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The mineralized Proterozoic metasediments of Bushmanland are characterized by the presence of ferriferous rocks. This includes banded and unbanded iron formations and various types of gossans. These units are not laterally extensive and occur in different stratigraphic levels. The prevalent minerals in the ferriferous rocks are hematite, magnetite, quartz, garnet, muscovite, biotite and sillimanite, but less common occurrences of graphite, alunite, plumbojarosite, gahnite and dufrenite have been noted. The chemical variation (wt%) is extensive: total Fe2O3 (1.3–93.5), SiO2 (4–93), Al2O3 (0.2–14.0), CaO (0.02–20.7), MnO (0.0–14.3), MgO (0.0–5.7), TiO2 (0.0–4.4), Na2O (0.0–2.0), K2O (0.0–1.5) and P2O5 (0.1–7.0). The preliminary nature of the data set precludes, however, firm conclusions regarding stratigraphic control of the chemical composition. The trace-element contents (ppm) extend over several orders of magnitude: Zn (0–7,000), Ba (0–5,200), Cu (0–1,400), Pb (0–1,070) and Ni (6–540). Collectively, the data indicate that most of the ferriferous rocks represent highly metamorphosed sediments.  相似文献   

There has been found a distinct directional trend of kimberlites differing in ore-bearing potentiality with changing chemical composition. The contents of MgO, NiO and Cr2O3 decrease gradualy while Na2O, K2O, Al2O3 and P2O5 increase considerably in the order of diamond-rich—diamond-poor—diamond-barren kimberlites. In general Fe2O3, FeO and TiO2 also show an increasing tendency. Therefore, the variations in chemical composition may be used as petrochemical indexes for calculating the ore-bearing potentiality of kimberlites. Based on discriminant analysis, it is possible to make a distinction between diamond-bearing and diamond-barren, or between diamond-rich and diamond-poor kimberlites.  相似文献   

Nature and origin of eclogite xenoliths from kimberlites   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
D.E. Jacob   《Lithos》2004,77(1-4):295-316
Eclogites from the Earth's mantle found in kimberlites provide important information on craton formation and ancient geodynamic processes because such eclogites are mostly Archean in age. They have equilibrated over a range of temperatures and pressures throughout the subcratonic mantle and some are diamond-bearing. Most mantle eclogites are bimineralic (omphacite and garnet) rarely with accessory rutiles. Contrary to their overall mineralogical simplicity, their broadly basaltic-picritic bulk compositions cover a large range and overlap with (but are not identical to) much younger lower grade eclogites from orogenic massifs. The majority of mantle eclogites have trace element geochemical features that require an origin from plagioclase-bearing protoliths and oxygen isotopic characteristics consistent with seawater alteration of oceanic crust. Therefore, most suites of eclogite xenoliths from kimberlites can be satisfactorily explained as samples of subducted oceanic crust. In contrast, eclogite xenoliths from Kuruman, South Africa and Koidu, Sierra Leone stem from protoliths that were picritic cumulates from intermediate pressures (1–2 Ga) and were subsequently transposed to higher pressures within the subcratonic mantle, consistent with craton growth via island arc collisions. None of the eclogite suites can be satisfactorily explained by an origin as high pressure cumulates from primary melts from garnet peridotite.  相似文献   


Here we present new data from a systematic Sr, Nd, O, C isotope and geochemical study of kimberlites of Devonian age Mirny field that are located in the southernmost part of the Siberian diamondiferous province. Major and trace element compositions of the Mirny field kimberlites show a significant compositional variability both between pipes and within one diatreme. They are enriched in incompatible trace elements with La/Yb ratios in the range of (65–300). Initial Nd isotope ratios calculated back to the time of the Mirny field kimberlite emplacement (t = 360 ma) are depleted relative to the chondritic uniform reservoir (CHUR) model being 4 up to 6 ɛNd(t) units, suggesting an asthenospheric source for incompatible elements in kimberlites. Initial Sr isotope ratios are significantly variable, being in the range 0.70387–0.70845, indicating a complex source history and a strong influence of post-magmatic alteration. Four samples have almost identical initial Nd and Sr isotope compositions that are similar to the prevalent mantle (PREMA) reservoir. We propose that the source of the proto-kimberlite melt of the Mirny field kimberlites is the same as that for the majority of ocean island basalts (OIB). The source of the Mirny field kimberlites must possess three main features: It should be enriched with incompatible elements, be depleted in the major elements (Si, Al, Fe and Ti) and heavy rare earth elements (REE) and it should retain the asthenospheric Nd isotope composition. A two-stage model of kimberlite melt formation can fulfil those requirements. The intrusion of small bodies of this proto-kimberlite melt into lithospheric mantle forms a veined heterogeneously enriched source through fractional crystallization and metasomatism of adjacent peridotites. Re-melting of this source shortly after it was metasomatically enriched produced the kimberlite melt. The chemistry, mineralogy and diamond grade of each particular kimberlite are strongly dependent on the character of the heterogeneous source part from which they melted and ascended.


