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地理学视角下的出国旅居研究综述   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
文谨  白凯  孙星 《地理科学进展》2013,32(7):1148-1158
近年来, 随着全球一体化的不断深入, 出国旅居现象正逐步升温。本文通过梳理国外关于出国旅居问题的研究文献, 总结出其主要关注以下几个方面:海外留学、跨文化冲突与融合, 及旅居者启程前与归国后的适应。相关文献显示, 虽然以往的出国旅居研究没有地理学背景的学者介入, 但其中却存在或隐含了一条明确的地理学“人—地—时空”研究脉络, 旅居者随着空间改变对新地区文化的适应甚至认同, 就是旅居者产生“地方感”的过程。由此提出, 应将出国旅居明确纳入文化地理学的研究范畴, 从地理学视角来关注这一现象。  相似文献   

谢富胜  巩潇然 《地理学报》2018,73(8):1407-1420
尼尔·史密斯是世界知名的人文地理学者和马克思主义地理学家。他在不平衡发展理论的基础上,整合马克思主义和地理学的资本周期运动、空间一体化与尺度推移等范畴,提出了实现平衡发展的途径,极大地丰富和发展了马克思主义地理学,为研究当代社会空间问题提供了更为具体的分析框架和新的理论解释。其理论的核心是把地理空间视为生产资料、社会产物以及空间关系的总和,认为地理空间生产是特定时期资本增殖的重要方式。目前中国学者虽引进其部分理论,但整体了解还比较欠缺。本文将其理论概括和梳理为空间生产、地理尺度、美式帝国主义、绅士化4个方面,分析资本积累驱动下地理空间的不平衡发展过程,深度解析社会、空间与地理的尺度交错与互动关系,阐明资本周期运动、美式帝国扩张和绅士化的逻辑关联,最后以租隙理论为主剖析了城市尺度的资本周期运动。本文旨在为国内学者研究史密斯的马克思主义空间理论以及马克思主义地理学提供纲要和逻辑线索,并为中国城市化转型和经济增长方式转变提供理论参考和方法启示。  相似文献   

Abstract:  The restricted influence of geographers in the policy arena has been the source of some angst. This paper reports on a new initiative at the University of Canterbury, which aims to strengthen geography's contribution to health policy debates in New Zealand. The GeoHealth Laboratory is a joint initiative between the Department of Geography and Public Health Intelligence group at the Ministry of Health that seeks to provide a pathway for the integration of health geography research into policy development. This new facility aligns the expertise in health geography, GIS and other spatial analytical methods with policy-relevant research priorities. An overview of the strategic aims of the GeoHealth Laboratory is provided along with some examples of recent research activities that are contributing to understandings of the health landscape in New Zealand. It is argued that such partnerships provide important opportunities for geographers to engage with policy-relevant issues.  相似文献   

王艺晓  孙斌栋  张婷麟 《地理研究》2022,41(9):2418-2432
以往研究对于距离在网络外部性影响城市功能过程中的作用所知甚少,而且多关注城市网络外部性的正面效应,对城市间竞争以及由此所带来的网络外部性的负效应缺少分析。为了弥补已有研究的不足,本文采用空间的视角,以城市群内的城市生产性服务功能为例,建立一个核心-外围的空间结构来揭示城市生产性服务功能、网络外部性与地理距离之间的关系。研究发现:① 城市生产性服务功能强度随着远离城市群核心城市而上升,互联网渗透率和列车网络中心度会显著地强化这一效应;② 城市生产性服务功能随距离变化的机制在于竞争效应比协同效应对地理距离更加敏感,从而衰减更快,因而靠近核心城市的城市在生产性服务功能上遭受了“集聚阴影”,而远离核心城市的城市在功能上更多的受到了协同作用的支撑。本文结论为推进城市群内的分工协作与一体化发展提供了重要启示。  相似文献   

