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暑期与几个在中学当老师的朋友谈起县里近年出现的几个高考"状元"的学习特点。谈论中感到这些"状元"的学习方法虽各有巧异,但有一点几乎共同:善用"问题学习法"。所谓问题学习法,就是老师(学生)以问题为核心引导学生(自己)参与学习全过程,从中发现问题、讨论问题、解决问题的一种学习方法。由此,联想到我们国土资源管理工作,能不能也引用"问题学习法",  相似文献   

自党的群众路线实践活动开展以来,省地质环境监测总站迅速制定《关于开展群众路线教育实践活动工作实施方案》,成立了以站长为组长的领导小组,采取多种方式深入开展学习,积极查摆问题,及时整改,取得初步成效。一是正学风,加强理论学习,拒绝形式主义。通过动员大会、民主生活会等形式,让群众畅所欲言,从原来的“听进去”转变为现在的“说出来”,集思广益制定符合本站实际且贴近群众实际的活动方案。二是转作风,远离享乐主义、奢靡之风。在查摆问题的过程中,  相似文献   

人本主义学习理论是当今盛行的现代学习理论之一,为管理信息系统教学提供了独特的审视角度.将人本主义学习理论应用到管理信息系统教学中去,就会有效确定教学目标,有效确立学生主体地位,有效促进学生自我学习,有效培养学生综合能力.  相似文献   

5月12日,景宁县国土资源局召开路线教育专题学习会,重点学习了刘云山同志重要讲话精神等相关内容,国土系统全体干部职工参加会议。会上,与会同志认真学习了在中央党的群众路线教育实践活动视频会议上刘云山同志的重要讲话精神,以及省厅《关于坚持完善密切联系群众制度的意见》和《关于3起违反中央八项规定精神典型案件的通报》两个文件,并进行了讨论发言。会议要求,全体党员干部要深入学习贯彻刘云山同志的重要讲话精神,进一步提高认识,增强自觉,迅速把思想和行动统一到中央和省、市、县的要求、部署上来。并就当前的教育实践活动,提出了三方面要求。一是再学习。全体党员干部要认真学习习近平总书记的重要批示,学习刘云山同志的讲话精神,学习省、市、县有关文件和领导讲话精神,学习“三严三实”和焦裕禄精神,学习国土资源管理理论业务知识。二是再知改。认真开展“四风”问题自查自摆,对于梳理出来的问题要即知即改,做到责任人明确,整改措施明确,整改时限明确。三是再深入。当前工作要与“社会主义核心价值观”大学习、大讨论结合起来;与世界观、人生观、价值观再学习、再改造结合起来;与“三思三观、三查三问”大学习、大讨论结合起来;聚焦“四风”,再剖析、再查摆,不断把活动引向深入。  相似文献   

正近日,国土资源部召开机关各司局、派驻地方国家土地督察局和直属单位领导班子对照检查材料点评会,部党组听取了各单位领导班子对照检查情况汇报并进行点评。国土资源部部长、党组书记、国家土地总督察姜大明在讲话中指出,要把开展党的群众路线教育实践活动与学习宣传贯彻党的十八届三中全会精神紧密结合,高标准、高质量地开好专题民主生活会,抓紧整改查摆出来的问题,确保教育实践活  相似文献   

我国的GIS开发竞赛已开展多年,在提高学生GIS操作技能和兴趣,提升学生竞争力方面发挥了重要作用.本文通过梳理2008—2020年易智瑞杯GIS开发竞赛的138个获奖作品,从应用领域和软件使用情况等方面进行分析,探讨由获奖作品反映出来的学生对应用领域的认识、软件运用能力、知识结构以及新技术敏感性等人才培养方面的问题.发现学生受所属院校、学科和社会热点影响大,对新技术敏感;实践教学提升了学生GIS基本运用能力,培养出了达到一定标准的GIS人才;作品以理工科思路和方法为主,缺乏人文视角,反映出学生知识有一定局限性.另外,自2014年以来,在获奖作品中开源软件使用比例大幅度增加,出现"去GIS"的倾向.  相似文献   

近日,河南省煤田地质局一队召开会议,对2006年度生产过程中涌现出来的5台“红旗钻机”进行了表彰奖励,并号召全队干部职工向他们学习,  相似文献   

如何培养学生的智力?是教师关心的重要问题,它关系到培养的人材是否符合“四化”质的要这样一个重大问题。对此我缺乏深入的学习,只有一点初浅的认识与体会。 仅以数学课为例,谈谈在各个重要的教学环节中如何培养学生智力的问题。提高教师素需,通过改进教学方法,实行启发式教学,加强实践性环节与课外学习指导,在培养智力方面一定能取得较好的效果。  相似文献   

