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Neutron powder diffraction data of phase A (Mg7Si2O8(OH)6) were collected at ambient pressure and 3.2?GPa (calculated from the compressibility of phase A) from the deuterated compound, and the structure was refined using the Rietveld method. The derived crystal structure implies that hydrogen atoms occupy two distinct sites in phase A, both forming hydrogen bonds of different lengths with the same oxygen atom. This picture is supported by IR spectra, which exhibit two absorption bands at 3400 and 3513?cm?1 corresponding to OH stretching vibrations, and proton NMR spectra, which display two peaks with equal intensities and isotropic chemical shifts of 3.7 and 5?ppm. The D-D distance [D(1)-D(2) distance] at ambient pressure was found to be 2.09?±?0.02?Å from the neutron diffraction data and 2.09?±?0.05?Å from the NMR spectra. At 3.2?GPa, there is no statistically significant increase in the O-D interatomic distance while the hydrogen bonding interaction D···O appears to increase for one of the hydrogen sites, D(1), which has the stronger hydrogen bonding interaction compared with the other hydrogen, D(2), at ambient pressure. The O-D bond valences, determined indirectly from the D···O distances were 0.86 and 0.91 at ambient pressure, and 0.83 and 0.90?at 3.2?GPa, for D(1) and D(2), respectively.  相似文献   

 Synthetic (SiGe)-pyroxenoids are often observed to have superperiods. Whether or not these superperiods grow in connection with Si-Ge ordering is a fundamental question. The size difference between Ge and Si tetrahedra leads to CdGeO3 having the pyroxmangite structure, whereas CdSiO3 has the wollastonite structure. Consequently, considerable strain is expected for a pyroxenoid with a disordered Ge-Si distribution. A 29Si MAS-NMR study of a Cd-pyroxmangite of nominal composition Cd7[Ge6Si]O7 points to considerable Si clustering, probably as GeSiSiSiGe triples corresponding to the wollastonite-like units of the siebener chain. It is proposed that such ordering relieves strain within the tetrahedral chain. Residual strain is also relieved by insertion of an extra pair of GeO4 tetrahedra into the pyroxene-like component of the siebener-chain units, leading to single neuner-chain units which terminate the superperiods. This growth pattern is cyclic. The presence of several types of superperiod may reflect similar energetics for different Ge-Si-ordering patterns within the siebener chains. Ordering of Si-rich unit cells and of unit cells having no Si is proposed as the reason for the occurrence of the superperiods in Cd-pyroxmangite. Received: 25 August 1999 / Accepted: 19 May 2000  相似文献   

 Phase A, Mg7Si2O8(OH)6, is a dense hydrous magnesium silicate whose importance as a host of H2O in the Earth’s mantle is a subject of debate. We have investigated the low-pressure stability of phase A in experiments on the reaction phase A=brucite+forsterite. Experiments were conducted in piston-cylinder and multi-anvil apparatus, using mixtures of synthetic phase A, brucite and forsterite. The reaction was bracketed between 2.60 and 2.75 GPa at 500° C, between 3.25 and 3.48 GPa at 600° C and between 3.75 and 3.95 GPa at 650° C. These pressures are much lower than observed in the synthesis experiments of Yamamoto and Akimoto (1977). At 750° C the stability field of brucite + chondrodite was entered. The enthalpy of formation and entropy of phase A at 1 bar (105 Pa), 298 K, were derived from the experimental brackets on the reaction phase A=brucite+forsterite using a modified version of the thermodynamic dataset THERMOCALC of Holland and Powell (1990), which includes a new equation of state of H2O derived from the molecular dynamics simulations of Brodholt and Wood (1993). The data for phase A are: ΔH o f =−7126±8 kJ mol-1, S o=351 J K-1 mol-1. Incorporating these data into THERMOCALC allows the positions of other reactions involving phase A to be calculated, for example the reaction phase A + enstatite=forsterite+vapour, which limits the stability of phase A in equilibrium with enstatite. The calculated position of this reaction (753° C at 7 GPa to 937° C at 10 GPa) is in excellent agreement with the experimental brackets of Luth (1995) between 7 and 10 GPa, supporting the choice of equation of state of H2O used in THERMOCALC. Comparison of our results with calculated P-T paths of subducting slabs (Peacock et al. 1994) suggests that, in the system MgO–SiO2–H2O, phase A could crystallise in compositions with Mg/Si>2 at pressures as low as 3 GPa. In less Mg rich compositions phase A could crystallise at pressures above approximately 6 GPa. Received: 3 July 1995/Accepted: 14 December 1995  相似文献   

