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航空三维磁梯度测量方案研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张青杉 《地质与勘探》2010,46(6):1087-1091
本文概略介绍了航空三维磁梯度测量的发展现状,指出了实施航空三维磁梯度测量所应着力解决的几个问题,包括基本装置及其计算方法、探头一致性、探头姿态以及固定翼磁补偿问题等,并针对当前状况提出了用于大比例尺或中-大比例尺航空三维磁梯度测量的具体方案,大胆引入了正四面体测量装置,并将陀螺仪数据同步至原航测数据之中,既可大幅度提高测量精度及数据稳定性,同时可解决同点三梯度的数值计算问题,对后续数据处理、成图、解释均具有重要意义。  相似文献   

2009年7月,“全数字化矢量航磁勘查系统研发”课题组在哈尔滨平房机场对航磁全轴梯度勘查系统样机实施系统试验测试及试验测量,先后进行了飞机改装、系统集成测试、补偿飞行及约5000 km的试验测量飞行,取得了良好的效果,表明该系统样机性能稳定可靠,初步达到实用化程度,实验工作为今后系统的改进与完善提供了依据。  相似文献   

为消除吊舱式航磁梯度测量中梯度仪转向差的影响,评价航磁梯度系统的测量精度,笔者尝试了计算重复线内符合精度的方法.通过推导,给出了重复线内符合精度新的计算公式,该公式和地面重力、磁法测量中重复观测、仪器多台一致性总精度计算及航空重力、磁法测量中利用测线与切割线交叉点计算总精度的公式具有形式上的统一.利用改进的水平调整方法显著的消除了航磁梯度测量中的转向差,并客观评价了梯度系统的测量精度.  相似文献   

陈穗生 《广东地质》1995,10(3):33-38
钢筋水泥管、连通性差的铸铁管、管道接头和各种井孔等位置的确定,均是地下管线探测中常遇见的棘手问题。然而,磁梯度测量对此却有其独到之处,它能突出浅层异常,可较准确地确定磁性边界的位置,故可作为地下管线探测的一种辅助方法。  相似文献   

运五飞机上航磁梯度测量系统的安装与补偿   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李晓禄  蔡文良 《物探与化探》2006,30(3):224-228,232
介绍了在单阀双翼的运五飞机上安装既可进行垂直梯度测量,又可进行水平梯度测量(包括横向和纵向水平梯度测量)的航磁梯度测量系统的方法,初步探讨应用航空地球物理综合测量系统(AADCⅡ)自动航空磁力数字补偿仪的方法,并对补偿结果进行评价。多次实验结果证明了该补偿方法的效果良好。  相似文献   

地磁台建设磁性跟踪测试工作很重要,本文通过对跟踪磁测中发现一个异常现象的分析,计算了不同重量、距离的铁磁性物质对磁房建筑场地磁场的影响,讨论了排除施工现场磁性干扰的一些办法,并得出各种重量铁磁性物质与磁房建筑物的安全距离。  相似文献   

龙岩地震台核旋观测室始建于 1 984年 ,1 985年 2月开始使用。室内建有三个仪器墩。长期来 ,探头一直放在最西边的墩上进行观测。 1 998年龙岩台核旋观测仪故障停测后 ,1 999年 1 2月新购回G - 85 6核旋观测仪 ,并于 2 0 0 0年 1月开始正式观测。由于使用G - 85 6核旋观测仪观测以来 ,H分量一直不稳定 ,Z分量测值也经常出现不稳定值 ,后改将探头放在中间墩上 ,观测结果Z分量测值稳定 ,而H分量测值仍不稳。从2 0 0 0年 7月 5日开始 ,进行加密观测 ,分析结果作者认为有仪器老化与不配套的原因 ,更重要的是环境变化的影响 ,在文章最后提出了相应的建议  相似文献   

