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Geothermal gases from submarine and subaerial hot springs in Ensenada, Baja California Norte, Mexico, were sampled for determination of gas chemistry and helium, nitrogen and stable carbon isotope composition. The submarine hot spring gas is primarily nitrogen (56.1% by volume) and methane (43.5% by volume), whereas nearby subaerial hot spring gases are predominantly nitrogen (95–99% by volume). The N2/Ar ratios and σ 15N values of the subaerial hot spring gas indicate that it is atmospheric air, depleted in oxygen and enriched in helium. The submarine hot spring gas is most probably derived from marine sediments of Cretaceous age rich in organic matter. CH4 is a major component of the gas mixture (σ 13C = −44.05%0), with only minor amounts of CO2 (σ13C= −10.46%0). The σ15N of N2 is + 0.2%0 with a very high N2/Ar ratio of 160. The calculated isotopic equilibra tion temperature for CH4---CO2 carbon exchange at depth in the Punta Banda submarine geothermal field is approximately 200°C in agreement with other geothermometry estimates. The 3He/4He ratios of the hot spring gases range from 0.3 to 0.6 times the atmospheric ratio, indicating that helium is predominantly derived from the radioactive decay of U and Th within the continental crust. Thus, not all submarine hydrothermal systems are effective vehicles for mantle degassing of primordial helium.  相似文献   

The chemical and isotopic compositions (δDH2O, δ18OH2O, δ18OCO2, δ13CCO2, δ34S, and He/N2 and He/Ar ratios) of fumarolic gases from Nisyros, Greece, indicate that both arc-type magmatic water and local seawater feed the hydrothermal system. Isotopic composition of the deep fluid is estimated to be +4.9±0.5‰ for δ18O and ?11±5‰ for δD corresponding to a magmatic water fraction of 0.7. Interpretation of the stable water isotopes was based on liquid–vapor separation conditions obtained through gas geothermometry. The H2–Ar, H2–N2, and H2–H2O geothermometers suggest reservoir temperatures of 345±15 °C, in agreement with temperatures measured in deep geothermal wells, whereas a vapor/liquid separation temperature of 260±30 °C is indicated by gas equilibria in the H2O–H2–CO2–CO–CH4 system. The largest magmatic inputs seem to occur below the Stephanos–Polybotes Micros crater, whereas the marginal fumarolic areas of Phlegeton–Polybotes Megalos craters receive a smaller contribution of magmatic gases.  相似文献   

Secular variations in the Pb isotopic composition of a mixed hydrogenous-hydrothermal ferromanganese crust from the Bauer Basin in the eastern Equatorial Pacific provide clear evidence for changes in hydrothermal contributions during the past 7 Myr. The nearby Galapagos Rise spreading center provided a strong hydrothermal flux prior to 6.5 Ma. After 6.5 Ma, the Pb became stepwise more radiogenic and more similar to Equatorial Pacific seawater, reflecting the westward shift of spreading to the presently active East Pacific Rise (EPR). A second, previously unrecognized enhanced hydrothermal period occurred between 4.4 and 2.9 Ma, which reflects either off-axis hydrothermal activity in the Bauer Basin or a late-stage pulse of hydrothermal Pb from the then active, but waning Galapagos Rise spreading center.Hafnium isotope time-series of the same mixed hydrogenous-hydrothermal crust show invariant values over the past 7 Myr. Hafnium isotope ratios, as well as Nd isotope ratios obtained for this crust, are identical to that of hydrogenous Equatorial Pacific deep water crusts and clearly indicate that hydrothermal Hf, similar to Nd, does not travel far from submarine vents. Therefore, we suggest that hydrothermal Hf fluxes do not contribute significantly to the global marine Hf budget.  相似文献   

The oxygen isotope compositions and metamorphic mineral assemblages of hydrothermally altered rocks from the Del Puerto ophiolite and overlying volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks at the base of the Great Valley sequence indicate that their alteration occurred in a submarine hydrothermal system. Whole rock δ18O compositions decrease progressively down section (with increasing metamorphic grade): +22.4‰ (SMOW) to +13.8 for zeolite-bearing volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks overlying the ophiolite; +19.6 to +11.6 for pumpellyite-bearing metavolcanic rocks in the upper part of the ophiolite's volcanic member; +12.3 to +8.1 for epidote-bearing metavolcanic rocks in the lower part of the volcanic member; +8.5 to +5.7 for greenschist facies rocks from the ophiolite's plutonic member; +7.6 to +5.8 for amphibolite facies or unmetamorphosed rocks from the plutonic member.