借鉴南非矿业开发管理经验发展湖南矿业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2005年11月,笔者随全省赴南非矿业考察团考察南非矿业,对南非丰富的矿产资源,先进的采矿技术,一流的矿业管理水平产生了深刻的印象。现将在南非考察学习的体会写出来,与同行们共同借鉴。  相似文献   

年初以来,执法监察局按照厅党建工作的部署要求,推动党建工作和业务工作相互促进、共同发展。立足执法监察工作实际,把业务工作薄弱环节折射出来的党员思想观念问题、工作作风问题和执行能力问题作为党建工作的切入点,开展比学习、比作风、比创新、比实干活动,做到创有平台、争有目标、支部有活动、党员有行动、工作有推动,努力破解国土资源执法监察“发现难、制止难、查处难”问题,实现党建工作和业务工作深度融合。  相似文献   

正The Journal of Ocean University of China(Oceanic and Coastal Sea Research)is a comprehensive academic quarterly sponsored by the Ocean University of China,published one volume per year.This journal is devoted to the publication of the theoretical and applied research results on oceanography and marine fisheries.The fields covered include the physical,chemical,biological,geological,environmental,engineering and technological  相似文献   

正The Journal of Ocean University of China(Oceanic and Coastal Sea Research)is a comprehensive academic quarterly sponsored by the Ocean University of China,published one volume per year.This journal is devoted to the publication of the theoretical and applied research results on oceanography and marine fisheries.The fields covered include the physical,chemical,biological,geological,environmental,engineering and technological aspects of these sciences.The types of papers include research papers,notes,technical reports,science and technology letters,reviews and overviews,etc.It has been indexed by SCI-E since 2012.1.Submission of paper  相似文献   

正The journal of Global Geology(English Edition)is sponsored by the International Center of Geoscience Research and Education in Northeast Asia,Jilin University of China(ISSN 1673-9736,CN22-1371/P).The former name of the journal was the Journal of International Geoscientific Research in Northeast Asia.It was launched in 1998 and served the scientists and teachers in geosciences in the world.The Editorial Board is  相似文献   

正The journal of Global Geology(English Edition)is sponsored by the International Center of Geoscience Research and Education in Northeast Asia,Jilin University of China(ISSN 1673-9736,CN22-1371/P).The former name of the journal was the Journal of International Geoscientific Research in Northeast Asia.It was launched in 1998 and served the scientists and teachers in geosciences in the world.The Editorial Board is composed of 42 scientists from various countries  相似文献   

正The journal of Global Geology(English Edition)is sponsored by the International Center of Geoscience Research and Education in Northeast Asia,Jilin Univeirsity of China(ISSN 1673-9736,CN22-1371/P).The former name of the journal was the Journal of International Geoscientific Research in Northeast Asia.It was launched in 1998 and served the scientists and teachers in geosciences in the world.The Editorial Board is composed of 42 scientists from various countries in the world,including China,Gennan,Japan,Korea,Russia,the UK and USA.  相似文献   

<正>The Journal of Ocean University of China(Oceanic and Coastal Sea Research)is a comprehensive academic quarterly sponsored by the Ocean University of China,published one volume per year.This journal is devoted to the publication of the theoretical and applied research results on oceanography and marine fisheries.The fields covered include the physical,chemical,biological,geological,environmental,engineering and technological aspects of these sciences.The types of papers  相似文献   

正The Journal of Ocean University of China(Oceanic and Coastal Sea Research)is a comprehensive academic quarterly sponsored by the Ocean University of China,published one volume per year.This journal is devoted to the publication of the theoretical and applied research results on oceanography and marine fisheries.The fields covered include the physical,chemical,biological,geological,environmental,engineering and technological aspects of these sciences.The types of papers include research papers,notes,technical reports,science and technology letters,reviews and overviews,etc.It has  相似文献   

正The Journal of Ocean University of China(Oceanic and Coastal Sea Research)is a comprehensive academic quarterly sponsored by the Ocean University of China,published one volume per year.This journal is devoted to the publication of the theoretical and applied research results on oceanography and marine fisheries.The fields covered include the physical,chemical,biological,geological,environmental,engineering and technological  相似文献   

正The Journal of Ocean University of China(Oceanic and Coastal Sea Research) is a comprehensive academic quarterly sponsored by the Ocean University of China, published one volume per year. This journal is devoted to the publication of the theoretical and applied research  相似文献   

CHINESE JOURNAL OF POLAR SCIENCE is a comprehensive academic journal sponsored by the Chinese Polar Administration and Polar Research Institute of China. The primary purpose is to report current important development in polar research of many scientific fields for scientific workers in both China and other countries.  相似文献   

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