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1研究背景深海是地球表层最晚认识的部分,人类对于深海的知识绝大部分来自最近半个多世纪。1968年开始的深海钻探计划(DSDP),证明洋底在不断扩张;1978年开始的HEBBLE计划,证明几千米海底还有深海风暴;1970年代末发现大洋中脊喷出热液,支持着非光合作用的黑暗食物链;1990年代  相似文献   

南海深海鱼类的初步报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南海在我国濒临的四个海中面积最大,而其大陆架宽度则较狭窄,水深在200米以上的深海水域相当广阔。我国过去关于南海深海鱼类的研究报道极少,1962年《南海鱼类志》中曾记载过少数深海鱼类,但具有确切深度记录的仅有8种。在国外文献中,Gilbert和Hubbs(1920), Schultz(1938), Abe(1974 , 1975, 1976 )等曾报道过数种。 本文材料是1959-1960年在海南岛以东海域,水深200-1100米进行底栖生物拖网时所获得的标本。鉴定结果,共71种,分隶于37科,12目,其中34种为我国新记录,7种是我国在南海首次记录。 文内凡是我国新记录的种均有形态描述,并附有外形图,有些种作了分类上的讨论;对我国有过记录的种,只记有地理分布和标本采集记录。此外,就现有资料并参考有关深海鱼类文献,对这些种类的地理分布和深度分布也作了初步分析。由于调查范围较小,拖网次数不多,本文仅为南海鱼类区系提供了一些初步资料。丰富的南海深海鱼类区系,随着我国海洋调查事业的发展,还有待进一步深入研究。  相似文献   

研究计划概况深海过程是当今海洋研究的前沿和地球系统科学的突破口。南海是西太平洋、也是全球低纬区最大的边缘海,将其现代深海过程与地质演变相结合,就有可能通过解剖一个麻雀,揭示边缘海的演变规律及其对海底资源和宏观环境的影响。国家自然科学基金南海深海过程演变重大研究计划应运而生,于2010年7月正式立项,是我国海洋领域第一个人型基础研究计划。该计划采用一系列  相似文献   

南海是西太平洋边缘海,有陆架、陆坡、岛礁、深海平原、海山、冷泉等多种生境,近10年来南海逐渐成为世界深海研究的热点。南海是中国海洋生物多样性最高的区域,与作为海洋生物多样性中心的印太珊瑚大三角区具有一定的环境与生物连通性,对南海的深海生物探测研究可丰富对西太平洋及印太交汇区生物多样性及地理分布格局的认知。目前有关南海的生物多样性研究主要集中在北部陆架浅海及岛礁,对于深海生物多样性认知明显不足。本研究梳理了全球深海生物多样性的主要国际战略布局,并对南海深海生物多样性SCIE论文发表情况进行了综合分析,探讨了南海深海生物多样性研究态势,对未来南海深海生物多样性调查与研究提出了研究展望和建议。  相似文献   

国冢“十一五”863计划之一,深海重大技术装备“4500米级深海作业系统”的总体实施方案近日通过专家评审并正式启动。  相似文献   

2012年1月12-13日,国家自然科学基金重大研究计划南海深海过程演变2012年度学术研讨会在上海同济大学成功召开。来自中国科学院南海海洋研究所、厦门大学、青岛海洋地质研究所、中国海洋大学、同济大学、国家自然科学基金委等43个国内单位,以及美国缅因大学、美国伍兹霍尔海洋研究所等6个海外单位,共298位专家和学者参加了会议,会议收到口头和展板报告摘要92份,包括3个大会邀请报告和58个分会场口头报告。会议由南海深海过程演变重大研究计划办公室主办。  相似文献   

南海深海声学散射层垂直分布和昼夜变化初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
2013-09利用船载Simrad EK60科学鱼探仪(38kHz)对南海深海声学散射层进行了连续监测,并结合变水层拖网采样分析了其垂直分布和昼夜变化。结果表明,南海深海存在2个明显的声学散射层,特征深度分别为0~100m和350~700m,并且2个散射层间存在较为明显的昼夜垂直移动现象。其随时间变化情况为:16∶00-19∶00,350~700m散射层中的部分生物逐渐向上移动到0~100m散射层;04∶00-07∶00,这部分上升的生物又逐渐移回至350~700m散射层。变水层拖网采样结果发现,白天0~100m散射层内渔获物数量较少,夜间0~100m散射层内渔获物较多,验证了声学映像所检测到的2个散射层间确实存在昼夜移动的现象。  相似文献   