Modelling of fluid-rock interaction in the Del Puerto ophiolite indicates that the observed pattern of upward enrichment in whole rock δ18O can be best explained by isotopic exchange with discharging18O-shifted seawater at fluid/rock mass ratios near 2 and temperatures below 500°C.18O-depleted plutonic rocks necessarily produced during hydrothermal circulation were later removed as a result of tectonism. Submarine weathering and later burial metamorphism at the base of the Great Valley sequence cannot by itself have produced the zonation of hydrothermal minerals and the corresponding variations in oxygen isotope compositions. The pervasive zeolite and prehnite-pumpellyite facies mineral assemblages found in the Del Puerto ophiolite may reflect its origin near an island arc rather than deep ocean spreading center.  相似文献   

Stable isotopes in precipitation sampled at different locations and altitudes over the volcanic island of Cheju, Korea, were analysed to elucidate the circulation patterns of water over the island where groundwater is a major water resource and the characteristics of stable isotopes in precipitation inputs to the hydrological cycle are a very important indicator of groundwater flow. Areal and altitudinal variation of stable isotopes in precipitation showed the contribution of different air masses to the precipitation on mountain slope areas and in the atmosphere above and below the boundary at around 1000 m a.s.l. Seasonal change of the isotopic composition of precipitation also gave a good illustration of the influence of the dominant regional air currents on precipitation inputs. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Stable isotope data are presented for precipitation, spring and stream water in a headwater catchments in the Indian Lesser Himalaya. Isotopic contents of phreatic groundwater followed the local meteoric water line and showed minimal alteration by evaporation, suggesting fast recharge. Mean isotopic values for springs and the stream were close to the weighted annual mean for precipitation, indicating recharge was in synchrony with seasonal rainfall distribution. Precipitation exhibited isotopic declines of ?0.6‰ and ?0.2‰ δ18O per 100 m rise in elevation in July and August (monsoon), respectively. The time lag of one month between rainfall and spring discharge, combined with the isotopic lapse rate indicated a recharge elevation of 70–165 m above the spring outflow point, implying the water originated within the catchment. Time series of electrical conductivity and temperature of spring, seepage and stream waters confirmed the rapid recharge and limited storage capacity of the shallow aquifers.  相似文献   

Oxygen isotopic compositions of 27 whole rock and mineral samples from the three intrusive phases of the Stony Mountain stock, San Juan Mountains, Colorado, have been measured and are combined with published analyses to obtain a history of the meteoric water circulation that cooled the intrusions. The order of intrusion was: the Outer Diorite, the Gabbro and the Inner Diorite. The new whole rock data give δ18O (SMOW) + 1.9 to + 3.7‰ for the Gabbro, and + 0.4 to + 4.9‰ for the Inner Diorite. Five mineral analyses are reported for the Inner Diorite: three feldspars (ranging from + 0.2 to + 4.3), one quartz (+8.2), and one pyroxene (+5.3).All three intrusions are significantly depleted in18O relative to normal igneous rocks. This depletion occurred by subsolidus exchange of oxygen isotopes, as shown by the correlation between the extent of depletion and the grain size, and by the non-equilibrium18O concentrations in coexisting minerals. The patterns of18O depletion, which are complex, suggest that separate hydrothermal circulation systems were set up by the cooling of each intrusion in turn.The minimum water to rock ratio required to effect the observed depletion in the Inner Diorite is approximately 0.18, although the ratio for the total flux was probably much greater. The mineral data show marked18O depletion in the feldspars and little, if any, depletion in the quartz. Application of oxygen diffusion data for feldspar and quartz leads to the conclusion that the effective temperature for oxygen isotope exchange was below 600°C and above 400°C. Furthermore, these data place constraints on convective cooling times for this intrusion. Minimum times for cooling of the 500-m-diameter Inner Diorite through this temperature range are on the order of 14 to 900 years. For comparison, a maximum time limit of 4000 years would be needed if cooling occurred only by conduction.  相似文献   