Exsolution lamellae in pyroxene and garnet porphyroblasts in pyroxenite xenoliths from the Mir, Udachnaya, and Obnazhennaya kimberlites (Siberian Craton) reveal a diverse suite of exsolved phases, including oxides (spinels, ilmenite, rutile, and chromite), pyroxene, and garnet. Textural characteristics suggest that exsolved phases progressively increased in volumetric proportions, and in some cases, the bulk xenoliths transformed from a lithology dominated by coarse grains (i.e. > 2 cm; megacrystalline) to a significantly finer-grained texture (i.e. < 1 cm).

These exsolved lamellae are the result of a complex and protracted sub solidus history following magmatic crystallization. Equilibrium pressure–temperature estimates place these xenoliths at low-to-moderate pressure–temperature conditions (690–910°C and 2.0–4.5 GPa) in the lithospheric mantle at the time of entrainment in the kimberlite. However, reconstructed compositions of initial pyroxene and garnet crystals suggest that this suite of pyroxenites formed at considerably higher temperatures and pressures that, in some instances, may have approached the majorite stability field. Pyroxenites that do not contain primary garnet may have been derived from shallower depths.

Progressive exsolution in these pyroxenites is of importance inasmuch as such processes can permit localized changes in rheological properties and may also accommodate strain within portions of lithospheric mantle. Because most xenolith studies focus on peridotites and eclogites, the pyroxenite sample suite studied in this work represents an important contribution towards a greater understanding of the Siberian lithospheric mantle.  相似文献   

Here we combine petrological-geochemical and thermomechanical modeling techniques to explain origin of primary magmas of both Maimecha–Kotui meimechites and the Gudchikhinskaya basalts of Norilsk region, which represent, respectively, the end and the beginning of flood magmatism in the Siberian Trap Province.We have analyzed the least altered samples of meimechites, their olivine phenocrysts, and melt inclusions in olivines, as well as samples of dunites and their olivines, from boreholes G-1 and G-3 within the Guli volcanoplutonic complex in the Maimecha–Kotui igneous province of the northern Siberian platform. The Mn/Fe and Ni/MgO ratios in olivines indicate a mantle peridotite source of meimechites. Meimechite parental magma that rose to shallow depths was rich in alkalis and highly magnesian (24 wt.% MgO), largely degassed, undersaturated by sulfide liquid and oxidized. At greater depths, it was, likely, high in CO2 (6 wt.%) and H2O (2 wt.%) and resulted from partial melting of initially highly depleted and later metasomatized harzburgite some 200 km below the surface. Trace-element abundances in primary meimechite magma suggest presence of garnet and K-clinopyroxene, in the mantle source and imply for genetic link to the sources of the early Siberian flood basalts (Gudchikhinskaya suite) and kimberlites. The analyzed dunite samples from the Guli complex have chemistry and mineralogy indicating their close relation to meimechites.We have also computed thermomechanical model of interaction of a hot mantle plume with the shield lithosphere of variable thickness, using realistic temperature- and stress-dependent visco-elasto-plastic rocks rheology and advanced finite element solution technique.Based on our experimental and modeling results we propose that a Permian–Triassic plume, with potential temperature of about 1650 °C transported a large amount of recycled ancient oceanic crust (up to 15%) as SiO2-supersaturated carbonated eclogite. Low-degree partial melting of eclogite at depths of 250–300 km produced carbonate-silicate melt that metasomatized the lithospheric roots of the Siberian shield. Further rise of the plume under relatively attenuated lithosphere (Norilsk area) led to progressive melting of eclogite and formation of reaction pyroxenite, which then melted at depths of 130–180 km. Consequantly, a large volume of melt (Gudchikhinskaya suite) penetrated into the lithosphere and caused its destabilization and delamination. Delaminated lithosphere that included fragments of locally metasomatized depleted harzburgite subsided into the plume and was heated to the temperatures of the plume interior with subsequent generation of meimechite magma. Meimechites showed up at the surface only under thicker part of the lithosphere aside from major melting zone above because otherwise they were mixed up in more voluminous flood basalts. We further suggest that meimechites, uncontaminated Siberian flood basalts and kimberlites all shear the same source of strongly incompatible elements, the carbonated recycled oceanic crust carried up by hot mantle plume.  相似文献   

