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Tsunami created by spreading submarine slides and slumps with spatially variable final uplift are investigated in the near-field using a kinematic model. It is shown that for velocities of spreading comparable to and smaller than the long period tsunami velocity (g is the acceleration due to gravity and h is the ocean depth), the models with spatially uniform final uplift of the accumulation and depletion zones provide good approximation for the tsunami amplitudes in the near-field. For spreading velocities 2–5 times greater than cT, and for applications that use wavelengths of the order of the source dimensions, the spatial variability of the final uplift has to be considered in estimation of the high-frequency tsunami amplitudes in the near-field.  相似文献   

The effects of variable speeds of spreading of submarine slides and slumps on near-field tsunami amplitudes are illustrated. It is shown that kinematic models of submarine slides and slumps must consider time variations in the spreading velocities, when these velocities are less than about 2cT, where is the long period tsunami velocity in ocean of constant depth h. For average spreading velocities greater than 2cT, kinematic models with assumed constant spreading velocities provide good approximation for the tsunami amplitudes above the source.  相似文献   

The nature of tsunami sources is reviewed, including source duration, displacement amplitudes, and areas and volumes of selected past earthquakes, slumps and slides that have or may have generated a tsunami. This review shows that the velocity of spreading of submarine slides and slumps (1–100 m/s) can be comparable to the long wavelength tsunami velocity (30–140 m/s for water depth 100<h<2000 m). In contrast, typical velocities of spreading dislocations during most earthquakes are one order of magnitude larger (2–3 km/s). Other significant differences between earthquake and slide and slump sources are that the balance of the total uplifted material in the case of slides is essentially zero, while for earthquakes it can be considerable, and that the vertical displacements for slides and slumps, per unit area of their horizontal projection, can be orders of magnitude larger than during earthquakes. This can result in high concentrations of the total change in the potential energy of fluid, above the source, over much smaller areas than during earthquakes.  相似文献   

This paper describes a kinematic model of tsunami generated by submarine slides and slumps spreading in two orthogonal directions. This model is a generalization of our previously studied models spreading in one direction. We show that focusing and amplification of tsunami amplitudes can occur in an arbitrary direction, determined by the velocities of spreading. This kinematic model is used to interpret the asymmetric distribution of observed tsunami amplitudes following the Grand Banks earthquake—slump of 1929.  相似文献   

— The unusual tsunami generated by the July 17, 1998 Papua New Guinea earthquake was investigated on the basis of various geophysical observations, including seismological data, tsunami waveform records, and on-land and submarine surveys. The tsunami source models were constructed for seismological high-angle and low-angle faults, splay fault, and submarine slumps. Far-field and near-field tsunamis computed from these models were compared with the recorded waveforms in and around Japan and the measured heights along the coast around Sissano Lagoon, respectively. In order to reproduce the far-field tsunami waveforms, small sources such as splay fault or submarine slump alone were not enough, and a seismological fault model was required. Relocated aftershock distribution and observed coastal subsidence were preferable for the low-angle fault, but the low-angle fault alone could not reproduce the large near-field tsunamis. The low-angle fault with additional source, possibly a submarine slump, is the most likely source of the 1998 tsunami, although other possibilities cannot be excluded. Computations from different source models showed that the far-field tsunami amplitudes are proportional to the displaced water volume at the source, and the comparison with the observed tsunami amplitudes indicated that the displaced water volume at the 1998 tsunami source was ~0.6 km3. The near-filed tsunami heights, on the other hand, are determined by the potential energy of displaced water, and the comparison with the observed heights showed that the potential energy was ~2 × 1012 J.  相似文献   

