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Correlation analysis techniques were used to study variations in the annual rates N of completely reported earthquakes with energy class K ≥ 8 that occurred from 1964 to 2001 in the Baikal Rift Zone (BRZ), in three subregions within that zone, and in six areas. This correlation analysis of samples of annual rates of earthquakes N with different observation periods revealed two statistically significant episodes of short-lived synchronization between the seismic processes in the BRZ, in the late 1960s and in the late 1970s to the early 1980s. The 1970–1980 episode stands out because of its duration and the highest correlation level; this makes it the dominant phenomenon in the Baikal Rift seismicity synchronization. The observed synchronization episodes between annual rates of earthquakes show that the seismic process was activated at about the same time in different subregions of the BRZ, thus producing short-lived coherent increases in seismicity rates.  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth - Abstract—A joint analysis of seismicity in the Baikal Rift Zone (BRZ) is carried out using modern instrumental data (Baikal Branch of the Federal...  相似文献   

This paper considers the distribution of geochemical and geothermal parameters that characterize the heat and mass transport in the extreme southwestern flank of the Baikal Rift Zone. The geothermal model for this area is consistent with the model of continental rifts in which mantle activity is due to deformation in the overlying lithosphere.  相似文献   

Variations in the geomagnetic and electric fields and variations of the total electron content (TEC) of the ionosphere recorded in the Baikal Rift Zone (BRZ) during the expeditions in 2009 and 2010 are analyzed. Synchronous bursts in the geomagnetic field on the ground and in the ionosphere, which are caused by propagation of electromagnetic disturbances (spherics) generated by the remote lightning discharges, are revealed. The analysis of the occurrence frequency of the electromagnetic disturbances at an altitude of ∼700 km shows that there is a preferred region of predominant propagation of these disturbances from the Earth-ionosphere waveguide to the upper ionosphere. When the ionospheric penetration point moves through this preferred region, the frequency spectrum of TEC variations changes, and the northern boundary of the region of spectral alteration is located at ∼54°N. The bursts in TEC that map on the zones of the main faults in the Tunka valley are identified. The results probably suggest a relation between the electromagnetic phenomena in the ionosphere and the structures in the lithosphere.  相似文献   

贝加尔裂谷区地壳上地幔复杂的各向异性及其动力学意义   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
位于西伯利亚板块东南缘的贝加尔裂谷是最典型的大陆裂谷之一,其形成的动力机制与演化过程一直是地学界争论的焦点.本研究使用一种改进的横波分裂测量方法——全局最小切向能量法,对研究区宽频带固定台站ULN和TLY记录的SKS震相和接收函数PmS震相进行分裂测量,得到了裂谷地区地壳和上地幔的各向异性属性.ULN台的SKS分裂测量结果表明,台站下方存在双层各向异性结构,其中,上层的快波偏振方向为N74°E,快、慢波分裂时差为0.80 s,下层的快波偏振方向为N128°E,快、慢波分裂时差为0.80 s;PmS震相分裂测量结果表明,台站下方地壳内存在单层各向异性结构,其快波偏振方向为N77°E,与SKS分裂测量的上层各向异性的快波偏振方向相近,快、慢波分裂时差为0.26 s,这说明SKS分裂测量的上层各向异性同时包含了地壳和地幔岩石圈.对TLY台进行SKS分裂测量时发现,台站下方上地幔结构表现出横向非均匀性:当反方位角<90°时,快波偏振方向在N60°E左右,快、慢波分裂时差为1.27 s;当反方位角>90°时,快波偏振方向约为N120°E,快、慢波分裂时差为1.40 s;PmS震相分裂测量没有获得有效的结果,并且不同方位的PmS震相到时基本一致,说明TLY台下方地壳结构接近各向同性.根据分裂测量结果,结合贝加尔裂谷区的构造演化过程,得到以下结论:(1)ULN台双层各向异性的上层主要是岩石圈原始结构的反映,并且存在地壳与地幔岩石圈的一致性形变,而下层指示着现今软流圈地幔的流动;(2)由于刚性的西伯利亚克拉通的阻挡,地幔流动方向在克拉通南缘发生了偏转,在深部绕克拉通边缘流动,因此形成了TLY台下方上地幔结构的横向变化.  相似文献   

