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It has been established that terrigenous units of mainly carbonate deposits of the Yudoma Group in the Uchur–Maya Region of the Siberian Platform contain an assemblage of Late Vendian Ediacaran-type macrofossils. The assemblage contains species such as Aspidella terranovica, Beltanelliformis brunsae, Nenoxites curvus, and Palaeopascichnus sp., which had widespread geographic distribution. Finds of Ediacaran fossils in fossil-rich deposits of the Yudoma Group have expanded the possibilities of using the classic biostratigraphic approach applied for subdivision and global correlation of carbonate deposits in Late Precambrian paleobasins.  相似文献   

The Vendian (Ediacaran) beds of the Zavkhan Basin, in the upper part of the Tsagaanolom Formation (<632 ± 14 Ma), yielded a new “Zavkhan” association of algae, microfossils, and problematic organisms, which is established in the series of alternating chert-carbonate shale with phosphorite interbeds. This association is distinct in the predomination of large (250 μm and over) sphaeromorphic microfossils of the genera Tasmanites, Archaeooides, and Leiosphaeridia, whereas acanthomorph acritarchs are represented by rarely found Cavaspina sp. and Tanarium sp. Multicellular algae included fragments of encrusting or foliate thalli with pseudoparenchymatous structure of polygonal cells characteristic of Rhodophyta algae (Thallophycoides sp.), and cordlike thalli of Vendotaenid algae Tyrasotaenia podolica. These layers of siltstone contain imprints of the problematic Vendian macrofossil Beltanelliformis brunsae. In their stratigraphic position, chemostratigraphic data, and fossil assemblage, the “Zavkhan” association can be assigned to the Upper Vendian.  相似文献   

The molecular and isotopic composition of an extract from the rocks of the Bazhenov Formation in the southeast part of Western Siberia, oils that are genetically related to this formation, and products of hydrous pyrolysis of the organic matter of oil shale (Middle Volgian) of the East European Platform were studied. Common features and differences in their molecular composition were shown. The carbon isotope composition for C14–C30n-alkanes was determined for the first time; a negative isotope anomaly was revealed for C26n-alkane in all samples studied. It was concluded that in spite of the geographical distance, specific biota was revealed in the Volga Basin. This biota conditioned an isotopic indicator, which is genetically significant.  相似文献   

The genera Titanites and Glaucolithites, which were previously known only from the Portlandian of Northwestern Europe are now established in Epivirgatites nikitini Zone of European Russia. The Volgian species of Titanites are represented by both the endemic taxa Titanites (Paratitanites) manipulocostatus subgen. et sp. nov. and T. (Pseudogalbanites) triceps subgen. et sp. nov. and Titanites (Titanites) ex gr. titan Buckman of the Portland type. A new species Glaucolithites gardarikensis is described. It is likely that these ammonites migrated to the Central Russian Sea from northwestern Europe via the Norway-Greenland seaway and further to the Mezen-Pechora system of straits, which is supported by occurrences of Titanites in the north of Central Russia and Glaucolithites in East Greenland and on Spitsbergen. The direct and indirect correlations show that the middle part of the Nikitini Zone (Lahuseni Subzone) should at least partly be correlated with the Portlandian Kerbeus Zone.  相似文献   

Five successive ammonite assemblages are distinguished in the basal part (Riasanites rjasanensis Zone s. l.) of the Ryazanian Stage of the East European platform. These are (from the base upward) (1) Hectoroceras tolijense; (2) Hectoroceras kochi; (3) Riasanites swistowianus; (4) Riasanites rjasanensis; and (5) Transcaspiites transfigurabilis assemblages. Two lower assemblages consist entirely of boreal taxa, which occur in association with diverse ammonites of the Tethyan origin higher in the section. The data obtained show that three upper assemblages are correlative with the Berriasian Dalmasiceras tauricum, Riasanites rjasanensis-Spiticeras cautleyi, and Euthymiceras euthymi subzones of the northern Caucasus. The succession of five–six ammonite assemblages established in the East European platform above the top of the Craspedites nodiger Zone may correspond to the same number of ammonite assemblages characterizing lower subzones of the standard Berriasian. Berriasella rulevae Mitta, sp. nov. from the upper part of the Riasanites rjasanensis Zone (transfigurabilis biohorizon) is described.  相似文献   