Four diogenites, four howardites and seven eucrites have been analysed for major, minor and a number of trace elements by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. Inter-element relationships between various elements in howardites, particularly refractory elements, are interpreted in the light of the recently proposed mixing model, whereby howardites are considered to be mixtures of eucritic and diogenitic material. Differences in composition observed between two samples of Frankfort analysed in this work lend strong support to this hypothesis. The nature of the proposed end-member composition in howardites is shown to be variable.  相似文献   

The Yinchuan Plain has more than 2000 years of history of irrigation by diverting water from the Yellow River. Currently, the amount of water diverted from the Yellow River is about 21.7 times the water formed on the plain as a result of precipitation and inflow of groundwater. Under the intensive influence of irrigation, the plain changed from a desert into a rich and populous area, earning its name as ‘South China Beyond the Great Wall’, with lakes scattered across the Yinchuan Plain just as stars in the sky. In this research, 17 representative lakes were sampled to analyze and study 2H and 18O content; the results showed that lakes on the plain have undergone obvious non‐equilibrium evaporation. Recharges of the lakes can be divided into three types: recharge from the Yellow River, from groundwater and from both of these. The Craig–Gordon non‐equilibrium evaporation model for isotope fractionation was used to estimate the evaporation proportion of each lake. The results showed that evaporation from lakes on Yinchuan Plain is generally extensive under the dry climatic conditions. Most lakes have an evaporation proportion of over 25%, with the largest originating from Shahu lake and Gaomiaohu lake in the northern part of the plain, at 42.5% and 42.8%, respectively. The evaporation proportions calculated on the basis of 18O and 2H are very close to each other. This shows that the method used in this paper is feasible for estimating the evaporation proportions of lakes in areas with a heavy anthropogenic influence. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Regional groundwater flow in high mountainous terrain is governed by a multitude of factors such as geology, topography, recharge conditions, structural elements such as fracturation and regional fault zones as well as man‐made underground structures. By means of a numerical groundwater flow model, we consider the impact of deep underground tunnels and of an idealized major fault zone on the groundwater flow systems within the fractured Rotondo granite. The position of the free groundwater table as response to the above subsurface structures and, in particular, with regard to the influence of spatial distributed groundwater recharge rates is addressed. The model results show significant unsaturated zones below the mountain ridges in the study area with a thickness of up to several hundred metres. The subsurface galleries are shown to have a strong effect on the head distribution in the model domain, causing locally a reversal of natural head gradients. With respect to the position of the catchment areas to the tunnel and the corresponding type of recharge source for the tunnel inflows (i.e. glaciers or recent precipitation), as well as water table elevation, the influence of spatial distributed recharge rates is compared to uniform recharge rates. Water table elevations below the well exposed high‐relief mountain ridges are observed to be more sensitive to changes in groundwater recharge rates and permeability than below ridges with less topographic relief. In the conceptual framework of the numerical simulations, the model fault zone has less influence on the groundwater table position, but more importantly acts as fast flow path for recharge from glaciated areas towards the subsurface galleries. This is in agreement with a previous study, where the imprint of glacial recharge was observed in the environmental isotope composition of groundwater sampled in the subsurface galleries. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The concentrations of ten trace metals were determined in the gills, muscles, hepatopancreas, and exoskeleton tissues of Xenograpsus testudinatus that lives around shallow and acidic hydrothermal vents off Kueishan Island, northeastern Taiwan. The analytical results demonstrate that the metal concentrations vary significantly with the type of crab tissue. The concentrations of Al, Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Ni, and Zn are highest in the gills, whereas the concentration of Mn is highest in the exoskeleton. Cr and Pb concentrations are similar across the different tissues. The enhanced accumulation of most metals in the gills suggests the metal accumulation via the respiration pathway rather than the uptake of food. The results also reveal that the distribution patterns of metals in tissues are similar in the hepatopancreas and muscles, but very different in both the gills and the exoskeleton, perhaps because of the different pathways of metal utilization in the different crab tissues.  相似文献   

