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In this paper, we study the conditions of realization and stability of kink modes with azimuthal wave numbers m = ±1 in a cylindrical plasma filament with a twisted magnetic field and a homogeneous current along its axis. We assume that there are vertical constant magnetic fields inside and outside of the filament; the filament is surrounded by current-free plasma; and outside of its boundary, the azimuthal magnetic field decreases inversely in proportion to the distance from the filament’s border. The dispersion equations for stable and unstable modes are obtained in the approximation of “thin” plasma filament. The analysis of the equations for the case of discontinuous vertical magnetic field at the filament’s boundary is provided. The conditions of propagation of the wave modes have been defined. We have obtained that the unstable modes with m = ±1 cannot be realized. The results of this work can be applied to the interpretation of the solar magnetic flux tubes’ behavior using measurements provided by the spacecrafts.  相似文献   

Chae  Jongchul  Denker  Carsten  Spirock  Tom J.  Wang  Haimin  Goode  Philip R. 《Solar physics》2000,195(2):333-346
There have been two different kinds of explanations for the source of cool material in prominences or filaments: coronal condensations from above and cool plasma injections from below. In this paper, we present observational results which support filament mass injection by chromospheric reconnection. The observations of an active filament in the active region NOAA 8668 were performed on 17 August 1999 at a wavelength of H–0.6 Å using the 65 cm vacuum reflector, a Zeiss H birefringent filter, and a 12-bit SMD digital camera of Big Bear Solar Observatory. The best image was selected every 12 s for an hour based on a frame selection algorithm. All the images were then co-aligned and corrected for local distortion due to the seeing. The time-lapse movie of the data shows that the filament was undergoing ceaseless motion. The H flow field has been determined as a function of time using local correlation tracking. Time-averaged flow patterns usually trace local magnetic field lines, as inferred from H fibrils and line-of-sight magnetograms. An interesting finding is a transient flow field in a system of small H loops, some of which merge into the filament. The flow is associated with a cancelling magnetic feature which is located at one end of the loop system. Initially a diverging flow with speeds below 10 km s–1 is visible at the flux cancellation site. The flow is soon directed along the loops and accelerated up to 40 km s–1 in a few minutes. Some part of the plasma flow then merges into and moves along the filament. This kind of transient flow takes place several times during the observations. Our results clearly demonstrate that reconnection in the photosphere and chromosphere is a likely way to supply cool material to a filament, as well as re-organizing the magnetic field configuration, and, hence, is important in the formation of filaments.  相似文献   

Summary Conclusion This colloquium on solar prominences - the first ever held - has shown that a major part of activity in prominence research in recent years concentrated on both observation and computation of the magnetic conditions which were found to play a crucial role for the development and the maintainance of prominences. Remarkable progress was made in fine-scale measurements of photospheric magnetic fields around filaments and in internal field measurements in prominences. In addition, important information on the structure of the magnetic fields in the chromosphere adjacent to the filaments may be derived from high resolution photographs of the H fine structure around filaments which have become available recently; unfortunately, an unambiguous determination of the vector field in the chromosphere is not yet possible.It is quite clear, now, that stable filaments extend along neutral lines which divide regions of opposite longitudinal magnetic fields. Different types of neutral lines are possible, depending on the history and relationship of the opposite field regions. There is convincing evidence that the magnetic field in the neighbouring chromosphere may run nearly parallel to the filament axis and that there are two field components in stable prominences: an axial field dominant in the lower parts and a transverse field dominant in the higher parts.Methods for the computation of possible prominence field configurations from measured longitudinal photospheric fields were developed in recent years. In a number of cases (e.g. for loop prominences) the observed configuration could be perfectly represented by a force-free or even a potential field; poor agreement was found between computed and measured field strengths in quiescent prominences. In order to reconcile both of them it is necessary to assume electric currents. Unambiguous solutions will not be found until measurements of the vector field in the photosphere and in the prominences are available.The two-dimensional Kippenhahn-Schlüter model is still considered a useful tool for the study of prominence support and stability. However, a more refined model taking into account both field components and considering also thermal stability conditions is available now. It was proposed that quiescent prominences may form in magnetically neutral sheets in the corona where fields of opposite directions meet.As for the problem of the origin of the dense prominence material there are still two opposite processes under discussion. The injection of material from below, which was mainly applied to loop prominences, has recently been considered also a possible mechanism for the formation of quiescent prominences. On the other hand, the main objections against the condensation mechanism could be removed: it was shown that (1) sufficient material is available in the surrounding corona, and that (2) coronal matter can be condensed to prominence densities and cooled to prominence temperatures in a sufficiently short time.The energy balance in prominences is largely dependent on their fine structure. It seems that a much better radiative loss function for optically thin matter is now available. The problem of the heat conduction can only be treated properly if the field configuration is known. Very little is known on the heating of the corona and the prominence in a complicated field configuration. For the optically thick prominences the energy balance becomes a complicated radiative transfer problem.Still little is known on the first days of prominence development and on the mechanism of first formation which, both, are crucial for the unterstanding of the prominence phenomenon. As a first important step, it was shown in high resolution H photographs that the chromospheric fine structure becomes aligned along the direction of the neutral line already before first filament appearance. More H studies and magnetic field measurements are badly needed.Recent studies have shown that even in stable prominences strong small-scale internal rotational or helical motions exist; they are not yet understood. On the other hand, no generally agreed interpretation of large-scale motions of prominences seems to exist. A first attempt to explain the ascendance of prominences, the Disparitions Brusques, as the result of a kink instability was made recently.New opportunities in prominence research are offered by the study of invisible radiations: X-rays and meterwaves provide important information, not available otherwise, on physical conditions in the coronal surroundings of prominences; EUV observations will provide data on the thin transition layer between the cool prominence and the hot coronal plasma.Mitt. aus dem Fraunhofer Institut No. 111.  相似文献   