Micaceous kimberlites from South Africa and Canada contain two types of groundmass mica less than 1 mm across. Very rare Type I micas are relatively iron-rich with mg [ = Mg/(Mg + Fe)] 0.45–0.65, TiO2 3–6 wt%, Al2O3 14–16wt%, no Fe3+ required in tetrahedral sites, low NiO (~0.02 wt%), and relatively high na [Na2O/(Na2O + K2O)] 0.02–0.03. The much more abundant Type II micas are variable in composition, but relative to Type I micas are more magnesium (mg 0.80-0.93), lower in TiO2 (0.7–4.0 wt%) and Al2O3 (6.8–14.2 wt%), have substantial Fe3+ in tetrahedral sites, and have relatively low na. Both types may have rims with compositions indicative of mica-‘serpentine’ mixtures resulting from reaction with a highly aqueous fluid. The petrographically-determined ‘serpentine’ is chemically of two types: Fe-rich serpentine and Fe-rich talc. Associated phases in the ground-mass vary from one kimberlite to another: calcite, dolomite, diopside, chromite, Mg-ilmenite, perovskite, barite, pyrite, pentlandite, millerite?, heazlewoodite?, quartz.Inter-grain variations in composition of Type II micas may result from establishment of local reservoirs on a mm scale, consequent upon mechanical mixing and competition of other phases for minor elements (e.g. chromite for Cr, serpentine for Ni).Type I micas may result from an intrusive precursor (carbonatitic?) to kimberlite, perhaps genetically related, which was incorporated into a later pulse of kimberlite from which the Type II micas crystallized.  相似文献   

Forty-eight moldavites and samples of rocks from the impact crater of Ries were analyzed using non-destructive neutron activation analysis. The following elements have been determined: La, Ce, Sm, Eu, Lu, Sc, Co, Cs, Hf and Th; and Rb and Cr in two moldavites. The darker moldavites, more common in Moravia, show higher contents of trace elements than those lighter in colour, from Southern Bohemia.Terrestrial igneous rocks cannot be regarded as a suitable source material, but terrestrial sandy to silty claystones show strong similarities in major and trace element abundances, and exhibit analogous inter-element variations to moldavites. The Tertiary claystones and sandstones which probably covered the Ries area before the impact, are a possible source rocks for moldavites.  相似文献   

