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北黄海浮游动物昼夜垂直移动的初步研究 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
本文对黄海北部主要浮游动物的昼夜垂直移动作了初步探讨。结果表明,该海区浮游动物的昼夜垂直移动可分为移动显著和不显著二种类型,前者是一些较大的浮游动物,后者是一些较小的浮游动物,另外还可大致分成上层分布,中、下层分布以及水体中均匀分布三种类型。本文不讨论了几种环境因素对浮游动物昼夜垂直移动的影响。 相似文献
三亚湾浮游动物的昼夜垂直移动 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
1998年11月和1999年1、4、8月在三亚湾(109°28′6″E,18°13′36″N;水深约15m)进行了24h的浮游动物昼夜连续分层采样。结果表明,浮游动物的昼夜垂直移动季节变化显著,春季在中上层(0—10m)分布,夏季营显著的白天下降、夜晚上升的移动。三亚湾浮游动物的昼夜垂直移动可划分为移动显著和不显著两大类型,前者又可划分为白天下降、夜晚上升,白天上升、夜晚下降,傍晚和清晨上升、白天和夜晚下降3种类型;后者又可划分为中上层分布和各水层均匀分布2种类型。此外,有些种类的昼夜垂直移动无明显的规律。光照是影响浮游动物昼夜垂直移动的重要因素。浮游植物密度与浮游动物的昼夜垂直移动关系不密切。夏季浮游动物的大型种类肥胖箭虫(Sagittaenflata)、亚强次真哲水蚤(Subeucalanussubcrassus)可以穿越温跃层的上界而进入表层。浮游动物昼夜垂直移动的幅度不但与种类的个体大小有关,而且也与水深和种类的习性有关。 相似文献
本文对2006年12月、2007年5月和6月在南黄海两个连续站S1-4和S3-3采集的梭形纽鳃樽的昼夜垂直移动进行了研究。结果表明, 在不同季节不同海域该种昼夜垂直移动行为略有差异。在S1-4站位, 12月份梭形纽鳃樽复体从未到达底层(50—70m), 在0—50m的水层中表现出不规则的昼夜垂直移动。从中午(12:00)到傍晚(18:00)主要分布在表层, 之后移动到较深的水层(10—30m), 而单体由于数量较少而未进行昼夜垂直移动分析; 5、6月份, 该种单体和复体都出现了明显的反向昼夜垂直移动, 即白天迁移到表层, 夜间向底层迁移, 5月份尤为明显。在S3-3站位, 12月份和5月份梭形纽鳃樽的单体和复体几乎在整个水层都有分布。12月份梭形纽鳃樽复体在夜间有向下移动的趋势, 在06:00时到达最底层, 白天主要分布在20m以上的水层中。5月份梭形纽鳃樽单体和复体昼夜垂直移动不明显, 但主要分布在10—20m的水层中。 相似文献
在IONESS系统中浮游介形类的昼夜垂直移动 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
根据IONESS系统对浮游动物的分层采样结果,研究浮游介形动物的昼夜垂直移动.浮游介形类存在着整个类群的昼夜垂直移动,白天其丰度最大值记录于200~300m层,并往上层水域递减,而夜间则明显往上层密集,丰度最大值提升至50~100m层;就物种多样性而言,由于工作水层(0~1000m)以深水层的众多种类于夜间上升至1000m以浅水层,导致工作水层内总种数由白天的49种剧增至夜间的78种,增幅达60%,各分层的种类数都有较明显的增加,750~1000m层的增幅最大,达150%,其次为50~100m层(增幅达125%);各种浮游介形类有不同的昼夜垂直移动模式,但绝大多数种类属于夜间上升型,少数种类属于不敏感类型,极少数种类却具夜间下降的移动特点.浮游介形类虽具明显的昼夜垂直移动,但这一变动往往局限于一定水深范围,从而反映出介形类的层状分布特点,可划分为广深分布型、上层分布型、中层分布型和下层分布型. 相似文献
多鳞鱚(Sillago sihama)是山东近海重要的渔业种类之一。本研究根据2016年秋季(10月)在山东近海开展渔业资源底拖网调查取得的数据,分析该海域多鳞鱚的空间分布特征,并运用广义可加模型(GAM)和地理加权回归(GWR)模型探究影响其分布的因素及其与环境因子的非线性和空间非平稳性关系。GAM拟合结果显示,影响秋季多鳞鱚分布的环境因子主要有水深、底层水温和底层盐度,水深的偏差解释率最大,为23.50%。GWR模型拟合结果显示,多鳞鱚分布与水深和底层水温之间存在空间非平稳性关系。水深与多鳞鱚相对资源量呈负相关关系,底层水温与多鳞鱚相对资源量呈正相关关系。赤池信息准则和决定系数(R2)指标对比结果显示,GWR模型的表现优于GAM,在渔业生态数据分析中表现出较好的发展潜力。本研究为今后开展渔业生物空间分布提供了一种新的方法。 相似文献
基于GAM和GWR模型分析环境因子对南极磷虾资源分布的非线性和非静态性影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
分析南极磷虾分布与环境因子的非线性和空间非静态性关系,对南极磷虾的高效捕捞和管理具有重要意义。本研究基于“龙腾”船2015、2016年在南设得兰群岛捕捞作业的渔捞日志数据,应用广义加模型(Generalized additive model,GAM)和地理权重回归模型(Geographical weighted regression,GWR)探究南极磷虾(Euphausia superba)渔场分布与环境因子的非线性和空间非静态性关系,并比较这2种模型的模拟性能,为南极磷虾的渔场渔情预报、资源评估和渔业管理提供基础数据。GAM模型结果显示,2015、2016年单位捕捞努力量渔获量(Catch per unit effort,CPUE)与作业水深均呈显著负相关关系(P<0.01),表明在作业水深范围内,南极磷虾在较浅水域集群密度较高;2015年CPUE与表层水温呈显著正相关关系(P<0.01),但在2016年呈显著负相关关系(P<0.01),推测是由于2年调查作业位置不同所致;CPUE与离岸距离关系不显著(P≥0.05)。GWR模型结果显示,作业水深对CPUE的影响无显著的空间变化(P>0.05);海水表温和离岸距离对CPUE的影响具显著的空间变化(P<0.01),表明这2个因子对南极磷虾渔场分布的影响在空间上不连续,存在显著空间非静态性。GAM模型可用于研究资源分布与驱动因子的一般规律;GWR模型作为全局回归模型的有效补充,可用于探究一般规律不适合的特殊区域,便于发现资源分布的“热点”区域,未来在海洋生物资源分布研究中将有广阔的应用前景。 相似文献
