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The assemblages chlorite-pumpellyite-lawsonite-albite-quartz, chlorite-lawsonite-quartz-epidote and chlorite-epidote-albite-quartz occur in metabasaltic blocks and veins in a metamorphosed tectonic mélange in the structurally highest unit of the autochthonous and parautochthonous section underlying the Semail ophiolite in Saih Hatat, north-east Oman. The pre-Permian basement of this section contains mafic units characterized by the assemblage crossite-epidote-chlorite-quartz-albite /el actinolite. These assemblages indicate a down-section increase in metamorphic grade from 'lawsonite-albite facies' conditions in the mélange to 'epidote-blueschist' facies conditions in the basement.
Application of empirically and experimentally based thermobarometers as well as petrogenetic grids calculated for a model basaltic system indicates that the P-T conditions of metamorphism ranged from 3 to 6 kbar and 250 to 300 C for the mélange and P > 6.8 kbar, T > 310 C for the basement units. Textural relations interpreted in the context of petrogenetic grids indicate that these units followed clockwise P-T paths of evolution. The estimated P-T conditions and down-section increase in metamorphic grade in central, western and northern Saih Hatat are consistent with the hypothesis relating metamorphism to the Late Cretaceous tectonic loading of the continental margin by an ophiolite slab < 18 km in thickness. These results contrast with field and petrological observations documented for blueschists and eclogites exposed along the eastern coast of Saih Hatat which may have formed at an earlier stage in response to an Early Cretaceous collisional event.  相似文献   


Late Jurassic ultramafic lamprophyre (UML) sills and dikes occur as 3 km-long intrusions within the allochthonous Whara Formation of the Batain nappes, eastern Oman. The sills and dikes comprise macrocrystic phlogopite and spinel-bearing aillikite and damtjernite. Aillikite is a light grey, massive fine-grained tuffaceous rock with euhedral laths of mica, while damtjernite is a dark grey, medium- to coarse-grained rock with abundant pelletal lapilli and globular segregationary textures. Both lithologies are composed of calcite, phlogopite, apatite, magnetite, spinel, diopside, and richterite. Orthoclase occurs only within damtjernite. The rocks are strongly silica undersaturated (17.6–33.7 wt.% SiO2), with low MgO (4.7–10.2 wt. %) and high Al2O3 (3.5–8.6 wt.%). The aillikites are distinguished from the damtjernites by their lower SiO2, Al2O3, and Na2O abundances, and their higher MgO, CaO, and P2O5 contents. The rare earth element (REE) patterns of both rock types are similar and show strong light REE (LREE) enrichment. Both are enriched in Ba, Th, U, Nb, and Ta, with normalized concentrations of up to 1000 times those of primitive mantle. Relative depletions are apparent for high REE (HREE), K, Rb, Pb, Sr, P, Zr, and Hf. The rocks have initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.70435–0.70646, whereas initial 143Nd/144Nd ratios vary between 0 · 512603 and 0 · 512716 (εNdi 2.6–3.2). Pb isotopic ratios are more varied among the aillikites and damtjernites: 208Pb/204Pbi = 38.97–39.39 and 207Pb/204Pbi = 15.35–15.58, 206Pb/204Pbi = 18.08–18.96. The abundance of phlogopite, apatite, and rutile and enrichment in LREEs, Ba, Th, U, Nb, and Ta in the Sal UMLs suggest metasomatic enrichment of these rocks following a low degree of partial melting of a depleted source region. Ar–Ar age dating of phlogopite macrocrysts from the aillikites and damtjernites (154 and162 Ma, respectively) correlates with large-scale tectonic events recorded in the proto-Indian Ocean at 140–160 Ma.  相似文献   

吉林延边开山屯低级变质作用发育于兴凯地块西南晚古生代活动大陆边缘,这里产出二叠纪末的消减增生杂岩。低级变质作用矿物除冻蓝闪石、阳起石、玉髓、黝帘石、多硅白云母、绿泥石、钠长石外,还在灰黑色变泥质岩中发现硬绿泥石 纤锰柱石 多硅白云母组合。这是国内首次报道的以泥质岩为原岩并具有硬绿泥石 纤锰柱石标志矿物组合的蓝片岩相岩石。研究表明,该组合的形成温度290.14(或370.8)℃,具明显的低温特征。  相似文献   

