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为了能最大限度的减少由于开采沉陷而造成的损失,采用概率积分模型针对淮南矿区进行了沉陷预计系统的设计和实现,结合数字矿山专业GIS平台lrgis3.0绘制出各种移动变形等值线图,直观准确地反应了预计区域的变形情况。 相似文献
针对建筑物保护煤柱的煤炭资源回收问题,根据西马煤矿具体地质采矿条件,选择概率积分法对西马峰村保护煤柱开采后引起地表移动变形进行预计;并以1326工作面似膏体充填开采结果为基础,计算出充填采区工作面的等效采高;预计结果表明,如按设计开采方案布置工作面,西马峰村建筑物损害等级为Ⅱ级,不符合预先制定的标准;将开采方案进行一定的调整后再进行预计,结果表明,西马峰村建筑物所处地表的移动变形值均在建筑物损坏等级I级所规定的范围内,即建筑物在不用维修或简单维修的情况下可以正常使用,则西马峰村保护煤柱似膏体充填开采是可行的。 相似文献
厚黄土覆盖山区开采沉陷预计 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
以铜川矿区90 5山区地表观测站的观测资料为基础,对山区地表移动变形的特征进行了具体分析,获得稳定后的走向、倾向主断面移动曲线,建立了走向主断面的下沉和水平移动表达式,把山区地表移动看作是开采影响分量和开采影响下的山坡滑移分量叠加的结果。用影响函数叠加法确定出该地质条件下的预计参数,分离出山区滑移影响参数P(x),并进行了滑移影响的定量分析和移动变形的预计检验,预计结果与实际吻合程度较好,所提出的参数求取方法和参数可在类似地质采矿条件下参考使用。 相似文献
条带开采地表沉陷预计的新理论 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
条带开采产生的地表沉陷是地下开采扰动了工程岩体,并由此在地表引起的综合反映,地表沉陷只是岩层移动的一种特殊现象.本文将条带开采工程岩体概化为具有开挖孔洞的分层各向同性线弹性半空间体.给出了条带开采引起的岩层移动及其他表沉陷预计的新方法.首次从理论上提出了条带开采三维岩层移动模式. 相似文献
为了实现对固体密实充填开采地表沉陷进行科学地预计,需要根据其覆岩结构形态演化规律和岩层移动特征建立完备的沉陷预计模型及其参数体系。相似材料模拟和钻孔窥视表明,固体密实充填开采覆岩形态以完整层状结构的弯曲带为主,覆岩仅在近顶板附近发育一定高度的断裂带,不发生垮落现象。岩层移动特征类似纵向载荷作用下层合板的弯曲变形,通过力学简化,基于层合板理论建立了固体密实充填开采地表沉陷预计模型。研究表明,固体密实充填开采地表沉陷形态仍可用概率积分模型进行描述,并进一步探讨了基于“等价釆高”的固体密实充填开采地表沉陷预计模型参数体系。最后将本文建立的地表沉陷预计模型应用于某工程实例,取得了良好的效果。 相似文献
地表移动预计参数选取的神经网络法 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
地表移动预计参数的选取是研究地表移动及其规律的重要内容,由于预计参数受多种复杂因素的影响,具有高度的不确定性和离散性,利用神经网络具有自组织、自学习和高度非线性映射的能力,并既能考虑定量因素又能考虑定性因素的优点,可建立地表移动预计参数选取的神经网络模型以及对BP神经网络进行改进。利用大量的地表移动实际观测数据样本对该网络模型进行训练和学习,并用该网络模型对地表移动参数进行预计,结果表明,该改进的BP神经网络具有收敛速度快、预计参数精度高的优点,从而为开采沉陷地表移动预计中参数的选取提供了新方法。 相似文献
采空沉陷的预测是矿山开发利用、矿山地质环境保护与治理的重要依据,该文论述了影响煤矿采空沉陷预测的各种因素和应注意的问题,提出了易操作、直观、可动态管理的计算方法,以及矿山在开始采矿之前必须开展地表岩移监测等合理化建议。 相似文献
采空塌陷严重影响了人民群众的生命财产安全,准确评价采空区的稳定性,提高预警的时效性,采空塌陷的实时监测至关重要。本文以北京市门头沟区王平镇南港村采空塌陷区为工程背景,建立了以GPS、静力水准、深部测斜、多通道微震监测为主的动态监测系统,实现了多源信息融合技术的采空塌陷区位移场、应力场的全天候监测。基于CAD-Surfer-ANSYS方法建立了采空区三维模型,实现了采空塌陷区监测体系的三维可视化管理,并在监测数据初步分析的基础上,采用数值模拟技术对采空塌陷区稳定性进行了初步分析,为采空塌陷灾害防治提供了技术支持。 相似文献
选取山西阳泉矿区单煤层开采引发的强烈地面塌陷作为研究对象,在详细介绍刘村采煤塌陷所处地质环境背景及其发育变形特征的基础上,根据区域岩体工程地质特征,将其划分为12层岩组;运用关键层、复合关键层理论对采煤塌陷机理进行了分析,获取Hoek-Brown岩体力学参数;采用Flac5.0 Extrusion对刘村采煤塌陷坑进行了反演模拟。数值模拟反映各阶段采动裂缝在地表的发育分布情况并计算了最终沉降量,覆盖层裂缝自然修复周期为2个月,基岩裂缝自然修复周期为3个月;采动裂缝最终在平面上呈"θ"形,塌陷中心1和塌陷中心2最终沉降量分别达到4.5 m和4 m,塌陷面积是工作面面积的1.85倍。模拟结果与调查监测数据高度吻合,客观地反映了地表变形和深部覆岩塌陷的发展变化过程,为塌陷机理分析起到了帮助作用。该套岩体力学参数与模拟方法适用于阳泉矿区采煤塌陷精准预测。 相似文献
In this study subsidence due to groundwater withdrawal was investigated. Kerman Province in Iran is struggling with land subsidence
problem due to extensive groundwater withdrawal mainly for farming. The rate and type of groundwater withdrawal has very important
impact on settlement rate. In this research, effective parameters on land subsidence caused by groundwater withdrawal were
determined by laboratory tests. Sampling had done up to depth of 300 m mainly with remolded specimens from Shams-abad, Nouq
plain in Kerman province. Similar to the field preconsolidation pressure was applied on specimens in the laboratory. Rate
of applied stress on prepared specimens was similar to effect of oscillation of groundwater level. In order to model the actual
soil behavior in the laboratory, one-dimensional consolidation device (odometer) was adopted for testing. In these tests,
the effect of loading caused by seasonal oscillation of groundwater table is considered by means of cyclic loading in the
testing which has great effect on rate of settlements. The results of tests show that when the water table level periodically
increases and decreases the amount of settlement decrease, comparing with the case when the groundwater table drop to a constant
