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球状晶质铀矿是我国主要的工业铀矿物之一,也是核工业的主要原料之一。因此研究球状晶质铀矿的形成条件、成矿机制有着重要意义。球状晶质铀矿的水热合成是进行上述研究的重要手段。人们已从不同的角度进行了大量实验,实验的数据曾为解决铀成矿  相似文献   

研究地幔熔体中元素的扩散性质有着重要的意义,因其影响着元素的交换和分馏过程。SiO2 作为地幔组成的重要组
分之一,其物理化学行为对于地幔动力学过程有着重要的意义。本文研究了SiO2 熔体中元素的扩散机制和自扩散系数与
压力的关系,采用Morse stretch 势场对含有4500 个原子的熔融SiO2 体系进行了分子动力学模拟,计算了硅氧自扩散系数在
3000 K 温度下随压力的变化。模拟结果显示,在0.0001~40 GPa的压力区间,硅氧元素的自扩散系数均先上升后下降,在
17.5 GPa 时达到最大值,O 原子的扩散速率略高于Si 原子。硅氧元素的扩散方式为缺陷控制运移机制,其中硅原子的五配位
结构的形成是关键,为导致扩散系数随压力增大而上升的主要原因,扩散系数的最大值意味着SiO2 熔体中5 配位硅形成机
制的改变。本文也计算了单位[SiO2]的平均体积和压力的关系,结果与实验很吻合。  相似文献   

The parameters of barotropic and baroclinic oscillations in the subinertial range have been obtained by numerical simulations of the Black Sea circulation using a model developed at the Marchuk Institute of Numerical Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences. The structures and periods of barotropic and baroclinic seiches are in good agreement with the known theoretical predictions and results of numerical modeling of seiches obtained for the Black Sea subbasins.  相似文献   

纳米零价铁原位修复地下水污染是近年发展起来的新技术,通过改性合成不同种类纳米零价铁可以克服其易团聚易氧化的问题,水体中存在的天然有机质也会对纳米铁的分散性和反应活性产生影响,因此开展原位测试并研究不同种类纳米铁在水中的团聚效应具有重要意义。本文对实验合成的纳米零价铁、羧甲基纤维素包覆纳米零价铁、膨润土负载纳米零价铁以及商用纳米零价铁,基于动态光散射技术(DLS),运用纳米粒度/Zeta电位分析仪,结合透射电子显微镜(TEM)和沉降光谱曲线等手段,对比研究了天然有机质(腐植酸HA)对纳米铁团聚效应的影响。结果表明,羧甲基纤维素包覆或膨润土负载改性提高了纳米零价铁颗粒的分散稳定性,有效抑制了团聚沉降,团聚体粒径分布在1000 nm以下。HA会吸附在纳米铁颗粒表面,从而增加静电排斥力,进一步减缓了团聚效应,尤其是对膨润土负载纳米零价铁的影响最为显著,其团聚体粒径能降至100 nm以下,沉降速率也极大减缓,分散稳定性表现最佳。本研究表明DLS结合TEM表征纳米颗粒是获得更加丰富的微观粒子信息的一种非常重要的手段。  相似文献   

油气次生成藏动力学主要研究从原生油气藏破坏到次生成藏的驱动力及其作用过程,并总结从原生油气藏到次生油气藏的系列成藏模式。油气次生成藏地质作用是基础,油气溢出方式、三次运移的驱动力和流动方式分析是核心,总结系列成藏模式是目的。次生成藏主要有构造、水力和二者的复合3种地质作用。底部溢出的油气以浮力作用为主进行渗流,顶部溢出的油气可以是渗流,也可以是以超压作用为主的涌流。成藏模式包括跨成藏动力系统垂向成藏、成藏动力系统内侧向成藏和垂向成藏3种。  相似文献   

The distribution of sites where globular clusters have crossed the Galactic disk during the last 100 million years has been analyzed using the most recent kinematic data for 133 globular clusters (GCs). ThreeGCs (NGC 6341, NGC 7078, and ω Cen) whose distances between the positions where they crossed the Galactic disk and trajectories of the Gould Belt are less than 20% of their heliocentric distances at the crossing time (82, 98, and 96 million years ago, respectively) have been identified. For each of the clusters, this was their next to last, rather than their last, crossing of the Galactic disk. The passage of any one of these three GCs through the disk could potentially have initiated the formation of the Gould Belt.  相似文献   

碳酸钙颗粒的细菌诱导形成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究胶质芽孢杆菌(Bacillus mucilaginosus)在特定条件下能否诱导合成碳酸钙,作者采用胶质芽孢杆菌两种常用 基本培养基(有氮培养基和无氮培养基),以磷灰石矿物为钙源,进行了利用胶质芽孢杆菌促进碳酸钙形成的实验,借助扫 描电镜(SEM)、能谱定量分析(EDS)和X-射线衍射(XRD)等手段观察分析形成碳酸钙的晶体结构和化学组成。结果表 明,胶质芽孢杆菌能促进碳酸钙晶体的形成,在有氮加磷矿粉的细菌培养液中形成的碳酸钙多于无氮加磷矿粉的细菌培养 液,在有氮加磷矿粉的细菌培养液中观察到柱状碳酸钙的形成。作者认为,胶质芽孢杆菌通过其风化作用及较强的吸附功能, 利用其分泌的碳酸酐酶(CA)和溶解CO2在分解磷灰石的过程中促进了碳酸钙的形成。  相似文献   