A comparative morphological analysis is performed for 13 valid dinocyst species of genus Vesperopsis. Their distribution over Eurasia and North America in the Hauterivian–Cenomanian is traced and the characteristics of these deposits are given. Three species of the most stratigraphically significant dinocysts are distinguished: V. fragilis for the Upper Hauterivian of Western Siberia and V. mayi and V. longicornis for the Aptian of East Greenland. Analysis of facies confinement of the dinocysts Vesperopsis made it possible to group species of the considered genus over conditionally preferable paleosettings. Continental facies (freshwater, brackish-water) are characterized by species V. yanjiensis, V. glabra, V. sanjiensis, and V. jixianensis, while V. zhaodongensiis, V. didaoensis, and V. dolabella are typical of the coastal–marine facies, and V. digitatа, V. nebulosa, and V. mayi are typical of marine facies.  相似文献   

Eight zonal dinocyst assemblages and three bio stratigraphic units ranked as “beds with flora” are first distinguished in the Danian—lower Lutetian interval of the Paleogene succession, penetrated by the reference borehole Novousensk no. 1, where eight standard and one local nannoplankton zones are simultaneously recognized. The direct correlation of nannoplankton and dinocyst zones is used to refine the paleon-tological substantiation and stratigraphic position of regional lithostratigraphic units, ranges of hiatuses, and the correlation with the general stratigraphie scale. The nannoplankton of the Danian NP2 Cruciplacolithus tenuis and NP3 Chiasmolithus danicus zones is characteristic of the Algai Formation (Fm). The nannoplankton of the NP4 Coccolithus robustus Zone and dinocysts of the D3a Alterbidinium circulum Zone from the Tsyganovo Fm characterizes the Danian top. The Lower Syzran Subformation (Subfm) corresponds to the upper part of the NP4 Coccolithus robustus Zone (Neochiastizygus junctus local zone) and to the D3b (part) Cerodinium depressum Zone of the Selandian dinocysts. The latter spans part of the Upper Syzran Subformation, whose characteristic nannofossils are the nannoplankton of the NP5 Fasciculithus tympaniformis Zone and the dinocysts of the D3b (part) Isabelidinium? viborgense Zone of the Selandian. The Novouzensk Fm is represented by a succession of the dinocyst Cerodinium markovae Beds and the standard D4c Apectodinium hyperacanthum Zone of the upper Thanetian. The coccolitophorids of the lower Thanetian NP6 Heliolithus kleinpelli Zone occur at the formation base. The Bostandyk Fm includes successive bio stratigraphie units of the Ypresian. In the dinocyst scale, these are the D5a Apectodinium augustum Zone, the Pterospermella Beds (DEla Zone of the North Sea scale), and zones DBlb-c Deflandrea oebisfeldensis, D7c Dracodinium varielon-gitudum, and D8 Dracodinium politum—Charlesdowniea coleothrypta, while units of the nannoplankton scale correspond to the NP12 Martasterites tribrachiatus and NP13 Discoaster lodoensis zones. The Kopterek Fm yields Lutetian nannofossils: the nannoplankton of the NP14 Discoaster sublodoensis Zone and the dinocysts of the Wetzeliella coronata—Areosphaeridium diktyoplokum Beds. Three meaningful hiatuses are established at the Danian base, Selandian top, and in the lower Ypresian.  相似文献   

Continental (fluvial) strata of the Pinjor Formation (Siwalik Group), northwestern Himalayas, India, contain an invertebrate trace fossil assemblage containing Planolites beverleyensis, Palaeophycus isp., Scoyenia gracilis, Taenidium barretti and other undifferentiated traces. The traces are found in an \(\sim \)26 m thick interval of alternating pinkish red siltstone, which is intercalated with mudstone, and thickly-bedded buff and greenish coloured sandstone. These sediments are interpreted as the deposits of floodplains and channel-bars of fluvial environments and low-energy overbank floodplain deposits. The trace fossils studied here are the first well documented ichnofossil assemblage from the vast, late Cenozoic Siwalik depositional system. They are not only of palaeoenvironmental significance, but they add to the growing ichnofossil database in facies of fluvial origin and should be an impetus to further ichnological studies of the Siwalik Group.  相似文献   