A review is given of some of the basic properties of force-free fields under circumstances when the conductivity of the medium is finite. Then the electric current density is related not only to the magnetic field, but also by Ohm's law to the electric field and plasma velocity, which must be considered in the solutions. It is pointed out that the natural constraint that the electric field and plasma velocity should be finite everywhere is not fulfilled in some previously used models. Models with a constant ratio of the electric current density and magnetic field intensity have been used extensively in the past. They are of some importance since solutions with the plasma at rest are possible only if is constant. However, it is shown that solutions of constant cannot be matched to an external current-free region of finite conductivity since can have no discontinuity in a medium where the conductivity varies continuously. Hence, for most applications models with a varying and a moving plasma must be used. Some new, simple and consistent models, especially of cylindrical symmetry, are derived by prescribing the form of the magnetic field lines, or one electic field component, or one time-dependent electric current component.  相似文献   

The formation and eruption of active region filaments is supposed to be caused by the increase of a concentrated current embedded in the active region background magnetic field of an active region according to the theory of Van Tend and Kuperus (1978).The onset of a filament eruption is due to either changes in the background magnetic field or the increase of the filament current intensity. Both processes can be caused by the emergence of new magnetic flux as well as by the motion of the photospheric footpoints of the magnetic field lines. It is shown that if the background field evolves from a potential field to a nearly force-free field the vertical equilibrium of the current filament is not affected, but large forces are generated along the filament axis. This is identified as the cause of filament activation and the increase in filament turbulence during the flare build-up phase. Depending on the evolution of the background field and the current filament, two different scenarios for flare build-up and filament eruption are distinguished.This work was done while one of the authors (M.K.) was participating in the CECAM workshop on Physics of Solar Flares held at Orsay, France, in June 1979.  相似文献   

