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Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth - Abstract—The three-dimensional (3D) interpretation of magnetotelluric (MT) data in the Koryak–Kamchatka region with interactive fitting of 3D...  相似文献   

The diurnal variations in the electric conductivity, electric-field strength, and meteorological parameters in the near-Earth’s atmosphere during the solar events in October 21–31, 2003, have been studied. It has been indicated that the conductivity and electric-field strength strongly depend on the air temperature and humidity. It has been found that the conductivity increased for 2 days before the geomagnetic storm on October 29–30 as a result of the effect of solar cosmic rays and decreased during a Forbush decrease in galactic cosmic rays, which was accompanied by a corresponding increase in the electric-field strength. It has been found that the air temperature and humidity anomalously increased in the process of solar activity, which resulted in the formation of different clouds, including thunderclouds accompanied by thunderstorm processes and showers. Simultaneous disturbances of the regular meteorological processes, solar flare series, and emission intensification in the near ultraviolet band, and visible and infrared spectral regions make it possible to consider these processes as a source of additional energy inflow into the lower atmosphere.  相似文献   

It is shown that the instability of turbulent flows with Ekman velocity profiles in the vicinity of the core–mantle boundary leads to the formation of horizontally oriented circulating roll structures. The geophysical implications of the presence of such structures in the liquid core are explored, namely, the formation of the hot zones with enhanced conductivity and their influence on geomagnetic reversals.  相似文献   

Systematic measurements of the height of the summit crater rim on the active Karymskii Volcano showed that the variation of that parameter has been greater during its last eruption, lasting, with short intermissions, from January 1, 1996 until now (October 2007) compared with the earlier eruptions. The periodic increases in the height of Karymskii Volcano were due to explosion discharges of unconsolidated pyroclastic material, with most of this falling on the volcano’s cone. The increased seismicity of Karymskii Volcano intensified the slope movement processes, resulting in a comparatively flat area forming periodically on the crater rim; during separate, not very long, periods the height of the volcanic cone was increasing in discrete steps and at a greater rate. The periodic decrease in the height of Karymskii Volcano is due to compaction of pyroclastic material and, to a much greater extent, after violent explosions which expand the crater by removing its nearsummit circumference. The other contributing factor consists in sagging of the magma column due to partial emptying of the peripheral magma chamber, which makes the internal crater slope steeper, hence causes cone collapse and the cone lower. These occurrences are generally similar to the processes of crater and caldera generation described by previous investigators for other volcanoes of the world.  相似文献   

The active andesitic Zhupanovsky Volcano consists of four coalesced stratovolcano cones. The historical explosive eruptions of 1940, 1957, and 2014?2016 discharged material from the Priemysh Cone. The recent Zhupanovsky eruptions were studied using satellite data supplied by the Monitoring of Active Volcanoes in Kamchatka and on the Kuril Islands information system (VolSatView), as well as based on video and visual observations of the volcano. The first eruption started on October 22 and lasted until October 24, 2013. Fumaroles situated on the Priemysh western slope were the centers that discharged gas plumes charged with some amount of ash. The next eruption started on June 6, 2014 and lasted until November 20, 2016. The explosive activity of Zhupanovsky was not uniform in 2014–2016, with the ash plumes being detected on satellite images for an approximate total duration of 112 days spread over 17 months. The most vigorous activity was observed between June and October, and in November 2014, with a bright thermal anomaly being nearly constantly seen on satellite images around Priemysh between January and April 2015 and in January–February 2016. The 2014–2016 eruption culminated in explosive events and collapse of parts of the Priemysh Cone on July 12 and 14, November 30, 2015, and on February 12 and November 20, 2016.  相似文献   

This paper presents measurements for the 1987–2016 period; these include inclined distances and elevations between geodetic monuments in the deformation site in the Ust’-Kamchatsk area. These data are important for future investigators, because measurements can be made in the distant future in order to compare with the respective past values. This area has been accumulating deformation for the last 27 years along the direction perpendicular to the Kuril–Kamchatka Benioff zone, reaching values of approximately (5?10) × 10–6. The compression involves a northwest tilt of the ground surface.  相似文献   

