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西北地区防治荒漠化的法律思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
江伟钰  防方林 《中国沙漠》1997,17(2):214-217
西北地区防治荒漠化的法律思考*江伟钰陈方林①(甘肃政法学院兰州730070)(①甘肃省审计厅兰州730030)我国西北地区主要包括陕、甘、宁、青、新、内蒙古6个省(区)中各省(区)的一部分或全部,面积约251.6万km2,人口约935.2万人。该区地...  相似文献   

温培安 《中国沙漠》1982,2(1):45-45
为了加强我国北方地区的农业区划工作,国家农委区划办公室委托中国科学院兰州沙漠研究所于1981年12月1日至20日在兰州举办了第一期沙漠化治理讲习班。我国北方十省(区)八十八个地区(盟)、县(旗)的一百一十五名科技工作者和基层领导干部参加了学习。讲习班由兰州沙漠所、甘肃农业大学、兰州大学、内蒙古大学、中国人民解放军○○九二九部队、内蒙古乌盟林业局等单位的十几名科学家和科技工作者,讲授了我国沙漠化的分布特征、成因过程、发展趋势、治理区划和防治监测措施,以及与防治沙漠化有关的风沙移动规律、生态系统特征、水土植被资源的合理利用、植物治沙、旱生植物的生态生理等基础理论知识。  相似文献   

本文就如何珍惜兰州黄河湿地,研究了黄河兰州段湿地的分布状况及人类活动带来的影响,分析了黄河兰州段湿地面临的主要威胁,提出了恢复保护黄河兰州段湿地的对策建议和建设兰州湿地科普示范公园的设想。  相似文献   

2012年8月,国务院正式批复甘肃省《关于设立兰州新区的请示》,同意设立兰州新区,这是中国第5个国家级新区,最终花落甘肃兰州。专家认为,在目前中国经济重心向西部转移的情况下,有理由相信兰州新区将迸发出强大的活力拉动西部经济发展,带动西部开发开放。西北高原描绘新蓝图兰州新区位于兰州北部秦王川盆地,于2010年11月挂牌成立,规划面积806平方公里,地处兰州、西宁、银川  相似文献   

最近,联合国环境规划署编辑出版了一套英文版丛书,其中第三集专门向全世界公开发表了由中国国务院原环境保护领导小组办公室及中国科学院兰州沙漠所共同举办的第一期国际沙漠化防治讲习班上的全部科学技术论文。该论文集名为《中国的沙漠化防治》(combating Desertification in China),由James Walls编辑。环境署沙漠化工作处  相似文献   

暑期经朋友推荐,我们采纳了由甘南而下,穿越若尔盖草原,再进入黄龙与九寨沟的北线方案。飞机把我们带到了兰州.由一辆中巴载着我们开始了六天之旅。  相似文献   

河西走廊沙尘活动对兰州PM10浓度的影响及其评估   总被引:12,自引:10,他引:2  
通过分析2001—2005年河西走廊沙尘活动对兰州PM10浓度的影响并对其进行评估,得出如下结论:兰州的PM10浓度具有双峰值特征,两个峰值分别出现在冬半年的12月和3月,河西沙尘发生次数呈单峰型变化,峰值出现在4月,达到9.8次,对比两者的变化可知,河西沙尘活动的峰值对应春季兰州PM10浓度的次高峰。研究认为冬季特殊边界层条件是造成兰州PM10浓度高峰值的主要原因;春季河西沙尘发生次数与同期兰州PM10浓度呈显著正相关,沙尘暴活动的多发对应兰州PM10浓度次峰值。沙尘指数的定量分析认为,兰州年度(3月,4月)PM10浓度的16.4%(32.0%,47.1%)与河西走廊沙尘活动的影响有关系;兰州年度(3月,4月)PM10质量浓度中的8.8%(13.9%,23.1%)是河西走廊沙尘活动向兰州输送PM10颗粒的结果;河西走廊的沙尘活动能使兰州沙尘影响日PM10浓度增加数倍。河西走廊沙尘活动在不同时间段的影响程度不同。  相似文献   

陇西盆地最老的风成黄土沉积——兰州烟洞沟剖面   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱俊杰  钟巍 《地理科学》1996,16(4):365-369
沉积于兰州黄河北岸山足面之上的烟洞沟风成黄土,剖面厚约120m,据磁性地层学研究,该剖面包括B/M界线、后贾拉米洛、贾拉米洛、考伯、奥尔都维、吉尔萨等事件,结合沉积速率推算,剖面底界的年代约为1.7MaB.P.。  相似文献   