A filamentary non‐holonomic dynamo solution of self‐induction magnetic field equation is found by considering highly conducting filaments. It is shown that planar filaments cannot support dynamo action since the flow along the filament vanishes for torsion‐free filaments. This is a generalization of the Zeldovich theorem for linear magnetic dynamo filaments. The flow of filament is proportionally to the product between Frenet torsion and curvature. This shows that filamentary dynamos must possess Frenet torsion. A well‐known example of this result is the α ‐dynamo in solar physics. Magnetic helicity and magnetic energy for this filamentary dynamo are computed. Magnetic helicity vanishes by construction and the magnetic field decays with torsion energy in helicoidal dynamos. The approach considered here is useful for the investigation of anisotropic turbulent cascades. As a particular simple example it is shown that under certain constraints the solution can be reduced to the Arnold cat dynamo map solution where the non‐holonomic directional mixed derivative, would play the role of the Lyapunov exponent which appears on stretching the magnetic field in Riemannian space. The solution seems to describe marginal slow dynamos when the velocities involved in the dynamo flows are constants. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Based on the developed method of jointly using data on the magnetic fields and brightness of filaments and coronal holes (CHs) at various heights in the solar atmosphere as well as on the velocities in the photosphere, we have obtained the following results:
  • The upward motion of matter is typical of filament channels in the form of bright stripes that often surround the filaments when observed in the HeI 1083 nm line.
  • The filament channels observed simultaneously in Hα and HeI 1083 nm differ in size, emission characteristics, and other parameters. We conclude that by simultaneously investigating the filament channels in two spectral ranges, we can make progress in understanding the physics of their formation and evolution.
  • Most of the filaments observed in the HeI 1083 nm line consist of dark knots with different velocity distributions in them. A possible interpretation of these knots is offered.
  • The height of the small-scale magnetic field distribution near the individual dark knots of filaments in the solar atmosphere varies between 3000 and 20000 km.
  • The zero surface separating the large-scale magnetic field structures in the corona and calculated in the potential approximation changes the inclination to the solar surface with height and is displaced in one or two days.
  • The observed formation of a filament in a CH was accompanied by a significant magnetic field variation in the CH region at heights from 0 to 30000 km up to the change of the predominant field sign over the entire CH area. We assume that this occurs at the stage of CH disappearance.
  •   相似文献   

    Observed properties of interstellar neutral hydrogen filaments suggest the presence of the Bennett pinch as described by the Carlqvist relationship with rotation around the filament axes included. A brief summary is first given of three ways in which a filament model for interstellar cloud structure was tested. Preliminary results from highresolution HI mapping of gas and dust in an apparent HI cloud indicate that the neutral gas and dust within and around its boundary is itself highly filamentary. An attempt to detect magnetic fields in this and similar features using the Zeeman effect technique at the 21-cm wavelength of interstellar neutral hydrogen set upper limits of a fewµG. In contrast, the strength of the toroidal magnetic field expected from the examination of the Carlqvist relationship is of order 5µG, which would be produced by a current of 1.4 · 1013 A. Zeeman effect technology is at present not able to detect toroidal magnetic fields of this order at the edge of barely resolved HI filaments. Nevertheless, currently available high-resolution HI data suggest that interstellar filament physics should take into account the role of currents and pinches for creating and stabilizing the structures.  相似文献   

    High resolution H filtergrams from Big Bear Solar Observatory reveal that some filamentary features in active regions have fine structure and hence magnetic field transverse to the gross structure and the zero longitudinal field line. These features are distinct from the usual active region filament, in which fine structure, magnetic field and filament are all parallel to the zero longitudinal field line. The latter occur on boundaries between regions of weaker fields while the former occur at boundaries between regions of stronger field.  相似文献   

    We investigated the structure of magnetic field and vertical electric currents in two active regions through a comparison of the observed transverse field with the potential field, which was computed according to Neumann boundary-value problem for the Laplace equation using the observed H z -value. Electric currents were calculated from the observations of the transverse magnetic field.There exist two systems of vertical electric currents in active regions: a system of local currents and a global one. The global current is about 2 × 1012 A. In the leading part of the active regions it is directed upward, and in the tail downward.Flare activity is closely connected with the value and direction of both local and global currents: the flares tend to apear in places with upward currents. The luminosity of H flocculi is also connected with vertical electric currents; the brighter the flocculi, the more frequently they appear in places of upward electric currents.The sensitivity of H emission to the sign of the current suggests that charged particles accelerated in the upper parts of magnetic loops may be responsible for these formations. Joule heating might be important for flocculi, if plasma conductivity is about 5 × 108 c.g.s.e.A model of a flare is suggested based on current redistribution in a system of emerging loops due to changes of loop inductance.  相似文献   

    We compare large-scale filtergrams of a hitherto neglected class 1B flare with previously published vector magnetograms and maps of photospheric longitudinal electric current density (Hagyard et al., 1985). The vector magnetic fields were mapped simultaneously with the eruption of this flare. We find a coincidence, to within the ±2 registration accuracy of the data, between the flare kernels and the locations of maximum shear and of peak values in the longitudinal electric current density. The kernels brighten in a way which implies that the preflare heating and the main release of flare energy are spatially coincident within the limits of resolution (2). A pronounced magnetic shear exists in the vertical direction at the location of the strongest flare kernels. We provide evidence that the electric currents could be maintained by the energy stored in the sheared transverse magnetic field and that the amount of energy released is proportional to the amount stored. These circumstances are consistent with theories in which flares are triggered by plasma instabilities due to surplus electric currents.  相似文献   

