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华北地台新元古代古地磁研究新成果及其古地理意义   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
对华北地台南缘河南鲁山下汤新元古代以及早寒武世地层剖面312个定向岩心样品进行了古地磁研究.确定了新生代和早中生代的两个重磁化成分.在综合分析的基础上,新元古代董家组、三教堂组、崔庄组获得了最可能的原生剩磁成分.结合前人发表的成果,挑选和合并出新元古代5个较高质量的视磁极.现有数据的古地理再造结果显示,华北地台在相应时期基本位于中、低纬度地区.古纬度和古方位的变化进一步揭示了华北地台与西伯利亚及Laurentia大陆运动特征的关联性.  相似文献   

古地磁欧拉极及对华北地块的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文详细讨论了古地磁欧拉最佳小圆拟合法的基本原理和实际方法,并提出了提高拟合速度和优度的措施,同时利用此方法对前人取得的华北地块中石炭世至晚侏罗世这一时间的古地磁视极移曲线进行了最佳小圆拟合。  相似文献   

石炭纪末古地理图   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
过去发表的石炭纪古地理重建图存在着不少问题,特别是对亚洲各板块位置的认识上。例如,过去的重建图中华北和华南在石炭纪末都处于北半球40°—50°纬度带,但是,地层古生物资料清楚地表明,它们当时处于热带和亚热带环境。这是因为在编制上述古地理图时(70年代末和80年代初),华南和华北等东亚和东南亚地块还没有可靠的古地磁数据,因而这一地区的地块的位置是由距它们最近的西伯利亚地台的地极位置推算出来的。但是,由于这些地块和西伯利亚地台自石炭纪以来曾发生过相对运动,因此,上述作法是不合理的  相似文献   

球面几何构建欧拉极的方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
欧拉旋转可用来描绘刚性板块在球体上的运动,并用于古大陆的再造.一般构建欧拉极的方法是通过匹配等时线、海底磁异常、转换断层和古地磁数据等来确定的.但是在一些地质环境下,不能直接构建欧拉极.本文直接根据古板块位置图,从几何上构建欧拉极,从而为古大陆重建提供了一个新途径.本文主要介绍了在球面几何上构建欧拉极的方法原理,并编写了相应的程序功能.选取了印度大陆0 Ma和50 Ma的位置图作为实例计算了欧拉极.由本方法计算得到的欧拉极将板块旋转后的位置,与原始古板块位置图几乎完全重合.说明本文构建欧拉极的方法是正确而有效的.  相似文献   

在早泥盆世、早石炭世、晚石炭世、早二叠世、中二叠世等腕足动物古生物地理区划研究基础上,通过对比分析,揭示了中亚地区晚古生代腕足动物古生物地理与构造古地理的协同演化关系,既较为合理解释了此地此时腕足动物古生物地理形成的机制,又为此地此时洋、陆位置及其配置关系研究提供了依据.  相似文献   

介绍两个用 Basic 语言编制的古地磁绘图程序的功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我们用Basic语言编制了用于古地磁研究的古纬度绘图程序和球面上两个或几个板块绕一欧拉极发生相对转动的绘图程序。其中古纬度绘图程序采用了赤平极射和墨卡托两种投影方式,它能依据古地磁数据绘出板块的古纬度和古方位。和手工绘图相比,它具有直观、快速、准确,适应性强的优点,只要改变计算参数就可以得到不同角度的投影,并可采用不同比例尺,对局部图形加以放大或缩小。使用以上两种程序可帮助人们利用古地磁资料来研究板块的水平运动历史,重建大陆的古地理位置。赤平极射投影绘图程序也可以用于地质学的其它方面(如结晶学等)的绘图工作。古地理图还能直观显示某些沉积矿床生成的古纬度条件,并对某些矿床的现代地理分布作出预测  相似文献   

岩心定向在矿产资源开发中具有重要意义.由于油田和矿业钻孔上的岩心大多为无定向岩心,无法准确识别裂缝等信息,因此需对岩心进行定向.岩心定向方法主要包括摄影工具、倾角仪法、钻孔成像技术、全岩心扫描技术、古地磁法等5种方法,相比于前4种方法,古地磁法具有经济、效率、精度较高等优点.本文首先综述了5种岩心定向方法的优缺点,阐述了古地磁法岩心定向的前提条件和定向原理.同时介绍了古地磁法岩心定向的流程,随后论述了岩石磁学对岩心定向的作用.继而重点阐述了岩心定向结果可靠性检验方法,主要包括露头检验、磁倾角检验、古地磁极位置检验等3种直接检验方法和间接检验.最后对古地磁法岩心定向的前景提出了展望.  相似文献   

系统解读了山西晚新生代古地理古环境特征,结合近年来笔者的研究给出了各时代古地理分布图。上新世的构造运动和地理环境演化奠定了现今地理环境的基础,尤其是奠定了现今地貌、水系的轮廓。早更新世地理环境最突出的事件是各断陷盆地中的湖泊广泛发育,出现淹没整个盆地的大湖景观;黄土广泛发育,但主要堆积于吕梁山分水岭以西;黄河在早更新世已经发育,并形成5级阶地。中更新世古地理的主要事件是湖泊的衰退,黄土堆积范围几乎遍布全省,厚可达200 m左右,表明气候较早更新世进一步明显变干。晚更新世古地理的主要特征是湖泊消亡,其地理环境更加接近现代。最后,笔者预测未来山西断陷盆地将持续断陷,各盆地内水系不再外流,形成贯通的大湖景观,类似现今的贝加尔湖。  相似文献   

