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Females of Donax trunculus L. show higher concentrations of Mn and Zn than males. Differences are very high for Mn which also shows very large monthly fluctuations. Both the metals present higher contents during the period of gonadic maturation. Some high values of manganese found in the period when gonads are resting suggest the influence of sharp environmental variations in the area where bivalves have been collected.  相似文献   

基于半分析算法的香港邻近海域叶绿素a浓度反演   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为进一步了解香港近海水体特性及监测其水质状况,根据2001年3-5月在香港临近海域调查取得的实测资料,对该海域水体光谱进行解析,开发该海域叶绿素a浓度与色素吸收系数aph(675)的经验模型,具有较高相关性;用剖面数据外推及水体光谱模拟方法完成对水下表面遥感反射率光谱的推导;进而建屯反演低浓度区叶绿素a浓度的半分析算法,反演结果与实测值比较平均相对误差为45%,均方根差0.933,相关系数0.78,误差主要来源于外推演算及散射模型.结果表明该算法在低悬浮物低叶绿素浓度区域有一定适用性.  相似文献   

Suspended sediment adsorbs pollutants from flowing water in rivers and deposits onto the bed. However, the pollutants accumulated in the river bed sediment may affect the bio-community through food chain for a long period of time. To study the problem the concentration of heavy metals (Cr, Cd, Hg, Cu, Fe, Zn, Pb and As) in water, sediment, and fish/invertebrate were investigated in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River during 2006-2007. The concentrations of heavy metals were 100-10,000 times higher in the sediment than in the water. Benthic invertebrates had relatively high concentrations of heavy metals in their tissues due to their proximity to contaminated sediments. Benthic invertivore fish had moderately high concentrations of heavy metals whereas phytoplanktivore fish, such as the silver carp, accumulated the lowest concentration of heavy metals. The concentrations of Cu, Zn, and Fe were higher than Hg, Pb, Cd, Cr, and As in the tissue samples. The concentration of heavy metals was lower in the river sediments than in the lake sediments. Conversely, the concentration of heavy metals was higher in river water than in lake water. While a pollution event into a water body is often transitory, the effects of the pollutants may be long-lived due to their tendency to be absorbed in the sediments and then released into the food chain. The heavy metals were concentrated in the following order: bottom material 〉 demersal fish and benthic fauna 〉 middle-lower layer fish 〉 upper-middle layer fish 〉 water.  相似文献   

Oil pollution of water and bottom sediments (BS) of the Sea of Azov is characterized by using the results of studies carried out in different seasons of 1985–2005. Regularities in the dynamics of oil pollution are discussed and correlated with the stages in changes in the country’s economy.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the exposure risk of lead and cadmium in seafood for coastal residents in the coastline of the South China, representative seafood such as sea fish, crustaceans and molluscs were collected and used as research samples in many sampling points. By determining lead and cadmium content in sample using graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry, we carried out a safety evaluation of lead and cadmium contamination of seafood by single factor pollution index method. By calculating lead, cadmium intake of the coastal residents eating seafood, their exposure risk of lead, cadmium was assessed. It was found that, firstly, the content of lead and cadmium in mollusks was both higher than sea fish and crustaceans in the same waters. Secondly, the lead and cadmium pollution in seafood near the mouth of Pearl River was the most serious. Thirdly, lead and cadmium intakes of the coastal population eating seafood were at a basic level of security, but there were certain risks on the males less than 17 years old eating molluscs in Shenzhen Bay.  相似文献   

Trace organic (chlorinated pesticides, PCBs, PAHs and dioxins/furans) and trace metal concentrations were measured in surficial sediment and biological tissues (i.e., worms, crustaceans, bivalve molluscs, and fish livers) collected from the Russian Arctic. Total DDT, chlordane, PCB and PAH concentrations ranged from ND to 1.2, ND to <0.1, ND to 1.5 and <20-810 ng g(-1), respectively, in a suite of 40 surficial sediment samples from the Kara Sea and the adjacent Ob and Yenisey Rivers. High sedimentary concentrations of contaminants were found in the lower part of the Yenisey River below the salt wedge. Total dioxins/furans were analysed in a subset of 20 sediment samples and ranged from 1.4 to 410 pg g(-1). The highest trace organic contaminant concentrations were found in organisms, particularly fish livers. Concentrations as high as 89 ng g(-1) chlordane; 1010 ng g(-1) total DDTs; 460 ng g(-1) total PCBs; and 1110 ng g(-1) total PAH, were detected. A subset of 11 tissue samples was analysed for dioxins and furans with total concentrations ranging from 12 to 61 pg g(-1). Concentrations of many trace organic and metal contaminants in the Kara Sea appear to originate from riverine sources and atmospheric transport from more temperate areas. Most organic contaminant concentrations in sediments were low; however, contaminants are being concentrated in organisms and may pose a health hazard for inhabitants of coastal villages.  相似文献   

