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基于GIS和遥感技术的生态系统服务价值评估研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态系统能否得到科学、高效、健康的管理,关系到整个人类生活环境的长期稳定发展。随着人们对生态系统管理的过程研究和探讨的加深,其中生态系统服务价值评估已经成为了生态系统管理中的重点。本文主要探讨了基于GIS和遥感技术的生态系统服务价值评估研究在生态系统中的应用,通过以甘肃省草地生态系统为分析案例,建立相关评估系统模型,找到基于GIS和遥感技术的生态系统服务价值评估中更好的应用。  相似文献   

Flash flood assessment and management are necessary for municipal, urban growth planning and emergency action plans. By using the Hydrologic Engineering Centers River Analysis System software, we can model flash flood events and calculate water surface profiles over the length of the modeled stream. After collecting elevation points by using GPS method, the digital elevation model can be calculated for the study area. Najran city has main flood stream passes beside King Abdullah Road based on facts and previous works. A small study area including the mainstream of Wady Najran and King Abdullah Road has chosen as test site. The used methodology has also been proved efficiently for identifying flood inundation maps. Water extent area overlapped by 52–86% for both used methods. At discharge Q = 15 m3/s, the road needs to be protected from the flood.  相似文献   

Soil erosion is a prominent cause of land degradation and desertification in Mediterranean countries. The detrimental effects of soil erosion are exemplified in climate (in particular climate change), topography, human activities, and natural disasters. Forest fires, which are an integral part of Mediterranean ecosystems, are responsible for the destruction of above-and below-ground vegetation that protects against soil erosion. Under this perspective, the estimation of potential soil erosion, especially after fire events, is critical for identifying watersheds that require management to prevent sediment loss, flooding, and increased ecosystem degradation. The objective of this study was to model the potential post-fire soil erosion risk following a large and intensive wildland fire, in order to prioritize protection and management actions at the watershed level in a Mediterranean landscape. Burn severity and preand post-fire land cover/uses were mapped using an ASTER image acquired two years before the fire, air photos acquired shortly after the fire, and a Landsat TM image acquired within one month after-fire. We estimated pre-and post-fire sediment loss using an integrated GIS-based approach, and additionally we analyzed landscape erosion patterns. The overall accuracy of the severity map reached 83%. Severe and heavy potential erosion classes covered approximately 90% of the total area following the fire, compared to 55% before. The fire had a profound effect on the spatial erosion pattern by altering the distribution of the potential erosion classes in 21 out of 24 watersheds, and seven watersheds were identified as being the most vulnerable to post-fire soil erosion. The spatial pattern of the erosion process is important because landscape cover heterogeneity induced especially by fire is a dominant factor controlling runoff generation and erosion rate, and should be considered in post-fire erosion risk assessment.  相似文献   

精度是高分辨率遥感和摄影测量的关键。影响精度的因素分为:成像系统误差和数据处理误差。航空平台系统误差较为复杂,因此本文聚焦航空成像系统设计方法,以降低航空成像系统误差为目标,从源头上为数据处理精度提供保障。目前航空数字成像系统种类繁多,但缺乏统一物理模型,使得航空相机系统采用人工拼接为多刚体(多相机),结构复杂、体积大、成本高、精度难以刻画,容易受到震动和温度等因素影响,成像系统装机实用精度只能达到毫米量级。为此,本文构建航空遥感平台通用物理模型,由此归纳出现有航摄相机的四类对偶技术特征:一次-二次成像、外拼接-内拼接、单基线-多基线、非严格-严格中心投影;以此建立可变基高比时空模型,从而实现数字航摄相机内部光学机械参数与地表高程精度的表达,实现地表高程精度-光机参数贯通;进一步设计二次成像数字航摄相机原型系统及宽波段临边成像光谱仪,为目前多刚体拼接的一次成像航摄相机构建向精密光机单刚体、折反式同光路构建提供原型依据,为数字航摄系统构建和工业化奠定理论基础和原型实例参考。  相似文献   

