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Although it is a pelagic sediment, fine-grained calcareous ooze may be mobilized prior to general lithification and redeposited as allochthonous units. Numerous occurrences of allochthonous chalk have been reported in recent years, having been recognized by large-scale bedding features seen in outcrop. Smaller-scale internal features, such as contorted laminae, and larger features, such as smeared burrows and imbricated flint nodules, attest to a significant amount of soft-sediment deformation and synsedimentary slumping in European chalk sections of Late Cretaceous age. Truly autochthonous chalks contain complex, tiered ichnofabrics and in some cases exhibit a diagenetic nodular fabric that is undisturbed by transport. In some situations, such as stagnant water conditions, autochthonous chalks may exhibit primary lamination, although this is very uncommon in European chalk sequences. Different types of redepositional processes produce an array of varied allochthonous fabrics. Glide and slump units, for example, contain internal deformational features produced during sliding. Ooze flow causes plastic deformation of chalk units, internally as well as externally. Resuspension and fluid flow of chalk sediment produces a deposit having a totally new fabric, such as a conglomerate composed of detrital chalk clasts. In this paper, typical macroscopic, sedimentary fabric types are illustrated, and the means of identifying them are discussed in terms of bioturbation features, in situ diagenetic nodules versus detrital clasts, physical deformation structures and development of flints.  相似文献   

The unique geological history which resulted in the evolution of the Chiltern Hills to the north of London, The United Kingdom, created the underlying foundations for everything that we see there on the surface today. The roots of the Chiltern Hills lie in their Chalk foundations. To understand the details of the way the chalk acts as an aquifer it is important to understand first the origins of the chalk sediment and how the subsequent geological history of the region has impacted on the rocks preserved today.  相似文献   

The Maastrichtian chalk of the southern Central Graben, Danish North Sea, is a homogeneous pure white coccolithic chalk mudstone deposited in a deep epeiric shelf sea, which covered large parts of northern Europe. The sediment displays a pronounced cyclicity marked by decimetre‐thick bioturbated beds alternating with slightly thinner non‐bioturbated, mainly laminated beds. The laminated half‐cycles consist of alternating millimetre‐thick, graded, high‐porosity laminae and non‐graded, low‐porosity laminae. The cyclicity has been interpreted previously as caused by periods of slow background sedimentation and bioturbation interrupted by periods of rapid deposition of laminated beds, with the latter reflecting random and local resedimentation processes. Based on textural and structural analysis, the millimetre‐scale, non‐graded laminae are interpreted as having been deposited directly from pelagic rain of pelleted coccoliths representing the primary production. The graded laminae were deposited from small‐volume, low‐density turbidity currents and suspension clouds. The sedimentation rates of the cyclical chalk are similar to those known elsewhere, and the lamination is interpreted as having been preserved from destruction through bioturbation by anoxic conditions at the seafloor. Bioturbated–laminated cycles are thus formed by slow sedimentation during alternating seafloor redox conditions probably on a Milankovitch scale. A direct implication of this interpretation is that the cycles are areally widespread, probably extending throughout the southern Central Graben area and may be useful for correlation and high‐resolution cyclostratigraphy in the chalk fields of the Danish North sea. If the laminated half‐cycles represent a few rapid resedimentation events, with a high sedimentation rate as suggested by most workers, then the sediment would not be truly cyclic, but would represent event sedimentation within a pelagic background represented by the bioturbated beds. In this case, the cycles would have very limited potential for correlation.  相似文献   