Monthly fishery survey data of the small yellow croaker Larimichthys polyactis in the southern Yellow Sea from2003 and 2013 were employed to evaluate the variation in the resource distribution and biological characteristics(especially body length and sex ratio) in the population on a decadal scale.The results indicated that the small yellow croaker migrated from the Shawai fishing ground to the Dasha fishing ground in spring and was mainly distributed in the central and western parts of the Dasha fishing ground in April and May.Larimichthys polyactis in the Dasha fishing ground migrated eastward to offshore wintering grounds in autumn and reached the central Dasha fishing ground in October and November.The small yellow croaker entered the western waters of the Shawai fishing ground in winter.A large number of age 0+ fish occurred in the Shawai and Jiangwai fishing grounds in October of 2003 and 2013.The body lengths of the spawning stock and wintering stock in 2013 were larger than those in 2003,and the monthly sex ratios(female to male) were significantly less than 1 in both years.The monthly distribution of this fish in the southern Yellow Sea was consistent with a previous finding that "the stock migrated between the wintering grounds in the west of Jeju Island and the Lüsi spawning grounds" but tended to move more northward,with the spawning grounds extending outward.In the past decade,body length variation experienced a decline after an increase,rather than a steady decrease.The sex ratio in the single-stick stow net showed a tendency to increase over the decade,but was either less than or more than 1 depending on the fishing gear;therefore,further studies should be conducted to determine the sex structure. 相似文献
渤海小黄鱼生殖力及其变化 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
根据2004年5月在渤海进行的拖网调查资料,分析了小黄鱼(Pseudosciaenapolyatics)在经过近半世纪的捕捞后的生殖群体生殖力及其与体长、纯体质量的关系,并对小黄鱼生殖力的变化作了比较。结果表明,小黄鱼的个体绝对生殖力为14729粒±1360粒;个体绝对生殖力与叉长、纯体质量的关系变化较大;与1964年历史资料相比,相同体长组小黄鱼的个体绝对生殖力F和相对生殖力FL都显著增大(P<0.01)。小黄鱼的生殖力增加可能是小黄鱼在长期捕捞等外部环境影响下的遗传进化以及对其生存环境的适应性响应。 相似文献
黄、渤海小黄鱼耳石元素指纹分析及其在种群补充群体识别中的应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用电感耦合等离子质谱ICP-MS元素分析方法,测定了黄、渤海125尾小黄鱼的耳石元素指纹图谱,共检测到Mg、Al、Mn、Cu、Zn、Sr、Ba、Ca等8种指纹元素。不同采样站位小黄鱼耳石元素含量均存在显著性差异,线性判别分析可以有效识别不同站位的小黄鱼群体,判别成功率为65%~96%,整体判别成功率为86%。基于耳石元素指纹图谱特征进行聚类分析,可以将黄、渤海小黄鱼早期补充群体划分为渤海种群、黄海中部种群和南黄海种群,其中黄海中部种群站位交叉明显。 相似文献
Temporal changes in biological characteristics of small yellow croaker Larimichthys polyactis in the Yellow Sea were examined for the period of 1960–2008. The body size and age of small yellow croaker decreased substantially, in particular, average length of fish in 2008 was reduced by ~85% than those occurring in 1985, and at that time ~93% of the total catch was dominated by one-year-old individuals. Correspondingly, growth parameters also varied significantly over the years, i.e., k(growth coefficient) and t_0(zero-length age) gradually increased from 0.26 and –0.58 year in 1960 to 0.56 and –0.25 year in 2008, respectively. Although, L∞(body length)sharply decreased from 34.21 cm in 1960 to 24.06 cm in 2008, and t_r(inflexion age) decreased from 3.78 year in1960 to 1.61 year in 2008. There was a great increase both in natural mortality coefficient and fishing mortality coefficient. However, according to the gray correlation analysis, changes in the biological characteristics of small yellow croaker were induced by different stressors ranked as: fishing vessel powerfeeding gradesea surface temperature. This study suggests that the active fishery management measures for biological characters of fish populations should be considered. 相似文献