This is a review of the geodetic monitoring of the horizontal component of recent crustal movements (RCMs) in Kamchatka and the Commander Islands for the period 1979–2007. Examples are provided of the RCMs recorded in Kamchatka and the Commander Islands for the period 1997–2007 by the Kamchatka regional GPS network (KAMNET) set up by workers at the Kamchatka Branch of the RAS Geophysical Service (KB GS RAS) in collaboration with the Institute of Volcanology and Seismology of the Far East Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences to study the geodynamic processes that are occurring in the Kamchatka subduction zone. An interpretation of examples of recorded RCMs is given.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with eruptions, seismicity, and deformation on Klyuchevskoi Volcano during the summit eruptions of 2012–2013, with the condition of the central crater during the eruptions, and with the effect that is exerted by the height of the lava in the crater on the start of the eruptions. The recurrence of eruptions in the North Volcanic Cluster (NVC), Kamchatka showed that all the four volcanoes in the cluster (Klyuchevskoi, Tolbachik, Shiveluch, and Bezymyannyi) become active during definite phases that were identified in the 18.6-year lunar cycle. This relationship of the NVC eruptions to the active phases in the 18.6-year lunar cycle, as well as the relationship to the 11-year solar activity, showed that eruptions can be predicted, yielding long-term estimates of activity for the NVC volcanoes. The short-term prediction of volcanic eruptions requires knowledge of seismicity and deformation that occur during the precursory period and during the occurrence of eruptions. Seismic activity during the summit eruptions of 2003–2013 took place in the depth range 20–25 km during repose periods of the volcano and at depths of 0–5 km in the volcanic edifice during the eruption. One notes an almost complete absence of any earthquakes at great depths during the summit eruptions. Volcanic tremor (VT) was recorded from the time that the eruptions began and continued to occur until the end. Geodetic measurements showed that the center of the magma pressure beneath the volcano during the parasitic and summit eruptions of 1979–1989 moved in the 4–17 km depth range, while during the summit eruptions of 2003–2013 the center moved in the 15–20 km range. These changes in the depth of the center of magma pressure may have been related to evacuation from shallow magma chambers.  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth - Spatiotemporal variations in the Gutenberg–Richter (GR) b-value and in the minimum magnitude of a predicted earthquake (MPE) are studied in detail...  相似文献   

This paper discusses results from ongoing research on long-term earthquake prediction for the Kuril–Kamchatka island arc based on the concepts of seismic gaps and the seismic cycle. We developed a forecast for the next 5 years (April 2016 through March 2021) for all segments of the earthquake-generating zone along the Kuril–Kamchatka arc. The 20 segments of the arc were analyzed to develop forecasts of the appropriate phases of the seismic cycle, a normalized parameter of the rate of small earthquakes (A10), the magnitudes of moderate earthquakes that are expected with probabilities of 0.8, 0.5, and 0.15, the maximum expected magnitudes, and the probabilities of great (M ≥ 7.7) earthquakes. We discuss the seismic process in the Kuril–Kamchatka earthquake-generating zone before and after the deep-focus May 24, 2013 M 8.3 earthquake in the Sea of Okhotsk. The results corroborate the high seismic hazard in the area of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskii and the urgent need for continuing with and expanding the ongoing work of seismic retrofitting and seismic safety enhancement. We quote practical results from applications of the method during 30 years.  相似文献   

The time variations in the tidal response of the medium in 2011–2015 according to the measurements at the global seismographic network (GSN) in Kamchatka are considered. Based on the data from the horizontal pendulums recording the eastward tilts at the station, it is established that there was a linear growth in the tidal tilt amplitudes up to May 24, 2013 due to the changes in the elastic moduli caused by tectonic stress accumulation. The growth phase was followed by the decline in the tidal tilt amplitudes induced by the release of stresses after the Sea-of-Okhotsk earthquake.  相似文献   