The role of aluminum and silica in the formation of colloids during granodiorite weathering was studied on the basis of long-term experiments in batch reactors. Rock samples were dissolved in un-buffered solutions of initial pH 3.2, 5.4, and 9.9 at ambient conditions for 500 days. During weathering, extremely high supersaturation with respect to various secondary solids was attained in the solutions. Consequently, new solids, part of which was conserved in solutions as colloids, condensed. The mean concentrations of colloidal Si reached values of 70, 50, and 48 mol 1–1 in the alkaline, neutral, and acid solutions, respectively. The mean concentrations of colloidal Al, reached values of 34, 22, and 12 mol 1–1 in the alkaline, neutral, and acid solutions, respectively. The concentration of colloids gradually decreased after 200-400 days of experiment. This phenomenon was interpreted as being due to the competition between homogeneous nucleation and crystal growth. At the initial stages of the experiments, the colloidal species (predominantly colloidal Al) comprised a large proportion of the total amounts of aqueous species. Their share, however, decreased with time. The molar Al/Si-ratios of colloids were as high as 2–2.5 at the early stages of the experiment. After 250–300 days of experiments, on the other hand, these ratios decreased to values of about 0.5 in both the neutral and alkaline solutions and to a value of 0.15 in the acid solution. The evolution of colloids was consistent with the evolution of secondary solids in the sequence Al-hydroxides – clay minerals (illite, chlorite), in both the neutral and alkaline solutions. In acid solutions, the evolution of Al/Si-colloids was influenced by the presence of sulfate ion and Al-sulfate precipitation. Besides Al and Si, other elements, in particular Ca or Mg as a major component and Na, K, P, S, and Cl as minor components, readily participated in the formation of colloids.  相似文献   

Astronomy Reports - An Erratum to this paper has been published: https://doi.org/10.1134/S1063772922330010  相似文献   

Study and comparison of long-lived faults of the central parts of the Aldan and Ukrainian shields have shown that these faults are similar in structure, geologic position, and history of development. The faults were initiated during the epoch of emplacement of the crystalline basement, underwent identical phases of development during the stage of plastic deformation, and later were affected by repeated regeneration of tectonic movements, associated with the successive formation of diaphthorites and alkaline metasomatites and the injection of dikes. —Authors.  相似文献   

太平洋板块形成以来的中国东部构造动力学背景   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
构造动力学研究是分析区域构造、沉积演化、岩浆活动及矿产分布的重要前提,前人研究证实自太平洋板块形成以来中国东部构造动力学背景发生了多次转变,但对于具体的转换机制还缺乏深入研究.为此,首先基于对近年来发表的同位素年龄和古地磁数据的系统收集和整理,对太平洋板块形成以来围限中国东部的太平洋板块、印度板块和菲律宾海板块等的形成年代、漂移轨迹和速率变化规律进行了详细梳理.然后依据这3大板块及其周缘板块的运动学规律,结合区域上的构造变形特征,将太平洋板块形成以来的中国东部构造动力学背景划分为:中侏罗世—早白垩世((175 ~ 170) ~ (145±5),(145±5) ~ 125和125~95 Ma BP)、晚白垩世—古近纪(95 ~ 80,80 ~ 43和43 ~ 23 Ma BP)和新近纪—第四纪(23 ~ 10 Ma BP和10 Ma BP至今)等多个阶段.指出中国东部中侏罗世—早白垩世为压扭性背景,晚白垩世—古近纪则转为伸展拉张背景,到了新近纪—第四纪又转变为挤压背景,并对这3大阶段不同时期构造动力学背景作了进一步的论述.  相似文献   

