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During the anaerobic decomposition of organic matter in sediments iodine is released into solution. Three techniques have been applied to independently estimate the resulting flux of soluble I from the sediments to the overlying water of Mud Bay, Georgetown, South Carolina. Flux estimates (summer) range between ~ 5 and 41 μmol/m2/day. The estimates predicted from either the pore water I concentration gradient across the sediment-water interface or the dissolved I production rate are higher than the apparent flux measured directly at the same site. This suggests that I which is released to the pore water under the anoxic conditions below the sediment surface reacts with a sedimentary component at or near the sediment water interface and is lost from solution.  相似文献   

The seasonal cycling of fine sediment in the upper reaches of a hypothetical macrotidal estuary and its possible consequences for the behaviour of a contaminant which partitions between dissolved and particulate forms are investigated theoretically. The simplest one-dimensional models are used as a starting point for future studies: (a) a within-tide hydrodynamic (tidal) model, (b) an associated sediment transport model and (c) a tidally-averaged contaminant dispersal model. The calculations are made for a four-year period and show that a cyclic migration of mobile sediment occurs in the upper reaches of the estuary. Sediment accumulates during spring to late summer, and is redistributed in the lower estuary during high runoff periods (autumn and winter). For a fluvial input of contaminant, the dissolved contaminant levels during summer are greatly depressed below conservative mixing values in the upper (turbidity maximum) region, whereas they are slightly enhanced in the lower reaches. During winter, the levels are substantially greater than conservative values except for a slight depression at very low salinities. Thus, sediment here acts as a source of contaminant for most of the salinity range. For a marine input of contaminant, levels are enhanced above the conservative mixing line at low salinities throughout the year, the effect being much larger during summer.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional, time-dependent hydrodynamic and suspended sediment transport model was performed and applied to the Danshuei River estuarine system and adjacent coastal sea in northern Taiwan. The model was validated with observed time-series salinity in 2001, and with salinity and suspended sediment distributions in 2002. The predicted results quantitatively agreed with the measured data. A local turbidity maximum was found in the bottom water of the Kuan-Du station. The validated model then was conducted with no salinity gradient, no sediment supply from the sediment bed, wind stress, and different freshwater discharges from upstream boundaries to comprehend the influences on suspended sediment dynamics in the Danshuei River estuarine system. The results reveal that concentrations of the turbidity maximum simulated without salinity gradient are higher than those of the turbidity maximum simulated with salinity gradient at the Kuan-Du station. Without bottom resuspension process, the estuarine turbidity maximum zone at the Kuan-Du station vanishes. This suggests that bottom sediment resuspension is a very important sediment source to the formation of estuarine turbidity maximum. The wind stress with northeast and southwest directions may contribute to decrease the suspended sediment concentration. When the freshwater discharges increase at the upstream boundaries, the limits of salt intrusion pushes downriver toward river mouth. Suspended sediment concentrations increase at the upriver reaches in the Danshuei River to Tahan Stream, while decrease at Kuan-Du station.  相似文献   

Cross‐shore grading of sediment has been observed on the surface of estuarine beaches but the swash zone processes responsible for this grading have not been measured. This study was conducted to provide an explanation for the cross‐shore grading of sediment on a predominantly sandy estuarine foreshore. Data on wave and swash characteristics and sediment trapped in the uprush and backwash during 25 swash events were gathered from mid‐rising to mid‐falling tide on a small transgressive barrier in Delaware Bay, New Jersey, USA. Sediment is predominantly quartz and feldspar, medium to coarse sands with a gravel fraction of granules and pebbles. Wave energies increased with tidal rise. The percentage of gravel in transport in the uprush and backwash is similar (11% and 13%) during the rising tide when the swash zone is at mid‐foreshore, decreases in the uprush (9%) and increases in the backwash (18%) when the swash zone is on the upper foreshore. When the swash zone is at mid‐foreshore on the falling tide, the quantity of gravel in the backwash (30%) is greater than in the uprush (24%). The low proportion of gravel within the foreshore prior to trapping, and the increase in the percentage of gravel when the waves and swash are on the upper foreshore, suggests that the step is the primary source of gravel high on the foreshore. The size of the step increases as wave heights increase with tidal rise. The rate of delivery of gravel into the swash is enhanced by sediment entrained during wave breaking and interaction of the uprush with the previous backwash. The lag in the rate of step migration relative to breaker migration during the falling tide increases the likelihood of mining gravel from the step and subsequent transport in the uprush and backwash. These findings are important for low energy estuarine beaches sensitive to small changes in tidal range and wave energy that cause sedimentological change across the foreshore.  相似文献   