位于西伯利亚板块东南缘的贝加尔裂谷是最典型的大陆裂谷之一,其形成的动力机制与演化过程一直是地学界争论的焦点.本研究使用一种改进的横波分裂测量方法——全局最小切向能量法,对研究区宽频带固定台站ULN和TLY记录的SKS震相和接收函数PmS震相进行分裂测量,得到了裂谷地区地壳和上地幔的各向异性属性.ULN台的SKS分裂测量结果表明,台站下方存在双层各向异性结构,其中,上层的快波偏振方向为N74°E,快、慢波分裂时差为0.80 s,下层的快波偏振方向为N128°E,快、慢波分裂时差为0.80 s;PmS震相分裂测量结果表明,台站下方地壳内存在单层各向异性结构,其快波偏振方向为N77°E,与SKS分裂测量的上层各向异性的快波偏振方向相近,快、慢波分裂时差为0.26 s,这说明SKS分裂测量的上层各向异性同时包含了地壳和地幔岩石圈.对TLY台进行SKS分裂测量时发现,台站下方上地幔结构表现出横向非均匀性:当反方位角90°时,快波偏振方向约为N120°E,快、慢波分裂时差为1.40 s;PmS震相分裂测量没有获得有效的结果,并且不同方位的PmS震相到时基本一致,说明TLY台下方地壳结构接近各向同性.根据分裂测量结果,结合贝加尔裂谷区的构造演化过程,得到以下结论:(1)ULN台双层各向异性的上层主要是岩石圈原始结构的反映,并且存在地壳与地幔岩石圈的一致性形变,而下层指示着现今软流圈地幔的流动;(2)由于刚性的西伯利亚克拉通的阻挡,地幔流动方向在克拉通南缘发生了偏转,在深部绕克拉通边缘流动,因此形成了TLY台下方上地幔结构的横向变化.  相似文献   

Estimation and comparison of the energy of seismotectonic deformations in the lithosphere of the Baikal Rift Zone (BRZ) based on observations of large (M ≥ 6) earthquakes for the period of instrumental recording (1950–2002), for a historical period lasting 210 years (1740–1949), and inferred from palaeo-seismological materials for the past 2000 years, all indicate that the hypothesis of a stationary seismic process is appropriate for the region. The locations of maxima of the density of seismotectonic strain energy released during the time intervals under investigation show that most of the failures in the lithosphere occurred approximately in the same areas, which may be interpreted as stress concentrators. The isolines of increased density for the energy of seismotectonic deformations align themselves along the rift features from southwest to northeast in the Baikal region and this allows one to treat the BRZ lithosphere as an extended zone of enhanced, inhomogeneous, energy release of endogenous geotectonic processes. We assessed the power of the seismotectonic processes that reflect the release of endogenous energy through earthquakes. Identification of areas with deficits in the energy of seismotectonic deformations (“energy gaps”) is an important step toward long-term solution of seismic-safety problems for the Baikal region.  相似文献   

This paper presents results from a study of variations in short-period shear-wave attenuation in the lithosphere of the Baikal Rift Zone (BRZ). We used earthquake records made at the Ulan-Bator station (ULN) at epicentral distances of ~400–1300 km. The ratios of maximum amplitudes in the Sn and Pn waves were considered. We show that these ratios are on the whole considerably higher than those in other areas of Central Asia. It was found that zones of low shear wave attenuation coincide with the rupture zones of large earthquakes that occurred during the 19th and 20th centuries. We identified zones of high attenuation where no large (M~ > 7.0) seismic events have occurred during at least 180 years. The hypothesis we propose is that precursory processes before future large earthquakes may be occurring in these zones. We discuss the question of whether wave attenuation characteristics may be related to seismicity.  相似文献   