应用浮游有孔虫定量统计、底栖有孔虫氧同位素和磁性地层学等资料来确定南海ODP1148站深海沉积中的上新统/更新统(P/P)界线。氧同位素期(MIS)64和65之间的P/P界线在1148站位于井深112.75m处,计算年龄为1.805Ma,在地层对比上与Vrica层型剖面的P/P界线一致。浮游有孔虫Pulleniatina obliquiloculata在MIS62出现以右旋壳为主的转变,计算年龄为1.76Ma,此事件和Olduvai极性亚时顶界看来是最接近P/P界线的可靠时间面。除此以外,在1148站P/P界线及其附近没有发现重大的地层学和环境变化事件。相比之下,1148站底栖δ^18O值在3.05~2.53Ma期间快速变重,冬季表层海水温度下降了5℃,指示了北半球冰盖的形成。  相似文献   

李粹中 《海洋学报》1990,12(3):340-346
根据4个箱式样的14C年龄-深度剖面,南海深海沉积物的14C地层分布具有两种模式,一种自沉积物顶面开始往下年龄逐渐递增,另一种在沉积物上部年龄几乎不变,由此向下年龄随深度递增.作者认为,前者由于含放射性物质的连续形成作用所致,后者由于含放射性物质的连续沉积作用和海底混合作用所致.所得14C年龄值未经混合作用等因素校正,故由此计算得出的沉积速率值仅代表真实沉积速率的上限,在本文中称为视沉积速率. 为了能较客观地讨论南海深海沉积物的近代沉积速率,在使用14C地层学资料时主要结合了氧同位素和碳酸盐旋回的定年资料.初步认为,南海深海沉积物的全新世沉积速率至少在千年厘米数量级内变动是无疑的.因受沉和环境的控制,沉积速率具有边缘海盆堆积速度高、横向变化大的特点.  相似文献   

南海是研究过去全球变化的有利场所,中国科学院南海海洋研究所在该领域里取得了令人瞩目的成果。本文总结过去全球变化的研究和主要成果,并指出“九五”若干研究设想。  相似文献   

The South China Sea (SCS) is a marginal sea off shore Southeast Asia. Based on magnetic study, oceanic crust has been suggested in the northernmost SCS. However, the crustal structure of the northernmost SCS was poorly known. To elaborate the crustal structures in the northernmost SCS and off southwest Taiwan, we have analyzed 20 multi-channel seismic profiles of the region. We have also performed gravity modeling to understand the Moho depth variation. The volcanic basement deepens southeastwards while the Moho depth shoals southeastwards. Except for the continental margin, the northernmost SCS can be divided into three tectonic regions: the disturbed and undisturbed oceanic crust (8–12 km thick) in the southwest, a trapped oceanic crust (8 km thick) between the Luzon-Ryukyu Transform Plate Boundary (LRTPB) and Formosa Canyon, and the area to the north of the Formosa Canyon which has the thickest sediments. Instead of faulting, the sediments across the LRTPB have only displayed differential subsidence offset of about 0.5–1 s in the northeast side, indicating that the LRTPB is no longer active. The gravity modeling has shown a relatively thin crust beneath the LRTPB, demonstrating the sheared zone character along the LRTPB. However, probably because of post-spreading volcanism, only the transtension-shearing phenomenon of volcanic basement in the northwest and southeast ends of the LRTPB can be observed. These two basement-fractured sites coincide with low gravity anomalies. Intensive erosion has prevailed over the whole channel of the Formosa Canyon.  相似文献   

Compared to the northern South China Sea continental margin, the deep structures and tectonic evolution of the Palawan and Sulu Sea and ambient regions are not well understood so far. However, this part of the southern continental margin and adjacent areas embed critical information on the opening of the South China Sea (SCS). In this paper, we carry out geophysical investigations using regional magnetic, gravity and reflection seismic data. Analytical signal amplitudes (ASA) of magnetic anomalies are calculated to depict the boundaries of different tectonic units. Curie-point depths are estimated from magnetic anomalies using a windowed wavenumber-domain algorithm. Application of the Parker–Oldenburg algorithm to Bouguer gravity anomalies yields a 3D Moho topography. The Palawan Continental Block (PCB) is defined by quiet magnetic anomalies, low ASA, moderate depths to the top and bottom of the magnetic layer, and its northern boundary is further constrained by reflection seismic data and Moho interpretation. The PCB is found to be a favorable area for hydrocarbon exploration. However, the continent–ocean transition zone between the PCB and the SCS is characterized by hyper-extended continental crust intruded with magmatic bodies. The NW Sulu Sea is interpreted as a relict oceanic slice and the geometry and position of extinct trench of the Proto South China Sea (PSCS) is further constrained. With additional age constraints from inverted Moho and Curie-point depths, we confirm that the spreading of the SE Sulu Sea started in the Early Oligocene/Late Eocene due to the subduction of the PSCS, and terminated in the Middle Miocene by the obduction of the NW Sulu Sea onto the PCB.  相似文献   