Precambrian stromatolites were studied with a complex approach including two complementary methods. The biogenic origin of ultramicrostructures examined with SEM was supported by the traditional optical microscopy. The paper addresses columnar-stratiform stromatolites of the Vendian Chencha Formation in the Ura Uplift (Baikal–Patom Highland, Central Siberia) and fossilized remains of coccoidal and filamentous microorganisms therein: cyanobacteria Eoentophysalis, hormogonian cyanobacteria Siphonophycus and, probably, Eomicrocoleus. The unraveled community of stromatolite builders includes the major organisms commonly observed in the Precambrian microbiota. Stromatolites of the Chencha Formation contained not only cyanobacteria, but also remains of eukaryotic microorganisms, including likely testate amoebae and acanthomorphic acritarchs. It is shown that the complex approach rules out incorrect determination of biota and significantly enhances concepts of the origin and formation of stromatolites, as well as the participation of microorganisms in their formation.  相似文献   

In Russia, the terminal Neoproterozoic formally includes the Vendian of western part of the East European platform and the concurrent Yudoma Group of Siberia. As is shown in this work, the designated subdivisions correspond in the stratotypes only to the upper, Yudomian Series of the Vendian. In the Siberian platform, the Ust-Yudoma and Aim horizons of the Yudomian are tightly interrelated. The lower of them, bearing remains of Ediacaran Fauna, represents the Ediacarian Stage, whereas the upper one containing small-shelled fossils (SSF) corresponds to the Nemakit-Daldynian Stage divided into the trisulcatus and antiqua superregional zones. In more complete sections of the platform periphery, sediments of these subdivisions conformably rest on siliciclastic succession that should be ranked as basal subdivision of the Yudomian. The succession is concurrent to the Laplandian Stage of the East European platform. According to geochronological dates obtained recently, the Yudomian Series spans interval of 600–540 Ma. In the East European platform, the Upper Vendian (Yudomian) begins with the Laplandian basal tillites of synonymous stage. In the west of the platform, tillites are dated at 600 Ma like the Upper Vendian base in Siberia. The next Ediacarian Stage of the East European platform is stratigraphic equivalent of the Redkino Horizon, while summary range of the Kotlin and Rovno horizons is concurrent to that of the Nemakit-Daldynian Stage. The Vendian of Russia is conformably overlain by the Tommotian Stage of the Lower Cambrian. Intense pre-Vendian events constrained distribution areas of the Lower Vendian sediments in Russia. The Lower Vendian deposits of the East European platform are most representative and well studied in the central Urals, where they are attributed to the Serebryanka Group. In Siberia, separate subdivisions representing the Lower Vendian are the Maastakh Formation of the Olenek Uplift, two lower members of the Ushakovka Formation in the Baikal region, and the Taseeva Group of the Yenisei Range. Chronological interval of the Lower Vendian corresponds to 650–600 Ma. The Marinoan Glaciation dated in Australia at 650–635 Ma is concurrent to basal part of the pre-Yudomian interval of the Vendian in Russia, whereas the Laplandian Tillite and Gaskiers Glaciation (600–580 Ma) correspond to onset of the Yudomian Epoch. The new Ediacaran System (Knoll et al., 2004) legalized in the International Neoproterozoic scale is close in range to the entire Vendian (635–544 Ma), although without basal beds (Marinoan Tillite) it deprives the terminal Neoproterozoic of its original sense. Inferiority of the system consists also in its indivisibility into stages. Hence, it is clear that the Vendian System subdivided in detail in Russia should be retained in the rank of terminal system of the Precambrian, one of the basic in general scale of the Neoproterozoic.  相似文献   

