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Fabrics of phosphatized calcium carbonate particles in various phosphorites have been studied using scanning electron microscopy coupled with X-ray dispersive microanalysis. Replacement of calcium carbonate by apatite has been observed in bivalve shell fragments and in foraminiferal tests; replacement proceeds at constant volume with excellent preservation of the original microtextures. In some deposits, replacement of carbonate by apatite is the main phosphogenic process. However, in general, the process seems to be far less important than might be believed purely on the basis of thin section observations. In many phosphorites, internal or external apatite moulds of bioclasts are common, including very small particles such as coccoliths in phosphatized chalks. Apatite precipitation was typically followed by carbonate dissolution. Later apatite precipitation within the dissolution voids may produce partial or total phosphate pseudomorphs of the original carbonate grain. In these examples direct replacement of carbonate by phosphate cannot be demonstrated.  相似文献   

磷酸盐化作用对富钴结壳元素相关性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨磷酸盐化作用对富钴结壳元素相关性的影响,用电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法(ICP-AES)和重量法测试了中太平洋CX海山富钴结壳的主、微量元素及稀土元素.首先以P质量分数和Y异常把富钴结壳分为磷酸盐化型[w(P)>0.57%且具有正Y异常]和未磷酸盐化型[w(P)<0.57且具有负Y异常].结果表明,相比于未磷酸盐化型结壳,磷酸盐化型结壳中某些元素出现相对亏损和富集,其中亏损元素的亏损顺序为Si>Al>Fe>Co>Li>K>Pb>Na>Mg>V,而富集元素的富集顺序为P>Ca>REE>Ba>Sc>Mo>Cu>Ni>Ti>Sr>Zn>Mn;两类结壳相同元素问的相关性既有共性也有差别,Si-Al、Si-Fe和Si-Ca 等元素间的相关性在两类结壳中变化不大,而P-Mn,P-Fe,Mn-Fe,Fe-Co等元素间的相关性则发生重要改变,这些相关性发生变化的元素对可指示结壳是否遭受磷酸盐化作用,元素丰度以及元素相关性的变化与磷酸盐化作用引起的结壳矿物组成变化有关.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Co-rich ferromanganese crusts occurring on submarine guyots have received much attention from scientists since the beginning of the 1980’s because they are enriched in Co, Mn, Pt, and rare earth elements (REEs), and have large potential mineral resources, occurring as they do on topographic highs relative to polymetallic nodules in the C-C (Clarion-Clipperton) zone (Halbach et al., 1982, 1989; Hein et al., 1992, 1999; Usui and Someya, 1997; Yamazaki and Sharma, 1998, 2000…  相似文献   

硅酸盐氧同位素标样研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘敬秀 《岩矿测试》1990,9(4):276-282
本文介绍了硅酸盐氧同位素标准物质(SH和H)的研制。均匀性检验证实该标准物质是均匀的。该标准物质采用直接比较测量法标定,即直接与国际标准V-SMOW和SLAP进行比较。 国际标准水样采用CO_2-H_2O平衡法制备CO_2;石英标样采用BrF_5法制备CO_2。将六个定值实验室提供的数据统一处理后,获得SH和H的δ~(18)Ox/v-s_(MOW)值分别为11.11±0.06(‰)和-1.75+0.08(‰)。该标准物质于89年12月被国家技术监督局批准为国家一级标准物质,山阳石英标样(SH)统一编号为G  相似文献   

The regularities of the concentration of ore matter in the mid-ocean ridges are considered, and the mechanisms of hydrothermal and cumulative treatment of the crust by ore elements are substantiated.  相似文献   

铊矿床成矿规律   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对全球主要铊矿床的成矿地质背景、成矿时代、控矿构造、赋矿围岩和成矿物理化学条件进行了综合对比分析,得出了全球铊矿床的分布特征与成矿规律:铊矿床主要产出于沉积岩发育的中-低温成矿域中,且成矿时代较新;铊矿床的赋矿围岩通常为铊背景值高的沉积岩;大多数铊矿床具有典型的低温成矿特征.  相似文献   

吴宇杰  陈从喜  袁峰 《地球学报》2021,42(5):628-640
中国高岭土矿产资源丰富,矿床类型齐全且分布广泛,是一种重要的战略性非金属矿产.前人对高岭土矿床研究、地质勘查和资源开发利用都做了大量工作,积累了丰富资料,但缺少对高岭土矿床成矿和时空分布规律系统性的分析.本文在前人研究和对全国现有高岭土矿床和地质勘查资料系统分析基础上,选取了有代表性且数据比较齐全的521个高岭土矿床,...  相似文献   