S. S. Schmidberger  D. Francis 《Lithos》1999,48(1-4):195-216
The recently discovered Nikos kimberlite on Somerset Island, in the Canadian Arctic, hosts an unusually well preserved suite of mantle xenoliths dominated by garnet–peridotite (lherzolite, harzburgite, dunite) showing coarse and porphyroclastic textures, with minor garnet–pyroxenite. The whole rock and mineral data for 54 Nikos xenoliths indicate a highly refractory underlying mantle with high olivine forsterite contents (ave. Fo=92.3) and moderate to high olivine abundances (ave. 80 wt.%). These characteristics are similar to those reported for peridotites from the Archean Kaapvaal and Siberian cratons (ave. olivine Fo=92.5), but are clearly distinct from the trend defined by oceanic peridotites and mantle xenoliths in alkaline basalts and kimberlites from post-Archean continental terranes (ave. olivine Fo=91.0). The Nikos xenoliths yield pressures and temperatures of last equilibration between 20 and 55 kb and 650 and 1300°C, and a number of the peridotite nodules appear to have equilibrated in the diamond stability field. The pressure and temperature data define a conductive paleogeotherm corresponding to a surface heat flow of 44 mW/m2. Paleogeotherms based on xenolith data from the central Slave province of the Canadian craton require a lower surface heat flow (40 mW/m2) indicating a cooler geothermal regime than that beneath the Canadian Arctic. A large number of kimberlite-hosted peridotites from the Kaapvaal craton in South Africa and parts of the Siberian craton are characterized by high orthopyroxene contents (ave. Kaapvaal 32 wt.%, Siberia 20 wt.%). The calculated modal mineral assemblages for the Nikos peridotites show moderate to low contents of orthopyroxene (ave. 12 wt.%), indicating that the orthopyroxene-rich mineralogy characteristic of the Kaapvaal and Siberian cratons is not a feature of the cratonic upper mantle beneath Somerset Island.  相似文献   

Eighteen Cenozoic melilitite samples from Spain, France, West Germany and Czechoslovakia have been analyzed for major and trace elements (including REE) together with their Sr and Nd isotopic compositions. Leaching experiments produced significant shifts of their87Sr/86Sr ratio indicative of a contamination by a crustal component. Most samples fall within the Sr-Nd mantle array with ?Nd values in the 1.5–6 range. These values are considered as minimum for the melilitite mantle source hence demonstrating its time integrated LRE depletion. The Ni and Cr contents of the samples are typical of primary magmas and exclude extensive crystallization of olivine and pyroxene in a closed system. However, the chemical relationships suggest that dilution of the liquids by mafic minerals of the conduits during their ascent has been important. The REE patterns show some variations which are interpreted by this dilution effect. Once normalized to Yb they are closely similar and perfectly distinguishable from those of alkali basalts and kimberlites. All of these rocks have Ce/Yb ratios which are high but distinctive for each rock type: 40 to 200 times the chondritic ratio for kimberlites, 20 to 30 for melilitites, 8 to 15 for alkali basalts. As contamination is likely to have modified somewhat the isotopic characteristics of most of these rocks, there is no overwhelming evidence that their source is chemically different. The Ba and Rb contents together with the REE patterns of the melilitites would constrain the degree of melting to be very small (<0.2%). The calculation of batch melting and steady zone refining models suggests that kimberlites, melilitites and alkali basalts may have been derived by equilibration of deep melts with different upper mantle levels characterized by decreasing garnet/clinopyroxene ratios. The strongly incompatible elements are enriched in the melt during its ascent by leaching of the wall rocks. For the steady zone refining model, the degree of melting concept loses its significance and the difficult requirement of extracting small liquid fractions from a molten source disappears. Within the frame of this model, the preenrichment of the kimberlite, melilitite and alkali basalts source in incompatible elements by metasomatic fluids is no longer necessary.  相似文献   

The Shamrocke ore body is a stratiform deposit of disseminated copper-iron sulphides found within lenses of calcareous meta-arkose occurring in Lomagundi Group graphitic schist (Late Precambrian) at Karoi, Rhodesia. Both sulphides and sediments were subjected to high grades of regional metamorphism. Argon/argon isochron ages indicate a major metamorphic event at 550 m. y. (Damaran orogeny) with later minor argon losses. Ore sulphide 34S values range from +3.0 to +14.8 CDT and a general decrease from footwall to hanging-wall reflects an original sedimentary environment where sulphides formed about the sea bed from hydrothermal fluids progressively mixing with sea water. Isotopically lighter sulphides formed syngenetically in the host rocks from bacterial reduction of sulphate. The pyrrhotite was probably formed from pyrite during metamorphism, and owing to reducing conditions maintained similar 34S values to the original pyrite. Oxygen and carbon isotopic analyses of mineralised and unmineralised carbonate lenses are consistent with deposition as marine limestones in an evaporitic environment and/or near hot spring vents.I. N. S. Contribution No 734  相似文献   

