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Ocean wave spectra were for many years regarded as scientific information of little use for practical purposes. In the last decade, this has changed. Within many marine sectors there are now stronger demands for more accurate spectral information which directly have an impact on safety and regularity of operations and on the sustainability of constructions. This paper shows examples of applications, mostly from routine forecasting service experience in the North Sea and the North East Atlantic.  相似文献   

孙显彬  郑轶  于非 《海洋科学》2019,43(1):95-100
以多传感器信息融合理论为指导,结合现代信息处理技术与数据驱动建模及科学计算技术,研究浅海超低频声源目标激发共存地震波的复合声场中超低频声波传播特性和数据驱动建模的水下目标深度识别等关键技术,并论证了技术实现方案及路径。结果表明:以复合矢量水听器、地震波监测仪等多传感器信息融合理论为指导研究前海超低频声源目标可以克服传统声场建模存在的问题,有助于浅海超低频声源目标探测及改善海洋水下声学监测手段。在提高声呐探测设备的测量准确度、精度方面具有重要的理论意义,对周边海域为浅海的我国海防具有实战价值。  相似文献   

Compensation for source heave by use of a Kalman filter   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper presents a procedure for data filtering to compensate for the effects of the towed body dynamics (heave), in shallow marine seismic reflection records. A method to extract an approximate record of the heave contribution to data collected is outlined. The method utilizes the time to water-sediment interface on each acoustic return record to construct the required approximate heave motion record. The frequency response of the heave component record provides the basis for a proposed linear model for the heave motion. A formulation of the heave compensation requirement as a Kalman filtering problem in optimal linear estimation theory is given. A discussion of the computational aspects and practical results are discussed to conclude the paper.  相似文献   

赤潮可以严重危害海洋渔业、海水养殖业和旅游业,甚至危害到人类的生命健康[1,2],它的频繁发生已经引起各国政府的高度重视。虽然可以通过每日多次实时检测海水的水文、化学要素等来推测发生赤潮的可能性[3],但是这些方法都不能直接反映有害赤潮藻的种类和数量,从而不能为赤潮监测和预报提供最直接的参考数据。实际上,对海水中的藻类进行分类、鉴定和数量分析是监测和预报赤潮发生的最直接有效的方法,这包括对水样采集、藻种类鉴定、毒性鉴定和赤潮藻定量计数等。传统的形态分类技术可以解决赤潮监测中的多数问题,但需要有经过专门训练的分…  相似文献   

The interaction of a linear water wave in a channel of constant depth impinging on a vertical thin porous breakwater with a semi-submerged and fixed rectangular obstacle in front of it is investigated. The water follows conventional assumptions as an irrotational, incompressible, and inviscid fluid flow. The solid skeleton of the porous breakwater is assumed to be rigid and thin. We get the general solution by applying the eigenfunction expansion method and solve it with a numerical matrix solver. In order to verify the correctness of the general solution, wave flume experiments are conducted. Two asymptotic solutions for long and short incoming waves are also obtained. Both experiments and asymptotic solutions show good agreement with the general solution at proper limits. Finally, the effect of the fixed obstacle on the porous breakwater is discussed, and a general guide of how to obtain better energy trapping is delivered.  相似文献   

The sea as a source of atmospheric phosphorus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The geochemical fractionation of phosphorus on the drop produced by bubbles bursting in seawater has been studied using a field sampling system called the Bubble Interfacial Microlayer Sampler (BIMS). The droplets from bursting bubbles were collected on filter samples in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island during the summer of 1975. Phosphorus was found to be fractionated by the bubble-bursting process. The enrichment factor ranged from 4 to 170. Enrichment was found to increase with decreasing phosphorus concentration at 20 cm depth while it decreases with increasing wind velocity. Enrichment was independent of bubbling depth. Together these facts suggest that the sea-surface microlayer is the source of the phosphorus on the ejected drops. Organic phosphorus on the filter samples was found to be enriched relative to surface-water phosphorus by factors of 100–200, while reactive phosphorus was enriched by factors of only 6–8. This suggests that surface-active organic phosphorus compounds are the source phosphorus in the microlayer.The organic phosphorus content of samples of atmospheric particulates collected over the phosphate-rich upwelling waters near the Peru coast was found to correlate significantly with sea-salt sodium. Enrichments calculated using the average phosphorus concentration of the surface water in this area agree well with the results of the BIMS study. Thus it appears that phosphorus fractionation does occur in nature and may be important in supplying this nutrient to some coastal regions of the world.  相似文献   