基于地理探测器的地域社会认同空间分异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在统合社会认同与地方概念的基础上提出地域社会认同.从新型城镇化道路的提出到社会主要矛盾的转变,新时代的区域研究需要由以工业化为引领或以城市土地扩张为引领的"空间效率导向型"研究迈向"空间公平/正义导向型"研究,因此客观经济发展与主观社会认知的配适性研究亟待开展.在研究方法上,以空间异质性为基础运用地理探测器分析了地...  相似文献   

In this article we attend to an emergent practice of visualising GIS data in physical geography using the graphics engine of a videogame, Crysis. We suggest these modes of image-making aid the possibility of imagining and disseminating complex geographical data differently by re-contextualising seemingly abstract mathematical information within a human horizon of embodied meaning. Furthermore we argue these ways of imagining are closely linked to the technology and phenomenology of screens which make the presentation of these images possible. We close by reflecting on the possibility that these technologies are shifting the grounds of vision and the geographical imagination of users.  相似文献   

The Cerrado , the tropical savanna covering 22% of Brazil's territory, or approximately 1.783 million km2, has suffered significant human impacts during the past three decades. This paper re-examines estimates of Cerrado vegetation change dynamics using high-resolution satellite remote sensing data from an area of interest extracted from eastern Mato Grosso State. This region has undergone a high degree of typical agricultural development since the early 1970s. Results indicate significant loss of original vegetation as well as high levels of regeneration, suggesting Cerrado vegetation may be more resilient to human impacts than catastrophic estimations suggest. The paper concludes with a critical review of Cerrado land-cover change studies and the implications of evidence for vegetation regeneration, land-cover dynamism and land-use intensification, paying particular attention to spatial scale and research methods. The discussion concludes that Cerrado land-cover change studied at a higher resolution and larger scales (smaller area) is required to represent more effectively the complexity of land conversion for better assessment of human impacts and environmental policy.  相似文献   

随着对地观测和互联网技术的发展,地理大数据时代正在到来,其多尺度、长时序、多模态等海量“超”覆盖数据为土地利用/覆被(Land Use/Land Cover, 简称LULC)分类及变化检测带来巨大的机遇,支撑着新时代人、地两大系统相互作用关系的认知和实践。然而,多数地理学者认为地理学基本原理与核心思想并未因为大数据的到来而发生本质性变化。所以,从地理学基本原理角度理解LULC分类的发展,尤其在地理大数据时代的发展方向,不失为一条可行的途径。为此,本文从区域、尺度、综合三方面的地理学基本原理视角将LULC分类技术的发展划分为地球观测数据匮乏阶段、人类行为数据融合阶段以及地理大数据“超”覆盖阶段分别探讨分析,以期主动把握LULC分类技术及应用的未来发展趋势。研究结果显示:在地球观测数据匮乏阶段,LULC分类多以类型还不丰富的遥感数据源,在空间分辨率较低的像元尺度上,进行以地表覆被状态为主的分类;发展到人类行为数据融合阶段,LULC分类在城市区域率先出现了对地观测数据和人类行为数据相融合,在街区尺度上进行以空间功能异质性划分、识别为主导的城市功能区分类;在地理大数据“超”覆盖阶段,LULC分类将实现多尺度协同、面向全空间的功能异质性划分,并在主体功能的基础上融合“社会-经济-自然”多维定量属性,本文称之为“空间场景”。希望本文的探讨能够为地理大数据时代LULC分类的新技术发展和新产品应用提供有益启示。  相似文献   