Oman blueschists and eclogites lie below the obduction nappe of the Semail ophiolite in one of the key areas on Earth for the study of plate convergence. Here new metamorphic and tectonic constraints are provided for the central, yet poorly constrained Hulw unit, sandwiched between the low‐grade units (~10 kbar, <300 °C) and the As Sifah eclogites (Pmax ~ 23 kbar; Tmax ~ 600 °C). TWEEQU multi‐equilibrium thermobarometry, using both compositional mapping and spot analyses, and Raman spectroscopy of carbonaceous material yield a high‐precision P–T path for the Hulw and As Sheikh units and reveal that they shared a common P–T history in four stages: (i) a pressure decrease from 10–12 kbar, 250–300 °C to 7–9 kbar, 300–350 °C; (ii) almost isobaric heating at ~8–10 kbar from 300–350 °C to 450–500 °C; (iii) a pressure decrease at moderate temperatures (~450–500 °C); and (iv) isobaric cooling at ~5–6 kbar from 450–500 to 300 °C. No significant pressure or temperature gap is observed across the upper plate–lower plate discontinuity to the north and west of the Hulw unit. The combination of tectonic and P–T data constrains the stacking chronology of the three main metamorphic units comprising the Saih Hatat window (i.e. the Ruwi‐Quryat, the Hulw‐As Sheikh and the Diqdah‐As Sifah units). These results strengthen the view that the tectonic and metamorphic data are conveniently accounted for by a simple, N‐vergent continental subduction of the passive Arabian margin below the obduction nappe along a cold P–T gradient.  相似文献   

Seven eclogite facies samples from lithologically different units which structurally underlie the Semail ophiolite were dated by the 40Ar/39Ar and Rb–Sr methods. Despite extensive efforts, phengite dated by the 40Ar/39Ar method yielded saddle, hump or irregularly shaped spectra with uninterpretable isochrons. The total gas ages for the phengite ranged from 136 to 85 Ma. Clinopyroxene–phengite, epidote–phengite and whole‐rock–phengite Rb–Sr isochrons for the same samples yielded ages of 78 ± 2 Ma. We therefore conclude that the eclogite facies rocks cooled through 500 °C at c. 78 ± 2 Ma, and that the 40Ar/39Ar dates can only constrain maximum ages due to the occurrence of excess Ar inhomogeneously distributed in different sites. Our new results lead us to conclude that high‐pressure metamorphism of the Oman margin took place in the Late Cretaceous, contemporaneous with ophiolite emplacement. Previously published structural and petrological data lead us to suggest that this metamorphism resulted from intracontinental subduction and crustal thickening along a NE‐dipping zone. Choking of this subduction zone followed by ductile thinning of a crustal mass wedged between deeply subducted continental material and overthrust shelf and slope units facilitated the exhumation of the eclogite facies rocks from depths of c. 50 km to 10–15 km within c. 10 Ma, and led to their juxtaposition against overlying lower grade rocks. Final exhumation of all high‐pressure rocks was driven primarily by erosion and assisted by normal faulting in the upper plate.  相似文献   

The first alveolinoidean appearing in the Cenomanian Natih Formation of Oman (Adam foothills and southern edge of Jabal Akhdar) are studied in detail. Morphological analysis results in the creation of one new family, Myriastylidae, two new genera, Myriastyla and Alveocella, and four new species, M. omanensis, M. grelaudae, A. wernliana, and Cisalveolina nakharensis. These four new taxa have a short stratigraphic extension restricted to the uppermost part of Natih E unit and are dated early middle Cenomanian by neighboring foraminifers and ammonite levels.  相似文献   

 In Oman, the convergence between Arabia and Eurasia resulted in the Late Cretaceous overthrusting of oceanic crust and mantle lithosphere onto the Arabian continental margin. During this compressional event, a part of the continental plate was subducted to a depth of more than 60 km (0.5 GPa, 250–350  °C to more than 2.0 GPa, 550  °C) resulting in progressive metamorphism of the continental margin sediments, well exposed in the Saih Hatat tectonic window, northeastern Oman Mountains. We attempt to constrain the possibility of one continuous history of extension (starting along the east Arabian continental margin in the Permian) that was followed by one continuous history of convergence starting at 90 Ma near a dead oceanic ridge. This compression resulted in the observed progressive metamorphism by ophiolite overthrusting onto the continental margin. Constraining arguments are the palaeogeographic setting before ophiolite obduction of the As Sifah units and the Hawasina Complex near Ghurba. Detrital chromites in the Triassic–Cretaceous metasediments of the Hawasina Complex are compared with magmatic Semail chromites, and the whole-rock chemistry of these metasediments and associated metabasites are investigated. In contrast to former hypotheses, differences in the chemical composition between detrital and magmatic chromites, and the probable origin of all detrital chromites in the Hawasina Basin from Permian age oceanic rocks, suggest that the high-pressure metamorphic sediments of As Sifah can be considered as part of the basal deposits of the Hawasina Basin. Received: 1 September 1998 / Accepted: 18 January 1999  相似文献   

