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南海北部深水区东西构造差异性及其动力学机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南海北部深水区位于南海洋陆转换带,构造运动活跃,构造特征复杂。同时,南海北部深水区石油、天然气、天然气水合物等矿产资源丰富。因此,加强南海北部深水盆地构造特征分析,揭示南海北部陆缘构造属性与南海形成演化机制,对于南海深部过程演变研究、油气资源评价与地质灾害防治等具有重要的意义。本论文通过对南海北部深水区陆架-陆坡结构、盆地构造特征与演化规律的分析,指出研究区东西存在明显的构造差异性,并分析了其动力学机制。南海北部深水区东部陆架-陆坡结构为宽洼窄隆型,而西部为窄洼宽隆型。东部珠江口盆地深水凹陷均为半地堑结构,剖面上呈不对称的箕状;西部琼东南盆地除北礁凹陷为南段北超的小型半地堑外,其它凹陷均为地堑结构,为南北双断式沉积体系。在构造演化方面,东部中中新世末结束裂后期进入新构造活动期,白云凹陷构造活动性增强,表现为快速的沉降和显著的晚期断裂作用;而西部晚中新世末才进入新构造活动期,深水区表现为快速沉积作用,断裂活动较弱。  相似文献   

南海北部陆缘记录了南海形成演化的历史,但是其新生代构造沉积演化特征在东段和西段的差异及其原因目前还不太清楚。本文分别在珠江口盆地和琼东南盆地的深水区选择了数口构造地理位置相似的井通过精细地层回剥分析,重建了两沉积盆地的沉积速率和沉降速率并结合前人研究成果进行了对比分析。研究结果发现,两沉积盆地在裂陷期的沉积和沉降特征基本相似,但是两者在裂后期的构造沉积演化特征差异明显。珠江口盆地深水区沉积和沉降速率都表现为幕式变化特征,其中沉积速率表现为“两快三慢”的特征而沉降速率表现为“两快一慢”的特征。琼东南盆地深水区的沉积速率表现为“地堑式”变化特征,但是沉降速率表现为“台阶式”上升的变化特征。琼东南盆地“台阶式”上升的沉降速率推测主要是受到海南地幔柱伴随红河断裂的右旋走滑而向西北漂移的影响,这也与南海西北部的岩浆活动以及周围盆地的沉降特征吻合。红河断裂在2.1 Ma BP的右旋走滑控制了琼东南盆地1.8 Ma BP以来的快速沉积和加速沉降分布。  相似文献   

琼东南盆地深水区构造热演化特征及其影响因素分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
To reveal the tectonic thermal evolution and influence factors on the present heat flow distribution, based on 154 heat flow data, the present heat flow distribution features of the main tectonic units are first analyzed in detail, then the tectonic thermal evolution histories of 20 profiles are reestablished crossing the main deep-water sags with a structural, thermal and sedimentary coupled numerical model. On the basis of the present geothermal features, the Qiongdongnan Basin could be divided into three regions: the northern shelf and upper slope region with a heat flow of 50–70 m W/m2, most of the central depression zone of 70–85 m W/m2, and a NE trending high heat flow zone of 85–105 m W/m2 lying in the eastern basin. Numerical modeling shows that during the syn-rift phase, the heat flow increases generally with time, and is higher in basement high area than in its adjacent sags. At the end of the syn-rift phase, the heat flow in the deepwater sags was in a range of 60–85 m W/m2, while in the basement high area, it was in a range of 75–100 m W/m2. During the post-rift phase, the heat flow decreased gradually, and tended to be more uniform in the basement highs and sags. However, an extensive magmatism, which equivalently happened at around 5 Ma, has greatly increased the heat flow values, and the relict heat still contributes about 10–25 m W/m2 to the present surface heat flow in the central depression zone and the southern uplift zone. Further analyses suggested that the present high heat flow in the deep-water Qiongdongnan Basin is a combined result of the thermal anomaly in the upper mantle, highly thinning of the lithosphere, and the recent extensive magmatism. Other secondary factors might have affected the heat flow distribution features in some local regions. These factors include basement and seafloor topography, sediment heat generation, thermal blanketing, local magmatic injecting and hydrothermal activities related to faulting and overpressure.  相似文献   