Suspended sediment concentration (SSC) data from San Pablo Bay, California, were analyzed to compare the basin-scale effect of dredging and disposal of dredged material (dredging operations) and natural estuarine processes. The analysis used twelve 3-wk to 5-wk periods of mid-depth and near-bottom SSC data collected at Point San Pablo every 15 min from 1993–1998. Point San Pablo is within a tidal excursion of a dredged-material disposal site. The SSC data were compared to dredging volume, Julian day, and hydrodynamic and meteorological variables that could affect SSC. Kendall's τ, Spearman's ?, and weighted (by the fraction of valid data in each period) Spearman's ρ, correlation coefficients of the variables indicated which variables were significantly correlated with SSC. Wind-wave resuspension had the greatest effect on SSC. Median water-surface elevation was the primary factor affecting mid-depth SSC. Greater depths inhibit wind-wave resuspension of bottom sediment and indicate greater influence of less turbid water from down estuary. Seasonal variability in the supply of erodible sediment is the primary factor affecting near-bottom SSC. Natural physical processes in San Pablo Bay are more arally extensive, of equal or longer duration, and as frequent as dredging operations (when occurring), and they affect SSC at the tidal time scale. Natural processes control SSC at Point San Pablo even when dredging operations are occurring.  相似文献   

Suspended sediment concentration (SSC) is an important parameter for monitoring coastal water quality. Suspended particles are also the main optically active substances for ocean color remote sensing. It is important to study the surface reflectance spectra features of coastal turbid water, as it can be the basis for establishing more accurate remote-sensing inversion models. In this study, Hangzhou Bay, China, was selected as the study area. Two in situ measurement and sampling stations in the estuary of the Qiantang River which flows into Hangzhou Bay were set up separately. Above-water spectrum observation method, which the NASA recommended, was adopted to measure the reflection spectrum of turbid waters. Surface water samples were simultaneously collected to obtain the corresponding SSC data. The results showed that the total suspended particle concentrations in the Hangzhou Bay were typically high, and the inorganic suspended particle concentrations were far greater than the phytoplankton concentrations, which averages 705?mg/L and 1.16?mg/m3. The SSC at two sampling stations both showed significant temporal variability, particularly appearing short-period rapid fluctuations accompanying the tidal cycle. The measured surface water reflectance spectra all showed typical curve characteristics of high turbid water, and as the SSC increased, the corresponding reflectivity of surface water also increased. The increments at different wavelengths were variational, with two reflectance peaks appearing at 650?C700-nm and near the 800-nm wavelength of spectral curves, respectively. The first derivative of spectral curves showed that the first reflectance peak location appeared to be a ??red shift?? phenomenon with the SSC increasing. The correlation coefficients between the SSC of surface water and the remote-sensing reflectance according to moderate resolution imaging spectra-radiometer (MODIS) channels?? central wavelength were different significantly, which were larger at MODIS long-wavelength channels (>650?nm) and smaller at MODIS short-wavelength channels (400?C550?nm). The value of determination coefficient R 2 was 0.82 when the reflectance ratio of MODIS band 2 to band 1 was selected as the SSC sensitive bands combination and exponential regression analysis was employed. Therefore, the reflectance ratio of MODIS band 2 to band 1 can be adopted as the main band combination for establishing surface water SSC remote-sensing inversion model in the Hangzhou Bay.  相似文献   