王永标  杨浩 《中国科学D辑》2003,33(8):775-780
东昆仑、阿尼玛卿、巴颜喀拉地区早二叠世生物的古地理分布自北向南可明显地划分出3个小区, 即东昆仑南坡小区、阿尼玛卿小区和巴颜喀拉小区. 东昆仑南坡小区和巴颜喀拉小区在生物组成及生态特征上十分相似, 生物不仅种类多, 而且数量十分丰富, 并广泛发育生物礁. 而处于两者之间的阿玛卿小区的生物种类则相对单调, 含量也较低. 造成本区生物古地理分异的主要原因是由于早二叠世时阿尼玛卿洋的阻隔作用. 在阿尼玛卿地区, 具相当厚度且不受陆源物质污染的早二叠世紫红色深海软泥和放射虫硅质岩的广泛分布, 说明当时的阿尼玛卿洋已具相当的规模. 宽阔的深水洋盆对某些底栖生物来说是一道难以逾越的鸿沟, 使得只有一部分生物能够到达洋盆中的孤岛. 狭小的岛屿生存空间和恶劣的环境条件又进一步影响到生物的丰度和分异度. 通过对玄武岩地球化学的研究和分析, 发现上述3个地区玄武岩所反映出来的大地构造背景与生物古地理分区呈现良好的耦合关系.  相似文献   

颜佳新  赵坤 《中国科学D辑》2002,32(9):751-759
通过对东特提斯地区二叠纪栖霞期和吴家坪期、三叠纪安尼期和诺利期古地理、古气候和古海洋环流再造, 研究了二叠-三叠纪岩石圈(古地理)-水圈(古海洋)-大气圈(古气候)的相互联系、相互作用及其演化. 研究表明, 特提斯地区二叠-三叠纪古地理变化和联合古大陆的整体北移, 导致了全球古洋流格局的重大调整; 而古地理的变化和古洋流格局的调整可能是将二叠-三叠纪巨型季风气候体系推向高潮的关键因素.  相似文献   

The results of paleomagnetic studies of the reference sections of the Riphean and Late Proterozoic intrusive bodies of two remote areas of the Siberian Platform are presented. Within the limits of the Uchur-Maya region the sedimentary rocks of the Gonam, Omakhta, Ennin and Konder formations were studied; and the Riphean sedimentary rocks of the Burdur and Kotuykan formations on the northern and western slopes of the Anabar Uplift and, also, the Late Proterozoic intrusive complexes, located in the basins of the Fomich, Magan, Dzhogdzho and Kotuykan Rivers were studied. The paleomagnetic poles obtained in the course of this work and the present-day geochronological data give grounds to assume that: (1) the accumulation of the Riphean of the Anabar Uplift occurred after the formation of the Uchurskaya series of the Uchur-Maya region and was completed in approximately 1.5 Ga; (2) the Konder layers, compared according to the correlation pattern accepted at the present time [Semikhatov and Serebryakov, 1983] with the bottoms of the Totta formation, can be related to the appreciably more ancient stratigraphic level; (3) the intrusion of the studied intrusive bodies of the northern and western slopes of the Anabar Uplift occurred nonsimultaneously, although within close time intervals of approximately 1.5 Ga. The estimates of the kinematic parameters of the drift of the Siberian Platform within an interval of 1.7–1.0 Ga is carried out.  相似文献   

The paleomagnetic data sets from the British Tertiary Igneous Province (BTIP) have recently been criticized as being unreliable and discordant with data from elsewhere in the North Atlantic Igneous Province (NAIP) [Riisager et al. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 201 (2002) 261–276; Riisager et al. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 214 (2003) 409–425]. We offer new paleomagnetic data for the extensive lava flow sequence on the Isle of Mull, Scotland, and can confirm the paleomagnetic pole positions emanating from important earlier studies. Our new north paleomagnetic pole position for Eurasia at 59 ± 0.2 Ma has latitude 73.3°N, longitude 166.2°E (dp/dm = 5.2/7.0).A re-evaluation and an inter-comparison of the paleomagnetic database emanating from the NAIP were carried out to test for sub-province consistency. We find a general agreement between the Eurasian part of NAIP (BTIP and Faeroes) and East Greenland data. However a compilation of West Greenland data displays a large and unexplained dispersion. We speculate on if this is related to different sense of block rotation of the Tertiary West Greenland constituents. Combining all data from the NAIP constituents, give a pole position at 75.0°N, 169.9°E (N = 25, K = 84.3, A95 = 3.2) in Eurasian reference frame.  相似文献   

