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俄罗斯东北部鄂霍次克—楚科奇火山岩带中的某些汞矿床,其成矿地质背景及矿床地质特征与我国昌化、巴林鸡血石矿床有一定的相似性和可比性,主要表现在区域构造背景、火山岩含矿围岩、含矿构造和矿体形态、围岩蚀变矿区次火山岩体特征和矿床成因等方面。因此这些汞矿床的部分汞矿石作为珍贵的鸡血石资源利用可能具有一定的前景,进而可能大大拓展鸡血石的找矿前景。  相似文献   

New data obtained using a modern analytical technique on the geochemistry and conditions of the formation of Mississippi-type ores at the Sardana deposit are presented. Comparative analysis related to other deposits of the same type was carried out. The geochemical data point to a considerable role of metamorphism of the enclosing carbonate–terrigenous masses in ore formation at the deposit.  相似文献   

川东北地区飞仙关组-长兴组储层沥青主要为焦沥青,按光性特征可分为均质沥青、均匀长条状沥青、镶嵌结构沥青、小球体沥青、针状结构沥青、香肠状沥青、微粒状沥青;均匀长条状沥青各向异性强,ΔR大于0.5%,具有强的各向异性小球体沥青的ΔR大于1.2%,它们BR max和BR min的方差往往小于0.08,其平均值可作为成熟度的评价指标;沥青中硫含量高,可能是小球体沥青形成的一个重要因素,研究硫与沥青之间的关系对该区高含硫化氢气藏的成因研究具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

In Kamchatka, Central Koryak, Central Kamchatka and East Kamchatka metallogenic belts are distributed from northwest to southeast. K–Ar age, sulfur isotopic composition of sulfide minerals, and bulk chemical compositions of ores were analyzed for 13 ore deposits including hydrothermal gold‐silver and base metal, in order to elucidate the geological time periods of ore formation, relationship to regional volcanic belts, type of mineralization, and origin of sulfur in sulfides. The dating yielded ore‐forming ages of 41 Ma for the Ametistovoe deposit in the Central Koryak, 17.1 Ma for the Zolotoe deposit and 6.9 Ma for the Aginskoe deposit in the Central Kamchatka, and 7.4 Ma for the Porozhistoe deposit and 5.1 Ma for the Vilyuchinskoe deposit in the East Kamchatka metallogenic belt. The data combined with previous data of ore‐forming ages indicate that the time periods of ore formation in these metallogenic belts become young towards the southeast. The averaged δ34SCDT of sulfides are ?2.8‰ for the Ametistovoe deposit in Central Koryak, ?1.8‰ to +2.0‰ (av. ?0.1‰) for the Zolotoe, Aginskoe, Baranievskoe and Ozernovskoe deposits in Central Kamchatka, and ?0.7 to +3.8‰ (av. +1.7‰) for Bolshe‐Bannoe, Kumroch, Vilyuchinskoe, Bystrinskoe, Asachinskoe, Rodnikovoe, and Mutnovskoe deposits in East Kamchatka. The negative δ34SCDT value from the Ametistovoe deposit in Central Koryak is ascribed to the contamination of 32S‐enriched sedimentary sulfur in the Ukelayat‐Lesnaya River trough of basement rock. Comparison of the sulfur isotope compositions of the mineral deposits shows similarity between the Central Koryak and Magadan metallogenic belts, and East Kamchatka and Kuril Islands belts. The Central Kamchatka belt is intermediate between these two groups in term of sulfur isotopic composition.  相似文献   

Lithology and Mineral Resources - The paper presents the results of study of metalliferous (ferromanganese and manganese) rocks at the Nadeiyakha ore occurrence (Pai-Khoi) discovered in 2010. The...  相似文献   

本文通过对俄罗斯Streltsovka火山岩型铀矿床和中国相山火山岩型铀矿床的对比研究,发现两矿床具有相似的成矿构造控制特征:走滑挤压至拉张伸展的构造转化是矿床形成的有利构造机制;盆地格网状断裂构造对铀的成矿起着导矿、控矿和容矿的作用;多次构造叠加形成的独特的盆地二元结构是成矿的有利因素.根据对这些构造控制特征的分析,提出了火山岩型铀矿床找矿勘探的几点建议.  相似文献   

Lithology and Mineral Resources - The article is devoted to analysis of the glauconite resource base in Russia. The geotectonic and lithological-paleogeographic positions of deposits and large...  相似文献   

Analysis of the spatial relations of gold ore occurrences and the enclosing geological environment in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug (ChAO) has shown that Au–quartz ore occurrences in turbidites are located predominantly in areas of the Early Cretaceous granitoid magmatism with the thick collision-type continental crust. The Cu–Au porphyry deposits are located in areas with complete development of Early Cretaceous magmatism within the outer zone of the Okhotsk–Chukchi volcanoplutonic belt (OChVB). The Au–Ag epithermal deposits are located in the areas of the Late Cretaceous granitoid magmatism within the inner and outer zones of the OChVB. The prospects of island-arc complexes for searching for Kuroku-type Au-bearing ore objects are available.  相似文献   

