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In the northern extension of the Famatina and the southern Puna (NW Argentina) prominent rhyolitic volcanic rocks traditionally referred to as Ordovician are exposed, resting on metamorphic basement and covered by thick Late Paleozoic siliciclastic successions. We report new U–Pb SHRIMP ages from these rhyolites that show them to be of Mississippian (348–342 Ma) age, thus identifying a previously unknown volcanic event in this portion of western Gondwana. Whole-rock geochemistry and Sr–Nd isotopic analyses suggest a crustal source for these rocks but with a juvenile input (εNd(t) between ? 2.91 and ? 0.3, and TDM values between 1.09 and 1.1 Ga). This is different from the Early Paleozoic magmatism of western Argentina where crustal recycling took place without any involvement of mantle material. The Carboniferous magmatism is compatible with an extensional environment developed along the Terra Australis accretionary orogen as a result of tectonic switching processes. These rhyolites may be related to the coeval Mississippian A-type granites exposed to the east, in the Sierras Pampeanas, confirming the regional character of this magmatism.  相似文献   

Despite extensive geochemical study and their importance to granite studies, the geochronology of Silurian to early-Devonian granitic rocks of southeastern Australia is poorly understood. In order to provide an improved temporal framework, new ion microprobe U–Pb zircon ages are presented from these rocks, and previous work is critically reviewed. Geochronological control is best in the Berridale Batholith, where S- and I-type granites have a close spatial relationship. In this region, there is a small volume of I-type granite that crystallised at 436 Ma, followed closely by a large volume of S-type granite at 432 Ma. I-type granite is abundant in a second peak at ca 417 Ma, although the Jindabyne pluton from the Kosciuszko Batholith is slightly older, at 424 Ma. A broader survey of S-type granite throughout the eastern Lachlan Orogen shows that the 432 Ma event is ubiquitous. There is no temporal overlap between S- and I-type granites in the Kosciuszko and Berridale Batholiths, which suggests that factors other than variations in degree of crustal contamination (which may include variation in tectonic setting, heat-flow, mass transfer across the crust–mantle boundary and/or availability in source materials) contribute to the diversity in granite types. The S-type granitic rocks occupy an aerial extent of greater than 28 000 km2, and geochronological constraints suggest that the crystallisation of these granites took place over a relatively small interval, probably less than 10 m.y. This implies a magmatic flux of over 64 km3/Ma per km strike length, comparable to other high-flux granitic belts. Previous work has linked the Benambran Orogeny to the generation of the S-type granites, and so the age of these granites constrains the age of Benambran Orogenesis  相似文献   

Cu ± Au ± Mo mineralization is found in multiple intrusive suites in the Gangdese belt of southern Tibet (GBST). However, the petrogenesis of these ore-bearing intrusive rocks remains controversial. Here, we report on mineralization-related Late Cretaceous-early Eocene intrusive rocks in the Chikang–Jirong area, southern Gangdese. Zircon U–Pb analyses indicate that the mainly granodioritic Chikang and Jirong plutons were generated in the Late Cretaceous (ca. 92 Ma) and early Eocene (ca. 53 Ma), respectively. They are high-K calc-alkaline suites with high SiO2 (64.8–68.3 wt.%) and Al2O3 (15.1–15.7 wt.%) contents. Chikang granodiorites are characterized by high Sr (835–957 ppm), Sr/Y (118–140), Mg# (58–60), Cr (21.8–36.6 ppm), and Ni (14.3–22.9 ppm), and low Y (6.0–8.1 ppm), Yb (0.54–0.68 ppm) values with negligible Eu anomalies, which are similar to those of typical slab-derived adakites. The Jirong granodiorites have high SiO2 (64.8–65.3 wt.%) and Na2O + K2O (7.19–7.59 wt.%), and low CaO (2.45–3.69 wt.%) contents, Mg# (47–53) and Sr/Y (14–16) values, along with negative Eu and Ba anomalies. Both Chikang and Jirong granodiorites have similar εHf(t) (7.6–13.1) values. The Chikang granodiorites were most probably produced by partial melting of subducted Neo-Tethyan oceanic crust, and the Jirong granodiorites were possibly generated by partial melting of Gangdese juvenile basaltic crust. In combination with the two peak ages (100–80 and 65–41 Ma) of Gangdese magmatism, we suggest that upwelling asthenosphere, triggered by the rollback and subsequent break-off of subducted Neo-Tethyan oceanic lithosphere, provided the heat for partial melting of subducted slab and arc juvenile crust. Taking into account the contemporaneous occurrence of Gangdese magmatism and Cu ± Au ± Mo mineralization, we conclude that the Late Cretaceous–early Eocene magmatic rocks in the GBST may have a significant potential for Cu ± Au ± Mo mineralization.  相似文献   