陈章立 《地震》2020,40(1):1-10
本文是针对迄今为止中国在地震大小的度量方面存在的主要问题撰写的。在阐明地震大小物理含义的基础上,首先指出由震源辐射能量ER出发所定义的传统震级标度ML,mb(mB),MS都存在着"以偏概全","震级饱和"和ML震级标度的"局限性",以及不同标度的震级之间不可相互换算等问题。而由在地震破裂的整个过程中震源区"等效力"所做的功出发导出的地震矩M0是对地震大小最科学的度量。为继续应用"震级"这一术语来描述地震的大小,由M0所定义的矩震级标度MW不仅克服了传统震级标度存在的各种问题,而且适用对不同大小、不同震中距、不同震源深度地震大小的度量。因此近20年已被国际地震学界普遍采用。最后强调推进地震大小的度量与国际接轨是推进中国地震科技现代化必须解决的重要基础性工作,不仅有利于国际地震科技交流合作,而且有助于增强防震减灾工作的科学性。  相似文献   

Using 116 earthquakes over M_L3.8 in the Inner Mongolia region from 2008 to 2015, the local earthquake magnitude M_L and surface wave magnitude M_S are remeasured. Based on norm linear regression(SR1 and SR2) and norm(OR) orthogonal regression method, we established the conversion relationship between M_L and M_S. The results were tested with Gaussian disturbance. The result shows that the orthogonal regression method(OR) result has the best fitting curve, and the conversion relation is M_S=0.96 M_L-0.10. The difference between our result and Guo Lücan's(M_S=1.13 M_L-1.08) may be caused by regional tectonic characteristics. M_(S Inner Mongolia) value is significantly higher than the M_(S empirical) value, with an average difference of 0.23, the difference distribution of empirical relation and the rectified relation is in the range of 0.2-0.3.  相似文献   

Fractal analysis techniques were used to study space-time variations in the epicentral field of earthquakes for several areas in the Baikal Rift Zone (BRZ). In each area the epicentral field is found to be a system consisting of several subsystems in the shape of maxima of increased fractal dimension D s , which occurred approximately at the same locations with constant or variable periodicity. We detected simultaneity and migration in the appearance of some maxima of D s . Most local areas in the regions under study typically have an unformed type of epicentral field, to use A.V. Solonenko’s terminology, and this makes it difficult to predict the time of earthquake occurrence at a specified location using simple statistical methods. We used the variations in D s in different regions to study the behavior of the present-day seismotectonic process in the BRZ as a whole.  相似文献   

古登堡-李希特提出的震级-累积频度关系,是地震分析统计预报和工程场地地震安全性评价的重要基础理论之一,其合理性被大量实际地震和岩石力学试验所证实。在汶川大地震一周年时,震级-累积频度关系仍是值得深入研究的根本性地震活动问题,本文对其进行了较为深入的研讨。  相似文献   

中国西部地区震源破裂尺度与震级的经验关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了获得震源地下破裂尺度与震级的经验关系,搜集了12个中国西部地区强震的震源反演获得的地下破裂尺度,并且与通过余震分布获得的破裂尺度进行比较,得到了反演获得的震源破裂尺度小于据余震分布得到的破裂尺度的结论;并通过最小二乘法线性回归建立了震源破裂尺度L与面波震级MS的经验关系式:lg L=0.635Ms-2.8084;δ(lg L=0.64);本文的经验关系在震级较小时与Wells等(1994)的经验关系较为接近,在震级较大时与龙锋等(2006)建立的中国华北地区的经验关系接近。将本文经验关系与冉洪流(2011)建立的中国西部地区走滑断层的地表破裂尺度与震级的经验关系进行比较,验证了地表破裂尺度比震源地下破裂尺度小的结论。通过各种比较,本文提出了需要更多的反演地下破裂尺度的数据来得到更为准确的经验关系的建议。  相似文献   

