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Mechanical disintegration by crystal growth of salts in pores is generally considered as an important mechanism of rock breakdown both on Earth and on Mars. Crystal growth is also a major cause of damage in porous building materials. Sodium sulfate is the most widely used salt in accelerated weathering tests of natural rocks and building materials. This paper provides an updated phase diagram of the Na2SO4-H2O system based on a careful review of the available thermodynamic data of aqueous sodium sulfate and the crystalline phases. The phase diagram includes both the stable phases thenardite, Na2SO4(V), and mirabilite, Na2SO4·10H2O, and, the metastable phases Na2SO4(III) and Na2SO4·7H2O. The phase diagram is used to discuss the crystallization pathways and the crystallization pressures generated by these solids in common laboratory weathering experiments and under field conditions. New crystallization experiments carried out at different temperatures are presented. A dilatometric technique is used to study the mechanical response of sandstone samples in typical wetting-drying experiments as in the standard salt crystallization test. Additional experiments with continuous immersion and evaporation were carried out with the same type of sandstone. Both, the theoretical treatment and the results of the crystallization experiments confirm that the crystallization of mirabilite from highly supersaturated solutions is the most important cause of damage of sodium sulfate in porous materials.  相似文献   

Between 200° C and 400° C stellerite (Ca8Al16Si56O144×58H2O) exists as a collapsed phase B which very rapidly transforms, upon partial rehydration at room conditions, into a more stable phase C. After a considerably longer period of rehydration phase C transforms into a phase with cell parameters similar to those of the natural phase. Phase B results from a rotation of the fundamental structural unit and the consequent lowering of the symmetry from Fmmm to Amma. In stellerite B, as in barrerite B and C, the aluminosilicate framework is interrupted by the statistical breaking of an oxygen bridge. In this case however the resulting hydroxyl positions are not symmetrically equivalent and therefore enjoy full freedom. This explains the different thermal behaviours of stellerite and barrerite and allows one to formulate hypotheses on the dehydration dynamics of stilbite.  相似文献   

Phase relations in the 6-component system Na-K-Mg-Ca-SO4-Cl-H2O have been calculated for halite saturation, 25°C and 1 atm pressure. Using a Jänecke projection with the apices Ca-Mg-K2-SO4, 27 stable invariant points have been located which are connected by 69 univariant curves. Polyhalite is the only quaternary solid, but anhydrite occupies the bulk of the interior tetrahedral space. Consequently, 24 of the invariant points lie very close to the Ca-free base, Mg-K2-SO4. The remaining three points involve tachyhydrite and/or antarcticite. All points but two (20,27) represent peritectic conditions. Metastable equilibria have been calculated for the Ca-free system and yield relations corresponding to the solar diagram.Seawater lies in the subspace anhydrite-halite-carnallite-kieserite-bischofite (point 20) and its evaporation has been discussed for conditions of equilibrium and fractional crystallization. After gypsum is converted to anhydrite, halite precipitates. The next phase, under equilibrium conditions, is glauberite, crystallizing at the expense of anhydrite. Continued evaporation leads to glauberite resorption and eventual replacement by polyhalite. Then follow the magnesium sulfates epsomite, hexahydrite and kieserite, which are joined by carnallite. Polyhalite is replaced by anhydrite and bischoflte is added at the final invariant condition. Kainite does not appear as a primary phase under equilibrium conditions, but it is an important phase during fractional crystallization, where Ca-phases are not allowed to back-react with the brine.Up to the appearance of glauberite, thickness ratios of halite: anhydrite couplets (equilibrium or fractionation) can vary from 0 to 7, the relative amount of halite increasing with more intense evaporation. During evaporation, the activity of H2O decreases from 0.98 (seawater) to 0.34 (final invariant brine). The data provided can be used to evaluate the effects of mineral precipitation, evaporation and brine mixing for a wide variety of natural brines.  相似文献   