Based on remote sensing and GIS, this study models the spatial variations of urban growth patterns with a logistic geographically weighted regression (GWR) technique. Through a case study of Springfield, Missouri, the research employs both global and local logistic regression to model the probability of urban land expansion against a set of spatial and socioeconomic variables. The logistic GWR model significantly improves the global logistic regression model in three ways: (1) the local model has higher PCP (percentage correctly predicted) than the global model; (2) the local model has a smaller residual than the global model; and (3) residuals of the local model have less spatial dependence. More importantly, the local estimates of parameters enable us to investigate spatial variations in the influences of driving factors on urban growth. Based on parameter estimates of logistic GWR and using the inverse distance weighted (IDW) interpolation method, we generate a set of parameter surfaces to reveal the spatial variations of urban land expansion. The geographically weighted local analysis correctly reveals that urban growth in Springfield, Missouri is more a result of infrastructure construction, and an urban sprawl trend is observed from 1992 to 2005.  相似文献   

发展中国遥感与地理信息系统的战略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
马蔼乃 《测绘科学》2001,26(2):7-10
当我们走向世界时 ,迎面扑来的高新科技 :遥感、地理信息系统、全球定位系统、信息高速公路、可持续发展、知识经济、数字地球等一浪一浪接踵而来 ,使得我们应接不暇。大多数科技人员都在考虑追踪国际前沿 ,而对于我国的国情了解不足。在急于求成的心态下 ,重视了应用 ,忽视了基础研究与基础建设 ,缺乏自己的创造性。本文就遥感信息源、遥测基础建设、定位系统、地理信息系统软件、网络基础建设、数据源建设、科学研究方法、人才培养等方面提出系统的建设设想。  相似文献   

本文以武汉市洪山区综合发展战略规划中遥感与地理信息系统的应用研究为例,阐述城市系统的复杂性、地域性和动态性,航空遥感在城市系统调查中的作用和优越性,地理信息系统在城市系统诊断、分析、评价、规划与管理中的应用。本研究侧重于以系统工程为基础的地域性规划,强调城市系统用地布局的合理性。  相似文献   

目前,高分辨率全色遥感影像和低空间分辨率的多光谱遥感影像融合是影像融合技术应用的主流.EN-VI 4.4遥感影像处理软件影像融合处理的工具--SPEAR提供了PCA变换、Gram-Schmid变换、Brovey变换和HSV变换4种专门用于全色与多光谱遥感影像融合的算法.以ETM+全色与多光谱遥感影像融合为例,选择熵、偏差和相关系数3个定量指标,对采用4种融合方法得到的影像进行评价.经综合评价和比较,实验的4种影像融合算法中,Gram-Schmidt变换效果最好.  相似文献   

遥感已成为土地资源监测的主要手段,土地资源遥感监测结果在使用前,必须进行客观可靠的精度验证和分析,以保持遥感监测结果的可靠性。其中,抽样方法是影响土地资源遥感精度评价的一个重要因素。利用不同分辨率遥感数据获取的安义县土地利用/覆盖信息,进行简单随机抽样、分层抽样和等距抽样三种不同抽样方式下的精度检验分析,评估不同抽样方式下的精度检验效果。  相似文献   

针对GIS专业测绘遥感类课程教学中存在的问题,提出建立测绘遥感课程群的解决方案及监督保障措施,从而推动GIS专业测绘遥感类课程的全面优化与整合,从整体上提升教学质量。  相似文献   

论述了在已有的GIS数据基础之上,将GIS数据与知识综合运用于遥感影像监督法分类的分类方法,着重对样区的自动选取、非训练样区的分类等几个有关的问题进行了分析,并对该分类法的优势进行了分析和总结。  相似文献   

丁凤  范鹏宇 《测绘科学》2011,36(5):240-242
本文结合《遥感与GIS综合》课程的具体实践,从课程的教学内容体系构建、教学方法和考核方式等方面入手,探索如何通过这些环节的改革,促进学生创新思维和综合能力的培养,提高课程教学质量.  相似文献   

