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Though urban planning issues continue to be created largely by local problems, urban theorists have become sensitive to the indirect modifying effects of federal urban policy on the local land-use structure. Federal tax policies on income derived from multifamily real estate appear to have generated excessive apartment construction during the 1968–73 period in Minneapolis-St. Paul suburbs. The consequence of these policies is evident in high multifamily suburban vacancy rates for Twin City apartments built during this period.  相似文献   

"This paper examines the impact of satellite-city policies [in the USSR] during the period 1959-80. First, it traces the evolution of satellite-city policies that evolved in response to Khrushchev's interest in regulating the growth of large cities. Second, it examines the extent to which these policies have affected actual urban growth during the period 1959-80. The analysis suggests that, despite satellite-city policies designed to restrict their growth, large cities have become even more dominant in the Soviet Union."  相似文献   

卢笛声 《地理科学》2014,34(3):265-271
作为全球碳排放大国,中国低碳治理的发展方向对全球气候变化有深远的影响,值得深入研究。通过中国低碳治理的制约因素及其成因的分析,提出地方政府行为是中国低碳治理的主要制约因素。这主要表现在地方政府鼓励不符合低碳发展的粗放式经济增长和城市开发及地方政府制定与执行低碳政策的积极性不高。而地方政府行为背后是各种制度环境因素。因此,改善中国低碳治理需要从制度改革入手。对制度改革提出3个建议:① 强化节能目标责任制;② 缓和地方政府过于强烈的发展意愿;③ 加强公民参与低碳治理。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(8):698-719
This paper examines the structural effects of colonization on city-size distribution in Bangladesh. It also explores how development policies of independent Bangladesh impacted subsequent patterns and trends of urbanization in the country. The urban structure is analyzed using rank-size plots, a rank-size regression model, and a rank-mobility index. The historical analysis of city rank-size relationships reveals the structural effect of the policies of the British to concentrate urban functions in few urban centers, the Pakistani period of primate-city development, and the deconcentration policies of the Bangladeshi period. The top few cities continue to dominate, irrespective of Bangladesh's government plan to reverse development polarization caused by urban primacy.  相似文献   

二战后,为解决严重的住房短缺问题,美国联邦政府一方面继续鼓励发展郊区住宅,如为退伍军人制定优惠贷款政策、修建州际高速公路,另一方面发起了城市更新运动,试图通过拆除城市中心衰败社区来改善居住环境,为城市中心的发展注入新的活力。然而,这些政策在推动郊区化的同时,也加剧了城市中心的衰落。这些政策的实施,既塑造了战后美国城市面貌,也对诸如城市暴乱、社会分化等问题负有责任。  相似文献   

A survey of local governments participating in two urban climate change programs is presented to determine the mechanisms used to reach emissions reduction goals and the motivations for participation. Results support previous research that shows a preference for policies that rely on changes in individual behavior, while also providing new insights into how mitigation responsibilities are distributed among the public and private sector and the relative importance of scientific consensus, economic incentives, and federal inaction on local government justification for climate-related policies. The article concludes with a discussion of urban climate governance as part of a wider system of neoliberal climate governance.  相似文献   

基于文化产业企业网络视角的中国城市网络空间结构研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
论文通过对230家“新三板”文化产业挂牌企业总部—分支机构关联数据的收集、整理和分析,对文化产业视角下中国城市网络的空间结构特征进行研究,比较文化产业城市网络与其他类型城市网络的差异性,并探索影响文化产业城市网络空间格局的经济社会因素。结果表明:① 中国文化产业挂牌企业地理分布呈现出地域分散但数量集中的特点,城市网络空间分布高度不均衡,并未表现出常见的“菱形结构”;② 网络核心节点以东中部发达城市以及少数具有特殊资源的城市为主,多数城市的对外输出能力有限;③ 城市网络扩散以核心节点城市间的等级扩散为主,邻近城市间的扩散效应不明显,同时本地网络(即城市内部网络)对文化企业组织结构的贡献度低于跨地域网络;④ 不同类型文化产业在网络结构上表现出较为明显的差异,反映其市场需求和发展条件的不同;⑤ 地方政府作用和城市产业结构是影响中国文化产业企业布局和网络格局形成的重要因素,其他社会经济因素的作用则较为不明显,反映出中国文化产业的独特性。  相似文献   