Controversy over the age of peak metamorphism and therefore the tectonic evolution of the Arabian margin relates to the polydeformed and polymetamorphosed nature of glaucophane-bearing eclogites from the Saih Hatat window beneath the allochthonous Samail ophiolite in NE Oman. These eclogites contain relicts of earlier fabrics, structures and metamorphic assemblages and provide a record of change from subduction to exhumation. The eclogites are part of a mafic layer that was disrupted into boudins up to 0.5 km in length within a lower plate shear zone (As Sifah shear zone). The megaboudins not only preserve the relicts of the highest grade of metamorphism but also an early ENE-trending lineation and sheathlike isoclines enveloped by the flat-lying schistosity. The boudin-bearing layer is isoclinally folded with calc-schist, mafic schist and quartz–mica schist, where the regional folds have axes parallel to the NE-trending stretching lineation (a-type folds). Textural evidence suggests multiple growth events for garnet and clinopyroxene, requiring polymetamorphism of the mafic layers that formed the eclogite megaboudins. The surrounding calc-schist and quartz–mica schist are both intensely deformed with transposition foliation containing an NE-trending lineation in phengite and asymmetric shear indicators such as C′-type shear bands and asymmetric pressure shadows around garnets, that give top-to-the-NE sense of shear. Although consistent ENE-trending lineations in all the boudins suggest that they have largely acted as passive, nonrotating rigid bodies, the presence of NE-vergent asymmetric mesofolds, extensive dynamic recrystallisation, multiple generations of phengites and a range of 40Ar–39Ar apparent ages within the megaboudins suggest, however, that they have not acted entirely passively during the later deformation. Phengites isolated from the high-P/low-T fabrics show groupings in 40Ar–39Ar apparent ages interpreted as distinct metamorphic/cooling intervals at 140–135, 120–98 and 92–80 Ma. Microstructural relations suggest that age groupings younger than 100 Ma reflect phengite growth during exhumation with the top-to-the-NE shearing. The older ages (120–110 Ma) from fabrics that give top-to-the-S shear sense may reflect growth during the subduction phase. The combination of groupings of apparent argon ages older than the crystallisation age of the Samail Ophiolite, the suggestion of different geothermal gradients, and superposed metamorphism suggest that the eclogites and garnet blueschists formed as a result of underthrusting along a break that was not directly related to the metamorphic sole of the ophiolite. The glaucophane–eclogites are interpreted as having formed at different times under varying pressure–temperature conditions during underthrusting with variations in the rate of underthrusting, allowing thermal equilibration and/or rapid cooling at different crustal levels.  相似文献   

胡大千  韩春元  马瑞  刘越  王静  高正虹 《岩石学报》2012,28(9):3042-3050
本文使用D/max-2500X射线衍射仪研究了内蒙古锡林郭勒地区上古生界泥质岩石伊利石的成因标志,讨论了有机质镜质体反射率对变质温度的表征。研究区上古生界泥质岩石伊利石的标型特征为:伊利石结晶度分布于0.28~>0.77之间,平均值0.40;伊利石(白云母)多型以2M1型为主,2M1+1Md多型和1Md多型相对较少;伊利石(白云母)b0值变化于8.983~9.046之间,平均值9.019,指示其形成于成岩-极低级变质作用。有机质镜质体反射率具有示踪变质温度的作用,应用Barker and Pawlewiez(1986,1994)、Barker and Goldsteinl(1990)和Mullis et al.(2001)建立的镜质体反射率地质温度计,对研究区上古生界泥质岩石变质温度进行了估算,揭示古地温处于136~321℃之间,温度估算值主要分布在180~260℃之间,平均值为245℃,这表明研究区上古生界遭受了成岩-极低级变质作用,变质程度属近变质带。研究区上古生界泥质岩石的Ro值主要分布在1.01%~3.67%之间,表明有机质演化处于成熟-过成熟阶段,泥质岩石具有生烃的能力,部分层位可能具有形成油气资源的潜力。  相似文献   

