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周枫  淩洪飞  蒋少涌 《地球学报》2005,26(Z1):199-199
现代海洋中的水成 Fe-Mn 结壳的 Nd 来自当时周围海水,因此利用 Fe-Mn 结壳可以恢复新生海洋 Nd 同位素演化历史,进面了解古海洋环境和古气候变迁信息。海洋中 Nd 的来源包括河流或陆源 Nd、大陆边缘沉积物和风成粉尘中的可溶 Nd,以及洋中脊热液蚀变来源的 Nd。对海水、水成成因铁锰结壳和结核、洋脊热液喷发和河流输入的 Nd 同位素研究发明,陆源物质控制着大洋中溶解的 Nd。对于风尘输入对大洋中的REE的影响还存在争议。有研究表明来自大陆和火山的风尘是某些局部大洋中的 REE 的重要来源,风尘与海水间的 REE 交换引起了某些洋区中 Nd 同位素组成的变化。相反,另有学者认为风尘对北太平洋中的溶解 Nd 总量没有影响。笔者分板子一块来自中北太平洋的铁锰结壳样品(MDD53)的 Nd,Pb 同位素,得到了该区新生代以来的 Nd,Pb 同位素演化历史。通过对比该结壳和岩心 LL44-GPC3 中粉尘的同位素演变曲线,发现二者的 Pb 同位素变化规律十分相似,证明结壳中的 Pb 主要来自粉尘。与 Pb 同位素相反,二者的 Nd 同位素演化完全不同。中国黄土的ENd值远低于中太平洋深水中的ENd值。因此,笔者认为风成粉尘对太平洋深水中溶解的 Nd 总量的影响可以忽略不计。结壳的 ENd值介于大陆和岛弧火山的值之间,说明新生代太平洋海水中的 Nd 主要来自河流、大洋边缘大陆风化及大洋环流携带大源自其他大洋的 Nd,新生代 Nd 同位素比值的增长主要是国为太平洋边缘岛弧的风化剥蚀作用和火山活动的增强。  相似文献   

中太平洋地区两个铁锰结壳的生长幕研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对3块中太平洋铁锰结壳样品进行的生物地层学及其结构构造、元素地球化学剖面的综合研究发现,铁锰结壳的生长主要集中于两个形成环境存在差异分别由不同因素控制的形成阶段,一个是约25Ma以来其形成环境氧化程度由南极底层流(AABW)控制的对应于结壳新壳层的生长幕,另一个是渐新世之前其形成环境氧化程度由环赤道表中层洋流和高密度温盐表层水下沉控制的对应于结壳老壳层的生长幕,而在早、中渐新世处于两种环境的转换期,也正好是海退期、大洋低生产力期、低CCD和生物碳酸盐低产率期,形成结壳生长的主要生长间断。该研究成果对于进一步了解太平洋的古海洋、古环境演变有一定意义。  相似文献   

太平洋海山成矿系统与成矿作用过程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
文中初步探讨了太平洋海山富钴结壳成矿系统的结构与成矿作用过程。海山成矿系统的控矿要素主要包括地质要素和海洋要素,地质要素主要包括海山的形成、迁移、沉降和水道的开合等,海洋要素主要包括大洋温盐环流、最低含氧带(OMZ)、文石溶跃面、碳酸盐补偿深度和海山周围海水的动力情况等。重点分析了海山漂移和沉降、水道开合、最低含氧带变化、大洋环流以及气候变化等要素对富钴结壳成矿的控制作用。海山为富钴结壳成矿提供了一个容矿空间,稳定的基岩,即长期稳定的容矿空间,是富钴结壳成矿的基本条件;海山的形成年龄、海山的迁移和水道的开合决定并改变了富钴结壳的成矿背景条件,促使海山成矿系统发生演化。最低含氧带作为富钴结壳成矿的地球化学障,是直接的矿源层;而海山周边的地形旋涡沟通了最低含氧带与富氧、富铁的深层和底层水,使得最低含氧带中的成矿金属离子得到氧化,进而发生胶体凝聚沉淀,形成富钴结壳。以西太平洋海山成矿系统为例,将该区白垩纪以来富钴结壳成矿作用过程划分为5个阶段:(1)白垩纪—始新世,(2)始新世末—晚渐新世,(3)晚渐新世—中中新世早期,(4)中中新世早期—晚中新世早期,(5)晚中新世早期—现代,其中(2)、(3)阶段有利于发育富钴结壳。  相似文献   