Ethane and propane are low molecular weight hydrocarbons observed widely at trace levels in cold marine sediments where thermogenic sources are considered insignificant, but their biological sources remain poorly constrained. In this study, several C2 and C3 compounds including alkenes, alcohols, thiols and carboxylic acids with a C2 or C3 skeleton were tested for their relative alkane-producing potential in an anoxic estuary sediment. Maximum conversion efficiency of substrates to ethane or propane was observed in the sediment supplemented with ethylene (up to 38%), followed by additions with ethanethiol (0.01%) and propanethiol (0.003%). Experiments with sterilized sediment, 2-bromoethanesulfonic acid or NaNO3 were negative for alkane production, suggesting that methanogens were involved in alkane generation. Detailed investigation on ethanogenesis from ethylene showed that this reaction required H2 but at reasonably low concentration (< 120 nmol dissolved H2 l−1 slurry) and caused a slight stable carbon isotope effect (εethane/ethylene = −8.6 ± 2.4‰). The high ethane-producing potential, reasonable H2 requirement and extensive occurrence of ethylene make ethylene reduction a plausible explanation for ethane in cold marine sediment. Phylogenetic analysis was first carried out with an ethane-producing enrichment with ethylene as the substrate and showed a dominance of homoacetogenic bacteria and the methanogenic genus Methanocalculus. Although we cannot rule out the possibility that other methanogens in the gene libraries are responsible for ethanogenesis from ethylene, the dominance of Methanocalculus, with its hydrogenotrophic cultured representatives, is in accord with our biogeochemical observation that H2 is required for this reaction.  相似文献   

泥-水界面物质交换过程对自然水体中污染物的迁移转化起重要作用,粗糙底床界面物质交换过程涉及到床面粗糙度和底床渗透率的影响。通过实验室环形水槽实验测量得到水力粗糙砂质底床条件下界面物质交换通量的定量数据和变化特征,采用参数化方法分析有效扩散系数与其主要影响参数之间的依赖关系。实验结果表明,在实验参数变化范围内,受上覆水平均流速、床面粗糙度和底床渗透率的共同作用,有效扩散系数从水力光滑区、过渡粗糙区至完全粗糙区呈现较为明显的分段变化特征,采用渗透率雷诺数可将有效扩散系数与其主要影响参数的依赖关系进行较为一致的描述。基于双参数(粗糙雷诺数和渗透率雷诺数)分析,确定了不同流动区域的相应阈值以合理表征床面粗糙度和底床渗透率对界面物质交换特性的综合影响。  相似文献   

泥-水界面物质交换过程对自然水体中污染物的迁移转化起重要作用,粗糙底床界面物质交换过程涉及到床面粗糙度和底床渗透率的影响。通过实验室环形水槽实验测量得到水力粗糙砂质底床条件下界面物质交换通量的定量数据和变化特征,采用参数化方法分析有效扩散系数与其主要影响参数之间的依赖关系。实验结果表明,在实验参数变化范围内,受上覆水平均流速、床面粗糙度和底床渗透率的共同作用,有效扩散系数从水力光滑区、过渡粗糙区至完全粗糙区呈现较为明显的分段变化特征,采用渗透率雷诺数可将有效扩散系数与其主要影响参数的依赖关系进行较为一致的描述。基于双参数(粗糙雷诺数和渗透率雷诺数)分析,确定了不同流动区域的相应阈值以合理表征床面粗糙度和底床渗透率对界面物质交换特性的综合影响。  相似文献   