The eclogite type locality in the Eastern Alps (the Koralpe and Saualpe region) is the largest region in the Eastern Alps that preserves high‐pressure metamorphic rocks from the Eo‐Alpine orogenic event of the Cretaceous age. Thermobarometric data from the metapelitic gneisses in the region indicate that a metamorphic field gradient across the region can be divided into three parts. The northern part shows continuously increasing PT from 10 ± 1.5 to 14 ± 1.5 kbar and 500 ± 68 to 700 ± 68 °C over a distance of 40 km. The continuous increase in PT indicates that no major tectonic boundaries were active in this part during the Eo‐Alpine orogeny. Small discontinuities in the pressure gradient of the northern part can be correlated with more localized deformation. The central part exposes amphibolite–eclogite facies rocks with 15 ± 1.5 kbar and 700 ± 68 °C over about 20 km length. The southern part shows decreasing P–T conditions from 15 ± 1.5 to 10 ± 1.5 kbar and 700 ± 68 to 600 ± 63 °C over a distance of 10 km beyond which conditions remain roughly constant for the remainder of the profile. Overall, the field gradient is characterized by: (i) an increase in age with decreasing metamorphic grade and (ii) a T/P ratio that is lower than common metamorphic geotherms. The age–grade relationship is consistent with the timing relationship along piezothermal arrays predicted by simple models for regional metamorphism. However, the T/P ratio of the field gradient is inconsistent with such an interpretation. These inconsistencies indicate that the profile is not simply an obliquely exposed crustal section. We suggest that the exhumation of the transect is best explained with a two dimensional model of an extruding wedge, as has recently been suggested as a typical scenario for other large scale compressional orogens.  相似文献   

毕金锋  罗先启  沈辉 《岩土力学》2014,35(Z1):257-263
地质力学磁力模型试验利用电磁力(场)模拟重力(场)的原理研究地质力学工程问题,采用的相似材料由铁磁材料与岩土体混合而成。铁磁材料在磁场中的受力方向和大小与所处空间的磁通密度梯度的大小和方向有关,为了模拟均匀的重力场,需要得到在一定空间范围内磁通密度梯度大小相同、方向单一的磁场。根据电磁学基本原理,构建了3种磁路形式以获得磁通密度梯度相对均匀的磁场,对磁力模型试验相似材料进行加载。对比3种磁路,在最佳试验区内开放式磁路对磁场的利用率更高,所以在电流相同条件下等到的磁通密度梯度的量值也更大。与另两种磁路形式相比,尽管半开放式磁路在重量和工作效率上的性能不及开放式和封闭式磁路,但其最佳试验空间的磁通密度梯度的均匀性最好,误差在5%以内,半开放式磁路可以作为地质力学磁力模型试验的磁场发生装置。  相似文献   

梯度作为标量场在空间上最重要的微观变化特征,能较好地反映其在空间上的变化趋势。本文介绍了中心差分算子、相邻梯度因子和Sobel梯度算子三种梯度数值算法。以点电荷在三维空间中产生的电势场构造了一标量场,通过理论公式求解了其梯度值,并将理论梯度值与三种数值算法的结果进行了对比与统计分析,验证了三种梯度数值算法的有效性和适用性。结果表明,排除场源的影响后,Sobel梯度算子相较其它两种数值算法更逼近于理论梯度值。最后,利用Sobel梯度算子求取了某铜矿区可控源音频大地电磁法(CSAMT)三维视电阻率场的梯度场,用梯度场刻画了视电阻率在空间上的变化趋势,提高了对三维地下空间的电性分布规律和地质情况的认识。  相似文献   

本文通过泉州地磁台重建工程中的工作实践 ,阐述了G85 6磁力仪在建筑材料磁性检测、施工过程中磁性跟踪监测的应用与实践。  相似文献   

本文通过泉州地磁台重建工程中的工作实践,阐述了应用G856磁力仪在建筑材料磁性检测、施工过程中磁性跟踪监测的实践方法。  相似文献   

This paper presents relative secular variations of the total intensity of the geomagnetic field against a background of results of magnetic anomaly interpretation along seismic profile P4. Profile P4 crosses a Variscan folding zone in the Paleozoic Platform (PLZ), the Trans-European Suture Zone (TESZ), and the Polish part of the East European Craton (EEC). Secular geomagnetic field variations measured in 1966–2000 along a line adjacent to seismic profile P4 were analysed. The study of secular variations, reduced to the base recordings at the Belsk Magnetic Observatory, showed that the growth of geomagnetic field at the East European Craton was slower than in the Trans-European Suture Zone and the Paleozoic Platform.A 2D crustal magnetic model was interpreted as a result of magnetic modelling, in which seismic, geological and geothermal data were also used. The modelling showed that there were significant differences in the magnetic model for geotectonic units, which had been earlier determined based on deep seismic survey data. It should be noted that a fundamental change of trend of the relative secular variations was observed at the slope of the Precambrian Platform. After analysing the geomagnetic field observed along profile P4, the hypothesis that the contact between Phanerozoic and Precambrian Europe lies in Poland's territory can be proven.  相似文献   

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