基于2010—2020年兰州-西宁城市群39个县(市、区)单元的面板数据,运用考虑非期望产出的超效率SBM-ML模型对各县(市、区)绿色经济效率进行测度,并采用Tobit模型对兰州-西宁城市群绿色经济效率影响因素进行分析。结果表明:兰州-西宁城市群中39个县(市、区)绿色经济效率呈现总效率整体增长、纯技术效率整体退化和技术进步指数整体进步的趋势,表明总经济效率的提升更多依赖于技术进步得以实现,且技术进步可以明显弥补技术效率的不足;产业结构优势对兰州-西宁城市群经济效率有普遍影响;人力资本水平对兰州-西宁城市群经济效率存在极其微小的抑制作用;消费水平对兰州-西宁城市群经济效率有明显的抑制作用。  相似文献   

以前对于兰州的印象是很模糊的,仅仅知道兰州是全国惟一的一座黄河从城中心穿流而过的城市,还有就是我的一个同学曾经说过,在兰州,沙尘暴说来就来的,最让人始料不及。一会艳阳高照,可能过一会就是黄沙漫天。尤其是冬天,整个兰州就像是在一个烟雾之中,经常能闻到刺鼻的味道。除此而外,印象最深的,应该就是现在几乎每一个城市都在卖的“兰州拉面”了。  相似文献   

关于夷平面的科学问题——兼论青藏高原夷平面   总被引:42,自引:5,他引:37  
长期地貌演化研究表明,夷平面的形成有4种基本方式:准平原、山麓剥蚀平原、双层水平面和冻融剥夷平原。它们的形成都需要上千万年至数亿年的构造相对稳定时期。青藏高原上的层状地貌面可以划分为两级夷平面和一级剥蚀面。山顶面形成于渐新世至中新世早期;主夷平面是以双层水平面或山麓剥蚀平原形式发育的,大致形成于20-3.6Ma B.P.期间,完成时的高度低于1000m;剥蚀面形成于3.6-1.7MaB.P.期间。  相似文献   

Air quality was improved considerably and the so-called "Lanzhou Blue" appeared frequently in Lanzhou due to implementation of some strict emission-control measures in recent years. To better understand whether the concentration of each air pollutant had decreased significantly and then give some suggestions as to urban air-quality improvement in the near future, the variations of the Air Quality Index (AQI) and six criterion air pollutants (PM2.5, PM10, CO, SO2, NO2, and O3) at five state-controlled monitoring sites of Lanzhou were studied from 2013 to 2016. The AQI, PM2.5, PM10, and SO2 gradually decreased from 2013 to 2016, while CO and NO2 concentrations had slightly increasing trends, especially in urban areas, due to the large number of motor vehicles, which had an annual growth rate of 30.87%. The variations of the air pollutants in the no-domestic-heating season were more significant than those in the domestic-heating season. The increase of ozone concentration for the domestic-heating season at a background station was the most significant among the five monitoring sites. The vehicle-exhaust and ozone pollution was increasingly severe with the rapid increase in the number of motor vehicles. The particulate-matter pollution became slight in the formerly highly polluted Lanzhou City. Some synergetic measures in urban and rural areas of Lanzhou should be taken by the local government in the near future to control fine particulate-matter (PM2.5) and ozone pollution.  相似文献   

In several publications Evers (see especially 1941) described ‘Piedmont’ or ‘Rumpftreppen’ in Norway. He claimed to have found the Treppen in many parts of the country at surprisingly regular height intervals: at 200 m, 400 m, 600 m, 800 m, 1000 m, and 1200 m above sea level, at sea level and 200 m below sea level. Evers recognized ‘Rumpftreppen’ north of Kristiansand in the southernmost part of Norway at 200 m, 600 m, 800 m, 1000 m, and 1200 m elevation (Evers 1941, p. 38). This part of Norway is underlain by crystalline Precambrian rocks. Rolling hills with a low relief between more deeply incised north-south-trending main valleys characterize the landscape. The hills are flat-topped or slightly rounded. A smooth surface, which passes through the highest hill-tops, rises gradually from the coast to the high mountain plateau of central southern Norway (Fig. 1). The surface is also shown by profiles at right angles to the coast line (Fig. 2). Towards the northwest this ‘summit surface’ passes into the mountain plateau which follows the sub-Cambrian ‘peneplain’ in Ryfylke (Andersen 1954). Andersen (1960) therefore suggested that the ‘summit surface’ in southernmost Norway was probably the tilted sub-Cambrian ‘peneplain’ slightly lowered by erosion. The only extensive distinct younger erosion surface (shelf) that could be clearly recognized lies on the coast approximately at sea level (Fig. 3).  相似文献   