The effects of wave action and horseshoe crab spawning on the topography and grain-size characteristics on the foreshore of an estuarine sand beach in Delaware Bay, New Jersey, USA were evaluated using data collected over six consecutive high tides. Data were gathered inside and outside a 25 m long exclosure constructed to create a control area free of disturbance by crabs. The density of crabs in the swash zone outside the exclosure was 8·1 organisms m−2. The maximum depth of sediment activation on the upper foreshore where spawning occurred was 0·103 m during periods characterized by low significant wave heights: < 0·08 m. This depth is greater than the depth of activation by waves alone during moderate significant wave heights of 0·16–0·18 m but less than the maximum depth (0·127 m) recorded when spawning occurred during periods of moderate wave heights. Spawning, combined with moderate wave heights, creates a concave upper foreshore that is similar to the type of profile change that occurs during storms, thus lowering the wave-energy threshold for morphological response. Spawning during low wave heights increases the mean grain size and sorting of surface sediments caused by the addition of gravel to the swash. Sedimentological differences are most pronounced on the upper foreshore, and data from this location may be most useful when using grain-size characteristics to interpret the effect of spawning in the sedimentary record. Depths of sediment reworking by horseshoe crabs can be greater than those by subsequent storm waves, so evidence of spawning can be preserved on non-eroding beaches. Greater depth of activation by horseshoe crab spawning than by waves alone, even during moderate-energy conditions, reveals the importance of crab burrowing in releasing eggs to the water column and making them available for shore birds.  相似文献   

Most studies using sediment cores to reconstruct the contamination history of coastal and estuarine areas around the world have dealt with trace metals, and only a few have focused on organic contaminants. Almost without exception, the studies published up to 1990 have shown that sediment contamination increased in the late 1800s, accelerated in the 1940s, and reached a plateau or a maximum in the 1960–1970s. For some pollutants, such as Pb, a decrease in concentration occurred in the 1980s, following the implementation of new discharge and emission regulations. Little is known, however, about concentration trends from the mid-1980s to present and about the effect of legislation recently passed to protect the environment.  相似文献   

Presque Isle Bay is one of 40 remaining environmental areas of concern (AoCs) on the North American Great Lakes that have one or more water, habitat, or sediment quality impairments as defined by the International Joint Commission. In situ natural capping using sediment from to-be-remediated watersheds and other potential sources is being considered as the most feasible means of remediating an existing contaminated sediment problem at this site. A multi-decade (∼40 year) sediment budget shows that, when localized anthropogenic effects (dredging, reclamation) are discounted, the bay net-accumulated sediment over time. Sediment was supplied from three major sources: bank erosion and bluff retreat (41%), streams (25%), and the Lake Erie littoral system (20%). The non-stream sources supply environmentally clean materials from ancient beach and glacio-lacustrine deposits along the shoreline, and from the modern littoral system. Organic and metallic contaminants supplied primarily by streams and run-off remain a remediation challenge for the AoC. Geologically, natural capping of contaminants over the next several decades is a viable solution for most of the bay. The mechanism may not work effectively in all areas because approximately 25% of the bay floor is moderately net-erosional while several localized areas accumulate sediments very slowly at decadal timescales.  相似文献   

YoungMya arenaria were exposed to cadmium-109 sorbed to humic acid, bentonite, protein (albumin), mud-type sediment and filtered estuarine water in a 24-hour static assay. After 31/2 hours, shells had sorbed twice as much as cadmium as tissues. Cadmium-109 was linearly accumulated over 24 hours byMya exposed to cadmium in estuarine water and bentonite-sorbed cadmium. Protein (albumin)-sorbed cadmium was not accumulated byMya. Final 24-hour average accumulation levels of sorbed cadmium compared to cadmium in estuarine water were: bentonite-cadmium, 100%; humic acidcadmium, 60%; mud sediment-cadmium, 33%; albumin-cadmium, 12%.  相似文献   