Dehydration (vapour absent) partial melting reactions in the Earth's crust produce a hydrous granitic melt phase, new anhydrous minerals that are mostly pyroxenes, and new plagioclase more calcic than the initial plagioclase. These solid phases of the melt reaction are restite. If the restite is carried to high levels in the crust as a component of the magma, cooling and crystallisation to granite will result in back reactions in which the H2O in the melt phase is consumed and is not then available to form a hydrothermal solution. Even in magmas in which some restite has been removed there will be some back reaction and again less H2O. Only fractional crystallisation will enrich the H2O in the magma in sufficient amounts to form a substantial quantity of hydrothermal solution and possible mineralisation.  相似文献   

We introduce a novel scheme that enables natural silicic glasses to be projected into the synthetic system Qz-Ab-Or-H2O in order to relate variations in volcanic glass chemistry to changing pressure (P) and temperature (T) conditions in the sub-volcanic magma system. By this means an important distinction can be made between ascent-driven and cooling-driven crystallisation under water-saturated or undersaturated conditions. In samples containing feldspar and a silica phase (quartz or tridymite), quantitative P-T estimates of the conditions of last equilibrium between crystals and melt can be made. Formation of highly silicic melts (i.e. >77 wt% SiO2) is a simple consequence of the contraction of the silica phase volume with decreasing pressure, such that high silica glasses can only form by crystallisation at low pressure. Resorption of quartz crystals appears to be a further diagnostic feature of decompression crystallisation. Groundmass and inclusion glasses in dacites from the 1980-1986 eruption of Mount St Helens volcano (WA) span a wide range in SiO2 (68-80 wt%, anhydrous). The compositions of the least evolved (SiO2-poor) inclusions in amphibole phenocrysts record entrapment of silicic liquids with Е.4 wt% water, corresponding to a water saturation pressure of ~200 MPa at 900 °C. The compositions of more evolved (higher SiO2) plagioclase-hosted inclusions and groundmass glasses are consistent with extensive ascent-driven fractional crystallisation of plagioclase, oxide and orthopyroxene phenocrysts and microlites to low pressures. During this polybaric crystallisation, plagioclase phenocrysts trapped melts with a wide range of dissolved water contents (3.5-5.7 wt%). Magmas erupted during the Plinian phase of the 18 May 1980 eruption were derived from a large reservoir at depths of ̈́ km. Subsequent magmas ascended to varying depths within the sub-volcanic system prior to extraction. From glass chemistry and groundmass texture two arrest levels have been identified, at depths of 0.5-1 and 2-4 km. A single dome sample from February 1983 contains groundmass plagioclase, tridymite and quartz, testifying to temperatures of at least 885 °C at 11 MPa. These shallow storage conditions are comparable to those in the cryptodome formed during spring 1980. The corresponding thermal gradient, А.2 °C MPa-1, is consistent with near-adiabatic magma ascent from ~8 km. We argue that the crystallisation history of Mount St Helens dacite magma was largely a consequence of decompression crystallisation of hot magma beyond the point of water saturation. This challenges the conventional view that phenocryst crystallisation occurred by cooling in a large magma chamber prior to the 1980-1986 eruption. Because the crystallisation process is both polybaric and fractional, it cannot be simulated directly using isobaric equilibrium crystallisation experiments. However, calculation of the phase proportions in water-saturated 910ᆣ °C experiments by Rutherford et al. (1985) over the pressure range 220-125 MPa reproduces the crystallisation sequence and phenocryst modes of Mount St Helens dacites from 18 May 1980. By allowing for the effects of fractional versus equilibrium crystallisation, entrained residual source material, and small temperature differences between nature and experiment, phase compositions can also be matched to the natural samples. We conclude that decompression of water-saturated magma may be the dominant driving force for crystallisation at many other silicic volcanic centres.  相似文献   

Hydrogeochemical investigations are carried out in and around Perumal Lake, Cuddalore district, South India in order to assess its suitability in relation to domestic and agricultural uses. The water samples (surface water = 16; groundwater = 12) were analyzed for various physicochemical attributes like pH, electrical conductivity (EC), sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+), chloride (Cl), bicarbonate (HCO3 ), sulfate (SO4 2−), phosphate (PO4), silica (H4SiO4) and total dissolved solids (TDS). Major hydrochemical facies were identified using Piper trilinear diagram. Hydrogeochemical processes controlling the water chemistry are water–rock interaction rather than evaporation and precipitation. Interpretation of isotopic signatures reveals that groundwater samples recharged by meteoric water with few water–rock interactions. A comparison of water quality in relation to drinking water quality standard proves that the surface water samples are suitable for drinking purpose, whereas groundwater in some areas exceeds the permissible limit. Various determinants such as sodium absorption ratio (SAR), percent sodium (Na%), residual sodium carbonate (RSC) and permeability index (PI) revealed that most of the samples are suitable for irrigation.  相似文献   