It is broadly accepted that so-called 'thermal' gas is the product of thermal cracking, 'primary' thermal gas from kerogen cracking, and 'secondary' thermal gas from oil cracking. Since thermal cracking of hydrocarbons does not generate products at equilibrium and thermal stress should not bring them to equilibrium over geologic time, we would not expect methane, ethane, and propane to be at equilibrium in subsurface deposits. Here we report compelling evidence of natural gas at thermodynamic equilibrium. Molecular compositions are constrained to equilibrium,

A comparative geochemical investigation of kimberlites from the Middle Markha region and traditional diamond-bearing areas of Yakutia supported the division of kimberlites into two geochemical types. One of them includes kimberlites from the traditional diamond-bearing areas of Yakutia, and the other is represented by the kimberlites of the Middle Markha region and the rocks of the Zolotitsa field and V. Grib pipe of the Arkhangelsk province. The obtained representative parameters of the two kimberlite types indicate a sharp geochemical contrast between them, and the individual features of correlation relationships between the elements in the rocks of the two types suggest that these differences are related to fundamental genetic factors, which concern primarily the group of highly charged incompatible trace and radioactive elements. The presence of geochemically contrasting rocks within a rather uniform petrochemical association and the geochemically specialized occurrences of kimberlites and related rocks are consequences of repeated metasomatic transformations of mantle rocks under the influence of deep-derived fluids or volatiles released during the recycling of subneous source and subsequent derivation of geochemically specialized types of deep magmas showing signatures of individual mantle sources.  相似文献   

丁毅  吴文盛  侯征  陈雄  吴云霞 《地质论评》2020,66(6):1531-1535
地质经济学关注地质科学研究和矿产勘查经费使用的有效性,是使科研的成果更有意义、更具创新性、找矿更具有针对性。含金刚石的金伯利岩体是世界上分布较少和较难寻找的岩体,但地质学家却做了大量的和深入的研究。从消化全球科学研究成果、建立金刚石矿勘查靶区、利用指示矿物追踪、消除干扰体,进而用多种手段确定靶位,建立了一套科研成果用于找矿的行之有效的步骤,进行每一个步骤时都要考虑到资金使用的有效性。本文讨论地质经济学在寻找含金刚石的金伯利岩全过程中的应用,抛砖引玉,认为地质经济学应当贯穿在科研和找矿的各个方面。本文还对中国寻找金刚石矿的远景区进行了分析。  相似文献   

The naturally occurring noble gas isotopes (40Ar, 36Ar, 84Kr and 129Xe) and halogens (Cl, Br, I) have been determined simultaneously in irradiated quartz vein samples by noble gas mass spectrometry. Quartz vein samples were collected from the potassic and propylitic alteration zones of six porphyry copper deposits (PCD): Bingham Canyon, Utah; and Silverbell, Ray, Mission, Pinto Valley and Globe-Miami in Arizona. In addition, analyses of 3He/4He have been obtained from sulphide minerals hosted by the quartz veins at Silverbell, Ray, Pinto Valley and Globe-Miami.The majority of PCD fluids studied have Br/Cl and I/Cl ratios that overlap those of fluids included in mantle diamond, suggesting that the salinity had a juvenile origin. The high I/Cl (121 × 10−6 mole, M) in samples from the propylitic zone of Silverbell is attributed to the presence of sedimentary formation water.3He/4He ratios have R/Ra values in the range 0.3 to 1.72, and provide evidence for the involvement of a crustal component in addition to mantle volatiles. 40Ar/36Ar ratios vary from meteoric values of ∼317 in the propylitic zone of Bingham Canyon, and 323 in the skarn alteration of Mission up to 3225 in the potassic zone of Pinto Valley. Fluids in both the potassic and propylitic alteration zones of every deposit are a mixture of a low salinity end-member comprising meteoric water and air, and a high salinity end-member consisting of a mixed mantle and crustal fluid.The 40Ar/Cl ratio of fluid inclusions at Pinto Valley (∼10−4 M) is similar to values obtained previously for mantle fluids. The 40Ar/Cl value is two orders of magnitude lower at Bingham Canyon, where a depleted 36Ar concentration (0.2 × 10−6 cm3/g) below that of air saturated water (ASW), and a range of highly fractionated noble gas compositions (F84Kr = 13 and F129Xe = 160) indicate that boiling and pulsed fluid flow have occurred.  相似文献   

