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In this study, we investigate the impact of a plasma environment on gravitational weak lensing around a black hole from the perspective of T-duality. Our results demonstrate that the deflection angle of light rays around the black hole is notably affected by the parameter l0, with an increase leading to a decrease in the deflection angle, while the effect of plasma on the deflection angle is the opposite. We also consider different types of plasma distributions, including uniform ωe=const, Singular Isothermal Sphere medium, and Non-Singular Isothermal gas sphere plasma. We have analyzed the total magnification of the image source due to gravitational weak lensing, taking into account the effect of parameter l0 related to T-duality in the presence of plasma around the black hole.  相似文献   

The properties of the relativistic rings which show up in images of a source when a black hole lies between the source and observer are examined. The impact parameters are calculated, along with the distances of closest approach of the rays which form a relativistic ring, their angular sizes, and their “magnification” factors, which are much less than unity. __________ Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 51, No. 1, pp. 125–138 (February 2008).  相似文献   

The lensing properties of the Plummer model with a central point mass and external shear are derived, including the image multiplicities, critical curves and caustics. This provides a simple model for a flattened galaxy with a central supermassive black hole. For the Plummer model with black hole, the maximum number of images is four, provided the black hole mass is less than an upper bound which is calculated analytically. This introduces a method to constrain black hole masses by counting images, thus applicable at cosmological distance. With shear, the maximum number of images is six and we illustrate the occurrence of an astroid caustic and two metamorphoses.  相似文献   

Since the strength of weak gravitational lensing is proportional to the mass along the line of sight, it might be possible to use lensing data to find the masses of individual dark matter clusters. Unfortunately, the effect on the lensing field of other matter along the line of sight is substantial. We investigate to what extent we can correct for these projection effects if we have additional information about the most massive halos along the line of sight from deep optical data. We do this by calculating the contributions of these line-of-sight halos to the lensing field and then subtracting off this effect. Three different approaches are used to calculate these contributions: the first approach uses the exact mass distribution of the line-of-sight halos, the second assumes the masses are known and uses the NFW model and the third approach uses richness as an estimator for mass and then also assumes the NFW model. We find that, whichever approach we take, unless we know the masses and positions of line-of-sight halos down to a very low mass, we can only correct for a small part of the line-of-sight projection. We conclude that if we try to use lensing data to find individual cluster masses, there is an error of about 15–20% due to line-of-sight projection that cannot be corrected for.  相似文献   

In this talk, I review an analytic method for calculating gravitational radiation from a small mass particle orbiting a massive black hole. This method allows a systematic evalutation of the gravitational radiation to a very high order in post-Newtonian expansion, hence gives us useful information on the evolution of coalescing compact binary stars.  相似文献   

Gravitational wave signal characteristics from a binary black hole system in which the companion moves through the accretion disc of the primary are studied. We chose the primary to be a super-massive  ( M = 108 M)  Kerr black hole and the companion to be a massive black hole  ( M = 105 M)  to clearly demonstrate the effects. We show that the drag exerted on the companion by the disc is sufficient to reduce the coalescence time of the binary. The drag is primarily due to the fact that the accretion disc on a black hole deviates from a Keplerian disc and becomes sub-Keplerian due to inner boundary condition on the black hole horizon. We consider two types of accretion rates on to the companion. The companion is deeply immersed inside the disc and it can accrete at the Bondi rate which depends on the instantaneous density of the disc. However, an accretion disc can also form around the smaller black hole and it can accrete at its Eddington rate. Thus, this case is also studied and the results are compared. We find that the effect of the disc will be significant in reducing the coalescence time and one needs to incorporate this while interpreting gravitational wave signals emitted from such a binary system.  相似文献   

We study the generation of a stochastic gravitational wave (GW) background produced from a population of core-collapse supernovae, which form black holes in scenarios of structure formation. We obtain, for example, that the formation of a population (Population III) of black holes, in cold dark matter scenarios, could generate a stochastic GW background with a maximum amplitude of   h BG≃10−24  and corresponding closure energy density of  ΩGW∼10−7  , in the frequency band   ν obs≃30–470 Hz  (assuming a maximum efficiency of generation of GWs, namely,   ɛ GWmax=7×10−4)  for stars forming at redshifts   z ≃30–10  . We show that it will be possible in the future to detect this isotropic GW background by correlating the signals of a pair of 'advanced' LIGO observatories (LIGO III) at a signal-to-noise ratio of ≃40. We discuss what astrophysical information could be obtained from a positive (or even a negative) detection of such a GW background generated in scenarios such as those studied here. One of them is the possibility of obtaining the initial and final redshifts of the emission period from the observed spectrum of GWs.  相似文献   