Based on the earthquake catalog reported by the Chinese digital seismic network in recent years, we select the earthquakes with both surface wave magnitude and local magnitude and fit them into a relationship between the two magnitudes. The systematic difference is found from the formula which has been used for 30 years. Because of a large dynamic range and wide frequency range of the current digital observation system, in addition to a larger number of stations and earthquakes being used compared to before, the relation obtained in this paper seems more reliable. Our calculation shows that there is no significant difference before and after magnitude conversion so we suggest the abandonment of magnitude conversion. The site response of a station consists of amplification at different frequencies. The amplification is equal to about 1 and changes little with frequency at stations located on basement rock, and it is greater than 1 at low frequency ranges and less than 1 at high frequency ranges at stations located on sediment layers. The difference between magnitudes from single station located on sediment layer and the average magnitude from the whole network increases from negative to positive with period. It seems that there is no fixed station correction factor and the station correction method does not work to improve the accuracy and magnitude estimates.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of the concentrations of major oxides, trace elements, and the 143Nd/144Nd ratios in representative sequences of volcanic and subvolcanic rocks in the western and eastern Vitim Upland has revealed petrogenetic groups with different relationships among components from lithosphere and sublithosphere sources. It is hypothesized that the initial 16–14-Ma eruptions of picrobasalts and Mg basanites in the east of the upland resulted from high-temperature melting, hence, the melting of sublithospheric peridotite and lithospheric Mg-pyroxenite mantle material with mildly and strongly depleted isotope compositions of Nd relative to the value in the primitive mantle (0.512638). The broad range of varying lava compositions in the 14–9 Ma time span was caused by “passive” rifting in the west of the upland and by “active” rifting in the east. The “passive” rifting manifested itself in the melting of lithospheric material with some admixture of material from the underlying asthenosphere, while the “active” rifting lifted deep-lying mantle material. The structural rearrangement that has been occurring in the Baikal Rift System during the last 9 Ma resulted in stopping the rifting in the area of study. Relaxation, flattening and thinning of the lithosphere beneath the east part of the system during the 1.1–0.6 Ma time span caused magma effusion with values of 143Nd/144Nd that are typical of a moderately depleted asthenospheric source contaminated with deeper mildly depleted mantle material.  相似文献   

基于垂直电偶极子激发源模型,首先研究了远场地震电磁场辐射场及其分布特征,其次分析了远场地震电磁辐射强度与孕震震级之间的关系.结果表明垂直电偶极子激发源可以解释孕震区激发电磁辐射现象,是激发地震电磁辐射最有可能的激发源之一;远场地震电磁辐射强度的对数与地震震级呈线性关系,直线的斜率与孕震区裂隙特性分布及其电磁特性有关.研究结果对进一步认识地震电磁辐射现象和拓宽地震监测预报思路均有积极意义.  相似文献   

通过对四川汶川8.0级地震前,南北地震带断层形变时序演化特征的分析研究,认为,印尼8.7级地震触发了汶川8.0级地震。2004年12月26日印尼发生Ms8.7地震,这次地震的发生,对我国南北地震带的影响引起各方关注,我们通过对南北地震带的断层形变分析时序演化特征的分析研究得出结论,这次地震引起南北地震带断层形变主要表现在,时间序列上先南后北,  相似文献   

To calculate the deviations between single station magnitudes and average ones by the magnitude residual statistical method, the paper selects 13086 seismic events recorded by the Gansu broadband digital seismic network from January 2009 to December 2012. The frequency distribution and quantitative statistics of the deviations of earthquake magnitude are analyzed. The M L calibration function is modified and a uniform local magnitude system characteristic of the Gansu region, is obtained.  相似文献   

利用2019年10月12日广西北流—广东化州M_S5.2级地震中周边50个台站获取的强震动数据,经过基线校正、数字滤波后获得EW、NS、UD三方向的峰值加速度值,对数据的分析后表明:0~30 km范围内,3个方向的峰值加速度衰减明显。而震中距大于30km的峰值加速度中,大部分的峰值加速度大于东部强震区的峰值加速度衰减关系理论值,只有小部分垂向峰值加速度和个别的水平向峰值加速度小于东部强震区的衰减关系理论值。研究区3个方向的峰值加速度在震中西侧有多中心出现,且其连线成呈现近EW向。研究区断层对本次地震的峰值加速度衰减影响不明显。竖向峰值加速度与两个水平方向峰值加速度有超过1/3的比值大于0.65(35组/100组)。33组数据中只有3组数据的峰值加速度大于0.05g,具有工程设防意义。  相似文献   

Sinyukovich  V. N. 《Water Resources》2003,30(2):186-190
Data of long-term observations of water and hydrochemical regimes were used to characterize relationships between water flow and dissolved solids discharge in the three major tributaries of Lake Baikal, which account for about two-thirds of the total water inflow into the lake. The total dissolved solids content (TDS) of these rivers' water and the concentrations of the principal ions are classified taking into account the relationships between the sources of alimentation.  相似文献   

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