Copper, gold and molybdenum mineralization of the Kalmakyr porphyry deposit in Uzbek Tien Shan occurs as stockworks, veinlets and disseminations in the phyllic and K-silicate alteration zones developed predominantly in a middle to late Carboniferous intrusive complex composed of monzonite and granodiorite porphyry. Zircon U–Pb dating yielded an age of 327.2 ± 5.6 Ma for the ore-hosting monzonite and an age of 313.6 ± 2.8 Ma for the ore-bearing granodiorite porphyry. Re–Os dating of seven molybdenite samples from stockwork and veinlet ores yielded model ages from 313.2 to 306.3 Ma, with two well-constrained isochron ages of 307.6 ± 2.5 Ma (five stockwork ores) and 309.1 ± 2.2 Ma (five stockwork ores and two veinlet ores), respectively. These results indicate that Cu–Au mineralization post-dated the emplacement of the monzonite, started right after the emplacement of the granodiorite porphyry, and lasted for ca. 7 Ma afterward. The geochronological and geochemical data suggest that the Kalmakyr deposit was formed in a late Carboniferous mature magmatic arc setting, probably related to the latest subduction process of the Turkestan Ocean beneath the Middle Tien Shan. The εHf(t) values of zircon grains from the monzonite vary from +11 to +1.7, with an average of +5.1, and those of zircon grains from the granodiorite porphyry range from +5.7 to −1.8, with an average of +2.4. These data indicate that the magma of both monzonite and granodiorite porphyry was derived from partial melting of a thickened lower crust with input of mantle components and variable crustal contamination, and that there was more mantle contribution to the formation of the monzonite than the granodiorite porphyry. The high rhenium concentrations of molybdenite (98–899 ppm) also indicate major mantle contribution of rhenium and by inference ore metals. The relatively high EuN/EuN1 values (average 0.68), Ce4+/Ce3 values (average 890) and Ce/Nd values (average 36.8) for zircon grains from the granodiorite porphyry than those from the monzonite (average EuN/EuN1 = 0.33, average Ce4+/Ce3 = 624, average Ce/Nd = 3.9) suggest that the magma for the syn-mineralization granodiorite porphyry has higher oxygen fugacity than that for the pre-mineralization monzonite. Based on these data, it is proposed that while the monzonite was emplaced, the oxygen fugacity and volatile contents in the magma were relatively low, and ore metals might disperse in the intrusive rock, whereas when the granodiorite porphyry was emplaced, the oxygen fugacity and volatile contents in the magma were increased, favoring copper and gold enrichment in the magmatic fluids. The Kalmakyr deposit formed from a long-lived magmatic-hydrothermal system connected with fertile magmatic sources in relation to the subduction of the Turkestan Ocean beneath the Middle Tien Shan.  相似文献   