 Infrared absorption spectra of brucite Mg (OH)2 were measured under high pressure and high temperature from 0.1 MPa 25 °C to 16 GPa 360 °C using infrared synchrotron radiation at BL43IR of Spring-8 and a high-temperature diamond-anvil cell. Brucite originally has an absorption peak at 3700 cm−1, which is due to the OH dipole at ambient pressure. Over 3 GPa, brucite shows a pressure-induced absorption peak at 3650 cm−1. The pressure-induced peak can be assigned to a new OH dipole under pressure. The new peak indicates that brucite has a new proton site under pressure and undergoes a high-pressure phase transition. From observations of the pressure-induced peak under various PT condition, a stable region of the high-pressure phase was determined. The original peak shifts to lower wavenumber at −0.25 cm−1 GPa−1, while the pressure-induced peak shifts at −5.1 cm−1 GPa−1. These negative dependences of original and pressure-induced peak shifts against pressure result from enhanced hydrogen bond by shortened O–H···O distance, and the two dependences must result from the differences of hydrogen bond types of the original and pressure-induced peaks, most likely from trifurcated and bent types, respectively. Under high pressure and high temperature, the pressure-induced peak disappears, but a broad absorption band between 3300 and 3500 cm−1 was observed. The broad absorption band may suggest free proton, and the possibility of proton conduction in brucite under high pressure and temperature. Received: 16 July 2001 / Accepted: 25 December 2001  相似文献   

 Premelting effects in gehlenite (Ca2Al2SiO7) have been studied by Raman spectroscopy and calorimetry, and in gehlenite and pseudowollastonite (CaSiO3) by electrical conductivity. The enthalpy of premelting of gehlenite is 17.3 kJ mol−1 and represents 9% of the reported enthalpy of fusion, which is in the range of the reported fraction of other minerals. The Raman and electrical conductivity experiments at high temperatures, for gehlenite and pseudowollastonite, show that the premelting effects of both compositions are associated with enhanced dynamics of calcium atoms near the melting point. This conclusion agrees with the results obtained for other minerals like diopside, but contrasts with those found for sodium metasilicate in which the weaker bonding of sodium allows the silicate framework to distort near the melting temperature and deform in such a way to prefigure the silicate entities present in the melt. Received: 30 April 2002 / Accepted: 7 August 2002 Acknowledgements We thank Y. Linard for help with DSC measurements and two anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments. This work has been partly supported by the EU Marie-Curie fellowship contract no. HPMF-CT-1999-00329, the CNRS-Carnegie Institution of Washington program PICS no.192, and the NSF grants EAR-9614432 and EAR-9901886 to B.O.M.  相似文献   

The high-pressure equation of state of the normal spinels MgCr2O4 (picrochromite), MnCr2O4 and ZnCr2O4, and their reaction of decomposition into Cr2O3 (eskolaite) and MO (rocksalt-type) component oxides, were investigated by periodic unrestricted Hartree-Fock calculations. All-electron basis sets, and an a posteriori correction for the electron correlation energy, based on Density-Functional-Theory, were employed. Interpolation of results by the P-V Murnaghan equation of state yielded the equilibrium volume and energy, and the bulk modulus and its pressure derivative, for each of the seven phases (three spinels, three rocksalt oxides and eskolaite) considered. The simulated behaviour of interatomic distances vs pressure shows similar compressibilities of M-O bonds in both octahedral and tetrahedral coordinations. Binding energies and formation enthalpies of spinels from oxides are also computed and compared to available experimental data. The predicted decomposition pressures of Mg, Mn and Zn chromium spinels are 19, 23 and 34 GPa, respectively. The greater stability of ZnCr2O4 is related to Zn2+ being better suited to tetrahedral coordination than the other M2+ cations. Such results are strongly supported by the excellent agreement previously obtained between simulated (11 GPa) and experimental (13 GPa) pressures of the decomposition of MgAl2O4 spinel into corundum and periclase. Received: 9 February 1998 / Accepted: 12 October 1998  相似文献   