New paleomagnetic investigations on the Ethiopian trap series have been undertaken at the Abbay and Kessem gorges in an attempt to better constrain the 30 Ma paleomagnetic pole of Africa. We sampled six thick massive basaltic lava flows, totaling 230 m, from Abbay Gorge and 10 lava flows, 180 m in thickness, from Kessem Gorge. Detailed paleomagnetic analyses disclosed that the carriers of the characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) are different in different lava flows. These are mostly titanomagnetites, titanomaghemites, and magnetite minerals with a broad range of coercive force and blocking temperatures. The heating and cooling susceptibility vs. temperature curves, many of which are irreversible, may indicate chemical remagnetization, notably low temperature maghemitization. Only one flow (KS04) with a clear 580°C Curie temperature was apparently unaffected by chemical remagnetization. The ChRM direction of this flow is identical to that in other flows, which suggests that if and when remagnetization occurred, this was shortly after emplacement of the lava flows. All of the flows sampled have normal polarity. However, a reversed component of low to medium coercive force and low to medium unblocking temperature occurs in flow KS01 at Kessem Gorge. The ChRM directions for the 16 sites are D=3.1°, I=5.8° (α95=12.7°). The paleomagnetic pole obtained from these is at λ=83.0°N, φ=193.3°E (A95=9.0°). Comparison with three previous studies of the traps shows remarkable consistency and a number of means are derived and discussed. Two final preferred poles for the traps are at λ=79.0°N, φ=196.9°E (A95=2.8°) when all 112 published flows are used, and λ=78.7°N, φ=209.4°E (A95=3.4°) when only the 76 flows from the four more recently analyzed sections are included. Both are compatible with the recent reference synthetic pole for Africa of Courtillot and Besse [J. Geophys. Res. (2002) in press]. In that sense, the Ethiopian trap pole is not anomalous and does not require more of a non-dipolar contribution than indicated by analyses of the global paleomagnetic data base covering the last few million years.  相似文献   

The study of rock samples from the Upper Permian Khei-Yaga River section revealed an r-n-r-n-r magnetic polarity succession based on the prefolding characteristic component of natural remanent magnetization. With account for stratigraphic and previous magnetostratigraphic data on Lower Triassic rocks from the Khei-Yaga River section, the examined strata of the Pechora Group (Silova Formation) may be compared with magnetic zones R1P2u and N1P3t in the magnetostratigraphic scale of European Russia. The gap in the paleomagnetic record, which corresponds in the examined section to the interval of the mid-Severodvinian Stage to basal Induan Stage, Zone N1T included, is estimated to be 10 Ma long. It is assumed that this hiatus represents one of the local signs of the global Permian-Triassic crisis.  相似文献   




电离层层析重构的一种新算法   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
闻德保  吕慧珠  张啸 《地球物理学报》2014,57(11):3611-3616
自适应联合迭代重构算法是电离层层析成像中一种收敛速度较快的反演算法.然而,在电离层电子密度重构过程中,该方法对迭代初值的精度要求较高.针对上述问题,本文提出了一种约束自适应联合迭代重构算法,该方法通过附加合理的平滑约束,减弱了没有观测信息的格网对迭代初值精度的依赖性,有效地提高了反演结果精度.数值模拟实验和实测数据的反演结果证实了该算法的可行性和在重构精度上的优越性.  相似文献   

基于相空间重构和改进最优分割法的自动分层模型   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文提出了相空间重构和最优分割法相结合的自动分层模型.为消除噪声对模型的影响,提出利用基于相空间重构的非线性去噪方法对测井数据进行处理,增加自动分层结果的准确性,并对确定层界面深度的方法进行了改进,引入了一个新的统计量.最后采用某井的测井数据,利用改进后的自动分层模型实现了自动分层,效果良好,验证了模型的可靠性和实用性.  相似文献   

Seismic data reconstruction, as a preconditioning process, is critical to the performance of subsequent data and imaging processing tasks. Often, seismic data are sparsely and non-uniformly sampled due to limitations of economic costs and field conditions. However, most reconstruction processing algorithms are designed for the ideal case of uniformly sampled data. In this paper, we propose the non-equispaced fast discrete curvelet transform-based three-dimensional reconstruction method that can handle and interpolate non-uniformly sampled data effectively along two spatial coordinates. In the procedure, the three-dimensional seismic data sets are organized in a sequence of two-dimensional time slices along the source–receiver domain. By introducing the two-dimensional non-equispaced fast Fourier transform in the conventional fast discrete curvelet transform, we formulate an L1 sparsity regularized problem to invert for the uniformly sampled curvelet coefficients from the non-uniformly sampled data. In order to improve the inversion algorithm efficiency, we employ the linearized Bregman method to solve the L1-norm minimization problem. Once the uniform curvelet coefficients are obtained, uniformly sampled three-dimensional seismic data can be reconstructed via the conventional inverse curvelet transform. The reconstructed results using both synthetic and real data demonstrate that the proposed method can reconstruct not only non-uniformly sampled and aliased data with missing traces, but also the subset of observed data on a non-uniform grid to a specified uniform grid along two spatial coordinates. Also, the results show that the simple linearized Bregman method is superior to the complex spectral projected gradient for L1 norm method in terms of reconstruction accuracy.  相似文献   

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