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A series of experiments was conducted to determine the potential for aeolian abrasion of natural dune sands to produce fine particles (< 125 µm) by (1) the release of resident fines; (2) spalling, chipping and breakage of particles; and (3) the removal of grain surface coatings. Parent samples were obtained from the surfaces of four active continental dunes and abraded using a glass ‘test tube’ chamber for up to 120 h. The fine particles produced by this abrasion process were trapped at varying time intervals and subject to detailed particle‐size analyses using a Coulter Multisizer. The abrasion of untreated parent samples produced fine particles in one of two main size classes, < 10 µm and > 50 µm, but when the parent sample was sieved to exclude particles < 250 µm, relatively more material in the range 10–50 µm was produced. For unsieved parent samples, the size range associated with the dominant mode varied according to the length of the abrasion time. The coarsest mode (> 63 µm) was dominant during the first 16 h of abrasion, then became less significant and is thought to be associated with the release of resident fines into suspension. The finest mode (< 10 µm) was absent or very weak during the first 16 h of abrasion, then became more significant and, in some instances, dominated the distribution as abrasion continued. Removal of grain surface coatings is the main source of fine material < 10 µm, and this may be a significant source of fine material in areas where sands are dominated by subrounded and rounded particles. By comparison with previous studies of aeolian particle abrasion, these natural dune sands produced very low quantities of fine material (by weight), but their spatial extent makes them potentially a significant source of dust‐sized particles at the global scale.  相似文献   

Optimal discrimination among several groups can be achieved by simultaneous diagonalization of pooled within-group, W, and among-group, A, sums of squares and cross-product matrices formed by utilizing axial-ratio sample statistics of quartz grains belonging to different sieve grades. This method maximizes the ratio of among-group cross products to within-group cross product quadratic forms (V'AV/V'WV)and simultaneously yields discriminant scores whose correlation coefficients are zero for group means as well as for within each group. This procedure enables a simple Euclidean distance measure for partitioning the discriminant space for assignment. Although W–1 and Amatrices are symmetric, the W–1 Amatrix needed for multigroup discrimination is asymmetric and hence the eigenstructure of W–1 Ais obtained by simultaneous diagonalization of Wand Amatrices. The first four sample statistics (mean, standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis) of normalized axial-ratios are required for discrimination, although the mean and standard deviation are the most important discriminators.  相似文献   

Twenty-one surficial sand samples from the Altar Desert coastal and desert dune systems were analysed for rare earth elements (REE) content. This was done to observe the provenance signatures for four strategic dune localities near the Colorado River Delta, the El Pinacate dune fields, and the beaches of the north of the Gulf of California in the state of Sonora, Mexico. Our goals are to show which mechanisms (i.e., aeolian, marine) exert more influence on the composition of the Altar Desert dune sands. This study also shows the usefulness of REE spatial distribution to determine the relative mobility of the sand. Some sand samples from the dune systems in San Luis Río Colorado (SLRC), Golfo de Santa Clara (GSC), and Puerto Peñasco (PP) displayed dissimilar REE concentrations with respect to the rest of the sand samples from the same sites. These differences can be related to short aeolian transport distance in the sands with high REE concentrations and long aeolian transport distance in the sands with low REE concentrations. Besides, high REE concentration in the sands might be due to their closeness to the Colorado River Delta sediments and to recycled sands derived from granitic rocks. In contrast, all the sand samples from the El Pinacate (EP) site have similar REE concentration values, suggesting that the El Pinacate dune sands are influenced by more selective aeolian processes and less diverse heavy mineral content. The Altar Desert dune sands are derived from granitic sources eroded by the Colorado River. Our results also indicate that the Altar Desert dune sands are low in heavy mineral content (with the exception of Fe and Ti bearing minerals) and enriched in carbonates with phosphates (especially at the PP site) yielding poor correlations between REE and major element concentrations. The REE geographical distribution values in the Altar Desert dune sands indicate that light and heavy REE concentration values are related to aeolian transport, maturity of the sands, their low weathering rates, proximity of the source rocks, and the biogenic debris input from beach sands into the dune.  相似文献   