Recently, the increase in dissolved concentration in the batch dissolution of various salts or sucrose has been successfully modelled with three equations, one a cubic in time. However, from three separate earlier investigations with ocean sediments and phytoplankton frustules, there is residual suspicion that biogenic silica does not follow this behaviour. This paper shows that the Shrinking Object Model applies to the dissolution of sieved silica gel particles, as well as to a sample of unsieved, freeze-dried frustules of Odentella sp. Silica gel, being readily available in quantities that can be sieved, is a useful surrogate for biogenic silica in allowing problems of experimental design to be overcome. The dissolutions covered three possible analytic integrations that arise from the model: an exponential for approach to saturation with excess solid silica; the approach to near saturation with either a slight excess or deficiency of silica; dissolution at high under-saturation. Good agreement was found between experimental results and mathematical modelling. The paper provides template calculations by which future raw results can be parameterized. Nevertheless, the reasons for non-linear kinetics reported in earlier work have not been identified, and so controversy over non-linear dissolution kinetics is enhanced. Stirring regime was found to be important with silica gel dissolution, and so biogenic silica dissolution is therefore likely to be ‘transport limited’ at low stirring rate. Accordingly, all archived and future data should be scrutinized for stirring effects before being applied to the oceanic environment. A rigorous test for determining whether a substance’s dissolution deviates from the model is recommended as a preliminary to any future dissolutions, whether in batch or with the chemo-stat. A fixed amount of frustule sample is added to a series of buffered mixtures containing increasing background silicic acid concentrations. Absence of any problem is marked by a linear plot between the increase in silicic concentration accruing over a fixed reaction period and that of the background silicic acid. A novel mathematical proof is provided to justify the test’s use. The reasons for the earlier deviations from expected behaviour of, for example, oceanic sediments, are discussed. Lastly, the paper provides a novel approach to the dissolution of a population of particles of mixed sizes which will probably find ready future application in oceanography.  相似文献   

The influence of temperature on rock samples of the Bazhenov Formation is shown. The samples underwent pyrolysis at 300–480°C, as well as in closed autoclaves in the presence of water under formation pressure. The temperature impact at 400°C resulted in a decrease in the S2 pyrolytic peak by 90–95% and almost complete formation of the generation potential of the rocks. Microtomographic studies of samples combined with raster electron microscopy revealed a correlation between the variable reservoir properties of the rocks. At 350°C, the rocks are characterized by a system of fractures; as a result of impacts, the porosity and permeability can increase from several to several tens of times. Our results will allow more precise modeling of the influence of tertiary processes on the rocks of the Bazhenov Formation in order to increase the final oil recovery of the bed.  相似文献   

Astronomy Reports - Position data for stars in the vicinities of 119 Galactic globular clusters from the USNOB1, 2MASS, URAT1, and ALLWISE catalogs have been reduced in the system of the UCAC5...  相似文献   

根据盆地不同演化阶段的地层超压形成有不同主导因素的认识,提出了分层系、分阶段的主导因素超压预测法,分别采用岩土力学原理和干酪根裂解成烃原理建立方程式,然后分层系、分阶段地计算欠压实作用引起的超压和生烃作用引起的超压。利用该方法、模型和软件系统,对东营凹陷各层系的超压形成、分布和演化进行了模拟,发现与实际情况符合较好,即欠压实作用和生烃作用是造成东营凹陷地层异常压力的主导因素,欠压实引起的超压出现在生烃作用引起的超压之前,生烃增压主要出现在2 500m以下深度。模拟结果表明,该方法、模型和软件系统具有较好的合理性和可靠性,适用于对陆相盆地油气成藏过程的超压预测。  相似文献   

颗粒物与天然水体痕量有机物相互作用的动态模型   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
在颗粒物对水中邻苯二甲酸酯吸附、水解、生物降解和藻类富集实验的基础上,提出了颗粒物与天然水体中痕量有机物相互作用的动态数学模型.用该模型研究了邻苯二甲酸二甲酯和邻苯二甲酸二辛酯在水库中的各相浓度分布.结果表明,大多数的污染物存在于藻体和颗粒物上.  相似文献   

Sharina  M. E.  Shimansky  V. V. 《Astronomy Reports》2019,63(8):687-698
Astronomy Reports - Moderate resolution spectra of four globular clusters in the dwarf spheroidal galaxy IKN obtained with the 6-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory have been used...  相似文献   

莺歌海盆地成因及其大地构造意义   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
莺歌海盆地位于南海西北部 ,属 NW走向红河断裂带向南海海域的延伸。本文通过对盆地结构、沉降特征和构造 -沉积迁移过程的研究 ,提出莺歌海盆地在始新世—早渐新世期间属左旋扭张性断陷盆地 ,晚渐新世—早中新世的盆地演化阶段受到红河断裂带的左行剪切运动影响。莺歌海盆地的形成和演化历史反映了印藏板块碰撞过程对南海形成演化的影响历史  相似文献   

Investigations on stratigraphy, geomorphology and neotectonic movement in the Eastern Kunlun Moun-tains show that there existed a series of ancient lakes, including some saline lakes. in the studied region about30,000 years ago, They were distributed south of the middle Kunlun fault. from the middle-upper reaches of thepresent Narin Gol River in the west to the Alag Lake-Tosou Lake in the east. Of these the ancient Narin GolLake and Kunlun Lake were mainly recharged by the hot water related to valcanos. so the B, Li and K con-tents are relatively high. The neotectonic movement that commenced at 30.000 a B.P. caused the river system in the EasternKunlun Mountains to invade southwards. as a result the ancient lake water was captured to recharge theQarhan area. Therefore, the hot springs related to recent volcanism and faulting on the southern bank of theupper reaches of the Narin Gol River became an important source of saline materials for the Qarhan Lake.  相似文献   

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