The Taldybulak Levoberezhny gold deposit, located in the eastern part of the Kyrgyz Northern Tien Shan, is hosted in highly deformed Precambrian schist and gneisses that have undergone intense quartz, carbonate, fuchsite and tourmaline alterations. Gold mineralization is ultimately subdivided into two stages based on the observation of alteration assemblages, orebody geometries, and the occurrences of Au-bearing minerals. Negative thermal ionization mass spectrometry Re–Os isotopic analyses of five Au-rich pyrite samples from the early stage yielded an isochron age of 511 ± 18 Ma. Zircon sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe U–Pb dating of a diorite dike sample postdating the late stage mineralization yielded a wide range of ages from 3055 to 291 Ma, while a weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of 414.6 ± 6.8 Ma is believed to represent the age of dike intrusion and the upper limit on the timing of the late stage quartz–tourmaline–gold formation. The pyrite 187Os/188Os(initial) ratio of 0.132 ± 0.011, together with γOs values varying from 0 to + 14, indicate a major mantle component for the source of Os and by inference ore metals, which may be linked to the ophiolite suite of the Kopurelisai Complex in the Taldybulak Levoberezhny area. Considering the geodynamic setting of the Kyrgyz Northern Tien Shan during the early Paleozoic, we suggest that Cambrian mineralization of the Taldybulak Levoberezhny deposit can be attributed to a subduction-related setting, probably associated with the earliest accretion of the Northern Tien Shan.  相似文献   

Application of multiple chronometers (including U–Pb and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology and zircon and apatite (U–Th)/He thermochronology) to porphyry intrusions at the Bajo de la Alumbrera porphyry copper–gold deposit, Argentina, reveals a complex history of reheating that spans millions of years. Previous U–Pb geochronology, combined with our new 40Ar/39Ar data, shows that the multiple porphyritic intrusions at Bajo de la Alumbrera were emplaced during two episodes, the first at about 8.0 Ma (P2 and associated porphyries) and the second about a million years later (Early and Late P3 porphyries). Complex overprinting alteration events have obscured the earliest hydrothermal history of the deposit. By contrast, 40Ar/39Ar data reveal the close temporal relationship of ore-bearing potassic alteration assemblages (7.12 ± 0.13 Ma; biotite) to the emplacement of the P3 intrusions. Consistent with low closure temperatures, younger ages have been determined for associated hydrothermal alkali feldspar (6.82 ± 0.05 Ma and 6.64 ± 0.09 Ma). The temperature-sensitive Ar data also record an unexpected prolonged cooling history (to below 200°C) extending to 5.9 Ma. Our data suggest that the Bajo de la Alumbrera system underwent protracted cooling, after the collapse of the main hydrothermal system, or that one or more low-temperature (~100–200°C) reheating events occurred after emplacement of the porphyritic intrusions at Bajo de la Alumbrera. These have been constrained in part by our new 40Ar/39Ar data (including multidomain diffusion modeling) and (U–Th)/He ages. Single-grain (U–Th)/He ages (n = 5) for phenocrystic zircon from P2 and P3 intrusive phases bracket these thermal events to between 6.9 (youngest crystallization of intrusion) and 5.1 Ma. Multidomain modeling of alkali feldspar data (from both igneous and hydrothermal crystals) is consistent with the deposit cooling rapidly from magmatic temperatures to below about 300°C, with a more protracted history down to 150°C. We conclude that the late-stage low-temperature (150 to 200°C) thermal anomaly localized at Bajo de la Alumbrera resulted from radiation of heat and/or fluids sourced from deeper-seated magma bodies, emplaced beneath the deposit. To produce the observed thermal longevity of the porphyry system, magma bodies underlying the Bajo de la Alumbrera deposit must have been repeatedly replenished by new magma batches. Without replenishment, crystallization of the source magma will occur, and heat release will stop, leading to rapid cooling (in less than ten thousand years). The influx of deep-seated magma may have caused the development of late low-temperature hydrothermal alteration assemblages at Bajo de la Alumbrera, at the same time that mineralization formed at Agua Rica, some 25 km away. All available chronologic data for the Bajo de la Alumbrera deposit suggest that the hydrothermal system was active episodically over at least a three-million and possibly up to a four-million-year period. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Recrystallization of zircons under the influence of fluids was studied using examples from Precambrian rocks (microcline granites, metasedimentary, and mafic rocks) of the Kola Peninsula. All zircon crystals showed complex internal textures visible by cathodoluminescence and backscattered electron (BSE) imaging. Detailed mineralogical and geochemical studies with subsequent secondary ion mass spectrometer U–Pb dating of different zircon domains show that secondary texture formation can be interpreted in terms of metasomatic replacement of zircon crystals on the base of crystallogenetic experimental models. Mechanisms of zircon replacement and interpretation of U–Pb ages for secondary zircon domains are dependent on the degree of damage of the zircon structure and the fluid composition. The recrystallization of metamict zircon without additional supply of new zircon substance (Zr, SiO2) goes with the dissolution of amorphous domains and precipitation of new polycrystalline zircon, which preserves the U–Pb initial age, but loses radiogenic lead, and the lower intercept of Discordia lines with the Concordia curve determines the time of fluid influence. The recrystallization of metamict zircon or crystalline zircon with high contents of impurities with additional supply of Si and Zr forms monocrystalline replacements. Dissolution of primary zircon is accompanied by growth of new zircon domains differing in the composition of isomorphic impurities and zones of transitional composition, whose ages have no geological sense. The study is of particular importance for zircons from Precambrian rocks with long and complex histories.  相似文献   