A caudal vertebra collected from conglomerates of the Al-Khod Formation (Late Cretaceous) in the Al-Khod area, Sultanate of Oman, is assigned to a medium-sized theropod dinosaur. The Al-Khod discovery represents one of the very few dinosaur records from the Middle East.  相似文献   

Eclogites and blueschists occur in the basement and continentalshelf deposits in the Saih Hatat tectonic window of northeasternOman, where they structurally underlie the Semail ophiolite.These eclogites and blueschists constitute part of a coherenthigh-P/T metamorphic terrain comprised of interlayered metabasites,metapelites, and quartzofeldspathic and calcareous mica schists.The metabasites record a continuous regional trend of increasingP and T from west to east, where crossite-epidote schists incentral and western Saih Hatat grade into blueschists and eclogitesat As-Sifah, allowing for the subdivision of this terrain intothree metamorphic zones. P-T conditions range from 4?5 to 5?5kb atT <340?C for zone A to >10?2 kb at 500–580?Cfor zone C. Zoning patterns of garnets, pyroxenes, and phengite, and thecompositions of pyroxene and amphibole inclusions in garnet,indicate that the eclogites and enclosing high-grade blueschistsof zone C followed a ‘clockwise’ P-T rpath of increasingP and T followed by increasing T and decreasing P and a finalstage of retrogression. Garnets and pyroxenes crystallized atdifferent stages of P-T evolution of the terrain in the variouseclogite pods and boudins. This conclusion and the contrastingmineralogies of the eclogites and the enclosing blueschistsare attributed to differences in bulk-rock chemistry, fluidavailability, or fluid compositions within the terrain. The blueschists and eclogites of this terrain formed as a resultof A-type subduction and crustal thickening of the Oman continentalmargin along an east-northeast-dipping thrust or ‘subductionzone’ which was initiated by the change in plate motionbetween Africa and Eurasia at 131 Ma. High P/T metamorphismcontinued until the final stages of ophiolite emplacement inthe late Cretaceous, as indicated by the metamorphism of thethrust sheets overlying the coherent terrain.  相似文献   

The laterite profiles investigated in the present study developed after the emplacement of a slab of oceanic crust and upper mantle sequence (the Semail ophiolite) onto the East Arabian margin during the late Cretaceous. The laterites formed as a result of prolonged weathering of the ophiolite assemblage under tropical to subtropical conditions.Nine laterite profiles have been examined for their Ni potential along a NW-SE segment of the Oman Mountains. The preserved laterite profile shows variations in thickness, mineralogy, and chemical composition. The profiles show a vertical succession from bedrock protolith through saprolite, oxide laterite, to clay laterite. The laterite profiles are unconformably capped either by clastics rocks of the Late Cretaceous Qahlah Formation or by Palaeogene carbonates of the Jafnayn or Abat Formations.The protolith corresponds either to a fine-grained, blackish to greenish serpentinized peridotite or to a coarse-grained dark green altered layered gabbro.The bulk geochemistry of the studied profiles indicates a typical low Ni-laterite pattern in which magnesium (Mg) and silica (Si) become depleted towards the top of the profile, whereas iron (Fe) and aluminum (Al) increase. A significant enrichment in Ni and Co occurred as a result of the laterization process. Ni concentrations average 0.63% (Ibra), 0.72% (East Ibra), 0.67% (Al-Russayl), and 0.33% (Tiwi). Other elements such as Cr, V, Pb, TiO2, Zr, Ba, and Zn were also remobilized across the profiles during the laterization processes.  相似文献   

Basic granulites occurring as small enclaves and pods within charnockites contain predominantly orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, hornblende, plagioclase feldspar and quartz. Chemical composition of coexisting orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, plagioclase and hornblende has been represented in ACF and AFM diagrams. The mineral assemblages and the textural relationships of the basic granulites have been described. Garnet is notably absent in the basic granulites and this is explained as due to lower (< 8 kbar) pressure and relatively magnesian bulk composition.  相似文献   