Language plays a vital role in the communication, sharing and transmission of information among human beings. Geographical languages are essential for understanding, investigating, representing and propagating geo-spatial information. Geographical languages have developed and evolved gradually with improvements in science, technology and cognitive levels. Concerning the theoretical progress from geographical information ontology, epistemology and linguistic theory, this paper firstly puts forward the concept of a GIS language and discusses its basic characteristics according to changes in the structures, functions and characteristics of geographical languages. This GIS language can be regarded as a system of synthetic digital symbols. It is a comprehensive representation of geographical objects, phenomena and their spatial distributions and dynamic processes. This representation helps us generate a universal perception of geographical space using geographical scenarios or symbols with geometry, statuses, processes, spatio-temporal relationships, semantics and attributes. Furthermore, this paper states that the GIS language represents a new generation of geographical language due to its intrinsic characteristics, structures, functions and systematic content. Based on the aforementioned theoretical foundation, this paper illustrates the pivotal status and contributions of the GIS language from the perspective of geographical researchers. The language of GIS is a new geographical language designed for the current era, with features including spatio-temporal multi-dimension representation, interactive visualization, virtual geographical scenarios, multi-sensor perception and expedient broadcasting via the web. The GIS language is the highest-level geographical language developed to date, integrating semantic definitions, feature extraction, geographical dynamic representation and spatio-temporal factors and unifying the computation of geographical phenomena and objects. The GIS language possesses five important characteristics: abstraction, systematicness, strictness, precision and hierarchy. In summary, the GIS language provides a new means forpeople to recognize, understand and simulate entire geo-environments. Therefore, exploration of the GIS language’s functions in contemporary geographical developments is becoming increasingly important. Similarly, construction of the conceptual model and scientific systems of the GIS language will promote the development of the disciplines of geography and geographical information sciences. Therefore, this paper investigates the prospects of the GIS language from the perspectives of digital technology, geographical norms, geographical modeling and the disciplinary development of geography.  相似文献   

Jillian Anable  Jon Shaw 《Area》2007,39(4):443-457
The transport sector is consistently responsible for around 30 per cent of carbon dioxide emissions in developed countries and is one of few sectors where emissions continue to increase as a result of apparently insatiable demand for road and air travel. This paper examines how the formulation of transport policy fits into the exposition of UK climate policy, focusing on three principal areas of tension: policy priority (congestion and carbon reduction); strategies to reduce emissions (technological and behavioural solutions) and timescale (short- and long-term vision). We suggest that in overcoming such tensions government ministers will need to devolve significant policy formulation and implementation powers to an appropriate scale of governance – in this case the city-region – to fashion a 'convergence space' capable of promoting meaningful action with regard to transport's climate impact.  相似文献   

Abstract:  This paper explores different conceptual and policy spaces of wellbeing. The increasing use of wellbeing in contemporary health debates affords geographers of health new arena in which to explore the processes that promote, remedy or regenerate health and ill-health. The paper first critically reviews the theoretical approaches and challenges for operationalizing the concept of wellbeing in both research and policy. We then present a framework of the spaces of wellbeing to provoke discussion and research amongst geographers of health. The paper concludes with proposals for future research orientations.  相似文献   

长江经济带从提出到上升为国家级重大区域发展战略,有着大河流域经济带形成的客观存在性与历史必然性。大河流域经济带往往都经历了“逐水而居的居住地—资源轴带(农牧业、矿业、水能)—交通轴带—工业产业带—城市密集轴带”的发展演变历程,其空间发展表现为“增长点”至“增长轴”,进而向“经济带”的转变,这种流域经济带的地理形态变化,蕴含着作为流域这一特殊而基本地理单元区域发展与空间演变的规律。由点至轴到带的空间演变,也推动着流域经济带由小规模到大规模,由低水平向高水平,空间上由点到面的演变过程。该演变不仅存在资源与区位等优势驱动,更有着生态环境承载力等的刚性约束,深刻反映出经济带发展中的地理环境载体的重要性。对长江经济带形成演变科学内涵与地理基础展开探讨,以期为新时期大河流域经济带绿色高质量发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Studies of health care and health-care seeking behaviour in Ghana have mainly shown that many patients tend to use indigenous medicine to address their health care needs. These studies have cited affordability, acceptability, availability, and accessibility as major factors behind the predominant use of indigenous medicine. Nevertheless, in these studies, researchers often ignore the third health care option – self-care, usually subjugated under the indigenous medical system. Since the mid-1980s, both biomedical and indigenous health care systems have witnessed transformations that have shaped and changed their modes of operation, as well as the cost of treatment. In light of this, the author seeks to understand the motivations behind the preference for and use of self-care, professional biomedical care, and indigenous forms of care in the context of Ghana’s health care system. A qualitative, in-depth interview technique was used for data gathering. Findings from the study revealed that time and cost of treatment were major factors accounting for the predominant use of self-care. The author concludes that the findings challenge the long-held belief that biomedicine is not widely accepted by people in Ghana compared with indigenous medicine.  相似文献   