Four cores of anoxic sediments were collected from the Seine estuary to assess the early diagenesis pathways leading to the formation of previously reactive phase. Pore waters were analyzed for dissolved iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) and different ligands (e.g., sulfate, chloride, total inorganic carbon). The anoxic zone is present up to the first centimeter depth, in these conditions the reduction of Mn and Fe oxides and SO4 2− was verified. The sulfate reduction was well established with a subsequent carbon mineralization in the NORMAI94 core. The chemical speciation of Mn and Fe in the dissolved and solid phases was determined. For the dissolved phase, thermodynamic calculations were used to characterize and illustrate the importance of carbonate and phosphate phases as sinks for Fe and Mn. The ion activity product (IAP) of Fe and Mn species was compared to the solubility products (Ks) of these species. In the solid phase, the presence of higher concentration of calcium carbonate in the Seine sediments is an important factor controlling Mn cycle. The carbonate-bound Mn can reach more than 75% of the total concentration. This result is confirmed by the use of electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy. The reduction of Fe is closely coupled to the sulfate reduction by the formation of new solid phases such as FeS and FeS2, which can be regarded as temporal sinks for sulfides. These forms were quantified in all cores as acid volatile sulfide (AVS: FeS+ free sulfide) and chromium reducible sulfide (CRS: FeS2+elemental sulfur S0).  相似文献   

The authors have carried out scientific investigations of salt lakes on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau since 1956 and collected 550 hydrochemical data from various types of salt lakes. On that basis, combined with the tectonic characteristics of the plateau, the hydrochemical characteristics of the salt lakes of the plateau are discussed. The salinity of the lakes of the plateau is closely related to the natural environment of lake evolution, especially the climatic conditions. According to the available data and interpretation of satellite images, the salinity of the lakes of the plateau has a general trend of decreasing from north and northwest to south and southeast, broadly showing synchronous variations with the annual precipitation and aridity (annual evaporation/annual precipitation) of the modern plateau. The pH values of the plateau salt lakes are related to both hydrochemical types and salinities of the lake waters, i.e., the pH values tend to decrease from the carbonate type → sodium sulfate subtype → magnesium sulfate subtype → chloride type; on the other hand, a negative correlation is observed between the pH and salinities of the lakes. Geoscientists and biological limnologists generally use main ions in salt lakes as the basis for the hydrochemical classification of salt lakes. The common ions in salt lakes are Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, Cl? SO4 2?, CO3 2?, and HCO3 ?. In this paper, the Kurnakov-Valyashko classification is used to divide the salt lakes into the chloride type, magnesium sulfate subtype, sodium sulfate subtype and carbonate type, and then according to different total alkalinities (K C = Na2CO3 + NaHCO3/total salt × 100%) and different saline mineral assemblages, the carbonate type is further divided into three subtypes, namely, strong carbonate subtype, moderate carbonate subtype and weak carbonate subtypes. According to the aforesaid hydrochemical classifications, a complete and meticulous hydrochemical classification of the salt lakes of the plateau has been made and then a clear understanding of the characteristics of N–S hydrochemical zoning and E-W hydrochemical differentiation has been obtained. The plateau is divided into four zones and one area. There is a genetic association between certain saline minerals and specific salt lake hydrochemical types: the representative mineral assemblages of the carbonate type of salt lake is borax (tincalconite) and borax-zabuyelite (L2CO3) and alkali carbonate-mirabilite; the representative mineral assemblages of the sodium sulfate subtype are mirabilite (thenardite)-halite and magnesium borate (kurnakovite, inderite etc.)-ulexite-mirabilite; the representative mineral assemblages of the magnesium sulfate subtype are magnesium sulfate (epsomite, bloedite)-halite, magnesium borate-mirabilite, and mirabilite-schoenite-halite, as well as large amount of gypsum; The representative mineral assemblages of the chloride type are carnallite-bischofite-halite and carnallite-halite, with antarcticite in a few individual salt lakes. The above-mentioned salt lake mineral assemblages of various types on the plateau have features of cold-phase assemblages. Mirabilite and its associated cold-phase saline minerals are important indicators for the study of paleoclimate changes of the plateau. A total of 59 elements have been detected in lake waters of the plateau now, of which the concentrations of Na, K, Mg, Ca, and Cl, and SO4 2?, CO3 2?, and HCO3 ? ions are highest, but, compared with the hydrochemical compositions of other salt lake regions, the plateau salt lakes, especially those in the southern Qiangtang carbonate type subzone (I2), contain high concentrations of Li, B, K, Cs, and Rb, and there are also As, U, Th, Br, Sr, and Nd positive anomalies in some lakes. In the plateau lake waters, B is intimately associated with Li, Cs, K and Rb and its concentration shows a general positive correlation with increasing salinity of the lake waters. The highest positive anomalies of B, Li, Cs, and K center on the Ngangla Ringco Lake area in the western segment of the southern Qiangtang carbonate type subzone (I2) and coincide with Miocene volcanic-sedimentary rocks and high-value areas of B, Li, and Cs of the plateau. This strongly demonstrates that special elements such as B, Li, and Cs on the plateau were related to deep sources. Based on recent voluminous geophysical study and geochemical study of volcanic rocks, their origin had close genetic relation to anatectic magmatism resulting from India–Eurasia continent–continent collision, and B–Li (-Ce) salt lakes in the Cordillera Plateau of South America just originated on active continental margins, both of which indicate that global specific tectonically active belts are the main cause for the high abundances of B, Li, and Cs (K and Rb) in natural water and mineralization of these elements.  相似文献   