The Metallogenetic Regularities of Lithium Deposits in China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Lithium resources support the development of high-technology industries. China has abundant lithium resources which are mainly distributed in Tibet,Qinghai,Sichuan and Jiangxi. Salt lakes in China have significant lithium reserves,but lithium is mainly produced from hard rock lithium deposits because the extraction from salt lakes requires further improvements. The hard rock lithium deposits mainly occur in granitic pegmatite in the Altay region of Xinjiang and the Jiajika deposit in western Sichuan Province; they mainly formed in the Mesozoic and occurred in a relatively stable stage during orogenic processes. On the basis of the information from 151 lithium deposits or spots,14 lithium metallogenic series were identified,and granitic pegmatite,granite,and sedimentary types were considered to be the main prediction types of lithium resources. Twelve lithium mineralization belts were divided and a series of maps showing the lithium metallogenetic regularity in China were drawn. We conclude that the hard rock and brine type of lithium resources possibly have a similar lithium source related to magmatism. The metallogenic features of the lithium in China were related with the distinct history of tectonic-magmatic activity in China. This study benefits the assessment of,and prospecting for,lithium resources in China.  相似文献   

对硅酸盐中非沸石类矿物进行的晶体结构特征分析发现,某些链层状硅酸盐矿物(如坡缕石和海泡石)、钛硅酸盐中的硅钛铌钠石、硅钛铌钠矿、钙霞石、方钠石等,以及锰、锆、钒、钇硅酸盐矿物中的水硅钡锰石、堇青石、水钠锆石、水硅钒钙石等矿物中都存在有孔道结构,其孔道直径为0.25~1.0 nm。本文综述了这些孔道结构矿物吸附和交换有害重金属离子、催化降解有机污染物的环境功能和属性。  相似文献   

中国锑矿成矿规律概要   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王永磊  徐珏  张长青  王成辉  陈郑辉  黄凡 《地质学报》2014,88(12):2208-2215
锑是中国的优势矿种之一.本文对中国锑矿床的成矿地质背景、赋矿围岩、控矿构造和成矿时代等进行了综合分析,简要总结了中国锑床的分布特征与成矿规律,同时提出了一些科学问题.中国锑矿床类型多,在时间上主要形成于中生代和新生代,且目前尚未发生有锑矿床形成于显生宙前,在空间上集中分布在西南天山、小兴安岭-张广才岭、昆仑-秦岭、长江中下游、藏北、藏南、西南三江、滇黔桂、江南隆起、湘中-桂中北、南岭、东南沿海等12个成锑带.当前需要从区域尺度来探讨锑矿床的形成机制,加强成矿规律和成矿系列的研究,从而实现锑矿资源的再发现.  相似文献   

本文采用硫载体缓冲剂,使ICP粉末射流进样方法得到提高。一次取样、单取摄谱测定元素增加到钡、铍、硼、铅、钛、锰、钒、铬、铌、镧、锆、银、镱、钇、钪、钴、锶、镍、铊、铟、镓、锡、钽、钍、铈、  相似文献   

层状硅酸盐矿物对重金属污染的防治   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
简要概拓了重金属污染物在土壤、水、沉积物中的存在形式,并重点介绍了利用层状硅酸盐矿物和粘土矿物治理重金属污染的原理、可行性及应用现状。另外,还提出了一种新的思路-利用层状硅酸盐在风化过程中的结构变化治理重金属污染。  相似文献   

Issue of the correlation between ferruginous-siliceous accumulation and volcanism at early stages of the continental lithosphere evolution is considered. Magnetite quartzites of the Early Precambrian volcanosedimentary greenstone and intensely metamorphosed complexes are subdivided into volcanosedimentary and sedimentary genetic types. Major features of the evolution of ferruginous-siliceous accumulation in the Early Precambrian are elucidated and a model of the evolution of volcanogenic iron accumulation is proposed. Principles of the prognosis of magnetite mineralization in the Early Precambrian metamorphic, primary volcanosedimentary, and greenstone complexes are elaborated.  相似文献   

西北地区铝土矿均为碳酸盐岩古风化壳沉积型,其主要矿床式有:新疆阿依里式,分布于塔里木地块北缘西段,形成于晚石炭世;陕西天桥则式,分布于鄂尔多斯地块的东缘北段、南缘东段,形成于晚石炭世;甘肃大台子式,分布于鄂尔多斯地块的西缘南段,形成于早二叠世;陕西关坪式,分布于扬子地块北缘,形成于中二叠世。对比分析表明,西北已知有铝土...  相似文献   

本实验拟定了两个测定含硫、铜硅酸盐岩石中亚铁的测定方法: 1.含硫量低于5%的岩石,采用盐酸—醋酸—氟化铵,煮沸分解酸溶性亚铁。  相似文献   

The advantages of using a lithium-drifted silicon X-ray detectorinstead of conventional Bragg spectrometers in microprobe analysisinclude simplicity and speed of operation. Also electron beamdamage to minerals can be almost eliminated, owing to the lowprobe current required. A procedure for quantitative analysisis outlined here, and its scope and limitations are discussed,with special reference to silicate analysis. Analyses of 34silicates independently analysed by chemical methods and conventionalprobe analysis are given. Above about 0.2 wt. per cent (element)systematic differences between energy-dispersive and conventionalprobe results are hardly significant. There are some discrepanciesbetween probe and chemical data, probably mostly due to errorsin the latter (e.g. high A12O3 and low FeO). Concentrationsbelow 0.2 per cent but above the theoretical limit of detectionare sometimes not recorded. This is presumed to be due to slightover-correction for background, which could be rectified bya more complicated background correction procedure.  相似文献   

