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分析了烟台市土地收购、整理、储备和出让等业务管理内容,在数字烟台地理空间信息公共平台的基础上,以GIS技术为支撑工具,以土地收购储备、出让业务中的空间信息和属性信息为核心数据资源,建立了土地收购储备、出让业务实施管理系统。简化了烟台地区土地储备流程,优化了储备土地及土地开发流程,提高了土地资源利用率,也进一步验证了基于SOA架构的GIS的优势。  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to demonstrate necessity to inform relevant parties about engineering-geological conditions for various practical purposes,especially including appropriate land-use planning.However,the relationship between relevant geological information and the geological environment is vital for foundation engineering purposes,especially where demanding structures are involved.This information is most conveniently structured when accumulated information concerning engineering-geological zones is utilized.This necessarily includes knowledge of rock workability and also of the pre-Quaternary bedrock,and these characteristics were then related to the current built-up area and future development according to the land-use plans in a case study are from the Petrvald Region(Czech Republic).The geological environment of area has been severely influenced by anthropogenic effects of deep black coal mining.Results of this research showed that future development should be founded on spoil banks,dumps,and settling basins. According to the land-use plan,this zone occupies 44.9%of the area of interest,and its materials predominantly emanate from mining in the Ostrava-Karvina Coal District.For future foundation structures planned there,it is imperative to consult detailed engineering-geological study.However, attention to and reliance on this necessity is not reflected in the existing land-use plan.  相似文献   

浅部开采地面塌陷对井下危害及防治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全面调查了某矿浅部开采地面塌陷坑的形成条件及存在状态,采用模糊聚类分析方法对地面塌陷坑进行了科学的分类,分析了塌陷特征及其对井下危害程度,提出了消除塌陷坑对井下危害、恢复矿区生态环境的防治目标及具体原则,研制出地面塌陷坑治理的四种方案,即①排除积水,构筑隔水层;②煤矸石充填塌陷坑复垦土地;③利用塌陷坑发展养殖;④因地制宜,综合治理。通过方案的实施,彻底消除了塌陷坑对井下的危害,地面生态环境得以恢复,取得了理想的治理效果和经济社会效益。  相似文献   

Preventive, controlling, rehabilitative and corrective measures to improve the environmental quality of the hydrographic basins of the Fortaleza metropolitan region in the state of Ceará (Brazil) are presented based on geological and geotechnical data, land degradation rates and sources, and other geoindicators. The region is affected by coastal and stream erosion, gravitational mass movement, dunes, silting, and water pollution, sanitary landfills in inappropriate sites, decommissioned and abandoned aggregate mining, and swamp areas. Geoindicators were used to classify each of the 12 hydrographic basins as possessing low (4), intermediate (3), or high (5) degradation levels. A group of 59 environmental management measures related to ecological, bioengineering, mechanical, policy and administrative, agricultural and clean-up methods was selected. From this general group a set of 31 measures was chosen considering goals, efficacy for specific environmental problems, suitability for large or small areas, behavior under different annual climatic conditions, environmental problems of the region, geological and geotechnical limitations and degradation level of the basins. A set of the more suitable geoindicators was selected for monitoring efficiency of the measures for each basin.  相似文献   

贵州省喀斯特地区土地退化与生态重建研究进展   总被引:60,自引:2,他引:60  
万军 《地球科学进展》2003,18(3):447-453
喀斯特地区环境独特、生态脆弱,一直是科学界关注的热点地区。早期的研究多集中在喀斯特地区的水文、地质和地球化学等领域。近10多年来,喀斯特地区的土地退化乃至石漠化的问题日益严重,人类活动对生态的压力逐渐成为人们关注的焦点。我国西南喀斯特地区是世界上最大的喀斯特连续带,贫困人口集中,人口压力大,经济落后,土地退化严重,人地矛盾异常尖锐,如何开展生态建设、促进社会经济发展,成为西部大开发中最为紧迫的任务之一。贵州省是西南喀斯特地区的典型代表,部分地区已经失去了依靠自身力量进行生态恢复和发展的可能性,因而需要在科学研究的基础上,制定合理的规划和管理措施,针对性的增加外部投入,进行生态重建。对生态重建的理论、方法、技术和模式进行了总结,认为喀斯特地区土地退化是区域人地复杂巨系统结构损害和功能紊乱的集中表现,片面的环境保护和单独的生态治理工程无法解决这个系统问题,区域的生态重建需要采用系统科学的思路。在此基础上,提出喀斯特地区土地退化和生态重建研究中需要深入研究的一些问题。  相似文献   