Two deep scientific boreholes, named Poigny 701 and Sainte-Colombe 702, located in the Paris Basin near Provins (Seine-et-Marne, France), recovered a complete Upper Cretaceous chalk succession. A correlation between the boreholes lithostratigraphy, reflexion seismic profiles and diagenetic patterns shows that major velocity variations measured in the seismic reflection profiles correspond to dolomitized chalk intervals. Dolomitisations occurred during early and burial diagenesis. The understanding of these complex diagenetic events has an important economic consequence on the static correction of the chalk formation in the Paris Basin. Optimisation of petroleum prospecting below chalk cover is thus possible. The chalk series of the 701 and 702 boreholes range from the Cenomanian to the upper Campanian. In this succession, micrite has a primarily biogenic origin; it consists of pelagic organisms, indicative of warm seawater with values around 25°C. Several hiatuses occur in the 701 borehole. These hiatuses indicate the existence of particular hydrodynamic conditions. Deep-water channels were locally recognised in the Paris Basin as in Normandy and Picardy. In the 702 borehole, massive dolomitisation affected the upper meters of sediment below the sea floor. This early phase of massive dolomitisation was induced by slow circulation of a magnesium-rich seawater mass, along the seawater/sediment interface. Thus, this area was a zone of intense marine circulation between the North-West infralittoral and the South-West bathyal domains, across the London-Paris Basin. Magnesium-rich seawater had as origin the recrystallisation of the biogenic peri-plateform carbonates. During both dolomitisation and dissolution of the calcite matrix of the massive dolomite, the calcite had cemented chalk around the massive dolomite body. After deposition, the chalk series was progressively compacted and lithified by burial calcite cement. During the late Campanian-Maastrichtian, the burial compaction of the chalk and thermal gradient reached their maximum, as compressive stresses from the Pyrenean orogenesis affected the Paris Basin. At this time, compaction of the massive dolomite induced the expulsion of magnesian-rich fluids into the underlying already compacted chalk series. In 702 borehole, a diffuse dolomitisation then affected strongly underlying the chalk series. In 701 borehole, this diffuse dolomitisation affected slightly the lower half of the chalk series. Laterally, dolomitisation decreases gradually and affected a only smaller thickness of the chalk series, disappearing laterally. During the progressive emergence of the Paris Basin, from the Paleogene to the Quaternary, the chalk series were partially invaded by continental fresh water. Thus partial dedolomitisation affected the massive dolomite, whereas total dedolomitisation affected only the upper first meters of it.Manuscrit reçu le 20 juin 2003 Révision acceptée le 9 septembre 2004  相似文献   

The components from nine sediment cores in the region of the Iceland-Faeroe-Ridge have been analysed. In this region, characterized by very complicated hydrographical and glacial conditions, only the Arctic slope of the ridge shows comparatively clear conditions which make it possible to correlate different parts of the cores. The sedimentation on the Atlantic slope, on the contrary, seems to be less clearly differentiated due to reworking processes. The components of the sand- and pebble-fraction can be divided into an autochthonous group of basalt- and shale-pebbles, derived from the ridge itself, and an allochthonous group, transported over large distances, with quartz, crystalline rocks, sandstone, flint, and chalk as main components. Whereas the autochthonous group shows parts of the cores which can be correlated with each other based on different sedimentation rates, the distribution of allochthonous group varies so strongly that it is impossible to recognize any regularity in sedimentation. Only the flint and the chalk occur in well-defined levels and thus make possible to correlate the cores. The Iceland-Faeroe-Ridge was supplied with allochthonous components from a broad source area which was, however, homogeneous with respect to both its horizontal distribution and the time-span representend in the sediment cores. Maxima of sedimentation were subsequently blurred by reworking processes on both slopes of the ridge. During the periods of glaciation the hydrographic conditions in the North Atlantic area were completely different from those of to-day.  相似文献   

Detailed facies analysis of a 350 m long core of upper Campanian–Maastrichtian chalk at Stevns Peninsula, eastern Denmark, shows that four mudstone and wackestone chalk facies account for close to 95% of the succession, and that bioturbated mudstone chalk alone accounts for nearly 55% of the sediment. Sedimentation took place in deep water, below the photic zone and storm‐wave base, and is characterized by decimetre to metre‐scale variations in facies and trace fossil assemblages indicating repeated shifts in depositional environment. Integration of facies with published data on sea‐surface temperature and accumulation rates suggests that sea‐surface temperature is the most important parameter in controlling stratification of the water column and thereby, indirectly, the observed variations in depositional facies. However, bioturbated mudstone chalk occurs in all stratigraphic levels independent of accumulation rates and sea temperatures and is interpreted to represent a very broad set of deep water environmental conditions with an ample supply of calcareous nannofossil debris and intense bioturbation. Longer term shifts in deposition are best expressed by distribution of clay, flint and bioturbated micro‐wackestone, bioturbated wackestone and laminated mudstone chalk facies, whereas the trace fossil assemblages appear less useful. The data set indicates overall shallowing over time with two distinctive events of clay influx to the basin during the late Campanian–earliest Maastrichtian and late Maastrichtian.  相似文献   