自然地理要素空间插值的几个问题   总被引:69,自引:8,他引:69  
资源管理、灾害管理、生态环境治理以及全球变化研究的需要强化了部分自然地理要素空间插值研究的重要性。这些要素空间插值的核心是建立充分逼近要素空间分布特征的函数方程。对于给定的区域与要素样本值 ,插值函数可以有多种模型形式。各类模型的精度受其理论基础、模型算法、时空尺度效应、样本数据属性等因素的综合影响。通过对国际主要插值研究成果进行分析 ,文章认为各类模型插值精度的差异缘于模型对插值要素空间变异性与空间相关性的反映 ,具体应用中 ,只有对已知样本数据进行变异性与相关性分析才能选出适当的插值方法。  相似文献   

简单、复杂与地理分布模型的选择   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
地理分布的数学建模是空间分析的基本途径之一,但空间维度建模素为科学研究的难题。由于数学新方法的发展和复杂性研究的兴起,地理空间建模的一些传统困难有望解决。本文通过两类地理分布的对比分析,论述地理建模的关键在于简单分布的特征尺度和复杂分布的标度。地理分布包括空间分布和规模分布,其本质均为概率分布和广义的数学空间分布,而概率分布可以分为简单分布和复杂分布。简单分布具有特征尺度,平均值有效,概率结构清楚;复杂分布没有特征尺度,平均值无效,概率结构不明确。对于简单分布,应该采用有尺度分布函数开展尺度分析;对于复杂分布,理当采用无尺度分布函数开展标度分析。分形几何学、异速生长理论和无尺度网络理论都是复杂系统分析的定量方法,这些方法的综合集成,可望为地理分布建模和地理系统的空间分析提供有效的数理工具。  相似文献   

社会感知视角下的若干人文地理学基本问题再思考   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:11  
刘瑜 《地理学报》2016,71(4):564-575
近年来,不同类型大数据在地理研究中得到了越来越多的重视,许多学者基于手机、社交媒体、出租车等数据开展了大量实证研究。社会感知概念刻画了地理空间大数据基于大量人的行为时空模式获取地理环境特征的的技术手段,该手段有助于重新审视地理学研究中的一些基本问题,因而本文选择了空间分布和空间交互这两个基本地理概念以及定性方法和定量方法这两个人文地理基本研究方法展开讨论。大数据从微观个体和宏观群体两个层面同时感知空间分布和空间交互,可以定量分析其中的距离以及尺度效应。进而,由于小样本访谈人群和场所是定性研究的基础,而大数据可以通过定量方法识别特定人群和场所并进行刻画,因此,社会感知手段为集成定性和定量研究方法,构建混合地理学奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The checkerplot is a new type of graphical display that combines geographical information and statistical plots. Hereby, the traditional plots like barplots or polygon lines are visualized in geographical order on a grid. The checkerplots can be seen as a mixture between thematic maps and the grid representation in trellis plots.

In a checkerplot, any complex statistical graphics that are produced for geographical areas are placed in a grid. An interpretable checkerplot requires an arrangement of areas on the grid that reflects the underlying geography. A loss function is proposed that represents the distortion of the underlying geography needed in order to place the areas onto a grid. It is demonstrated that the minimization of the loss function does indeed produce interpretable checkerplots. Moreover, the optimization problem can be formulated as a linear programming problem that can be solved using standard linear programming solvers.

The proposed checkerplot is applied to US health insurance data to analyze the development of the coverage rate in the health system per state with respect to the different health care programs. Moreover, an example related to the EU-member states is also given. Additional information like the national flags of countries are placed in each grid to allow better visibility and recognition of the countries.