— Tsunamis are generated by displacement or motion of large volumes of water. While there are several documented cases of tsunami generation by volcanic eruptions and landslides, most observed tsunamis are attributed to earthquakes. Kinematic models of tsunami generation by earthquakes — where specified fault size and slip determine seafloor and sea-surface vertical motion — quantitatively explain far-field tsunami wave records. On the other hand, submarine landslides in subduction zones and other tectonic settings can generate large tsunamis that are hazardous along near-source coasts. Furthermore, the ongoing exploration of the oceans has found evidence for large paleo-landslides in many places, not just subduction zones. Thus, we want to know the relative contribution of faulting and landslides to tsunami generation. For earthquakes, only a small fraction of the minimum earthquake energy (less than 1% for typical parameter choices for shallow underthrusting earthquakes) can be converted into tsunami wave energy; yet, this is enough energy to generate terrible tsunamis. For submarine landslides, tsunami wave generation and landslide motion interact in a dynamic coupling. The dynamic problem of a 2-D translational slider block on a constant-angle slope can be solved using a Green's function approach for the wave transients. The key result is that the largest waves are generated when the ratio of initial water depth above the block to downslope vertical drop of the block H 0 /W sin δ is less than 1. The conversion factor of gravitational energy into tsunami wave energy varies from 0% for a slow-velocity slide in deep water, to about 50% for a fast-velocity slide in shallow water and a motion abruptly truncated. To compare maximum tsunami wave amplitudes in the source region, great earthquakes produce amplitudes of a few meters at a wavelength fixed by the fault width of 100 km or so. For submarine landslides, tsunami wave heights — as measured by b, block height — are small for most of the parameter regime. However, for low initial dynamic friction and values of H 0 /W sin δ less than 1, tsunami wave heights in the downslope and upslope directions reach b and b/4, respectively.Wavelengths of these large waves scale with block width. For significant submarine slides, the value of b can range from meters up to the kilometer scale. Thus, the extreme case of efficient tsunami generation by landslides produces dramatic hazards scenarios.  相似文献   

— We apply the normal mode representation of tsunami waves, as introduced by Ward (1980) to the systematic study of the excitation of far-field tsunamis by both dislocation sources (represented by double-couples of moment M 0), and landslides (represented by single forces). Using asymptotic representations of the continuation of the tsunami eigenfunction into the solid Earth, we derive analytical expressions of the spectral amplitude generated by both systems. We show that the quadrupolar corrections defined by Dahlen (1993) in the case of landslides can result in an increase of 1 to 2 orders of magnitude of the effective force. Even so, the spectrum of tsunami waves generated by landslides is found to be offset significantly to relatively high frequencies (10 mHz), where dispersion becomes important and eventually diminishes time-domain amplitudes. We proceed to calculate the total energy delivered into the tsunami modes by integrating the energy of multiplets for an average source geometry. In the case of dislocation sources, and taking into account the corner frequency of the source, we reproduce the scaling with M 0 4/3 which was derived from purely static arguments by Kajiura (1981). We compare the directivity patterns of far-field tsunami waves by dislocations and landslides, and conclude that the latter cannot give rise to pronounced lobes of directivity for physically acceptable values of the velocity of the slide. Directivity thus constitutes a robust discriminant of the nature of the source which, when applied to the 1946 Aleutian tsunami in the far-field, requires generation by a dislocative source.  相似文献   

Operational prediction of near-field tsunamis in all existing Tsunami Warning Systems (TWSs) is based on fast determination of the position and size of submarine earthquakes. Exceedance of earthquake magnitude above some established threshold value, which can vary over different tsunamigenic zones, results in issuing a warning signal. Usually, a warning message has several (from 2 to 5) grades reflecting the degree of tsunami danger and sometimes contains expected wave heights at the coast. Current operational methodology is based on two main assumptions: (1) submarine earthquakes above some threshold magnitude can generate dangerous tsunamis and (2) the height of a resultant tsunami is, in general, proportional to the earthquake magnitude. While both assumptions are physically reasonable and generally correct, statistics of issued warnings are far from being satisfactory. For the last 55 years, up to 75% of warnings for regional tsunamis have turned out to be false, while each TWS has had at least a few cases of missing dangerous tsunamis. This paper presents the results of investigating the actual dependence of tsunami intensity on earthquake magnitude as it can be retrieved from historical observations and discusses the degree of correspondence of the above assumptions to real observations. Tsunami intensity, based on the Soloviev-Imamura scale is used as a measure of tsunami “size”. Its correlation with the M s and M w magnitudes is investigated based on historical data available for the instrumental period of observations (from 1900 to present).  相似文献   