The Yandong porphyry copper deposit, located in the Eastern Tianshan Mountains, Xinjiang, China, is part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. The Yandong deposit is hosted by a volcanic complex in the Early Carboniferous Qi’eshan Group and a felsic intrusion. The complex consists of andesite, basalt, diorite porphyry, and porphyritic quartz diorite. The felsic intrusion is a plagiogranite porphyry emplaced within the complex. The diorite porphyry and plagiogranite porphyry yield SIMS zircon U–Pb ages of 340.0 ± 3 and 332.2 ± 2.3 Ma, respectively. Element geochemistry shows that both the complex and plagiogranite porphyry formed in the Dananhu–Tousuquan island arc, a Carboniferous magmatic arc.The diorite porphyry and plagiogranite porphyry are host porphyries, but the plagiogranite porphyry is a productive porphyry. It caused the porphyry-style Cu mineralization and associated alteration. The alteration assemblages include early potassic and propylitic assemblages. These were overprinted by a chlorite–sericite assemblage, which in turn was overprinted by a late phyllic assemblage. The phyllic alteration is associated with the highest Cu grades. The mineralization is recognized to include three stages, from early to late: stage 1, a potassic alteration associated with a chalcopyrite + pyrite assemblage; stage 2, represented by chlorite–sericite alteration with a chalcopyrite + pyrite assemblage; and stage 3, the main-ore stage that is marked by phyllic alteration with chalcopyrite + pyrite ± molybdenite and producing more than 70% of the total copper production at Yandong. Yandong may represent a common scenario for Paleozoic porphyry Cu systems in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt.  相似文献   

The Fujiawu porphyry Cu–Mo deposit is one of several porphyry Cu–Mo deposits in the Dexing district, Jiangxi Province, Southeast China. New zircon SHRIMP U–Pb data yield a weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of 172.0 ± 2.1 and 168.5 ± 1.4 Ma from weakly altered granodiorite porphyry and quartz diorite porphyry, respectively. Two hydrothermal biotites from granodiorite porphyry give an Ar–Ar step-heating plateau age of 169.9 ± 1.8 and 168.7 ± 1.8 Ma. Hydrothermal apatite exsolved from altered biotite yields an isotope dilution thermal ionization mass spectrometry isochron age of 164.4 ± 0.9 Ma. The apatite age is similar to the ages obtained from hydrothermal rutile (165.0 ± 1.1 and 164.8 ± 1.6 Ma) and indicates that the magmatism and hydrothermal activity in the Fujiawu deposit occurred in the Middle Jurassic. Hydrothermal fluid circulation related to multiple stages of magma emplacement resulted in Cu–Mo mineralization in the Fujiawu porphyry deposit. The zircon SHRIMP U–Pb ages and the published molybdenite Re–Os age (170.9 ± 1.5 Ma) represent the timing of magma crystallization and Mo mineralization, whereas the rutile and apatite U–Pb ages reflect the timing of Cu mineralization following quartz diorite emplacement. The data suggest slow cooling after emplacement of the quartz diorite porphyry.  相似文献   

