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Bifurcation behavior of nonlinear dust ion acoustic travelling waves in a magnetized quantum dusty plasma has been studied. Applying the reductive perturbation technique (RPT), we have derived a Kadomtsev-Petviashili (KP) equation for dust ion acoustic waves (DIAWs) in a magnetized quantum dusty plasma. By using the bifurcation theory of planar dynamical systems to the KP equation, we have proved that our model has solitary wave solutions and periodic travelling wave solutions. We have derived two exact explicit solutions of the above travelling waves depending on different parameters.  相似文献   

The propagation of dust ion acoustic waves is studied in plasmas composed of superthermal distributed electrons and stationary dust particles. The nonlinear Schrödinger equation is derived using the reductive perturbation technique and the modulational instability of dust ion acoustic waves is analyzed. Parametric investigations indicate that the presence of superthermal distributed electrons significantly modify the modulational instability and its growth rate. The effect of particle relative density on the wave characters is also investigated.  相似文献   

A theoretical investigation is carried out to analyse the propagation of ion acoustic (IA) waves in a magnetized bi-ion plasma having two populations of fluid ions and kappa-distributed electrons. The propagation properties of all possible modes (in the linear regime) are investigated. The nonlinear evolution of the IA solitary waves is governed by a Korteweg-de Vries (KdV)-like equation. The influence of obliqueness, magnitude of the magnetic field, ion polarity and electron superthermality on the IA waves is then examined. Our findings should aid in understanding the nonlinear electrostatic excitations that may propagate in spatial magnetized plasmas.  相似文献   

Weak ion-acoustic solitary waves (IASWs) in unmagnetized plasmas having two-fluid ions and kappa-distributed electrons are considered. The effects of electron suprathermality, warm ion temperature and polarity on the nonlinear properties of these IASWs are analyzed. It is found that our present plasma model may support compressive as well as rarefactive solitary structures.  相似文献   

The properties of cylindrical and spherical ion acoustic solitary waves (IASWs) are investigated in a three-component unmagnetized, collisionless plasma consisting of warm ion fluid and superthermally distributed electrons and positrons in a nonplanar cylindrical or spherical geometry. Using the reductive perturbation technique, the nonplanar cylindrical and spherical Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equations are derived. The effects of spectral index of electron and positron, and other plasma parameters are studied. It is found that both negative as well as positive solitary potential structures are formed in nonplanar geometries. The numerical solution shows that amplitude of the soliton is large in spherical geometry in comparison with cylindrical geometry. Numerical results indicate that the amplitude of the soliton is large in spherical geometry in comparison with cylindrical geometry.  相似文献   

The Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation in unmagnetized plasma having ions and superthermal electrons and positrons has been derived using the reductive perturbation method. The space-time-fractional Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation is formulated applying the Euler-Lagrange variational technique and is solved using the sub-equation method. The effects of space time fractional order and superthermal parameters on the properties of obtained soliton have been investigated.  相似文献   

In this paper, the characteristics of the dust acoustic solitary waves in dusty plasmas are studied. The distribution of ions is nonthermal, and the nonthermal parameter is treated as a variable. The pseudo-potential method has been used to investigate the possibility of soliton formation. We show that for some values of the nonthermal parameter there is no soliton.  相似文献   

Propagation regimes of large-amplitude dust-ion acoustic solitary wave in a dusty plasma with nonthermal electrons are analyzed by employing the Sagdeev potential technique. Two domains of the Mach numbers are defined depending on the nonthermal and plasma parameters. The two types of soliton solution are found to be exited corresponding to certain values of the nonthermal parameter. Numerical solutions are presented that illustrate the dependence of soliton characteristics on practically interesting plasma and nonthermal parameters. The findings of this investigation could be useful in understanding the detected solitary waves in space plasma in the presence of nonthermal electrons such as electrostatic solitary structures observed in Saturn’s E-ring.  相似文献   

The propagation of cylindrical and spherical electron acoustic (EA) shock waves in unmagnetized plasmas consisting of cold fluid electrons, hot electrons obeying a superthermal distribution and stationary ions, has been investigated. The standard reductive perturbation method (RPM) has been employed to derive the cylindrical/spherical Korteweg-de-Vries-Burger (KdVB) equation which governs the dynamics of the EA shock structures. The effects of nonplanar geometry, plasma kinematic viscosity and electron suprathermality on the temporal evolution of the cylindrical and spherical EA shock waves are numerically examined.  相似文献   

Propagation of cylindrical and spherical ion acoustic solitary waves in plasmas consisting of cold ions, superthermal electrons and thermal positrons are investigated. It is shown that cylindrical/spherical Korteweg-de-Vries equation governs the dynamics of ion-acoustic solitons. The effects of nonplanar geometry and also superthermal electrons on the characteristics of solitary wave structures are studied using numerical simulations. Obtained results are compared with the results of the other published papers and errors in the results of some papers are pointed.  相似文献   

Using the Sagdeev pseudo-potential technique, further investigation on the effect of nonextensive hot electrons on finite amplitude nonlinear low-frequency electrostatic waves in a magnetized two-component plasma have been reported in detail. The plasma model consists of cold ions fluid and nonextensively distributed electrons. The existence domain for the nonlinear structures have been established analytically and numerically. Apart from the compressive and rarefactive soliton solutions that have been reported earlier, the present investigation shows that double layer structures can be obtained for certain values of nonextensive electrons in the supersonic Mach number regime. The present results may provide an explanation for the observed nonlinear structures in the auroral region of the Earth’s magnetosphere.  相似文献   