中太平洋海山区富钴结壳的钙质超微化石地层学研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
对“大洋一号”调查船在中太平洋采集的N1-15和N5E-06 2个富钴结壳样品进行了钙质超微化石及其生物地层学的研究与分析.这2个结壳从结构上分为3层: 致密型上层、疏松型中层和致密型下层.在研究中对各结构层和各层中有颜色或细微结构变化的层位都进行了详细的取样和分析.在识别了12个新生代钙质超微化石事件的基础上, 确定了2个结壳致密型上层结壳都为晚更新世以来的沉积, 它们的疏松型中层结壳为上新世到中更新世的沉积.对N5E-06富钴结壳来说, 其致密型下层结壳下部形成于中晚古新世到早渐新世的59.7~ 32.8 Ma期间.N1-15富钴结壳致密型下层的形成时代目前暂时定为中新世.研究注意到在2个结壳中都没有发现可信的晚渐新世到中新世的化石记录, 在个别层位之间存在着沉积间断.   相似文献   

The ferromanganese deposits in the deep- sea floor of thePacific Ocean are classified as two types:polymetallic nodule(hereafter shortened as nodule) and Co- rich crust(hereaftershortened as crust) . The comparative research between thenodule and the crust shows that several similarities and differ-ences are present geochemically between them.Both the nod-ule and the crust consisting of manganese and iron oxide andhydroxide that contain some of transitional and divalent metalelements such as …  相似文献   

作为微生物席建造物的叠层石记录了大量的古环境和古地理信息,在豫西寒武系出露18层叠层石,以宏观和微观沉积特征为基础,依据各组段叠层石丰度(层厚度)和分异度(形态类型)的演化,将豫西寒武纪叠层石划分为6个演化组合。从叠层石组合的微观纹层、微生物化石及其微生物席演化等方面,结合沉积学和生物化石特征,探讨了豫西寒武纪叠层石的幕式演化,分别为微生物岩-叠层石演化幕和微生物岩-灰岩演化幕。以中寒武世灰岩中微生物岩与遗迹化石的密度关系为例,并从整个寒武纪微生物岩与后生动物化石之间关系的角度分析,认为叠层石微生物岩演化与后生动物之间并非只是简单的“此消彼长”,而是一种动态平衡的耦合关系。  相似文献   

Ferromanganese micro- and macronodules in eupelagic clays at Site 35 of the South Basin were examined in order to check the REE distribution during the ferromanganese ore formation in nonproductive zones of the Pacific Ocean. We studied host sediments and their labile fraction, ferromanganese micronodules (fractions 50–100, 100–250, 250–500, and >500 m) from eupelagic clays (horizons 37–40, 105–110, 165–175, and 189–190 cm), and buried ferromanganese micronodules (horizons 64–68, 158–159, and 165–166 cm). Based on phase analysis data, the anomalous REE enrichment of eupelagic clays from Site 35 is related to the accumulation of rare earth elements in iron hydroxophosphates. The Ce concentration, generally linked to manganese oxyhydroxides, is governed by the oxidation of Mn and Ce in oceanic surficial waters. Micronodules (Mn/Fe = 0.7–1.6) inherit compositional features of the labile fraction of sediments. The Ce, Co, and Th concentrations depend on the micronodule dimension. The enrichment of micronodules in hydrogenic or hydrothermal substance is governed by their dimension and the dominant source of suspended oxyhydroxide material. The study of buried ferromanganese micronodules revealed general regularities in the compositional evolution of oxyhydroxide matrices of ferromanganese micro- and macronodules. The compositional variation of micro- and macronodules, relative to the labile fraction of sediments, in the Pacific nonproductive zone dramatically differs from the pattern in bioproductive zones, where micronodule compositions in larger fractions are similar to those in associated macronodules and labile fractions of the host sediment as a result of the more intense suboxidative diagenesis.  相似文献   