Accessory minerals contain a robust and accessible record of magma evolution. However, they may reflect relatively late-stage conditions in the history of the host magmas. In the normally zoned Criffell granitic pluton (Scotland), whole-rock (WR) compositions reflect open system assimilation and fractional crystallisation at depths of >11 km, whereas amphibole barometry and the absence of inherited zircon suggest that the observed mineral assemblages crystallised following emplacement of magmas with little or no crystal cargo at depths of 4–6 km. The crystallisation history is documented by large trace-element variations amongst apatite crystals from within individual samples: decreasing LREE and Th concentrations in apatite crystals from metaluminous samples reflect broadly synchronous crystallisation of allanite, whereas lower LREE and Th, and more negative Nd anomalies in apatites from peraluminous samples reflect the effects of monazite crystallisation. WR evolution is likely to have occurred within a deep crustal hot zone where H2O-rich (~6 wt%), low-viscosity magmas segregated and ascended adiabatically in a super-liquidus state, leading to resorption of most entrained crystals. Stalling, emplacement and crystallisation resulted from intersection with the H2O-saturated liquidus at ~4 km. H2O contents are as important as temperature in the development of super-liquidus magmas during ascent, blurring distinctions between apparently ‘hot’ and ‘cold’ granites. The trace-element contents of most accessory minerals are controlled by competitive crystallisation of other accessory minerals in small melt batches, consistent with the incremental assembly of large granitic plutons.  相似文献   