The checkerplot is implemented in the R-package sparkTable (Kowarik, Meindl, and Templ, 2012 Kowarik, A., Meindl, B., and Templ, M., 2012. sparkTable: sparklines and graphical tables for tex and html. R package version 0.9.3 http://cran.r-project.org/package=sparkTable (http://cran.r-project.org/package=sparkTable) (Accessed: 17 February 2012).  [Google Scholar]. sparkTable: sparklines and graphical tables for tex and html [online]. R package version 0.9.3 [Accessed 7 February 2012]) and can be freely downloaded from the CRAN repository. It is implemented in a flexible manner and not restricted to the examples given in this contribution.  相似文献   

关联演化视角下地理学区域韧性分析的新思考   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
李艳  陈雯  孙阳 《地理研究》2019,38(7):1694-1704
区域韧性是一个区域应对发展进程中短期冲击与长期变化、积极进行自我调适与转型的能力,表征了区域的适应性、创新性与可持续性,作为新兴理念反映了地理学可持续发展与区域研究的新需求。本研究综述了区域韧性研究进展,基于关联演化视角,探索构建区域韧性认知框架,将情境分析与过程分析并重,思考并总结区域韧性分析的方法论,尝试建立区域韧性评估方程,从经济、社会、环境及制度四个维度进行区域韧性评估,将区域韧性应用于中国地理学研究,分析中国区域韧性研究的一般性与特殊性,将区域韧性研究对接中国实际问题,以期对区域韧性研究做出理论贡献,助推地理学区域发展研究及相关认知领域的跨学科讨论、知识集成与学术交流,为国家制定相关区域政策提供参考,并为国家及区域可持续发展提供科学指引。  相似文献   

樊杰 《地理学报》2018,73(4):597-607
同近年国外人文地理学呈现人文化趋势相比,中国人文与经济地理学秉承吴传钧先生关于人文与经济地理学是研究自然圈与人文圈相互作用下、人类活动分布格局形成和演变规律的一门交叉学科的定位,形成了以不同空间尺度的地域、重要的生产生活领域、以及典型的地域空间类型的可持续发展时空规律作为研究指向的中国人文与经济地理学主流学派。吴先生提出的“人地关系地域系统”理论不仅为人文与经济地理学,而且是为整个地理学的综合研究提供了重要的理论基石。地域功能性、系统结构化、时空变异有序过程、以及人地系统效应的差异性及可调控性,是该理论的精髓,这与“未来地球”研究计划的前沿思想完全契合。近10年来,以城镇化科学模式、主体功能区划、一带一路路线图、京津冀城市群、农村空心化和精准扶贫、东北振兴与资源型城市转型、行政区划优化等为研究对象,发展了人文与经济地理重要的可持续过程、地域功能形成和综合地理格局有序化规律、城市群形成演化机理及其资源环境效应、问题地区可持续生命周期与振兴路径、地缘政治地缘经济和区域间相互作用关系、人文界线对可持续发展的影响等理论方法。人文与经济地理学科建设取得重要进展,应用成果对近年来中国生态文明建设和可持续发展产生了重要影响。中国人文与经济地理学在全球范围内发展态势最佳、总体水平领先,以此告慰吴传钧先生,并以此纪念吴传钧先生百年诞辰。  相似文献   

This paper examines prevailing wisdoms on the topic of poverty–environmental interactions, problematizes some standard assumptions and interrogates the geographical literature on the subject. Dominant development discourse has tended to blame the poor for environmental degradation, ignoring the role of other processes and actors at various scales in causing environmental degradation. We examine how definitions of poverty, institutional arrangements, conventional economic models and assumed feedback loops may influence our understanding of poverty–environment interactions. The article gives particular attention to the political ecology approach as a lens through which this dynamic may be understood. Recent work in political ecology has broadened views of poverty–environment interactions by focusing on issues of power, scale and discourse in influencing outcomes and policies.  相似文献   

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