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Using a simple color selection based on B-, z- and K-band photometry, BzK =(z - K)AB - (B - z)AB -0.2, we picked out 52 star-forming galaxies at 1.4 ≤ z ≤ 2.5(sBzKs) from a K-band selected sample (KVega < 22.0) in an area of ~ 5.5 arcmin2 of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field (UDF). We develop a new photometric redshift method, and the error in our photometric redshifts is less than 0.02(1 z). From the photometric redshift distribution, we find the BzK color criterion can be used to select star-forming galaxies at 1.4 ≤ z ≤ 2.5 with KVega < 22.0. Down to KVega < 22.0, the number counts of sBzKs increase linearly with the K magnitude; the sBzKs are strongly clustered, and most of them have irregular morphologies on the ACS images. They have a median reddening of E(B -V) ~ 0.28, an average star formation rate of ~ 36 M⊙ yr-1 and a typical stellar mass of ~ 1010M⊙. The UV criterion for the galaxies at z~2 can select most of the faint sBzKs in the UDF, but it does not work well for bright, massive, highly-reddened, actively star-forming galaxies.  相似文献   

An analysis of the images of objects in the Northern Hubble Space Telescope Deep Field has revealed twelve galaxies with tidal tails at redshifts from 0.5 to 1.5. The integrated characteristics of the newly discovered tidal structures are found to be similar to those of the tails of local interacting galaxies. The space density of galaxies with tidal tails is found to depend on z as (1+z)4±1(q 0=0.05), according to the data on objects with z=0.5–1.0. The exponent decreases to 3.6 if barred galaxies are included. The change in the rate of close encounters between galaxies of comparable masses (i.e., those that produce extended tidal structures) is estimated. If the rate of galactic mergers is governed by the same process, our data are indicative of the rapid evolution of galaxy merger rate toward z ~ 1.  相似文献   

A galaxy that is a good candidate for polar-ring galaxies has been detected in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field (HUDF). The galaxy HUDF 1619 (V ≈ 25 m , z ~ 1) is the most distant object of this type known to date. A large-scale structure crosses the highly warped disk of the main galaxy seen almost edge-on at an angle of about 70°. The luminosity of this structure (the possible polar ring) reaches ~1/3 of the luminosity of the central galaxy. A strong absorption lane is seen in the region where this structure is projected onto the disk of the central object. There are two galaxies of comparable luminosity adjacent to HUDF 1619 (in projection). One of them may be the donor galaxy the interaction with which gave rise to the ring structure.  相似文献   

Utilizing a Bz K-selection technique, we obtain 14 550 star-forming galaxies(sB z Ks) and 1763 passive galaxies(p Bz Ks) at z ~ 2 from the K-selected(KAB 22.5) catalog in the COSMOS/Ultra VISTA field. The differential number counts of sB z Ks and p Bz Ks are consistent with the results from the literature.Compared to the observed results, semi-analytic models of galaxy formation and evolution provide too few(many) galaxies at the high(low) mass end. Moreover, we find that the star formation rate and stellar mass of sB z Ks follow the relation of the main sequence. Based on HST/Wide Field Camera 3 F160 W imaging, we find a wide range of morphological diversities for sB z Ks, from diffuse to early-type spiral structures, with relatively high M20, large size and low G, while p Bz Ks have elliptical-like compact morphologies with lower M20, smaller size and higher G, indicating a more concentrated and symmetric spatial extent of stellar population distribution in p Bz Ks than sB z Ks. Furthermore, the sizes of p Bz Ks(sB z Ks) at z ~ 2 are on average two to three(one to two) times smaller than those of local early-type(late-type) galaxies with similar stellar mass. Our findings imply that the two classes have different evolution models and mass assembly histories.  相似文献   

We made model fitting to the mid-to-far infrared spectral energy distributions (SEDs) for different categories of galaxies in the main extragalactic field of the Spitzer First Look Survey with the aid of spectroscopic information from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We find that the mid-to-far infrared SEDs of HII galaxies, mixture type galaxies and LINERs can be well fitted by the one-parameter (α) dust model of Dale et al. plus the 13 Gyr dust-free elliptical galaxy model. The statistics of α values indicates that all these galaxies tend to be quiescent, although the HII galaxies are relatively more active than the LINERs. The mid- infrared SEDs of absorption galaxies are well fitted simply by the 13 Gyr dust-free elliptical galaxy template, and the near-to-mid infrared SEDs of QSOs can be represented by AGN NGC 5506.  相似文献   

