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An experiment was conducted to study megaripple morpho dynamics on a sandy intertidal shoal in a mesotidal mangrove creek (Gordon Creek, Townsville, Australia). Tidal current velocity and depth were recorded with S4 current meters over a period of 35 tides. The tidal megaripples were 0.06–0.2 m in height and 1–2 m in wavelength, and their movement was monitored by (1) electromagnetic bed-elevation probes (which automatically recorded bed level every 2 min at three positions along the survey transect) and (2) daily surveying for 8 days around spring tidals. The tidal currents in Gordon Creek are ebb-dominated, with maximum depth-mean current velocities for the flood and ebb tides of 0.62 and 0.98 m s?1 respectively. Significant bedload transport occurs only during spring tides, and only on the larger of the unequal semi-diurnal tides. Bedload transport is overwhelmingly in the ebb direction. Megaripple migration rates reach 5.6 m per tide in the ebb direction and up to 0.1 m min?1 within individual tides. Within-tide ‘bedform transport rates’are up to 0.29 kg m?1 s?1. The results suggest that for reconstruction of palaeoflows from deposits of preserved fine- to medium-grained sandy tidal megaripples, it is valid to use a depth-averaged velocity of 0.5–0.6 m s?1 as the migration threshold. Velocity thresholds associated with partial or complete reversal of megaripple asymmetry are invalid.  相似文献   

Current, water level and wind data collected from a study site at the Aransas Pass, Texas, during a 45-day period in mid 1977 are used to describe tidal motions and low-frequency, meteorologically-forced exchanges between the inner shelf and a series of intracoastal bays. Analysis of individual tidal constituents indicates a mixed but principally diurnal tide. Tidal constituents move through the Pass as nearly progressive waves. Asymmetry in the co-oscillating tidal motions is explained as a result of unequal frictional forces acting on flood and ebb currents in the Pass. Tidal excursions computed from the tidal harmonic constants and from cumulative net displacements suggest that tidal-period exchanges are not effective in flushing the bays even under tropic tidal conditions. Nontidal water levels are related to the cross-shelf component of the coastal windstress at statistically significant levels. This suggests that low-frequency local meteorological forcing, as a set-up or set-down of coastal water levels, plays a valuable role in assisting tidally-driven exchanges.  相似文献   

Pore and surface water sulfide variation near artificial ditches and a natural creek are examined in salt marshes bordering the Indian River Lagoon in east-central Florida. Pore water sulfide concentrations ranged from 0 μg-at I?1 to 1,640 μg-at I?1. On average, the natural creek had the lowest sulfide concentrations (mean <1.0 μ-at I?1) and the perimeter ditch of a managed salt marsh impoundment the highest (436.5 μg-at I?1). There was a trend of increasing sulfide concentration in the summer, and sharp peaks in late fall-early winter which correspond with peak litter input into the sediments. Significant differences in sulfide concentration between sites are attributed to differences in water flow and in organic matter content. Delaying the seasonal opening of culverts (which connect impounded marshes with the lagoon) until lagoon water levels rise in fall may prevent massive fish kills that have been associated with high sulfide levels in the impoundment perimeter ditches.  相似文献   

The Patos Lagoon is a choked, microtidal coastal laggon situated in southern Brazil between 30°S and 32°S. The response of the lagoon to tidal oscillations is studied through data analysis and numerical modeling experiments. Two types of high frequency oscillations are observed in the tidal frequency band: mixed tides, predominantly diurnal; and forced oscillations having a period of 24 h occurring in the inner lagoon. In the southern portion of the lagoon, tides are selectively filtered by the entrance channel. The main diurnal constituent O1 is linearly attenuated as it progresses landwards. In the inner parts of the lagoon, 24-h oscillations are mainly forced by the combined effect of diurnal tides and sea breeze action. They are tied with a natural period of oscillation of 24 h. Results also indicate that these are not inertial frequency oscillations, despite the lagoon being placed in a critical 30°S area. The interaction between astronomical tides and meteorological effects produces a complicated picture for tidal forecasting derived from data collected inside the lagoon.  相似文献   