徐世武  刘秀珍 《地球科学》2006,31(5):719-724
土地利用规划方案调整工作过程复杂手、工制作工作量大, 因此传统解决方式只能制作很少的备选方案对相关因素进行定性分析来供领导决策, 以至周期长、风险大; 通过GIS技术将信息化管理引入土地规划编制业务领域, 利用计算机的海量存储能力解决大量规划编制成果的处理问题, 计算机的高速数字化处理能力解决规划方案调整过程中多方案生成与对比的问题, 利用先进的网络技术实现规划指标的动态管理及规划审批的自动规范化管理, 利用GIS技术实现多种专题分析工具, 方便规划因素的定量分析, 达到辅助规划编制的目的.实践表明, 过去需要一个月才能完成的任务现在只需要几天时间并且质量明显好于手工作业方式, 大大提高了工作效率.   相似文献   

国土资源已成为社会经济发展的基础和根本支撑,如何科学合理的管理、利用资源,关系到整个社会的发展和未来。通过建立垦利县国土资源管理委员会集体会审系统,对土地出让的前期工作做了数字化、信息化,提出一个基于工作流技术和GIS技术的综合解决方案,利用现有的地理信息服务平台,建立会审系统为国土资源管理委员会的集体会审工作提供技术支撑并对出让地块加以管理。  相似文献   

孟祥明  陈玉杰  苏伟 《山东地质》2013,(10):113-115
近年来,寿光市国土资源局着力于研究土地证书的防伪及信息化管理,希望通过高效防伪技术从根本上提高土地证书的防伪水平;通过信息技术的应用,提高土地证书的信息化管理水平,实现登记信息快速查询、快速采集,实现土地证书的变更登记及证书发放的动态化、信息化管理。  相似文献   

服务“源头严控、过程严管、后果严惩”全链条管理的全国矿山遥感监测技术体系已经形成。2019年遥感监测查明:全国采矿损毁土地361.05万hm2,约占全国陆域面积的0.37%;其中,挖损土地145.93万hm2,压占土地130.67万hm2,塌陷土地84.45万hm2;在建生产矿山采矿损毁土地134.04万hm2,废弃矿山采矿损毁土地227.01万hm2。全国累计矿山环境恢复治理土地93.08万hm2。2018年度,全国新增的采矿损毁土地4.81万hm2,新增的矿山环境恢复治理土地6.52万hm2。初步分析了全国采矿损毁土地、矿山环境恢复治理土地等遥感工作现状及存在问题,提出对策建议。  相似文献   

本文选取贵州毕节撒拉溪与关岭-贞丰花江示范区为研究对象,通过植物多样性和土地利用调查,掌握示范区植物种类、分布状况和生长特性,土地利用状况以及土地整理程度,选育植物先锋物种,结合模式构建的理论依据和边界条件,根据石漠化土地整理工程分区治理方法,在生态型土地整理技术体系的指导下,针对两个示范区具体情况分别提出温凉喀斯特高原山地潜在-轻度石漠化土地整理与混农林业复合经营模式和干热喀斯特高原峡谷中-强度石漠化土地整理与特色经果林集约经营模式。结果表明:(1)植物多样性本底调查是基于植物多样性恢复与保护的石漠化土地整理的基础,项目实施后还应对植物多样性进行动态监测。(2)土地整理规划设计应融入生态理念,构建基于植物多样性恢复和保护的石漠化土地整理模式,有助于生态修复和重建脆弱生态环境:2011-2014年期间,毕节撒拉溪示范区植被覆盖率上升8.51%,无石漠化面积扩大22.53 hm2;关岭-贞丰花江示范区植被覆盖率上升4.47%,无石漠化面积扩大13.2 hm2。(3)模式的构建依托于技术体系,毕节撒拉溪示范区主要采用潜在-轻度石漠化人工种草与草地生态改良丰产栽培技术、以金银花(Lonicera japonica)为主的坡地植物篱保水固土技术等进行模式构建;花江示范区选取以花椒-玉米为主的林粮空间优化配置技术、以皇竹草-苜蓿草为主的草地营养优化配置技术等构建经营模式。   相似文献   