琼东南盆地陵水凹陷构造演化及其对深水大气田形成的控制作用成为深水区研究的热点。利用钻井地质、地震勘探资料,运用层序地层学、构造解析方法,认识了陵水凹陷的构造动力学机制和构造变形;探讨了陵水凹陷构造演化及其对深水大气田形成的控制作用;提出了陵水凹陷经历了古新世—始新世断陷、渐新世坳—断、早中新世断—坳和中中新世—更新世坳陷(深水盆地)4期构造演化阶段的新认识,并认为构造演化控制了深水大气田的形成。①古新世—始新世断陷、渐新世坳—断作用分别控制了湖相、海陆过渡相—海相烃源岩分布,中中新世—第四纪坳陷作用拓宽了烃源岩生气时窗;②渐新世坳—断作用控制发育了扇三角洲储层,中中新世—更新世坳陷作用控制发育了深水限制型、非限制型碎屑岩储层和碳酸盐岩生物礁储层;③渐新世坳—断演化阶段以走滑—伸展构造变形为主,控制发育了断鼻、断背斜圈闭,中中新世—更新世坳陷作用控制发育了深水限制型重力流水道砂岩性圈闭群、非限制型盆底扇岩性圈闭和生物礁地层圈闭;④渐新统、中中新统地层超压产生断裂/裂隙,构成了良好的天然气输导体系。  相似文献   

白云凹陷是珠江口盆地的一个次级凹陷,蕴藏着丰富的油气资源,是珠江口盆地重要的油气探区之一.白云凹陷形成和演化过程经历了3个阶段:断陷、拗陷和差异升降阶段.多期构造运动叠加造成凹陷内地质构造非常复杂.从白云凹陷构造演化和构造特征研究出发,结合地震剖面、测井资料,初步探讨了白云凹陷构造对油气藏形成的控制作用,明确了构造演化...  相似文献   

开平凹陷位于珠江口盆地珠Ⅱ坳陷西南部深水油气勘探区,处于南海北部陆缘洋陆过渡带。由于该区构造特征极为复杂,加之油气勘探及研究程度较低,因此针对该区开展裂陷演化及沉积充填特征与烃源发育条件的分析研究,对于油气勘探及其油气地质评价等均具有重要的参考借鉴意义。基于开平凹陷研究区的高分辨率三维地震资料,重点对该区洼陷结构和断裂体系进行了深入解剖,系统阐述了古近纪断裂展布特征,并对研究区主干断裂活动特征进行了定量分析,探讨了古近纪裂陷期断裂体系演化规律及沉积中心迁移过程,并运用平衡剖面技术,恢复了开平凹陷古近纪以来的裂陷演化过程。研究表明开平凹陷古近系表现出“北断南超”的构造格局,裂陷期发育NE-NEE向和NWW向两组主要断裂,控制了凹陷构造变形及沉积充填特征,其控洼断层具有拆离伸展的断裂特征。尚须强调指出,开平凹陷主干断层活动强度整体表现为早始新世文昌期逐渐增强,晚始新世恩平期减弱并停止的特征,在始新世文昌组-恩平组沉积期发生过多次沉积中心迁移。因此,根据断裂体系展布特征和平衡剖面分析结果,综合判识确定开平凹陷是在南海北部陆缘晚中生代构造变形基础之上形成的新生代伸展断陷盆地,其裂陷演化过程经历...  相似文献   

在前人研究基础上,利用珠江口盆地恩平凹陷与惠州凹陷二维地震资料,结合断层活动速率分析方法,研究了凹陷内部断裂体系几何学与运动学差异性。依据断裂特征及其活动性差异,将珠江口盆地北部断裂体系发育演化重新划分为裂陷早期(E2w)、裂陷晚期(E2e)、拗陷期(E3z-N1z-N1h)和构造活化期(N1y-N2w-Q)4个构造期次。同时,依据断层展布规模、活动速率大小及活化时期等研究成果,推测惠州凹陷比恩平凹陷更有利于形成大中型油气田。建议将近EW向和NWW向断层作为后期构造研究的重点。  相似文献   

由于南海的多次扩张、拉伸、消减运动,在珠江口盆地白云深水区发生了陆架裂陷和海水入侵等地质现象,形成了海相碳酸盐岩生长发育的基础地质条件。对珠江口盆地深水区碳酸盐岩的发育地质背景、地质特征、发育规律、地震响应特征以及深水区灰岩发育的主控因素进行了探讨,结果表明白云深水区主要发育两种类型的碳酸盐台地;古隆起镶边台地以及火山建隆孤立台地。台地沉积主要发育在古隆起周缘、构造高部位、火山隆起周缘,并被钻井所证实。在白云深水区东沙隆起西南缘、云荔低凸起、荔湾凹陷北缘、荔湾凹陷南缘及顺鹤隆起发育典型的生物礁,钻井证实有珊瑚、红藻、苔藓虫等造礁生物。生物礁地震特征具有强的连续反射顶、底界面,丘状反射外形,内部结构或空白、或杂乱,具有前积、加积、退积等层序结构。  相似文献   