《Marine pollution bulletin》2012,64(5-12):396-401
The concentrations of ten trace metals were determined in the gills, muscles, hepatopancreas, and exoskeleton tissues of Xenograpsus testudinatus that lives around shallow and acidic hydrothermal vents off Kueishan Island, northeastern Taiwan. The analytical results demonstrate that the metal concentrations vary significantly with the type of crab tissue. The concentrations of Al, Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Ni, and Zn are highest in the gills, whereas the concentration of Mn is highest in the exoskeleton. Cr and Pb concentrations are similar across the different tissues. The enhanced accumulation of most metals in the gills suggests the metal accumulation via the respiration pathway rather than the uptake of food. The results also reveal that the distribution patterns of metals in tissues are similar in the hepatopancreas and muscles, but very different in both the gills and the exoskeleton, perhaps because of the different pathways of metal utilization in the different crab tissues.  相似文献   

分析豫01井与地震活动的对应关系,统计映震情况,发现该井地震响应比较灵敏。希望研究结果有助于今后对范县豫01井流体异常的识别,并增强对冀鲁豫交界区及邻区地震活动的监测与预测能力。  相似文献   

航空电磁法的探测能力受飞行高度、发射波形、发射磁矩和发射基频等因素的影响,致使不同分量间的勘探能力存在差异.航空电磁如对所有磁场和磁感应分量、on-和off-time数据进行观测和解释,不仅数据量大、耗时长,而且出现大量冗余数据.目前国内针对此问题尚无系统解决方法.本文针对吊舱式直升机航空电磁系统,采用积分方程法求解频率域响应,经汉克尔变换转换到时间域,计算了地下三维目标体的 B 和d B /dt时间域响应.利用异常体响应与背景场响应作比值,并通过设定响应阀值定义最大勘探深度,进而分析不同发射波形、不同分量以及on-和off-time期间的航空电磁系统的探测能力.基于本文分析手段,可根据实际勘探目标,确定一套探测能力较强的航空电磁最佳参数组合,为野外测量和数据处理提供技术指导,高效完成勘探任务.  相似文献   

The Aegean volcanic arc is the result of a lithosphere subduction process during the Quaternary time. Starting from the Soussaki area, from west to east, the arc proceeds through the islands of Egina, Methana, Milos, Santorini, the Columbus Bank, Kos and Nisyros. Volcano-tectonic activities are still pronounced at Santorini and Nisyros in form of seismic activity, craters of hydrothermal explosions, hot fumaroles and thermal springs. A significant number of cold water springs emerge in the vicinity of hot waters on these islands.Chemical and isotopic analyses were applied on water and fumaroles samples collected in different areas of the volcanic arc in order to attempt the assessment of these fluids. Stable isotopes of water and carbon have been used to evaluate the origin of cold and thermal water and CO2.Chemical solute concentrations and isotopic contents of waters show that the fluids emerging in Egina, Soussaki, Methana and Kos areas represent geothermal systems in their waning stage, while the fluids from Milos, Santorini and Nisyros proceed from active geothermal systems.The δ2H–δ18O–Cl? relationships suggest that the parent hydrothermal liquids of Nisyros and Milos are produced through mixing of seawater and Arc-Type Magmatic Water (ATMW), with negligible to nil contribution of local ground waters and with very high participation of the magmatic component, which is close to 70% in both sites. A very high magmatic contribution to the deep geothermal system could occur at Santorini as well, perhaps with a percentage similar to Nisyros and Milos, but it cannot be calculated because of steam condensation heavily affecting the fumarolic fluids of Nea Kameni before the surface discharge.The parent hydrothermal liquid at Methana originates through mixing of local groundwaters, seawater and ATMW, with a magmatic participation close to 19%. All in all, the contribution of ATMW is higher in the central–eastern part of the Aegean volcanic arc than in the western sector. This difference, which is spotted in the variable isotopic composition of the sampled fluids from west to east along the arc, is probably due to several causes, including the tectonic regime, the depth of the deep reservoir below sea level, the age of volcanic activity and in general the geomorphologic state of each island.  相似文献   