We analyze far-field Rayleigh and tsunami waves generated by the 1998 Papua New Guinea (PNG) earthquake. Using the normal mode theory and Thomson-Haskell matrix formalism we calculate synthetic mareograms of oceanic surface waves excited by finite-dimensional line source and propagated in a flat, multilayered oceanic structure. Assuming that the source of destructive sea waves was the main shock of the PNG event and based on the expression for seismic wave displacement in the far-field zone, we compute the energy of the seismic and tsunami waves and the Ez /Ets ratio. The results of our modeling are generally consistent with those obtained empirically for events with magnitude 7. Also, treating the results of a submarine slide as a single solitary wave and using the theoretical arguments of Striem and Miloh (1976) we estimate the energy of the tsunami induced by a landslide. The difference between the energy of the seismic tsunami and of the aseismic one is about one order of magnitude.The results of our theoretical modeling show that surface sea waves in the far-field zone account well for seismic origin, although additional tsunami energy from a landslide source could be required to explain the local massive tsunami in the Sissano Lagoon.  相似文献   

— Tsunami generation from submarine landslides depends mainly on the volume of the slide material and also on other factors which include: angle of the slide, water depth, density of the slide material, the speed with which the material moves, duration of the slide, etc. Based on an incomplete data set of volume V of slide versus maximum amplitude H of the resulting tsunami waves, gleaned through available literature, a simple linear regression relationship was developed. Another partial data set was developed also from published literature, on V versus H values, based on numerical models. It was found that the agreement between the results of the numerical simulations and the observations is rather poor. It is not clear why this is so, and which data set is of questionable relevance. This is not to cast doubt on numerical models that do not use volume of the slide in an explicit manner.  相似文献   

The coast of California was significantly impacted by two recent teletsunami events, one originating off the coast of Chile on February 27, 2010 and the other off Japan on March 11, 2011. These tsunamis caused extensive inundation and damage along the coast of their respective source regions. For the 2010 tsunami, the NOAA West Coast/Alaska Tsunami Warning Center issued a state-wide Tsunami Advisory based on forecasted tsunami amplitudes ranging from 0.18 to 1.43 m with the highest amplitudes predicted for central and southern California. For the 2011 tsunami, a Tsunami Warning was issued north of Point Conception and a Tsunami Advisory south of that location, with forecasted amplitudes ranging from 0.3 to 2.5 m, the highest expected for Crescent City. Because both teletsunamis arrived during low tide, the potential for significant inundation of dry land was greatly reduced during both events. However, both events created rapid water-level fluctuations and strong currents within harbors and along beaches, causing extensive damage in a number of harbors and challenging emergency managers in coastal jurisdictions. Field personnel were deployed prior to each tsunami to observe and measure physical effects at the coast. Post-event survey teams and questionnaires were used to gather information from both a physical effects and emergency response perspective. During the 2010 tsunami, a maximum tsunami amplitude of 1.2 m was observed at Pismo Beach, and over $3-million worth of damage to boats and docks occurred in nearly a dozen harbors, most significantly in Santa Cruz, Ventura, Mission Bay, and northern Shelter Island in San Diego Bay. During the 2011 tsunami, the maximum amplitude was measured at 2.47 m in Crescent City Harbor with over $50-million in damage to two dozen harbors. Those most significantly affected were Crescent City, Noyo River, Santa Cruz, Moss Landing, and southern Shelter Island. During both events, people on docks and near the ocean became at risk to injury with one fatality occurring during the 2011 tsunami at the mouth of the Klamath River. Evaluations of maximum forecasted tsunami amplitudes indicate that the average percent error was 38 and 28 % for the 2010 and 2011 events, respectively. Due to these recent events, the California tsunami program is developing products that will help: (1) the maritime community better understand tsunami hazards within their harbors, as well as if and where boats should go offshore to be safe, and (2) emergency managers develop evacuation plans for relatively small “Warning” level events where extensive evacuation is not required. Because tsunami-induced currents were responsible for most of the damage in these two events, modeled current velocity estimates should be incorporated into future forecast products from the warning centers.  相似文献   