Linear and nonlinear dust drift waves are investigated in the presence of kappa distributed electrons and ions. The dispersion characteristics of linear waves show that the phase velocity decreases with the inclusion of highly energetic particles in the tail of the distribution. In the nonlinear regime, a nonlinear partial differential equation is obtained in the long wave length limit. A stationary solution of this equation in the form of solitary waves is discussed and noticed that the amplitude of the solitary pulse decreases with the increase of superthermal particle’s effect, and its width expands. Further, it is found that speed limit of the nonlinear structures is also modified in the non-Maxwellian plasma. Theoretically obtained results are applied to Saturn’s’ dusty plasma environment. It is also pointed out that the present results can be helpful for further understanding of space plasmas.  相似文献   

The properties of small but finite amplitude dust acoustic (DA) shock waves are studied in a charge varying dusty plasma with ions and electrons having kappa velocity distribution. We obtain the global Debye length including the influence of suprathermality effects and dust charge fluctuations. It is shown that the effects of suprathermality of ions/electrons and dust charge fluctuation significantly modify the basic properties of DA shock wave. We observe that only negative DA shock waves will be excited in this model. The amplitude of DA shock wave increases with deviation of electrons or ions from Maxwellian distribution via decrease of spectral index, κ j (j=i,e denotes, ions and electrons, respectively). Also, it is indicated that the amplitude and steepness of the shock front decreases with an increase in the ion temperature.  相似文献   

Interaction of nonplanar ion acoustic solitary waves is an important source of information to study the nature and characteristics of ion acoustic solitary waves (IASWs) structures. The head-on collision between two cylindrical/spherical IASWs in un-magnetized plasmas comprising with inertial ions, superthermal electrons and positrons is investigated by using the extended version of Poincaré-Lighthill-Kuo (PLK) perturbation method. It has been shown numerically that how the interactions are taking place in cylindrical and spherical geometry. The nonplanar geometry modified analytical phase shifts following the head-on collision are derived. The effects of the superthermal electrons and positrons on the phase shift are studied. It is shown that the properties of the interaction IASWs in different geometry are very different.  相似文献   

Dust acoustic (DA) shock waves are investigated in a dusty plasma having a high-energy-tail electron distribution. The effects of ion streaming, charge variation and electron deviation from the Maxwellian distribution on the DA shock wave are then considered. It is shown that as the suprathermal character of the plasma is increased, the potential amplitude enhances. It is also found that the ion temperature may be destructive for the formation of DA shock waves. Their strength decreases with increasing ion streaming speed. Our results may be useful in understanding the basic nonlinear features of the DA wave propagation that may occur in space dusty plasmas, especially those including a relative motion between species (comet tails, solar wind streams, etc.).  相似文献   

The properties of arbitrary amplitude dust ion-acoustic (DIA) solitary waves (SWs) in a dusty plasma containing warm adiabatic ions, electrons following flat-topped velocity distribution, and arbitrarily (positively or negatively) charged immobile dust is studied by the pseudo-potential approach. The effects of ion temperature, resonant electrons, and dust number density are found to significantly modify the basic features of the DIA-SWs as well modify the parametric regime for the existence of compressive DIA-SWs. The pseudo-potential for small but finite amplitude limit is also analytically analyzed.  相似文献   

Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation for electrostatic wave in an unmagnetized negative ion plasma with superthermal electrons is derived using reductive perturbation technique. A generalized Lorentzian distribution (kappa distribution) is assumed for the electrons. The influence of spectral index (kappa) on the soliton is discussed in the presence of the negative ions. It is found that different plasma parameters such as (negative ion temperature, positive ion temperature, negative ion concentration, mass ratio of positive to negative ion) in the presence of superthermal electrons modify the ion acoustic solitary wave structure significantly.  相似文献   

The Head on collision of dust ion acoustic solitary waves (DIASWs) in a magnetized quantum dusty plasma is investigated. Two sides Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equations are obtained, the analytical phase shifts and the trajectories after the head-on collision of two DIASWs in a three species quantum dusty plasma are derive by using the extended version of Poincaré-Lighthill-Kuo (PLK) method. It is observed that the phase shifts are significantly affected by the quantum parameters like quantum diffraction, the ion cyclotron frequency and the ratio of the densities of electrons to ions.  相似文献   

In the present investigation, Electron acoustic solitons in a plasma consisting of cold electrons, superthermal hot electrons and stationary ions are studied. The basic properties of small but finite amplitude solitary potential structures that may exist in a given plasma system have been investigated theoretically using reductive perturbation technique. It has been found that the profile of electron acoustic solitary wave structures is very sensitive to relative hot electron density, $\alpha(=\frac{n_{h0}}{n_{c0}})$ , temperature of hot to cold electrons, $\theta(=\frac{T_{h}}{T_{c}})$ and the spectral index κ. The implications of the present study may be applied to explain some features of large amplitude localized structures that may occur in the plasma sheet boundary layer.  相似文献   

The nonlinear amplitude modulation of dust-ion acoustic wave (DIAW) is studied in the presence of nonextensive distributed electrons in dusty plasmas with stationary dust particles. Using the reductive perturbation method (RPM), the nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE) which governs the modulational instability (MI) of the DIAWs is obtained. Modulational instability regions and the growth rate of nonlinear waves are discussed. It is shown that the wave characters are affected by the value of nonextensive parameter and also relative density of plasma constituents.  相似文献   

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