裂谷盆地构造热演化的数值模型及在南海北部的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在沉积盆地的定量模拟研究中,建立各种数值模型是研究的基础。由于裂谷盆地在科学研究和油气勘探上的重要性,对其数值模型的研究一直受到高度重视,提出了众多理论模型。本文选择影响较大的或对南海被动陆缘研究有重要作用的数值型进行介绍,包括最基础的McKenzie瞬时拉伸模型,以及后来发展起来的限时拉伸模型、单剪伸展模型、挠曲悬臂梁模型、伸展随深度变化的模型和多幕拉伸模型。重点介绍各个模型的基本假设、应用条件、盆地演化的数学表达式,分析各模型之间的异同点和相互关系。文中还列举了南海北部的一些研究实例,以帮助深入理解不同数值模型的方法和应用。  相似文献   

琼东南盆地深水区东区凹陷带,即松南—宝岛—长昌凹陷,位于琼东南盆地中央坳陷东端。在大量地震资料解释的基础上,对38条主要断层进行了详细分析。获得以下认识:(1)琼东南盆地深水区东区凹陷带平面上表现为近EW向展布的平行四边形,剖面结构表现为自西向东由半地堑—不对称的地堑—半地堑有规律变化。(2)琼东南盆地深水区东区凹陷带断裂系统可划分控制凹陷边界断层、控制洼陷沉积中心断层和调节性断层3类。(3)琼东南盆地深水区东区凹陷带古近纪时期受到太平洋板块俯冲和南海海盆扩张的双重影响,构造应力场发生NW—SE→SN转变。构造演化可划分为3个阶段:~32 Ma,应力场以区域性NW—SE向伸展为主,断裂系统以NE—SW向为主,控制凹陷边界;32~26 Ma,以南海海盆近SN向拉张应力场为主,断裂系统以NWW—SEE向为主,断层活动控制凹陷沉积中心;26~ Ma,区域性伸展与南海海盆扩张应力均逐渐减弱,NE—SW向和NWW—SEE向断裂继承性发育。(4)琼东南盆地深水区东区凹陷带内部主要断层在渐新统崖城组和陵水组沉积时期活动速率快,地形高差大、沉积水体深、沉积厚度大,控制了崖城组和陵水组的大规模沉积,有利于烃源岩的发育。圈闭以受断层控制的断鼻和断块为主,长昌主洼凹中隆起带发育2个最为理想的构造圈闭。  相似文献   

The Qiongdongnan Basin and Zhujiang River(Pearl River) Mouth Basin, important petroliferous basins in the northern South China Sea, contain abundant oil and gas resource. In this study, on basis of discussing impact of oil-base mud on TOC content and Rock-Eval parameters of cutting shale samples, the authors did comprehensive analysis of source rock quality, thermal evolution and control effect of source rock in gas accumulation of the Qiongdongnan and the Zhujiang River Mouth Basins. The contrast analysis of TOC contents and Rock-Eval parameters before and after extraction for cutting shale samples indicates that except for a weaker impact on Rock-Eval parameter S_2, oil-base mud has certain impact on Rock-Eval S_1, Tmax and TOC contents. When concerning oil-base mud influence on source rock geochemistry parameters, the shales in the Yacheng/Enping,Lingshui/Zhuhai and Sanya/Zhuhai Formations have mainly Type Ⅱ and Ⅲ organic matter with better gas potential and oil potential. The thermal evolution analysis suggests that the depth interval of the oil window is between 3 000 m and 5 000 m. Source rocks in the deepwater area have generated abundant gas mainly due to the late stage of the oil window and the high-supper mature stage. Gas reservoir formation condition analysis made clear that the source rock is the primary factor and fault is a necessary condition for gas accumulation. Spatial coupling of source, fault and reservoir is essential for gas accumulation and the inside of hydrocarbon-generating sag is future potential gas exploration area.  相似文献   