We hypothesize that nutrient cycling in a Gulf of Mexico subterranean estuary (STE) is fueled by oxygen and labile organic matter supplied by tidal pumping of seawater into the coastal aquifer. We estimate nutrient production rates using the standard estuarine model and a non-steady-state box model, separate nutrient fluxes associated with fresh and saline submarine groundwater discharge (SGD), and estimate offshore fluxes from radium isotope distributions. The results indicate a large variability in nutrient concentrations over tidal and seasonal time scales. At high tide, nutrient concentrations in shallow beach groundwater were low as a result of dilution caused by seawater recirculation. During ebb tide, the concentrations increased until they reached a maximum just before the next high tide. The dominant form of nitrogen was dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) in freshwater, nitrate in brackish waters, and ammonium in saline waters. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) production was two-fold higher in the summer than in the winter, while nitrate and DON production were one order of magnitude higher. Oxic remineralization and denitrification most likely explain these patterns. Even though fresh SGD accounted for only ∼5% of total volumetric additions, it was an important pathway of nutrients as a result of biogeochemical inputs in the mixing zone. Fresh SGD transported ∼25% of DOC and ∼50% of total dissolved nitrogen inputs into the coastal ocean, with the remainder associated with a one-dimensional vertical seawater exchange process. While SGD volumetric inputs are similar seasonally, changes in the biogeochemical conditions of this coastal plain STE led to higher summertime SGD nutrient fluxes (40% higher for DOC and 60% higher for nitrogen in the summer compared to the winter). We suggest that coastal primary production and nutrient dynamics in the STE are linked.  相似文献   

Effects of surface forces and film elasticity on foam stability   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The thin film pressure balance (TFPB) technique was used to determine the surface forces in foam films stabilized with flotation frothers such as n-pentanol, n-octanol, methyl isobutyl carbinol (MIBC), and polypropylene glycol (PPG). The results were compared with the foam stabilities measured experimentally and the film elasticities calculated using a model developed by Wang and Yoon [Wang, L., Yoon, R.-H., 2006a. Role of hydrophobic force in the thinning of foam films containing a nonionic surfactant. Colloids Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, 282–283, 84–91.]. It was found that foam stabilities are controlled by both film elasticity and disjoining pressure, the relative contributions from each changing with frother type and concentration. At relatively low concentrations, frother dampens the hydrophobic force, an attractive component of the disjoining pressure, that destabilizes foams. At higher concentrations, elasticity plays a more important role in stabilizing foams.  相似文献   

 Constant temperature and constant pressure molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were applied to quartz to calculate the structural details which are indeterminable in usual X-ray structure studies. The dynamics of the structural changes was analyzed by means of time-dependent atomic displacement parameters. The Si-O bonds expand with increasing temperatures through the α- and β-phases, and atoms vibrate around the α1- (or α2-) sites at lower temperatures in the α-phase, and over the energy barriers between the α1- and the α2-sites at higher temperatures in the α- and the β-phases. The ratios of time lengths spent by atoms in the α1- and α2-sites determine the apparent atomic positions as obtained in usual structure studies of α-quartz. More frequent transfer of atoms over the α1- and the α2-sites contributes positively to the thermal expansions, whereas larger amplitudes of vibrations, which carry atoms more distantly and more frequently from the β-sites, contribute negatively. The well-known steep thermal expansion in the α-phase is attributed to the additive contribution from the expansions of the Si-O bond lengths, the widening of Si-O-Si angles, and the increase of the atomic transfer-frequency between the α1- and the α2-sites. The nearly zero or negative expansion in the β-phase is caused by balancing the negative to the positive effects. The MD crystal transforms to the β-phase via a transitional state, where the α- and β-structures appear alternately with time, or coexist. The slight and continuous expansions observed right after the steep rise(s) of the volume or cell dimensions up to the nearly horizontal curve(s) are attributed to the continuous changes within the transitional state. Received: 17 July 2000 / Accepted: 13 January 2001  相似文献   