黄海南部和东海小黄鱼资源分布差异性研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
根据2006年6月~2007年4月黄海南部和东海底拖网监测调查资料,比较分析了2个海域小黄鱼资源密度指数(CPUE)分布、环境因子特征、CPUE与环境因子相关关系的差异.研究结果表明,黄海南部和东海小黄鱼资源密度指数分布除了秋季分布有显著差异之外(t′_((33))=2.69,P=0.011),其余季节分布均无显著差异(春季:t′_((43))=1.68,P=0.104;夏季:t′_((60))=0.31,P=0.756 7;冬季:t′_((43))=1.74,P=0.089);夏季的底层盐度分布和水深分布没有明显差异,在其他季节,黄海南部和东海的底层水温、底层盐度和水深分布等环境特征的差异明显,均达到极显著(P<0.01)或显著(P<0.05)水平;资源密度与环境因子回归分析和AIC模型选择中,2个海域夏季的小黄鱼资源密度受到有显著性影响的环境因子数最多,而冬季受到有显著性影响的环境因子最少.综合推断,黄海南部和东海小黄鱼具有不同空间分布特征和环境分布特征,2个海域的小黄鱼分属于不同种群,但在2个海域交界处有混栖种群. 相似文献
Oxygen and carbon isotope ratios(δ~(18)O and δ~(13)C) in otoliths were used to identify the stock structure of small yellow croaker,Larimichthys polyactis.Otoliths were collected from fish at five locations across the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea representing most of their distributional range and fisheries areas.The significant differences in the isotopic signatures showed that the five locations could be chemically distinguished and clearly separated,indicating stock subdivision.Correlation of δ~(18)O and δ~(13)C values suggested that population of L.polyactis could be divided into the Bohai Sea group,the southern Yellow Sea group and the central Yellow Sea group.Discriminant analysis of δ~(18)O and δ~(13)C values demonstrated a high significant difference with 85.7% classification accuracy.The spatial separation of L.polyactis indicated a complex stock structure across the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea.These results indicate that optimal fisheries management may require a comprehensive consideration on the current spatial arrangements.This study has provided further evidence that measurement of the stable isotopes ratios in otolith can be a valuable tool in the delineation of fishery management units. 相似文献
The diel vertical migration(DVM) of zooplankton and the influence of upwelling on zooplankton biomass were examined using water column data of current velocity and mean volume backscattering strength(MVBS)collected by moored acoustic Doppler current profilers(ADCPs) deployed in the southeastern Chukchi Sea during the 5th Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition(CHINARE) in summer 2012, combined with the satellite observational data such as sea surface temperature(SST), wind, and chlorophyll a(Chl a). Hourly acoustic data were continuously collected for 49-d in the mooring site. Spectral analysis indicated that there were different migrating patterns of zooplankton, even though precisely classifying the zooplankton taxa was not available. The prevailing 24-h cycle corresponded to the normal DVM with zooplankton swimming upwards at sunrise and returning to deep waters at sunset. There was a clear DVM in the upper 17 m of the water column during the period with distinct day-night cycles, and no active DVM throughout the water column when the sun above the horizon(polar day), suggesting that light intensity was the trigger for DVM. Also there was a second migrating pattern with 12-h cycle. The upwelling event occurring in the northwest of Alaskan coastal area had important influence on zooplankton biomass at the mooring site. During the upwelling, the SST close to the mooring site dropped significantly from maximal 6.35°C to minimal 1.31°C within five days. Simultaneously, there was a rapid increase in the MVBS and Chl a level, suggesting the aggregation of zooplankton related to upwelling. 相似文献