Recent exploration revealed the high potential for hydrocarbon in the deepwater sags, Pearl River Mouth Basin, northern South China Sea. This paper reports its Cenozoic sedimentary evolution through backstripping of high precision depth data of interpreted sequence boundaries. Local backstripping parameters were mapped based on well and geophysical data. Sensitivity analysis indicates that the reliability of decompaction results were largely improved by using the local porosity parameters and the lithological parameters that vary with grid nodes. Maps of sedimentation rates of 17 sequences from 65 Ma to the present were constructed, showing the spatial–temporal variation of the sedimentation rate. Three rapid depositional stages, 65–32, 29–23.3, 18.5–10.5 Ma, and three slow depositional stages, 32–29, 23.3–18.5, 10.5–0 Ma, were identified with abrupt changes of sedimentary patterns. The three rapid depositional stages were in accord with syn-rifting stage, the first post-rifting depositional stage, and the second post-rifting depositional stage, respectively. And the three slow depositional stages were in keeping with three tectonic events respectively. Several significant sedimentary discontinuities at 32, 23.3 and 10.5 Ma were observed and discussed. The comparison between the study area and the ODP Site 1148 at 32–23.3 Ma indicates that before ~29 Ma the ODP Site 1148 was at similar sedimentation regime as that in the Baiyun and Liwan sags, but significant diversity appeared after ~29 Ma, when a large quantity of terrigenous sediments was trapped by strong post-rifting subsidence in the Baiyun and Liwan sags and could not reach the lower slope areas. Study revealed that the most rapid accumulation from 18.5 to 17.5 Ma might be mainly owing to the large sediment supply during this strong monsoon period.  相似文献   

琼东南盆地古近系崖城组被证实为海陆过渡相烃源岩,但是深水盆地内6个凹陷的特征及演化存在显著差异,如何确定最富生烃的凹陷直接关系到深水钻探的成效。本文在深水凹陷区域构造形成机制、沉积环境演变特征以及海陆过渡相烃源岩有机质特征分析的基础上,充分利用现有钻井和地震资料,首先依据地震相模式分析方法预测了烃源岩层段沉积相分布,并根据沉积相与有机相的对应关系,预测了有机相分布;同时采用地震速度岩性定量分析技术确定出各凹陷烃源岩厚度分布,并利用地震反演速度及区域内泥岩孔隙度和烃源岩Ro的关系,定量预测了源岩热成熟度分布;然后依据烃源岩有机相、厚度和热成熟度等参数计算了崖城组各层段生气量和生气强度;最后以这两个参数为主,结合资源量和油气发现概况,建立了深水区富生烃凹陷评价标准,以此对6个凹陷进行综合评价优选。研究认为陵水、乐东、宝岛和长昌四个凹陷是Ⅰ类(最富生烃)凹陷,而松南和北礁凹陷为Ⅱ类(较富生烃)凹陷。该评价结果对南海北部深水区下一步勘探部署和目标钻探有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

Recently, as oil exploitation has become focused on deepwater slope areas, more multi-channel high resolution 2D and 3D seismic data were acquired in the deepwater part of the Qiongdongnan Basin, northern South China Sea. Based on 3D seismic data and coherence time slice, RMS and 3D visualization, a series of deepwater channels were recognized on the slope that probably developed in the late Quaternary period. These channels trend SW–NE to W–E and show bifurcations, levees, meander loops and avulsions. High Amplitude Reflections (HARs), typical for channel–levee complexes, are of only minor importance and were observed in one of the channel systems. Most of the detected channels are characterized by low-amplitude reflections, and so are different from the typical coarse-grained turbidite channels that had been discovered worldwide. The absence of well data in the study area made it difficult to determine the age and lithology of these channels. Using a neighboring drill hole and published data about such depositional systems worldwide, the lithology of these channels is likely to be dominated by mudstones with interbedded thin sandstones. These channels are formed by turbidity currents originated from the little scale mountain river of mid-Vietnam in SW direction and were probably accompanied by a relative sea level drop in the last glacial age. These channels discovered on the northern South China Sea slope are likely to be fine-grained, mud-dominant and low N:G deposits in a deepwater paleogeographic setting.  相似文献   

Geochemical and detrital zircon U-Pb dating data for drilled sediments from the Baiyun deepwater area of the northern South China Sea demonstrate a change of sedimentary sources from the Oligocene to the Miocene.Zircon ages of the pre-rift Eocene sequences are dominated by Yanshanian ages with various peak values(110–115 Ma for U1435 and L21; 150 Ma for H1), indicating local sediment supply from the pre-existing Mesozoic magmatic belt. For the Oligocene sediments in the northern part of the basin, the rare earth elements show different distribution characteristics, indicating sediment supply from the paleo-Zhujiang River(Pearl River), as also confirmed by the multimodal zircon age spectra of the Lower Oligocene strata in Well X28. By contrast, a positive Eu anomaly characterizes sediments from the western and southern parts of the basin, indicating potential provenances from intermediate to basic volcanic rock materials. The Baiyun Movement at the end of the Oligocene contributed to a large-scale subsidence in the deepwater area and also a northward retreat of continental shelf break, leading to deepening depositional environment in the basin. As a result, all the detrital zircon ages of the Upper Oligocene strata from Wells X28, L13, and L21 share a similar distribution, implying the possible control of a common source like the Zhujiang River. During the Miocene, whereas sediments in the northern area were mainly sourced from the Zhujiang River Delta, and those in the southern deepwater area continued to be affected by basic volcanic activities, the Dongsha Uplift could have contributed as the main source to the eastern area.  相似文献   