level. In order to predict the further effects of groundwater level oscillation and actual field condition on land subsidence,
a finite element model based on Biots’ three-dimensional consolidation theory was developed. After calibration of finite element
model with laboratory tests, this model was used for prediction the effect of groundwater level oscillation on actual field
conditions. 相似文献
Ali Saeidi Olivier Deck Thierry Verdel 《Geotechnical and Geological Engineering》2013,31(4):1073-1088
The occurrence of subsidence phenomena in urban regions may induce small to severe damage to buildings. Many methods are provided in the literature to assess buildings damage. Most of these methods are empirical and use the horizontal ground strain as a subsidence intensity in the vicinity of a building. Application and comparison of these methods with a case study is the main objective of this paper. This comparison requires some harmonization of the existing methods and the development of a software, which combines the subsidence hazard prediction, the damage evaluation methods and a database of buildings with structural parameters as well as the geographical coordinates of the buildings An additional results is the development of a method for the prediction of the horizontal ground strain in the vicinity of each building. Results are given as a map of damaged buildings for the case study and the different existing methods with some statistical calculations such as the mean and the standard deviation of damage in the city. Comparison of these results allows identification of the “safer” method that give the higher mean of damage. The comparison of the calculated results and observed damage in Lorrain region show that, the Dzegeniuk et al. methods is more realistic in comparison of the other empirical methods. 相似文献
铁法矿区采煤沉陷区的发展演化趋势分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
通过对矿区采煤沉陷区的调查,对影响沉陷形成的主要因素(煤层的厚度、煤层的埋藏深度、上覆底层的物理力学性质、松散层的厚度、矿井开采条件等)进行了针对性的分析,并对将来煤炭采空区的地面沉陷情况(至2010年末,区内将再形成约55km^2的沉陷与变形区)进行了预测,为该矿区地面沉陷的综合治理提供依据。 相似文献
通过对吴江市地面沉降与开采地下水关系的研究,证实地面沉降在时空分布上与地下水开采量基本一致,地面沉降速率与地下水位呈明显的相关性,运用太沙基的有效应力原理及一维固结理论,对地面沉降极限量进行估算。 相似文献
Fanxuan Zeng Kan Wu Qiang He Xinpeng Diao Liang Li 《Geotechnical and Geological Engineering》2017,35(1):83-89
Mining in areas with a high phreatic water surface leads to groundwater exposure and the accumulation of the water in the subsidence basin. The calculation of the volume of water is of high importance. This paper analyzes the seasonal or perennial ponding caused by mining in areas with high phreatic water surfaces. With the help of digital elevation model, the estimated groundwater elevation, and the basis of a mining subsidence prediction model, a model of ponding in subsidence areas has been established. Using this model, the amount of mining subsidence ponding in northern Jining has been calculated. Furthermore, the evolution of ponding has been forecasted. Our experimental results indicate that the average depth of the ponding area is projected to be about 3 m after mine closure. The volume of the new perennial ponding is 0.2–2 million m3 per year and it is negligible to the river confluence in Jining. This model helps in the calculation of the amount of water in the subsidence area and the evaluation of the impact of mining subsidence area on the catchment, which would provide a certain basis for the reclamation and protection of water resources in the locality. 相似文献