This study examines the role of quartz sand in the production of dust using mixtures of quartz sand from the Sahara and diatomite aggregates from the Bodélé Depression in Chad. An aeolian abrasion chamber is used to reproduce the physical processes of aeolian abrasion and test the hypothesis that the breakdown of saltating diatomite flakes as they collide in saltation, and with the surface, is the most prolific mechanism of dust production (auto‐abrasion). This hypothesis is tested against the competing hypothesis that a hard, higher‐density quartz sand impactor is required to abrade fine‐grained sediments to generate dust. The results show that dust can be produced by a mixture of saltating diatomite and quartz sand particles. However, quartz sand is not required for saltating aggregates to produce dust. Indeed, these results, which used a mixture of very coarse‐grained aggregate (1 to 2 mm diameter) with fine quartz sand, indicate that the addition of quartz sand can decrease dust production. For a very coarse aggregate (1 to 2 mm), a pure diatomite aggregate produced the most dust, although using a coarse‐grained aggregate (0·5 to 1·0 mm) with a mixture of 20% quartz and 80% aggregate was found to produce the most dust overall. The results of this study confirm the auto‐abrasion hypothesis for the breakdown of diatomite particles in the Bodélé Depression, which is the single biggest source of atmospheric mineral dust on Earth.  相似文献   

New field measurement techniques are allowing researchers to better understand how surficial properties affect the temporal and spatial variability of dust emissions. In this paper we review the current understanding of the dust emission process and present new field measurements that examine how three surface properties: roughness, crust strength, and temporal changes of surface properties affect dust emissions. These data were collected using three unique measurement systems developed by our team. Roughness exerts considerable control on the entrainment threshold and emissions of dust from a surface. We have carried out a series of experiments designed to quantify roughness effects on aeolian sediment entrainment and transport in a shear stress partitioning framework. Our results show that the model of Raupach et al. (1993) provides very good agreement with available data to predict the amount of shearing stress on the intervening surface among roughness elements, relatively independent of their size and distribution. However, element size affects the aeolian sediment transport process beyond that attributable only to the reduction of surface shear stress caused by the roughness. Additional interactions of the elements with the saltation cloud appear to reduce the transport efficiency and potentially dust emissions as well. The effect of crust strength on dust emissions was assessed using a newly-developed pin penetrometer, which can measure crust strength in-situ. Previous researchers suggested that variation in crust strength even within a small area could lead to considerable spatial variability in dust emissions. Our measurements showed that crust strength is highly variable over a scale of centimeters. This variability may help to explain some of the observed scatter in field measurements of dust emissions for what appear to be homogeneous surfaces. Variability of dust emissions in time and space was also evaluated using a new instrument, the Portable In-Situ Wind Erosion Lab (PI-SWERL) developed to measure dust emissions from soil surfaces.  相似文献   

The terrigenous fraction of seabed sediments recovered along the north‐west African continental margin illustrates spatial variability in grain size attributed to different transport mechanisms. Three subpopulations are determined from the grain‐size analyses (n = 78) of the carbonate‐free silt fraction applying an end‐member modelling algorithm (G. J. Weltje, 1997). The two coarsest end‐members are interpreted as representing aeolian dust, and the fine‐grained end‐member is related to fluvial supply. The end‐member model thus allows aeolian fallout to be distinguished from fluvial‐sourced mud in this area. The relative contributions of the end‐members show distinct regional variations that can be related to different transport processes and pathways. Understanding present‐day sediment dispersal and mixing is important for a better understanding of older sedimentary records and palaeoclimate reconstructions in the region.  相似文献   

Grain size is a fundamental property of sediments and is commonly used to describe sedimentary facies and classify sedimentary environments. Among the various conventional techniques utilized to determine grain‐size frequency distributions, sieving is the most widely applied procedure. The accuracy of such analyses is, among other factors, strongly dependent on the sieving time. However, despite a substantial amount of research in this field, optimal sieving times for different types of sediments have, to date, not been established. In this article, the influence of sieving time on grain‐size analyses of medium‐grained microtidal and mesotidal beach and dune sands has been determined. To assess the precision of important textural parameters, such as median grain size, sorting, skewness and kurtosis, an error analysis was carried out for different sieving times (2, 5, 10, 15 and 20 minutes). After calibrating the analytical and sampling methodologies, significant deviations were registered when sieving time was less than 10 minutes. However, such deviations were very small and grain‐size distributions remained almost identical for sieving times of 10 minutes and longer, relative errors being as low as 0% in some cases.  相似文献   