Fossil surfaces of erosion and non-deposition are common in limestone sequences from the Mesozoic in western Europe and in the Tethys and have been described under the name ‘hardgrounds’. They are of shallow water as well as of oceanic origin. A modern example in the Pacific is described in this paper. The Carnegie Ridge, an east-west trending shallow ridge between South America and the Galapagos Islands, has a central, deeper saddle where erosion has removed most of the sediment cover down to a hard chalk and chert bed (acoustic basement), and has cut intricate channel patterns on the south flank and two deep canyons on the north. The erosion has produced a karst-like relief of steep-walled channels, cliffs, and corroded chalk remnants. The floors of the channels are covered with ferromanganese oxide crusts or crust fragments over which loose sediment is being transported. In the two canyons on the north flank, this sediment consists of foraminiferal sand travelling downslope in the form of barchan dunes. All sediment down to acoustic basement has been stripped from the Carnegie Ridge crest except where it is protected behind basement ridges and pinnacles. Surface features of the eroded chalk are strongly reminiscent of features observed in Mesozoic hardgrounds. Current measurements over several days indicate a net northward movement, slow but possibly adequate to keep the sea floor free of fresh deposits. The rates, however, seem inadequate to explain the formation of the deep channels, and there is no evidence for the southward flow which is implied by the southern channel system. A process of combined carbonate dissolution and removal by the current of fresh sediment and dissolution residues can account for the required erosion in about two million years. Regional unconformities identifiable in seismic reflection profiles and dated in cores are of middle to late Pliocene age, suggesting that the formation of the erosion surface began 2-3 million years ago. Buried Miocene unconformities of local extent show that the present erosion period had minor precursors possibly related to short-lived increases in current action and carbonate dissolution.  相似文献   

Micritization of crinoids by diagenetic dissolution   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Bands within the Chalk of Kansas made up of masses of Uintacrinus socialis show an unusual preservation of crinoid ossicles: in contrast to their normal preservation in full relief as single large calcite crystals the ossicles are compressed and transformed to micrite. The micrite originated by a process different from the well-known micritization by algal and fungal borings and subsequent cementation of the borings: it is the outcome of partial dissolution. Dissolution proceeded inside the sediment and preferentially attacked the echinoderms as the most soluble calcareous component of the chalk sediment. Later, the remains of the Uintacrinus crystals preferentially attracted syntaxial cement so that the layer changed to a hard band of limestone within the soft chalk. In addition to a second process of micritization the preservation of Uintacrinus demonstrates (1) that the magnesium content of magnesian calcites survives the earliest stages of diagenesis within chalk, and (2) that a diagenetic comminution of large crystals (in an optical sense) to smaller ones is possible. Provided the ossicles of echinoderms are true single crystals (the knowledge in this field is summarized), this is an example of the often discussed ‘crystal diminution’.  相似文献   

松辽盆地北部姚家组一段中的古土壤层可作为层序地层划分的依据.在姚家组一段中识别出3个不整合面,由盆地边缘向中心分别以河流侵蚀面-古土壤层-强烈生物作用面为标志,其下部为进积型的低位体系域三角洲砂质沉积,中部为退积型的水侵体系域三角洲砂质沉积,顶部为以泥质岩为主的加积型高水位体系域平原淤积相沉积,构成了完整的储盖组合.本文建屯了受平缓坡折控制平坦古地貌背景下的大型陆相坳陷盆地层序地层学模式,认为坡折带控制岩性油藏分布,坡折带以下广泛分布的三角洲砂体成为大面积岩性油藏储集体.坡折带附近的近源区发育多层位三角洲砂岩复合体,形成了多层、厚层岩性油藏,远离坡折带的远源区分布着大面积的三角洲外前缘砂体,可形成砂岩透镜体岩性油藏和上倾尖灭岩性油藏.  相似文献   

New lithological, ichnological, and isotope data are given for the rhythm from the section of the Middle Cenomanian rhythmic sequence at Mount Selbukhra. The intense rock bioturbation has distinct multistage structure that is typical of writing chalk sections and corresponds to the Cruziana ichnofacies that are characteristic of the soft grounds of the open shelf. The values of the ??13C and ??18O ratios in ichnofossils contradicts the model of the farming structures for the Chondrites and Zoophycos and indicate the passive infilling of Thalassinoides burrows by sediments. It was established that organic-rich marlstones accumulated under higher bioproductivity and the bottom anoxia were augmented by dissolution cycles. Based on our data, it is not possible to relate the rhythmicity to the precession cycles with confidence.  相似文献   