The detection of a target echo in a sonar image is usually a difficult task since the reverberation, consisting of a large number of spurious echoes, generates a lot of false alarms. In this paper, we propose two new detectors derived from image processing algorithms. These detectors are respectively based on a morphological and a statistical contrast. Each detector only requires setting a few parameters. This setting is done using some prior knowledge about the data (shape of the emitted signal and the used antenna, characteristics of the reverberation). Nevertheless, an extensive statistical study of the detection performances proves that the proposed methods are robust and that even an imprecise setting of the parameters leads to satisfactory results. Applied to the real data, these detectors and their sequential combination lead to a significant improvement on the performances: The false alarm rate is drastically reduced while the detection probability is preserved. Based on different contrasts, these detectors have complementary behaviors. Therefore, a further improvement is achieved by a fusion of the different results to classify the remaining echoes as whether spurious or true detection.  相似文献   

A port information system was developed for Tampa Bay, FL, that provides data in real time. Current, water level, and weather systems measure various parameters from around the bay and report at 6-min intervals via a packet-modern-controlled telemetry system. A central receiving station and data acquisition system process the data and make it available in various formats. A voice data response system provides immediate access to the data via touchtone telephone. A voice processor is used to compose phrases that provide a user with environmental information based on the selection made from the voice menu. The design and development of all aspects of the system are described. This system has proven to be a valuable asset to the local and regional marine community, providing information for safe navigation, oil spills, search and rescue, fishing, and existing weather conditions  相似文献   

A numerical solution is developed to investigate the generation and propagation of small-amplitude water waves in a semi-infinite rectangular wave basin. The three-dimensional wave field is produced by the prescribed “snake-like” motion of an array of segmented wave generators located along the wall at one end of the tank. The solution technique is based on the boundary element approach and uses an appropriate three-dimensional Green function which explicitly satisfies the tank-wall boundary conditions. The Green function and its derivatives which appear in the integral equation formulation can be shown to be slowly convergent when the source and field points are in close proximity. Therefore, when computing the velocity potentials on the wave generators, the source points are chosen outside the fluid domain, thereby ensuring the rapid convergence of these functions and rendering the integral equations non-singular. Numerical results are shown which illustrate the influence of the various wavemaker and basin parameters on the generated wave field. Finally, the complete wave field produced by the diffraction of oblique waves by a vertical circular cylinder in a basin is presented.  相似文献   

Results of estimating the directional wave fields in front of a detached breakwater are presented here in this paper. Two of non-phase-locked methods, i.e., the Maximum Likelihood Method (MLM) and the Extended Maximum Entropy Principle Method (EMEP), were adopted for the purpose. In general, the latter outperforms the former. It is shown that the reflection coefficients decrease with increasing distances away from the detached breakwater, and within four wavelengths from the detached breakwater, the rate of the decrease is faster for wave fields having larger directional spreads. When the measuring distance is more than four wavelengths away from the detached breakwaters, the reflection coefficients tend to reach to a constant value. It is shown that, with the use of the non-phase-locked EMEP method, the effective region can be extended, as compared with the results of Huntley and Davidson [J. Waterw. Port Coast. Ocean Eng. 124 (1998) 312].  相似文献   

The possibility of using an optical spectrum analyzer (OSA) to determine the degree of short gravity-capillary wave damping by films of surface-active substances (SAS) is studied. Nonlinear mechanisms of optical surface imaging associated with a complex profile of sky brightness and long waves are analyzed. Using the model of free short gravity waves damping by the films, it is shown that the difference between the contrast of roughness and imaging in film-covered surface regions can be substantial and attributed to a variability of the damping degree within a specified wavelength range rather than to the wave-damping value. In addition, it is illustrated that Doppler shifts of the OSA space-time spectrum in regions covered with films can substantially increase due to nonlinear distortions of the surface images. This fact should be taken into account when obtaining additional information on the state of the surface and roughness based on the Doppler shift values.  相似文献   