 Thermodynamic properties of high-pressure minerals that are not recoverable from synthesis experiments by conventional quenching methods (“unquenchable” phases) usually are calculated from equation of state data and phase diagram topologies. The present study shows that, with cryogenic methods of recovery and sample treatment, phases with a suitable decomposition rate can be made accessible to direct thermodynamic measurements. A set of samples of Ca(OH)2-II has been synthesized in a multianvil device and subsequently recovered by cooling the high-pressure assembly with liquid nitrogen. Upon heating from liquid nitrogen to room temperature, the material transformed back to Ca(OH)2-I. The heat effect of this backtransformation was measured by differential scanning calorimetry. A commercial differential scanning calorimeter (Netzsch DSC 404), modified to allow sample loading at liquid nitrogen temperature was used to heat the material from −150 to +200 °C at rates varying between 5 and 15 °C min−1. The transformation started around −50 °C very gradually, and peaked at about 0 °C. To obtain a baseline correction, each sample was scanned under exactly the same conditions after the backtransformation was complete. Because of the relative sluggishness, onset and offset temperatures were not well defined as compared to fast (e.g., melting) reactions. To aid in integration, the resulting signals were successfully fitted using a generic asymmetric peak model. The enthalpy of backtransformation was determined to be ΔH =−10.37 ± 0.50 kJ mol−1. From previous in situ X-ray diffraction experiments, the location of the direct transformation in P-T space has been constrained to 5.7 ± 0.4 GPa at 500 °C (Kunz et al. 1996). With the reaction volume known from the same study, and assuming that ΔC p of the transformation remains negligible between the conditions of our measurements and 500 °C, our result gives an estimate of the entropy of transition and the P-T slope of the reaction curve. To a first approximation, the values ΔS = −16.00 ± 0.65 J(mol · K)−1 and dP/dT = 0.0040 ± 0.0002 GPa/K have been determined. These results need to be refined by equation of state data for Ca(OH)2-II. Received: 30 December 1999 / Accepted: 10 April 2000  相似文献   

 Discrete, well-ordered, single-phase crystals (the Hanic phase) form when powders the bulk composition of Ca5Al6MgSiO17 are allowed to react in the absence of a melt. If, on the other hand, either the powders or crystals of Ca5Al6MgSiO17 are molten and then cooled, complex intergrowths form. These intergrowths consist of modules having the composition and structure of Ca3Al4MgO10 and gehlenite (Ca2Al2SiO7), forming a polysomatic series in which the modules occur in varied proportions. High-resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM) images reveal the details of these intergrowths. Mass balance is achieved by the formation of this polysomatic series together with Mg-substituted mayenite (Ca12−xMgxAl14O33). The tetrahedral sheets in gehlenite have close structural similarities to those of Ca5Al6O14. Based on our HRTEM images, we hypothesize chemical substitutions between gehlenite and Ca5Al6O14, resulting in gehlenite-like modules that are depleted in Si and correspondingly enriched in Al and Ca. Received: 2 August 2000 / Accepted: 18 January 2001  相似文献   