On 15 July 2009, a Mw 7.8 earthquake occurred off the New Zealand coast, which by serendipitous coincidence occurred while the International Tsunami Symposium was in session in Novosibirsk, Russia. The earthquake generated a tsunami that propagated across the Tasman Sea and was detected in New Zealand, Australia and as far away as the US West coast. Small boats close to the epicenter were placed in jeopardy, but no significant damage was observed despite a measured run-up height of 2.3 m in one of the Sounds in close proximity to the source (Wilson in GNS Science Report 46:62 2009). Peak-to-trough tsunami heights of 55 cm were measured at Southport, Tasmania and a height of 1 m was measured in Jackson Bay, New Zealand. The International Tsunami Symposium provided an ideal venue for illustration of the value of immediate real-time assessment and provided an opportunity to further validate the real time forecasting capabilities with the scientific community in attendance. A number of agencies with responsibility for tsunami forecast and/or warning, such as the NOAA Center for Tsunami Research, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center, GNS Science in New Zealand, the Australian Bureau of Meteorology and the European Commission Joint Research Centre were all represented at the meeting and were able to demonstrate the use of state of the art numerical models to assess the tsunami potential and provide warning as appropriate.  相似文献   

The 2004 Sumatra-Andaman tsunami was recorded by hydrophones of the International Monitoring System at Site H08 near Diego Garcia, notably in frequency bands extending outside the range of the Shallow Water Approximation. Despite the severe high-pass filtering involved in this instrumentation, we show that the spectral amplitudes recovered around T = 87 s can be successfully explained by generation from the seismic source, in the framework of the normal mode theory of tsunami excitation. At the lower frequencies characteristic of more conventional tsunami waves (800 to 3200 s), the signal is probably present in the hydrophone records, but reliable deconvolution of its spectral amplitude is precluded by the fact that the instrumental filters lowered the tsunami signal to the level of resolution of the instrument digitizer. In the context of distant tsunami warning, hydrophone records could provide useful insight into high-frequency tsunami components, and even at lower, more conventional, frequencies, provided that an unfiltered channel could be recorded routinely.  相似文献   

Linear α2Ω-dynamo waves are investigated in a thin turbulent, differentially rotating convective stellar shell. A simplified one-dimensional model is considered and an asymptotic solution constructed based on the small aspect ratio of the shell. In a previous paper Griffiths et al. (Griffiths, G.L., Bassom, A.P., Soward, A.M. and Kuzanyan, K.M., Nonlinear α2Ω-dynamo waves in stellar shells, Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dynam., 2001, 94, 85–133) considered the modulation of dynamo waves, linked to a latitudinal-dependent local α-effect and radial gradient of the zonal shear flow. These effects are measured at latitude θ by the magnetic Reynolds numbers R α f(θ) and R Ω g(θ). The modulated Parker wave, which propagates towards the equator, is localised at some mid-latitude θp under a Gaussian envelope. In this article, we include the influence of a latitudinal-dependent zonal flow possessing angular velocity Ω*(θ) and consider the possibility of non-axisymmetric dynamo waves with azimuthal wave number m. We find that the critical dynamo number D c?=?R α R Ω is minimised by axisymmetric modes in the αΩ-limit (Rα→0). On the other hand, when Rα?≠?0 there may exist a band of wave numbers 0?m?m ? for which the non-axisymmetric modes have a smaller D c than in the axisymmetric case. Here m ? is regarded as a continuous function of R α with the property m?→0 as R α→0 and the band is only non-empty when m??>1, which happens for sufficiently large R α. The preference for non-axisymmetric modes is possible because the wind-up of the non-axisymmetric structures can be compensated by phase mixing inherent to the α2Ω-dynamo. For parameter values resembling solar conditions, the Parker wave of maximum dynamo activity at latitude θp not only propagates equatorwards but also westwards relative to the local angular velocity Ω* p ). Since the critical dynamo number D c?=?R α R Ω is O (1) for small R α, the condition m ??>?1 for non-axisymmetric mode preference imposes an upper limit on the size of |dΩ*/dθ|.  相似文献   

