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The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently proposed to amend federal regulations to require vadose zone monitoring at certain hazardous waste facilities. To support this proposal, EPA evaluated previous policy on vadose zone monitoring and examined advances in vadose zone monitoring technology. Changes in EPA vadose zone monitoring policy were driven by demonstrated advances in the available monitoring technology and improvements in understanding of vadose zone processes/When used under the appropriate conditions, currently available direct and indirect monitoring methods can effectively detect contamination that may leak from hazardous waste facilities into the vadose zone. Direct techniques examined include soil-core monitoring and soil-pore liquid monitoring. Indirect techniques examined include soil-gas monitoring, neutron moderation, complex resistivity, ground-penetrating radar, and electrical resistivity. Properly designed vadose zone monitoring networks can act as a complement to saturated zone monitoring networks at numerous hazardous waste facilities. At certain facilities, particularly those in arid climates where the saturated zone is relatively deep, effective vadose zone monitoring may allow a reduction in the scope of saturated zone monitoring programs.  相似文献   

"EPA has initiated CLEANUP 2000, which includes a number of reforms to the RCRA Corrective Action Program to help increase the pace of cleanups."  相似文献   

赵洁 《高原地震》2005,17(1):61-64
叙述了地电观测系统、外线路的维护、仪器故障的判断与排除,以及辅助设备的维护与保养,以此来提高观测资料的质量。  相似文献   

Ground water quality data generated during the investigation of 334 hazardous waste disposal sites were used to contrast the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and Comprehensive Emergency Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) monitoring. programs. The minimum RCRA-required network of four wells was equaled or exceeded at 94 percent of the 156 RCRA sites and 70 percent of the 178 CERCLA sites in the data base. A sampling frequency of four events per year or more was used at 60 percent of the RCRA sites compared to only 24 percent at the CERCLA sites. CERCLA records compiled to date indicate that 480 compounds have been detected and another 220 compounds have been tentatively identified in ground water in the vicinity of hazardous waste disposal sites. However, the composite data from 123 RCRA site monitoring programs only indicates the presence of 100 chemical substances. The most significant discrepancy in the RCRA detection monitoring program is that it only generates data on three of the 20 organic contaminants that have been most frequently detected during the CERCLA hazardous waste disposal site investigations. Modification of the current RCRA program to include routine analysis for volatile organic compounds would correct this weakness.  相似文献   


One of the most important factors for the study of various problems of river-improvement and river-utilization is the measurement of amount of sand and gravels transported by water.

However, to this date, no definite methods of the measurement have been discovered. The author found a new method of this measurement using a tiltmeter (with horizontal pendulum of Zöllner suspension).

Applying this method, it is able to measure sediment load (bed load and suspended load) both at the time of low-water and flood. Also through this method, it is possible to observe and self-register variation of the rate of sediment transportation continuously in such a case as other methods are not useful.

The test observation at Sukumo-gawa, Hakone-machi, Ashigara-gun, Kanagawa-pref, from September 1953 to November 1954 performed by the author of this articel was successful.

Thus, this method has been put in practical use at upper stream of Katashina-gawa in Tone-river system, Gumma-pref, since July 1956.  相似文献   

文章根据长周期地震观测的理论和我国763长周期台网的观测实践,分析了长周期观测中的环境干扰。认为长周期观测对环境干扰(主要指温、湿度)敏感,但影响长周期仪器正常工作的关键是潮湿,尤其是记录室的潮湿。文章以763台网优秀台站的观测实践为例,认为只要掌握了环境干扰的规律,在防潮问题上采取有效措施,长周期地震观测是完全可以做到仪器工作稳定,管理得心应手。  相似文献   

场地指数与地震动参数的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用现场实测资料,对河北省玉田、宁河两县烈度异常区内外的51个场地(村庄)进行了模拟唐山地震的地震反应计算;研究了地震动参数(地面加速度和反应谱特征周期)与场地指数的关系,验证了场地指数反映场地地运效应的有效性。  相似文献   

用有限元方法研究含摩擦多断层周围的应力场   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文使用有限元方法,研究了含摩擦多断层问题.在研究中,计算了几个物理模型(如共线、共轭等)和含摩擦多断层的应力场,并用计算机绘制出一批含摩擦多断层应力等值线图.结果表明,含摩擦多断层的应力场与单一断层相差甚远,在断层的交汇处,应力集中的范围和程度远大于断层的外端;断层的应力场在空间上分布很不均匀;高应力区和低应力区的分布随载荷作用方式和断层的形态各异.断层内的摩擦力对应力场的分布有很大的影响,并可能对断层的扩展行为起着非常重要的影响.  相似文献   

本文使用有限元方法,研究了含摩擦多断层问题.在研究中,计算了几个物理模型(如共线、共轭等)和含摩擦多断层的应力场,并用计算机绘制出一批含摩擦多断层应力等值线图.结果表明,含摩擦多断层的应力场与单一断层相差甚远,在断层的交汇处,应力集中的范围和程度远大于断层的外端;断层的应力场在空间上分布很不均匀;高应力区和低应力区的分布随载荷作用方式和断层的形态各异.断层内的摩擦力对应力场的分布有很大的影响,并可能对断层的扩展行为起着非常重要的影响.  相似文献   

结合多年台站工作实践经验,分别对所从事的流体、电磁、形变、测震数字化仪器故障排除方法进行总结,集结成文,希望能在日常工作中快速排除类似故障,为地震监测预报提供连续可靠的观测资料。同时也为区内及国内其他台站同行在仪器故障排除中提供借鉴。  相似文献   

利用矢量射线追踪正演模拟技术 ,计算地震波传播的路径及走时 ,进而利用射线走时及路径的内插 ,发展了弯曲射线迭代反演技术 .该方法可用来重建井间地层的速度图像 .基于所发展的方法 ,我们对两种较为复杂的典型地质模型进行了井间速度重建 .结果表明该方法是一项快速、高精度的跨孔数据速度重建技术  相似文献   

跨孔观测地震数据的速度重建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用矢量射线追踪正演模拟技术 ,计算地震波传播的路径及走时 ,进而利用射线走时及路径的内插 ,发展了弯曲射线迭代反演技术 .该方法可用来重建井间地层的速度图像 .基于所发展的方法 ,我们对两种较为复杂的典型地质模型进行了井间速度重建 .结果表明该方法是一项快速、高精度的跨孔数据速度重建技术  相似文献   

以介质的电特性和电磁场理论为基础,在均匀介质地层条件下,建立了地层倾角测井的正演模型.用边界元法计算了在均匀介质地层情况下,地层倾角测井地层电场电位及电位梯度的分布.研究了地层倾角测井仪电极的电特性,得出了决定测量值的地层区域和极板上电流密度的分布.  相似文献   

以介质的电特性和电磁场理论为基础,在均匀介质地层条件下,建立了地层倾角测井的正演模型.用边界元法计算了在均匀介质地层情况下,地层倾角测井地层电场电位及电位梯度的分布.研究了地层倾角测井仪电极的电特性,得出了决定测量值的地层区域和极板上电流密度的分布.  相似文献   

本文介绍的偏移成像方法为递归F-K法、相移插值法及串联偏移技术的有效结合,简称CFPI法.该方法中,波场外推采用相移插值法中递归向下延拓方式,而每一延拓层间的成像则用文中给出的常速F-K加剩余速度F-K偏移,通过与横向速度变化有关的插值来实现,该过程用FFT完成.该方法可采用较大的延拓步长速归向下外推与成像.理论分析及实际计算结果比较表明,该算法效率远高于相移插值法偏移.  相似文献   

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