Interdiffusion coefficients of Al + Al vs. Mg + Si in the gehlenite–åkermanite system of melilite were determined by coupled annealing of synthesized end-member single crystals. The observed diffusion coefficients for a couple-annealed sample vary for about 2 orders of magnitude, showing strong dependence on the gehlenite–åkermanite composition: diffusion coefficient observed at 1350 °C, for example, is 3 × 10?13 cm2 s?1 at 5 mol% åkermanite composition (Ak5), increases to 2 × 10?11 cm2 s?1 at Ak80, and then decreases to 1 × 10?12 cm2 s?1 at Ak95. The diffusion coefficient–temperature relation indicates high activation energy of diffusion of about 420 kJ mol?1 for gehlenite-rich melilite. The observed diffusion coefficient–composition relation may be explained by a combination of (1) the diffusion coefficient–melting temperature relation (Flynn's rule) and (2) the feasibility of local charge compensation, which can possibly be maintained more easily in the intermediate chemical composition. The high activation energy value for gehlenitic melilite appears to correspond to the complex diffusion mechanism. The observed highly variable diffusion coefficients suggest that gehlenite–åkermanite zoning in the melilite crystals in Ca, Al-rich inclusions in the carbonaceous meteorites may provide a sensitive indicator for the thermal history of the inclusions.  相似文献   

 An ab initio Hartree–Fock calculation on beryl structure has been performed and the wave function has been used for an analysis of the electron density. The equilibrium geometry, determined by minimizing the energy with respect to cell parameters and fractional coordinates, is in good agreement with structural experimental measurements; small differences in length between the various Si–O bonds of the structure are well reproduced by the calculation. The two non-equivalent oxygen atoms (O1 and O2) of beryl show different electron distributions. In particular, the valence shell charge concentration (VSCC) of O1 (the bridge between two Si ions) has a torus-like shape, showing a bulge on the external side of the Si–O–Si angle and a thinning on the internal side of it; by contrast O2 has two lone pairs which are approximately located on the line for O2, normal to the plane passing, on average, through the atoms O2, Si, Be and Al. The electron density of each oxygen is strongly polarized toward the Si ions and much less polarized towards the other cations. Such features of the VSCC of the oxygens can be recast in terms of the valence bond theory, to explain the observed differences in bond lengths. By calculating the potential inside the channels of the beryl structure, predictions could be made about the positions occupied by alkali cations, which are often found in natural minerals belonging to the beryl group: results agree in general with experimental findings, but foresee a shift of such cations off the central positions located on the six fold symmetry axis. Additionally, calculations of position and orientation of H2O inside the channel, in the alkali-free beryl, locate the molecule close to the basal plane, with the H⋯H axis parallel to [001] or oriented at 40 from it. Received: 12 December 2001 / Accepted: 6 April 2002  相似文献   

The dehydration-rehydration processes and phase transformations of brewsterite (space group P21/m, ideal formula (Sr,Ba)Al2Si6O16·5H2O) were studied by single crystal X-ray diffraction on two samples heated in an evacuated capillary for 24 h at 280°C and 330°C, respectively, and then cooled to room temperature. After the data collection, the capillary of the crystal heated at 280°C was broken, the sample was kept at room conditions for one month, and diffraction data were recollected. Brewsterite heated in vacuum at 280°C shows a strong decrease of the unit cell volume (about 10%) and the statistical breaking of the T1-O7-T2 bridge of the 4-ring of the 4254 PBU. T1 cation, in 31% of cases, migrates to a new tetrahedral site, which shares three vertices with the previously occupied one; the fourth vertex is on the mirror plane, and joins two adjacent layers. T2 cation, in 20% of cases, migrates to a new site, which is characterized by a 5-fold coordination. This coordination polyhedron shares three vertices with the previously occupied tetrahedron; the fourth vertex is on the mirror plane, and joins two adjacent layers; the fifth one is unshared. The formation of these new T-O-T bridges prevents the re-expansion and rehydration of the heated brewsterite; as a consequence, the crystal brought back to room conditions does not show any noticeable structural difference with respect to that heated at 280°C. The exchangeable cations, which occupy only one extraframework site in the untreated brewsterite, spread over several sites. The sample heated at 330°C shows a further decrease in the unit cell volume of about 2% with respect to the sample heated at 280°C, and an increase in the migration percentage of T1 and T2 cations to the new sites. Received: 11 November 1997 / Revised, accepted: 26 June 1998  相似文献   