Fractional coordinates and anisotropic temperature factors of atoms in berlinite, AlPO4 with the quartz topology, were successfully simulated in a molecular dynamics simulation (MDS) at high temperatures. Time-dependent and time-averaged atomic order parameters were analyzed in detail with the aid of spectral densities calculated from trajectory data. These parameters show characteristic behavior of the order-disorder regime for a structure change, where atoms spend most of the time oscillating around the 1-sites (or 2-sites) in the low temperature α-phase, but oscillate over both sites in the higher temperature α-phase and the β-phase. In the spectral density functions calculated for atom order parameters, a nearly zero-frequency excitation, which is accompanied by the emergence of large-scale 1 and 2 clusters, appears at the Γ point of the Brillouin zone below the transition point T o, and increases in intensity up to T o. A low-lying optic branch along Γ-M, which is strongly temperature dependent in the small q-region, is another characteristic of the spectral density functions for the β phase. The spectrum at Γ continuously reduces its frequency from 0.6 THz at temperatures far above T o to nearly 0 THz at temperatures approaching T o from above. The dynamical behavior in β berlinite rapidly but continuously changes from that in less oscillatory clusters in the vicinity of T o to that in the typical β phase at temperatures departing from T o. Received: 10 August 1998 / Revised, accepted: 18 February 1999  相似文献   

目前,线路勘探中对浜填土检测不够重视或缺乏有效的方法,使浜填土的处理缺乏针对性,造成不必要的浪费或工程隐患。该文探讨了在线路勘探中暗浜的勘查技术及相应评价与整治方法。  相似文献   

 The Sanggok mine used to be one of the largest lead-zinc mines in the Hwanggangri mining district, Republic of Korea. The present study characterizes the heavy metal contamination in the abandoned Sanggok mine creek on the basis of physico-chemical properties of various kinds of water samples (mine, surface and groundwater). Hydrochemistry of the water samples is characterized by the relatively significant enrichment of Ca2+, HCO3 , NO3 and Cl in the surface and groundwaters, whereas the mine water is relatively enriched in Ca2+, Mg2+, heavy metals, and HCO3 and SO4 2–. The more polluted mine water has a lower pH and higher Eh, conductivity and TDS values. The concentrations of some toxic elements (Al, As, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, Se, Sr, Pb and Zn) are tens to hundreds of times higher in the mine water than in the unpolluted surface and groundwaters. However, most immobile toxic pollutants from the mine drainage were quickly removed from the surface water by the precipitation of Al and Fe oxyhydroxides. Geochemical modeling showed that potentially toxic heavy metals might exist largely in the forms of MSO4 2– and M2+ in the mine water. These metals in the surface and groundwaters could form M2+, CO3 2– and OH complex ions. Computer simulation indicates that the saturation indices of albite, alunite, anhydrite, chlorite, fluorite, gypsum, halloysite and strontianite in the water samples are undersaturated and have progressively evolved toward the saturation condition. However, barite, calcite, chalcedony, dolomite, gibbsite, illite and quartz were in equilibrium, and only clay minerals were supersaturated. Ground and mine waters seemed to be in equilibrium with kaolinite field, but some surface water were in equilibrium with gibbsite and seceded from the stability field of quartz. This indicates that surface water samples in reaction with carbonate rocks would first equilibrate with carbonate minerals, then gibbsite to kaolinite. Investigations on water quality and environmental improvement of the severely polluted Sanggok creek, as well as remediation methods on the possible future pollution of the groundwater by the acid mine drainage from the abandoned metal mines, are urgently required. Received: 4 February 2000 · Accepted: 9 May 2000  相似文献   