粉煤灰经工厂废气排放进入大气,对人类健康和生态系统都造成了无法弥补的破坏.本文选取具有高空间分辨率优势的树叶作为收集粉煤灰的载体,对临汾市大气中可吸入颗粒物进行磁学参数和重金属含量监测.结果表明,磁化率最大值出现在工厂污染源附近,磁化率空间分布呈现随污染源距离增加而降低的趋势.工业区收集到的磁性颗粒以低矫顽力、粗粒度的磁铁矿为主.夏季磁性矿物来源单一,主要为人为影响.冬季大气中悬浮的磁性颗粒有部分来自于西北风/北风的自然尘降.同一采样点磁化率随时间变化特征表明,树叶的磁学性质可以灵敏和有效地反映较短时期内大气污染的现状.统计分析表明磁化率和重金属元素(铁,铬,镍,铜,铅,钴)之间存在显著相关性.污染负荷指数用于评估研究区域内重金属各元素综合污染的程度.结果显示,在废弃的旧工业区附近无大气污染指示,但在运营中的工厂集中的地区,大气均受到严重污染.污染负荷指数与表征磁性矿物含量的磁化率呈相关性(r2=0.66),因此树叶的磁性参数可以作为大气重金属污染的替代指标.  相似文献   

In many streams, microbial growth largely relies on terrigenous organic carbon that has been initially stored in soils and that is generally believed to be recalcitrant to microbial metabolism. The various mechanisms that underlie the availability of terrigenous organic carbon as it enters streams remain poorly understood. One possible mechanism can be photodegradation of terrigenous dissolved organic carbon (DOC) upon exposure to sunlight in streamwater. To explore this, we experimentally exposed streamwater, shallow groundwater and soil water from a clear-water Alpine headwater stream, and both soil and algal extracts, to UV-radiation and studied the effects on DOC optical properties and implications for microbial growth. Our results on the apparent quantum yield suggest that DOC from groundwater and soil water is more resistant to photodegradation than DOC in the streamwater itself. This would highlight the relevance of the exposure history of DOC to sunlight. Overall, UV-radiation decreased the aromaticity (as SUVA254) of the DOC and reduced its molecular weight as indicated by the slope ratio, S R (S 275–295/S 350–400). UV-treatment significantly increased bacterial growth rate and bacterial growth efficiency in the streamwater, soil water, groundwater and soil extract but not in algal extract. Our findings suggest photodegradation as one mechanism that contributes to the microbial utilisation of terrigenous DOC even in clear-water streams.  相似文献   

太湖沉积物中镉的赋存形态及其与河蚬体内富集的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过实验室模拟的方法,将河蚬暴露于镉(Cd)污染太湖沉积物中,研究河蚬软体组织中Cd富集量及其水环境中Cd的分布规律.同时采用薄膜扩散梯度技术(DGT)和BCR形态分析法分别测定沉积物中Cd的有效形态和释放规律.以获得三种方法预测沉积物基准方法的适用性.结果表明,随着加标浓度增大,DGT和BCR测得Cd浓度值增高,上覆...  相似文献   

The coastal water quality of Çanakkale Dardanelles (Turkey) was assessed based on bacteriological data and physical–chemical parameters. Total coliform (TC), fecal coliform (FC), and enterococci (ENT) bacteria along with physicochemical parameters were measured monthly up to a year at 12 different sampling sites located through both coastal lines of the strait. The fecal bacteria were abounded at several sampling sites such as B1, B3, G3, and G4 due to direct wastewater discharges and septic leakages or overloading. Storm water runoff and sediment resuspension were important pathways for the transport of coliform and ENT bacteria to the Dardanelles, as the region receives high precipitation and strong winds for most part of the year. The values of pH, temperature, and salinity were in typical ranges for the studied area. The microbiological and physicochemical data were correlated individually and in combination. The best fit correlations for bacterial data were attained between TC and FC or TC and ENT (R = 0.67 or ?0.68), while those for the combined data were obtained for TC with temperature (R = 0.94) and TC with salinity (R = ? 0.70).  相似文献   

The Elbe is one of the major rivers releasing pollutants into the coastal areas of the German North Sea. Its estuary represents the habitat of a small population of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina). Only little is known about the health status and contamination levels of these seals. Therefore, a first-ever seal catch was organized next to the islands of Neuwerk and Scharhörn in the region of the Hamburg Wadden Sea National Park. The investigations included a broad set of health parameters and the analysis of metals and organic pollutants in blood samples. Compared to animals of other Wadden Sea areas, the seals showed higher γ-globulin levels, suggesting higher concentrations of pathogens in this near-urban area, elevated concentrations for several metals in particular for V, Sn, Pb, and Sr, and comparable ranges for chlorinated organic contaminants, except for elevated levels of hexachlorobenzene, which indicates characteristic inputs from the Elbe.  相似文献   

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