Cu-bearing pyroxene, Mg(Cu.56,Mg.44)Si2O6, has been synthesized by a flux method and crystal structure refinement has been performed by single crystal X-ray diffraction. It is found that the crystal structure is orthorhombic (space group Pbca) with unit cell dimensions of a=18.221(4), b=8.890(1), c=5.2260(7)Å and the cell volume of 846.5( )3Å3. In the M2-site one of the M-O bonds(M-O3B) is extremely expanded from 2.444(2) in enstatite to 2.732(2), thus the coordination polyhedron around M2-site is regarded as square pyramidal rather than square planar or octahedral. It is also found that the M1-site in the pyroxene structure is occupied almost exclusively by Mg, while the M2-site is almost evenly occupied by Mg and Cu. The observed extreme site preference shown by Cu2+ is unusual among the divalent cations with similar ionic sizes.  相似文献   

Hydrothermal synthesis and investigations of stability relationsof Mg—Al pumpellyite were conducted using high-pressurecold-seal apparatus over the temperature range 250–600°C and 2–8 kb Pfluid. Mg—Al pumpellyite Ca4Al5MgSi6O21(OH)7was synthesized from partially crystalline gel mixtures of stoichiometriccomposition at 275–410 °C, 6–9 kb Pfluid, andruns of 7–90 days. Pure monomineralic synthetic Mg—Alpumpellyite has refractive index nß = 1.624 (2) andcell dimensions = 8.825 (8) Á, b = 5.875 (5) Á,c = 19.10 (1) Á, and ß = 97.39 (7)°. The high temperature assemblage of the equivalent bulk compositionconsists of clinozoisite, hydrogrossular/grossular, aluminousseptechlorite/chlorite, quartz, and H2O. Hydrogrossular wassynthesized in the presence of quartz at 8 kb from 400–500°C, and hydrogrossular + quartz are unstable with respectto grossular + H2O at 400 °C and 8 kb Pfluid. At 8 kb Pfluid,aluminous septechlorite forms at temperatures below 500 °Cwhereas aluminous 14 Á chlorite crystallizes at 500–600°C. The equilibrium relations of Mg—Al pumpellyite were determinedusing subequal mixtures of synthetic Mg—Al pumpellyiteand its high temperature assemblage. The reaction 9 Mg—Alpumpellyite = 9 clinozoisite + 6 grossular + 2 chlorite + 4quartz + 19 H2O occurs at temperatures of 390 °C at 8 kb,368 °C at 5 kb, and near 325 °C at 2 kb Pfluid. Thereversal data yield an approximate value of –3141 joules/mole°K for the standard entropy of formation for the syntheticMg—Al pumpellyite. The Schreinemakers' relations for pumpellyite, prehnite, clinozoisite,tremolite, grossular, and amesite in the presence of excessquartz and fluid were constructed in the pseudo-ternary systemCaO–Al2O3–MgO(SiO2–H2O). The results, togetherwith reconnaissance experiments on the reaction 4 Mg—Alpumpellyite + 2 quartz = 8 prehnite + aluminous septechlorite+ 2 H2O, locate the invariant point [TR] at approximately 5.7kb Pfluid and 375 °C. The results of the present study arenot compatible with previous experimental data on the invariantpoint [GR]. The P–T oriented phase relations are used to interpretsome natural parageneses developed in low-grade metabasalticrocks recrystallized under conditions of low co2. The high-temperaturestability relations of Mg—Al pumpellyite are useful todenote the onset of greenschist facies metamorphism in rocksof basaltic composition.  相似文献   