The results of studying the influence of lunisolar tides on the electrical conductivity of the Earth’s crust in the territory of the Kola Peninsula are presented. Along with the results obtained by the authors, the data of other researchers are also considered. All the studies are based on the analysis of the field produced by the Zevs facility transmitting extremely low frequency (ELF) signals at 82–83 Hz. The measurements were carried out in different years at the Avva-Guba (1998), Lovozero (2009), and Imandra–Varzuga polygon (IVP) monitoring sites (2013) located 180, 90, and 160 km from the transmitter, respectively. The negative correlation between the tides and crustal electrical resistivity is revealed at all the points. This means that tidal rises of the Earth’s surface are accompanied by a decrease in resistivity and vice versa. The overview shows that the higher the resistivity of separate Earth’s crustal blocks the higher the relative amplitudes of the corresponding tidal responses that are observed.  相似文献   

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - The distribution of positive and negative photospheric fields is considered based on the synoptic maps of the photospheric magnetic field from the National Solar...  相似文献   

The local seismicity during the 2012–2013 eruption of Tolbachik Volcano and the 2008–2009 steam–gas eruption of Koryakskii Volcano is here considered as resulting from injections of magma that produced dikes, sills, and renewed activity at preexisting faults. We identified plane-oriented earthquake clusters in order to reveal the above zones using earthquake catalogs made at the Kamchatka Branch of the Geophysical Service of the Russian Academy of Sciences (KB GS RAS). Subsequent space–time analysis of these observations lends itself to the following interpretation. The November 27, 2012 Tolbachik lava eruption was preceded by an injection of magma resulting in a series of dikes trending west-northwestward in the range of absolute depths between–4 and +3 km in a zone situated southeast of the Ploskii Tolbachik Volcano edifice. The dikes penetrated into a nearly horizontal permeable zone at an absolute depth of approximately zero, producing sills and emplacing a magma-conducting dike along the top of the zone of cinder cones (the dip angle is 50° toward the azimuth 300°) 5.5 km from the epicenter of the initial magma injection. The summit steam–gas eruption of Koryakskii Volcano in 2008–2009 was preceded by magma filling a crustal chamber (the top of the chamber is at–3 km absolute depth; the chamber is 2.5 km across) close to the southwestern base of Koryakskii. Further, magma injection in a nearly north–south zone (7.5 by 2.5 km), the absolute depth between–2 and–5 km) in the north sector of Koryakskii Volcano was occurring concurrently with the summit steam–gas eruption. The injection of magma into the cone of Avacha Volcano (2010) produced sills (at altitudes between +1600 and +1900 m) and dikes (mostly striking northwest).  相似文献   

We discuss the water-level variations in the E-1 well for the time period between May 2006 and 2010, inclusive. A trend towards an increasing level at an abnormally high rate occurred from mid-2006 to December 2009. This increase is regarded as the response of the aquifer of gas-saturated ground water that exists in the volcanogenic-sedimentary deposits of the Avacha volcano-tectonic depression to volumetric compression strain changes during the precursory period and the occurrence of a swarm of small earthquakes $\left( {K_{S_{\max } } = 8.3} \right)$ in the area of Koryakskii Volcano and to its phreatic eruption. We estimated the volumetric compression as ??? = ?(4.1 × 10?6?1.5 × 10?5) from the amplitude of water-level rise using the elastic parameters of the water-saturated rocks. While the strain source was active, we observed a decreasing sensitivity of the hydrodynamic regime in the well to the precursory processes before large (M ?? 5.0) tectonic earthquakes.  相似文献   