Using high-resolution HST/Wide Field Camera 3 F125 W imaging from the CANDELS-COSMOS field, we report the structural and morphological properties of extremely red objects(EROs) at z ~ 1. Based on the UVJ color criteria, we separate EROs into two types: old passive galaxies(OGs) and dusty star-forming galaxies(DGs). For a given stellar mass, we find that the mean size of OGs(DGs) is smaller by a factor of ~ 2(1.5) than that of present-day early-type(late-type) galaxies at a rest-frame optical wavelength. We derive the average effective radii of OGs and DGs, corresponding to 2.09 ± 1.13 kpc and 3.27 ± 1.14 kpc, respectively. Generally,the DGs are heterogeneous, with mixed features including bulges, disks and irregular structures, with relatively high M20, large size and low G. By contrast, OGs have elliptical-like compact morphologies with lower M20, smaller size and higher G, indicating a more concentrated and symmetric spatial extent of the stellar population distribution in OGs than DGs. These findings imply that OGs and DGs have different evolutionary processes, and that the minor merger scenario is the most likely mechanism for the structural properties of OGs. However, the size evolution of DGs is possibly due to the secular evolution of galaxies.  相似文献   

The results of spectroscopic observations of 28 galaxies of the Second Byurakan Sky Survey, completing the follow-up spectroscopy of galaxies in the survey field with central coordinates = 12h22m, = +35°, are presented. The spectra were obtained on the 2.6 m telescope of the Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, and the 6 m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory, Russian Academy of Sciences. The redshifts and absolute stellar magnitudes of all the galaxies have been determined. A preliminary analysis of the spatial distribution of all galaxies in this sample is given.  相似文献   

We have obtained deep J and Ks-band images centered on a bright radio quiet QSO UM 402(zem= 2.856) using the IRCS camera and adaptive optics systems that are part of the Subaru Telescope, as well as retrieved WFC3/F140 W archive images of this object. A faint galaxy(mk= 23.32 ± 0.05 in the Vega magnitude system)that lies ~ 2.4′′north of the QSO sightline has been clearly resolved in all three deep high resolution datasets, and appears as an irregular galaxy with two close components in the Ks-band images(separation ~ 0.3′′). Given the small impact parameter(b = 19.6 kpc, at zlls= 2.531), as well as the red color of(J- K s)Vega~ 1.6,it might be a candidate galaxy giving rise to the Lyman Limit system absorption at zabs= 2.531 seen in the QSO spectrum. After carefully subtracting the point spread function from the QSO images, the host galaxy of this bright radio quiet QSO at z ~ 3was marginally revealed. We placed a lower limit on the host component of mk~ 23.3according to our analyses.  相似文献   

We present estimated ratios of the central black hole mass to the bulge mass (Mbh/Mbulge) for 15 Narrow Line Seyfert 1 galaxies (NLS1s). It is found that NLS1s apparently have lower mass ratios: the average mass ratio is about 1 × 10-4 with a spread of 2, which is one order of magnitude lower than for Broad Line AGNs and quiescent galaxies. This lower value, as compared to that established essentially for all other types of galaxies, can be accounted for by an underestimation of the black hole masses and an overestimation of the bulge masses in the NLS1s.  相似文献   

STEREO A and B observations of the radial magnetic field between 1 January 2007 and 31 October 2008 show significant evidence that in the heliosphere, the ambient radial magnetic field component with any dynamic effects removed is uniformly distributed. Based on this monopolar nature of the ambient heliospheric field we find that the surface beyond which the magnetic fields are in the monopolar configuration must be spherical, and this spherical surface can be defined as the inner boundary of the heliosphere that separates the monopole-dominated heliospheric magnetic field from the multipole-dominated coronal magnetic field. By using the radial variation of the coronal helmet streamers belts and the horizontal current – current sheet – source surface model we find that the spherical inner boundary of the heliosphere should be located around 14 solar radii near solar minimum phase.  相似文献   