The geographical variations in life history characteristics of small yellow croaker Larimichthys polyactis, caused by experienced different environmental conditions, have been observed in China seas. Previous studies based on spatial distribution, migration route, and body morphometrics suggested a complex stock structure. In this study, to clarify the source of a spawning stock, we investigated the reproduction strategy and inter-structure of the Haizhou Bay (HZB) spawning stock in the middle Yellow Sea from both egg survey and adult otolith increment analysis. Egg and adult samples were collected from three surveys during spawning season in 2013. Distinct spatial and temporal variations were detected in egg distribution and size, and otolith shape analysis of adult fishes revealed two morphotypes with different increment growth using random forest cluster. The results indicate the existence of two components within the same spawning stock in HZB from different wintering grounds, and accordingly special protection should be required for this stock given the significance to maintain connectivity between adjacent subpopulations. 相似文献
Using the hydroacoustic method with a 200 kHz scientific echo sounding system,the diel vertical migration(DVM) of the sound-scattering layer(SSL) in the Yellow Sea Bottom Cold Water(YSBCW) of the southeastern Yellow Sea was studied in April(spring) and August(summer) of 2010 and 2011.For each survey,13–27 hours of acoustic data were continuously collected at a stationary station.The acoustic volume scattering strength(Sv) data were analyzed with temperature profile data.In the spring of both 2010 and 2011,the SSL clearly showed the vertical migration throughout the entire water column,moving from the surface layer at night to near the bottom during the day.Conductivity,temperature,and depth data indicated that the entire water column was well mixed with low temperature of about 8 C.However,the SSL showed different patterns in the summers of 2010 and 2011.In the summer of 2010(28 C at the surface),the SSL migrated to near the bottom during the day,but there were two SSLs above and below the thermocline at depth of 10–30 m at night.In the summer of 2011(20 C at the surface),the SSL extended throughout the entire water column at night,possibly owing to an abrupt change in sea weather conditions caused by the passage of a Typhoon Muifa over the study area.It was concluded that the DVM patterns in summer in the YSBCW area may be greatly influenced by a strengthened or weakened thermocline. 相似文献
小黄鱼Larimichthys polyactis体长-体重关系幂指数与产卵群体空间分布相关性研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
鱼类产卵群体的相关研究一直是渔业领域关注的热点,对鱼类的产卵期、产卵场的研究是鱼类生态习性研究方向的重要组成部分。本文在前期研究证实鱼类体长-体重关系幂指数可以指示鱼类产卵期的基础上,利用2004年4个季节的东海大面积调查数据,尝试利用同一时间点上的各个调查点幂指数信息来分析鱼类产卵场分布特征,结果发现,成熟产卵个体仅在春季出现,而未成熟产卵个体4季均有分布,以此推测小黄鱼存在"跳过产卵"现象。另外发现,单靠幂指数大小,不能区分各个产卵成熟阶段,也不能区分产卵个体与非产卵个体;而怀卵个体出现站点的幂指数平均值偏低于匀速生长,空间上也具有类似特征,即幂指数相对低的地方一般对应怀卵个体相对集中的水域。本文依据幂指数分布,推断小黄鱼成熟产卵群体有3块相对集中水域,即舟山渔场近海、济州岛西南侧和江外与舟外渔场临近水域。 相似文献