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Numerical study of the performance of tunnel plugs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Harald H  kmark 《Engineering Geology》1998,49(3-4):327-335
High axial flow rates within and along tunnels, excavated for deposition of high level nuclear waste, may increase the transport capacity of potential escape routes for radionuclides that have been released to the buffer surrounding the waste canisters, or to the tunnel backfill materials, from leaking fuel canisters. High flow rates may be found if the tunnel interior has a high permeability, either initially due to the composition of the backfill material or at later times due to degradation of low permeability backfill material components. If a disturbed rock zone, a DRZ, of increased permeability was created as a result of direct damage done to the wall region during tunnel excavation, this zone may contain additional possible escape routes. Low-permeability tunnel plugs, keyed into slots cut in the rock walls, have been suggested as means of reducing axial flow rates. This paper deals with different aspects of such tunnel-plug systems. A preliminary estimate of the potential for tunnel plugs to reduce axial flow rates is made using analytical expressions. A number of numerical techniques are employed to investigate the hydraulic, mechanical and hydromechanical performance. These include μFLOW (FEM flow calculations), FLAC (finite difference mechanical calculations) and 3DEC (distinct element mechanical calculations). The mechanical calculations concern the mechanical stability in the rock surrounding the slot and permeability changes in that rock caused by stress redistribution. The results show that the effects of tunnel plugs are very significant in most cases. A discussion on the validity of the results and the applicability of the used methods is provided.  相似文献   

Summary Squeezing rock conditions have posed and continue to pose a major obstacle to the construction of tunnels through mountains, as experience dating back more than a century shows. The paper deals with the study of past experiences in the light of present geotechnical engineering knowledge. Many of the transalpine tunnels were constructed before geotechnical engineering had been developed, and the principles underlying squeezing were not yet understood. Also construction techniques have changed with time. By studying past experience in the light of our present knowledge in geotechnical engineering (rock and soil mechanics), one may gain more insight into the nature and causes of squeezing ground behaviour. Here, a number of older and newer case histories are summarised, providing substantial insight into the phenomenon of squeezing rock. Squeezing rock behaviour is influenced by rock type and structure. Usually, in squeezing zones the rock is strongly jointed and fractured and has low strength. Overburden has also a significant effect and squeezing behaviour may occur abruptly in a tunnel once a limiting overburden has been exceeded. Water pressures in strongly jointed and often crushed rock are important and so are the adopted construction procedures and sequences. A support of substantial structural strength may be necessary to prevent long-term deformations and to withstand increased loading on the tunnel liner from the rock mass surrounding the tunnel.  相似文献   

现阶段,不同地应力条件下深部岩体受爆破作用的损伤破坏分析尚显不足。为了研究深部隧道围岩爆破开挖损伤破坏规律,基于有限元软件ANSYS/LS-DYNA,采用Riedel-Hiermaier-Thoma本构模型,对不同地应力环境下隧道爆破效果影响因素、围岩扰动范围等问题进行数值分析。结果表明:双向等压隧道的断面损伤程度与地应力水平呈负相关;随着地应力上升,地应力对隧道底板的损伤抑制作用渐为明显;隧道腰部围岩受爆破扰动较为突出,其应力和振动速度均随侧压力系数增大而大幅升高,且振动速度增幅超过40%,明显高于顶部围岩;在垂直应力20 MPa条件下,腰部测点应力、振动速度幅值随侧压力系数增加而增大的趋势较缓;当垂直应力升高至60 MPa时,侧压力系数对围岩扰动的影响较大。相关结论对实际工程施工具有重要指导意义,同时对隧道围岩稳定性监测与支护参数优化具有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

Two case histories of tunnels through squeezing rocks   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Summary The expression squeezing rock is a concept too vague to be used by practicing engineers. In this paper, it is assumed to mean large convergences of the tunnel walls.Two case histories are briefly presented. The Frejus tunnel was driven with a large overburden; on the contrary, the Sidi Mezghiche tunnel was shallow. Different techniques were used to control the convergences. In both cases, the tunnels were located in complex formations; the complexity stems from the heterogeneity and anisotropy of the rock masses, and no efficient technique is available to determine the geotechnical characteristics and the natural state of stress in the formations.  相似文献   

Numerical prediction of tunnel performance during centrifuge dynamic tests   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
In this paper, a comparison between numerical analyses and centrifuge test results relative to the seismic performance of a circular tunnel is provided. The considered experimental data refer to two centrifuge tests performed at Cambridge University, aimed at investigating the transverse dynamic behaviour of a relatively shallow tunnel located in a sand deposit. For the same geometry, different soil relative densities characterise the two tests. The four seismic actions considered, of the pseudo-harmonic type, are characterised by increasing intensity. The 2D numerical analyses were performed adopting an advanced soil constitutive model implemented in a commercial finite element code. The comparison between numerical simulations and measurements is presented in terms of acceleration histories and Fourier spectra as well as of profiles of maximum acceleration along free-field and near-tunnel verticals. In addition, loading histories of normal stress and bending moments acting in the tunnel lining were considered. In general, very good agreement was found with reference to the ground response analyses, while a less satisfactory comparison between observed and predicted results was obtained for the transient and permanent loadings acting in the lining, as discussed in the final part of the paper.  相似文献   