北京市出租车运量分布的时空格局及生成机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
施念邡  杨星斗  戴特奇 《地理研究》2021,40(6):1667-1683
出租车是城市交通的重要组成部分,对其精细化的管控需要理解运量分布的时空特征和生成机制。通过北京市出租车大数据,采用系统聚类法将其15分钟时间片段归并为空间分布相似的时段,刻画出运量分布的时空格局,进而采用地理加权回归模型分析了生成机制。本研究揭示的出租车运量分布变化的时间点并不完全对应传统的整时点;各时段运量均呈现空间集聚的特征,但集聚的位置、面积明显不同,工作日不同时段运量集聚程度的差异较周末更大;不同时段出租车运量的影响因子有所差异,其中商业设施、房价、地铁和公交站密度、道路密度等因子通常较为显著。研究结果对时空上更精细的出租车运量预测、出租车分区分时段的政策管制和规划管理具有启示意义。  相似文献   


Modeling urban growth in Economic development zones (EDZs) can help planners determine appropriate land policies for these regions. However, sometimes EDZs are established in remote areas outside of central cities that have no historical urban areas. Existing models are unable to simulate the emergence of urban areas without historical urban land in EDZs. In this study, a cellular automaton (CA) model based on fuzzy clustering is developed to address this issue. This model is implemented by coupling an unsupervised classification method and a modified CA model with an urban emergence mechanism based on local maxima. Through an analysis of the planning policies and existing infrastructure, the proposed model can detect the potential start zones and simulate the trajectory of urban growth independent of the historical urban land use. The method is validated in the urban emergence simulation of the Taiping Bay development zone in Dalian, China from 2013 to 2019. The proposed model is applied to future simulation in 2019–2030. The results demonstrate that the proposed model can be used to predict urban emergence and generate the possible future urban form, which will assist planners in determining the urban layout and controlling urban growth in EDZs.  相似文献   

The main aim of this article is to analyze the relationships between the spatial patterns of residential burglaries and the socioeconomic characteristics of neighborhoods in London, Ontario. Relative risk ratios are applied as a measure of the intensity of residential burglary. The variation in the risks of burglary is modeled as a function of contextual neighborhood variables. Following a conventional (global) regression analysis, spatial variations in the relationships are examined using geographically weighted regression (GWR). The GWR results show that there are significant local variations in the relationships between the risk of residential burglary victimization and the average value of dwellings and percentage of the population in multifamily housing. The results are discussed in the context of four hypotheses, which may explain geographical variations in residential burglary. The practical implication of the GWR analysis is that different crime prevention policies should be implemented in different neighborhoods of the city.  相似文献   

With the pursuit for global competitiveness and economic growth, Chinese cities have recorded massive urban land expansion. This article examines the effects of development policies and economic restructuring on urban land expansion in China through a case study of Nanjing, representing the rapidly growing and globalizing coastal cities in China. Wei investigate the development process and changing contents of government policies, and analyze development zones and key projects as privileged, trait making, and even path‐breaking elements of the development process. We highlight the transition and paradox of the Chinese state in the urban development process, and the broad contexts underlying urban land expansion in Chinese cities. We see urban expansion in China as a process largely responding to top‐down policy change and economic transition initiated by the central government. We hold that the role of the state has to be analyzed to understand urban transformation and land expansion, moving beyond local factors of accessibility and feasibility. Development‐zone and project fevers, and lagging administrative reforms, however, have made Chinese cities heavy with debt and led to wasteful development, corruption, and social unrest in China.  相似文献   

城市是一个动态发展系统,外生和内生的行动者通过互动促进城市发展。跨国机构作为重要的外生行动者,在一些城市的全球化发展过程中产生了重要的作用。案例城市波恩正是在联邦、州和地方政府的权力和政策安排下,创造了跨国行动者嵌入的制度环境和背景,以联合国机构为主的众多跨国机构通过与政府、企业和居民,以及非人类行动者在建立国际合作的共同诉求下积极转译,产生互动效应,为城市建构了稳固而“无缝”的行动者网络。行动者的不同目的和行为方式在塑造网络的同时,也重新建构了城市空间,空间成为检验网络构建是否成熟的一种重要的表现方式。波恩的城市空间实现了从外交政治功能向国际合作功能的转型;形成以联合国机构为轴心,其他机构点状辐射的轴辐式空间集聚;同时,由于资源、信息和所处地位的不同,波恩不同行动者在网络节点之间产生不均等的权力空间。行动者不断的排斥、冲突、协商和融合的过程,促进了城市空间功能不断完善,也致使以跨国机构为核心的行动者网络逐步成熟。通过引入行动者网络理论(ANT),本研究把跨国机构作为重要行动者与城市全球化发展相结合,更深入地解析了城市全球化过程中多重行动者的互动过程。  相似文献   