Upper Cretaceous pelagic deposits outcropping in the Maçka (Trabzon) region include radiolarians and pelagic foraminifera. The Çatak Group represented by the volcano-sedimentary successions consists of three formations having different properties. Two sections, ÇTK1 and ÇTK2, are selected from the Çe meler and Elmalι Dere formations, respectively, establishing the biostratigraphy of outcropping sedimentary units. A total of 17 species of Whiteinella, Helvetoglobotruncana, Marginotruncana, Dicarinella, Praeglobotruncana, Archaeoglobigerina and Hedbergella demonstrating the early Turonian–Coniacian are established in the ÇTK1 stratigraphic section. The early Turonian radiolarian fauna consisting of Halesium sexangulum Pessagno, 1971, Crucella cachensis Pessagno, 1971, Stichomitra communis Squinabol, 1903 is also defined in the same section. A total of 30 species of Crucella, Halesium, Pessagnobrachia, Patulibracchium, Alievium, Archaeospongoprunum, Dicyomitra, Stichomitra, Diacanthocapsa, Dactiyliodiscus, Amphipydax, Pseudoaulophocus, Acaeniotyle, Archaeodictyomitra, Actinomma, Xitus, Neosciadocapsidae characterizing the early and late Turonian, as well as the Coniacian–early Santonian are recognized from red-coloured pelagic limestones of the ÇTK2 section. Also, planktonic foraminifera species of Marginotruncana, Hedbergella, Heterohelix, Globotruncana, Globotruncanita, Archaeoglobigerina, Dicarinella characterizing the Coniacian–Santonian are described in the thin sections of the same samples. The age of red-coloured limestones is identified as the Coniacian–Santonian benefit from radiolarians and pelagic foraminifera. Consequently, radiolarians and pelagic foraminifera within sedimentary successions of the investigation area are distributed in two intervals that coincide with the early Turonian–Coniacian and Coniacian–Santonian intervals.  相似文献   

The species Cadochamoussetia aff. subpatruus (Nik.), Cadochamoussetia surensis (Nik.), and Cadoceras cf. simulans Spath are found for the first time in the lower reaches of the Anabar River. The first two species are characteristic of the Lower Callovian Cadochamoussetia subpatruus Subzone of Central Russia, which is equivalent to the Siberian Cadochamoussetia tschernyschewi Zone. Species of the genus Cadochamoussetia, found for the first time in the Arctic, are described. Shells of Siberian representatives of Cadochamoussetia are distinguished from the typical East European species by their larger umbilicus, which is similar to that of the ancestral genus Cadoceras. It is suggested that the Siberian taxa belong to the oldest representatives of this genus, which appeared in the early Callovian Arctic seas and later migrated to seas of Central Europe and England.  相似文献   

A first palynostratigraphic scheme of Upper Triassic deposits in northern Switzerland was established based on spore-pollen associations and dinoflagellate cyst records from the upper part of the Upper Triassic Klettgau Formation and the lower part of the Lower Jurassic Staffelegg Formation. Drill cores from the Adlerberg region (Basel Tabular Jura) and from Weiach (northern part of Canton Zurich) as well as from an outcrop at the Chilchzimmersattel (Basel Folded Jura) were studied and five informal palynological associations are distinguished. These palynological associations correlate with palynological association of the Central European Epicontinental Basin and the Tethyan realm and provide a stratigraphic framework for the uppermost Triassic sediments in northern Switzerland. Throughout the uppermost Triassic to Jurassic palynological succession a remarkable prominence of Classopollis spp. is observed. Besides Classopollis spp. the three Rhaetian palynological associations A to C from the Upper Triassic Belchen Member include typical Rhaetian spore-pollen and dinoflagellate taxa (e.g., Rhaetipollis germanicus, Geopollis zwolinskae, Rhaetogonyaulax rhaetica, and Dapcodinium priscum). Association B differs from association A in a higher relative abundance of the sporomorph taxa Perinopollenites spp. and the consistent occurrence of Granuloperculatipollis rudis and Ricciisporites tuberculatus. Spore diversity is highest in the late Rhaetian palynological association C and includes Polypodiisporites polymicroforatus. A Rhaetian age for the Belchen Member is confirmed by palynological associations A–C, but there is no record of the latest Rhaetian and the earliest Jurassic. In contrast to the Rhaetian palynological associations the Early Jurassic associations W and D include Pinuspollenites spp., Trachysporites fuscus (in association W), and Ischyosporites variegatus. In the view of the end-Triassic mass extinction and contemporaneous environmental changes the described palynofloral succession represents the pre-extinction phase (associations A and B) including a distinct transgression, the extinction phase (association C) associated with a regression, and the post-extinction phase (association W).  相似文献   