南海中北部表层沉积物的矿物沉积   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
苏广庆  王天行 《台湾海峡》1992,11(2):118-124
本文研究了南海中北部500多个样品的矿物学。认为,本区表层沉积物中矿物种类繁多,分布较为普遍,碎屑矿物(含火山物质)、粘土矿物、自生矿物常有出现。以前者为最显著(共60多种,其中重矿物50多种,轻矿物近10种),主要分布于陆架区及深海盆;粘土矿物次之,多分布于陆坡~深海盆;自生矿物较少,陆架~深海盆均有分布。文中根据矿物沉积特征和环境差异,把它划分为6个矿物区。  相似文献   

陈峰  蔡锋 《台湾海峡》1992,11(4):339-344
本文根据南海深海盆地三个沉积柱样的粒度结构、地球化学、微体古生物等特征分析,深讨了南海深海盆地细粒沉积物的浊积现象。结果表明,位于南海北部陆架斜坡上KL37孔的浊流沉积现象并不明显;位于陆架斜坡和深海盆地交界处的KL29孔存在着大量的浊积层,属于浊流沉积和半远洋沉积环境;位于南海盆地中部的KL91孔虽然已属于远洋性沉积环境,但除出现火山灰沉积外,浊流沉积作用仍然是相当活跃的。  相似文献   

By using remote sensing (ERS) data, FSU data, COADS data and Hellerman & Rosen-stein objective analysis data to analyze the sea surface wind stress in the South China Sea, it is found that the remote sensing data have higher resolution and more reasonable values. Therefore we suggest that remote sensing data be chosen in the study of climatological features of sea surface wind stress and its seasonal variability in the South China Sea, especially in the study of small and middle scale eddies.  相似文献   

南海发育了广泛的碳酸盐台地,具有分布面积广和时空变化大的特点。南海碳酸盐台地的生命演化史总体上经历了萌生期、扩展期、繁盛期、淹没期和残留期等演化阶段。根据近年来国内外关于南海地质地球物理研究进展,发现南海碳酸盐台地是伴随着华南陆缘张裂、陆海巨变而萌生,台地基底往往发育在两个共轭陆缘伸展地块的伸展断块构造高地。随着大陆岩石圈进一步伸展、减薄和地幔剥露等过程,台地经历了晚渐新世末至早中新世初的萌生,到中中新世的勃发。此外,张裂和扩张期的岩浆构造也成为台地发育的重要控制因素,比如构造沉降提供了台地生长的可容纳空间,构造掀斜作用、断裂作用和前陆盆地前沿挤压褶皱的迁移控制了台地各单元厚度、沉积相和地震反射终止特征在横向上的变化,构造控制的相对海平面控制了不同级序生物礁碳酸盐台地的沉积旋回,而晚中新世构造作用导致半封闭边缘海的形成和大量碳酸盐台地淹没。最后,10.5Ma半封闭边缘海的形成,造成南海海盆古海洋环境的巨大变化,限制了台地的广泛发育,仅残留了数量少、面积小的现代孤立碳酸盐台地。  相似文献   

The seafloor spreading of the South China Sea (SCS) was previously believed to take place between ca. 32 and 15 Ma (magnetic anomaly C11 to C5c). New magnetic data acquired in the northernmost SCS however suggests the existence of E–W trending magnetic polarity reversal patterns. Magnetic modeling demonstrates that the oldest SCS oceanic crust could be Late Eocene (as old as 37 Ma, magnetic anomaly C17), with a half-spreading rate of 44 mm/yr. The new identified continent–ocean boundary (COB) in the northern SCS generally follows the base of the continental slope. The COB is also marked by the presence of a relatively low magnetization zone, corresponding to the thinned portion of the continental crust. We suggest that the northern extension of the SCS oceanic crust is terminated by an inactive NW–SE trending trench-trench transform fault, called the Luzon–Ryukyu Transform Plate Boundary (LRTPB). The LRTPB is suggested to be a left-lateral transform fault connecting the former southeast-dipping Manila Trench in the south and the northwest-dipping Ryukyu Trench in the north. The existence of the LRTPB is demonstrated by the different patterns of the magnetic anomalies as well as the different seafloor morphology and basement relief on both sides of the LRTPB. Particularly, the northwestern portion of the LRTPB is marked by a steep northeast-dipping escarpment, along which the Formosa Canyon has developed. The LRTPB probably became inactive at ca. 20 Ma while the former Manila Trench prolonged northeastwards and connected to the former Ryukyu Trench by another transform fault. This reorganization of the plate boundaries might cause the southwestern portion of the former Ryukyu Trench to become extinct and a piece of the Philippine Sea Plate was therefore trapped amongst the LRTPB, the Manila Trench and the continental margin.  相似文献   