开展风尘沉积研究对于了解源区气候变化和大气循环过程具有重要意义。利用高分辨率电子探针技术,通过对铁锰结壳中风尘指示因子(Al沉积通量)的年际变化研究,探讨低纬度铁锰结壳中风尘沉积特征。结果显示:在过去近70 Ma中,低纬度铁锰结壳Al沉积通量平均值为300.5  μg/(cmka),并且记录了南、北半球的不完整风尘史。在晚白垩世-晚中新世期间,M06铁锰结壳位于热带辐合带之南,受南半球风系影响,其Al沉积通量大小反映了环太平洋区域火山活动强度;晚中新世后,受北半球风系控制,M06铁锰结壳Al通量的变化反映了亚洲风尘源区构造和气候的变化。  相似文献   

Based on the survey data of five submarine seamount provinces (chains) in the Western Pacific, the distribution characteristics of cobalt-rich ferromanganese crust resources have been researched in this paper by using the relative reference data and applying the theories of hotspot and seafloor spreading. The main research results obtained are as follows: The Co-rich crust thickness in the study area is gradually increasing from east to west and from south to north having a negative correlation (r = -0.59) with longitude and a positive correlation (r = 0.48) with latitude. The crust thickness varying along longitude and latitude is influenced by the hotspot and seafloor spreading. The oceanic crusts and seamounts in the northwest part of the study area are older, and the crust resources are superior to those in the southeast part. In the depth of 〈1500 m, 1500-2000 m, 2000-2500 m in the study area, the cobalt crust thickness is respectively 5.45 cm, 4.34 cm and 3.55 cm, and in the depth of 2500-3000 m and 3000-3500 m, it drops respectively to 2.84 cm and 3.37 cm. The Co-rich crust resources are mainly concentrated in the seamount summit margins and the upper flanks in the depth of 〈2500 m. There is a strong negative correlation (r = -0.67) between the cobalt crust abundance and the slope of the seamount, 75 kg/m^2 and 50 kg/mz at the slopes of 0°-20° and 20°-34° respectively. Cobalt crusts are mainly distributed in the parts whose slopes are less than 20°. It is consistent with the fractal result that the slope threshold of cobalt crust distribution is 19°, and slopes over 20° are not conducive to the crust growth. The cobalt crusts of high grade are mainly enriched in the region within 150°E-140°W and 30°S-30°N in the Pacific, where there are about 587 seamounts at the depth of 3500- 6000 m and over 30 Ma of the oceanic crusts. The perspective area rich in cobalt crust resources is about 41×104 km^2 and the resource quantity is approximately 27 billion tons.  相似文献   

Bulk chemical, mineralogical and selective leach analyses have been made on a suite of abyssal ferromanganese nodules and associated sediments from the S.W. equatorial Pacific Ocean. Compositional relations between nodules, sediment oxyhydroxides and nearby ferromanganese encrustations are drawn assuming that the crusts represent purely hydrogenetic ferromanganese material. Crusts, δMnO2-rich nodules and sediment oxyhydroxides are compositionally similar and distinct from diagenetic todorokitebearing nodules. Compared to Fe-Mn crusts, sediment oxyhydroxides are however slightly enriched, relative to Mn and Ni, in Fe, Cu, Zn, Ti and Al, and depleted in Co and Pb, reflecting processes of non-hydrogenous element supply and diagenesis. δMnO2 nodules exhibit compositions intermediate between Fe-Mn crusts and sediment oxyhydroxides and thus are considered to accrete oxides from both the water column and associated sediments.Deep ocean vertical element fluxes associated with large organic aggregates, biogenic calcite, silica and soft parts have been calculated for the study area. Fluxes associated with organic aggregates are one to three orders of magnitude greater than those associated with the other phases considered, are in good agreement with element accumulation rates in sediments, and are up to four orders of magnitude greater than element accumulation rates in nodules. Metal release from labile biogenic material in surface sediments can qualitatively explain the differences between the composition of Fe-Mn crusts and sediment oxyhydroxides.Todorokite-rich diagenetic nodules are confined to an eastwards widening equatorial wedge. It is proposed that todorokite precipitates directly from interstitial waters. Since the transition metal chemistry of interstitial waters is controlled dominantly by reactions involving the breakdown of organic carbon, the supply and degradation rate of organic material is a critical factor in the formation of diagenetic nodules. The wide range of (trace metal/Mn) ratios observed in marine todorokite reflects a balance between the release of trace metals from labile biogenic phases and the reductive remobilisation of Mn oxide, both of which are related to the breakdown of organic carbon.  相似文献   