Assuming a naive star formation history, we construct synthetic X-ray source pop- ulations, using a population synthesis code, for comparison with the observed X-ray lumi- nosity function (XLF) of the interacting galaxies NGC 4038/4039. We have included high- and intermediate-mass X-ray binaries, young rotation-powered pulsars and fallback disk-fed black holes in modeling the bright X-ray sources detected. We find that the majority of the X-ray sources are likely to be intermediate-mass X-ray binaries, but for typical binary evolu- tion parameters, the predicted XLF seems to be steeper than observed. We note that the shape of the XLFs depends critically on the existence of XLF break for young populations, and suggest super-Eddington accretion luminosities or the existence of intermediate-mass black holes to account for the high luminosity end and the slope of the XLF in NGC 4038/4039.  相似文献   

The present study of the open cluster Collinder 223 (Cr 223) depended greatly on the photoelectric data of Claria and Lapasset. We use the data in conjunction with the AAO/DSS^1 image of the cluster in a re-investigation to improve the main parameters of Cr 223, including the stellar density, the position of the cluster‘s center, the cluster‘s diameter. Its luminosity function, mass function, and total mass are also estimated.  相似文献   

We present the results of a time-series CCD photometric survey of variable stars in the field of the open cluster NGC 7789. In a field of about one degree centering on the cluster, a total of 28 new variable stars are discovered (14 W UMa systems, nine EA-type eclipsing binaries, one RR Lyr star, and four unclassified). In addition, we recovered 11 old variables previously discovered by other authors. Preliminary parameters are given for some of these variables.  相似文献   

Exarhos  G.  Moussas  X. 《Solar physics》1999,187(1):157-175
The microwave circular polarization of the active region (AR) NOAA 7260 on 21–23 August 1992 is analyzed. Two-dimensional images at 1.76 cm with spatial resolution of =10 from the Nobeyama radioheliograph and one-dimensional scans at 9 wavelengths in the range of 1.81–3.43 cm and =16.3–31.1 from the radio telescope RATAN-600 were used. An inversion of the sense of circular polarization through the wavelength range was recorded on 22 August. It is shown that both the wavelength and the time dependence of the inversion are consistent with quasi-transverse (QT) propagation of the radiation in the solar corona. From this, the strength of the coronal magnetic field in the active region was found to be H=20–65 G at a height of h= (5.7–8.7)×109 cm above the photosphere on 22 and 30 August and 125 G at the lower height of (3.7–6.4)×109 cm on 23 August. We present a new technique, based on the radio mapping (in both Stokes I and V) of an AR undergoing circular polarization inversion; applying this method to the Nobeyama data we obtained, for the first time, a magnetogram of the coronal magnetic field. For AR 7260 we found values in the range of 70–100 G at heights of (4–6)×109 cm on 23 August, adopting a constant value of NL (where N is the electron density and L is the scale of the coronal field divergence) of 2.5×1018 cm–2. We compare our results with force-free extrapolations of the photospheric magnetic field from a MSFC magnetogram obtained on 20 August.  相似文献   

Chandra observations of the Seyfert-2 galaxies NGC 2110 and NGC 7582 are presented. With the superb spatial resolution of Chandra we found that in NGC 7582 the soft (≤2 keV) and hard (2-10 keV) X-rays are emitted in different regions, consistent with the report by Xue et al. By comparing the present X-ray data with the previous infrared data, we determined that the soft X-ray region is the site of starburst activities. We found no significant temporal variations during our observations. We confirm the previous finding that NGC 2110 and NGC 7582 are flat-spectrum sources. We argue that the flat spectra may result from a cold absorbing material such as envisaged in the “dual absorbed” model. Strong Fe Kα emission feature is detected in 6-7keV. Its equivalent width is so large that it cannot be reproduced by using the Galactic column density of - 10^22 cm^-2.  相似文献   