影响煤层气井压后产量的因素众多而复杂,主要包括客观地质条件、压裂施工和排采等因素。通过对韩城区块2009-2010年大量施工数据的统计、处理和分析归纳,探讨了影响煤层气井压后产量的压裂施工因素。结果显示:停泵压力、入井液量和入井加砂量等参数与A#、B#、C#各煤层压裂效果呈正比关系;煤层的压降倾角与A#、C#煤层压裂效果呈反比关系。据此研究结果,通过调整和优化施工参数,可使压裂后的煤层气井获得理想的产量效果。  相似文献   

Abstract New and previously published models of wet aeolian system evolution form a spectrum of types that may be explained in terms of aeolian dune dynamics, rate of water table rise and/or periodicity of interdune flooding. This is illustrated with an example from the Mid‐Triassic (Anisian) Helsby Sandstone Formation, Cheshire, UK. Lenses of damp and wet interdune strata exhibit an intertonguing, transitional relationship with the toe‐sets of overlying aeolian dune units. This signifies dune migration that was contemporaneous with water table‐controlled accumulation in adjacent interdunes. Downwind changes in the geometry and facies of the interdune units indicate periodic expansion and contraction of the interdunes in response to changes in the elevation of the groundwater table and episodic flooding, during which accumulation of dune strata continued relatively uninterrupted. This contrasts with other models for accumulation in wet aeolian systems where interdune flooding is associated with a cessation in aeolian bedform climbing and the formation of a bypass or erosional supersurface. Architectural panels document the detailed stratigraphy in orientations both parallel and perpendicular to aeolian transport direction, enabling a quantitative three‐dimensional reconstruction of genetically related aeolian dune and interdune elements. Sets of aeolian dune strata are composed of grainflow and translatent wind‐ripple strata and are divided by a hierarchy of bounding surfaces originating from oblique migration of superimposed dunes over slipfaceless, sinuous‐crested parent bedforms, together with lee‐slope reactivation under non‐equilibrium flow conditions. Silty‐mudstone and sandstone interdune units are characterized by wind ripple‐, wavy‐ and subaqueous wave ripple‐laminae, desiccation cracks, mud flakes, raindrop imprints, load casts, flutes, intraformational rip‐up clasts and vertebrate and invertebrate footprint impressions and trackways. These units result from accumulation on a substrate that varied from dry‐ through damp‐ to wet‐surface conditions. Interdune ponds were flooded by either fluvial incursions or rises in groundwater table and were periodically subject to gradual desiccation and reflooding. Red silty‐mudstone beds of subaqueous origin pass laterally into horizontally laminated wind‐ripple beds indicating a progressive transition from wet‐ through damp‐ to dry‐surface conditions within a single interdune.  相似文献   

甲醛作为一种致畸、致癌的高毒性有机污染物,对人体健康构成威胁,如何有效去除气体中的甲醛是关注的热点问题之一。采用粒径0.84~3.35 mm的天然针铁矿矿石于300℃氢还原转化为磁铁矿纳米材料,将纳米磁铁矿固定床非均相Fenton氧化反应器与紫外光催化双氧水氧化反应器串接,对比研究了双氧水、双氧水-紫外光、磁铁矿-双氧水、磁铁矿-双氧水-紫外光4种不同反应体系中双氧水投加量、甲醛初始浓度、载气流量对甲醛净化效率的影响。通过小型质谱仪对甲醛Fenton光催化氧化产物进行在线监测及TOC碳平衡分析,探讨甲醛净化的机理。结果显示制备的磁铁矿作为催化剂去除甲醛气体效果明显,在紫外光-10%双氧水-磁铁矿协同作用下,最高去除率可达98%,且在不同气速下对气体中不同浓度的甲醛都有很好的净化效果。研究结果表明,制备的磁铁矿纳米材料催化剂在去除甲醛气体过程中起着重要作用,经紫外光均相催化的双氧水协同作用可以在常温下很好地把气体中的甲醛氧化为CO2,是一种低成本的有机废气净化技术方法。  相似文献   