Chemical, mineralogical and isotopic studies have been made on nodules of the MARID (Mica-Amphibole-Rutile-Ilmenite-Diopside) xenolith suite in southern African kimberlites. All are ultramafic and ultrapotassic (MgO= 20–25%, K2O=4–9%), with bulk compositions reflecting the wide variation in relative proportions of the five minerals amongst the nodules. They are comparable in major element compositions to magnesian lamproites, in particular the ultrabasic olivine-lamproites of Western Australia. In a number of high pressure experimental studies on ultra-potassic rocks, the phases produced between 25–30 kbar from compositions comparable to those of MARID rocks (in the presence of additional water), were predominantly phlogopite and diopside (±K-richterite, ±ilmenite, ±rutile). Furthermore the compositions of experimental minerals produced in the synthetic-biotite-mafurite-H2O system by Edgar et al. (1976) are similar to those in MARID rocks.It is suggested on the basis of these observations and the textural appearance of MARID rocks that they are magmatic compositional equivalents of MgO-rich lamproites that crystallized at high pressures. While lamproites have higher average concentrations of incompatible elements, (including REE), some MARID rocks have comparable abundances. It is suggested that late stage vapour-rich melts carrying substantial REE and other incompatible elements escaped from crystallizing MARID magmas into surrounding subcontinental lithosphere, thus resulting in lower levels of these elements in most MARID rocks. In contrast faster crystallization of lamproitic rocks under volcanic/ hypabyssal conditions would prevent similar losses.The MARID proto-magmas are thought to be either partial melts of metasomatised phlogopite peridotite, or small volume asthenospheric melts which are modified and further enriched by incorporation of small partial melts of enriched subcontinental lithosphere during magma ascent.  相似文献   

The Gibeon cluster of Namibian kimberlites is emplaced into the Orange River Belt which has accreted to the Kaapvaal Craton. These offcraton kimberlites lack diamonds and are younger than the diamondiferous on-craton kimberlites. The Hanaus-I and Louwrensia kimberlites each contain a bimodal suite of upper-mantle-derived garnet lherzolite xenoliths characterized by a coarse granular or mosaic porphyroclastic texture. The Louwrensia pipe in addition contains garnet harzburgites. Deformed lherzolites are not iron-enriched relative to the coarse types. Conditions of equilibration calculated by the Wells-Wood method are 841–1,013° C at 25.6–36.3 kbars, and 869–1,195° C at 23.9–39.4 kbars, for coarse lherzolites from Louwrensia and Hanaus respectively, and from 1,080–1,112° C at 31.6–34.5 kbars, and 983–1,228° C at 24.7–35.2 kbars, for mosaic porphyroclastic types from Louwrensia and Hanaus respectively. The coarse varieties from both localities have similar equilibration conditions to coarse lherzolites from on-craton kimberlites and define the lower limb of a perturbed geotherm. The upper high temperature limb of the Namibian geotherm is considered to be an apparent geotherm generated by the deformation and metasomatism of the upper mantle by a rising diapir. Such geotherms, being the result of kimberlite-xenolith interactions, provide no stratigraphic or thermal information concerning the site of kimberlite or diamond formation.  相似文献   

The chrome-rich magnesian garnets (6.6–18.9% Cr2O3) of kimberlitic concentrates and some peridotite xenoliths contain variable admixtures of CaO: from 0.69 to 26.0% (1.7–72% Ca-component). All the garnets both in respect of Ca and Cr-contents make up a continuous series.The variability in the Ca-content is caused by differences in paragenesis. Most of the Ca-poor pyropes are related to a paragenesis without clinopyroxene (mostly dunitic). Garnets rich in calcium are related to a paragenesis without entstatite. All the parageneses listed are of an ultramafic type, i.e. contain magnesian olivine. The solubility of knorringite—Mg3Cr2(Si3O12)—in kimberlitic garnets is possibly limited by pressure and does not exceed 50–60% mol.  相似文献   

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