A synthetic Topopah Spring Tuff water representative of one type of pore water at Yucca Mountain, NV was evaporated at 95°C in a series of experiments to determine the geochemical controls for brines that may form on, and possibly impact upon the long-term integrity of waste containers and drip shields at the designated high-level, nuclear-waste repository. Solution chemistry, condensed vapor chemistry, and precipitate mineralogy were used to identify important chemical divides and to validate geochemical calculations of evaporating water chemistry using a high temperature Pitzer thermodynamic database. The water evolved toward a complex "sulfate type" brine that contained about 45 mol % Na, 40 mol % Cl, 9 mol % NO3, 5 mol % K, and less than 1 mol % each of SO4, Ca, Mg, ∑CO2(aq), F, and Si. All measured ions in the condensed vapor phase were below detection limits. The mineral precipitates identified were halite, anhydrite, bassanite, niter, and nitratine. Trends in the solution composition and identification of CaSO4 solids suggest that fluorite, carbonate, sulfate, and magnesium-silicate precipitation control the aqueous solution composition of sulfate type waters by removing fluoride, calcium, and magnesium during the early stages of evaporation. In most cases, the high temperature Pitzer database, used by EQ3/6 geochemical code, sufficiently predicts water composition and mineral precipitation during evaporation. Predicted solution compositions are generally within a factor of 2 of the experimental values. The model predicts that sepiolite, bassanite, amorphous silica, calcite, halite, and brucite are the solubility controlling mineral phases.  相似文献   

C.I. Mathison 《Lithos》1975,8(2):93-111
16 chemical analyses and 71 microprobe analyses of magnetites and ilmenitesin the Somerset Dam layered basic intrusion demonstrate that the chemistry of these oxides is a sensitive indicator of crystallisation and subsolidus conditions. Microprobe analyses prove the existence of two chemically distinct types of ilmenite — secondary ilmenite formed by subsolidus oxidation of magnetite-ulvöspinelss, and primary ilmenite, which has been only partially affected by the subsolidus oxidation.Application of experimental TfOaX relations shows that the inferred crystallisation conditions approximately the NNO buffer. Subsolidus cooling appears to have occurred approximately parallel to the NNO buffer, and was probably buffered partly an H2O-rich fluid, and partly by the Fe-Ti oxides. The proportions of H2O and of sulphur compounds appear to have determined the temperatures at which subsolidus oxidation of magnetite ceased.  相似文献   

基于相化学研究老挝万象钾镁盐矿床形成的机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
老挝万象钾镁盐矿床是一个典型的海相碎屑盐缺硫酸盐型钾盐矿床, 该矿床形成于古近纪, 是古海水蒸发浓缩沉积形成。老挝万象钾镁盐矿床中缺乏硫酸盐和碳酸盐沉积物, 因此深入研究该矿床的形成机制很重要。本文研究探讨了该矿床形成时的古海水特点, 根据相化学, 分析成钾原始卤水的物理化学特性, 从矿体形成的化学基础来研究老挝钾镁盐矿床形成的机制。结果表明: 显生宙以来海水组分发生变化, 经海相非骨骼灰岩和钾盐蒸发岩矿物学研究, 发现这两种沉积岩长期以来连续变化, 在“文石海”是MgSO4型蒸发盐, 在“方解石海”是KCl型蒸发盐, 从白垩纪晚期、第三纪早期的底部石盐溴含量及矿物学特征表明, 此时处于“方解石海”, 古海水组分的特点是造成缺硫酸盐型钾盐矿床形成的物化基础; 通过NaCl-KCl-MgCl2-H2O和NaCl-KCl-MgCl2-CaCl2-H2O两个体系相图的分析认为, 当时所形成的成钾原始体系母液是高镁、低钾氯化物型的卤水, 在母液蒸发过程中, 由于原始海侵母液与残余高镁母液的掺杂作用, 致使结晶路线直接从氯化钠区到E点母液或光卤石与氯化钠共饱线上, 而没有通过氯化钠和氯化钾的共饱线, 因而在矿体中氯化钾相很少或几乎不存在, 由于外界CaCl2型水体的掺杂, 使成钾母液进入光卤石相区, 随着蒸发的进行, 最终形成溢晶石矿物。  相似文献   