A simple mixing process was a significant element in the genesis of many southeastern Australian granitic rocks: major and trace element abundances are near-linearly correlated, Nd and Sr initial isotopic compositions define a simple hyperbolic trend, and many initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios are a regular function of Rb/Sr ratios. Geological arguments and regression of geochemical variation diagrams place limits on the nature of the end members. The high-Si end member is meta-sedimentary-derived magma comparable in composition to the Cooma Granodiorite, the one pluton in the region surrounded by, and clearly derived from, regional metamorphic rocks. The low-Si end member is basaltic material with similarities to rare gabbros also found in the area. Isotope dilution calculations based upon initial Sr and Nd isotopic compositions deduced for the end members yield realistic hypothetical Sr and Nd concentrations for the end members in a demonstration of the internal consistency of the model. All of the granitic rocks, from hornblende tonalites to cordierite granodiorites, are a single broad family, products of variable mixing between distinct batches of basaltic material and a uniform partial melt of the regional basement.  相似文献   

Based on studies on the geological characteristics of the copper-gold deposits in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River area (MLYRA) and their hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur and lead isotope compositions, it is concluded that there existed two series of copper-gold deposits. They are evolutional products of two ore-forming hydrothermal systems in different geodynamic settings and geological era. Series I is stratiform or stratabound copper-gold deposits. These deposits were formed by submarine exhalation and sedimentation of hydrothermal solutions in Hercynian tensional tectonic environment after bot brine ascending along contemporaneous faults and exhaled into the sea-floor. Series II consists of copper-gold deposits related to medium and acidic magmatic intrusions. Their mineralizations took place in Yanshanian in a tensional or a transitional period to the tensional tectonic environment from the composite of the tethys tectonic regime and the Paleo-Pacific ocean tectonic regime, as well as in the upper mantle doming and crustal thinning environment. Copper-gold deposits were formed from the hydrothermal fluids, mixtures of magmatic water and part of meteoric water, by complex water-rock interactions and coupling dynamic processes of transport-chemical reactions. Superposition is an important condition for the formation of the large-scale copper-gold ore deposits.  相似文献   


Based on studies on the geological characteristics of the copper-gold deposits in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River area (MLYRA) and their hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur and lead isotope compositions, it is concluded that there existed two series of copper-gold deposits. They are evolutional products of two ore-forming hydrothermal systems in different geodynamic settings and geological era. Series I is stratiform or stratabound copper-gold deposits. These deposits were formed by submarine exhalation and sedimentation of hydrothermal solutions in Hercynian tensional tectonic environment after bot brine ascending along contemporaneous faults and exhaled into the sea-floor. Series II consists of copper-gold deposits related to medium and acidic magmatic intrusions. Their mineralizations took place in Yanshanian in a tensional or a transitional period to the tensional tectonic environment from the composite of the tethys tectonic regime and the Paleo-Pacific ocean tectonic regime, as well as in the upper mantle doming and crustal thinning environment. Copper-gold deposits were formed from the hydrothermal fluids, mixtures of magmatic water and part of meteoric water, by complex water-rock interactions and coupling dynamic processes of transport-chemical reactions. Superposition is an important condition for the formation of the large-scale copper-gold ore deposits.