Bulk and slab geometry optimizations and calculations of the electrostatic potential at the surface of both pyrophyllite [Al2Si4O10(OH)2] and talc [Mg3Si4O10(OH)2] were performed at Hartree–Fock and DFT level. In both pyrophyllite and talc cases, a modest (001) surface relaxation was observed, and the surface preserves the structural features of the crystal: in the case of pyrophyllite the tetrahedral and octahedral sheets are strongly distorted with respect to the ideal hexagonal symmetry (and basal oxygen are located at different heights along the direction normal to the basal plane), whereas the structure of talc deviates slightly from the ideal hexagonal symmetry (almost co-planar basal oxygen). The calculated distortions are fully consistent with those experimentally observed. Although the potentials at the surface of pyrophyllite and talc are of the same order of magnitude, large topological differences were observed, which could possibly be ascribed to the differences between the surface structures of the two minerals. Negative values of the potential are located above the basal oxygen and at the center of the tetrahedral ring; above silicon the potential is always positive. The value of the potential minimum above the center of the tetrahedral ring of pyrophyllite is ?0.05 V (at 2 Å from the surface), whereas in the case of talc the minimum is ?0.01 V, at 2.7 Å. In the case of pyrophyllite the minimum of potential above the higher basal oxygen is located at 1.1 Å and it has a value of ?1.25 V, whereas above the lower oxygen the value of the potential at the minimum is ?0.2 V, at 1.25 Å; the talc exhibits a minimum of ?0.75 V at 1.2 Å, above the basal oxygen.  相似文献   

 The structures of Ca2CoSi2O7, Ca2MgSi2O7, and Ca2(Mg0.55Fe0.45)Si2O7 have been determined in the temperature range between 297 and 773 K with arbitrary intervals. The structures of the incommensurate phase of the three compounds are characterized by the presence of the six-, seven-, and eight-coordinated Ca–O polyhedra and of the bundles along the c-axes consisting of four arrays of the six-coordinated Ca–O polyhedra and an array of T1O4 (T1: Co, Mg, or Mg–Fe) tetrahedra in the structures. The number of bundles in each material decreases at elevated temperatures. The incommensurate phase undergoes a phase transition into the normal phase at 493 K in Ca2CoSi2O7, at 360 K in Ca2MgSi2O7, and at 510 K in Ca2(Mg0.55Fe0.45)Si2O7. The features of the structures of the normal phase are almost the same as those found in the basic structures (the averaged structures of the incommensurate structures), and this fact implies that the characteristics of the structures, such as the six-coordinated Ca–O polyhedra or fragments of the bundles, should be partially preserved at higher temperatures both in the incommensurate structures and also in the structures of the normal phase. Analyses of anisotropic displacement parameters clarified that disorder of the modulation waves is developed in the structures at higher temperatures. The evolution of a disorder in the structures was ascertained by observation of the circular diffuse streaks in the vicinity of the transition temperature between the incommensurate and normal phases. Received: 3 July 2000 / Accepted: 26 October 2000  相似文献   

 As part of a wider study of the nature and origins of cation order–disorder in micas, a variety of computational techniques have been used to investigate the nature of tetrahedral and octahedral ordering in phengite, K2 [6](Al3Mg)[4](Si7Al)O20(OH)4. Values of the atomic exchange interaction parameters J n used to model the energies of order–disorder were calculated. Both tetrahedral Al–Si and octahedral Al–Mg ordering were studied and hence three types of interaction parameter were necessary: for T–T, O–O and T–O interactions (where T denotes tetrahedral sites and O denotes octahedral sites). Values for the T–T and O–O interactions were taken from results on other systems, whilst we calculated new values for the T–O interactions. We have demonstrated that modelling the octahedral and tetrahedral sheets alone and independently produces different results from modelling a whole T–O–T layer, hence justifying the inclusion of the T–O interactions. Simulations of a whole T–O–T layer of phengite indicated the presence of short-range order, but no long-range order was observed. Received: 8 August 2002 / Accepted: 14 February 2003 Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to EPSRC (EJP) and the Royal Society (CIS) for financial support. Monte Carlo simulations were performed on the Mineral Physics Group's Beowulf cluster and the University of Cambridge's High Performance Computing Facility.  相似文献   