Correlation of the Permian continental and marine deposits of Northeastern Russia, the southern Far East, Siberia, and the Pechora Сisurals is carried out. A consistent zonal succession of brachiopods, marine bivalves, and ammonoids is revealed and linked with the macroflora in the boundary deposits of the Cisuralian/Biarmian Series of the Boreal Superrealm. As a result, analogues of the Solikamian, Irenskii, Filippovskii, and Saraninian Horizons of the Kungurian Stage are established in the main coal basins and marine sequences of Northeastern Russia and the southern Far East. The correlative floristic horizon, stretching from the east of the East European Platform to the Pechora Cisurals, Pai-Khoy, Siberia, the Kuznetsk Basin, Northeastern Russia, and the southern Far East is established. The unity of the Sheshmian–Kazanian nonmarine floral assemblages and nonmarine bivalves, which correspond to the marine biota of Kazanian age, and their distinction from Kungurian assemblages are established. The Kungurian–Kazanian boundary is traced in marine and continental deposits within the entire Boreal Superrealm. The invalidity of the Ufimian Stage is established. The Kazanian Stage corresponds to the Roadian Stage of the International Chronostratigraphic Chart; however, the lower boundary of the Kazanian Stage is not defined precisely and can be conventionally considered isochronous to the boundary of the Roadian Stage.  相似文献   

仙石铀矿床位于粤北贵东复式花岗岩体东部,矿体赋存于NWW向辉绿岩与NEE向硅化带交接部位。矿床中黄铁矿以富集放射成因铀铅为特征,3组比值分别为(^208Pb/^304Pb).=18.756—23.883,(^207Pb/^304Pb)1=15.676~15.932,(^208Pb/^204Pb),=38.530—38.938,主要位于基底变质岩铅范围内;矿床中方解石δ^18C值为-8.5‰~-3.1‰,相似于地幔值((-5±2)‰);黄铁矿δ^18C值为-10.1‰~-8.3‰,它与花岗岩中黄铁矿δ^18C值(-10.9‰--7.1‰)相似,而与辉绿岩中黄铁矿δ^18C值(-0.03‰~2.1‰)区别明显。上述同位素特征表明仙石铀矿床的成矿物质具多源特征。  相似文献   

The Maastrichtian Koryak flora from the Amaam Lagoon area is comprehensively studied with reference to available data on the stratigraphy of the study area and age assessment of the flora-bearing deposits. In the Koryak flora 32 species of plant fossils are identified and systematically described in the work. The established traits of the Koryak floristic assemblage are used to correlate it with the other assemblages close in age from different localities of Northeastern RNortheastern Russiaussia and Alaska. The results of correlation and taxonomic revision of plant fossils from the upper part of the Prince Creek Formation, Northern Alaska show that in the Anadyr-Koryak and Northern Alaska circum-Pacific regions the Koryak stage of flora development and the respective phytostratigraphic horizon (upper Maastrichtian-Selandian), of key significance for interregional correlation of continental deposits, are distinguishable. Floristic changes recorded in the northern circum-Pacific regions across the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary suggest that the evolution of vegetation was gradual, controlled by climatic change, evolutionary factors and plant migration. These results are inconsistent with the postulated global significance of the ecological crisis at that time.  相似文献   

驱龙铜矿是西藏陆陆碰撞造山带冈底斯斑岩铜矿带内代表性矿床之一。本文对其含矿斑岩和矿石矿物进行了S、Pb同位素组成分析。驱龙矿床含矿斑岩与矿石矿物的硫同位素组成比较一致,含矿斑岩δ34S为-2.1‰~-1.1‰,黄铜矿δ34S为-6.3‰~-1.0‰,均值-2.76‰;硬石膏δ34S为 12.5‰~ 14.4‰,平均 13.4‰。成矿热液中的硫同位素基本达到了平衡,显示出岩浆硫组成特点。含矿斑岩的206Pb/204Pb范围为18.5104~18.6083,207Pb/204Pb变化于15.5946~15.7329之间,208Pb/204Pb为38.6821~39.1531之间;矿石矿物黄铜矿的206Pb/204Pb、207Pb/204Pb、208Pb/204Pb分别为18.4426~18.5909、15.5762~15.6145、38.5569~38.8568。含矿斑岩与矿石矿物的铅同位素组成比较一致,它们的变化幅度较小,应具有相同的起源与演化历史。无论是岩石铅还是矿石铅,在铅构造模式图上均位于造山带铅演化曲线上。驱龙矿床硫、铅同位素数据暗示,成矿物质主要来自深源岩浆,含矿斑岩起源于西藏造山带加厚的下地壳熔融,具有幔源成分的混染。  相似文献   

Rare biogenic structures, after which diagenetic minerals are developed, are described from Paleogene rocks of southern Dagestan. It is shown that these minerals form tabular mica-like and colloform aggregates confined to fucoids. In terms of composition, they represent the glauconite group minerals. Tabular and colloform minerals are compared with globular glauconite occurring in host sandy rocks. It is demonstrated that the globular variety is characterized by higher K and Fe contents, whereas the tabular variety has a higher SiO2 content. The probable mechanism of the formation of tabular and colloform minerals in biogenic structures is discussed.  相似文献   

Lein  A. Yu.  Ivanov  M. V. 《Doklady Earth Sciences》2018,481(1):939-942

The interaction of biogeochemical sulfur and carbon cycles in water bodies has been studied by the different authors and methods, including the use of 35S and 14C radioactive tracers. The main reactions of sulfur and carbon interaction by the example of the Black Sea (sulfate reduction, methanogenesis, aerobic and anaerobic methane oxidation) are considered. Based on the experimental radioisotope data, the annual microbial production of H2S and CH4 in the water column of the Black Sea is estimated. The average annual production of CH4 is 3.8% of the annual production of H2S. The share of migration methane from the bottom sediments (seeps, mud volcanoes, etc.) is approximately 2% of the total dissolved methane pool.


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