    We define for observational study two subsets of all polar zone filaments, which we call polemost filaments and polar filament bands. The behavior of the mean latitude of both the polemost filaments and the polar filament bands is examined and compared with the evolution of the polar magnetic field over an activity cycle as recently distilled by Howard and LaBonte (1981) from the past 13 years of Mt. Wilson full-disk magnetograms. The magnetic data reveal that the polar magnetic fields are built up and maintained by the episodic arrival of discrete f-polarity regions that originate in active region latitudes and subsequently drift to the poles. After leaving the active-region latitudes, these unipolar f-polarity regions do not spread equatorward even though there is less net flux equatorward; this indicates that the f-polarity regions are carried poleward by a meridional flow, rather than by diffusion. The polar zone filaments are an independent tracer which confirms both the episodic polar field formation and the meridional flow. We find:
    1. The mean latitude of the polemost filaments tracks the boundary of the polar field cap and undergoes an equatorward dip during each arrival of additional polar field.
    2. Polar filament bands track the boundary latitudes of the unipolar regions, drifting poleward with the regions at about 10 m s-1.
    3. The Mt. Wilson magnetic data, combined with a simple model calculation, show that the filament drift expected from diffusion alone would be slower than observed, and in some cases would be equatorward rather than poleward.
    4. The observation that filaments drift poleward along with the magnetic regions shows that fields of both polarities are carried by the meridional flow, as would be expected, rather than only the f-polarity flux which dominates the strength. This leads to the prediction that in the mid-latitudes during intervals between the passage of f-polarity regions, both polarities are present in nearly equal amounts. This prediction is confirmed by the magnetic data.

    Bibhas R. De 《Solar physics》1973,31(2):437-447
    A mechanism is suggested for the formation of loop-type prominences in solar-active regions following flare events. The mechanism is based on the already existing idea of compression of a coronal plasma element resulting in enhanced radiation and consequent cooling of the element. A model is suggested for such a compression based on the concept of a contracting, force-free filamentary structure. If the current in a filament increases with time, then there is a radial contraction of the filament. Since the coronal plasma is frozen into the magnetic field lines of the filament, a contraction of the filament causes a compression of the filamentary plasma. This model of compression is shown to be in approximate qualitative and quantitative agreement with observations.  相似文献   

    It has been proposed that magnetospheric substorms and solar flares are a result of the same mechanism. In our view this mechanism is connected with the escape, or attempted escape, of energized plasma from a region of closed magnetic field lines bounded by a magnetic bottle. In the case of the Earth, it must be plasma that is able to maintain a discrete auroral arc, and we propose that the cross-tail current connected to the arc is filamentary in nature to provide the field-aligned current sheet above the arc. A localized meander of such an intense current filament could be caused by a tearing instability in the neutral sheet. Such a meander will cause an inductive electric field opposing the current change everywhere. In trying to reduce the component of the induction electric field parallel to the magnetic field lines, the plasma must enhance the transverse or cross-tail component; this action leads to eruptive behavior, in agreement with tearing theories. This enhanced induction electric field will cause a discharge along the magnetic neutral line at the apex of the magnetic arches, constituting an impulsive acceleration of all charged particles originally near the neutral line. The products of this phase then undergo betatron acceleration for a second phase. This discharge eventually reduces the electric field along the neutral line, and thereafter the enclosed magnetic flux through the neutral line remains nearly constant. The result is a plasmoid that has definite identity; its buoyancy leads to its escape. The auroral breakup (and solar flare) is the complex plasma response to the changing electromagnetic field.  相似文献   

    Observations of two quiescent filaments show oscillatory variations in Doppler shift and central intensity of the He i 10830 Å line.The oscillatory periods range from about 5 to 15 min, with dominant periods of 5, 9, and 16 min. The 5-min period is also detected in the intensity variations, after correction for atmospheric effects. Doppler shifts precede intensity variations by about one period. The possibility that the oscillations are Alfvén waves is discussed.The Doppler signals of the filament form fibril-like structures. The fibrils are all inclined at an angle of about 25° to the long axis of the filament. The magnetic field has a similar orientation relative to the major direction of the filament, and the measured Doppler signals are apparently produced by motions along magnetic flux tubes threading the filament.The measured lifetimes of the small-scale fibrils of quiescent disk filaments are very likely a combined effect of intensity modulations and reshuffling of the structures.  相似文献   