A small isolated outlier of Lower Oligocene chalk, which grades upwards into what was originally a sandy marl, has been truncated by a paleokarst surface, which is overlain by cross-bedded, well-sorted glauconitic sands. A sandy clay horizon (probably originally tuffaceous) and a basaltic lava flow of probable Miocene age cap the local sequence. Below the paleokarst surface and roughly parallel to it, the original sediment has been intensely altered to an average depth of 1.5 m. The alteration front is sharply defined, even where it extends along the walls of glauconitic sand-filled fissures in the chalk.In the alteration zone, the chalk has been entirely replaced by silica (opal-CT, largely in the form of lepispheres). The calcareous fraction of the marl has been replaced by montmorillonite and clinoptilolite. Rounded gravel clasts (largely basaltic) in the base of the overlying glauconitic sands also have been replaced (by montmorillonite), which suggests that all alteration followed deposition of the sands. However, neither the glauconite nor any other mineral in the sands appears highly altered. Similarly, the quartz grains show no evidence of dissolution or silica precipitation. Preservation of most silica sponge spicules, the only siliceous microfossils in the chalk, indicates that the source of the silica was extraneous to the carbonate sediments.Migrating interstitial liquid, largely confined to the sands between the impervious cap of sandy clay plus basalt and the porous but less permeable chalk, is inferred to have been the causal agent for the replacement. Silica, and any other components necessary for the formation of opal-CT, montmorillonite and clinoptilolite, were probably derived by chemical alteration of the capping volcanics in a groundwater regimen. Replacement reactions in the chalk and marl presumably were dependent on the original presence of calcium carbonate, and apart from montmorillonitization of volcanic material, occurred only where this compound was present.  相似文献   

Burial diagenesis of chalk is a combination of mechanical compaction and chemical recrystallization as well as cementation. We have predicted the characteristic trends in specific surface resulting from these processes. The specific surface is normally measured by nitrogen adsorption but is here measured by image analysis of scanning electron micrographs. This method concentrates on the micritic matrix alone. Deep-sea sediments are ideally suited to the study of burial diagenesis because they accumulate in a relatively conservative tectonic setting. We used material from the Ontong Java Plateau in the Pacific, where a > 1 km thick package of chalk facies sediments accumulated from the Cretaceous to the present. In the upper 200–300 m the sediment is unconsolidated carbonate ooze, throughout this depth interval compaction is the principal porosity reducing agent, but recrystallization has an equal or larger influence on the textural development. In the chalk interval below, compaction is not the only porosity reducing agent but it has a larger influence on texture than concurrent recrystallization. Below 850 m grain-bridging cementation becomes important resulting in a lithified limestone below 1100 m. This interpretation is based on specific surface data alone, and modifies current diagenetic models.  相似文献   

The geometry and evolution of vertically segmented normal faults, with dip separations of < ca 11.5 m have been studied in a coastal outcrop of finely bedded Cretaceous chalk at Flamborough Head, U.K. Fault trace segments are separated by both contractional and extensional offsets which have step, overlap or bend geometries. The location of fault trace offsets is strongly controlled by lithology occurring at either thin (ca 1 mm-8 cm) and mechanically weak marl layers or partings between chalk units. Fault segmentation occurred during either fault nucleation within, or propagation through, the strongly anisotropic lithological sequence. An inverse relationship between fault displacement and number of offsets per length of fault trace reflects the progressive destruction of offsets during fault growth. The preservation of fault offsets is therefore dependent on offset width and fault displacement. Fault rock, comprising gouge and chalk breccia, may vary in thickness by 1.5–2.0 orders of magnitude on individual fault traces. Strongly heterogeneous fault rock distributions are most common on small faults (< 10 cm displacement) and are produced mainly by destruction of fault offsets. Shearing of fault rock with increasing displacement gives rise to a more homogeneous fault rock distribution on large faults at the outcrop scale.  相似文献   

第四纪地质是工程地质的基础,第四纪沉积物的地层时代、岩性组合等是土体工程地质单元划分的重要依据.通过武汉市地貌、第四纪地质特征(地层、成因、岩性等)及土体工程地质性质等综合调查和分析,提出基于"地层时代+岩性组合(岩石地层单位)+岩性层"的武汉市工程地质单元体划分原则.根据城市建设的需要,将武汉市都市发展区土体工程地质单元体分为3级:单元层(1)、亚单元层(1-1)、基本单元层(1-1-1),其划分的控制因素依次为:地层时代、岩性组合(岩石地层单位)、岩性层.据此划分出工程地质单元层6个、亚单元层14个、基本单元层28个.并对各个工程地质单元体的特征进行了分析.   相似文献   