中国城市群形成发育的政策影响过程与实施效果评价   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
方创琳 《地理科学》2012,(3):257-264
中国城市群是中国未来经济发展格局中最具活力和潜力的核心地区,城市群的真正形成与发育始于20世纪80年代的改革开放初期,历经80年代的发育萌芽阶段、90年代快速成长阶段和21世纪前10 a的持续发展阶段,共三大阶段。城市群形成发育带有强烈的政府主导性,主要是国家及地方宏观调控政策和区域发展政策发挥作用的结果,体现在国家宏观调控政策的导向性和重点区域发展政策的倾向性两大方面。具体表现为,"六五"计划提出地区域协作和经济区政策开启了中国城市群建设的序幕,"七五"计划提出地三级经济区网络政策搭建了中国城市群建设的初步框架"八五"计划提出地横向联合与城乡统筹政策注入了中国城市群建设的一体化内容"九五"计划提出地区域协调发展政策推动了中国中西部地区城市群的形成发育"十五"计划实施地城镇化战略指明了中国城市群建设的基本方向"十一五"规划首次把城市群作为推进城镇化的主体空间形态,奠定了中国城市群建设的空间格局。与此同时,针对处在不同地区、不同类型和不同发育程度的城市群,国家相继因地制宜地实施了无数项差异化扶持政策,这些政策有力地推动着中国城市群朝着健康稳定的方向持续发展。  相似文献   

城市化时期郊区土地利用结构信息熵上升的原因   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王玉明  王瑞康 《地理学报》2018,73(9):1647-1657
本文认为,此前一直被当作城市化地区的土地利用结构信息熵快速上升,应是指城市化地区郊区的土地利用结构信息熵上升。城市化时期郊区土地利用结构向均衡化方向的明显变动,引起了郊区土地利用结构信息熵的上升;城市建成区的土地利用结构信息熵却未有上升,其各种土地利用类型的面积占比在城市化时期基本稳定,或向居民点及工矿用地、交通用地类型有所集中,导致其土地利用结构信息熵基本不变或有所下降。郊区的局部城市化区域对郊区土地利用结构信息熵的上升有着主要贡献。数据分析显示,城市化时期郊区的农用地较多较快地转化成了城市建设用地,且后者的面积占比与土地利用结构信息熵之间具有高度正相关关系,说明城市建设用地的快速增加是引起郊区土地利用结构信息熵上升的主要原因。熵变化分析表明,城市化时期郊区系统的熵变化与郊区土地利用结构信息熵的变动方向一致,均大于零,表征了郊区的自然地理环境演化在此期间是向着有序性降低的方向发展的。  相似文献   

刘望保  闫小培  谢丽娟 《地理研究》2012,31(9):1685-1696
中国城市处于由国家/集体分配体制为基础的计划经济向以市场调控为基础的市场经济转型的特殊时期,城市居民职住空间大规模重构。本文基于2001年、2005年和2010年家庭调查问卷,分析城市居民职住流动及其空间变化,总结城市居民职住流动对广州市社会空间重构的影响。改革开放以来广州市城市居民职住流动率大规模增加,且圈层差异明显,越往外围,职住流动率越高。城市居民的职住就近流动的特征明显,偏好于工作地附近就近选择居住地或在居住地附近就近选择工作地。地方政府应通过城市规划、就业制度改革和住房制度改革等手段来加强宏观调控,合理引导不同社会群体的职住区位选择,以减少居住空间分异和职住空间的过度分离。  相似文献   