Smaller foraminifers from Upper Yakhtashian and Bolorian deposits of the stratotype area (Pamir, Darvaz, Tajikistan) are investigated. Four assemblages are defined. The first assemblage is from Chalaroschwagerina vulgaris-Pamirina darvasica Zone. The second assemblage found in the transitional Yakhtashian-Bolorian beds includes Globivalvulina, Palaeotextulariidae, Hemigordiidae, and Glomospira, associated with the first Pachyphloia and Langella forms. Characteristic taxa of third assemblage from the Misellina (Brevaxina) dyhrenfurthi Zone are Geinitzinidae, Globivalvulina, Palaeotextulariidae, Glomospira, and rare Pachyphloia. The forth assemblage of Hemigordiidae, Pachyphloia, Palaeotextulariidae, Geinitzinidae, Pseudoagathammina is identified in the M. (Misellina) parvicostata Zone. The assemblages were compared with concurrent analogs from China, Japan, and Russia. New species and subspecies Glomospira paleograndis sp. nov., G. darvasica sp. nov., Agathammina darvasica sp. nov., Pachyphloia darvasica sp. nov., Nodosinelloides cubanicus elongatus subsp. nov., and Hemigordius saranensis darvasicus subsp. nov. are described.  相似文献   

We analyze three-phase flow of immiscible fluids taking place within an elementary capillary tube with circular cross-section under water- and oil-wet conditions. We account explicitly for momentum transfer between the moving phases, which leads to the phenomenon of viscous coupling, by imposing continuity of velocity and shear stress at fluid-fluid interfaces. The macroscopic flow model which describes the system at the Darcy scale includes three-phase effective relative permeabilities, K i j,r , accounting for the flux of the ith phase due to the presence of the jth phase. These effective parameters strongly depend on phase saturations, fluid viscosities, and wettability of the solid matrix. In the considered flow setting, K i j,r reduce to a set of nine scalar quantities, K i j,r . Our results show that K i j,r of the wetting phase is a function only of the fluid phase own saturation. Otherwise, K i j,r of the non-wetting phase depends on the saturation of all fluids in the system and on oil and water viscosities. Viscous coupling effects (encapsulated in K i j,r with ij) can be significantly relevant in both water- and oil-wet systems. Wettability conditions influence oil flow at a rate that increases linearly with viscosity ratio between oil and water phases.  相似文献   

A biometric study of Chattian–Early Aquitanian taxa from shallow marine transgressive carbonate deposits in the Oligo-Miocene sedimentary basin of Kirkuk, Iraq, provides new insight into their taxonomy, stratigraphy, and palaeobiogeography. Their evolution is based on a distinct change in general nepiont morphology, which agrees with the principle of nepionic acceleration. Each Miogypsinoides group is represented by more than one lineage. We demonstrate for the first time the parallel evolution of Miogypsina and Miogypsinoides in the late Chattian of north-eastern Iraq. We assign specimens into two lineage groups: Miogypsinoides formosensis of the Late Chattian, with smaller embryon and longer post-embryonic spirals, which evolved into Miogypsinoides bantamensis of the Early Aquitanian; and Miogypsinoides sivasensis, with shorter spirals and larger embryon, originally found in late Chattian to Early Aquitanian deposits. This group evolved into large embryon and longer post-embryonic spiral specimens of the upper Azkand Formation, assigned to Miogypsinoides dehaartii and associated with Miogypsina gunteri-basraensis and M. gunteri due to their peculiar morphological features. Miogypsina specimens are related to Miogypsina basraensis, which have much smaller embryon dimensions. This part of the sequence corresponds to Ms. formosensis and is overlain by a Miogypsina ex. interc. gunteri-basraensis succession, a composite species that evolved to Miogypsina gunteri, the most common Miogypsinids taxon in the carbonate upper Azkand Formation, thereby acting as a reference for the evolution of this taxon and its transition to M. ex. interc. tani-gunteri. Miogypsinoides evolution in the Iraqi sedimentary basin is similar to Western Tethys evolution yet differs from Indo-Pacific evolution.  相似文献   