珠江口盆地白云凹陷断裂构造特征及其活动期次   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对白云凹陷地震资料的解释分析表明,该凹陷断裂构造以正断层和走滑断裂为主,未见逆断层.在平面上,断裂主要为NWW至近EW走向,不同等级与不同走向断层表现为平行断层系、帚状断层系和雁列断层系等三种断层组合形式.剖面中,单条断层样式相对简单,主要呈现平面式、铲式和座椅式等构造样式;多条断层主要表现为花状组合、马尾状组合、Y字型组合和阶梯状组合等构造特征.通过对断裂活动强度统计发现,不同区域断裂的发育时间和发育强度亦有差异,其中50-30MaBP是断裂的强烈发育期,控制凹陷的同张裂期沉积充填;13.8-10MaBP受东沙运动的影响断裂再次活化,属于中等强度发育期.  相似文献   

Dissolution mechanism and favorable reservoir distribution prediction are the key problems restricting oil and gas exploration in deep-buried layers. In this paper, the Enping Formation and Zhuhai Formation in Baiyun Sag of South China Sea was taken as a target. Based on the thin section, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, porosity/permeability measurement, and mercury injection, influencing factors of dissolution were examined, and a dissolution model was established. Further, high-quality reservoirs were predicted temporally and spatially. The results show that dissolved pores constituted the main space of the Paleogene sandstone reservoir. Dissolution primarily occurred in the coarse- and medium-grained sandstones in the subaerial and subaqueous distributary channels, while dissolution was limited in fine-grained sandstones and inequigranular sandstones. The main dissolved minerals were feldspar, tuffaceous matrix, and diagenetic cement. Kaolinization of feldspar and illitization of kaolinite are the main dissolution pathways, but they occur at various depths and temperatures with different geothermal gradients. Dissolution is controlled by four factors, in terms of depositional facies, source rock evolution, overpressure, and fault activities, which co-acted at the period of 23.8–13.8 Ma, and resulted into strong dissolution. Additionally, based on these factors, high-quality reservoirs of the Enping and Zhuhai formations are predicted in the northern slope, southwestern step zone, and Liuhua uplift in the Baiyun Sag.  相似文献   

运用地质与地球物理综合研究方法,对南海北部珠江口盆地白云深水区始新世—中新世的沉积充填特征开展研究,结果表明,在早中始新世,白云凹陷沉积环境经历了由陆相冲积扇到中深湖相的转变,晚始新世部分地区遭受海侵,沉积物源主要来自北部番禺低隆起和东沙及神狐构造高部位,以近源沉积为主。到早渐新世,凹陷沉积环境转变为海陆过渡相及海相环境,凹陷北部受番禺低隆起等局部物源控制,凹陷主体接受大量源自南海西部昆莺琼古河的物源供给。到晚渐新世,古珠江沉积范围增大,突破番禺低隆起进入白云凹陷,凹陷北部主体受古珠江搬运沉积物影响,凹陷其余地区则接受来自北部古珠江及西部昆莺琼古河双物源供给。进入中新世,由于盆地热沉降作用的加强,南海北部陆架坡折带由白云凹陷南部跃迁至北部,凹陷水深不断加深,凹陷主体受古珠江沉积物的控制,其中南部地区为深水环境,受到由浊流搬运来的北部古珠江物质、西部昆莺琼古河物质以及正常远洋沉积物的共同影响。  相似文献   

东海陆架盆地丽水凹陷烃源岩埋深大、钻井少、油气发现少,至今对其生油气能力具有较大的争议。为明确烃源岩热演化史,从少量具备实测地层温度和镜质体反射率(Ro)资料的钻井出发,利用正演模拟方法,通过地温与地层深度相关性分析,将钻井地温研究结果外推到无井区。在恢复丽水凹陷探井岩石圈结构及其演化史的基础上,首次系统建立了丽水凹陷的区域地温场并分析其对烃源岩演化的作用。研究表明,古新统下段月桂峰组底界(T100)烃源岩大部分都已成熟,次洼中心局部过成熟;月桂峰组顶界(T90)烃源岩大部分处于低熟—成熟阶段,次洼中心局部高—过成熟;灵峰组顶界(T85)烃源岩处于未熟—低熟状态,西次洼中心有成熟烃源岩。烃源岩特征及演化分析表明,古新统下段月桂峰组烃源岩是丽水凹陷的主力生油气烃源岩。  相似文献   

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