    Preflare state     
    Discussion on the preflare state held at the Ottawa Flares 22 Workshop focused on the interpretation of solar magnetograms and of H filament activity. Magnetograms from several observatories provided evidence of significant build up of electric currents in flaring regions. Images of X-ray emitting structures provided a clear example of magnetic relaxation in the course of a flare. Emerging and cancelling magnetic fields appear to be important for triggering flares and for the formation of filaments, which are associated with eruptive flares. Filaments may become unstable by the build up of electric current helicity. Examples of heliform eruptive filaments were presented at the Workshop. Theoretical models linking filaments and flares are briefly reviewed.Report of Team 1, Flares 22 Workshop, Ottawa, May 25–28, 1993  相似文献   

    Cartledge  N. P.  Titov  V. S. 《Solar physics》1996,169(1):55-67
    A one-dimensional analysis of Kippenhahn-Schlüter type is applied to a sheet of prominence material inclined at an angle, to the horizontal. It is found that the magnetic pressure across the prominence no longer has a symmetric profile, but is stronger on the lower side of the sheet. This excess in magnetic pressure is necessary to balance the component of prominence weight in that direction. A matching function is derived and allows for variations along the length of the sheet, enabling the internal prominence solution to be linked onto a given background potential field. In this way a curved prominence sheet in a potential field may be resolved. A smooth profile for the magnetic field and a continuous variation of plasma pressure across the prominence region is then possible. An example is given in which the analysis is applied to a polar-crown prominence configuration of inverse polarity and the basic properties of the prominence are determined.  相似文献   

    Quiescent prominences occur as long-lasting cool sheets of matter in the surrounding hot corona at the base of coronal streamers. Seen on the disk they appear as dark filaments dividing regions of opposite magnetic polarity.In this paper a theoretical model is presented, which describes the general appearance of quiescent prominences.It is shown that the neutral sheet between two regions of oppositely directed magnetic fields is thermally unstable. This gives rise to compression and cooling of coronal material to prominence material in a characteristic time of the order of one day for a field strength of 0.5 gauss in the lower corona.It is assumed that due to the finite electrical resistivity of the plasma, filamentary structures are formed by the tearing-mode resistive plasma instability. These structures are thermally insulated from the hot surroundings by the newly formed closed azimuthal magnetic field configuration.It has been shown that for fine structures with a diameter of 300 km the growth rate of the tearing-mode instability is of the same order as the cooling time. The occurrence of fine structures within the prominence is of vital importance for their origin.On leave from the Observatory Sonnenborgh at Utrecht, The Netherlands.  相似文献   

    Pécseli  Hans  Engvold  OddbjØrn 《Solar physics》2000,194(1):73-86
    The nature of thin, highly inclined threads observed in quiescent prominences has puzzled solar physicists for a long time. When assuming that the threads represent truly inclined magnetic fields, the supporting mechanism of prominence plasma against gravity has remained an open issue. This paper examines the levitation of prominence plasma exerted by weakly damped MHD waves in nearly vertical magnetic flux tubes. It is shown that the wave damping, and resulting `radiation pressure', caused predominantly by ion-neutral collisions in the `cold' prominence plasma, may balance the acceleration of gravity provided the oscillation frequency is 2 rad s–1 (f0.5 Hz). Such short wave periods may be the result of small-scale magnetic reconnections in the highly fragmentary magnetic field of quiescent prominences. In the proposed model, the wave induced levitation acts predominantly on plasma – neutral gas mixtures.  相似文献   

    From filament observations at centimeter and millimeter wavelengths it is shown that the transition layer between the dense, cool filamentary material and the ambient hot, rarified corona is rather thin, of the order of some hundred kilometers. Hence, the difference in the sizes of filaments in the radio and optical domains is of the order of 1000 km or 2, thus not detectable by the instruments so far used for observations of filaments.NASINRC Resident Research Associate at NASA-GSFC.  相似文献   

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