The Dongsha submarine canyon is a large canyon belonging to a group of canyons on the northeastern South China Sea margin. Investigation of the Dongsha canyon is important for understanding the origin of this canyon group as well as the transport mechanism of sediments on the margin, and the evolution of the Taixinan foreland basin and the associated Taiwan orogenic belt. In this study, the morphology, sedimentary characteristics, and origin of the Dongsha canyon were investigated by integrating high-resolution multi-channel seismic reflection profiles and high-precision multibeam bathymetric data. This is a slope-confined canyon that originates in the upper slope east of the Dongsha Islands, extends downslope in the SEE direction, and finally merges with the South Taiwan Shoal canyon at a water depth of 3000 m. The total length and average width of the canyon are around 190 and 10 km, respectively. Eleven seismic sequence boundaries within the canyon fills were identified and interpreted as incision surfaces of the canyon. In the canyon fills, four types of seismic facies were defined: parallel onlap fill, chaotic fill, mounded divergent facies, and migrated wavy facies. The parallel onlap fill facies is interpreted as alternating coarser turbidites or other gravity-flow deposits and fine hemipelagic sediments filling the canyon valley. The chaotic fill facies is presumed to be debrites and/or basal lag deposits filling the thalwegs. The mounded divergent and migrated wavy seismic facies can be explained as canyon levees consisting mainly of overspilled fine turbidites and sediment waves on the levees or on the canyon-mouth submarine fans. Age correlation between the sequence boundaries and the ODP Site 1144 data suggests that the Dongsha canyon was initiated at approximately 0.9 Ma in the middle Pleistocene. Mapping of the canyon indicates that the canyon originated at the upstream portion of the middle reach of the modern canyon, and has been continuously expanding both upstream and downstream by retrogressive erosion, incision, and deposition of turbidity currents and other gravity transport processes. The ages of the sequence boundaries representing major canyon incision events are in good agreement with those of global sea-level lowstands, indicating that sea-level changes may have played an important role in the canyon's development. The Dongsha canyon developed in a region with an active tectonic background characterized by the Taiwan uplifting and the development of the Taixinan foreland basin. However, no evidence suggests that the canyon formation is directly associated with local or regional faulting and magmatic activities. Turbidity currents and other gravity transport processes(including submarine slides and slumps) may have had an important influence on the formation and evolution of the canyon.  相似文献   

The Campi Flegrei (Naples, Campanian Plain, southern Italy) geothermal system is hosted by Quaternary volcanic rocks erupted before, during and after the formation of the caldera that represents one of the major structural features in the Neapolitan area. The volcanic products rest on a Mesozoic carbonate basement, cropping out north, east and south of the area. Chemical (major, minor and trace elements) and stable isotope (C, H, O) analyses were conducted on drill-core samples recovered from geothermal wells MF-1, MF-5, SV-1 and SV-3, at depths of ˜ 1100 to 2900 m. The study was complemented by petrographic and SEM examination of thin sections. The water which feeds the system is both marine and meteoric in origin. Mineral zonation typical of a high-temperature geothermal system exists in all the geothermal wells; measured temperatures in wells are as high as ˜ 400 °C. The chemical composition of the waters suggests the existence of two reservoirs: a shallow reservoir (depth < 2000 m) fed by seawater that boiled at 320 °C and became progressively diluted by steam-heated local meteoric water during its ascent; and a deeper reservoir (depth > 2000 m) of hypersaline water. The drill-cores are mainly hydrothermally altered volcanics of trachy-latitic affinity, but some altered pelites and limestones are also present. Published Na, Mg and K concentrations of selected geothermal waters indicate that the hydrothermal fluids are in equilibrium with their host rocks, with respect to K-feldspar, albite, sericite and chlorite. The measured δ18O(SMOW) values of rocks range from +4.3 to + 16.5%. The measured δD(SMOW) values range from − 79 to − 46%. The calculated isotopic composition of the fluids at equilibrium with the samples vary from + 1 to + 8.3%. δ18O and from − 52 to + 1%. δD. The estimated isotopic composition of the waters at equilibrium with the studied samples confirmed the existence of two distinct fluid types circulating in the geothermal system. The shallower has a marine water signature, while the deeper water has a signature consistent both with magmatic and meteoric origins. In the latter case, the recharge of this aquifer likely occurs at the outcrop of the Mesozoic Limestones surrounding the Campanian Plain; after infiltration, the water percolates through evaporitic layers, becoming hypersaline and D-depleted.  相似文献   

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