The Bannaya–Karymshina area is situated in southern Kamchatka west of the East Kamchatka Volcanic Belt in the backarc part of the Kuril–Kamchatka island arc. The area is unique in that it contains abundant ejecta of calc-alkaline, acid, mostly ignimbrite, volcanism for a period of 4 Ma. Three rock complexes can be identified with rhyolitic and rhyodacitic compositions: Middle Pliocene ignimbrites, crystalloclastic tuffs of Eopleistocene age that fill in the Karymshina caldera, and Early Pleistocene intrusions. All of these are composed of rocks with normal total alkalinity, while the concentration of potassium places them at the boundary between moderate and high-potassium rocks. We sought to determine the composition of primary acid melts by studying the composition of the silicate phase in homogeneous melt inclusions that were conserved in quartz phenocrysts hosted by volcanic rocks of varying ages. Practically all the melt inclusions we analyzed show increased total alkalies and are in the class of trachyrhyodacites and trachyrhyolites, with the varieties of the highest alkali content being alkaline rhyolites and comendites; the concentration of K2O classifies them as subalkaline rocks; one also notes the increased alumina of the acid melts. The compositions and spatial locations of the melt inclusions in quartz phenocrysts provide evidence of a three-phase crystallization in magma chambers at different depths. According to the experimental data, the quartz phenocrysts crystallized in a water-saturated melt at pressures of 0.1 to 3.5 kbars.  相似文献   

The Kamchatka Peninsula in far eastern Russia represents the most volcanically active arc in the world in terms of magma production and the number of explosive eruptions. We investigate large-scale silicic volcanism in the past several million years and present new geochronologic results from major ignimbrite sheets exposed in Kamchatka. These ignimbrites are found in the vicinity of morphologically-preserved rims of partially eroded source calderas with diameters from ~ 2 to ~ 30 km and with estimated volumes of eruptions ranging from 10 to several hundred cubic kilometers of magma. We also identify and date two of the largest ignimbrites: Golygin Ignimbrite in southern Kamchatka (0.45 Ma), and Karymshina River Ignimbrites (1.78 Ma) in south-central Kamchatka. We present whole-rock geochemical analyses that can be used to correlate ignimbrites laterally. These large-volume ignimbrites sample a significant proportion of remelted Kamchatkan crust as constrained by the oxygen isotopes. Oxygen isotope analyses of minerals and matrix span a 3‰ range with a significant proportion of moderately low-δ18O values. This suggests that the source for these ignimbrites involved a hydrothermally-altered shallow crust, while participation of the Cretaceous siliceous basement is also evidenced by moderately elevated δ18O and Sr isotopes and xenocryst contamination in two volcanoes. The majority of dates obtained for caldera-forming eruptions coincide with glacial stages in accordance with the sediment record in the NW Pacific, suggesting an increase in explosive volcanic activity since the onset of the last glaciation 2.6 Ma. Rapid changes in ice volume during glacial times and the resulting fluctuation of glacial loading/unloading could have caused volatile saturation in shallow magma chambers and, in combination with availability of low-δ18O glacial meltwaters, increased the proportion of explosive vs effusive eruptions. The presented results provide new constraints on Pliocene–Pleistocene volcanic activity in Kamchatka, and thus constrain an important component of the Pacific Ring of Fire.  相似文献   

The relationship between aftershock depths and surface heat flow in the source areas of five great earthquakes(M≥7.0)in the China mainland has been studied in this paper.The result shows that the higher the surface heat flow,the shallower is the aftershock depth,and that the distribution of aftershock depths is controlled by the rheological mechanism of brittle-ductile transition of rocks in the crust.  相似文献   

Melting in the Fe–FeO system was investigated at pressures up to 93 GPa using synchrotron X-ray diffraction (XRD) and a laser heated diamond anvil cell (DAC). The criteria for melting were the disappearance of reflections associated with one of the end-member phases upon raising the temperature above the eutectic and the reappearance of those reflections on dropping the temperature below the eutectic. The Fe–FeO system is a simple eutectic at 50 GPa and remains eutectic to at least 93 GPa. The eutectic temperature was bound at several pressure points between 19 and 93 GPa, and in some cases the liquidus temperature was also determined. The eutectic temperature rises rapidly with pressure closely following the melting curve of pure Fe. A detailed phase diagram at 50 GPa is presented; the eutectic temperature is 2500 ± 150 K and the eutectic composition is bound between 7.6 ± 1.0 and 9.5 ± 1.0 wt.% O. The coefficient of thermal expansion of FeO is a strong function of volume and decreases with pressure according to a simple power law.  相似文献   

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