讨论了影像纹理分析的分维估计原理和具体方法,提出了多波段影像纹理概念和实施方法,介绍了以所述原理进行基于分维估计的单波段和多波段影像纹理分析试验的结果。  相似文献   

基于遥感和GIS的土地适宜性评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以湖北京山县平坝镇为研究区域,将遥感技术和GIS技术相结合,充分发挥遥感在土地信息获取和GIS在数据管理及空间分析方面的优势,探索遥感技术在土地适宜性评价中的应用,从而确定土地对农林业是否适宜及适宜程度,为湖北土地利用规划提供依据。  相似文献   

关于遥感数据精度影响因子的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
遥感数据在使用前,必须进行客观可靠的精度验证和分析。针对遥感数据精度的研究已成为遥感科学和技术发展的客观要求,本文将从分辨率、遥感数据处理过程和精度评价方法三个方面对遥感精度的影响进行分析和总结,运用大量数据对影响精度的因子进行概括,为以后研究精度提高的方法提供参考,使遥感更好地服务于各个行业。  相似文献   

遥感影像与GIS分析相结合的变化检测方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
提出了基于遥感图像和GIS相结合的变化检测和分析方法,并针对基于像素信息比较的遥感图像变化检测中的变化阈值问题提出了一种基于多边形面积填充率的自适应确定方法。  相似文献   

Water harvesting works had been conducted at Jamka micro-watershed of Saurashtra region of Gujarat in India for augmenting artificial groundwater recharge in hard rock aquifers of the semi arid region. In present study groundwater recharge of Jamka micro-watershed was estimated. The natural groundwater recharge through rainfall in the study area was estimated using empirical equations and the artificial groundwater recharge through water harvesting structures which was estimated using remote sensing and GIS. The area under submergence due to water harvesting structures is estimated using remote sensing images. The groundwater recharge in study area was also estimated using water table fluctuation method and compared with total recharge through rainfall and water harvesting structures. The natural groundwater recharge through rainfall in the study area was found varying from 11 to 16 per cent of annual rainfall. The total groundwater recharge in the study area was estimated 390.29?ha?m, in which the contribution of recharge through water harvesting structures was about 38.53%; this revealed that the water harvesting structures played an important role in increasing the groundwater recharge in the region.  相似文献   

遥感与地理信息系统数据的信息量及不确定性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
讨论了遥感、GIS数据的不确定性与信息论中的不确定性间的联系,导出了GIS图形数据与遥感影像数据的信息量估算式,提出了位置疑义度和属性疑义度等概念。在统一的数学基础上,估算几何位置误差和属性正确率不足引起的不确定性,从而建立起遥感影像与GIS图形数据的信息量及不确定性的统一量度。  相似文献   

Digha coastal region in the northeastern part of the Bay of Bengal is potentially vulnerable to erosional hazard. The present study assessed the coastal erosion vulnerability along this 65 km long coastal stretch located between Rasulpur (Midnapur) and Subarnarekha (Balasore) estuarine complex, which had been subjected to anthropogenic intervention. Multi-resolution Landsat satellite imagery were used for shoreline change study from 1972 to 2010. During this period, accretion was recorded updrift of artificial structures, viz, seawall, groin, pylons and jetties; while, extensive erosion was recorded in downdrift areas of these structures. Assessment was subsequently divided into four categories ranging from “high erosion” to “accretion”. Data from several sources were compiled to map landuse and human activities in the coastal zone. This map was divided into four categories, ranging from “very high capital” to “no capital” landuse. Population density map of the surrounding coastal villages was generated using census data, and divided into four categories ranging from “high density area” to “very low density area”. Subsequently, coastal erosion vulnerability was assessed by combining coastal retreat with landuse type and population density in this study area using simple vector algebraic technique. Zones of vulnerability of different magnitude (viz., very high, high, moderate, and low) have been identified. Furthermore, calculation of “imminent collapse zone (ICZ)” shows that maximum values are around artificial structures and anthropogenic activities. The coastal erosion vulnerability map prepared from this study can be used for proper planning and management of this coastal region.  相似文献   

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