 The monoclinic titanite-like high-pressure form of calcium disilicate has been synthesized and quenched to ambient conditions to form the triclinic low-pressure phase containing silicon in four-, five- and sixfold coordination. The enthalpy of formation of the quench product has been measured by high-temperature oxide melt calorimetry. The value obtained from samples from a series of several synthesis experiments is ΔH f = (−26.32 ± 4.27) kJ mol−1 for the formation from the component oxides, or ΔH f  = (−2482.81 ± 4.59) kJ mol−1 for the formation from the elements. The result is identical within experimental error to available estimates, although the previously predicted energy difference between the monoclinic and triclinic phases could not be verified. Received: 16 February 2000 / Accepted: 14 July 2000  相似文献   

 In order to elucidate high-pressure transformations of high-P clinopyroxene (C2/c) at kinetically low temperature where atoms are not thermally activated, the transformation processes of FeGeO3 clinopyroxene (C2/c) have been investigated at pressures up to 20 GPa and 365 °C by powder X-ray diffraction using a synchrotron radiation source and TEM observation. With increasing pressure up to 20 GPa at room temperature, FeGeO3 high-P clinopyroxene (C2/c) reversibly transforms into a new high-pressure phase, FeGeO3(II). On increasing the temperature up to 365 °C, this phase rapidly transforms into FeGeO3 ilmenite within about 2 h. Intensity analysis of the X-ray diffraction pattern reveals that the high-pressure phase of FeGeO3(II) has an intermediate structure between clinopyroxene and ilmenite: the cation arrangement is similar to that of clinopyroxene and the oxygen arrangement is similar to that of ilmenite. The comparison of the crystal structures of these polymorphs suggests that clinopyroxene to FeGeO3(II) and FeGeO3(II) to ilmenite transformations are performed by the slight deformation of the oxygen packing and the short-range movement of cations, respectively. It is shown that this high-P clinopyroxene transforms into ilmenite through a low-activation energy path under the low-temperature condition. Received: 30 August 2000 / Accepted: 10 February 2001  相似文献   

Neutron powder diffraction experiments in the temperature range 300–1770 K were performed at BENSC, Berlin, Germany, on synthetic (Mg0.70Fe0.23) Al1.97O4. The cation partitioning over the crystallographic tetrahedral and octahedral sites was determined as a function of temperature through joint Rietveld refinements and advanced minimization techniques. The thermal expansion coefficients of the lattice parameter and inter-atomic bond lengths were also obtained from the full-profile structure refinements. The behaviour of the polyhedral bond-lengths, especially the T−O distances, and of the cell constant upon heating, clearly indicate that the interdiffusion of tetrahedral and octahedral Mg/Al cations starts at about 950 K. This result is straightforwardly supported by the direct analysis of the neutron site scattering factors: Fe always retains tetrahedral coordination at all temperatures, and the cation rearrangement is entirely due to Mg and Al diffusion. Received: 18 November 1997 / Revised, accepted: 23 August 1998  相似文献   

 The structural behavior of synthetic gahnite (ZnAl2O4) has been investigated by X-ray powder diffraction at high pressure (0–43 GPa) and room temperature, on the ID9 beamline at ESRF. The equation of state of gahnite has been derived using the models of Birch–Murnaghan, Vinet and Poirier–Tarantola, and the results have been mutually compared (the elastic bulk modulus and its derivatives versus P determined by the third-order Birch–Murnaghan equation of state are K 0=201.7(±0.9) GPa, K 0=7.62(±0.09) and K 0=−0.1022 GPa−1 (implied value). The compressibilities of the tetrahedral and octahedral bond lengths [0.00188(8) and 0.00142(5) GPa−1 at P=0, respectively], and the␣polyhedral volume compressibilities of the four-␣and␣sixfold coordination sites [0.0057(2) and 0.0041(2) GPa−1 at P=0, respectively] are discussed. Received: 15 January 2001 / Accepted: 23 April 2001  相似文献   

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