New geochemical and sulphur isotopic data are presented for a number of pyrite deposits from the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous Cameros Basin, Spain. The deposits were formed at, or close to, the peak of metamorphism and are always related to sandstone units in the mainly metapelite sequence. Iron remained immobile and conservative, pyrite iron being derived by sulphidation of chlorite in the host metapelites. Reduced sulphur, however, was supplied from two external sources: thermochemical reduction of sulphate and release of S during metamorphism of sedimentary sulphides. These sources provided isotopically heavy and light S, respectively, with variation in pyrite isotopic composition between different deposits resulting from differences in their relative importance at each site. During metamorphism, the sandstone units acted as aquifers, carrying the sulphidic pore waters to locations where permeability provided by syn-depositional fractures on a scale of 0.5–5  m allowed its interaction with the metapelites. Transport distances for sulphide during metamorphism were of the order of hundreds of metres.  相似文献   

Chromitites from a single section through the mantle in the Oman ophiolite are of two different types. Low-cr# chromitites, of MORB affinity are found in the upper part of the section, close to the Moho. High-cr# chromitites, with arc affinities are found deeper in the mantle. Experimental data are used to recover the compositions of the melts parental to the chromitites and show that the low-cr# chromitites were derived from melts with 14.5–15.4 wt% Al2O3, with 0.4 to 0.9 wt% TiO2 and with a maximum possible mg# of 0.76. In contrast the high-cr# chromitites were derived from melts with 11.8–12.9 wt% Al2O3, 0.2–0.35 wt% TiO2 and a maximum melt mg# of 0.785. Comparison with the published compositions of lavas from the Oman ophiolite shows that the low-cr# chromitites may be genetically related to the upper (Lasail, and Alley) pillow lava units and the high-cr# chromitites the boninites of the upper pillow lava Alley Unit. The calculated TiO2–Al2O3 compositions of the parental chromitite magmas indicate that the high-cr# chromitites were derived from high-Ca boninitic melts, produced by melting of depleted mantle peridotite. The low-cr# chromitites were derived from melts which were a mixture of two end-members—one represented by a depleted mantle melt and the other represented by MORB. This mixing probably took place as a result of melt–rock reaction. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Shallow seismic measurements in harzburgite from the Oman ophiolite performed in a zone where the maximum horizontal anisotropy is expected (vertical foliation and horizontal lineation) point to a dominant dependence of seismic properties on fracturing.

Optical microscopy studies show that microcracks are guided by the serpentine (lizardite) penetrative network oriented subparallel to the harzburgite foliation and subperpendicular to the mineral lineation, and that serpentine (lizardite) vein filling has a maximum concentration of (001) planes parallel to the veins walls. The calculated elastic properties of the oriented alteration veins filled with serpentine in an anisotropic matrix formed by oriented crystals of olivine and orthopyroxene are compared with seismic velocities measured on hand specimens.

Laboratory ultrasonic data indicate that open microcracks are closed at 100 MPa pressure, e.g. (J. Geophys. Res. 65, (1960) 1083) and (Proc. ODP Sci. Results Leg 118, (1990) 227). Above this pressure, laboratory measurements and modeling show that P-compressional and S-shear wave velocities are mainly controlled by the mineral preferred orientation. Veins sealed with serpentine are effective in slightly lowering P and S velocities and increasing anisotropy. The penetrative lizardite network does not affect directly the geometry of seismic anisotropy, but contributes indirectly in the fact that this network controls the microcrack orientations.

Comparison between seismic measurements of peridotite and gabbro in the same conditions suggest that P- and S-waves anisotropies are a possible discriminating factor between the two lithologies in the suboceanic lithosphere.  相似文献   

Speleothems from Hoti Cave in northern Oman provide a record of continental pluvial periods over the last 330,000 yr. Periods of rapid speleothem deposition occurred from 6000 to 10,500, 78,000 to 82,000, 120,000 to 135,000, 180,000 to 200,000, and 300,000 to 330,000 yr ago, with little or no growth during the intervening periods. During each of these five pluvial periods, δD values of water extracted from speleothem fluid inclusions (δDFI) are between −60 and −20‰ (VSMOW) and δ18O values of speleothem calcite (δ18OC) are between −12 and −4‰ to (VPDB). These values are much more negative than modern rainfall (for δD) or modern stalagmites (for δ18O). Previous work on the isotopic composition of rainfall in Oman has shown that northern and southern moisture sources are isotopically distinct. Combined measurements of the δD values of fluid-inclusion water with calculated δ18O values from peak interglacial speleothems indicate that groundwater was predominantly recharged by the southern (Indian Ocean) moisture source, when the monsoon rainfall belt moved northward and reached Northern Oman during each of these periods.  相似文献   