A rich assemblage of palynomorphs including miospores and megaspores has been recorded from the bore core no. IBKAN-2 drilled at a depth of 17.80m in Kuraloi Block-A, south-west part of the Ib-River Coalfield, Jharsuguda district, Odisha. The miofloral assemblage recovered shows prominence of cingulate, zonate, taeniate, non-striate and non saccate palynotaxa which indicate an early Triassic age and is comparable with the palynoassemblages of the same age known from the Damodar basin, India. The megaspore assemblage includes eight genera and fifteen species namely, Banksisporites karanpuraensis, B. indicus, B. utkalensis, Banksisporites sp., Barakarella pantii, Barakarella sp., Biharisporites spinosus, Biharisporites sp., Erlansonisporites triassicus, Erlansonisporites cf. erlansonii, Erlansonisporites sp. Jhariatriletes sp., Singhisporites sp., Ramispinatispora sp. and Talchirella trivedii. Records of megaspores are sparse in the early Triassic of Gondwana basins of India. The present study records the first occurrence of miospores and megaspores from the early Triassic of Mahanadi basin besides substantiating the earlier data.  相似文献   

Three subspecies belong to middle-late Maastrichtian Bolivinoides draco group (B. draco aegyptiacus, B. d. draco, and B. d. dorreeni) are described of which one is new: Bolivinoides draco aegyptiacus from Abu Zenima section, west central Sinai, Egypt. This new subspecies differs from the other Bolivinoidid taxa in possessing well-developed two divergent medial longitudinal ribs along the smooth test surface, with another one rib in the central part between them. In this study, the early Maastrichtian B. miliaris is not related to this group. The other evolutionary trends are also distinguished and the paleogeographic distributions of Bolivinoides members in the Middle East are presented.  相似文献   

Quaternary sediment deposits are well exposed along the eastern coastal margin of Sri Lanka. Systematic trace fossil studies along with sediment characteristics have been carried out for the first time to interpret the paleoenvironment that prevailed during Quaternary sedimentation in eastern Sri Lanka. The trace fossils Thalassinoides, Skolithos and Polykladichnus have been recognized about 5m above the present mean sea level. Features of the major trace fossil, Thalassinoides, indicate that it was formed by Thalassinidean shrimp Calianassa. Isolated, vertical to steeply inclined, cylindrical to sub cylindrical tubes with thin internal wall lining and inner wall striations of Skolithos and Polykladichnus show that they were formed by polychaetes. The typical characteristic of Polykladichnus isY-shaped branching with slight enlargement at junctions. Morphology and association of burrows as well as mineralogy, grain size and roundness of sediments indicate that the environment prevailed was marine soft grounds of the intertidal zone. Presence of preserved fine-scale features of burrows indicate that the bioturbated sandy tidal flat was suddenly exposed to the tropical environment due to sea level regression in Quaternary periods. Due to the microbial activities of wall linings, burrows were preserved and it was supported by other microbial activities that produced secondary iron bearing minerals that suffered subsequent oxidation. The bio-origination of red sediments of eastern coastal area of the present study can be used to interpret the debatable origin of the red beds found in northwestern and southeastern coastal areas of the island.  相似文献   

The Jahrum Formation (Upper Paleocene to Middle Eocene) is composed of carbonate and dolomitic carbonate rocks in the Zagros Basin. The Zagros is located at the boundary between the Arabian and Eurasian lithosphere plates and represent the orogenic response to a collision between Eurasia and advancing Arabia during the Cenozoic. The study area is located in the northern part of Kuh-E-Tudej, ~175 km southeast of Shiraz in the Folded Zagros Zone. The Jahrum Formation at Kuh-E-Tudej, with a thickness of 190 m, consists of medium to massive bedded limestone. The following foraminiferal index species are identified in the studied section: Fallotella alavensis, Kathina sp., Miscellanea sp., Lockhartia sp.,Orbitolites shirazeinsis, Nummulites sp., Opertorbitolites sp., Dictyoconus cf. egyptiensis, Orbitolites cf. complanatus, Dictyoconus sp., Coskinolina sp., Somalina stefaninii, Discocyclina sp., Praerhapydionina sp., Coskinolina cf. liburnica, Nummulites cf. globulus, Nummulites cf. aturicus, and Alveolina sp. The age of the studied sediments ranges from Upper Paleocene to Middle Eocene. The microbiostratigraphic studies revealed four biozones based on the foraminifers identified in the studied section.  相似文献   

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