Metre-scale lithologic cycles, visible in core and on logs from Maastrichtian chalks of the Dan Field, were examined to determine their mechanisms of deposition and relation to hydrocarbon production. The lower parts of cycles consist of porous, cream-coloured, largely non-stylolitic, commonly laminated chalk with limited bioturbation (mainly escape burrows). Cycles are capped by thinner intervals of white to grey, hard, stylolitic chalk with concentrations of bioclastic material, intense burrowing and few preserved primary sedimentary structures. The cycle caps contain nearly twice as much Mg as compared to the more porous parts of cycles and also have slightly larger δ18O values (?4·1‰ for the caps; ?4·4‰ for porous zones). There is a significant reduction of average cycle thickness, as well as total thickness of the Maastrichtian chalk section, from SW to NE across the Dan Field. The cycle thinning largely results from a reduced thickness of porous chalks from the lower parts of cycles and thus is reflected in lower average porosity and permeability on the NE side of the field. These data indicate that episodic winnowing removed fine-grained constituents from highstanding northeastern areas. Porous cycle bases were deposited at relatively high rates that precluded complete bioturbation; preserved laminae, coupled with escape burrows, reflect episodic sediment influx in areas that flank the seafloor highs. Cycle tops apparently accumulated more slowly (throughout the region, but especially on seafloor highs), perhaps because of reduced productivity of planktic organisms. Slower sedimentation allowed more complete bioturbation and destruction of sedimentary structures, and also led to incipient high-magnesium calcite seafloor cementation (sufficient to yield firmer sediment and enhanced burrow preservation, but not to form true hardgrounds). Thus, the elevated magnesium contents and reduced porosity of the cycle caps reflect very early diagenetic processes that were only partially modified by burial diagenesis. Rates of chalk deposition, as inferred from physical and geochemical evidence, appear to be a significant control on reservoir characteristics in North Sea chalks. The highest average porosities and permeabilities are found in areas with the highest sediment accumulation rates where seafloor diagenesis is minimized. Topographic depressions at the time of sedimentation can thus be expected to have the best production characteristics, and synsedimentary topographic highs should have the thinnest sections and the poorest petrophysical properties.  相似文献   

神狐钻探区天然气水合物成藏地质条件分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以天然气水合物成藏系统理论为指导,对神狐钻探区天然气水合物成藏地质条件进行了系统研究。研究结果表明:神狐钻探区具有优越的烃类生成体系和流体运移体系。天然气水合物气源以生物气-热成因气混合气为主,气源岩生烃潜力大;断层、气烟囱以及断层滑脱面可以为含烃流体在纵向和横向上的运移提供优势运移通道。地温特征和成藏就位体系-沉积物岩性及其岩性组合特征是控制该区水合物层在空间尺度上分布不均匀的主要原因,地温和地温梯度越低,沉积物粒度越粗,且具备“上细下粗”的沉积物岩性组合更有利于水合物的形成。  相似文献   

Lake sediment records from the Weerterbos region, in the southern Netherlands, were studied to reconstruct summer temperature and environmental changes during the Weichselian Lateglacial Interstadial. A sediment core obtained from a small lacustrine basin was analysed for multiple proxies, including lithological changes, oxygen isotopes of bulk carbonates, pollen and chironomids. It was found that the oxygen isotope record differed strongly from the other proxies. Based on a comparison with three additional lake sediment records from the same region, it emerged that the oxygen isotope records were strongly affected by local environmental conditions, impeding the distinction of a regional palaeoclimate signal. The chironomid‐inferred July air temperature reconstruction produced inferred interstadial temperatures ranging between ~15° and 18°C, largely consistent with previously published results from the northern part of the Netherlands. A temporary regressive phase in the pollen record, which can be tentatively correlated with the Older Dryas, preceded the expansion of birch woodland. Despite differences between the four pollen records from the Weerterbos region, a comparable regressive vegetation phase that was possibly the result of a shift to drier conditions could be discerned in all of the profiles. In addition, a temporary temperature decline of ~1.5°C was inferred from the chironomid record during this regressive phase. The multi‐proxy approach used here enabled a direct comparison of inferred changes in temperature, vegetation and environmental conditions at an individual site, while the multi‐site approach provided insight into the factors influencing the pollen and isotope records from these small‐scale depressions.  相似文献   

