the exceptional status of WR?103 within the class of WC9-type stars which are almost photometrically stable. A striking phenomenon observed for the first time in WR?103: a three days lasting flux enhancement of the Ciii line by at least 10 % was observed in August 1998. Such strong spectroscopic flare-like events are very seldom observed in WR stars. So far, the one of WR?103 had the longest duration ever observed.  相似文献   

We have studied the interstellar column densities in the direction of the star Cas with the IUE high resolution SWP spectrum so as to see the relations of element depletions with condensation temperature and compare our results with the interstellar column densities in the directions of the other B-type stars obtained with the COPERNICUS satellite.Based on the observations made by the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUEO, and collected at the Villafranca Satellite Tracking Station of European Space Agency.  相似文献   

Some results of observations of the spectrum of the spectroscopic-binary Ap star CrB in the region of the lithium line Li I 6708Å are presented. The observations were made at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory over the period 1993–1995 with the coudé spectrograph equipped with a CCD camera on the 2.6-m telescope. Several factors which can affect the behavior of the lithium blend are examined: stellar rotation, magnetic field, isotopic shift, the binary system, and blending by unidentified elements. The principal result of this work is the detection of variability of the lithium blend Li I 6708Å over the period of rotation of the star. The variations of the radial velocity Vr, and the FWHM of the lithium blend are reported here for the first time. They indicate either a nonuniform distribution of lithium or a nonuniform distribution of conditions for excitation of the lithium resonance doublet in the complex structure of the strong surface magnetic field. Similar variations are also shown by the lines of the rare-earth elements Gd II 6702.10 Å, Gd II + Ce II 6704.3Å, and Ce II + Fe I 6706.0 Å.Translated fromAstrofizika, Vol. 39, No. 1, pp. 19–30, January–March, 1996.  相似文献   

We have investigated the star Ori with IUE high resolution SWP spectrum in order to derive curve of growth and column densities of Al II, Si II, S II, Fe II, Ni II and Zn II. It has been possible to fit these ions on one empirical curve of growth with a velocity parameterb = 11 km s–1 for the star studied.Based on observations made by the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE), and collected at the Villafranca Satellite Tracking Station of the European Space Agency.  相似文献   

Some weak unidentified solar photospheric lines in the wavelength range: (3400–3465) Å may be due to PH lines of the (0, 0) band of the PH(A 3 i - X 3 -)system. These faint PH molecular lines have resulted an excitation temperature of the order of 4500 K. Using experimental lifetime data for PH in the A 3 i state, an absorption oscillator strength f 00 = 0.0075 is derived for the 3410 Å band of the PH (A 3 i - X 3 -)system. Accurate line positions, oscillator strength and transition probability for the 4.4 fundamental rotation-vibration band of the PH molecule are obtained. A comparison of positions of some lines of the 4.4 band with those obtained on new tracings of high resolution solar spectra shows many coincidences with weak solar lines.  相似文献   

We have obtained and analyzed UBVRI CCD frames of the young, 4–10 Myr, open cluster NGC 3293 and the surrounding field in order to study its stellar content and determine the cluster’s IMF. We found significantly fewer lower mass stars, M≤2.5M , than expected. This is particularly so if a single age for the cluster of 4.6 Myr is adopted as derived from fitting evolutionary models to the upper main sequence. Some intermediate-mass stars near the main sequence in the HR diagram imply an age for the cluster of about 10 Myr. When compared with the Scalo (The stellar initial mass function. ASP conference series, vol. 24, p. 201, 1998) IMF scaled to the cluster IMF in the intermediate mass range, 2.5≤M/M ≤8.0 where there is good agreement, the high mass stars have a distinctly flatter IMF, indicating an over abundance of these stars, and there is a sharp turnover in the distribution at lower masses. The radial density distribution of cluster stars in the massive and intermediate mass regimes indicate that these stars are more concentrated to the cluster core whereas the lower-mass stars show little concentration. We suggest that this is evidence supporting the formation of massive stars through accretion and/or coagulation processes in denser cluster cores at the expense of the lower mass proto-stars. R.W. Slawson and E.P. Horch are guest investigators at the University of Toronto Southern Observatory, Las Campanas, Chile.  相似文献   

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