We describe a new approach to calculating photon trajectories and gravitational lensing effects in the strong gravitational field of the Kerr black hole. These techniques are applied to explore both the imaging and spectral properties of photons emitted from an accretion disc, which perform multiple orbits of the central mass before escaping to infinity. Viewed at large inclinations, these higher-order photons contribute ∼20 per cent of the total luminosity of the system for a Schwarzschild hole, while for an extreme Kerr black hole this fraction rises to ∼60 per cent. In more realistic models, these photons will be reabsorbed by the disc at large distances from the hole, but this returning radiation could provide a physical mechanism to resolve the discrepancy between the predicted and observed optical/ultraviolet colours in active galactic nuclei. Conversely, at low inclinations, higher-order images reintercept the disc plane close to the black hole, so need not be absorbed by the disc if this is within the plunging region. These photons form a bright ring carrying approximately 10 per cent of the total disc luminosity for a Schwarzschild black hole. The spatial separation between the inner edge of the disc and the ring is similar to the size of the event horizon. This is resolvable for supermassive black holes with proposed X-ray interferometery missions such as the Microarcsecond X-ray Imaging Mission (MAXIM), and so has the potential to provide an observational test of strong field gravity.  相似文献   

We describe the discovery of the longest microlensing event ever observed, OGLE-1999-BUL-32, also independently identified by the MACHO collaboration as MACHO-99-BLG-22. This unique event has an Einstein radius crossing time of 640 d. The high-quality data obtained with difference image analysis shows a small but significant parallax signature. This parallax effect allows one to determine the Einstein radius projected on to the observer plane as     . The transverse velocity projected on to the observer plane is about 79 km s−1. We argue that the lens is likely to have a mass of at least a few solar masses, i.e. it could be a stellar black hole. The black hole hypothesis can be tested using the astrometric microlensing signature with the soon-to-be installed Advanced Camera for Surveys on board the Hubble Space Telescope . Deep X-ray and radio images may also be useful for revealing the nature of the object.  相似文献   

I consider the effect of the gravitational deflection of light upon the light curves of eclipsing binary stars, focusing mainly upon systems containing at least one white dwarf component. In absolute terms the effects are small, however they are strongest at the time of secondary eclipse when the white dwarf transits its companion, and act to reduce the depth of this feature. If not accounted for, this may lead to under-estimation of the radius of the white dwarf compared with that of its companion. I show that the effect is significant for plausible binary parameters, and that it leads to ∼25 per cent reduction in the transit depth in the system KPD 1930+2752. The reduction of eclipse depth is degenerate with the stellar radius ratio, and therefore cannot be used to establish the existence of lensing. A second-order effect of the light bending is to steepen the ingress and egress features of the secondary eclipse relative to the primary eclipse, although it will be difficult to see this in practice. I consider also binaries containing neutron stars and black holes. I conclude that, although relatively large effects are possible in such systems, a combination of rarity, faintness and intrinsic variability makes it unlikely that lensing will be detectable in them.  相似文献   

Based on the DWT (discrete wavelet transform) method, we propose a new smoothing algorithm for computing surface densities from 3D numerical simulation samples. To check its effectiveness, we have applied this algorithm to two Monte-Carlo samples of gravitational lens simulation with different mass resolutions, generated from the isothermal ellipsoid model of dark matter halos. The calculated results indicate that this algorithm can reconstruct accurately the surface density distribution of the gravitational lens simulation sample, and that the lens caustics and critical curves derived from the surface densities agree well with the theoretical curves. We have compared the results calculated by using 3 different wavelet bases (Daub4, Daub6 and B-spline 3th), and identified the best one. Without sacrificing its smoothing capability, this algorithm has a very fast computing speed, suitable for later N-body numerical simulations, which require even higher resolutions.  相似文献   