The Southeast Anatolian Orogenic Belt (SAOB), the most extensive segment of the Alpine-Himalayan Orogenic Belt, resulted from the northward subduction of the southern branch of the Neotethys oceanic crust beneath the Anatolian micro-plate. We present new whole-rock geochemistry, zircon U–Pb ages, and Lu–Hf isotope data from the stocks and dykes with a length of up to tens of meters belonging to the Keban magmatic rocks, eastern Turkey. These rocks are represented by syenite and quartz monzonite intruded into the Keban metamorphic complex. The geochemistry data indicates that the samples bear mostly metaluminous, variably high alkalines (K2O + Na2O), Ga/Al ratios and zircon saturation temperature, and typically the A-type granite characters. According to the Y/Nb vs Yb/Ta diagram, the Keban magmatic rocks show A1-type geochemical signatures modified by crustal melts. Syenite and quartz monzonite samples from Keban magmatic rocks give zircon U–Pb ages of 77.4 ± 0.34 Ma, 76.3 ± 0.3 Ma and 76.36 ± 0.34 Ma, respectively. On the primitive mantle-normalised trace element patterns, the Keban magmatic rocks show enrichment in large-ion lithophile elements (LILEs) relative to high field strength elements (HFSEs). They are coupled with slightly negative Nb–Ta anomalies. Chondrite-normalised rare earth-element patterns show strong enrichment in LREEs relative to HREEs, a typical A-type granites feature. The zircons have negative εHf(t) values that vary from ?2.68 to ?0.41, and Hf model ages (TDM2) range from 1171.54 to 1329.26 Ma, indicating the enriched lithospheric mantle sources and crustal contribution. The sources and evolution of the alkaline magmas might be related to the post-collisional tectonic setting.  相似文献   

The footwall volcanic rocks of the Ordovician Tanjianshan Group in the world-class Xitieshan Pb–Zn deposit have experienced prolonged arc volcanism followed by strong metamorphism and deformation. This has resulted in a complex thermal history and led to ambiguity in interpretation of zircon geochronological results. An integrated study involving textural characterization, CL imaging, trace element analysis, Ti-in-zircon thermometry and LA-ICPMS U–Pb dating has provided tight constraints on the age and genesis of the zircon groups in the volcanic rocks. The temperature of metamorphism and deformation indicated by metacryst minerals and micro-structures in the volcanic rocks ranges from 550 to 650 °C, which partially overlaps with the lower temperature range of zircon crystallization (600–750 °C) calculated using the Ti-in-zircon thermometer. Cathodoluminescence images and trace element compositions confirm a magmatic origin for the zircons, which have also been variably altered by metamorphic fluids. Two ranges of U–Pb ages, 475–470 Ma and 460–450 Ma, have been obtained on typical magmatic zircons and are interpreted to represent pre-mineralization arc volcanism in the Xitieshan deposit. A younger age group of 440–430 Ma for the fluid-modified zircons is considered to record post-ore metamorphism during the North Qadaim Orogeny. Thus, we propose that the original exhalative ores at the Xitieshan Pb–Zn deposit formed at 450–440 Ma.  相似文献   