Meltwater flows emanating from the Pyrenees during the Pleistocene constructed a braided outwash plain in the Ebro Basin and led to the karstification of the Neogene gypsum bedrock. Synsedimentary evaporite dissolution locally increased subsidence rates and generated dolines and collapses that enabled the accumulation and preservation of outwash gravels and associated windblown deposits that were protected from erosion by later meltwater flows. In these localized depocentres, maximum rates of wind deceleration resulted from airflow expansion, enabling the accumulation of cross‐stratified sets of aeolian strata climbing at steep angles and thereby preserving up to 5 m thick sets. The outwash plain was characterized by longitudinal and transverse fluvial gravel bars, channels and windblown facies organized into aeolian sand sheets, transverse and complex aeolian dunes, and loess accumulations. Flat‐lying aeolian deposits merge laterally to partly deformed aeolian deposits encased in dolines and collapses. Synsedimentary evaporite dissolution caused gravels and aeolian sand deposits to subside, such that formerly near‐horizontal strata became inclined and generated multiple internal angular unconformities. During episodes when the wind was undersaturated with respect to its potential sand transporting capacity, deflation occurred over the outwash plain and coarse‐grained lags with ventifacts developed. Subsequent high‐energy flows episodically reached the aeolian dune field, leading to dune destruction and the generation of hyperconcentrated flow deposits composed in part of reworked aeolian sands. Lacustrine deposits in the distal part of the outwash plain preserve rhythmically laminated lutites and associated Gilbert‐type gravel deltas, which developed when fluvial streams reached proglacial lakes. This study documents the first evidence of an extensive Pleistocene proglacial aeolian dune field located in the Ebro Basin (41˙50° N), south of what has hitherto been considered to be the southern boundary of Pleistocene aeolian deposits in Europe. A non‐conventional mechanism (evaporite karst‐related subsidence) for the preservation of aeolian sands in the stratigraphic record is proposed.  相似文献   

The Chinese Tianshan Orogen marks prolonged and complicated interactions between the southwestern Palaeo-Asian Ocean and surrounding blocks. New and previously published detrital zircon chronological data from modern and palaeo-river sands were compiled to reveal its tectonic evolution. It is characterized by predominant Palaeozoic as well as minor Mesozoic and Precambrian detrital zircon ages with a multimodal characteristic. The oldest Phanerozoic zircon population (peaking at 475 Ma) is a result of subduction and closure of the early Palaeozoic Terskey Ocean. However, the absence of this peak in the Chinese North and southern South Tianshan suggests that subductions of the North and South Tianshan oceans may not have initiated until the Late Ordovician with subsequent 460–390 and 360–320 Ma arc magmatism. Similar to the magmatic suite in classic collisional orogens, the youngest massive 320–270 Ma magmatism is suggested to be post-collisional. The North and South Tianshan oceans therefore probably had their closure to form the Chinese Tianshan Orogen during the late Carboniferous. The weak Mesozoic intra-plate magmatism further rejects a late Permian–Triassic Tianshan Orogen due to a lack of extensive syn- and post-collisional magmatism. Moreover, diverse Precambrian detrital zircon age patterns indicate that the surrounding blocks have distinct evolutionary processes with short-term amalgamation during the Meso- to Neoproterozoic.  相似文献   