In the present work we consider the questions of star formation and evolution of nearby dwarf galaxies. We describe the method of star formation history determination based on multicolor photometry of resolved stars and models of color-magnitude diagrams of the galaxies. We present the results of star formation rate determination and its dependence on age and metallicity for dwarf irregular and dwarf spheroidal galaxies in the two nearby galaxy groups M81 and Cen A. Similar age of the last episode of star formation in the central part of the M81 group and also unusually high level of metal enrichment in the several galaxies of the Cen A group are mentioned. We pay special attention to the consideration of perspectives of star formation study in nearby dwarf galaxies with he new WSO-UV observatory.  相似文献   

The distribution of element abundances with redshift in Damped Lyα (DLA) systems can be adequately reproduced by the same models reproducing the halo and disk components of the Milky Way Galaxy at different galactocentric distances. In this sense, DLA systems are well represented by normal spiral galaxies in their early evolutionary stages. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In order to study the state of gas in galaxies, diagrams of the relation of optical emission line fluxes are used allowing one to separate main ionization sources: young stars in the HII regions, active galactic nuclei, and shock waves. In the intermediate cases, for example, when the contributions of radiation from OB stars and from shock waves mix, identification becomes uncertain, and the issue remains unresolved on what determines the observed state of the diffuse ionized gas (DIG) including the one on large distances fromthe galactic plane. Adding of an extra parameter—the gas velocity dispersion in the line-of-sight—to classical diagnostic diagrams helps to find a solution. In the present paper, we analyze the observed data for several nearby galaxies: for UGC10043 with the galactic wind, for the dwarf galaxies VIIZw403 andMrk 35 with star formation, for the galaxy Arp 212 with a polar ring. The data on the velocity dispersion are obtained at the 6-m SAO RAS telescope with the Fabry-Perot scanning interferometer, the information on the relation of main emission-line fluxes–from the published results of the integral-field spectroscopy (the CALIFA survey and the MPFS spectrograph). A positive correlation between the radial velocity dispersion and the contribution of shock excitation to gas ionization are observed. In particular, in studying Arp 212, our approach allowed us to confirm the assumption on a direct collision of gaseous clouds on the inclined orbits with the main disk of the galaxy.  相似文献   

Observations of emission in the Mgi b2 line at 5172 Å are presented for 13 flares. Also discussed are 3 flares which occurred in regions under observation but which showed no Mg emission. The Mg flare kernels resemble white-light flare kernels in their general morphology and location. Comparison of Mg filtergrams with magnetograms indicates that the Mg kernels occur at the feet of magnetic arches across neutral lines. Time-lapse Mg filtergram films indicate photospheric shearing motions near flare sites for several hours before flare onset. We have compared flare Mg emission with microwave and both hard and soft X-ray flare emissions. Examination at the time development of the 1981, July 27 flare shows that the microwave and X-ray bursts may be clearly related to the appearance of successive Mg flare kernels. We have also compared subjective, relative Mg flare importances with other flare emission measurements. For the full sample of flares, Mg importance is significantly correlated with hard and soft X-ray emission peaks, with X-ray ‘hardness’ (ratio of hard to soft peaks) and with the rise slope of soft X-ray bursts. The Mg importance does not correlate with the microwave peaks when the full sample of flares is used, but for the subset showing Mg emission there is significant correlation. No correlation with Hα importance was found. Our results suggest that Mg emission is associated with an impulsive component which may be absent from some flares. The San Fernando Observatory magnesium etalon filter system is described.  相似文献   

A series of new radio-continuum (λ=20, 13, 6 and 3 cm) mosaic images focused on the NGC 55 galactic system were produced using archived observational data from the Australia Telescope Compact Array. These new images are both very sensitive (down to rms=33 μJy) and feature high angular resolution (down to <4″). Using these newly created images, 66 previously unidentified discrete sources are identified. Of these sources, 46 were classified as background sources, 11 as H?ii regions and 6 as supernova remnant candidates. This relatively low number of SNR candidates detected coupled with the low number of large H?ii regions is consistent with the estimated low star formation rate of the galaxy at 0.06 M ?year?1. Our spectral index map shows that the core of galaxy appears to have a shallow spectral index between α=?0.2 and ?0.4. This indicates that the core of the galaxy is a region of high thermal radiation output.  相似文献   

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