Tsunami induced by earthquake is an interaction problem between liquid and solid.Shallow-water wave equation is often used to modeling the tsunami,and the boundary or initial condition of the problem is determined by the displacement or velocity field from the earthquake under sea floor,usually no interaction between them is consid-ered in pure liquid model.In this study,the potential flow theory and the finite element method with the interaction between liquid and solid are employed to model the dynamic processes of the earthquake and tsunami.For model-ing the earthquake,firstly the initial stress field to generate the earthquake is set up,and then the occurrence of the earthquake is simulated by suddenly reducing the elastic material parameters inside the earthquake fault.It is dif-ferent from seismic dislocation theory in which the relative slip on the fault is specified in advance.The modeling results reveal that P,SP and the surface wave can be found at the sea surface besides the tsunami wave.The surface wave arrives at the distance of 600 km from the epicenter earlier than the tsunami 48 minutes,and its maximum amplitude is 0.55 m,which is 2 times as large as that of the sea floor.Tsunami warning information can be taken from the surface wave on the sea surface,which is much earlier than that obtained from the seismograph stations on land.The tsunami speed on the open sea with 3 km depth is 175.8 m/s,which is a little greater than that pre-dicted by long wave theory,(gh)1/2=171.5 m,and its wavelength and amplitude in average are 32 km and 2 m,respectively.After the tsunami propagates to the continental shelf,its speed and wavelength is reduced,but its amplitude become greater,especially,it can elevate up to 10 m and run 55 m forward in vertical and horizontal directions at sea shore,respectively.The maximum vertical accelerations at the epicenter on the sea surface and on the earthquake fault are 5.9 m/s2 and 16.5 m/s2,respectively,the later is 2.8 times the former,and therefore,sea water is a good shock  相似文献   

The destructive Pacific Ocean tsunami generated off the east coast of Honshu, Japan, on 11 March 2011 prompted the West Coast and Alaska Tsunami Warning Center (WCATWC) to issue a tsunami warning and advisory for the coastal regions of Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, and California. Estimating the length of time the warning or advisory would remain in effect proved difficult. To address this problem, the WCATWC developed a technique to estimate the amplitude decay of a tsunami recorded at tide stations within the Warning Center’s Area of Responsibly (AOR). At many sites along the West Coast of North America, the tsunami wave amplitudes will decay exponentially following the arrival of the maximum wave (Mofjeld et al., Nat Hazards 22:71–89, 2000). To estimate the time it will take before wave amplitudes drop to safe levels, the real-time tide gauge data are filtered to remove the effects of tidal variations. The analytic envelope is computed and a 2 h sequence of amplitude values following the tsunami peak is used to obtain a least squares fit to an exponential function. This yields a decay curve which is then combined with an average West Coast decay function to provide an initial tsunami amplitude-duration forecast. This information may then be provided to emergency managers to assist with response planning.  相似文献   

Three types of seismic data recorded near Coalinga, California were analyzed to study the behavior of scattered waves: 1) aftershocks of the May 2, 1983 earthquake, recorded on verticalcomponent seismometers deployed by the USGS; 2) regional refraction profiles using large explosive sources recorded on essentially the same arrays above; 3) three common-midpoint (CMP) reflection surveys recorded with vibrator sources over the same area. Records from each data set were bandpassed filtered into 5 Hz wide passbands (over the range of 1–25 Hz), corrected for geometric spreading, and fit with an exponential model of amplitude decay. Decay rates were expressed in terms of inverse codaQ (Q c –1 ).Q c –1 values for earthquake and refraction data are generally comparable and show a slight decrease with increasing frequency. Decay rates for different source types recorded on proximate receivers show similar results, with one notable exception. One set of aftershocks shows an increase ofQ c –1 with frequency.Where the amplitude decay rates of surface and buried sources are similar, the coda decay results are consistent with other studies suggesting the importance of upper crustal scattering in the formation of coda. Differences in the variation ofQ c –1 with frequency can be correlated with differences in geologic structure near the source region, as revealed by CMP-stacked reflection data. A more detailed assessment of effects such as the depth dependence of scattered contributions to the coda and the role of intrinsic attenuation requires precise control of source-receiver field geometry and the study of synthetic seismic data calculated for velocity models developed from CMP reflection data.  相似文献   