南海北部深海小型底栖动物丰度和生物量   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
2010年9月在南海北部5个深海站位和1个浅海站位进行了小型底栖动物和环境因子采样,对小型底栖动物的丰度和生物量进行了定量研究。本次调查中,共鉴定出10个小型底栖动物类群,分别是线虫、桡足类、多毛类、介形类、甲壳类幼体、异足类、寡毛类、涡虫、无板类和等足类。从丰度来看,线虫是绝对的优势类群,占总丰度百分比为94.72%;桡足类次之,占2.70%;多毛类再次,占1.62%;其他类群之和仅占0.96%。从生物量来看,线虫的生物量最大,占总生物量的53.83%;其次是多毛类,占32.17%;居生物量第三位的是桡足类,占7.14%;其他类群之和占6.85%。小型底栖动物的丰度和干重生物量分别为566.12±635.61个·(10cm2)-1和398.43±431.98μg·(10cm 2)-1,线虫的丰度和干重生物量分别为536.21±593.48个·(10cm 2)-1和214.48±237.39μg·(10cm 2)-1。研究站位线虫、桡足类、多毛类和小型底栖动物丰度,小型底栖动物生物量与环境因子的相关分析表明,影响线虫丰度、小型底栖动物丰度、小型底栖生物生物量的主要环境因子包括底层水pH值、沉积物粉砂黏土含量和有机质含量。单因素方差分析(One-way ANVOA)结果表明,线虫丰度、桡足类丰度、小型底栖动物丰度和生物量在不同站位均有显著差异。与渤海、北黄海、南黄海、长江口、芽庄湾(越南)、大亚湾、北部湾、南海近海等海域相比,本研究海域的小型底栖动物丰度和生物量偏低。  相似文献   

作为西太平洋最大的边缘热带海盆,南海具有季节性海盆尺度风生环流特性,具有越东偶极子、南海西边界流、黑潮入侵分支等主流系(空间尺度>100 km),也具有丰富的中尺度涡旋、锋面、上升流等中尺度过程(空间尺度约为O(10~100 km))和活跃的亚中尺度过程(O(1~10 km))等,而这些多尺度运动之间的能量转化是全球海洋能量循环的主要组成部分。本文主要概述了南海贯穿流特征、南海陆架陆坡流和西边界流特征、主流系对中尺度涡旋的影响、(亚)中尺度对湍流混合的影响四个方面取得的研究进展。目前的研究已发现主流系主要通过斜压不稳定将能量传递给中尺度过程,中尺度涡旋能量主要通过正压不稳定、剪切不稳定等过程将能量传递给小尺度过程。但是,多尺度运动之间能量传递过程的观测、南海中小尺度过程的能量逆级串过程及其对局地天气与气候的影响仍需进一步研究。  相似文献   

The sea surface height anomaly (SSHA) and geostrophic circulation in the South ChinaSea (SCS) are studied using TOPEX/POSE1DON (T/P) altimetry data. The SSHA, which is obtained after tidal correction based on the tidal results from T/P data, is predominated by seasonal alternating monsoons. The results reveal that the SSHA in the central part of the SCS is positive in spring and summer, but negative in autumn and winter. It is also found that the SSHA in the SCS can be approached with the sum of tidal constituents SA and SSA. The geostrophic circulations in the SCS are calculated according to sea surface dynamic topography, which is the sum of SSHA and mean sea surface height. It is suggested that the circulation in the upper layer of the SCS is generally cyclonic and notably western intensified during autumn and winter, while the western intensification is weak during spring and summer. It is also indicated that the Kuroshio intrudes into the northeastern SCS throuth the Luzon Strait in winter. But ther  相似文献   

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