Landforms are used as analytical tools to separate inherited features from the glacial impact on Precambrian basement rocks in southwest Sweden. The study covers three different palaeosurfaces, the sub-Cambrian peneplain (relative relief (r.r.) 0–20 m) with the character of a pediplain, an uplifted and dissected part of the sub-Cambrian peneplain (r.r. 5–40 m) and an etch-surface (r.r. 20–135 m), presumably sub-Mesozoic. The surfaces were recently re-exposed, probably due to a Neogene upheaval with some pre-glacial reshaping. Strong structural control and no alignment with glacial erosional directions other than those coinciding with structures, are arguments for etch processes as a most important agent for relief differentiation. This is strengthened by the occurrence of saprolite residues and etchforms in protected positions.
The glacial reshaping of the sub-Cambrian flat bedrock surfaces is negligible. The glacial impact becomes more evident in the uplifted and dissected parts of the peneplain and within the hilly sub-Mesozoic surface. The higher the initial relief the more effect of glacial erosion on individual hills, both on the abrading side, with formation of roches moutonnées, and on the plucking side. Detailed etchforms are preserved in protected positions in spite of erosion by a clearly wet-based ice. The magnitude of the Pleistocene glacial erosion is considerably less than the amplitude of the palaeorelief in the entire area.
Landscapes of areal glacial scouring have been described as comprising irregular depressions with intervening bosses scraped by ice and labelled 'knock and lochan' topography, but we suggest that an etched bedrock surface is a prerequisite for this type of landscape to develop.  相似文献   

A 3873-km2 large rectangular area of the Precambrian basement in south-western Sweden has been investigated regarding gross morphology of palaeosurfaces. GIS and digital elevation data were used to construct maps of relative and absolute relief and E–W trending height profiles. Three different palaeosurfaces were recognised and delimited; the very even sub-Cambrian peneplain in the east at an intermediate altitudinal position, an uplifted and broken part of the sub-Cambrian peneplain in the centre at the highest present elevation, and in the western coastal areas a joint-aligned valley landscape with high relative relief, probably an exhumed Mesozoic etch-surface. Phanerozoic faulting has dissected the different palaeosurfaces into tectonic blocks, which are shown from trend surface analysis to be tilted in different directions and to different degrees, characteristic and decisive for the morphological development.  相似文献   

新疆天山夷平面形态特征浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
天山广泛发育着三级夷平面,削平了古、中生代多期构造形态及褶皱岩层。天山夷平面是在古华力西褶皱山脉的基础上,在地壳相对稳定的条件下,经中生代,早第三纪的剥蚀夷平,于晚第三纪末至第四纪初新构造运动作用下,被抬升到不同高度,而后受第四纪以来新构造运动的不断作用及天山独特气候条件的影响,使夷平面在垂直方向或水平方向都存在着明显差异,表面发生了一系列变形。  相似文献   