An analysis of amplitudes of refraction records of some shallow refraction profiles shot primarily for detailing the near-surface structure in a granitic terrain has yielded information on refractor properties: reduced amplitudes are plotted on amplitude-distance graphs. The negative power n to which distance should be raised to represent (elastic) amplitude decay with respect to distance due to spreading of the critically refracted wave involved is examined. Computed values of this “spreading index”n are close to n = 2 as predicted by the theory. With this value of n, amplitude data are processed to determine residual attenuation attributable to elastic absorption in the bedrock. A graphical approach for this purpose from comparison of amplitude-distance graphs with the plots of amplitude decay due to spreading which is applicable to flat and horizontal refractor situations is suggested. Assuming residual attenuation to represent absorption in the granite bedrock, the computed coefficients of absorption, which vary from 0.5 to 3.90 km?1 for a frequency of 50 Hz, are obtained. From amplitude graphs of reversed profiles it is shown that the amplitude differences plot bears a relation to lateral velocity changes in the refractor. From comparison of practical amplitude decay graphs with those computed for different subsurface models, it appears possible to detect fractured rock occurrences in the refractor.  相似文献   

本文假设马尼拉海沟北段为潜在海啸源,基于中国地震台网对马尼拉海沟地区震级测定偏差,采用COMCOT(comell Multi-grid Coupled Tsunami Model)海啸数值模型,模拟南海海啸波传播.选取南海北缘3个特定地点,其中两个位于华南近海区域,另一个位于台湾岛南端近海区域,此外还在临近马尼拉海沟北段的深海地区选取了1个特定地点.分析这些特定地点最大海啸波以及最大海啸波到时对于震级测定偏差的敏感性.结果表明:马尼拉海沟北段地震如触发海啸,华南近海区域以及台湾岛南部近海区域最大海啸波振幅对震级偏差敏感,但最大海啸波振幅到时对于震级测定偏差不敏感;振幅最大的海啸波,二十几分钟即可波及台湾岛南端近岸区域,大约1小时后波及大陆华南近海北部区域.  相似文献   

The new scale Mt of tsunami magnitude is a reliable measure of the seismic moment of a tsunamigenic earthquake as well as the overall strength of a tsunami source. This Mt scale was originally defined by Abe (1979) in terms of maximum tsunami amplitudes at large distances from the source. A method is developed whereby it is possible to determine Mt at small distances on the basis of the regional tsunami data obtained at 30 tide stations in Japan. The relation between log H, maximum amplitude (m) and log Δ, a distance of not less than 100 km away from the source (km) is found to be linear, with a slope close to 1.0. Using three tsunamigenic earthquakes with known moment magnitudes Mw, for calibration, the relation, Mt = log H + log Δ + D, is obtained, where D is 5.80 for single-amplitude (crest or trough) data and 5.55 for double-amplitude (crest-to-trough) data. Using a number of tsunami amplitude data, Mt is assigned to 80 tsunamigenic earthquakes that occurred in the northwestern Pacific, mostly in Japan, during the period from 1894 to 1981. The Mt values are found to be essentially equivalent to Mw for 25 events with known Mw. The 1952 Kamchatka earthquake has the largest Mt, 9.0. Of all the 80 events listed, at least seven unusual earthquakes which generated disproportionately-large tsunamis for their surface-wave magnitude Ms are identified from the relation. From the viewpoint of tsunami hazard reduction, the present results provide a quantitative basis for predicting maximum tsunami amplitudes at a particular site.  相似文献   

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