Detailed mineralogical investigations of high-Fe layer silicates from loose sediments (glauconite sands) of the Sado Ridge revealed that green aggregates found on submarine rises of the Japan Sea floor have a different genesis. It was demonstrated that round dark green grains approximate micas in composition. Primary volcanic rocks presumably experienced extensive secondary alterations and then were disintegrated. Their disintegration products (protoceladonite) filling the pores were redeposited and buried in the sediment for a long time. Angular green grains, mainly represented by smectite, were also formed at lower temperatures during the disintegration of altered volcanosedimentary rocks. These younger grains did not experience prolonged exposure. Pseudomorphs of siliceous microplankton consist of both hydromica and smectites. They are presumably authigenic products formed with the participation of microorganisms or electrostatic processes (spherical shape), or their combination. The formation mechanism of minerals filling the cavities in pyroclastics is not entirely clear.  相似文献   

The advantages of using a lithium-drifted silicon X-ray detectorinstead of conventional Bragg spectrometers in microprobe analysisinclude simplicity and speed of operation. Also electron beamdamage to minerals can be almost eliminated, owing to the lowprobe current required. A procedure for quantitative analysisis outlined here, and its scope and limitations are discussed,with special reference to silicate analysis. Analyses of 34silicates independently analysed by chemical methods and conventionalprobe analysis are given. Above about 0?2 wt. per cent (element)systematic differences between energy-dispersive and conventionalprobe results are hardly significant. There are some discrepanciesbetween probe and chemical data, probably mostly due to errorsin the latter (e.g. high Al2O3 and low FeO). Concentrationsbelow 0?2 per cent but above the theoretical limit of detectionare sometimes not recorded. This is presumed to be due to slightover-correction for background, which could be rectified bya more complicated background correction procedure.  相似文献   

王建斌 《地下水》2014,(1):18-20
基于黄土坡地地质灾害的认识,结合运动学理论与方法,设计一套简易试验装置,对水在非饱和离石黄土中的入渗、富集规律进行初步探讨。试验系统包含降雨、渗流、富集、径流等部分,可较好地模拟大气降水、灌溉水径流、下渗、富集的整个渗透过程。对典型离石黄土进行不同雨强(15 mm、50 mm、70 mm)的降雨入渗模拟试验,得到典型离石黄土的降雨入渗参数(入渗面时态曲线、入渗速率时态曲线)与富集参数(富集量时态曲线、富集速率时态曲线),对于黄土坡地地质灾害致灾机理研究具有一定的启示。  相似文献   

High- and Low-Temperature I-type Granites   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract: I– and S-type granites differ in several distinctive ways, as a consequence of their derivation from contrasting source rocks. The more mafic granites, whose compositions are closest to those of the source rocks, are most readily classified as I– or S–type. As granites become more felsic, compositions of the two types converge towards those of lowest temperature silicate melts. While discrimination of the two is therefore more difficult for such felsic rocks, that in no way invalidates the twofold subdivision. If felsic granite melts undergo fractional crystallisation, the major element compositions are not affected to any significant extent, but the concentrations of trace elements can vary widely. For some trace elements, fractional crystallisation causes the trace element abundances to diverge, so the I– and S– type granites are again easily separated. Such fractionated S-type granites can be distinguished, for example, by high P and low Th and Ce, relative to their I-type analogues. Our observations in the Lachlan Fold Belt show that there is no genetic basis for subdividing peraluminous granites into more mafic and felsic varieties, as has been attempted elsewhere. The subdivision of felsic peraluminous granites into I– and S-types is more appropriate, and mafic peraluminous granites are always S–type. In a given area, associated mafic and felsic S-type granites are likely to be closely related in origin, with the former comprising both restite-rich magmas and cumulate rocks, and the felsic granites corresponding to melts that may have undergone fractional crystallisation after prior restite separation. We propose a subdivision of I-type granites into two groups, formed at high and low temperatures. The high-temperature I–type granites formed from a magma that was completely or largely molten, and in which crystals of zircon were not initially present because the melt was undersaturated in zircon. In comparison with low-temperature I–type granites, the compositions extend to lower SiO2 contents and the abundances of Ba, Zr and the rare earth elements initially increase with increasing SiO2 in the more mafic rocks. While the high-temperature I–type granite magmas were produced by the partial melting of mafic source rocks, their low-temperature analogues resulted from the partial melting of quartzofeldspathic rocks such as older tonalites. In that second case, the melt produced was felsic and the more mafic low-temperature I–type granites have that character because of the presence of entrained and magmatically equilibrated restite. High temperature granites are more prospective for mineralisation, both because of that higher temperature and because they have a greater capacity to undergo extended fractional crystallisation, with consequent concentration of incompatible components, including H2O.  相似文献   

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