Reconstruction of the palaeoenvironmental context of Martian sedimentary rocks is central to studies of ancient Martian habitability and regional palaeoclimate history. This paper reports the analysis of a distinct aeolian deposit preserved in Gale crater, Mars, and evaluates its palaeomorphology, the processes responsible for its deposition, and its implications for Gale crater geological history and regional palaeoclimate. Whilst exploring the sedimentary succession cropping out on the northern flank of Aeolis Mons, Gale crater, the Mars Science Laboratory rover Curiosity encountered a decametre‐thick sandstone succession, named the Stimson formation, unconformably overlying lacustrine deposits of the Murray formation. The sandstone contains sand grains characterized by high roundness and sphericity, and cross‐bedding on the order of 1 m in thickness, separated by sub‐horizontal bounding surfaces traceable for tens of metres across outcrops. The cross‐beds are composed of uniform thickness cross‐laminations interpreted as wind‐ripple strata. Cross‐sets are separated by sub‐horizontal bounding surfaces traceable for tens of metres across outcrops that are interpreted as dune migration surfaces. Grain characteristics and presence of wind‐ripple strata indicate deposition of the Stimson formation by aeolian processes. The absence of features characteristic of damp or wet aeolian sediment accumulation indicate deposition in a dry aeolian system. Reconstruction of the palaeogeomorphology suggests that the Stimson dune field was composed largely of simple sinuous crescentic dunes with a height of ca 10 m, and wavelengths of ca 150 m, with local development of complex dunes. Analysis of cross‐strata dip azimuths indicates that the general dune migration direction and hence net sediment transport was towards the north‐east. The juxtaposition of a dry aeolian system unconformably above the lacustrine Murray formation represents starkly contrasting palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic conditions. Stratigraphic relationships indicate that this transition records a significant break in time, with the Stimson formation being deposited after the Murray formation and stratigraphically higher Mount Sharp group rocks had been buried, lithified and subsequently eroded.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地盐湖众多,表土盐渍化和盐漠化极为发育,含盐表土经风吹蚀后产生的大量盐尘将危害盆地生态环境和人类健康.笔者在柴达木盆地中东部系统采集129个不同类型的表土样品,对其中盐类矿物成分及分布特征进行了分析.分析结果表明,表土中的主要盐类矿物是石盐、石膏以及少量的无水芒硝;盆地中东部含盐量高值区集中分布在尕斯库勒湖以东...  相似文献   


亚洲粉尘对大气系统、生物地球化学循环和雪冰消融具有重要影响。粉尘沉降在山地冰川雪冰时由于其海拔较高(位于对流层中上部),因而提供了独特的研究高空风尘传输和循环的良好介质。远距离传输的粉尘主要在高空对流层中上部进行传输,开展高海拔地区的雪冰粉尘研究可以反映风尘大范围传输和循环的大气环境信息,为历史时期气候环境演化和未来预估研究提供依据。本研究简要回顾了前人冰芯粉尘的研究工作,系统总结了本研究组近期开展的雪冰粉尘相关研究,包括:1)冰川雪坑中粉尘的时空差异证实了高空粉尘传输量(浓度和通量等)与源区大小及距离源区远近有着最为密切的关系;2)冰尘示踪同位素(87 Sr/86 Sr和εNd(0))和粒度反映的青藏高原粉尘传输和沉降主要来自于高原面上的地表风化物和沙漠化,而非周边塔克拉玛干等大沙漠的输入;3)冰尘研究发现粉尘传输和沉降过程中混合了大气各种组分单颗粒;4)冰冻圈消融释放的粉尘会造成雪冰加速消融以及冰川流域融水理化性质改变。本研究通过对我国西部不同区域的高海拔雪冰粉尘研究结果进行综合分析对比,以获得亚洲风尘在高海拔冰冻圈区域大范围沉降和循环的初步认识。最后提出了存在的问题和不足,并对未来雪冰粉尘研究前景进行了讨论和展望。


从实际资料入手,深入分析煤层气水平井煤粉形成原因、煤粉产出规律及防治煤粉措施。分析结果表明:井壁原始应力状态改变、煤岩物质成分及组成、钻具的碾磨作用和钻遇煤层段井眼轨迹弯曲大煤层局部受到钻具挤压以及排采工作制度改变使降液速率变化大等是影响煤层气水平井煤粉形成的主要原因;黏土矿物是煤粉的主要来源,且黏土矿物含量越高,煤层出粉的可能性越大;排采早期产出的煤粉颗粒直径在几十微米到几百微米之间,粒径变化明显,表明排采早期产生的煤粉以钻具碾磨和井壁原始应力状态改变形成为主,排采后期产出的煤粉颗粒直径主要在几十微米左右,粒径分布相对均匀,表明排采后期产生的煤粉以煤层煤岩物质成分组成和排采工作制度变化影响形成为主;加强水平段循环清洗工作,优化合理的筛管缝隙尺寸、筛管直径、筛管长度等综合工艺技术,优选合适的排煤粉设备、制定合理的控煤粉排采制度等是煤层气水平井煤粉防治的主要措施。  相似文献   