Heterogeneous fluid equilibria in the second-type H2O-Na2CO3 system in the presence of SiO2 or SiO2 + NaAlSi3O8 were studied experimentally. Phase diagrams of the second-type systems are briefly described. Fluid inclusions in quartz were synthesized by healing of fractures in 1 M Na2CO3 solution at 700°C and under 1, 2, and 3 kbar pressure. Some runs were carried out in the presence of albite gel. The microthermomemtric study of the synthesized inclusions showed that under experimental conditions the fluid was heterogeneous and did not remain inert with respect to quartz and albite. Some inclusions contained a glass-like phase, and liquid released from this phase by heating. Having been heated, some inclusions revealed liquid immiscibility. Comparison of the water-silicate-sodium carbonate system with similar systems containing sodium sulfate and fluoride (Kotel’nikova and Kotel’nikov, 2008, 2010) shows that they have much in common. In all cases, the aqueous salt-bearing fluid did not remain inert relative to the quartz under relatively low PT conditions. The inclusions entrapped in the upper heterogeneous region revealed immiscibility in the presence of vapor within a temperature range of 200 to 400°C. The solutions of various concentrations, including oversaturated solutions in the presence of solid phase, underwent recurrent heterogenization. Near 400°C, vapor is either dissolved in one of immiscible liquids or absorbs this liquid. When heating progresses to higher temperature, inclusions commonly become unsealed.  相似文献   

Recent work on the Panzhihua intrusion has produced two separate models for the crystallisation of the intrusion:(1) low-Ti,high CaO and low H2O(0.5 wt.%) parent magma(equivalent to Emeishan low-Ti basalt) at FMQ;and(2) high-Ti,low CaO and higher H2O(>1.5 wt.%) parent magma(equivalent to Emeishan high-Ti basalt) at FMQ + 1.5.Modelling of these parent magma compositions produces significantly different results. We present here detailed f(O2) and H2O modelling for average compositions of both Emeishan high-Ti and low-Ti ferrobasalts in order to constrain the effects on crystallisation sequences for Emeishan ultra-mafic -mafic layered intrusions.Modelling is consistent with numerous experimental studies on ferro-basaltic magmas from other localities(e.g.Skaergaard intrusion).Modelling is compared with the geology of the Panzhihua intrusion in order to constrain the crystallisation of the gabbroic rocks and the Fe-Ti oxides ore layers.We suggest that the gabbroic rocks at the Panzhihua intrusion can be best explained by crystallisation from a parent magma similar to that of the high-Ti Emeishan basalt at moderate H2O contents(0.5-1 wt.%) but at the lower end of TiO2 content for typical high-Ti basalts(2.5 wt.%TiO2). Distinct silicate disequilibrium textures in the Fe-Ti oxide ore layers suggest that an influx of H2O may be responsible for changing the crystallisation path.An increase in H2O during crystallisation of gabbroic rocks will result in the depression of silicate liquidus temperatures and resultant disequilibrium with the liquid.Continued cooling of the magma with high H2O then results in precipitation of Mt-Uv alone. The H2O content of parent magmas for mafic layered intrusions associated with the ELIP is an important variable.H2O alters the crystallisation sequence of the basaltic magmas so that at high H2O and f(O2) Mt -Uv crystallises earlier than plagioclase and clinopyroxene.Furthermore,the addition of H2O to an anhydrous magma can explain silicate disequilibrium texture observed in the Fe-Ti oxide ore layers.  相似文献   

This study presents the data on the hydrochemical characteristics and isotope chemistry of Liwa aquifer, which could be useful to clarify the hydrochemical facies and hydrogeological regime in the study area. Electric conductivity and total dissolved solid values show that the investigated water is slightly brackish, due to the effect of evaporation and the occurrences of evaporite rocks in the adjacent Sabkhas of Abu Dhabi. Major cations and anions arranged according to their decreasing concentrations are: Na+ > Ca+2 > K+ > Mg+2 and Cl > HCO3  > SO4−2, respectively. As sodium is the dominate cation and chloride is the prevailing anion, hydrochemically the groundwater of Liwa can be classified as Na–Cl rich, predominantly chloridic. Ion concentrations increase towards the northeast and presumably coincide with the lithological sources of ions. Factors affecting the hydrochemistry of the groundwater of the investigated area include the effect of weathering of soil and rocks, evaporation and agricultural activities. Stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen show that the shallow aquifers contain a single water type that originated in a distinct climatic regime. This water type deviates from the local meteoric water line, as well as from the Eastern Mediterranean Meteoric Water Line, suggesting potential evaporation of recharged water prior to infiltration. The waters are poor in tritium, and thus can be considered generally as indication for recharge prior to 1952. The degradation of groundwater quality can be attributed to evaporation and agricultural practices in most cases.  相似文献   