地方因素对流动人口城市融入的影响研究   总被引:11,自引:7,他引:4  
田明 《地理科学》2017,37(7):997-1005
利用东部和中部地区9个城市的流动人口问卷调查,采用多水平回归模型,分析了城市差异对流动人口城市融入的影响机制。研究发现:流动人口城市融入过程存在南北差异,并呈相同地域较接近的特征。城市区位、经济发展水平、以房租为代表的物价水平、以方言为主的地域文化、流动人口占比,社会保障的落实程度等地方因素,对流动人口城市融入产生显著影响,但城市人口规模影响不显著。地方因素对流动人口城市融入的影响效应是复杂的、多向的,即使同一因素既有积极的方面,也存在消极的方面。推动流动人口的城市融入,必须正视城市差异,因地制宜地提出包容性的社会政策。方言重的城市,尤其是这些城市的公共场所和公共办事窗口要推动普通话的普及,鼓励使用普通话;降低城市社会保障的准入门槛;房租高的城市,保障房建设要以公租房建设为主,把流动人口纳入公租房保障范围;要本着先易后难,同步推进的原则,优先推进省域内流动人口市民化,城镇化转移支付应向流动人口比例高的城市倾斜。  相似文献   

“一带一路”倡议对于引领经济全球化进程、深化改革开放、实现全面转型有重大意义。西部地区及其城市政府据此制定了相关的政策,不同程度地推动了地方经济转型及其开放度。以西北五省51个地级市(含自治州、地区)为研究对象,运用城市职能分类法等方法,对其响应“一带一路”倡议的地方政策进行分析。研究表明:1)2013~2017年,城市政府的平均政策响应累计得分持续增加,应答率由3.92%增加至100%。进行政策响应的产业种类逐年增多,且产业政策重心有多极化趋势。2)2017年,综合性、过渡性、单一性产业政策地级市分别为38个、6个、7个。突出产业政策主要分布在陕、甘两省,以第二、第三产业为主。产业政策类型可详细划分为6类,具有突出产业政策的综合性地级市数目最多,为25个,占比49.02%。  相似文献   

Central to the Smart Growth movement is that compact development reduces vehicle miles traveled, carbon emissions, and water use. Empirical efforts to evaluate compact development have examined residential densities but have not distinguished decreasing lot sizes from multifamily apartments as mechanisms for compact development. Efforts to link design features to water use have emphasized single-family at the expense of multifamily housing. This study isolates the determinants of water use in large (more than fifty units) apartment complexes in the city of Tempe, Arizona. In July 2007, per bedroom water use increased with pool area, dishwashers, and in-unit laundry facilities. We are able to explain nearly 50 percent of the variation in water demand with these variables. These results inform public policy for reducing water use in multifamily housing structures, suggesting strategies to construct and market “green” apartment units.  相似文献   

Ganzhou District is an oasis city in the Zhangye Municipality of Gansu Province,China.Based on multi-temporal TM and ETM satellite remote sensing data in 1985,1996,2000,and 2012,and by using corrected figures of land use status over the same periods,the spatial area of Ganzhou District since 1985 was extracted with statistical methods,and urban spatial expansion was measured by quantitative research methods.The characteristics of spatial expansion of Ganzhou District were analyzed by urban expansion rate,expansion intensity index,compactness,fractal dimension,and the city center shift method.The results showed that the built-up area of Ganzhou District increased by 3.46 times during 1985–2012.The expansion in 1985–1996 was slow,during 1996–2000 it was rapid,and during 2000–2012 it was at a high speed.This city mainly expanded to the northeast and northwest.Government decision making had a decisive influence on urban expansion.Initially the expansion was uniform,but later the local transportation,economy,resources,population,and national policies factors had an obvious influence on urban expansion.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2012,33(10):1399-1421

To explain newfound investor interest in rent-regulated multifamily housing in New York City since 2001, this paper analyzes the transformation in ownership and management of the Riverton Houses, a large rent-regulated housing complex in northern Manhattan. The paper finds new dynamics of rent gap formation at work; rather than depressed capitalized rent attracting investment, increasing potential rent provides a new mechanism for opening rent gaps. The Riverton Houses case shows how three factors increase potentials rents: 1) changes in rent control law that provide new avenues to increase rents, 2) new financial actors and institutions that have higher expectations for risk and return, and 3) longer-term processes of uneven development at the urban scale. Altered rent gap dynamics under processes of privatization, financialization, and uneven urban development complicate the geography of reinvestment beyond a reinvested core and gentrifying periphery. Instead, the urban frontier is drawn recursively within urban space.  相似文献   

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