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Supernova (SN) explosions inject a considerable amount of energy into the interstellar medium (ISM) in regions with high-to-moderate star formation rates. In order to assess whether the driving of turbulence by supernovae is also important in the outer Galactic disc, where the star formation rates are lower, we study the spatial distribution of molecular cloud (MC) inclinations with respect to the Galactic plane. The latter contains important information on the nature of the mechanism of energy injection into the ISM. We analyse the spatial correlations between the position angles (PAs) of a selected sample of MCs (the largest clouds in the catalogue of the outer Galaxy published by Heyer et al). Our results show that when the PAs of the clouds are all mapped to values into the  [0°, 90°]  interval, there is a significant degree of spatial correlation between the PAs on spatial scales in the range of 100–800 pc. These scales are of the order of the sizes of individual SN shells in low-density environments such as those prevailing in the outer Galaxy and where the metallicity of the ambient gas is of the order of the solar value or smaller. These findings suggest that individual SN explosions, occurring in the outer regions of the Galaxy and in likewise spiral galaxies, albeit at lower rates, continue to play an important role in shaping the structure and dynamics of the ISM in those regions. The SN explosions we postulate here are likely associated with the existence of young stellar clusters in the far outer regions of the Galaxy and the ultraviolet emission and low levels of star formation observed with the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) satellite in the outer regions of local galaxies.  相似文献   

We have presented an alternative interpretation for the absence of correlation in the relationship between the core radio power (P C) and core-dominance parameter (R) for a sample of BL Lacs and radio galaxies found in Fan & Zhang (Astron. Astrophys. 407, 899 (2003)). This is contrary to the predictions of the relativistic beaming and radio source orientation models in which the core luminosity is expected to be Doppler-boosted relative to the extended luminosity which is generally assumed to be isotropic. Our analysis of the P C???R data indicates a strong luminosity selection effect (reminiscent of bright source samples due to Malmquist bias) in the sample. In particular, we showed that a strong P C???R correlation exists above some redshift cut-off which may correspond to the flux limit of the sample used.  相似文献   

Currently, and throughout much of the Amazonian, the mean annual surface temperatures of Mars are so cold that basal melting does not occur in ice sheets and glaciers and they are cold-based. The documented evidence for extensive and well-developed eskers (sediment-filled former sub-glacial meltwater channels) in the south circumpolar Dorsa Argentea Formation is an indication that basal melting and wet-based glaciation occurred at the South Pole near the Noachian–Hesperian boundary. We employ glacial accumulation and ice-flow models to distinguish between basal melting from bottom-up heat sources (elevated geothermal fluxes) and top-down induced basal melting (elevated atmospheric temperatures warming the ice). We show that under mean annual south polar atmospheric temperatures (?100 °C) simulated in typical Amazonian climate experiments and typical Noachian–Hesperian geothermal heat fluxes (45–65 mW/m2), south polar ice accumulations remain cold-based. In order to produce significant basal melting with these typical geothermal heat fluxes, the mean annual south polar atmospheric temperatures must be raised from today’s temperature at the surface (?100 °C) to the range of ?50 to ?75 °C. This mean annual polar surface atmospheric temperature range implies lower latitude mean annual temperatures that are likely to be below the melting point of water, and thus does not favor a “warm and wet” early Mars. Seasonal temperatures at lower latitudes, however, could range above the melting point of water, perhaps explaining the concurrent development of valley networks and open basin lakes in these areas. This treatment provides an independent estimate of the polar (and non-polar) surface temperatures near the Noachian–Hesperian boundary of Mars history and implies a cold and relatively dry Mars climate, similar to the Antarctic Dry Valleys, where seasonal melting forms transient streams and permanent ice-covered lakes in an otherwise hyperarid, hypothermal climate.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》1999,47(3-4):557-576
A significant flux enhancement in energetic particles (E ∼ 60–⩾260 keV),showing internal fine structure interpreted to represent signatures produced during the traversalof various cometary boundaries in P⧸Grigg-Skjellerup, was recorded by the EPONA instrumentaboard spacecraft Giotto on 10 July 1992. A further internally structured flux enhancement withabout the same amplitude, recorded by EPONA in the energy range ∼60–100 keV but detected90×103 km further on along the Giotto trajectory, is herein compared with theP⧸Grigg-Skjellerup record. Possible explanations for the second flux enhancement areindividually considered and it is suggested, on the basis of the available evidence, that itconstituted the signature of another smaller comet, either having a separate genesis from, ororiginating in a splitting of, the P⧸Grigg-Skjellerup nucleus.  相似文献   

Srinivas N. Mohan 《Icarus》1979,40(2):317-330
The global distribution of existing lunar topography suffers from a lack of measurements of far-side radii because of the sparsity of data types in the nonequatorial regions. This paper presents determinations of far-side lunar radii based on the reduction of photogrammetric measurements derived from selected Apollo 16 trans-Earth phase photographs. The regions covered in this analysis lie west of Mare Moscoviense between longitudes 90 and 130°E and latitudes 10 and 60°N. The determinations are made using control points appearing on both NASA topographic orthophoto maps and the Apollo 16 photographs. The estimated lunar radii are referred to these control points and determined with a relative accuracy of 500 m. The new lunar radii are used to generate a topographic map covering the area investigated. The map shows that, with the given spatial density of surface festures measured, basin-sized features can be resolved. In particular, the far-side craters Fabry, Riemann, and Szilard comprise a topographically depressed region about 500 km in diameter centered at 120°E and 38.5°N. The floor of this basin is 2.4 to 3.4 km below the reference sphere of 1738.0 km and 4.8 to 5.8 km below the northern rim of the basin. A comparison of the depth of the unfilled basin with the depths of maria-filled front-side basins leads to the conclusion that basalt fill of the near-side maria may be 2 km deep. The topographic map shows good correlation with geologic provinces of young plains and cratered terra in the far-side highland region investigated. Lack of correlation between sampled values of the state-of-the-art 16th-order and 16th-degree harmonic gravity field model and corresponding topographical values leads to the conclusion that the far-side region investigated is isostatically compensated.  相似文献   

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