利用北调江水补充调蓄石家庄地下水的工程技术方法探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
石家庄是中国北方水资源危机较严重的城市之一,已形成了超采地下水的巨大降落漏斗。结合其毗邻滹沱河宽阔河滩,地面水可直接入渗补给降落漏斗内地下水的有利水文地质条件,实施利用北调江水补充调蓄地下水工程,将具有现实意义。该文针对北调江水可能存在的不同水质情况,应用现有较适宜的地下水调蓄方法和相关的水质净化技术或研究成果,选择滹沱河河道、河漫滩上采砂坑及其他有利的条件场地等,就利用北调江水补充调蓄地下水工程,进行了相关技术方法探讨,提出一个较适宜的工程技术方案,以期能为石家庄水资源的战略调控服务。  相似文献   

Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) have caused great public concern during the past decade. To address this global public concern, China joined international forces to sign a groundbreaking United Nations treaty in Stockholm, known as the Stockholm Convention. The Chinese Government agreed to reduce and eliminate the production, use or release of 12 key POPs. Because the convention specifies a scientific review process for all other compounds, the addition of other POPs of global concern to the list in the future is also possible. The most possible candidate compounds are some species used as polybrominated flame retardant and perfluronated compounds, called emerging chemicals. Most emerging chemicals are those with POP-like characteristics, they are persistent in the environment; travel over long distances via air and water; toxic and bioaccumulating in living things. Those chemicals pose an unacceptable threat to human health and the environment.  相似文献   

对全球5 个重点油砂盆地的解剖研究及16 个油砂盆地成矿条件的初步研究,总结出全球油砂资源的富集特征、成矿主控因素和成矿模式。全球油砂资源集中分布在3 大成矿构造带、4 大成矿构造区、6 大成矿盆地及2 种类型成矿盆地,集中程度远高于常规油气。油砂资源富集是优质烃源岩、多旋回演化、氧化环境以及烃类降解机制综合作用的结果。根据不同的盆地类型、构造演化和构造位置,可将油砂成矿模式分为斜坡降解型、古油藏破坏型、构造抬升型和断裂疏导型。  相似文献   

In Egypt, major sustainability variables could be identified as scarce of soil and water resources, environmental degradation, rapid population growth, institutional arrangement that includes land tenure and farm fragmentation, agricultural administration, lack of infrastructure, and credit utilization. The main objective of the current work is to evaluate the sustainable land use management (SLM) model through biophysics and socioeconomic elements for the purpose of combating sustainability constraints that preclude the agricultural development geospatially. In this research, from the geomorphologic point of view, the obtained results showed three main landscapes. They were identified in the study area as: fluviolacustrine plain, Aeolian deposits, and flood plain. The study area was dominated by some physical and chemical degradation processes with different scales breaking down the equilibrium of soil stability. The SLM model was implemented and assessed from multivariate perspective points of productivity, security, protection, economic viability, and social acceptability. Four SLM classes were outlined as follows: class I, land management practices that did meet sustainability requirements with a score ≥0.65, which represented 31.0 % of the considered agricultural study area; class II, land management practices that were marginally above the sustainability threshold and represented 12.6 %; class III, land management practices that were slightly below the threshold of sustainability and represented 8.60 %; class IV, land management practices that did not meet sustainability requirements with index values >0.1 that represented 47.86 %. As a general conclusion, it is found that land management practices tend to be unsustainable in the area under investigation for certain constraints that play motivated roles in lowering the targeted land sustainability.  相似文献   