倪玉山  张华兵 《岩土力学》2006,27(Z1):22-26
黄土隧道围岩不同开挖与支护施工方案的数值分析,对了解黄土隧洞变形破坏机理以及黄土隧洞设计施工理论具有重要意义。对黄土隧道围岩采用中壁法和双侧壁导坑法开挖各3种不同支护顺序分别进行了模拟计算,考察了各个施工工序地表最大沉降量、隧洞拱顶最大下沉量、围岩塑性区分布、衬砌单元弯矩以及岩体总应变能变化。计算结果表明,从开挖方法来说,双侧壁导坑法要优于中壁法;从支护顺序来说,滞后支护要优于及时支护。此结果可为黄土隧道工程设计施工提供参考。  相似文献   

刘元雪  谢锋  蒋树屏  周家伍  陈忱 《岩土力学》2007,28(Z1):490-492
随着国民经济的发展和社会的进步,公路隧道环保型建设技术日益受到重视。以南京-淮安高速公路南京江北段老山公路隧道为依托,提出了一种环保型结构--新型棚洞。采用大型通用有限元软件ANSYS对5种不同棚洞结构型式进行了优化。从弯矩、轴力、剪力3个方面综合计算分析表明,全拱式棚洞是最优方案。  相似文献   

季节性寒区隧道温度场数值分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
为解决寒区隧道冻害问题,以祁连山某隧道为依托,采用ANSYS对铺设保温层与主动辅热相结合的隧道温度场进行了数值模拟,研究了保温层对隧道衬砌的保温效果以及安装电伴热系统后隧道的温度场分布规律,确定了电伴热系统的开启与关闭时间及正常运行功率。结果表明:围岩最大冻深月份比外界大气的最冷时间推迟一个月左右;在隧道大约运行5 a之后,保温层的保温效果开始衰退,围岩重新出现负温状态;安装电伴热系统能彻底解决寒区隧道运营期间的冻害问题,最佳发热功率为125 W·m-2,持续加热时间为80 d,年消耗电能为10 000 W·d·m-2,数值模拟结果与理论计算结果吻合良好。研究成果可为寒区隧道的保温防冻提供理论依据,并可为类似工程提供借鉴。  相似文献   

杨旭  陈飞  练继建  王海军 《岩土力学》2014,35(12):3585-3591
鉴于传统的筒型基础沉放阻力计算公式或数值分析方法均没有考虑筒壁内外侧挤土效应的差异,对于窄深型或是带分舱板的宽浅型筒型基础,由于筒壁或者分舱板的约束作用,基础内侧挤土效应有时远大于外侧,用传统方式计算沉放阻力可能存在较大误差。为揭示筒壁内外侧挤土效应的差异情况,采用显式的任意拉格朗日-欧拉(ALE)方法,针对土体大变形和接触非线性等问题,建立了能够实现筒型基础动态、连续沉放过程的有限元模型,模拟出了筒壁内外侧挤土效应。数值分析结果表明,当入土深度与筒径比达1.6时,筒壁内侧压力可达外侧的10倍左右。通过分析下沉过程中筒壁内外侧土体位移及应力分布,阐述了筒壁内外侧挤土效应差异的机制。最后,提出了考虑挤土效应的筒型基础沉放阻力计算公式,计算与试验结果吻合良好,大大提高了筒型基础沉放阻力的计算可靠性。  相似文献   

隧洞围岩损失位移估计的智能优化反分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张研  苏国韶  燕柳斌 《岩土力学》2013,34(5):1383-1390
隧洞开挖过程中围岩监测断面的布置一般滞后于掌子面开挖,监测断面布置前围岩已发生的位移称为损失位移。采用优化反分析思路求取损失位移,该思路将损失位移的求解转化为以实测位移与计算位移的误差作为目标函数、岩体力学参数作为决策变量的全局优化反分析问题。针对该全局优化反分析问题是一类高度非线性多峰值且计算代价较高的优化问题,将性能优异的粒子群优化算法与高斯过程机器学习方法相融合,结合FLAC3D数值计算程序,提出隧洞围岩损失位移优化反分析的粒子群-高斯过程-FLAC3D智能协同优化方法。算例研究表明,该方法是可行的,不仅能获得可靠的损失位移预测结果,而且可获取合理的围岩计算模型力学参数,具有全局性好、计算效率高的特点,克服了传统优化反分析方法容易陷入局部最优或过于依赖初始学习样本的局限性。将该方法应用到锦屏二级水电站辅助洞BK14+599断面的损失位移反分析,获得了该断面围岩的损失位移和力学参数,其中,损失位移较大,原因在于岩体开挖后在短时间内弹性变形大。因此,对于地下工程,特别是深部地下岩体工程,在围岩稳定性评价与围岩参数反分析中,损失位移不可忽视,应给予足够重视。  相似文献   