河北平原发育巨厚的冲积、冲洪积沉积物,其岩性、岩相变化明显,仅仅依靠钻孔岩芯的岩性组合、沉积相分析难以建立具有代表性意义的地层层序,测试手段的发展和研究精度的提高,为建立河北平原区广大冲积平原的标准地层提供了可能。文章通过对第四系标准孔G01孔(钻孔深度415.5 m)的岩芯观察,按照沉积物颜色、沉积环境、沉积旋回和沉积构造等特点,将G01孔揭示的松散沉积物分为9大岩性段:第1岩性段主要为灰黑色粘土及灰黑色中砂,代表了河漫滩沉积和河道沉积;第2~5岩性段主要为灰黄-灰绿色粘土-粉砂质粘土-粉砂,发育水平层理和块状层理,局部发育波状层理,代表了河漫滩沉积;第6~9岩性段主要为灰黄-棕红色粘土、粉砂质粘土、粘土质粉砂夹灰黄色粉砂、细砂及砂砾层,代表了边滩、河道沉积和河床滞留沉积。通过对古地磁实验结果的分析得出,0~105.5 m为布容正极性时,105.5~183.7 m为松山反极性时,183.7~415.5 m为高斯正极性时。以磁性地层为主导、岩性地层特征和14C测年数据为辅,对固安G01孔第四纪岩性地层(183.7 m内)进行初步划分,其第四纪地层的下更新统、中更新统、上更新统和全新统的对应深度分别为183.7~105.5 m、105.5~59.2 m、59.20~21.45 m和21.45~0 m。  相似文献   

A continuum mechanics model for the gravitational compaction of sediments is derived by assuming that the sediments are normally pressured and in a one-dimensional state of stress. Sediment strength is characterized in terms of effective stress laws adopted from soil mechanics. The model is a relatively simple mathematical formula that gives the porosity as a function of burial depth. The shape of the porosity profile is controlled by two mechanical parameters, the compression index and the void ratio at an effective stress of 100 kPa. The model was verified by analysing the porosity—depth data of oozes and chalk from the Ontong Java Plateau, gathered during Leg 130 of the Ocean Drilling Program. The mechanical parameters of the sediments were estimated using a least-squares method to fit the theoretical profile to the porosity data. The theoretical profile described accurately the ooze porosity data over depth ranges of 100 m or more. However, over smaller length-scales of 10–50 m there were systematic deviations between the theoretical porosity values and the ooze porosity data. The porosity deviations correlated with variations in the mean grain size of the sediments, due in part to changes in the foraminifera abundance. In the case of the oozes, the estimated mechanical parameters were consistent with published values obtained from one-dimensional compression tests. In contrast, the estimated mechanical properties for the chalks differed from published values. The chalk porosities were lower than could be explained by mechanical compaction. This explanation is supported by the compressional (P-wave) velocity data. In the chalk sections, the P-wave velocity increases more rapidly with burial depth than it does in the ooze sections, suggesting that sediment elastic properties are increasing due to interparticle binding.  相似文献   

Microtexture describes the type of particles and their arrangement in matrix samples at scanning electron microscopy scale. Although a microtexture classification exists for micritic limestone, it cannot be directly applied to chalk. This study therefore proposes a classification of chalk microtextures and discusses the origin of microtexture variability. Chalk was sampled at thirteen spatio‐temporal locations along the coastline of northern France (Cenomanian–Santonian). Four criteria are defined to describe, characterize and determine chalk matrix microtexture: (i) mineralogical content; (ii) biogenic fraction; (iii) micritic fraction; and (iv) cement fraction. From these criteria, two major groups are defined: Pure Chalk Microtexture Group, with seven classes, and Impure Chalk Microtexture Group, divided into two subgroups: Argillaceous Microtexture with four classes and Siliceous Microtexture with two classes. Microtexture variability is related both to initial sedimentation and to diagenesis. Sedimentological conditions (for example, climate and distance from shore) affect chalk composition (carbonate content and type of insoluble particles), thus influencing microtexture. Changes in Pure Chalk Microtexture are the result of increasing diagenetic intensity. This classification can also be used to characterize the microtexture of subsurface chalk reservoirs. Reservoir quality depends on the petrophysical and mechanical properties of reservoir rocks, which can be better understood by exploring their sedimentary and diagenetic history, revealed by the study of chalk microtexture variability.  相似文献   

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