This paper presents the effect of land-use changes on land degradation by utilization of remote sensing methods and the Gavrilovi? erosion potential method, due to surface mining activities in the period 2001–2011. Studied area includes the zone of influence of the Rudarski basen Kolubara, which covers the exploitation area of the Kolubara coal basin in the Republic of Serbia. The analysis is based on the processing of Landsat 5 satellite images from 2001 and 2011. In the analysis of satellite images, the supervised classification method was used. The results suggest that the observed spatial–temporal area is exposed to erosion as a result of land-use changes. Preliminary conclusion is that the dominant anthropogenic factor, responsible for changes in land use, is pronounced through the mining activity, industrialization, construction as well as agricultural activities. Very small changes in land use that occurred in the period 2001–2010 have led to relatively small amount of change from the aspect of land degradation. Also, due to the planned exploitation of the mine which included into account the sustainability of ecosystems, primarily through appropriate conservation measures, RB Kolubara is not in danger of a possible erosion processes that could undermine the stability of the basin.  相似文献   

王文元  王涛 《山东地质》2010,(4):58-59,61
信息化建设是大势所趋,是国土资源管理工作上水平、上台阶的关键所在。该文通过介绍垦利局加强信息化网络平台建设,实现了电子政务办公自动化、地籍管理信息化、档案管理数字化,使国土资源管理工作实现了快捷、高效。  相似文献   

本文通过对海河流域的38个子流域及内陆河流域的7个子流域的逐年降水、径流及实际蒸散发和蒸发能力的分析,证明了基于Budyko假设的流域水热耦合平衡关系在海河及西北内陆河流域是成立的。根据各子流域的长期水量平衡结果,本文验证了水热耦合平衡模型中的唯一参数综合反映流域的下垫面条件且具有显著的区域分布规律,与此同时,本文还在海河流域及内陆河流域对根据流域平均坡度(tanβ),相对土壤最大蓄水能力(Smax/0)和相对土壤入渗能力(Ks/■r)估算模型参数■的经验公式进行了验证,计算结果较好。  相似文献   

Various hydrological, geological and geomorphological factors play a major role in the occurrence and movement of groundwater in different terrains. With advances in space technology and the advent of powerful personal computers, techniques for the assessment of groundwater potential have evolved, of which remote sensing (RS) and geographic information systems (GIS) are of great significance. The application of these methods is comprehensively reviewed with respect to the exploration and assessment of groundwater potential in consolidated and unconsolidated formations in semi-arid regions, and specifically in India. The process of such assessment includes the collection of remotely sensed data from suitable sensors and the selection of thematic maps on rainfall, geology, lithology, geomorphology, soil, land use/land cover, drainage patterns, slope and lineaments. The data are handled according to their significance with the assignment of appropriate weights and integrated into a sophisticated GIS environment. The requisite remote sensing and GIS data, in conjunction with necessary field investigations, help to identify the groundwater potential zones effectively.  相似文献   

规模化深部咸水含水层CO2地质储存选址方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文依据中国沉积盆地CO2地质储存潜力评价结果,认为深部咸水含水层是实现规模化CO2地质储存的主体,进而对适宜CO2地质储存的深部咸水含水层属性进行了界定。提出了深部咸水含水层CO2地质储存选址原则,合理划分了选址工作阶段。建立了选址技术指标、安全性评价指标、经济适宜性和地面地质-社会环境选址指标4个指标层,60余个指标的选址指标体系,提出了基于层次分析(AHP)的多因子排序选址评价方法。本文的研究成果对中国深部咸水含水层CO2地质储存场地选址具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

在气候变化和人类活动日趋增强的影响下,同一流域往往面临着水资源、水环境、水生态和水沙等多种水问题,且干旱和洪涝等极端事件发生的频率日渐增强;系统治理及减缓极值化,成为流域综合治理关键任务,而提升流域对水循环多过程的调节能力则是其关键。在对中国水问题发展形势进行研判的基础上,系统剖析了传统治水模式中强调“状态改变”、“末端治理”、“过程分离”等的不足;明晰了变化环境下水问题系统治理的总体需求和生态海绵智慧流域建设的总体思路;提出了生态海绵智慧流域建设的总体技术框架和若干关键问题。生态海绵智慧流域建设将充分遵循水循环多过程的演变规律,规范人类水土资源开发活动,实现地表-土壤-地下多过程、水量-水质-泥沙-水生态的联合调控,最大限度实现“去极值化”,建设健全流域的综合服务功能,保育“山水林田湖”生命体功能。  相似文献   

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