Although epibiotic protozoans are commonly observed on the chitinous exoskeleton of aquatic crustaceans, relatively little is known about their ecological significance. The significance of protozoan epibionts on benthic copepods has never been examined.Coullana sp., a meiobenthic harpacticoid copepod, is abundant in Louisiana salt marshes and has high incidence (∼50%) of ciliate epibionts. Field and laboratory grazing experiments indicated that ciliate epibionts did not hinderCoullana feeding on benthic or planktonic algae. Contrary to expectations,Coullana with high levels of ciliate epibionts (>8 ind−1) grazed at a significantly higher rate on14C-labeled benthic diatoms added to intact sediment cores than didCoullana with no epibionts.Coullana neutral lipids (examined using Nile Red, a hydrophobic fluorophore) were not significantly influenced by the presence of ciliate epibionts, suggesting that copepods are able to compensate for any additional energetic demands imposed by epibionts. Epibiont effects onCoullana susceptibility to hydrocarbon contaminants were measured by examining survivorship in diesel-spiked sediments. The presence of ciliate epibionts significantly decreased survivorship at relatively low PAH concentrations (12.8 ppm). While ciliate epibionts onCoullana do not dramatically alter total food acquisition or energy storage, they may cause stress, which in turn makesCoullana more susceptible to contaminants and possibly other natural stressors such as food limitation.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2006,21(11):1924-1939
The Idrija Mine, the second largest Hg mine in the world, ceased operation in 1995, but still delivers large quantities of Hg downstream including into the northern Adriatic Sea, 100 km away. Transformation of Hg species in sediment in sites over 60 km from the mine, including marine sites in the Adriatic Sea, was measured to determine the ability of the system to transform and mobilize Hg and to produce methylmercury (MeHg). Cores from a freshwater impoundment, a brackish estuarine site, and three marine sites in the Gulf of Trieste were sectioned anaerobically, and Hg methylation and MeHg demethylation activities determined using radio-techniques (203Hg for methylation and 14C-MeHg for demethylation). Total and dissolved Hg and MeHg were determined as were other geochemical parameters. In addition, rates of SO4 reduction were determined in marine sediment using a 35S technique. Mercury was readily methylated and demethylated at all sites. Marine sediment was investigated in winter and summer with rates of Hg transformation and SO4 reduction corresponding only in winter. Methylation of Hg in summer displayed subsurface peaks that may have been influenced by bioturbation. Total Hg and MeHg were most abundant in the freshwater, estuarine, and near-shore marine sites, but dissolved pore water Hg and MeHg were highest in the estuarine region where S cycling appeared ideal for the mobilization of Hg. The impoundment sediment also seemed to be a ‘hotspot’ of Hg transformations. MeHg demethylation occurred via the oxidative demethylation pathway (CO2 produced from MeHg), except in surficial sediment offshore in the Gulf during winter, where sediment was more oxidizing and significant amounts of CH4 were liberated during MeHg degradation via reductive demethylation. The CH4 formation was likely due to an increased influence from the expression of MeHg degradative enzymes encoded by the mer detoxification bacterial genetic system. The freshwater site also liberated CH4 from MeHg, but it appeared to be due to oxidative demethylation by methanogenic bacteria.  相似文献   

Comparisons of sedimentation rates obtained by 210Pb and pollen analyses of 1-m cores collected throughout the Potomac Estuary show good agreement in the majority of cores that can be analyzed by both methods. Most of the discrepancy between the methods can be explained by the analytical precision of the 210Pb method and by the exactness with which time horizons can be identified and dated for the pollen method. X-radiographs of the cores and the distinctness of the pollen horizons preclude significant displacement by reworking and/or mixing of sediments. Differences between the methods are greatest where uncertainties exist in assigning a rate by one or both methods (i.e., 210Pb trends and/or “possible” horizon assignments). Both methods show the same relative rates, with greater sediment accumulation more common in the upper and middle estuary and less toward the mouth. The results indicate that geochronologic studies of estuarine sediments should be preceded by careful observation of sedimentary structures, preferably by X-radiography, to evaluate the extent of mixing of the sediments. Time horizons, whether paleontologic or isotopic, are generally blurred where mixing has occurred, precluding precise identification. Whenever possible, two methods should be used for dating sediments because a rate, albeit erroneous, can be obtained isotopically in sediments that are mixed; accurate sedimentation rates are also difficult to determine where the time boundary is a zone rather than a horizon, where the historical record does not provide a precise date for the pollen horizon, or where scouring has removed some of the sediment above a dated pollen horizon.  相似文献   