Projection, or conjugate gradient like, methods are becoming increasingly popular for the efficient solution of large sparse sets of unsymmetric indefinite equations arising from the numerical integration of (initial) boundary value problems. One such problem is soil consolidation coupling a flow and a structural model, typically solved by finite elements (FE) in space and a marching scheme in time (e.g. the Crank–Nicolson scheme). The attraction of a projection method stems from a number of factors, including the ease of implementation, the requirement of limited core memory and the low computational cost if a cheap and effective matrix preconditioner is available. In the present paper, biconjugate gradient stabilized (Bi‐ CGSTAB) is used to solve FE consolidation equations in 2‐D and 3‐D settings with variable time integration steps. Three different nodal orderings are selected along with the preconditioner ILUT based on incomplete triangular factorization and variable fill‐in. The overall cost of the solver is made up of the preconditioning cost plus the cost to converge which is in turn related to the number of iterations and the elementary operations required by each iteration. The results show that nodal ordering affects the perfor mance of Bi‐CGSTAB. For normally conditioned consolidation problems Bi‐CGSTAB with the best ILUT preconditioner may converge in a number of iterations up to two order of magnitude smaller than the size of the FE model and proves an accurate, cost‐effective and robust alternative to direct methods. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

寒区软岩隧道的水热耦合数值模拟与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨更社  周春华  田应国 《岩土力学》2006,27(8):1258-1262
介绍了寒区软岩隧道水热耦合的一般数值解法,应用Femlab软件对寒区大阪山隧道出口段kl06+025处围岩的温度场和水分场进行数值模拟,分析了软岩隧道中水热耦合迁移的规律。在考虑水分场时,隧道围岩的冻结圈将变薄,而且随着水分场中渗流系数的增大将更加变薄,水分场在很大程度上影响温度场的分布。模拟的结果表明:处于拱顶处的冻深最大,其次是仰拱处,最薄处是边墙,与工程经验类似。通过实例模拟分析说明,应用该软件可以在已有工程数据的前提下对工程设计提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

Nowsood water conveyance tunnel is 49 km long and has been designed for transferring 70 m3/s water from Sirvan river southward to Dashte Zahab plain in the west of Iran. This long tunnel has been divided into three sections, namely 1A, 1B and 2. By April 2008, about 5.3 km of the lot 2 of this project, with a total length of 26 km, were excavated by a double-shield TBM. The bored section of tunnel passed through different geological units of three main formations of the Zagross mountain ranges which mainly consist of weak to moderately strong argillaceous-carbonate rocks. This paper will offer an overview of the project, concentrating on the TBM operation, and review the results of the field performance of the machine. Also results of statistical analyses to evaluate correlation of TBM performance parameters with rock mass characteristics will be discussed. The results of machine performance analysis indicated that there are strong relationships between geomechanical parameters and TBM performance parameters in this particular project. In this research some empirical equations and a chart have been developed to estimate TBM performance parameters in similar cases based on common rock mass properties.  相似文献   

The squeezing potential of rocks around tunnels; Theory and prediction   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
Summary The deformational behaviour of tunnels, which underwent large deformations, socalled squeezing, have been recently receiving great attention in the field of rock mechanics and tunnelling. Contrary to rockbursting phenomenon in which the deformation of the medium takes place instantaneously, the deformation of the surrounding rock in squeezing phenomenon takes place slowly and gradually when the resulting stress state following the excavation exceeds the strength of the surrounding medium. Although there are some proposals for the definition of squeezing rocks and prediction of their squeezing potential and deformations of tunnels in literature, it is difficult to say that they are concise and appropriate.In the first half of this paper, the squeezing phenomenon of rock about tunnels and its mechanism and associated factors are clarified by studying carefully observed failures in-situ and laboratory model tests. Then, an extensive survey of tunnels in squeezing rocks in Japan is presented and the results of this survey are summarised. In the second half of the paper, a new method is proposed to predict the squeezing potential and deformations of tunnels in squeezing rock. Then, the method is applied to actual tunnelling projects, where squeezing problems have been encountered, to check its validity and applicability. As a concrete example, an application of the method to predict the squeezing potential and deformations of the rock along a 300 m long section of an actual tunnel was made.  相似文献   