Deciphering the evolution of mountain belts requires information on the temporal history of both topographic growth and erosion. The exhumation rate of a mountain range undergoing shortening is related to the erodability of the uplifting range as well as the efficiency of erosion, which partly depends on the available precipitation. Young, rapidly deposited sediments have low thermal conductivity and are readily eroded, in contrast to underlying resistant basement rocks that have a higher thermal conductivity. Apatite fission‐track thermochronology can quantify cooling; thermal models constrain the relationship between this cooling and exhumation. By utilizing geological relations for a datum, we can examine the evolution of rock uplift, surface uplift and exhumation. In the northern Sierras Pampeanas of Argentina, a young sedimentary basin that overlay resistant crystalline basement prior to rapid exhumation provides an ideal setting to examine the effect of contrasting thermal and erosional regimes. There, tectonically active reverse‐fault‐bounded blocks partly preserve a basement peneplain at elevations in excess of 4500 m. Prior to exhumation, the two study areas were covered by 1000 and 1600 m of recently deposited sediments; this sequence begins with shallow marine deposits immediately overlying the regional erosion surface. Apatite fission‐track data were obtained from vertical transects in the Calchaquíes and Aconquija ranges. At Cumbres Calchaquíes, erosion leading to the development of the peneplain commenced in the Cretaceous, probably as a result of rift‐shoulder uplift. In contrast, Sierra Aconquija cooled rapidly between 5.5 and 4.5 Myr. At the onset of this rapid exhumation, the sediment was quickly removed, causing fast cooling, but relatively slow rates of surface uplift. Syntectonic conglomerates were produced when faulting exposed resistant bedrock; this change in rock erodability led to enhanced surface uplift rates, but decreased exhumation rates. The creation of an orographic barrier after the range had attained sufficient elevation further decreased exhumation rates and increased surface uplift rates. Differences in the magnitude of exhumation at the two transects are related to both differences in the thickness of the sedimentary basin prior to exhumation and differences in the effective precipitation due to an orographic barrier in the foreland and hence differences in the magnitude of headward erosion.  相似文献   

绿化对冬季山谷城市边界层结构影响的数值模拟研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
利用RAMS模式模拟了兰州南北两山绿化对冬季兰州城市边界层结构的影响。结果表明:两山绿化改变了近地面的温度场和风场,从日平均温度来看,绿化在兰州冬季表现为明显的增温效应;从风场来看,白天14:00南山的谷风环流增强,北山变化不明显;晚上02:00北山的山风环流明显增强,南山则出现相反的情况;绿化改变了地表能量平衡,绿化后由于地表反照率的减小,使得到达地面净辐射增加,增加的净辐射其中一部分以感热的形式来加热大气;绿化后地气之间的湍流交换增强,增加了大气不稳定度,减弱了白天城市上空的悬浮逆温;本文还讨论了不同绿化布局对白天悬浮逆温的影响。  相似文献   

黄河流域上游降水时空结构特征   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:21  
黄河兰州以上区域水资源量占黄河流域水资源的一半以上,研究黄河上游兰州以上区域降水时空结构变化具有重要意义。本文利用黄河兰州以上19个降水站点1959~1998年系列数据,采用EOF技术分析了黄河上游降水的时空结构特征与变化。结果表明:黄河上游兰州以上区域降水存在四种典型降水类型,即“全部一致型”、“南北型”、“东西型”和“相间复杂型”。但第一特征向量为主导,其时间变化系数与年降水量基本一致,说明黄河流域兰州以上降水主要受青藏高原大尺度气候影响,具有降水偏多(少)一致性特征。从时间尺度上降水有减少的趋势;并伴随3、6、和11年的周期变化,而且在1986和1991年发生突变。  相似文献   

The geomorphological evolution of the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau (NETP) could provide valuable information for reconstructing the tectonic movements of the region. And the considerable uplift and climatic changes at here, provide an opportunity for studying the impact of tectonic and monsoon climate on fluvial morphological development and sedimentary architecture of fluvial deposits. The development of peneplain-like surface and related landscape transition from basin filling to incision indicate an intense uplift event with morphological significance at around 10–17 Ma in the NETP. After that, incision into the peneplain was not continuous but a staircase of terraces, developed as a result of climatic influences. In spite of the generally persisting uplift of the whole region, the neighbouring tectonic blocks had different uplift rates, leading to a complicated fluvial response with accumulation terraces alternating with erosion terraces at a small spatial and temporal scale. The change in fluvial activity as a response to climatic impact is reflected in the general sedimentary sequence on the terraces from high-energy (braided) channel deposits (at full glacial) to lower-energy deposits of small channels (towards the end of the glacial), mostly separated by a rather sharp boundary from overlying flood-loams (at the glacial-interglacial transition) and overall soil formation (interglacial). Pronounced incision took place at the subsequent warm-cold transitions. In addition, it is hypothesized that in some strongly uplifted blocks energy thresholds could be crossed to allow terrace formation as a response to small climatic fluctuations (103–104 year timescale). Although studies of morpho-tectonic and geomorphological evolution of the NETP, improve understanding on the impacts of tectonic motions and monsoonal climate on fluvial processes, a number of aspects, such as the distribution and correlation of peneplain and the related morphological features, the extent and intensity of tectonic movements influencing the crossing of climatic thresholds, leading to terrace development, need to be studied further.  相似文献   

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