It is a lot limitations to survey and design waterway by the CAD technique,due to timely variation of hydrology and ecology in the complicated estuary area,such as Changjing River estuary.In this paper,the advantages of GIS technique is applied to manage and process the multi kind,multi scale and multi time hydrographic parameters,including water depth,current velocity,tidal,waves,wind speed,temperature and salinity etc.,also to deal with different projection,different scale charts.Meanwhile,in the paper,combination techniques of GIS and CAD has been developed for unification of the charts for efficient management,two-way automatic carts conversion between GIS and CAD,automatic cutting and assemble of a number of Charts,flight path of the projection of spatial data and coordinate transformation.This new technique has been applied to survey and design waterway of Changing River estuary.The result shows that the combination technology of GIS and CAD has application potentiality in the waterway survey and design.  相似文献   

海底管线检修潜水器主要依靠管线探测系统给出的管线位置信息完成水下自动跟踪巡线、定位和作业。针对管线探测系统信息不佳甚至丢失问题 ,建立了基于扩展卡尔曼滤波的信息重构算法 ,通过对来自管线探测系统、惯导和GPS系统以及管线位置历史数据库的信息进行融合 ,不仅提高了管线位置信息的稳定性 ,而且可以在管线探测系统信息丢失的情况下短时间内重构管线位置信息 ,供自动控制系统使用。运用该算法进行了计算机仿真和自航模试验 ,试验结果验证了该算法的有效性  相似文献   

Zakharov's equation is applied to study numerically the evolution of wave amplitudes. It is demonstrated that, owing to Krasitskii's new kernel functions, the system of surface waves remains Hamiltonian, in contrast to the former approaches used by Yuen, Lake, and Zakharov. If surface waves are wind-generated, they grow and become stochastic. If the effect of the waves on the wind is considered, then the wave amplitude evolution, similar to the no-wind case, continues to be recurrent. Translated by Vladimir A. Puchkin.  相似文献   

An integral method is described which is capable of computing the diffraction field produced by waves incident on a breakwater connected to or placed near a straight coastline. Some simple configurations are studied: a straight breakwater protruding normally from the coast, a straight breakwater parallel to the coast, an ‘elbow-shaped’ breakwater with one end connected to the coast, a pair of straight breakwaters protruding normally from the coast and a series of three equal straight breakwaters parallel to the coast. In all cases the water depth is assumed to be constant, while both the breakwater and the coastline walls are supposed to be perfectly reflective. Within the limits of these hypotheses the method is rather general, because breakwaters of arbitrary shape can be considered.  相似文献   


Decisions on lake management will often have to be made when data are scarce. However, a nutrient budget based on limited data of varying reliability and on information from the literature may help considerably.

Lake Tutira's recreational uses are threatened by eutrophication. Artificial destratification is being used temporarily to protect the trout fishery. The annual phosphorus input to the lake was estimated from nutrient loading graphs, from scanty stream input data, and from land‐use information to be about 3100 kg (1.8 g·m?2·y?1).

The 5–10 times reduction in phosphorus loading apparently required to achieve mesotrophic to oligotrophic conditions establishes the need for major changes in the catchment. The phosphorus budget helped in assessing the relative importances of the input streams and evaluating stream diversion proposals. It suggested that phosphorus inputs came mostly from animal excreta, soil erosion, and fertiliser, and it provided support for farm management proposals. When the results of stream diversion and altered land management are known the phosphorus budget may help in deciding the optimum land area needed to be converted from pasture into forest.  相似文献   

The error source analysis of oil spill transport modeling: a case study   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Numerical modeling is an important tool to study and predict the transport of oil spills. However, the accu- racy of numerical models is not always good enough to provide reliable information for oil spill transport. It is necessary to analyze and identify major error sources for the models. A case study was conducted to analyze error sources of a three-dimensional oil spill model that was used operationally for oil spill forecast- ing in the National Marine Environmental Forecasting Center (NMEFC), the State Oceanic Administration, China. On June 4, 2011, oil from sea bed spilled into seawater in Penglai 19-3 region, the largest offshore oil field of China, and polluted an area of thousands of square kilometers in the Bohai Sea. Satellite remote sensing images were collected to locate oil slicks. By performing a series of model sensitivity experiments with different wind and current forcings and comparing the model results with the satellite images, it was identified that the major errors of the long-term simulation for oil spill transport were from the wind fields, and the wind-induced surface currents. An inverse model was developed to estimate the temporal variabil- ity of emission intensity at the oil spill source, which revealed the importance of the accuracy in oil spill source emission time function.  相似文献   

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