H.J. Hofmann 《Earth》1973,9(4):339-373
Stromatolites are laminated biosedimentary structures usually attributed to the trapping and binding as well as chemical action of non-skeletal algae in shallow-water environments. They have a geologic record dating back from the Recent to the Archean, with an acmic development during the Proterozoic. The structures are generated by successive stacking of laminae, whose particular shapes are more or less uniformly maintained during the accretion process that yields the final gross morphologies. The laminae and their synoptic morphologies represent not only the microbathymetries at past instants in time, but also the preserved record of successive surfaces of equilibrium beteen interacting physical, chemical, and biological factors in the environment. Analysis of the geometric, material, dimensional, and positional attributes of these active interfaces, as well as the final morphology of the stromatolite, provides information useful in classification and in the interpretation of environmental conditions during their formation. Changes in their morphology and microstructure through geologic time reflect evolutionary changes in stromatolite-building biotas and their environments, and are the basis for the correlation of Precambrian stromatolite sequences. The structures have also been used to determine paleolatitudes, to gauge ancient tidal ranges, to shed light on past rates of rotation of the Earth, and to time the capture or closest approach of the Moon, but conclusions reached in these respects are not yet sufficiently firmly based.  相似文献   

叠层石研究现状及进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在地球早期生命演化过程中,叠层石-微生物席生态系统主宰地球海洋近30亿年,叠层石作为微生物岩,是一种特殊的生物沉积构造,记录了大量的微生物、环境、地球化学和地球物理等方面的信息。叠层石研究经历了迂回曲折的道路,本文在综述国内外叠层石研究现状的基础上,重点阐述了中国叠层石研究取得的主要成绩和存在的不足,并从多学科交叉融合的角度,结合上下地层岩相变化,提出叠层石研究的新方法和新思路,为我国今后叠层石的研究和古环境的重建提供参考。  相似文献   

Pelagic manganese nodules from the East Pacific Ocean have been studied using polarizing,scanning electron and transmission electron microscopes. It has been revealed that the manganesenodules are composed of cores and stromatolite coatings. The structures and textures of thesenodules are peculiar to oncolite. Consequently, the pelagic manganese nodules are manganeseoncolites. Based on the stromatolites in the coatings, the manganese oncolites from the East Paci-fic Ocean can be divided into two types. One is smooth on surface and dense inside. Its coatingsare composed mainly of Minima. The other has a knobby surface and is loose internally. Itscoatings consist mainly of Admirabilis. The TEM investigation has also revealed that the con-structors of the manganese oncolites are ultra-microbes. The Minima is constructed byMiniactinomyces chinensis sp. nov. and the Admirabilis is built by Spirisosphaerospora pacifica sp.nov.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - The distribution of Fe, Mn, Cu, V, Zn, and Ni in the mineral fractions of ferromanganese crusts of different genesis, which were formed within island arcs, is considered...  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - SEM-EDS analysis of cobalt-rich Fe–Mn crusts (CRFMC) and their substrate rocks from the Gummy Bear seamount in the northwestern Pacific Ocean and the Magellan...  相似文献   