In this study, we reconstruct the inverted metamorphic sequence in the western Arunachal Himalaya using combined structural and metamorphic analyses of rocks of the Lesser and Greater Himalayan Sequences. Four thrust-bounded stratigraphic units, which from the lower to higher structural heights are (a) the Gondwana rocks and relatively weakly deformed metasediments of the Bomdila Group, (b) the tectonically interleaved sequence of Bomdila gneiss and Bomdila Group, (c) the Dirang Formation and (d) the Se La Group are exposed along the transect, Jira–Rupa–Bomdila–Dirang–Se La Pass. The Main Central thrust, which coincides with intense strain localization and the first appearance of kyanite-grade partial melt is placed at the base of the Se La Group.Five metamorphic zones from garnet through kyanite, kyanite migmatite, kyanite-sillimanite migmatite to K-feldspar-kyanite-sillimanite migmatites are sequentially developed in the metamorphosed low-alumina pelites of Dirang and Se La Group, with increasing structural heights. Three phases of deformation, D1–D2–D3 and two groups of planar structures, S1 and S2 are recognized, and S2 is the most pervasive one. Mineral growths in all these zones are dominantly late-to post-D2, excepting in some garnet-zone rocks, where syn-D1 garnet growths are documented. Metamorphic isograds, which are aligned parallel to S2 were subsequently folded during D3. The deformation produced plane-non-cylindrical fold along NW–SE axis.In the garnet-zone, peak metamorphism is marked by garnet growth through the reaction biotite + plagioclase → garnet + muscovite. An even earlier phase of syn-D1 garnet growth occurred in the chlorite stability field with or without epidote. In the kyanite-zone metapelites, kyanite appeared via the pressure-sensitive reaction, garnet + muscovite → kyanite + biotite + quartz. Staurolite was produced in the same rock by retrograde replacement of kyanite following the reaction, garnet + kyanite + H2O → staurolite + quartz. These reactions depart from the classical kyanite- and staurolite-isograd reactions in low-alumina pelites, encountered in other segments of eastern Himalaya. In the metapelites, just above the kyanite-zone, melting begins in the kyanite field, through water-saturated and water-undersaturated melting of paragonite component in white mica. Leucosomes formed through these reactions are characteristically free of K-feldspar, with sodic plagioclase and quartz as the dominant constituents. With increasing structural height, the melting shifts to water-undersaturated melting of muscovite component of white mica, producing an early K-feldspar + kyanite and later K-feldspar + sillimanite assemblages and granitic leucosomes.Applications of conventional geothermobarometry and average PT method reveal near isobaric (at P  8 kbar) increase in peak metamorphic temperatures from 550 °C in the garnet-zone to >700 °C for K-feldspar-kyanite-sillimanite-zone rocks. The findings of near isobaric metamorphic field gradient and by the reconstruction of the reaction history, reveal that the described inverted metamorphic sequence in the western Arunachal Himalaya, deviates from the classical Barrovian-type metamorphism. The tectonic implication of such a metamorphic evolution is discussed.  相似文献   

Eclogites and garnet‐blueschists exposed at the deepest structural levels of the Oman Mountains in north‐eastern Saih Hatat, Oman, indicate that the Arabian continental margin was subducted and subsequently exhumed. The peak metamorphic pressure has been a matter of debate for over a decade, with initial thermobarometric estimates, based on garnet–clinopyroxene–phengite barometry and the presence of radial cracks around quartz inclusions in garnet, yielding values in excess of 20 kbar; these estimates have been questioned by some researchers. The high‐pressure minerals (glaucophane, omphacite and epidote) contain significant amounts of ferric iron, previously postulated to displace the stability fields of the eclogite and blueschist assemblages to less extreme conditions. In the present study, we have calculated phase diagrams and pseudosections in the model system NCFMASHO, using the program thermocalc and the thermodynamic database of Holland and Powell, which incorporates data for Fe3+‐bearing end‐members. It is found that the phase compositions and modal abundances for typical bulk compositions are matched successfully at 520 ± 15 °C and 20 ± 1.6 kbar for the eclogites and 510–530 °C and 17–20 kbar for the garnet blueschists. These results support the original high‐pressure estimates for the eclogites, and indicate that crossitic amphibole and aegirine‐rich pyroxene do not necessarily reflect lower pressure conditions. The data set and activity models are applicable to other oxidized high (and ultra‐high) pressure mineral assemblages.  相似文献   

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