朱仁杰  车爱兰  严飞  文海  葛修润 《岩土力学》2019,40(5):1907-1915
针对一种含贯通性顺倾结构面的岩质边坡,开展地震波场传播特性、动力演化规律和破坏机制研究。基于华丽高速公路金沙江大桥桥址边坡,实施了数值分析及振动台模型试验。通过地震波场数值模拟,明确了地震波场受贯通性结构面影响,在贯通性结构面和坡面之间反复叠加,加速度放大效应较均质边坡增大约1.8倍。振动台模型试验中不断增大地震输入烈度,加速度响应在烈度为Ⅷ度时发生突变,边坡由弹性响应阶段进入塑性阶段。在裂度为Ⅸ度时坡脚附近裂缝进一步扩展、贯通,直至发生整体滑动失稳,滑动面沿后缘陡倾结构面剪出、贯通性顺倾结构面滑动、下部坡脚附近剪出。强震后受扰动边坡若处在塑性阶段/不稳定阶段,在其他外力触发下有可能发生滑坡灾害。  相似文献   

A survey of mercury(Hg and arsenic (As) soil geochemistry involving 696 samples along survey lines and 77 samples in 6 soil profiles was carried out in the Meager Creek Geothermal Area (MCGA), British Columbia. The South Reservoir was delineated by anomalously high Hg and As values and there is remarkable coincidence of the geochemical anomalies with electrical resistivity and shallow thermal anomalies which were defined in previous work. The As results outline three possible geothermally active structures in the South Reservoir. Hg was enriched at depth in soil profiles over the South Reservoir whereas it was enriched in the organic A horizon in soil profiles from outside the South Reservoir. Hg-As results from reconnaissance lines in other parts of MCGA define specific interest areas within broad electrical resistivity anomalies.  相似文献   

A thin film of marcasite, FeS2, was synthesized under vacuum and its structure and reactivity under oxidizing conditions was investigated by means of diffraction and surface analytical techniques, respectively. Synthesis of the film was carried out by codepositing Fe and S2 onto a Ta support. The thickness of the film could be varied from approximately 10 Å to 1 μm. High-resolution S 2p synchrotron-based photoemission showed S22−, with undetectable amounts of S2− impurity that is typically present on natural sample surfaces. X-ray diffraction of the micron-thick films showed that the film crystallized in the marcasite phase of FeS2. Atomic force microscopy indicated that the thin film had a nanometer-scale roughness suggesting the film contained defects such as steps and kinks. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy studies found the thin marcasite film to be more reactive than natural pyrite (the most ubiquitous FeS2 dimorph) after exposure to a gaseous O2/H2O environment on the basis of the amount of sulfate formation. Likely the oxidation of marcasite was dominated by its short-range order (e.g., presence of steps), because the density of nonstoichiometric defect sites (e.g., S2−) was low as assessed by photoelectron spectroscopy.  相似文献   

The concept of special running waves of deformation that provide the wave mass transfer of solids, liquids, and gases is considered. These unidirectional motions called discrete-wave give rise to the lateral displacement of bodies. The discrete-wave motions arise under the effect of tidal forces of the Moon and the Sun on the Earth and induce the lateral displacements of geospheres, which include the atmosphere, oceanic currents, and the lithosphere. The tidal discrete-wave motions are real and permanently acting planetary events that provide mass transfer and accumulation of energy. They are crucial in the lateral displacements of the lithosphere, its particular blocks, and in the continental drift. Such motions cannot be ignored in the consideration of global tectonics.  相似文献   

应力波在非线性结构面介质中的传播规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王观石  李长洪  陈保君  李世海 《岩土力学》2009,30(12):3747-3752
用切线刚度和法线刚度描述结构面特性,研究结构面初始刚度、频率、法向闭合量与其最大允许闭合量的比值对透射系数的影响。采用基于连续介质的块体离散元程序(CDEM)模拟结构面发生非线性变形条件下块体响应,研究结果表明,应力波在岩体中传播是一个传播和块体响应的过程,结构面的存在影响了应力波传播和响应,存在一个特征频率能够有效反映结构面刚度变化,给出了近似计算该特征频率的表达式,对岩体结构探测具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