The Bacaba iron oxide–copper–gold deposit, situated within a WNW–ESE-striking shear zone in the Carajás Domain, Carajás Mineral Province, is hosted by the Serra Dourada Granite, the Bacaba Tonalite, and crosscutting gabbro intrusions, which were intensely affected by sodic (albite–scapolite), potassic, chloritic, and hydrolytic hydrothermal alteration. This deposit is located 7 km northeast of the world-class Sossego iron oxide–copper–gold deposit and might represent a distal and deeper portion of the same or related hydrothermal system. The U–Pb laser ablation inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry data for zircon from a sodically altered sample of the Serra Dourada Granite yielded a 2,860±22 Ma (MSWD=11.5) age. Three samples from the Bacaba Tonalite, including one with potassic alteration and two with Cu–Au mineralization, rendered the 3,001.2±3.6 Ma (MSWD=1.8), 2,990.9±5.8 Ma (MSWD=1.9), and 3,004.6±9 Ma (MSWD=2.2) ages, respectively. The ca. 2.86 and ca. 3.0 Ga ages are interpreted as the timing of the igneous crystallization of the Serra Dourada Granite and the Bacaba Tonalite, respectively, and represent the oldest magmatic events recognized in the Carajás Domain. The Serra Dourada Granite and the Bacaba Tonalite are interpreted to greatly predate the genesis of the Bacaba deposit. A genetic link is improbable in the light of the similarities with the Sossego deposit, which is also hosted by younger ca. 2.76 Ga metavolcano-sedimentary units of the Itacaiúnas Supergroup. In this context, the iron oxide–copper–gold deposits in the southern sector of the Carajás Domain could be mainly controlled by important crustal discontinuities, such as a regional shear zone, rather than be associated with a particular rock type. These results expand the potential for occurrences of iron oxide–copper–gold deposits within the Mesoarchean basement rocks underlying the Carajás Basin, particularly those crosscut by Neoarchean shear zones.  相似文献   

The large-scale Duobaoshan porphyry Cu–Mo–(Au) deposit is located at the north segment of the Da Hinggan Mountains, northeast China. Six molybdenite samples from the Duobaoshan deposit were selected for Re–Os isotope measurement to define the mineralization age of the deposit, yieldings a Re–Os isochron age of 475.9 ± 7.9 Ma (2σ), which is accordant with the Re–Os model ages of 476.6 ± 6.9–480.2 ± 6.9 Ma. This age is consistent with the age of the related granodiorite porphyry, which was dated as 477.2 ± 4 Ma by zircon U–Pb analysis using LA-ICP-MS. These ages disagree with the previous K–Ar age determinations that suggest a correlation of intrusive rocks of the Duobaoshan area with the Hercynian intrusive rocks of Carboniferous–Permian age. These ages demonstrate that the Duobaoshan granodiorite porphyry and related Cu–Mo deposit occurred in the Early Ordovician. The rhenium content of molybdenite varies from 290.9 to 728.2 μg/g, with an average content of 634.8 μg/g. The high rhenium content in molybdenite of the Duobaoshan deposit suggests that the ore-forming materials may be mainly of mantle source.  相似文献   