沉积CaCO3与金属离子界面反应动力学研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
金属离子与沉积碳酸盐之间2同反应动力学模拟实验表明,由于CaCO3快速溶解和溶液PH急剧上升,大部分Pb^2+、Zn^2+离子与溶液中CO3^2-和OH^-离子反应生成白铅矿PbCO3、水白铅矿Pb3(OH)2(CO3)2,或Zn(OH)3和锌矿Zn(OH)6(CO3)2沉淀于体相溶液中,仅有少部分Pb^2+、Zn^2+通过扩散与CaCO3表面发生离子交换反应。25℃时,Pb^2+溶液中以白铅矿沉  相似文献   

Recent sedimentological and palynological research on subfossil Holocene banded sediments from the Severn Estuary Levels suggested seasonality of deposition, registered by variations in mineral grain‐size and pollen assemblages between different parts of the bands. Here we provide data that strengthen this interpretation from sampling of modern sediments and pollen deposition on an active mudflat and saltmarsh on the margin of the Severn Estuary, and comparison with a vegetation survey and contemporary records of climate, river and tidal regimes. The results of grain‐size analysis indicate deposition of comparatively coarse‐grained silts during the relatively cool and windy conditions of winter and comparatively fine‐grained sediments during relatively warm and calm summer months. Pollen analysis demonstrates the significance of long‐term storage of pollen grains and fern spores in the estuarine waterbody, superimposed on which seasonal variations in pollen inputs from local and regional vegetation remain detectable. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The quantitative significance of organic matter degradation in bringing about the early diagenetic mobility of anthropogenic trace metals (Cu, Zn, Pb) is assessed specifically in relation to the use of estuarine sediments as historical records of pollution. A 1,500 mm salt-marsh sediment depth profile from Tites Point, Severn Estuary, England, was sampled at 10-mm intervals. Organic carbon determinations were carried out by a wet oxidation technique, and ‘organic fraction’ metals were separated by sequential leaching. Results demonstrated that organic phase metals are quantitatively significant in Severn Estuary sediments, particularly Cu and Zn (Cu>Zn), and that metals are probably released from this fraction during early diagenesis. The degree of release, and the apparent loss of the released trace metals from the sediment, would suggest that the use of estuarine sediments as historical records of pollution requires qualification.  相似文献   

In most mining areas, significant concentrations of metals such as Pb, Cu, Cr, Zn, Cd, Fe, Mn, Co, Ni, Hg, Ar, halogenated organic compounds and radionuclides are found. Of those, Cr is one of the well-known heavy metals that forms toxic species. It is necessary to study the mobilization and accumulation of Cr at the sediment water interface in an electric field at varying different positions and conditions of the electrode arrangement. The tests were carried out with a natural sediment containing heavy metals from the river Weisse Elster (Germany). The electrokinetic experiments have been performed in columns filled with sediment using electrodes made of conductive polymers (polyethylene with carbon black) at a maximum current density of 0.5 mA/cm2. The experimental results suggest that the mobilization and accumulation of Cr highly depends on chemical factors for e.g., pH value, redox potential, respectively redox status and the content of Fe, A1 and organic matter in the soil or sediment. The sorption of Cr (III, VI) is very high in the pH range > 4.5. As expected, a high mobilization of Cr (III, VI) was seen in the case of the experiments with the anode at the sediment, because the pH value was lower than mentioned above. On the opposite, the best conditions for the Cr (III, VI) immobilization is high pH values (cathode at the sediment).  相似文献   

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