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Ghost应用软件是NORTON公司为了实现各类数据包括操作系统的备份、克隆、还原而开发的专用软件。其功能强大,应用广泛,且支持现有的各类操作系统如Win9X、WinXP、WinME、Win2000、UNIX、LNIX等。本文主要该软件的使用方法及技巧。 相似文献
研究了气象影视视频数据库基于内容的检索方法,分析了现有状况及发展趋势,介绍了视频分割的步骤、建立低层数据特征相似度测量的方法、用相关反馈来缩小底层特征和高层语义之间的距离。讨论其在气象影视视频数据库中广阔的应用前景。 相似文献
GPS系统在气象中的应用,为探测大气有关气象要素提供了一个新的技术方法。山西省观象台正在建设中的GPS/MET、GPS控空将使山西省气象探测技术提高到一个新水平。GPS/MET、GPS探空项目的建设,将为拓宽气象服务领域创造一个良好的条件。 相似文献
针对自动气象站软件运行过程中出现的故障以及数据的安全备份等问题,通过实际工作中的运用,提出一些有效的处理方法。 相似文献
目前,气象警报系统已经广泛使用,多数台站是用甚高频电话机代替警报发射机的,由于甚高频电话机上没有专门的气象警报频率信号源,使接收机无法自动开机报警,现在多数台站是另外购置专用的气象警报频率盒来解决警报频率信号问题。我们在实际工作中,根据警报频率信号是一种单音频信号的特点,采用磁带录制警报频率信号的方法来解决,这种方法经济实用,制作和使用方法比较简单方便,在实际使用中效果良好,完全可以达到自动开机和报警的目的。一、制作和使用方法 1.警报频率信号源采用专用的气象警报发射机上的警报频率信号来解决。可以到 相似文献
Lidar has been used extensively in the area of atmospheric aerosol measurement. Two unknowns at the reference altitude, the lidar ratio and the backscatter coefficient, need to be resolved from the lidar equation. In the actual application, these two values are difficult to obtain, particularly the backscatter coefficient. To better characterize the optical properties of aerosols, optical thickness, and attenuated backscatter obtained by other instruments are usually used as the input for joint inversion. However, this method is limited by location and time. In this study, the authors propose a new method for aerosol retrieval by using Mie scatter- ing lidar data to solve this problem. The authors take the horizontal aerosol extinction coefficient as the con- straint to begin the iteration until a self-consistent aerosol vertical profile was obtained. By comparing their results with Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) data, the authours determine that the aerosol extinction coefficient obtained by combining horizontal and vertical lidar observations is more pre- cise than that obtained by using the traditional Fernald method. This new method has been adopted for re- trieving the extinction coefficient of aerosols during the observation days. 相似文献
基于A-Train综合资料的云顶高度反演研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
提出一种适用性较强的云顶高度反演方法。利用2007年低纬地区(15°S~15°N)的A-Train综合资料反演云顶高度。首先以M0DIS通道31和通道32的亮温值为特征参数,基于SVM分类法,将云分为不透明云、半透明云和透明云三类,分类准确率达到90.6%。然后对三类云分别用核回归法反演云顶高度,将其与CloudSat的2B-GEOPROF-LIDAR产品对比,均方根误差分别为0.95、1.17和1.27 km。与未分类的核回归法结果相比,分类后三种云的反演误差都有所减小。最后分析了三个典型个例。该方法可推广至其他含有红外分裂窗通道的卫星上,发挥更多卫星资源的效用。 相似文献
比较了欧氏距离、相似离度、相似系数、相关系数及最优相似系数等作为气象格点场相似性度量的适用性,结果发现以“距离”为主的算法无法准确地反映环境场中的一些特定系统的位置和强度,相似检索效果较差;而相似离度、相似系数、相关系数及最优相似系数可分别考虑两个场之间的形状和强度、空间分布及变化趋势,能找到较相似的场,可供业务参考。通过将不同指标检索到的相似环境场的演变对热带气旋(Tropical Cyclone,TC)路径的影响量引入到TC路径预报中,检验其业务应用效果,发现单纯移向的预报效果好于路径预报,路径预报中相似离度的效果稍好于其他方法,而移向预报中最优系数法最好。另通过相似环境场检索,能找到由相似环境场所对应的相似历史TC,并依据不同度量性指标得到一个历史相似TC集,为台风业务、科研提供参考。 相似文献
陆地表面温度是监测地球资源环境变化的重要指标之一,对于区域干旱预报、作物产量估算、数值天气预报等的研究都有重要意义。本文阐述了MODIS资料反演地表温度的原理,建立了基于MODIS资料、地理信息数据和地面气象站观测资料反演地表温度的统计模型。 相似文献
利用全球导航卫星系统反射信号研究测站周边地表环境参数是近年来遥感领域的研究热点之一。利用测量型全球导航卫星信号接收机数据,实时获取其周边的积雪深度,是对现有降雪监测方法的有效补充。该文基于GPS信噪比与信号振幅的变化特征,研究了使用GPS信噪比观测值进行雪深探测的算法,并首次使用国家气象观测站的业务观测数据对地基GPS反演雪深算法进行了验证。对比试验使用近两个月的人工积雪深度测量值与GPS信号反演的积雪深度值进行了逐日比较,二者的吻合度较好,标准偏差为2.04cm,相关系数为0.94。该对比试验表明,利用常规测量型地基GPS接收机观测数据进行雪深探测是可行的。应用地基GPS反演雪深技术,气象部门基于现有的地基GPS水汽监测网可进一步开展积雪环境监测研究。 相似文献
利用集合变分法研究了大气边界层EK模式(考虑了水平气压梯度力、科氏力和湍流粘性力3力平衡的大气边界层模式)中湍流粘性系数的反演问题.首先利用集合变分法推导了目标函数关于反演参数的梯度表达式,然后给出了反演计算方案,最后再就反演湍流粘性系数k进行了一系列理想数值试验.数值试验结果表明:利用集合变分法对EK模式中的湍流粘性系数的反演比较成功.通过适当调整集合数,初始扰动均方差及初始值的大小,可以进一步提高集合变分法对湍流粘性系数k的反演精度.将集合变分法应用于大气边界层参数的反演是一种值得研究的计算方案. 相似文献