The Pirgadikia Terrane in northern Greece forms tectonic inliers within the Vardar suture zone bordering the Serbo-Macedonian Massif to the southwest. It comprises Cadomian basement rocks of volcanic-arc origin and very mature quartz-rich metasedimentary rocks. U–Pb laser ablation sector-field inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry analyses of detrital zircons from the latter reveal a marked input from a Cadomian–Pan-African source with minor contribution from Mesoproterozoic, Palaeoproterozoic and Archaean sources. The metasedimentary rocks are correlated with Ordovician overlap sequences at the northern margin of Gondwana on the basis of their maturity and zircon age spectra. The Pirgadikia Terrane can be best interpreted as a peri-Gondwana terrane of Avalonian origin, which was situated close to the Cadomian terranes in the Late Neoproterozoic–Early Palaeozoic, very much like the Istanbul Terrane. The second unit investigated is the Vertiskos Terrane, which constitutes the major part of the Serbo-Macedonian Massif in Greece. It comprises predominantly igneous rocks of Silurian age and minor metasedimentary rocks of unknown age and provenance. U–Pb analyses of detrital zircons from a garnetiferous mica schist of the Vertiskos Terrane indicate derivation from 550 to 1,150 Ma-old source rocks with a major Cadomian peak. This, combined with minor input of >1,950 Ma-old zircons and the absence of ages between ca. 1.2 and 1.7 Ga suggests a NW Africa source. The protolith age of the garnetiferous mica schist is presumably Early Ordovician. One sample of garnet-bearing biotite gneiss, interpreted as meta-igneous rock, comprises predominantly subhedral zircons of igneous origin with late Middle Ordovician to Silurian ages. We suggest that the rock association of the Vertiskos Terrane is part of an ancient active-margin succession of the Hun superterrane, comparable to successions of the Austro- and Intra-Alpine Terranes. The new data of this study provide evidence of occurrences of Avalonia- and Armorica-derived terranes in the Eastern Mediterranean and moreover help to clarify palaeogeographic reconstructions for the peri-Gondwana realm in the Early Palaeozoic.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(15):1835-1864
The Yinshan deposit is a large epithermal-porphyry polymetallic deposit, and the timing and petrogenesis of ore-hosting porphyries have been hotly debated. We present new results from geochemical, whole-rock Sr–Nd and zircon U–Pb–Hf–O isotopic investigations. Zircon U–Pb data demonstrate that the quartz porphyry, dacitic porphyry, and quartz dioritic porphyry formed at ?172.2 ± 0.4 Ma, ?171.7 ± 0.5 Ma, and ?170.9 ± 0.3 Ma, respectively. Inherited zircon cores show significant age spreads from ?730 to ?1390 Ma. Geochemically, they are high-K calc-alkaline or shoshonitic rocks with arc-like trace element patterns. They have similar whole-rock Nd and zircon Hf isotopic compositions, yet an increasing trend in ?Nd(t) and ?Hf(t) values typifies the suite. Older (inherited) zircons of the three porphyries display Hf compositions comparable to those of the Jiangnan Orogen basement rocks. In situ zircon oxygen isotopic analyses reveal that they have similar oxygen isotopic compositions, which are close to those of mantle zircons. Moreover, a decreasing trend of δ18O values is present. We propose that the ore-related porphyries of the Yinshan deposit were emplaced contemporaneously and derived from partial melting of Neoproterozoic arc-derived mafic (or ultra-mafic) rocks. Modelling suggests that the quartz porphyries, dacitic porphyries, and quartz dioritic porphyries experienced ?25%, ?10%, and ?10% crustal contaminations by Shuangqiaoshan rocks. Our study provides important constraints on mantle–crust interaction in the genesis of polymetallic mineralization associated with Mesozoic magmatism in southeastern China.  相似文献   

Voluminous Neoproterozoic granitoid sheets of the Imorona–Itsindro Suite are important components of exposed basement in west-central Madagascar. Here, we report precise new zircon U–Pb ages and whole-rock geochemistry for granitoids within the Maevatanana area of Madagascar. The new laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry zircon U–Pb dating undertaken during this study indicates that Antanimbary granitoid and Antasakoamamy granitoid were emplaced at 747 ± 9 Ma and 729 ± 9–727 ± 8 Ma, respectively. Geochemically, the Antanimbary granitoids show poor Nb, Ta anomalies, pronounced positive Zr anomalies, and are K-rich (K2O/Na2O > 1), but the Antasakoamamy granitoids are relatively depleted in Nb, Ta, show slightly negative Zr anomalies, and are Na-rich (Na2O/K2O > 1). Both suites contain zircons with strongly negative εHf(t), indicating participation of much older (Palaeoproterozoic and Archaean) crust. Their geochemical characteristics, along with the use of various discrimination diagrams, reveals that crustal delamination and asthenospheric upwelling resulted in crustal extension of the region before ~747 Ma, with subsequent lithospheric subduction and arc magmatism after 729–727 Ma.  相似文献   

The Zelenodol porphyry Cu-(Au, Mo) deposit located about 65 km SSW of the city of Chelyabinsk is confined to the western part of the West Uralian Volcanogenic Megazone. The concordant U-Pb age of zircons from ore-bearing island-arc diorite porphyryis 418.3 Â ± 2.9 Ma.  相似文献   

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