There is significant economic interest in the Murray Basin of southeastern Australia as it is proving to be a major heavy mineral sands (HMS) province that will be one of Australia’s major source for production of rutile, zircon and ilmenite. The distribution and provenance of HMS resources in the Murray Basin is poorly understood because of its huge size, limited exploration and the complex depositional, structural and weathering mechanisms in their development. In this paper, we focus on the Copi North and Magic deposits some 130–180?km south of Broken Hill, NSW. The heavy mineral assemblages of the Copi North and Magic deposits are very similar, with the main economic minerals being ilmenite, leucoxene, pseudorutile, rutile and zircon. Intensive fracturing and brecciation are identified in many samples and are inferred to have been initially caused by multi-stage deformational processes associated with metamorphism and then further developed through alluvial and eolian transportation. Both deposits are classified as ‘medium sands, symmetrical, mesokurtic and moderately well-sorted’. The majority of economic minerals are of low to medium sphericity and subrounded, along with abundant polished eolian quartz grains. The Copi North deposit has coarser and more poorly sorted sediments with higher HMS grades and magnetics content than the Magic deposit, reflecting a higher energy depositional environment. The main source for the HMS for the Copi North and Magic deposits is largely ascribed to the Broken Hill Block. Previous studies have shown that the Broken Hill orebody underwent substantial sub-aerial weathering over hundreds of millions of years. In addition, the complex metamorphic events experienced by the Broken Hill Block were capable of forming the broad series of minerals identified within the Copi North and Magic deposits. The HMS were believed to have been transported through paleovalleys near the Mulculca Fault in a southeast direction representing a feeder system into the NW Murray Basin. Both deposits feature a relatively linear geometry (roughly parallel to the strike of the paleoshoreline), with high HMS grades, modest tonnages, and coarser sediments when compared to WIM-style offshore deposits. Compared to other strandline HMS deposits of the Murray Basin, they are smaller in size although have similar high grades of 3.7–6.9% THM and similar proportions of the HMS assemblage of ilmenite, leucoxene, rutile and zircon. Deposits of similar size and grade are likely to occur throughout the northern part of the Murray Basin.
  2. Both the Copi North and Magic deposits contain similar mineral assemblages with the provenance of the heavy minerals ascribed to the Broken Hill Block.

  3. A relatively high energy inshore environment is inferred for the Copi North deposit while a lower energy environment associated with either a foreshore or backshore environment is inferred for the Magic deposit.

  4. Deposits of similar mineralogy, grades and size are likely to occur elsewhere throughout the northern Murray Basin.


河流调整中的熵、熵产生和能耗率的变化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
河流是一个真正的开放系统,而不是孤立系统或封闭系统。运用经典热力学和非平衡态热力学基本原理,分析研究了河流调整中的熵、熵产生和能耗率的变化。指出:熵和熵产生是两个不同的概念;最小熵产生原理等价于最小能耗率原理;冲积河流在调整过程中遵循最小熵产生原理或最小能耗率原理,而不是最大熵原理。  相似文献   

四川盆地中部地区栖霞组的白云岩是该区主要储层,储层成因的主流观点是热液白云岩化.目前勘探实践发现,优质储渗体形成与早期相控岩溶作用有关.通过取芯及测录井资料进行了详细分析,研究结果表明,该类白云岩储层主要位于栖霞组中上部颗粒滩发育的地层中,按其宏微观产出状态可分为溶斑状云岩、溶洞充填云岩、针孔状基质云岩和致密基质云岩....  相似文献   

The present study combined remote sensing with geographical information system (GIS) technology to interpret Landsat TM images from 1996 to 2000 and establish a land cover database for the Hexi Corridor of China’s Gansu Province. The areas of sand and dust emission and trends in their change were extracted by analyzing the database, with the following results: In 2000, the source area for sand and dust storms totaled nearly 170,000 km2, accounting for 75.1% of the study region. The emission area decreases from as much as 70,000 km2 in winter and spring to around 58,000 km2 in summer and autumn, accounting for 41.1 and 34.1% of the source area, respectively. During the 4 years of the study period, the emission area decreased by nearly 57 km2 in winter and spring (a 0.1% change); however, the vulnerability of the land surface to wind erosion increased in ca. 190 km2 and decreased in ca. 102 km2. Although the area of dust emission decreased from 1996 to 2000, the area vulnerable to wind erosion increased by ca. 87 km2, and the increased number of sand and dust storm days in the region between 2000 and 2003 appears to be correlated with this increase.  相似文献   

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