The distribution function of quasars with respect to apparent brightness is given, found under the assumption that quasars are, at least partially, the gravitationally enhanced images of the active nuclei of distant galaxies. A Schechter law and a two-power law for the luminosity function of the sources are used, as well as a probabilistic law of image enhancement for various models of gravitational lenses. To find the theoretical distribution function of quasars with respect to apparent brightness we use a theorem on the probability density of a product of random quantities. It is shown that the slope of this function ranges from -1 to -2 for faint quasars, like that for ordinary galaxies. In the case of bright quasars, the slope of the apparent brightness distribution function is determined mainly by the lensing effect and has a lower limit of -3. The good agreement between theory and observations suggests that statistically quasars are gravitationally enhanced images of the active nuclei of distant galaxies. If the initial assumptions are correct, then the luminosity function of galaxies and the apparent brightness function for quasars are not independent but are related by means of the differential lensing probability.  相似文献   

In strong gravitational lensing, the multiple images we see correspond to light rays that leave the source in slightly different directions. If the source emission is anisotropic, the images may differ from conventional lensing predictions (which assume isotropy). To identify scales on which source anisotropy may be important, we study the angle δ between the light rays emerging from the source, for different lensing configurations. If the lens has a power-law profile   M ∝ R γ  , the angle δ initially increases with lens redshift and then either diverges (for a steep profile  γ < 1  ), remains constant (for an isothermal profile  γ= 1  ), or vanishes (for a shallow profile  γ > 1  ) as   z l→ z s  . The scaling with lens mass is roughly  δ∝ M 1/(2−γ)  . The results for an Navarro–Frenk–White (NFW) profile are qualitatively similar to those for a shallow power law, with δ peaking at about half the redshift of the source (not half the distance). In practice, beaming could modify the statistics of beamed sources lensed by massive clusters: for an opening angle  θjet  , there is a probability as high as   P ∼ 0.02–0.07(θjet/0.5°)−1  that one of the lensed images may be missed (for  2 ≲ z s≲ 6  ). Differential absorption within active galactic nuclei (AGNs) could modify the flux ratios of AGNs lensed by clusters; a sample of AGNs lensed by clusters could provide further constraints on the sizes of absorbing regions. Source anisotropy is not likely to be a significant effect in galaxy-scale strong lensing.  相似文献   

High-redshift galaxies and quasi-stellar objects (QSOs) are most likely to be strongly lensed by intervening haloes between the source and the observer. In addition, a large fraction of lensed sources is expected to be seen in the submillimetre region, as a result of the enhanced magnification bias on the steep intrinsic number counts. We extend in three directions Blain's earlier study of this effect.
First, we use a modification of the Press–Schechter mass function and detailed lens models to compute the magnification probability distribution. We compare the magnification cross-sections of populations of singular isothermal spheres and Navarro, Frenk & White (NFW) haloes and find that they are very similar, in contrast to the image-splitting statistics which were recently investigated in other studies. The distinction between the two types of density profile is therefore irrelevant for our purposes.
Secondly, we discuss quantitatively the maximum magnification, μ max, that can be achieved for extended sources (galaxies) with realistic luminosity profiles, taking into account the possible ellipticity of the lensing potential. We find that μ max plausibly falls into the range     for sources of     effective radius at redshifts within     .
Thirdly, we apply our model for the lensing magnification to a class of sources following the luminosity evolution typical for a unified scheme of QSO formation. As a result of the peculiar steepness of their intrinsic number counts, we find that the lensed source counts at a fiducial wave length of 850 μm can exceed the unlensed counts by several orders of magnitude at flux densities ≳100 mJy, even with a conservative choice of the maximum magnification.  相似文献   

Massive black holes are key components of the assembly and evolution of cosmic structures, and a number of surveys are currently on going or planned to probe the demographics of these objects and to gain insight into the relevant physical processes. Pulsar Timing Arrays (PTAs) currently provide the only means to observe gravitational radiation from massive black hole binary systems with masses  ≳107 M  . The whole cosmic population produces a stochastic background that could be detectable with upcoming PTAs. Sources sufficiently close and/or massive generate gravitational radiation that significantly exceeds the level of the background and could be individually resolved. We consider a wide range of massive black hole binary assembly scenarios, investigate the distribution of the main physical parameters of the sources, such as masses and redshift, and explore the consequences for PTAs observations. Depending on the specific massive black hole population model, we estimate that on average at least one resolvable source produces timing residuals in the range  ∼5–50 ns  . PTAs, and in particular the future Square Kilometre Array, can plausibly detect these unique systems, although the events are likely to be rare. These observations would naturally complement on the high-mass end of the massive black hole distribution function future surveys carried out by the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna .  相似文献   

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