1 Introduction Submarine metallic mineral resources consist mainly of polymetallic nodules and cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts. Despite being discovered much later than the former, the latter are becoming one of the most important submarine polymetallic ore resources, because they containmany valuable metallic elements such as Co, platinum group elements (PGE), rare earth elements (REE), Ni and Cu, besides high contents of Fe and Mn (He et al., 2001). The Co-rich crusts are widely distr…  相似文献   

Most of the Proterozoic carbonate formations of Peninsular India, and the so-called ‘unfossiliferous’ carbonates of the Sub- and Lesser Himalaya, contain abundant columnar and branching stromatolites. Systematic study of some of these stromatolites supports their use in biostratigraphy and reveals their Riphean—Proterozoic affinity. A synthesis of stromatolite studies in India has been attempted. A biostratigraphic correlation of the stromatolitic formations of Sub- and Lesser Himalaya extending from Jammu in the west to Buxa in the eastern Himalaya has been established. A probable correlation of those of Peninsular India has been indicated, based on available information. A bibliography on Indian stromatolites is appended.  相似文献   

Stromatolite, as the representative of recorder in the early life history of the Earth, has been traced back from 3.5 billion years to 3.7 billion years ago. Stromatolites do provide indirect evidence for the existence of early life on the Earth, especially the composition of modern carbonate stromatolites, which further proves that stromatolites are calcified structures of cyanobacterial mats. Among the modern carbonate stromatolites, the following examples have been studied for a long time: Coarse stromatolites on the platform of Bahamas, fine stromatolites in the ultra-salinity environment of Australia and ultra-salinity lagoon of southeastern Brazil. Based on the predecessors' research results, by tracing the growth mechanism of modern carbonate stromatolites and the complex microbial activities and deposition processes, the formation of stromatolites in the middle of the Zhangxia Formation of Cambrian in the Huolianzhai section of Benxi is obviously different from that of modern carbonate stromatolites, which indicates that the sedimentary model of modern stromatolites cannot be fully applied in the ancient stromatolites. Therefore, the comparison between modern carbonate stromatolites and ancient stromatolites provides a rich way to further understand the construction of Cambrian stromatolites and microbial carbonate factory.  相似文献   

Chemical and mineralogical analyses of a well-controlled suite of ferromanganese encrustations from the Line Islands Archipelago (Central Pacific) suggest that they represent purely hydrogenous deposits—i.e. they have formed through the slow accumulation of trace metal-enriched oxides directly from the water-column. Mineralogically they consist predominantly of δMnO2 and amorphous FeOOHxH2O. Compositionally, they are similar to δMnO2 nodules from adjoining basinal areas but are enriched in both Mn (mean = 20.4%, max = 29.3%) and Co (mean = 0.55%, max = 1.57%). δMnO2 is the most important trace metal bearing phase; strong associations are noted between it and Co, Mo, Ni, Zn, and Cd, whilst only Be is associated specifically with FeOOH. V, Sr and Pb are partitioned between the authigenic oxide phases, whilst Ti most probably occurs as TiO2xH2O. Cu is contained in both aluminosilicate contaminant phases and Fe oxide phases. These relations are considered to reflect the differing scavenging behaviour of Mn and Fe oxides in the water column.Crusts from ~1–2 km are enriched in Mn and the Mn-related elements and exhibit higher MnFe ratios than deeper crusts, which are compositionally constant. The higher MnFe ratios may result from a supply of Mn from continental borderland sediments at these depths, which is transported horizontally by advective-diffusive processes. Since manganophile elements are enriched relative to Mn in the 1–2 km crusts, it is considered that the supply of Mn is scavenged by existing oxides, is oxidised and effectively occludes them. A higher proportion of oxide particles thus exhibit Mn oxide scavenging properties in the 1–2 km depth zone. The increased vertical flux of Mn resulting from the supply at ~1–2 km is not reflected by higher MnFe ratios in deeper crusts, so that the vertical flux of oxides is not simply related to the standing crop. The MnFe ratios of the crusts thus reflect the composition of suspended oxides at similar depths.  相似文献   

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