基于激光雷达资料的小波变换法反演边界层高度的方法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用小波变换法反演边界层高度时,不同小波母函数的选取可能得到不同的边界层高度。因此,对构造的白天及夜间激光雷达后向散射信号理想廓线进行Haar小波协方差变换,并对后向散射信号梯度廓线进行Morlet与Mexican Hat小波变换反演边界层高度。结果表明,宜采用Haar函数与Mexican Hat函数作为小波母函数,其中Haar函数准确性优于Mexican Hat函数,而Mexican Hat函数更易稳定。同时为了进一步检验3种小波变换法的反演结果对小波振幅的敏感性,通过改变小波母函数的小波振幅,发现无论是理想廓线还是叠加扰动的廓线,较大的小波振幅易得到比较稳定准确的白天边界层高度与夜间混合层高度。 相似文献
Some traditional methods, such as the velocity-azimuth display (VAD) and the velocity-azimuth processing (VAP), have been widely usedto retrieve the 3-D wind field from single-Doppler radar data because of their relative conceptual and practical simplicity. The advantage of VAD is that it is not affected by small-scale perturbations of the radial wind along the azimuth, to which the VAP method is very sensitive. Nevertheless, the spatial resolution of the VAD method is very poor
compared to the VAP method.
We show, in this study, that these two retrieval methods are actually related with each other and they are two special applications of a retrieval function based on the azimuthal uniform-wind assumption for a given azimuthal interval [θ1, θ2]. When using this retrieval function to retrieve wind fields, the azimuthal interval used in retrieval can be adjusted according to the requirement of smoothness or resolution. The larger (smaller) the azimuthal interval is, the coarser (finer) the horizontal resolution of retrieved wind field is, and the more insensitive (sensitive) the retrieval method is to small-scale perturbations. Because the full information within the azimuthal interval [θ1, θ2],instead of the information at two terminal points only, i.e., azimuths θ1 and θ2, is used to retrieve the wind fields, this method is referred to as the integrating VAP (IVAP) method, wherein the horizontal wind field is retrieved by using the Doppler velocity over the part of circumference, delimited by the given azimuthal interval times the scan radius. By contrast,the VAP method uses only the velocities at two terminal points of the given azimuthal interval. Therefore, the IVAP method has a filtering function, and the filtering rate can be controlled by adjusting the azimuthal interval. The filter such as that used in the pre-processing of the VAP method is no longer necessary for the IVAP method. When the retrieval azimuthal interval is as large as a whole circumference, the IVAP becomes the VAD. On the other hand, if only two neighboring azimuthal data are used, the IVAP becomes the VAP.
The frequency response function of IVAP indicates that the IVAP method can filter out shortwaves, and a larger azimuthal interval leads to stronger filtering ability, therefore a smoother retrieved wind field.
The shortwave filter function of the IVAP method is tested by an ideal experiment wherein the radar observations are artificially created by a uniform flow superposed with random disturbances. The VAP and IVAP methods are used in wind retrieval, respectively, and give different results for different azimuthal intervals (i.e., 6°, 12°, 24°, and 48°). Because the VAP method is sensitive to small disturbances, the retrieved winds have larger errors for all different azimuthal intervals. However, the retrieved wind by the IVAP method has smaller errors when the azimuthal interval is larger due to its shortwave filter function.
An experiment for an idealized linear wind field is also carried out to demonstrate the effect of the retrieval azimuthal interval on the IVAP method. The results show that a short interval gives the retrieval close to the “true" wind field with a linear distribution. When increasing the interval, the retrieval is smoothed and can represent only the mean wind field. 相似文献