Carbon mineralization in marine sediments is a key process involved in the cycling of carbon, nutrients and trace metals. However, as marine sediments are usually diffusion dominated, the pace of element and nutrient cycling is slow, because consumption of oxidants and/or nutrients in the pore waters via microbial activity often outpaces resupply. Adding an advective flow component to such a system should change the biogeochemical dynamics considerably. Numerical simulations show that shallow coastal aquifers affected by tidal forces can establish ground water velocities of up to 7 cm h−1, driving a circulation of sea water through the sediments with subsequent discharge. Although known to enhance solute exchange, the impact of advection on early diagenesis has not received much attention.To address this issue we mapped the interstitial water chemistry down to 2.5 m sediment depth along a transect on an intertidal creek bank that is subject to a periodic advective flow. Additionally a recently developed hydrogeological simulation of the creek bank was applied to calculate ages of the sampled pore waters. Sample ages obtained were used to quantify (flow path integrated) production or depletion rates for trace metals, nutrients, and sulphate.We find young sea water percolating relatively fast through sediments close to the creek showing strong signs of alteration, whereas pore waters from diffusion dominated regions are less altered. The increase in inorganic nutrients and some trace elements along the flow path requires high rates of turnover. Sulphate, molybdenum, and uranium are almost completely depleted after 200 days, while dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), ammonia, and manganese increase. Averaged production rates for DIC appear to be three times higher when advection dominated the subsurface flow regime. Our results demonstrate that sites dominated by advection generally show signs of faster rates of diagenetic reactions.  相似文献   

The adsorption of uranyl (UO22+) on ferrihydrite has been evaluated with the charge distribution (CD) model for systems covering a very large range of conditions, i.e. pH, ionic strength, CO2 pressure, U(VI) concentration, and loading. Modeling suggests that uranyl forms bidentate inner sphere complexes at sites that do not react chemically with carbonate ions. Uranyl is bound by singly-coordinated surface groups present at particular edges of Fe-octahedra of ferrihydrite while another set of singly-coordinated surface groups may form double-corner bidentate complexes with carbonate ions. The uranyl surface speciation strongly changes in the presence of carbonate due to the specific adsorption of carbonate ions as well as the formation of ternary uranyl-carbonate surface complexes. Data analysis with the CD model suggests that a uranyl tris-carbonato surface complex, i.e. (UO2)(CO3)34−, is formed. This species is most abundant in systems with a high pH and carbonate concentration. This finding differs significantly from previous interpretations made in the literature. At high pH and low carbonate concentrations, as can be prepared in CO2-closed systems, the model suggests the additional presence of a ternary uranyl-monocarbonato complex. The binding mode (type A or type B complex) is uncertain. At high uranyl concentrations, uranyl polymerizes at the surface of ferrihydrite giving, for instance, tris-uranyl surface complexes with and without carbonate. The similarities and differences between U(VI) adsorption by goethite and ferrihydrite are discussed from a surface structural point of view.  相似文献   

鲁祖德  陈从新 《岩土力学》2012,33(Z1):13-18
利用室内剪切试验装置,开展不同正应力、自然与饱水条件下岩体异性结构面的剪切试验,分析异性结构面的剪切变形和强度特性,利用JRC-JCS抗剪强度力学模型将试验结果与计算结果进行对比分析。结果表明,(1)异性结构面的剪切变形曲线属于弹塑性残余变形类型。相比自然状态试件,饱水试件的弹性区减小,较早进入峰值区或塑性区;(2)异性结构面的剪切刚度均随法向力的增大而增大,但同一正应力下饱水试件的剪切刚度要小于自然状态的剪切刚度,在低法向力下尤为显著;(3)水对岩体异性结构面剪切强度参数有不同程度的弱化,尤其对内摩擦角 的劣化明显;(4)只要计算参数选取得当,并考虑实际岩体的受力及水等情况,JRC-JCS计算模型可以为实际工程岩体的结构面强度提供较为准确的参数。  相似文献   

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