双连拱隧道围岩变形有限元与BP神经网络耦合分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
张孟喜  李钢  冯建龙  贺小强 《岩土力学》2008,29(5):1243-1248
以浙江金(华)-丽(水)-温(州)高速公路永嘉鹿城段的红枫双连拱隧道为工程背景,建立了基于神经网络的连拱隧道围岩变形预测模型.利用施工过程中左洞量测的围岩变形进行反分析,确定出围岩的力学特性参数,再通过数值分析方法对隧道右洞围岩变形和稳定性做出合理的评价和符合实际的预测,从而更有效地对支护参数和施工方法进行反馈设计.通过预测值与实际监测值的比较可以看出,其预测精度满足岩土工程的要求,具有一定的工程意义.  相似文献   

隧道围岩分类的层次类比系统方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在本文中,把围岩分类的因素分为3种。第一种为大的地质环境,它主要包括地层、构造、地形等;第二种为围岩的小环境,它包括岩体结构、结构面的发育情况、地下水的分布等;第三种为围岩的物理、力学、水理以及埋深等具体参数。这3种因素从大到小形成一个层次递阶关系,下层元素是上层元素的具体表现,上层元素对下层元素产生影响。把用这种层次关系表征的典型工点集合,作为一个工程地质评价模型的基础。按典型工点的稳定性进行排序或进行聚类分析,再把新工点的稳定性权重与典型工点的稳定性权重序列或相似序列比较,找出新工点在典型工点序列中的相当位置,这样就可根据与新工点相近的典型工点围岩类别以及施工、支护等成功的设计参数或经验教训作为新工点的设计参数。  相似文献   

The Pisa 2 tunnel with 740 m in length and 20° N trend is located along the Kazerun fault zone in Simply Folded Belt of Zagros, Iran. This tunnel has been excavated in the fractured incompetent marl layers with high expansive pressure of up to 2 kg/cm2. In this study, the geological hazards along the tunnel have been recognized and categorized. This study revealed that, in the long-term usage of the tunnel, the lining did not endure against the loading and the secondary leakages. It is mainly attributed due to the non-efficiencies of drainage and isolation systems in the tunnel site. Therefore, it caused asphalt damage, drainage damage, and wall distortion. FLAC3D software has been used in this research. We conducted various analyses for pre-excavation stress states, syn-excavation, and post-excavation strain states. The results showed no indication of instability and critical deformations during the excavation time. It also revealed that due to the non-efficiencies of drainage and isolation systems against secondary leakages and consequently marl expansion, the volumetric and shear strains (i.e., expansions and displacements) have exceeded from the critical states of strain along the tunnel. For various remedy purpose, this paper attempted several measures that can be taken in order to modify the drainage and isolation systems along the tunnel area. The reconstruction of drainage systems with suitable reinforced concrete and adequate slope has been proposed. The width of channel and isolation of backside of lining and implementation of multi-order outlets (i.e., backside of lining) for draining of groundwater into where the main drainage systems are located in the tunnel gallery were suggested.  相似文献   

大连路隧道联络通道冻土帷幕数值分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
武亚军  杨敏  李大勇 《岩土力学》2006,27(3):487-490
从数值方法的角度对大连路隧道联络通道冻结法施工冻结帷幕的变形与应力进行了分析与安全评价,详细讨论了帷幕中位移及应力的分布情况,并指出了帷幕最不利状态的分布位置在帷幕与已建隧道接触处,由于该处的冻结效果最差,所以施工中必须特别注意;对于上海地区类似工程来说,1.8 m厚的冻土帷幕是可以满足施工要求的,从而为今后联络通道数值分析及冻结法施工提供了一定的经验。  相似文献   

通过有限元计算,模拟了两种开挖顺序,获得了该隧道在采用不同开挖顺序施工时各阶段围岩的应力、位移状态和地表沉降。通过对比分析,得出采用三导洞开挖方案效果比较好,为该公路连拱隧道采用的施工方法提供了科学依据与技术指导。  相似文献   

针对锦屏II水电站深埋引水隧洞高地应力、强渗透压的复杂赋存环境及硬脆性岩体的特点,采用凝聚力弱化-摩擦强化(CWFS)模型反映岩体的脆塑性变形特点。采用黏弹性模型反映其黏性变形规律,基于现场的位移监测资料,通过遗传规划和粒子群算法的流变模型及参数识别方法得到黏弹脆塑性流变模型及其参数,利用大型岩土工程分析软件FLAC3D,模拟了隧洞群岩体的流变力学行为、喷锚支护型式及其与围岩相互作用机制以及工程结构体在高渗透压下的流固耦合效应。通过模拟结果的分析,采用位移、位移速率、应力、破坏接近度及支护结构的受力状况等状态信息的综合集成分析方法,对此工程围岩及结构体在复杂赋存环境中的长期稳定性状态进行了评价,并论证了现有设计方案的合理性,为指导工程设计和施工起到重要的作用。  相似文献   

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