Infrared spectra of C-O-H micro-inclusions were collected from a micro-inclusion bearing diamond during step-heating and freezing experiments to examine fluid speciation as a function of pressure and temperature. The inclusions contain H2O, CO2, carbonate, apatite, quartz and mica, which together represent the oxidising remnant mantle fluid composition after diamond crystallisation. The internal pressure of the inclusions, measured from calibrated shifts of the quartz peaks, increases from 1.3 GPa at ambient temperature, to approximately 4-5 GPa at 737 °C, close to the conditions of crystallisation of the host diamond in the mantle.  相似文献   

The salt assemblages precipitated during evaporation of concentrated brine collected from Gasikule Salt Lake (GSL) were studied to better understand the formation of potassium deposits in the Qaidam Basin. The study included isothermal evaporation at 25 °C in the laboratory and solar evaporation in the ponds at GSL field. Brines increased in density and became moderately acidic (pH?≈?5.30) while major ion geochemistry and precipitate mineralogy all showed broad agreement between both systems. Four salt assemblages were identified in the isothermal evaporation experiment: halite?→?halite?+?hexahydrite?→?halite?+?bischofite?+?carnallite?→?bischofite. Alternately, three salt assemblages were recognized in the solar evaporation: halite?→?halite?+?epsomite?+?carnallite?→?halite?+?carnallite?+?bischofite. The key difference in salt assemblages between the two systems is attributed to differences in relative humidity and temperature conditions. Although the GSL has deep spring inflow recharge, the high abundance of MgSO4 salts demonstrates that the salt assemblages are similar to normal seawater evaporation. Thus, different proportions of deep spring inflow and river water could form both MgSO4-deficient potassium evaporite and normal seawater potassium evaporites. Therefore, nonmarine water may form diverse potassium evaporite deposits in continental basins when the geological structure as well as hydrogeological and climatic conditions is appropriate.  相似文献   

The present exercise is a study to enquire into the recent climatic transition, if any in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Conventional climatic indicators such as rainfall distribution, temperature regime, relative humidity, sunshine duration, wind velocity and evaporation characteristics were examined over a period of twenty six years of available meteorological data. The analyses showed a remarkable mutual resemblance and unidirectional trend in all the temperature parameters like absolute monthly maximum, absolute monthly minimum, mean monthly maximum, mean monthly minimum and mean monthly temperatures and the mean monthly maximum and mean monthly minimum relative humidities. Similarly, the trends in sunshine duration, wind velocity and pan evaporation were also supportingly in accordance to the general trends of climatic transition. The analysis based on a smaller period climatic data shows a good deal of agreement with the trends of studies on global warming projections made by simulated models on the basis of CO2 concentration changes in the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Summary Lovozero, the largest of the world’s layered peralkaline intrusions, includes gigantic deposits of Nb + REE-loparite ore. Loparite, (Na,Ce,Ca)2(Ti,Nb)2O6, became a cumulus phase after crystallisation of about 35% of the ‘Differentiated Complex’, and its compositional evolution has been investigated through a 2.35 km section of the intrusion. The composition of the cumulus loparite changes systematically upwards through the intrusion with an increase in Na, Sr, Nb and Th and decrease in REE and Ti. This main trend of loparite evolution records differentiation of the peralkaline magma through crystallisation of 1600 m of the intrusion. The formation of the loparite ores was the result of several factors including the chemical evolution of the highly alkaline magma and mechanical accumulation of loparite at the base of a convecting unit. At later stages of evolution, when concentrations of alkalis and volatiles reached very high levels, loparite reacted with the residual melt to form a variety of minerals including barytolamprophyllite, lomonosovite, steenstrupine-(Ce), vuonnemite, nordite, nenadkevichite, REE, Sr-rich apatite, vitusite-(Ce), mosandrite, monazite-(Ce), cerite and Ba, Si-rich belovite. The absence of loparite ore in the “Eudialyte complex” is likely to be a result of the wide crystallisation field of lamprophyllite, which here became a cumulus phase. Received November 6, 2000; revised version accepted January 18, 2001  相似文献   

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